TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan eetwh Lepidoptera Science 64(3):115-122, November 2013 On the definitio onf the psychid genus Bambalina, with notes on Bambalina sp. from Japan (LepidoptePrsay,chidae,Oiketicinae) Ibyohei SAIGusAi) M,ika SuGIMcrro2 )A,kio SEINo3 )and Kunio ARAyA4) ')Baikoen 2-7-1-402C,huo-ku,Fukuoka,81O-O035Japan 2)KyushuUniversitMyuseum, Hakozaki,Higashi-kuF,ukuoka,812-8581Japan 3)Sato1557,Agano CityN,iigataPref.9,59-2045Japan 4) Biosystemati cLa$boratory, Graduate School of Socia land Cultura Sltudies K,yushu Universit 7y7,4, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka,819-0395Japan Abstract The holotyp eof Oiketicu s(Cr)tptothe clonesoar)tus fempleton ,the type-species of the genus Batnbalin ais redescribed and illustrat eThde. definition of the genus Bambalina is given and it svalidity is discussed T.he generic assignment of Bambalina sp, of Seino (I975 i)s discusse dand i tis concluded that this species does not belong to the genusBambalina. Key words Bambatina sp., Japan, Oiketicus (Cmptothele caon)sortus, Psychidae ,redescription, type speclmen.Bambalina, Introduction However, according to Seino (197 5th)e species hitherto ThesystematicsandbionomicsoftheJapanesePsychidaerecorded as unicolor or asiatica and known by the Japanese aIoOmforinue kntt techahutiinresi rrwcneooinrskntt laya ecr ,Boe smaaumasomnmnmd batra hiilrznoie uphdngsaha oybsu pciit.hnt wisSfa daosJ sbira egelplusiaostsn n aastonegfdex i cTd lenh.S pogtuitwogs l istfpmaheooenc trdis ouenbaso fnr(ad mti2ih lse 0ylor no13new). nBa(K1asau8mi1emar2,t9bo2iac7t als] niu Mo)nyr aiaaaln csm coPoiseappng .tco icahfnhg gayabnbtg.r eehtTdh leheWloe ,isnsap e geDc cis iWhitteasees on srJgn athleepwi'i satsotswhunoehgeegrrdeeses,re tf C itkoo ao1nnlnn8olameo4wewp8n ,e ht daaoo s bnr hMdyCaIiih nmnHhro.oetn ug Sieeuaebpsin ehdnteooorr,a Hpoonlsyhpuha agndou s Hf,oekekdaiindg oo.n lTehaev el saanrdv ba aeorfk ts ohfi vs asrpieocuise sk ianreds (1982 )and Saigusa and Sugimoto (2013), of trees and shrubs, mosses and lichen son tree trunks, On the other hand Wileman (1911 )recorded Amatissa rotten logs and rocks, and also scale insect sT.he genus consorta(=Bamhatinaconsorta)basedon3malescollectecl Bambalina Moore, 1883 is represented by the type species, in May and June in Ybshino, Yamato (Nar aPref,) H,onshu. Oiketicus (Cryptothe clonesoart)us Templeton, 1847 The three males recorded by Wileman are presumably originally described fi:o mCeylon, B. cij}'ica Bougogne, identica lwith Seino's Bambatina sp,, because no psychid 1984 from South Africa, and the above-mentioned species simiIar to Seino' sBambalina sp. was known from Bambalina sp. from Japan, Kinki Distri c(tNar aPref.). Matsumura (1907 )recorded llachytel uinaicolor Hufu. It is necessary to clarify the generi dcefiniti oofn the genus (Japane snaeme: Minoga) from Japan .Since then i twas Bambalina in order to determin ethe generi cassignment treate das Cbnephora asiatica (Stauding 1e8r87,) (Japanese ofBambalina sp. However, no precis geeneri ccharacters names: Minoga or Hirneminoga )in most of the Japanese of Bambalina have hither tboeen publishe ds,o tha tin this literat u(rMeatsumur a1,931; Kawata, 1932; Inoue, 1954; work the authors studied the holotyp eof the type species Mutuura ,1957; Kawata ,1957; Yano, 1958; Shir6zu, 1959). ofthegenusBambaliua,Oiketicus(Cr:)tptothelea)consortus llachythe luinaicolor (Hufhage l17,55) is now known as TthbemHpolpeetoEnn ,t1o8m4o7l ofgriocma lSrCi oLlalnekcat, iwohincOshx,f ios rpdrUensievrevres diinty (iJ]na tptihanene (.pn;hoZroti,h nuheeripnrhso rup aata s(ariPat tooifcd aEa 1(u,7rS6at 1s a) iau aniddni icnt l ig1us 8ewd8irid7e,n)l ygwHaso kd kidaseitsdrcoirbi ubitenedd tdrehedref sociurnigb ehet hce o u garntedense yir lioclf u Dcshrat rJra .ca Httthoeereg sha onol.f oI ttn hyteph eigo fspe aniptus es trBy ,taphmee h sapauecltihieosnr,sa, aUszabvaerkieitsytofaPnsy,cahneudnnicoowlcoro(n=dsaindepehroreadhairssbuteal)ofrnogmingtothegenusand compare i twith the Japanes eBambalina sp. Canephova, TherefOr eit was believe dthat Canephora asiatica occurs in Japan. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 116 T. SA]GusA et al. c ' fi .t.t/.ltl.//t.1 t,/-.//Ai-・11-,・//l・ ' ..,11/,,..gss s / tt/ tt tl・ ttttttttt.・t/・t.-.・///・.・.・, t/lt.t,・・1/1/-1,1/・ tt・ ・t・t1・ 1t /・t・t1/1it/tIts,I,i・1・, lt t/t 't '1,i '"",1/'・tt //1./111ttltllll.. t tttt G Fig. 1. Holotype of Oiketictt s{Cr)'ptoth ectonseoratt)ts Templeton in the origina] condition. A: Whole insect B./ An antenna without apical flagellomeres. C: Abdomen, macerated and dried .D: Forele gglued on a card, already with some cracks. E: Hind leg glued on a card, femur and some tarsomeres lost .F/ Specimens in the original condition received. G: Legs g]ued on a card. H/ Labels pinned under the moth. i: Labels pjnned under the dried abdomen in a capsule. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Definitio onf psychid genus Bamhalina 117 Genus Bambalina Moore, 1883 close to anterodistal corner of discoid aclell; R3 and R4 B a m ba ls1 pi8en4cai6e,s :Mboy o Ormeoin,kote y1t p8yi,8c3u . sT(hCer Lyepptiodtophteet re caoofan s)Coertyulson lfle /1m 0p3l.e Ttbo,np,e acdreiilssli cnmegoc dfeerrloalmteu ll lyooarnr gc lcocomosmneocn atvoe ;a nstt earlMokdi;is tdaflirsotma c lmoamrringdeidrnle ooff oddfii ssupccpeooriiddaall cell; M2 and M3 arising from short stalk; base of CuAi Diagnosis. The following diagnosi iss based on the type nearer to posterodis tcaorlner than to base of CuA2; CuP species and B, cij}'ica. united with Ai+A2 near middle of latter A;i and A2 united Male. Moderately large oiketicinine genus. Head and at level of basa l113 of dorsum, with 2 to 4 spurs emitting thora xclothed with moderately 1ong hairs and hairy scales. to postenor margln. Head 112 as wide as thorax; ocelli absent; mouth parts Hindwing subtriangular, costa distinct layrched near reduced; antenna with fiagellomer elsong bipectinate. middle; all veins present; discoida clell 2f3 as long as Uppersid eofboth wings covered with broad brown scales wing, asymmetrical, with posterodis tcaorlner produced; usually tridentate distall yn;o distinc tmarkings and stem of M fbrked in discoida clell; Ri arising beyond transparent areas on fbrewing. middle of anterior margin of discoid aclell, independent Forewing triangular, with apex produced ,costa straight for 1/4 to 1/3 length of anterior margin of cell, then and slightly rounded towards apex, termen almost straight, coalescing with Sc; short spur fromjoin tofSc and Ri or All veins present d;iscoid aclell nearly O.6 times as long absent; Rs fre efrom Sc+Ri; Mi arising from middle of as forewing ,almost syrnmetrical, narrow basally ,much dista mlargin of discoid aclell; M2 and M3 almost connate woibdteunseedly dpriosdtuacle lday na,dnd w ipthos atneterrooddiisst atclaor lnceorrner obt pusoei;nt estde omr bofas cealll;l y bora sshe oofrt C sutAalik ende,a raenrd taor ciosrinnegr a tt phoasn tteo rboadsise otfa c lCournAeir . of M forked in discoid aclell; Ri originated at dista l116 Legs rather short, mid and hind tibiae without spurs; no of discoid aclell; R2, stalk of R3 and R4, and Rs arising infOrmation available as to presenc eof epiphysis. tttttttttttttt RsM2M3 sa Fig .2. Wing venation of two psychid species. A: Holotype of Oiketicu s(CDptothele caon)sortus fempleton, reconstructed from both sides of wings; area beyond the chain line were los tin both forewings ,the dotte dline is a probable wing margin. B:L`Bambalina" sp. of Seino. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 118 T. SAIGusA et al. Abdomen. Third to 7th abdominal terga and sterna resembling nearly exactly those of the male described subquadrate, with anterolateral corner extending as laterally [Oiketi ctuerstius ]b,ut rather smaller and more conical. prejecti nsglender sclerotization; 7th abdominal sternum One of them came out on the 22nd of October w,arm moist short, 112 as long as 6th stemum; 8th tergum as long as weather, and I got ,but much iajure dth,e fo11owing species, wide, subtriangular, graduall ytapered posterior l8yt;h which, from it sagreeing so closely with O. (Crl}v)tothetea, sternum lf2 as long as wide, with anterior margin Duncan)Macleayi,Ihavenamed,Oiketicus(C,IMptothelea) emarginate, anterolateral corner of 8th stemum prejecting consortus. (Pl V.. fig .7.)" .Labels of the holotyp eare anterolaterally int oa slender prolongation. shown in Figures II and 1H. Male genital imoare or less flattened r,ing nearly twice as wide as thick ,3." times as long as wide; dorsum with Description. pemneoddeisdatlley ;prrioo xvrrininamcrugalmlum ma rrgo wiuinndd,ley, o ro nfployrr osmdliiugnch gbtelrdy o ,ndaaird rfso itawteitdennecd tt oln obsytaclchuceudnst;ly Mmem;asu lreemnegntt hosf. h Eesatd ianmda tteho dvraalxue co mobfin efdbrew 5i.n2 g lmme;ngt lh e1n3g.t2h rvaoasul nvrdaeidn; gwi, tshl hig ahartmplpuyle lbcaueravre dfiin a vgtethnttrerenaeel sld ty,hr ootnorgwia tzredoestnht ;aa p pelaxhn,,da l alpdiuic asaslst i lpnoacnrtgtly o(gfei nmnaitctee arrralitsnegde g2m. 4ea mbmnmed.mtobmraeannles exc lauldmionsgt exgpaenndeidt);alia 1l2en.g5 tmhm of of phallu sswollen, distinct lpyrojected dorsally ,with Cotovatio annd vestiture (Fig 1.A). Sclerit eons head and cornutus in vesica in B. cifbica. thora xbrown. Head clothed with rather short brown hairs dorsally and anteriorly, longish brown hair sposterio tro Bambalina eonsorta (Ilemple t18o4n7,) antennal sockets. Thoraci cnota densel yclothed with long Oiketicus (Cryptothel ecaon)sortus Ternpleton, 1847, XI. brown hair salmost as long as mesoscutum; no distinct Description osf some species of the lepidoptero ugsenus markings appearing on notal vestiture, Upperside of wings: Oiketicus, from Ceylon. The Transaction sof the Royul Forewing appears uniformly covered with broad brown Entomological Societ yof London, 5: 40, pl. 5. figs 6. & 7. scales; no distin tcrtansparen tareas detecte tdhough scales Bambalina consorta, Moore, 1 883. The Lepidoptera of Ceylon on most part sof wings rubbed off; scales (Fig 3.A) broad, II :103,pL 118, fig .3. male, fig .3a. 1urya clase. usually twice as long as wide (excep ftor stalk of scales), Hg/[C lTotCurlleaemodnpty styp.lo pat1eor e[hn tn[teexs. bla omemsfipaon lc/ toffo noMnsra] oe[ lrlM4teeaag2] l ] a][[LenOd,11 wi09 iakt75 heh15 tit][1hni5A e d1c T1 f lcueo9[oenms s]1Cgop(1retloFureswitti oagn ITn igl.D bfna,nm o btlptEyely,p el te atGshn odoe)nf1, gwbesixlritcehadenpddete unrdat io laansltn t dyweHhai ,iadllmneiaandrrnegwdecii ndebn oatg losut anamriitfl idbpteddrhlar,eeonr,n1styte; a stotc naechl o,ee vssmenmir adeal ddlllomeenorst wai n tpht sapecrara lbitr eo2rsar.ol 5lw 1-euns31l u s2-at clsivlaeiymlrdeeysesd, same sp. asLAmatissa 1 inornata Wlk., / but I believ e1 as long as wide, with dista lmargin usually bidentate, iTZdTeIn/tlil/c '2aw4]ilth[ f[CIlYaLpnEePi :a! Nmoonoc1hr2o3ma2/Oih e1 tHiacmpu(ssConrl )1 vW). tHo.thetsweoimnaegts)imes unifo rtmlryiden tcaotyee roedr ro uwnidtlhy bprroowdnu csceadl .eUsn danedrs hiadie orfs; fbrewing / consortus Templeton f HOPE DEPT. OXFORD]. hinclwin cgovered with similar scales as on upperside; widely covered with scales similar to those on Bambalina consorta ([Ibmpleto 1n8,47) was describe odn middle part of upperside. the basis of a male specimen (holotyp eFi,g. IA) as Oiketicus (Crxptothe clonesoart)us. Although the specimen Structure .Head nearly i12 as wide as thorax, 2.4 times as wcaaossm pfl beitllel,louw s is(ttr Fspairt igee nsdsI etGc o)onrd]ii gttiinohanel rn oitdhse se xctirrse imppelitynionn e ad isan nicdfo imwit pnwlgaseste wOais.dpee1ct5 ; taism elsaontn eagrsi; ocwroimdpeo un tdaesn thoeri aeadyl ew sipd btihltas iclnka co,rvlgaue lda inidnn leg yaepstreo imr ina andslpeoencrtts,;al ewsixctpahalonuetdse odn, a nwt ienangnnsade, mwuict hhfo rdrieubslbteedag l aspn oadfr fth; saiobnfddo mfleoenrge swa, inwdnasg sa b ddbeortmeoankc;ehne,d myAoenutlthlepaonrwntsias.h hOan eirer d usbacnaetdsenanla l tyb o(,r oFsmwianlg lh.a iI ldraB esdb)tiiasa ctlshacelld el0rfyicr,toeeml lb haieebasaerdnit .nagt from thorax, dried after rnaceration and contajned in a pedice land apical flagellomer elsost ,leaving 17 basal caoannpos tualh ece;arrd . caa pnTshu laeen;t sepnen capimaenr wtit sho ofsu etae mfs osr otmeoe lhe aaagvnpdie cb aael he fin mlnuadcglhee lg adrleaom mgalegur eeieddns ffpfllalaaiaggrg eeeolflll lolmlooeommrneeegrrs 1ee cp.olsve4ee,rcnetdgitnl h aoowfitnt higtoh. inys es loa,nnletoenw niapseh c strcoiaulgnhealsyt ainod n2 o.bf8e am1mr7,itnhg when found by [Ibmpleton because he wrote as fo11ows mm befor ethe original descripti oofn this species: "In August Forewing (Fi g2,A) more or les snarrow and produced I found on another pamplemos bush two more cocoons apically; as apical part of both forewing bsroken ,foLlowing NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan Definiti oont' psychid genus Bambatina 119 descripti oofnwing shape and venation based on inferred befor emiddle, 1. 5times as long as inne rmargin; al1 veins shape ofwing: costa slightly shorter than 1. 5times length present ;discoida lcell 213 as long as wing, very of dorsum, apex round]y procluced ,termen almost 11 2as asymmetrical, anterior part 2/3 as long as posteri oprart, long as costa, only slightly arched. All veins present; with anterodistal corncr more or les sobtuse, and discoida clell slightly longe rthan O.6 times as long as posterodis ctearnler produced s;tem of M forked in discoida] wing, narrow on basa ll12 ,then much widened distally, ce]1; Ri arising from dista l213 of anterior margin of nearly symmetrical, with anterodistal corner pointed and discoid aclell, fre efor 114 lengt hof anterior margin of posterodistalcornerebtuse;stemofMweak,butdistincete]l1,y then coalesced with Sc; short spur from joi noft Sc forked; Rg originated at dista l116 of discoidal cell; R2 and R]; Rs free from Sc+Ri; Mi arising from middle of arising slightly proximal to anterodistal corner of cell; dista lmargin of discoidal cell; M2 and M3 arising at stalk of R3 and R4 and Rs connate for very short distance posterodis tcoarnler of cel1; base of CuA] nearer to corner and arising from anterodistal comer; stalk of R3 and R4 than to base of CuAi. cdpnuat1entoooeai/r srtledn2ee teaerdpoesrvlr;r e l ys otwl ciodooudotfi nhmnips cgb. soat aasAtvas setic al aeo;e+mrlalrAan cr eo21hgMrdi12 n i3on s oefoafatf rnt ad d hodlc ifeo oms Mrisrndcde3sed orlivu eieasmdir ,cniat so shlcow;iaefiin lltndMlahg; t a it tcfe lbo er2rcl a; ]blosooa rem s sw A eoe3esifa h k t sooCapfornuu t dra ACs nals utnAt edAea2 rml2so iklutd;ri nt igafiishCtnttiteghulda'eyPlrom Lhcabwaosipaeintp sshagnifradesdoel n . lrtlsOalpoebylmn lageyo]grwy lt s o lumf:floie d osodd vnlatre eoagnme fgntitatrs etaigrclub ae idpria dirdt snbwe(u aares(sFfl afeiFcb oenggri ort.elg3n ea uoB. Ir(kemf,sDoaa dtn;,C hdn , a,)E hsd i p, abi nrfatGrdton es ) aetopeHmbhnrnoeue learwy sy n feesw dpoeivi( rr poeeehmFnlyries isg io,g snsg )l il,a. nuItengeEhdged)s drie dglue is presen ton card, 1st tarsomere presen tand Hindwing(Fig.2A) subtriangular, costa distinct alryched other tursomeres apparently les tafter they were glued. Xtt.-w'kg4".i'',t.t,t'/t-sz・'g"・e";.",iv,'11 . tvetttvt,- /・ll"・ "s ' -e g ))H -/t tbe..t c ・."`r---in-es"t ,..・/if.k..t. Y ,/.t;?t.v,. tttt/$l・f 1va・tgeli' Fig. 3. Holotype ot' Oiketict t(sCmptothel ecaon)sorttts Tbmpleton. A: Scale son middile part of upper surfhce of lef tforewin gB:. Forele gremoved from a card ufter glue was dissolve dwith waten C/ Ventroproxima p]art of fore tibia showing the damaged area of the probabl ebase of epiphysis, D: Abdominal terga and sterria (ter gbaelow, sterna above). E/ Sevent ahnd 8th abdominal terga and sternu(tergaleft,sternaright). NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan l20 T. SA[GLJS Aet al. Tab]e 1.Relativ hofs poditc sof holotyp eof Oiketic' t({Csr.1,ptot heeonlsoerani)s fempleton. femurtibiatarsomere1 tarsemere 2tarsomere 3tarsomere 4 tarsornere 5 F o r e ]e-gMidlegH1iOnO1d0l2e[g80]I0710797 l51417 77 66 45 2726 Legs fairl ythick ,Fore tibia weakly curved yentrally with Malc gcnital i(aFig 4,) considerabLy flattened ,ring 1.8 weak groove-li kleongitudi nlailn epresen tGlued foreleg titnes as wide as thick, 6 times as long as thick ,3.4 times somewhat broadened a,nd unclear whether epiphysis was as long as wide; dorsum (Fig 4.D) 1.7 timcs as long as presen tor not. The relative length sof leg segments as in wide, only s]ightly widened to subapical part w,ith posterior Tlible1.Abdomen marginbluntlyproduced,anddistinctlynotchedmedially; (Fig 3.D, E). Third to 7th abdominal terga and pvirncouxluimma l mwairdgei,n; o nvlaylva sl i(ghFtliy g4 .En)a rwriotwhed amp utlloa bl uspnootn-l leyinked,ed samas1etssum/ eb blrt2r lonaranoainsoagn u n ssglsg uluoabelsqnnau gdra 6e,d aratrs ra gh pe twraresisad,to;eed ,lr7 uontwau nihml wtga;ilhb tathdy t oaam8 ipn ipattoennerrhnatr eloeotdrlje iape rotsogcreturstc amrtmil naenl u raramggcstiio n reoslnrhre oao rll8ernym tl tgia,e ;y hrnx a1gttssfiet o nn2el wadtraitinidtenumee,gm,ersal tbGhaiep)oima rcaeraissil z n lpagoosa n bnratlg t soa oafasflnpl l h,gr taaiaoltnso1gt tu.weh sins dla eensid ;dwg,doh 1t ihtllsweayo ntrc,i upa rnpe1 vi c.ce1atd 6 .lt]r5 o i yuvtmnteidneeetmesdr te,aahlssl; ywapi shda nealtdool wa nlasngr ue sdasa(ursslbFy a wiapipi dg ece4x1,a..El.5 part,distinctlyprojecteddorsallyroundlyswollenlaterally; tIaopnegr easd fwirdothm m idodfle ste rtnuom ,strai ghatnte rpoloastetrealrior mcaorrgnienr, otf1 82atsh vesica situated between lutera lswellings and continued to narrow membranous area on posterior surkice ofdorsal sternumprojeetinganterolateraliyintoslendersclerotization. projection ,no cornutus recognized. t・t・t- .. ,., t/. tt./-t-h ・ts・・ .t 'wi A .,s B F '" 't" t.t r EW G Fig.4 .Holotype of Oiketi(/ (uCst/vptotheiea) consertusTbmpleten,mategenitalia, A/ Whole genitalia d,orsa laspect. B: Ditto, later aalspect, C: Ditto ,vcntral aspect. D: Uneus. dorsa] aspect, E: Pesterior part of genitali ashowing teeth of harpes and circutaramputlaeofva]vae,ventra]aspect. F: Apical part of phaJlus l,ater aalspect. D G: Ditto, dorsat aspect. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan DefinitionofpsychidgenusBambalina 121 Validit yof Bambalina References Hampson ( 1 893) treated Bambalina and Kbphene Moore, Bourgogne, J. 1984. Un Psychidae sud-africain Nouveau: 1878 as synonyms of the genus Amatissa Walker ,1862. Bambalina dyic an. sp. (Lepidopte rNbau)u. Reza Entomol, D1ii(teb srpwlhi en(gn1e9, 6vJe(9n ab)stpitohundeineed c tuapnhrdee at ymp aMel eosoe rrigeees, n o1if 8t t7ah8le, ita e isrpleecli ueisss t nroofated Di e rl(d, eWN.r .,SF a.1m)9 i16l9:i .7e 3 DP-is7ey6c Th,yidpauesa (rtLee nvpon ,O )pvui.esrc uasliaa tZisocohell. l( 1G0a7tt) u1/-n1g0e.n Hampson,G.E,1893ThefaunaofBritishIndiaInciudingCeylon fundamenta ldififerenc ien the wing venation between the and Burma, Moths, Vbl .1, pp. 289-304 .Tbylor and Francis, type species of the two genera, and the male genital iarae London. also similar to each other. Therefbr ei tis highl yprobable Inoue ,H., 1954. Check lis tof the Lepidoptera of Japan Partl: that the two genera are synonymous, The type species of Micropterigidae- Phaloniida ep,p. 19-21 .Rikusuish aT,bkyo. Amatissa, Amatissa inornat aWalker, 1862 is not well (InJapanese) studied, so that i tis uncertain whether this genus is Inoue, H., 1982, Psychidae .In Inoue ,H. (eds )M,oths of Japan synonymous with Bambalina. Sobczyk (2007 ,2008) Xio1 .1, pp.158-162, Kodansha, Tbkyo. (I nJapanese) described some species of Amatissa from the Oriental Kawata,A.,1932.Psychidae.IconographialnsectorurnJaponicorum Region ,and accordmg to his illustrat tihoen wsing venations (edit iporima), pp.1317-1318. Hokuryukan, Tbkyo. (In of his species are somewhat similar to Bambalina. Japanese) Kawata, A., 1957. Psychidae I.n Esalci T,. et at. (eds )Ic,onographia Generic assignment of Bambatina sp. from Japan Insectorurn Japonicorum (edit sieocunda, reformata), pp. 584-585. Hokuryukan, 1[bkyo .(I nJapanese) As alread ymentioned in the Introductio tnh,e Japanese Matsurnura,S.,1907.Konchubunruigaku,p.228.Kciseisha,Tbkyo. psychid species known under Canephora asiatica and the (InJapanese) Japanese name, Minoga, was assigned to the genus Matsumura, S., 193 1 . 6000 illustrat iendsect sof Japan-Ernpire, Bambalina by Seino ( 1 975) .As illustra tbey dSaigus aand pp.1O09-1010. Tbkoshoin, Tbkyo. (I nJapanese) Sugimoto (2013 )v,enation of thi sspecies (Fig ,2B) is Mutuura,A,,1957.Psychidae.IconesHeterocerorumJaponicorum somewhatsimi1artothatofBambalinaconsorta.However, in Coloribu sNaturalibu sp,p. 151-152, pl .27. Hoikusha, the Japanes especies distinct ldyiffe rfsrom B, consorta Osaka. (I nJapanese) in lackin gvein Mi of the hindwing .The presence of this Saigusa ,T. and M, Sugimoto, 2013. Psychidae .In Hirowatar iT,. vcelianss iafpipceaatrison tofo tbhee asnub fiammilpyort aOni tkgeetniecrii ncca heaVr.eacitenr Mi iins eptla l..3{-ed1s3),, T3h-eS1t4a.nd aGradokfkMoetnhs iEnJdaupacnaIItIi,popn .1P3u6-b1l55i,shin gT,bkyo. (In presen tin some genera resembling Bambalina ,such as Japanese) Seino,A.,1971.PsychidaeofNiigataPrefecture(I).}1{gatoNiigata KMgboeponhreeern,ae ,1w 8i t7hA7m ,, ewshdail ,eE wu itmnhgeet v eaiv nenWa taiilso nak,besernt ,s1u ic8hn5 s5 o,m aesM aP hOtaresireeonnmataal S ei n o(,1 41A.e6,-) 17:11992-7.85(2. I. N(noJIta neJps aaopnnae nsPcess)yec)hidae (III })i.tgato Niigat a(62): Hampson, 1893 and Strigtocyrba sSiuagimoto & Saigusa, Shirazu,Z,1959.Psychidae.IconographiainsectorumJapomcorum 2001, and also in the Palaearcti cCZinephorci ,Oiketicoides Colore Natural iEdita VOI. 1 (Lepidopt eppr.a 2)30,-231. Heylaerts, 1881, Acanthopsyche Heylaerts ,1881, Hokuryukan, Tbkyo. (I nJapanese) Nipponopsyche Yazaki ,1926, etc. For this reason, the Sobczyk,T,,2007.Amatissacelluiariasp.nov.,eineneuePsychidae authors consider that Bambatina sp. from Japan does not aus Indonesie n(Lepidopte Prsayc:hidae). Entomol. Z. 117: belong to the genus Bambalina ,and it sgeneric assignment 151-153, should be decide dafter detai1 ewdork on the known Oriental Sobczyk, T., 2008. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der orientalischen genera of the subfamily Oiketicina Uen.til that time this Psychjdae (Lepidopte Ir ,aT)axonemische Korrekture nund species should be treated as "Bambalina" sp, Beschreibung neuer Arten aus Thailand ,Myanmar undi von de Philippine nE,ntomol. Z. 118i 195-296. Templeton. R,, 1847. Descriptions of some species of the Acknowledgments lepidopterous genus Oiketicu sf,rom Ceylon .7}uns .entomol. The authors express their cordial thanks to Dr James E. W i le mSaonc, LAo,nEd.o,n1 951: 13.8N-e4w0a, npdlu.n5r,ecordedspeciesofLepidoptera Hscoeonnsgdoairtnnugs o ft hOoexn ft oylrpoeda n Us tnpoeic viKme.ern Asriat yy ofafo, or Onhieiks oekfti ntidhc euc oas(nustCihdmeorrpastt,ioo nftohr oe uilrnea) Y a no ,H1 e8K9t.-,e 4r109o75c.8e . rfSartoumd iJeas poann . tTbe? abnasg .wenotormoml. mot hSsoc , ofL otnhde oKni n5k9i: examination of the type specimen. We are also indebted distri cPtu.bL entomoi. tab. u,niv. Osaka pref 4: 25-39. (In to Dr Bradle yJ. Sincl air, Canadian Food Inspecti oAgnency Japanese) for his kind correction of an earlier draf tof this paper. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical SSoooiceityety ooff JJaapapnan 122 T.SAIGUSA . et al 摘 要 つ い て,破れてい る左右の 翅を合成した形で翅脈相を明ら ミ ノガ科の Bambalina esの 定義と 日本の Bambalina かにし,また腹部は再度湯煎して背板と腹板の 形状並びに sp.につ い ての ノート (鱗翅目,ミノガ科,オオ ミノ ガ 交尾器を観察し,分類学上で重要な前脚につ い て糊 を溶か ・ ・ ・ して観察した. 亜科)(三枝豊平 杉本美華 清野昭夫 荒谷邦雄) 日本で は松村松年 (1907)以来ミノガまたはヒメミノガ 上記の研究の結果,この ホロ タイプの主要な形態形質を次 (Bruandia niphonica の和名ヒメ ミノガ とは別)の和名の下 の ように明らかにで きた.す一なわち,触角は長い 両櫛歯状, に,雄の翅が全面黒色の中型の ミノガが北海道から九州ま 単眼を欠き,翅はおそらく 様に褐色で.前翅表の鱗粉は で広く分布することとして図説されてきた.この種の学名 幅広く,端縁は通常3個の鋸歯にわかれる.前翅は全ての としては松村 (1907)のPachytetia unicolor (属名は正確に 翅脈を具え,基本的にはクロ ツヤ ミノガと同様で,中室内 はPachytheli)a や以降の多くの 図鑑類などではCanephora でM 脈は分岐し,中室前末端は尖る,後翅は全ての 翅脈を asiatica が用い られて きた.前種は現在はCanephora属とし 具え,Ri脈は中室前縁の 中央より先でRs 脈から分かれて, てより古い種名であるhirsutaが当て られてい るので,問題 短く独立した後にSc脈と癒合し,その部分から1本の短い の種は我が国で は一貫してCanephoraesとして扱われて き 距脈を生じ,中室内で M 脈は分岐し,中室前部は後部より た.著者の 1人清野はこの種の所属に疑問を持ち,ドイツ かなり短く,M2 脈とM3 脈は基部で短い 共通柄を持つ ,脚 のW .Dierlの示唆に基づ いてBambalina属に所属させ,和名 はおそらくKOH 処理段階の内部筋肉の溶融に伴う膨潤に として ミノガの 代わ りにクロ ッヤ ミノガを用い た.この よ よっ て著しく亀裂が人 り,最も重要な前脚の葉状片が生じ 変う遷に本し種,最の近学の名日は本,C産an蛾ep類ho標ra準 as図iati鑑ca 皿かでらもBこamのba名li称naが sp用.にい るい部状分態がで欠あ失っ したて.いしかたたし,め弸に,鬘i葉節状の片緩のや有か無なは曲確が認りでやき,な下 海でノられ道,ガ地,てCh本上いir州でるsu,生.t四aC活a(国n北すe)p海るhがo道.r生一a)・属息方とのキす,和種タる名はクがでロ,日こ本ミミれにノノガガはらCのオと. 幼呼オpu虫キnばgれeはタt草クeてr本iロきi(北食たミ 面在交刻の尾がし弱器あたいはもり縦や,のvaのやlとva扁隆推平起の測条でaでmp長なuきllaどくた,の.dは存o中r扁在脛su平節mかの・及ら円後,び形縁お後, そ中脛ha央ら節rpはくeは葉のや距状や先を片深端欠がいにく存欠は. クロ ッヤ ミノガは基本的には木本食で,この他に樹幹,石 顕著な3本の棘を生 じ,い わゆるvalva penisは発達せず, 塔などに生 じる地衣や蘚類などを食餌としてい る点で も phallusの先端は左右に半円形に膨出するとともに背方にも Canephora esとの関連は認め られない . 強 く張 りだ し,また顕著なcomutus を欠 く. しか し,Bambalina 属その ものがどの ような形質をもつ も 以上のホロ タイプの形質はB一ambalina ttの もう一つ の既知 のかが十分に解明されてい ない ために,Dierlの示唆のよう 種Bambalina aflrica にもほぼ 致し,その ままBambatina es O種にはのx確fでクホorあロ定ロdるツ大タ的ヤ学Oイなi博kミプこeノ物tとi(“ガ館c雄がsが()に言Crこ所をyえpの蔵調tな属o査さtかhにれしeっ真lてたe〕たaにい.co.n含sたoそrtuまBsaこれmbでaる lT著ieかnm者ap否rleらeかtはのoにn英つのタ国唯いイてのプ一 属2のをと属特持としに徴つのて酷)い関と.似考係るこしがえのをて考,る形彼い察こ質がるすとに果.が基るHたaでづとmしp,きいs翅てoるてn脈そB(a相B(れm1.hで8ぞaaf9rtは3れii)canAのはamで ta属こtsはiのとれs1東sタら個a, 洋イ3Kのo属区プpcho種rのeをnnute近のu同s 縁一のタ イプ標本を十分に検討 した結果とは思えない 点がある. この ホロ タイプはセイロ ン (ス リランカ)産の雄で,原記 Kopheneにつ い てはDier1(1969)がタイプ種の タイプ標本を 載の 論文ではあたかも完全な標本の ように図示されてい る 詳しく調査してい る.一方Amatissaの タイプ種の タイプ標 が,この論文では著者が飼育中の 個体の羽化に気づい た段 本の研究は行われてい ない .そのため にBambalina の有効 階でかなり傷んでい たことが記されてい る.実際の展翅標 性につ い ては今後の研究にまつ ところが大きい, 本は翅,特 に前翅の端半部が破れ.鱗粉が著 しく剥げてい る状態である.さらに,後世の研究者による ものとみ られ 上記の Barnbalina 属の タイプ種の研究から,清野およびそ ルる措に収置でめ,ら片れ方,の腹触部角はだおけそがら先くのKO節Hを処失理っがた状な態されでたカプと考セ のこ後とのが著明者ら等かのにBなamっbaたii.n本a s種p.のは所Bα属融にαつ伽いα属てには含,まされらなにい東 えられるものを再び乾燥して別の カプセルに収め られ,前 南アジアのオオミノガ亜科の属の検討が’必‘要であり”,当面 脚に水と後溶脚性がの各糊で1本糊ず付つけ,さこれれてもいKOたH.処一理方を,行標本っ 本た一体Eでの 厚脚紙は はし所て属記録に疑す問るがのあが妥るこ当でとをあ示る.すために,Bambalina sp.と 中脚が2本残されて い るだけであっ た.このような標本に (Received September 6,2013, Accepted October 2,2013) 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic LLiibrbarryary Service