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ON THE DEGREE FIVE L-FUNCTION FOR GSp(4) DANIELFILE Abstract. Igiveanewintegralrepresentationforthedegreefive(standard) L-function for automorphic representations of GSp(4) that is a refinement of integral representation of Piatetski-Shapiro and Rallis. The new integral 2 representation unfolds to produce the Bessel model for GSp(4) which is a 1 unique model. The local unramified calculation uses an explicit formula for 0 theBesselmodelanddifferscompletelyfromPiatetski-ShapiroandRallis. 2 n a J 1. Introduction 7 2 In 1978 Andrianov and Kalinin established an integral representation for the degree 2n+1 standard L-function of a Siegel modular form of genus n [1]. Their ] integralinvolvesatheta functionandaSiegelEisensteinseries. Theintegralrepre- T sentation allowed them to prove the meromorphic continuation of the L-function, N and in the case when the Siegel modular form has level 1 they established a func- . h tional equation and determined the locations of possible poles. t Piatetski-ShapiroandRallisbecameinterestedinthe constructionofAndrianov a m andKalininbecause itseems toproduce Eulerproducts withoutusing anyunique- ness property. Previous examples of integral representations used either a unique [ modelsuchastheWhittakermodel,ortheuniquenessoftheinvariantbilinearform 2 between an irreducible representation and its contragradient. It is known that an v automorphic representation of Sp (or GSp ) associated to a Siegel modular form 3 4 4 doesnothaveaWhittakermodel. Piatetski-ShapiroandRallisadaptedtheintegral 8 7 representation of Andrianov and Kalinin to the setting of automorphic represen- 2 tations and were able to obtain Euler products [23]; however, the factorization is 1. not the result of a unique model that would explain the local-global structure of 0 Andrianov and Kalinin. They considered the integral 2 1 φ(g)θ (g)E(s,g)dg T : v Sp (F)Z\Sp (A) 2n 2n i X where E(s,g) is an Eisenstein series induced from a character of the Siegel para- r bolic subgroup, φ is a cuspidal automorphic form, T is a n-by-n symmetric matrix a determining an n dimensional orthogonal space, and θ (g) is the theta kernel for T the dual reductive pair Sp ×O(V ). 2n T Upon unfolding their integral produces the expansion of φ along the abelian unipotent radical N of the Siegel parabolic subgroup. They refer to the terms in this expansionas Fourier coefficients in analogywith the Siegelmodular case. The Fourier coefficients are defined as φ (g)= φ(ng)ψ (n)dn. T T N(F)Z\N(A) Keywords and phrases. L-function,integralrepresentation, Besselmodels. This work was done while I was a gruaduate student at Ohio State University as part of my Ph.D. dissertation. I wish to thank my advisor Jim Cogdell for being a patient teacher and for his helpful discussions about this work. I also thank Ramin Takloo-Bighash for many useful conversations. 1 2 DANIELFILE Here, T is associatedto a characterψ ofN(F)\N(A). These functions φ do not T T give a unique model for the automorphic representation to which φ belongs. The correspondingstatementforafiniteplacev ofF isthatforacharacterψ ofN(F ) v v the inequality dimCHomN(Fv)(πv,ψv)≤1 does not hold for all irreducible admissible representation π of Sp (F ). v 2n v However, Piatetski-Shapiro and Rallis show that their local integral is indepen- dentofthechoiceofFouriercoefficientwhenvisafiniteplaceandthelocalrepresen- tation π is spherical. Specifically, they show that for any ℓ ∈ Hom (π ,ψ ) v T N(Fv) v v the integral g 2s+1 ℓ v |det(g)|s−1/2dg =d (s)L(π , )ℓ (v ) T tg−1 0 v v v 2 T 0 Z (cid:18)(cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:19) Matn(Ov)∩GLn(Fv) where v is the spherical vector for π , O is the ring of integers, and d (s) is a 0 v v v product of local ζ-factors. At the remaining “bad” places the integral does not factor, and there is no local integral to compute. However, they showed that the integral over the remaining places is a meromorphic function of s. InthispaperIpresentanewintegralrepresentationforthedegreefiveL-function forGSp whichisarefinementofthe workofPiatetski-ShapiroandRallis. Instead 4 of working with the full theta kernel, the construction in this paper uses a theta integral for GSp × GSO . This difference has the striking effect of producing 4 2 the Bessel model for GSp and the uniqueness that Piatetski-Shapior and Rallis 4 expected. Therefore, this integral factors as an Euler product over all places. I compute the local unramified integral when the local representation is spherical using the formula due to Sugano [32]. InsomeinstancesanintegralrepresentationofanL-functioncanbeusedtoprove algebraicity of special values of that L-function (up to certain expected transcen- dental factors). Harris [10], Sturm [33], Bocherer [3], and Panchishkin [21] applied the integral representation of Andrianov and Kalinin to prove algebraicity of spe- cialvaluesofthestandardL-functionofcertainSiegelmodularforms. Shimura[30] alsoused anintegralrepresentationto provealgebraicityofthese specialvalues for many Siegelmodular forms including forms for every congruencesubgroupofSp 2n over a totally real number field. Furusawa [7] gave an integral representation for the degree eight L-function for GSp ×GL . Furusawa’s integral representation unfolds to give the Bessel model 4 2 for GSp times the Whittaker model for GL , and he uses Sugano’s formula for 4 2 the spherical Bessel model to compute the unramified local integral. Let Φ be a genus 2 Siegel eigen cusp form of weight ℓ, and let π = ⊗ π be the automorphic v v representation for GSp associated to it. Let Ψ be an elliptic (genus 1) eigen cusp 4 form of weight ℓ, and let τ = ⊗ τ be the associated representation for GL . As v v 2 anapplicationofhisintegralrepresentationFurusawaprovedanalgebraicityresult for special values of the degree eight L-function L(s,Φ×Ψ) provided that for all finite places v both π and τ are spherical. This conditionis satisfiedwhen Φ and v v Ψ are modular forms for the full modular groups Sp (Z) and SL (Z), respectively. 4 2 ArecentresultofSaha[28]includestheexplicitcomputationofBesselfunctions oflocalrepresentationsthatareSteinberg. ThisallowedSahatoextendthespecial value result of Furusawa to the case when π is Steinberg at some prime p. Pitale p and Schmidt [24] considered the local integral of Furusawa for a large class of rep- resentations τ and as an application extended the algebraicity result of Furusawa p further. In principle one could explicitly compute the local integral given in this paper using the formula of Saha at a place where the local representation is Steinberg. ON THE DEGREE FIVE L-FUNCTION FOR GSp(4) 3 Considering the algebraicity results of Harris [10], Sturm [33], Bocherer [3], and Panchishkin[21]thatinvolvetheintegralofAndrianovandKalinin,andtheexplicit computations for Besselmodels due to Sugano [32], Furusawa[7], and Saha [28], it would be interesting to see if the integral representation of this paper can be used to obtain any new algebraicity results. This is a question I intend to address in a later work. 2. Summary of Results Let π be an automorphic representation of GSp (A), φ∈V , ν an automorphic 4 π characteronGSO (A)thesimilitudeorthogonalgroupthatpreservesthesymmetric 2 formdeterminedbythesymmetric matrixT, θ (ν−1)the thetalift ofν−1 toGSp ϕ 4 with respect to a Schwartz-Bruhat function ϕ, and E(s,f,g) a Siegel Eisenstein series for a section f(s,−)∈IndG(A)(δ1/3(s−1/2)). Consider the global integral P(A) P I(s;f,φ,T,ν,ϕ)=I(s):= E(s,f,g)φ(g)θ (ν−1)(g)dg. ϕ ZAGSp4(FZ)\GSp4(A) Section 9 contains the proof that I(s) has an Euler product expansion I(s)= f(s,g)φT,ν(g)ω(g,1)ϕ(1 )dg· I (s) 2 v N(A∞)\ZG1(A∞) vY<∞ where integrals I (s) are defined to be v I (s)= f (s,g )φT,ν(g )ω (g ,1)ϕ (1 )dg . v v v v v v v v 2 v Z N(Fv)\G1(Fv) The function φT,ν belongs to the Bessel model of π . v v Section 11 includes the proof that under certain conditions that hold for all but a finite number of places v, there is a normalization I∗(s) = ζ (s+1)ζ (2s)I (s) v v v v such that I∗(s)=L(s,π ⊗χ ) v v T where χ is a quadratic character associated to the matrix T. Section 14 deals T with the finite placesthatare notcoveredinSection11. For these placesthere is a choice of data so that I (s)=1. Section 15 deals with the archimedeanplaces and v shows that there choice of data to control the analytic properties of I (s). v Combining these analyses give the following theorem. Theorem 1. Let π be a cuspidal automorphic representation of GSp (A), and φ∈ 4 V . Let T and ν be such that φT,ν 6= 0. There exists a choice of section f(s,−)∈ π IndG(A)(δ1/3(s−1/2)), and some ϕ = ⊗ ϕ ∈ S(X(A)) such that the normalized P(A) P v v integral I∗(s;f,φ,T,ν,ϕ)=d(s)·LS(s,π⊗χ ) T,v where S is a finite set of bad places including all the archimedean places. Fur- thermore, for any complex number s , there is a choice of data so that d(s) is 0 holomorphic at s , and d(s )6=0. 0 0 3. Notation Let F be a number field, and let A =A be its ring of adeles. For a place v of F F denote by F the completion of F at v. For a non-archimedean place v let O v v be the ring of integers of F , and let p be its maximal ideal. Let q = [O : p ]. v v v v v Let ̟ be a choice of uniformizer for p , and let |·| be the absolute value on F , v v v v normalized so that |̟ | =q−1. v v v 4 DANIELFILE For a finite set of places S, let AS = ′F , and A = F . In particular, v S v v∈/S v∈S A = F , and A = ′F . Q Q ∞ v fin v v|∞ v<∞ DenoQtebyMat thevarQietyofn×nmatricesdefinedoverF. Sym isthevariety n n of symmetric n×n matrices defined over F. Let G=GSp ={g ∈GL tgJg =λ (g)J} where 4 4 G (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) 1 J = . −1  −1    Fix a maximal compact subgroup K of G(A) such that K = K where K v v v is a maximalcompactsubgroupofG(F ), and atallbut finitely many finite places v Q K = G(O ). According to [18, I.1.4] the subgroups K can be chosen so that for v v v everystandardparabolicsubgroupP,G(A)=P(A)K,andM(A)∩K isamaximal compact subgroup of M(A). 4. Orthogonal Similitude Groups AmatrixT ∈Sym (F)withdet(T)6=0determinesanon-degeneratesymmetric 2 bilinear form ( , ) on an V =F2: T T (v ,v ) :=tv Tv . 1 2 T 1 2 The orthogonal group associated to this form (and matrix T) is O(V )={h∈GL thTh=T}. T 2 Similarly, the similitude group GO(V ) =(cid:12) {h ∈ GL thTh = λ (h)T}, and T (cid:12) n T GSO(V ) is defined to be the Zariskiconnected component of GO(V ). Note that T (cid:12) T since dim(V )=2, and h∈GSO(V ), then λ(h)=det(h)(cid:12). T T Let χ be the quadratic character associated to V . If E/F is the discriminant T T field of V , i.e. E =F −det(T) , then T (cid:16)p χ (cid:17):F×\A× →C T isthe ideleclasscharacterassociatedtoE byclassfieldtheory. Ithasthe property thatχ =⊗χ whereχ (a)=(a,−det(T)) ,and(, ) denotesthelocalHilbert T T,v T,v v v symbol[31, §0.3]. Consequently,eachχ ◦N ≡1whereN isthenorm T.v Ev/Fv Ev/Fv map [29, Chapter III, Proposition 1]. Note that N =det=λ . Ev/Fv T 4.1. The Siegel Parabolic Subgroup. Let P = MN be the Siegel parabolic subgroup of G, i.e. P stabilizes a maximal isotropic subspace X = span {e ,e } F 1 2 where e is the ith standardbasis vector. Then P has Levi factor M ∼=GL ×GL i 1 2 and unipotent radical N ∼=Sym ∼=G3. For g ∈GL , define 2 a 2 g m(g)= ∈M. tg−1 (cid:20) (cid:21) For X ∈Sym , define 2 I X n(X)= 2 ∈N. I 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) Let δ be the modular character of P. P g For m= tg−1λ ∈M and n∈N, δP(mn)=|det(g)3·λ−3|A. It is possible (cid:20) (cid:21) to extend δ to all of G. For g = nmk where n ∈ N, m ∈ M, and k ∈ K, define P δ (g)=δ (m). This is well defined because δ (m)=1 for m∈M ∩K. P P P ON THE DEGREE FIVE L-FUNCTION FOR GSp(4) 5 5. Bessel Models and Coefficients 5.1. The Bessel Subgroup. Let ψ be an additive character of F\A. There is a bijection between Sym (F) and the characters of N(F)\N(A). For T ∈ Sym (F) 2 2 define ψ :N(F)\N(A)→C T ψ (n(X))=ψ(tr(TX)). (1) T Since M(F)acts onN(F)\N(A), it alsoacts onits characters. Define H to be T the connected component of the stabilizer of ψ in M. For g ∈GL , define T 2 g b(g)= . det(g)· tg−1 (cid:20) (cid:21) Then H = b(g) tgTg=det(g)·T . T n (cid:12) o Then HT is an algebraic group d(cid:12)efined over F isomorphic to GSO(VT) where (cid:12) V is defined as above. T The adjoint action of M(F) on the characters of N(F)\N(A) has two types of orbits. They are represented by matrices 1 1 T = withρ∈/ F×,2, and T = . ρ −ρ split 1 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) The quadratic spaces corresponding to these matrices have similitude orthogonal groups x ρy GSO(V )= x2−ρy2 6=0 . Tρ y x ((cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:12)(cid:12) ) (cid:12) and (cid:12) (cid:12) x GSO(V )= xy 6=0 . (2) Tsplit y ((cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:12)(cid:12) ) (cid:12) For the rest of this article assume that ρ ∈/ F(cid:12) ×,2, and only consider T = Tρ. (cid:12) Define the Bessel subgroup R=R =H N. Consider a character T T ν :H (F)\H (A)→C. T T Then define ν⊗ψ :R(F)\R(A)→C T ν⊗ψ (tn)=ν(t)ψ (n) t∈H (A), n∈N(A). T T T This is well defined since H normalizes ψ . T T Similarly, for a place v of F there are local characters ν ⊗ψ :R(F )→C. v T,v v 5.2. Non-Archimedean Local Bessel Models. Letv beafiniteplaceofF. Let B be the space of locally constant functions φ:G(F )→C satisfying v φ(rg)=ν ⊗ψ (r)φ(g) v T,v for all r ∈R(F ) and all g ∈G(F ). v v Let π be an irreducible admissable representation of G(F ). Piatetski-Shapiro v v and Novodvorsky [20] showed that there is at most one subspace B(π ) ⊆ B such v that the right regular representation of G(F ) on B(π ) is equivalent to π . If the v v v subspace B(π ) exists, then it is called the ν ⊗ψ Bessel model of π . v v T,v v 6 DANIELFILE 5.3. Archimedean Local Bessel Models. Now suppose v is an infinite place of F. Let K be the maximalcompact subgroupof G(F ). Let B be the vector space v v of functions φ:G(F )→C with the following properties [24]: v (1) φ is smooth and K -finite. v (2) φ(rg)=ν ⊗ψ (r)φ(g) for all r ∈R(F ) and all g ∈G(F ). v T,v v v (3) φ is slowly increasing on Z(F )\G(F ). v v Let πv be a (gv,Kv)-module with space Vπv. Suppose that there is a subspace B(π )⊂B, invariant under right translation by g and K , and is isomorphic as a v v v (g ,K )-moduletoπ ,thenB(π )iscalledtheν ⊗ψ Besselmodelofπ . Insome v v v v v T,v v instances the Bessel model at an archimedean place is known to be unique. For example, when v is a realplace and π is a lowestor highest weight representation v of GSp (R) the Bessel model of π is unique [24]. It is also known to be unique 4 v when the central character of π is trivial [20]. The results of this article do not v depend on the uniqueness of the Bessel model at any archimedean place; however, if the model is not unique, then there is no local integral. 5.4. Bessel Coefficients. Let A (G) be the space of cuspidal automorphic forms 0 on G(A). Suppose that π is an irreducible cuspidal automorphic representation of G(A) with space V ⊂ A (G). Let ω denote the central character of π. Let π 0 π φ∈V . π Suppose that ν is as above. Denote by ZA the center of G(A) so ZA ⊂ HT(A). Suppose that ν =ω−1. Define the ν⊗ψ Bessel coefficient of φ to be |ZA π T φT,ν(g)= (ν⊗ψ )−1(r)φ(rg)dr. (3) T ZAR(FZ)\R(A) 6. Siegel Eisenstein Series For more details about Siegel Eisenstein series of Sp see Kudla and Rallis [15] 2n and Section 1.1 of Kudla, Rallis, and Soudry [16]. 1(s−1) Definition 6.1 (Induced Representation). The induced representation of δ3 2 P to G(A) is defined to be f :G(A)→C f is smooth, right K-finite, and for IndG(A)(δ13(s−21))= . P(A) P  (cid:12) p∈P(A), f(pg)=δ13(s+1)(p)f(g)   (cid:12)(cid:12) P  (cid:12) For convenience write Ind(s) = Ind(cid:12)(cid:12)G(A)(δ31(s−21)). Ind(s) is a representation of P(A) P (g ,K )×G(A ) under right translation. A standard section f(s,·) is one such ∞ ∞ fin that its restriction to K is independent of s. Let f(s,·)∈Ind(s) be a holomorphic standardsection. Thatisforallg ∈G(A)thefunctions7→f(s,g)isaholomorphic function. For a finite place v define f◦(s,·) to be the function so that f◦(s,k) = 1 for v v k ∈K . v There is an intertwining operator M(s):Ind(s)→Ind(1−s). For Re(s)>2, M(s) may be defined by means of the integral [14, 4.1] M(s)f(s,g):= f(s,wng)dn NZ(A) ON THE DEGREE FIVE L-FUNCTION FOR GSp(4) 7 where 1 1 w = . −1  −1    The induced representation factors as a restrictedtensor product with respect to f◦(s,·): v ′ Ind(s)= Ind (s), v v O and so does the intertwining operator M(s)= M (s). v v O There is a normalization of M (s) v ζ (s+1)ζ (2s) M∗(s)= v v M (s) v ζ (s−1)ζ (2s−1) v v v where ζ (·) is the local zeta factor for F at v, so that v M∗(s)f◦(s,g)=f◦(1−s,g). v v v Define the Siegel Eisenstein series E(s,f,g)= f(s,γg) γ∈P(XF)\G(F) which converges uniformly for Re(s)>2 and has meromorphic continuation to all C [15]. Furthermore, the Eisenstein series satisfies the functional equation E(s,f,g)=E(1−s,M(s)f,g) [15,1.5]. Later,itwillbeusefultoworkwiththenormalizedEisensteinseries. Let S be a finite set of places, including the archimedean places, such that for v ∈/ S f =f◦. Define v v E∗(s,f,g)=ζS(s+1)ζS(2s)E(s,f,g). (4) Kudla and Rallis completely determined the locations of possible poles of Siegel Eisenstein series [15]. The normalized Eisenstein series E∗(s,f,g) has at most simple poles at s =1,2 [15, Theorem 1.1]. 0 7. The Weil Representation 7.1. TheSchro¨dingerModel. ConsidertheorthogonalspaceV withsymmetric T form(,) ,andthefourdimensionalsymplecticspaceW withsymplecticform<,>. T LetW=V ⊗W be the symplectic space with form≪,≫defined onpure tensors T by≪u⊗v,u′⊗v′ ≫=(u,u′) <v,v′ >andextendedtoallofWbylinearity. The T Weil representation ω = ωψ−1 is a representation of Sp(W). However, restricting T this representation to Sp(W)×O(V ) ֒→ Sp(W). Since the dimension of V is T T f even, there is a splitting Sp(W)×O(V )֒→Sp(W)×O(V ) [26, Remark 2.1]. T T Suppose that X is afmaximal isotropic sufbspace of W. Then X = X ⊗ V is F T a maximal isotropic subspace of W. The spface of the Schr¨odinger model, S(X), is the space of Schwartz-Bruhat functions on X. Let v be a place of F. If v is a finite place, then S(X(F )) is the space of locally constant functions with compact v support. If v is an infinite place, then S(X(F )) is the space of C∞ functions all v derivatives of which are rapidly decreasing. Identify X with V2 =Mat . T 2 8 DANIELFILE The local Weil representation at a finite place v restricted to Sp(W)(F )×O(V )(F ) v T v acts in the following way on the Schr¨odinger model ω (1,h)ϕ(x)=ϕ(h−1x), v ω (m(a),1)ϕ(x)=χ ◦det(a) |det(a)| ϕ(xa), v T,v v ω (n(X),1)ϕ(x)=ψ−1 (X)ϕ(x), v txTx ω (w,1)ϕ(x)=γ·ϕˆ(x). v whereγ isacertaineighthrootofunity,andϕˆistheFouriertransformofϕdefined by ϕˆ(x)= ϕ(x′)ψ((x,x′) )dx′. 1 Z VT(Fv)2 Here ( , ) is defined as follows: for x,y ∈X=Mat define 1 2 (x,y) :=tr(x·y). 1 Note that matrices of the form m(a), n(X), and w generate Sp . 4 The space S(X(A)) is spanned by functions ϕ = ⊗ ϕ where ϕ = ϕ◦ is the v v v v normalized local spherical function for all but finitely many of the finite places v. At an unramified place ϕ◦v = 1X(Ov). The global Weil representation, ω = ⊗v′ωv, is the restricted tensor product with respect to the normalized spherical functions ϕ◦. v SupposethatF =R. Assumethatψ =exp(2πix). LetK =Sp (R)∩O (R). v T 1,v 4 4 Let V+ and V− be positive definite and negative definite, respectively, subspaces T T of V (F ) such that V (F )=V+⊕V−. For x∈V define T v T v T T T (x,x) if x∈V+ (x,x) = T + −(x,x) if x∈V− (cid:26) T For x∈V2 let (x,x)=((x ,x ) )∈V2. Define T i j i,j T ϕ◦(x)=exp(−πtr((x,x) )). v + Now, suppose F = C. Assume that ψ = exp(4πi(x+x¯). In this case K ∼= v T 1,v Sp(4), the compact real form of Sp(4,C). There is a choice of basis so (x,x) =tx¯x, + and ϕ◦(x)=exp(−2πtr((x,x) )). v + The subspace of K finite vectorsin the space of smooth vectors, S (X(F ))⊂ 1,v 0 v S(X(F )), consists of functions of the form p(x)ϕ◦ where p is a polynomial on v v V (F )2. T v 7.2. ExtensiontoSimilitudeGroups. HarrisandKudladescribehowtoextend the Weil representation to similitude groups [11, §3]. See also [12] and [27]. The Weil representation can be extended to the group Y ={(g,h)∈GSp ×GSO(V ) | λ (g)=λ (h)}. 4 T G T For (g,h)∈Y the action of ω is defined by v ω (g,h)ϕ(x)=|λ (h)|−1 ω (g ,1)ϕ(h−1x) v T v v 1 where I g = 2 g. 1 λ (g)−1·I G 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) ON THE DEGREE FIVE L-FUNCTION FOR GSp(4) 9 Note that the natural projection to the first coordinate p :Y →GSp(4) 1 (g,h)7→g is generally not a surjective map. Indeed, g ∈ Im(p ) if and only if there is an 1 h∈GSO(V ) such that λ (g)=λ (h). Define T G T G+ :=p (Y). 1 7.3. Theta Lifts. Let H =GSO(V ), and H =SO(V ). T 1 T Definition 7.1. The theta lift of ν−1 to G+(A) is given by the integral θ (ν−1)(g)= ω(g,h h )ϕ(x)ν−1(h h )dh . ϕ g 1 g 1 1 H1(F)Z\H1(A) x∈XVT2(F) Here,h ∈H(A)isanyelementsothatλ (h )=λ (g). NotethatDefinition7.1 g T g G is independent of the choice h . Since H (F)\H (A) is compact the integral is g 1 1 termwise absolutly convergent[34]. There is a natural inclusion G(F)+\G(A)+ ֒→G(F)\G(A). Consider θ (ν−1) as a function of G(F)\G(A) by extending it by 0 [8, §7.2]. ϕ If ϕ is chosen to be a K-finite Schwartz-Bruhat function, then θ (ν−1) is a ϕ K-finite automorphic form on G(F)\G(A) [11]. 8. The Degree Five L-function Theconnectedcomponentofthe dualgroupofGSp isLG◦ =GSp (C)[4, I.2.2 4 4 (5)]. The degree five L-function of GSp corresponds to the map of L-groups [31, 4 page 88] ̺:GSp (C)→PGSp (C)∼=SO (C). 4 4 5 I describe the local L-factor explicitly when v is finite and π is equivalent to an v unramified principal series. Consider the maximal torus A of G and an element 0 t∈A : 0 a 1 a t=diag(a1,a2,a0a−11,a0a−21):= 2 a a−1 . (5) 0 1  a a−2  0 2    The character lattice of G is X =Ze ⊕Ze ⊕Ze 0 1 2 where e (t)=a . The cocharacter lattice is i i X∨ =Zf ⊕Zf ⊕Zf 0 1 2 where f (u)=diag(1,1,u,u), f (u)=diag(u,1,u−1,1), 0 1 f (u)=diag(1,u,1,u−1). 2 Suppose π ∼=π (χ)=IndG(Fv)(χ) v v B(Fv) where χ(t)=χ (a )χ (a )χ (a ), (6) 1 1 2 2 0 0 10 DANIELFILE andtisgivenby(5). ThenLG◦ =Gˆ hascharacterlatticeX′ =X∨andcocharacter lattice X′∨ =X. Let f′ =e ∈X′∨. Define i i 3 tˆ= f′(χ (̟ ))∈LG◦. (7) i i v i=0 Y Thentˆis the Satakeparameterfor π (χ) [2, Lemma2]. The LanglandsL-factor v is defined in [4, II.7.2 (1)] to be L(s,π ,̺):=det(I −̺(tˆ)q−s)−1 v v =(1−q−s)−1(1−χ (̟ )q−s)−1(1−χ (̟ )−1q−s)−1 v 1 v v 1 v v (1−χ (̟ )q−s)−1(1−χ (̟)−1q−s)−1. 2 v v 2 v Let S be a finite set of primes, including the archimedean primes, such that if v ∈/ S, then π is unramified. Then the partial L-function is defined to be v LS(s,π)=LS(s,π,̺)= L(s,π ,̺). v vY∈/S The product converges absolutely for Re(s)≫0 [17]. 9. Global Integral Representation The main result of this section is Theorem 9.4 which states that the integral unfolds as an Euler product of local integrals. As before G =GSp , G =Sp , P = MN is the Siegel parabolic subgoup of G, 4 1 4 and let P =M N =P ∩G where M =M ∩G . 1 1 1 1 1 The global integral is I(s;f,φ,ν)=I(s):= E(s,f,g)φ(g)θ (ν−1)(g)dg (8) ϕ ZAG(FZ)\G(A) = E(s,f,g)φ(g)θ (ν−1)(g)dg (9) ϕ ZAG(F)Z+\G(A)+ where equality holds because θ (ν−1) is supported on G(F)+\G(A)+. The central ϕ character of E(s,f,−) is trivial, and the central character of θ (ν−1) = ω−1, so ϕ π theintegrandisZA invariant. SinceE(s,f,−)andθϕ(ν−1)areautomorphicforms, they are of moderate growth. Since φ is a cuspidal automorphic form, it is rapidly decreasing on a Siegel domain [18, I.2.18]. Therefore, the integral (9) converges everywhere that E(s,f,−) does not have a pole. Define A×,+ :=λ (H(A)), F×,+ :=F×∩A×,+ ⊆A×,+, T A×,2 :={a2|a∈A×}, C :=A×,2F×,+\A×,+. There is an isomorphism ZAG1(A)G(F)+\G(A)+ ∼=C. (10) TheisomorphismisrealizedbyconsideringthemapfromG(A)+ −→C,g 7→λ (g). G It has kernel ZAG1(A)G(F)+. This fact is stated in [8]. Identify ZA with the subgroup of scalar linear transformations in H(A). Proposition 9.1. ZAH1(A)H(F)\H(A)∼=C. (11)

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