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ON THE DIRECTIONAL LELONG-DEMAILLY NUMBERS OF POSITIVE CURRENTS MOHAMED ZAWAY,HAITHEMHAWARI,ANDNOUREDDINEGHILOUFI 4 1 0 2 Abstract. In this paper we study the existence of the directional Lelong-Demailly numbers n of positive plurisubharmonic or plurisuperharmonic currents. We prove the independence of a these numbers to the system of coordinates. Moreover these numbers will be given by locally J integrable functions. 0 2 Sur les nombres de Lelong-Demailly directionnels des courants positifs. R´esum´e. Danscetarticleon´etudiel’existencedesnombresdeLelong-Demaillydirectionnelsdes ] courants positifs plurisousharmoniques ou plurisurharmoniques. On montre l’ind´ependance de V cesnombresdusyst`emedescoordonn´ees. Depluscesnombresseront donn´espardesfonctions C localement int´egrables. . h t 1. Introduction a m The problem of the existence of Lelong numbers of positive currents on open subsets of Cn [ is still open, it was considered firstly by Lelong in the 1950’th, who had solved it in the case 1 of positive closed currents, then in 1982’th this problem was solved by Skoda [5] in the case v of positive plurisubharmonic (psh) currents. Replacing the standard Ka¨hler form in the def- 0 inition of the Lelong number by a (1,1)−form relative to a psh function, Demailly [2] prove 2 9 the existence of so called generalized Lelong numbers or Lelong-Demailly numbers for positive 4 closed currents. Finally this problem was studied by the second author [3] in case of positive . 1 plurisuperharmonic (prh) currents. In 1996, Alessandrini and Bassanelli [1] consider an anal- 0 ogous problem, the existence of the directional Lelong numbers of positive currents and they 4 solved it in plurisubharmoniccase. A generalized form of this problem appear then, (directional 1 : Lelong-Demailly numbers) and it is solved by Toujani [6] in the same case. A natural question v can be asked in this statement, is there a relationship between the two notions? Our goal is to i X study the case of positive prh currents where we show in particular that there is no relationship r between the two notions. a In the hole of this paper, we consider n, m, k ∈ N such that k ≤ n. We use (z,t) to indicate an element of CN := Cn ×Cm. Let Ω := Ω ×Ω be an open subset of CN and B be an open 1 2 subset relatively compact in Ω . We consider two C2 positive psh (psh) functions ϕ and v on 2 Ω and Ω respectively such that logϕ is psh in the open subset {ϕ > 0}. We assume that the 1 2 two functions ϕ and v are semi-exhaustive (i.e. there exists R = R(ϕ) > 0 such that for every c ∈]−∞,R[, one has {z ∈ Ω ; ϕ(z) < c} ⊂⊂ Ω ). For 0 < r < R and r < r < R, we set: 1 1 1 2 B (r) = {z ∈Ω; ϕ(z) < r} and B (r ,r ) = {z ∈ Ω; r ≤ ϕ(z) < r }. ϕ ϕ 1 2 1 2 To simplify the notations, we set: β := ddcϕ(z), β := ddcv(t) and α := ddclogϕ(z). In the ϕ v ϕ classical case, we set ω = ddc|z|2 and ω = ddc|t|2 the Ka¨hler forms of Cn and Cm respectively, z t and ω = ω +ω the corresponding one of CN. t z Let T be a positive current of bidegree (k,k) on Ω. The purpose of this paper is to study the directional Lelong-Demailly number of T with respect to B relatively to ϕ and v defined as the 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 32U25; 32U40; 32U05. Key words and phrases. Lelong number,positive plurisubharmonic current,plurisubharmonic function. 1 2 M.ZAWAY,H.HAWARI,ANDN.GHILOUFI limit, ν(T,ϕ,B) := lim ν(T,ϕ,B,r) r 0+ → where ν(T,ϕ,B,.) is the function defined by 1 ν(T,ϕ,B,r) := T ∧βn k ∧βm. rn k ϕ− v − ZBϕ(r)×B In classical case, we use 1 ν(T,B):= lim T ∧ωn k ∧ωm. r→0+ r2(n−k) Z{|z|<r}×B z− t These numbers are studied in the case of positive psh current by Alessandrini and Bassanelli [1] and they showed that it’s independent to the system of coordinates in the classical case. The general case has been studied by Toujani [6]. The main tool in this paper is the following formula: Proposition 1. (Lelong-Jensen Formula) (See [6]) We assume that the current T is positive psh or prh on Ω. Let(Tj)j N be a smooth regularizing sequence of T. Thenfor every0 <r1 < r2 < R ∈ and for all 1 ≤ p ≤n−k, 0≤ q <p, one has 1 T ∧α p q 1∧βn k p+q+1∧βm q+1 j ϕ − − ϕ− − v r2 ZBϕ(r2)×B 1 − T ∧αp q 1∧βn k p+q+1∧βm q+1 j ϕ− − ϕ− − v r1 ZBϕ(r1)×B = T ∧α p∧β n k p∧β m j ϕ ϕ − − v ZBϕ(r1,r2)×B r2 1 1 + − ds ddcT ∧αp q 1∧βn k p+q ∧βm Zr1 sq+1 r2q+1! ZBϕ(s)×B j ϕ− − ϕ− − v r1 1 1 + − ds ddcT ∧αp q 1∧βn k p+q ∧βm q+1 q+1 j ϕ− − ϕ− − v Z0 r1 r2 ! ZBϕ(s)×B This equality still true when we replace T by T for q = p−1. j As a consequence of this formula, if T is a positive psh current on Ω then the function ν(T,ϕ,B,.) is positive and increasing on ]0,R[ so its limit at 0, ν(T,ϕ,B), exists. This result is true when m = 0 (Lelong-Demailly numbers). This statement is so different for positive prh currents as the following examples shown: Example 1. The current T := −log|z |2[z = 0] is an example of positive prh current of 0 2 1 bidimension (1,1) on the unit ball of C2 which has no Lelong number at 0, but it has (classical) directionalLelongnumbers(inbothdirections)andthiscananswertothequestionaskedbefore. Example 2. The current T := −log(|z |2 +|z |2)[z = 0] is positive prh of bidimension (2,2) 1 1 3 2 on the unit ball B of C3 which has no directional Lelong number with respect to the disc B := D(0, 1) ⊂ {(0,0)}×C. 2 ON THE DIRECTIONAL LELONG-DEMAILLY NUMBERS 3 In fact, for r < √3 we have {|z |2+|z |2 < r2}×B ⊂⊂B. Thanks to Fubini-Tonelli theorem 2 1 2 we have ν(T ,B,r) 1 −1 i i = log(|z |2+|z |2) dz ∧dz ∧ dz ∧dz π2r2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 Z{|z1|<r}×B 1 i i = −log(|z |2+|z |2) dz ∧dz dz ∧dz π2r2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 ZB Z|z21π|<r r i ! = −tlog(t2+|z |2)dtdθ dz ∧dz π2r2 3 2 3 3 2 ZB(cid:18)Z10 Z0 r t(cid:19)3 i = − r2log(r2+|z |2)+ dt dz ∧dz πr2 2 3 t2+|z |2 2 3 3 ZB(cid:18) Z0 3 (cid:19) 2 1 r2 |z |2 i = − r2log(r2+|z |2)+ − 3 log(r2+|z |2)−log(|z |2) dz ∧dz πr2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 ZB(cid:18) (cid:19) = 2 21 −1r2log(r2+s2)+ r2 − s2 log(r(cid:2)2+s2)−log(s2) sds (cid:3) r2 2 2 2 Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19) −log(r2+ 1) r2log(r2+ 1) 1 (cid:2)logr 1 (cid:3) ≥ 4 + 4 + (− − ). 128r2 2 r2 64 256 The result is obtained by tending r to 0. (cid:3) Asthesecondexampleshows,weneedasuitableconditiontoprovetheexistenceofdirectional Lelong-Demailly numbers; for this, as it was introduced in [3], we say that T (B, ϕ and v) satisfy Condition (C) if the function s 7−→ s 1ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) is integrable in a neighborhood − of 0. Using the Lelong-Jensen formula, we can see that Condition (C) is satisfied for a positive psh current. Theorem 1. If the current T is positive prh and satisfies Condition (C) then the directional Lelong-Demailly number ν(T,ϕ,B) exists. Proof. For 0 < r < R, we consider r sn k ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) − g(r) := ν(T,ϕ,B,r)+ −1 ds. rn k s Z0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) Thanks to Condition (C), the function g is well defined. Moreover it is positive on ]0,R[ because the function ν(ddcT,B,.) is negative on ]0,R[. AsthecurrentT is positiveprh,thenusingLelong-Jensen formula,wehave for0< r < r < R, 1 2 g(r )−g(r ) 2 1 1 r2 = ν(T,ϕ,B,r )−ν(T,ϕ,B,r )+ sn k 1ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s)ds 2 1 rn k − − 2− Z0 1 r1 r2 ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) − sn k 1ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s)ds− ds r n k − − s 1 − Z0 Zr1 = T ∧αn k ∧βm ≥ 0. ϕ− v ZBϕ(r1,r2)×B Hence the function g is positive and increasing on ]0,R[, thus its limit when r goes to 0 exists. As Condition (C) is satisfied and (s/r)n k−1 is uniformly bounded in neighborhood of 0, then − r sn k ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) − lim −1 ds = 0. r→0+Z0 (cid:18)rn−k (cid:19) s Therefore lim g(r) = lim ν(T,ϕ,B,r) = ν(T,ϕ,B). r 0+ r 0+ → → (cid:3) 4 M.ZAWAY,H.HAWARI,ANDN.GHILOUFI Example 3. Letz = (z ,z )andT (z,t) := dlog(|z |2+|z |2)∧dclog(|z |2+|z |2). Thecurrent 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 T is positive prh of bidegree (1,1) on C3 and ddcT (z,t) = −[z = 0]. If B := D(0,1) ⊂ {0}×C 2 2 is the unit disc of C then ν(ddcT ,B,r)= −[z = 0]∧ddc|t|2 = −1 2 Z z<r B {| | }× and 1 ν(T ,B,r) = T ∧ω ∧ω 2 r2 2 z t 1Z{|z|<r}×B 1 = idz ∧dz ∧idz ∧dz ∧idt∧dt = 1. 8π3r2 |z|2 1 1 2 2 Z{|z|<r}×B This example proves that Condition (C) in Theorem 1 is not necessary for the existence of directional Lelong-Demailly numbers. 2. Independence to the system of coordinates In this part we prove the independence of Lelong-Demailly numbers of positive psh or prh currents to the system of coordinates, this result is due to Alessandrini and Bassanelli [1] in the classical case. Proposition 2. Let T be a positive prh or psh current of bidegree (k,k) on Ω and p ∈ [2,+∞[. For every r ∈]0,R(ϕ)], we have ν(T,ϕp,B,rp) (2.1) = pn k ν(T,ϕ,B,r)+ r ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) sn−k − s(n−k)p ds . − Z0 s rn−k r(n−k)p! ! In particular, if the current T is positive prh, then ν(T,ϕ,B) exists if and only if ν(T,ϕp,B) exists for some p ≥ 2. Furthermore, in both cases (with the assumption that ν(T,ϕ,B) exists if T is prh) we have p−1 ν(T,ϕp,B)= pn k ν(T,ϕ,B)+ ν(ddcT,ϕ,B) . − p(n−k) (cid:18) (cid:19) Proof. Let ǫ > 0. If we replace ϕ by ϕ = ϕ+ǫ and ψ by ψ = (ϕ+ǫ)p in the Lelong-Jensen ǫ ǫ formula, we obtain for every 0 <r < ǫ < r = r < R(ϕ), 1 2 ν(T,ϕ ,B,r) ǫ 1 r = T ∧αn k ∧βm− sn k 1ν(ddcT,ϕ ,B,s)ds (2.2) ϕ−ǫ v rn k − − ǫ ZBϕǫ(ǫ,r)×B − Zǫ r ν(ddcT,ϕ ,B,s) ǫ + ds s Zǫ Using ddcT instead of T, Equality (2.2) becomes ν(ddcT,ψ ,B,rp) = ddcT ∧αn k 1∧βm ǫ ψ−ǫ − v ZBψǫ(ǫp,rp)×B (2.3) = pn k 1 ddcT ∧αn k 1∧βm − − ϕ−ǫ − v = pn k 1νZ(Bdϕdǫc(Tǫ,r,)ϕ×B,B,r) − − ǫ ON THE DIRECTIONAL LELONG-DEMAILLY NUMBERS 5 Let now ν(T,ψ ,B,rp) ǫ rp sn k ν(ddcT,ψ ,B,s) = T ∧αn k ∧βm+ 1− − ǫ ds ψ−ǫ v rp(n k) s ZBψǫ(ǫp,rp)×B Zǫp (cid:18) − (cid:19) r sp(n k) ν(ddcT,ψ ,B,sp) = T ∧αn k ∧βm+p 1− − ǫ ds ZBψǫ(ǫp,rp)×B ψ−ǫ v Zǫ rp(n−k)! s r sp(n k) ν(ddcT,ϕ ,B,s) = pn k T ∧αn k ∧βm+pn k 1− − ǫ ds (2.4) − ZBϕǫ(ǫ,r)×B ϕ−ǫ r v sn k− Zνǫ(dd cT,ϕr,pB(n,−sk))! s = pn k ν(T,ϕ ,B,r)− 1− − ǫ ds − ǫ rn k s (cid:26) Zǫ (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:27) r sp(n k) ν(ddcT,ϕ ,B,s) +pn k 1− − ǫ ds − Zǫ rp(n−k)! s r ν(ddcT,ϕ ,B,s) sn k sp(n k) = pn k ν(T,ϕ ,B,r)+ ǫ − − − ds . − ǫ s rn k rp(n k) Zǫ − − ! ! here we have used successively Equality (2.2) with ψ instead of ϕ , then the change of vari- ǫ ǫ able s 7→ sp, next Equality (2.3) and finally equality (2.2). When ǫ → 0, Equality (2.4) gives Equality (2.1). Thanks to Equality (2.1), for every r ∈]0,R(ϕ)[, we have 1 r sn k 1 sp(n k) 1 ν(T,ϕ,B,r)− ν(T,ϕp,B,rp) = − ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) − − − − − ds. pn k rn k rp(n k) − Z0 − − ! For a technical reason, we distinguish the two cases: • First case ddcT ≥ 0: The current ddcT is positive closed, so ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,.) is a positive increasing function. Hence p−1 r sn k 1 sp(n k) 1 ν(ddcT,ϕ,B) ≤ ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,s) − − − − − ds p(n−k) rn k rp(n k) Z0 − − ! p−1 ≤ ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,r) . p(n−k) It follows that p−1 1 − ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,r) ≤ ν(T,ϕ,B,r)− ν(T,ϕp,B,rp) p(n−k) pn k − p−1 ≤ − ν(ddcT,ϕ,B). p(n−k) • Second case ddcT ≤ 0: The current ddcT is negative and closed, so ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,.) is a negative decreasing function. A similar computation proves that we have p−1 1 − ν(ddcT,ϕ,B) ≤ ν(T,ϕ,B,r)− ν(T,ϕp,B,rp) p(n−k) pn k − p−1 ≤ − ν(ddcT,ϕ,B,r). p(n−k) In both cases, the two terms of the right hand and the left hand have the same limit when r → 0+. This completes the proof of the proposition. (cid:3) Remark 1. If the current T is positive psh (resp. prh satisfying Condition (C)) then ν(T,ϕp,B) = pn kν(T,ϕ,B). − The current T defined on C3 by 2 T (z,t) := dlog(|z |2+|z |2)∧dclog(|z |2+|z |2) 2 1 2 1 2 6 M.ZAWAY,H.HAWARI,ANDN.GHILOUFI shows that this equality is not true if Condition (C) is not satisfied; so the second equality in Proposition 2 is sharp. Theorem 2. Let T be a positive psh or prh current of bidegree (k,k) on Ω and ϕ, ψ two psh functions such that logψ(z) liminf ≥ ℓ. ϕ(z) 0 logϕ(z) → Assume that T, ψ and B satisfy Condition (C). Then ν(T,ψ,B) ≥ ℓn kν(T,ϕ,B). − In particular, if logψ(z) ∼ ℓlogϕ(z) when ϕ(z) ∈V (0) then ν(T,ψ,B) = ℓn kν(T,ϕ,B). − This Theorem is known with ”comparison theorem”; a such theorem was proved by Demailly in case of positive closed currents. This result allows us to prove the independenceof directional Lelong-Demailly numbers with a changement of the system of coordinates. Proof. Replacing ψ by ψp and ℓ by (p−1)ℓ where p ≥ 2 large enough, we can assume that logψ(z) liminf > ℓ ≥ 2. ϕ(z) 0 logϕ(z) → Hence we have ψ(z) lim = 0. ϕ(z) 0 ϕ(z)ℓ → So the function Ψ = ψ + ǫϕℓ ∼ ǫϕℓ for every ǫ > 0. As ℓ ≥ 2, Ψ is C2. Thanks to ǫ ǫ ϕ(z) V(0) ∈ dominated convergence theorem, 1 1 lim T ∧βn k ∧βm = T ∧βn k ∧βm ǫ→0rn−k Z{Ψǫ<r}×B Ψ−ǫ v rn−k Z{ψ<r}×B ψ− v for every r ∈]0,R(ψ)[. If the current T is positive prh then the function g defined by ǫ r sn k ν(ddcT,Ψ ,B,s) − ǫ g (r)= ν(T,Ψ ,B,r)+ −1 ds ≥ 0 ǫ ǫ rn k s Z0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) is increasing, thus 1 r sn k ν(ddcT,Ψ ,B,s) g (r) = T ∧βn k ∧βm+ − −1 ǫ ds ǫ rn k Ψ−ǫ v rn k s − Z1{Ψǫ<r}×B Z0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) ≥ lim T ∧βn k ∧βm ρ→0ρn1−k Z{Ψǫ<ρ}×B Ψ−ǫ v = lim T ∧βn k ∧βm ρ→0ρn1−k Z{ǫϕℓ<ρ}×B Ψ−ǫ v ≥ lim T ∧βn k ∧βm = ν(T,ϕℓ,B). ρ→0ρn−k Z{ǫϕℓ<ρ}×B ǫϕ−ℓ v Where we use the fact that Ψ ∼ ǫϕℓ and T ∧(ddc(ψ+ǫϕℓ))n k ≥ T ∧(ǫddc(ϕℓ))n k. ǫ − − Thesameresultcanbeobtainedinthecaseofpositivepshcurrentbyusingg (r) =ν(T,Ψ ,B,r). ǫ ǫ If ǫ → 0, we obtain ν(T,ψ,B,r) ≥ ν(T,ϕℓ,B). Thus, if r → 0, ν(T,ψ,B) ≥ ν(T,ϕℓ,B). In particular if logψ(z) ∼ ℓlogϕ(z), for ǫ > 0 (with ℓ(1−ǫ) ≥ 2), there exists η > 0 such that if |ϕ(z)| < η, then ϕ(z)ℓ(1+ǫ) ≤ ψ(z) ≤ ϕ(z)ℓ(1 ǫ). So we can apply the previous inequality − to obtain ℓn k(1+ǫ)n kν(T,ϕ,B) ≤ ν(T,ψ,B) ≤ ℓn k(1−ǫ)n kν(T,ϕ,B). − − − − When ǫ → 0, we obtain ν(T,ψ,B) = ℓn kν(T,ϕ,B). (cid:3) − ON THE DIRECTIONAL LELONG-DEMAILLY NUMBERS 7 3. Main result The main result of this paper is the following theorem: Theorem 3. Let T be a positive prh current of bidegree (k,k), 0 ≤ k ≤ n on Ω. We assume that T, B satisfy Condition (C). Then there exists an open subset V ⊂ B and a function 0 0 f ∈L1 (V) such that loc 1 ν(T,B) = lim T ∧ωn k ∧ωm = f(t)ωm r→0r2(n−k) Z{|z|<r}×B z− t ZB t for every open ball B ⊂⊂ V. The analogous of this result in the case of positive psh currents was proved by Alessandrini and Bassanelli [1]. For k = 0 or k = n the proof is simple, indeed • If k = 0 then h := T is a positive prh function and H(z) := h(z,t)ωm t ZB is also prh, so ν(H,z) =H(z). Therefore 1 1 ν(h,B) = lim h(z,t)ωn ∧ωm = lim H(z)ωn r→0r2n Z{|z|<r}×B z t r→0r2n Z|z|<r z = h(0,t)ωm. t ZB • If k = n, one has ν(T,B)= lim T ∧ωm. t r→0Z{|z|<r}×B Let Θ = 1lΩrYT, where Y = {0}×Cm∩Ω. The subsetY is analytic in Ω of codimension k = n. Since ||T|| is finite for every compact subsetK ⊂ Ω, the current Θ has a locally K finite mass in neighborhood of every point of Y. As T is a positive prh current, then T and Θ are C−flat currents. So T = 1l T +Θ, where Θ is the trivial extension of Θ by Y 0 across Y. Thanks to the support theorem, there exists a positive prh function f on Y such that 1l T = f[Y]. Hence T = f[Y]+Θeand it folelows that Y T ∧ωm = f(t)ωem+ Θ∧ωm t t t Z{|z|<r}×B ZB Z{|z|<r}×B for every open ball B of Ω and r > 0 small enough. But e 2 Θ∧ωm ≤ Θ∧ωm = ||Θ||({|z| < r}×B) t Z{|z|<r}×B Z{|z|<r}×B and e e e lim||Θ||({|z| < r}×B)= ||Θ||(B) = 0 r 0 → which gives the result. e e 3.1. Preliminary lemmas. To prove the main result in case 1≤ k ≤ n−1, we need a special transformation of coordinates (introduced by Siu [4]) given by w = w(z,t) = (w ,....,w ) 1 m+n such that (z,w ) = (z ,....,z ,w ,....,w ) form a system of coordinates of CN for every 1 ≤ I 1 n i1 im i < i < ..... < i ≤ m+n. We denote by ω := ddc|w |2. 1 2 m I I The first lemma is a version of Lelong-Jensen formula adapted to ω : I 8 M.ZAWAY,H.HAWARI,ANDN.GHILOUFI Lemma 1. (See [1]) Let ψ be a smooth (k,k)-form on Ω. For any increasing m−multiindex I and every 1 ≤ p ≤ n−k, 0 ≤ q < p, 0 < r,c, such that {(z,t) ∈ Ω; |z| < r, |w | < c} ⊂⊂ Ω, I we have ψ∧θ p∧ω n k p∧ωm z z − − I Z{|z1|<r, |wI|<c} = ψ∧θ p q 1∧ωn k p+q+1∧ωm r2(q+1) z − − z− − I r Z{1|z|<r, |wI|<c} − 2sds ddcψ∧θ p q 1∧ω n k p+q ∧ω m z − − z − − I s2(q+1) Z0r 1 Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} + 2sds ddcψ∧θp q 1∧ωn k p+q ∧ωm r2(q+1) z− − z− − I Z0 Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} where θ := ddclog|z|2. z The following proposition is the crucial point in the proof of the main result: Proposition 3. Let T be a positive current on Ω satisfying Condition (C) and (Tj)j N its ∈ regularizing sequence. Thenthere exist0< r ,csuchthatforanyincreasing m−multiindexI and 0 every0 ≤ p ≤n−k, 0 < r ≤ r wehave {(z,t) ∈Ω; |z| <r, |w |< c} ⊂ {{|z| < 2r}×B } ⊂⊂ Ω 0 I 0 and sup T ∧θp∧ωn k p∧ωm < +∞. j z z− − I j Z{|z|<r, |wI|<c} Proof. For p = 0, the result is clear. So let 1 ≤ p < n−k. Let r > 0 such that {|z| < 2r }×B ⊂⊂ Ω. There exists c > 0, small 0 0 0 enough, such that for any increasing m−multiindex I, {(z,t) ∈ Ω; |z| < r , |w | <c} ⊂{|z| < 2r }×B . 0 I 0 0 Then for every 0< r ≤ r one has 0 {(z,t) ∈ Ω; |z| < r, |w |< c} ⊂ {|z| < 2r}×B . I 0 If we choose q = p−1 in previous lemma, we obtain T ∧θ p∧ωn k p∧ω m j z z− − I Z1{|z|<r, |wI|<c} ≤ T ∧ωn k ∧ωm r2p j z− I Zr{|z|1<r, |wI|<c} − 2sds ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm s2p j z− − I 1Z0 Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} ≤ T ∧ωn k ∧ωm r2p j z− I Zr{|z|<r, |wI|<c} + 2sds −ddcT ∧θp∧ωn k 1 p∧ωm j z z− − − I 1Z0 Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} ≤ T ∧ωn k ∧ωm r2p j z− I Z{|z|<r, |wI|<c} +r2 −ddcT ∧θp∧ωn k 1 p∧ωm. j z z− − − I Z{|z|<r, |wI|<c} Furthermore, for r outside a set at most countable, we have lim T ∧ωn k ∧ωm = T ∧ωn k ∧ωm. j z− I z− I j→+∞Z{|z|<r, |wI|<c} Z{|z|<r, |wI|<c} Since −ddcT is a positive closed current, then thanks to Alessandrini-Bassanelli [1], we have sup −ddcT ∧θp∧ωn k 1 p∧ωm < +∞. j z z− − − I j Z{|z|<r, |wI|<c} ON THE DIRECTIONAL LELONG-DEMAILLY NUMBERS 9 In the case p = n − k, it is easy to see that there exist A > 0 and a closed C form φ on ∞ {|z| < 2r }×B such that ωm ≤ A(ω ∧φ+ωm) in neighborhood of {|z| < r , |w |< c}. So 0 0 I z t 0 I r 1 sup 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm s2(n k) j z− − I j Z0 r −A Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} ≤ sup 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧(ω ∧φ+ωm) s2(n k) j z− − z t j Z0r A− Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} ≤ sup 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧(ω ∧φ+ωm) s2(n k) j z− − z t j Z0 − Z{|z|<2s}×B0 r r ν(−ddcT,B,2s) ≤ 2n kA 2sds −ddcT ∧θn k ∧φ+ ds . − z− s Z0 Z z<2s B0 Z0 ! {| | }× Thanks to Condition (C), the last integral is finite. (cid:3) Remark 2. (See [1]) Let U := ∩ {(z,t) ∈ Ω; |z| < r , |w | < c}, then thanks to the last I 0 I proposition, there exist a subsequence of (Tj)j N, noted in the same way, and some currents T(0),T(1),...,T(n k) defined on U such that ∈ − lim T^∧θp = T(p) j z j + → ∞(cid:16) (cid:17) weakly on U. Lemma 2. With the same notations as in Proposition 3, if we denote by ^ (ddcT)(p−q−1) := lim ddcTj ∧θzp−q−1 j + → ∞ then we have r sds −(ddcT)(p q 1)∧ωn k p+q ∧ωm s2(q+1) − − z− − I (3.1) Z0 rZ{|zs|d<ss, |wI|<c} ≤ lim −ddcT ∧θp q 1∧ωn k p+q ∧ωm < +∞. j→+∞Z0 s2(q+1) Z{|z|<s, |wI|<c} j z− − z− − I Lemma 3. Let Rp := log|z|ddcT ∧θp. There exist S(0),.....,S(n k 1) positive prh currents on j j z − − U such that lim Rp = S(p). j j + → ∞ Furthermore, for every open ball B and r > 0fsuch that {|z| < r}×B ⊂ U one has r sds lim −ddcT ∧θp 1∧ωn k p∧ωm j→+∞Z0 s2 Z{|z|<s}×B j z− z− − t = −logr (ddcT)(p 1)∧ωn k p∧ωm+ S(p 1)∧ωn k p∧ωm. − z− − t − z− − t Z{|z|<r}×B Z{|z|<r}×B Proof. The proof of this lemma is similar to lemma 3.3 in [1]. (cid:3) 3.2. Proof of the main result. Lemma 4. If T(1) and S(0) are as in previous lemma, then ν(T,B)= ν(T(1),B)−2ν(S(0),B). 10 M.ZAWAY,H.HAWARI,ANDN.GHILOUFI Proof. Thanks to Lelong-Jensen formula, we have (3.2) T ∧θ ∧ωn k 1∧ωm j z z− − t Z{|z|<r}×B 1 (3.3) = T ∧ωn k ∧ωm r2 j z− t Z{|z|<r}×B r 1 (3.4) + 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ω m s2 j z− − t Z0 Z{|z|<s}×B r 1 (3.5) − 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm r2 j z− − t Z0 Z{|z|<s}×B It is easy to see that lim (3.2)= T(1)∧ωn k 1∧ωm, z− − t j→+∞ Z{|z|<r}×B 1 lim (3.3) = T ∧ωn k ∧ωm j→+∞ r2 Z{|z|<r}×B z− t for r outside a subset which is at most countable. Set G the function defined by j G (s):= −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm. j j z− − t Z{|z|<s}×B Thefunction G is positive and increasing, so thanks to dominated convergence theorem, we get j r 1 lim (3.5) = 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm. j→+∞ Z0 r2 Z{|z|<s}×B z− − t Thanks to Lemma 3, one has lim (3.4) =−2logr ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm+ 2S(0) ∧ωn k 1∧ωm. z− − t z− − t j→+∞ Z{|z|<r}×B Z{|z|<r}×B Hence 1 (3.6) A := T(1)−2S(0) ∧ωn k 1∧ωm r2(n k 1) z− − t − − Z{|z|<r}×B (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 (3.7) = T ∧ωn k ∧ωm r2(n k) z− t − Z{|z|<r}×B 2logr (3.8) − ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm r2(n k 1) z− − t − − Z{|z|<r}×B 1 r (3.9) − 2sds −ddcT ∧ωn k 1∧ωm. r2(n k) z− − t − Z0 Z z<s B {| | }× If we set G(s) := −ddcT ∧ω n k 1∧ωm, z − − t Z{|z|<s}×B then by Lemma 2 with p = n−k and q = p−1, the function s 7−→ s1 2(n k)G(s) is integrable − − on [0,r]; it follows that 1 r r sG(s) sG(s)ds ≤ ds < +∞. r2(n k) s2(n k) − Z0 Z0 −

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