On the Convergence of Massive MIMO Systems Peter J. Smith∗, Callum Neil‡, Mansoor Shafi†, Pawel A. Dmochowski‡ ∗ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand † Telecom New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand ‡ School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand email:{pawel.dmochowski,callum.neil}@ecs.vuw.ac.nz, [email protected], mansoor.shafi@telecom.co.nz Abstract—In thispaperweexamine convergence propertiesof On the down-link (where TDD is assumed) the K terminals massiveMIMOsystemswiththeaimofdeterminingthenumber collectively receive a K 1 vector ofantennasrequiredformassiveMIMOgains.Weconsiderthree × 5 1 characteristics of a channel matrix and study their asymptotic xf =√ρfGTsf +wf, (1) behaviour.Furthermore,wederiveZFSNRand MFSINR fora 20 scenario of unequal receive powers. In our results we include whereρf isthetransmitSNR,[·]T representsmatrixtranspose, the effects of spatial correlation. We show that the rate of s isaM 1precodedvectorofdatasymbols,q ,andw isa n convergence of channel metrics is much slower than that of the Kf 1nois×evectorwithindependentandidenticafllydistribfuted a ZF/MF precoder properties. × (iid) (0,1) entries.The transmitpoweris normalizedsuch J I. INTRODUCTION that ECNs2 =1. The M K channel matrix, G, is 9 {k fk} × 2 Multiple-InputMultiple-Output(MIMO) has been incorpo- 1 ratedintoemergingwirelessbroadbandstandardssuchasLTE. G=HDβ2, (2) ] T Ingeneral,intime-divisionduplexing(TDD)mode,asweadd where H is a M K matrix which accounts for small-scale I more and more antennas to the base station, the performance Rayleigh fading a×nd transmit spatial correlation, and D is β s. in terms of data rate, enhanced reliability, improved energy a diagonal matrix modelling large-scale effects. The diagonal c efficiency and interference increases [1]. Consequently, mas- elements of D are represented by a K 1 vector, β, with [ sive MIMO is an emerging technology, where the number of entries β repreβsenting the link gains. × j 1 antennasisscaled upby1-2ordersofmagnitude[2]–[8] with v the aim of even greater performance benefits [1]. B. Power Model 8 Motivating the surge in research activities into massive We consider cases with equal and unequal link gains. The 2 MIMO are the additionalgainsresulting froma large channel equal power case models a single-user MIMO system where 3 7 matrix, due to the asymptotics of random matrix theory. For oneuserhasK co-locatedantennas.Thisisusedasareference 0 example, the effect of small-scale fading can be averaged out case. While not considered by other authors, the unequal . [3], beacuse random elements tend to become deterministic power case models K distributed UEs where each user has a 1 0 and matrix operations can be computed much easier due to different link gain due to path-loss, shadowing, etc. Since we 5 matrices becoming well conditioned [9]. Consequently as we are considering convergence issues as the system dimension 1 let the number of antennas tend to infinity, system analysis grows large, it is not convenient to generate the link gains : v becomes simplified. using classic log-normal shadowing, path loss models. This i However, as a very large number of antennas may be is because the variation in the link gains will confound the X impractical due to physical constraints, we would like to limiting effects. Also, with random link gains, as the system r a determine the point where MIMO systems begin to exhibit size increases we may obtain an artificially large number of these additonal benefits. This is the focus of the paper. The high gains or small gains. We propose a power model to following are the contributions: counter these two problems. • We study the convergence properties of the channel We select the βj values from the limiting function β(x)= matrix by considering three metrics defined in Sec. III. Aηx, where η is arbitrarily set such that 0 < η < 1, A = • We investigate precoder properties by deriving new an- βmax, and 0 < x < x0, such that x0 = log(βlmogin(/ηβ)max). This alytical expressions for SNR and SINR of ZF and MF allows us to control the range of the link gains in the interval precoders for unequal power gains. [βmin,βmax]=[Aηx0,A] and also to control the rate of decay • We demonstrate the difference in convergence rate of of the link gains by η. Given the parameters βmin,βmax,η and channel properties and that of precoder characteristics 1. the number of users, K, the βj values are given by βj = β(x0(2j 1)) which gives the K values of β ,β ,...,β II. SYSTEMMODEL as2thKe valu−esof β(x) using K valuesof x evenly1 sp2read ovKer A. System Description [0,x ]. 0 We consider a massive MIMO system with M co-located C. Convergence Model antennas at the base station serving K single-antenna users. Manyfeaturesofmassive MIMOsystemsare drivenbythe 1Note:Imperfect CSIisconsidered infuturework convergenceofvariousfunctionsas thesystem size increases. Akeyissueistheconvergenceof 1 GTG∗toI.Thisisexam- whereD∞ isthelimitingvalueofD assumingitexists.The M β β inedinSec.III-AandIII-B.Alsoofinterestistheconvergence diagonal elements of 1 GTG∗ are given by M of ZF and MF precoder properties to their asymptotic limits. (GTG∗) β X Thus, in Section III-C, we examine the convergence of the ii = i (8) SNR and SINR of ZF and MF precoders, respectively. M M In doing so we will consider the following two types of while the off-diagonalcomponents are given by convergence scenarios: (GTG∗) Y ij = β β . (9) 1) K is fixed, M , M i jM →∞ p 2) K =α−1,K , α is fixed. Expanding X and Y in terms of the complex Gaussian M →∞ variables, h , using (5) and (6), it is straightforward to show ij D. Correlation Model that: E(X) = M, E(Y) = 0. Furthermore, Var X = M Var Y = 1 , and thus when M the (cid:8)vari(cid:9)ance inIanfimxeadssivvoeluMmIeM, cOo,rrieflawtieondeapmlooyngmstoraentaenndnameoleremeannttsenwnialsl becom(cid:8)Mes(cid:9)zero. MHence, we have E M1 →(GT∞G∗)ii = βi, E 1 (GTG∗) = 0, Var (GT(cid:8)G∗) = β(cid:9)/M and increase. Hence, as we allow the array sizes to grow, we M ij M ii i alsoallowcorrelationstoincrease.WeconsidertheKronecker Va(cid:8)r (GTG∗) (cid:9) = β β /Mn. Essentiaolly, the speed of M ij i j correlation model, where convnergenceof o1 GTGp∗ is controlled by the convergenceof H=R1t/2Hiid, (3) W= M1 HTH∗Mto I with the βj values scaling the variances of the elements of W. whereH istheM K iidchannelmatrix,HistheM K iid × × correlatedchannelmatrixandR istheM M transmitspatial t × B. Convergence Metrics correlation matrix. The elements of R , r , are based on the t ij exponential correlation matrix model [10] We can further evaluate the convergenceof W by examin- r =ρdij, ρ 1, (4) ing a number of well known propertiesof W and a deviation ij | |≤ matrix E = W I. Letting λ ,λ ,...,λ denote the 1 2 K where dij is the distance between antennas i and j, ρ is the eigenvalues of W,−we consider the following metrics: Mean correlationdecayconstantandrij isthecorrelationcoefficient AbsoluteDeviation(MAD),λratioandDiagonalDominance, between antennas i and j. We will assume the M colocated defined as antennas are in a Uniform Linear Array (ULA) at the base K station. 1 MAD(E)= E , (10) K2 | ij| III. METHODOLOGY i=X1,j=1 λ (W) Inthissectionwefocusonthesecondconvergencescenario, λ ratio= max , (11) λ (W) where both K and M grow large with α=M/K remaining min fixed.2 Diagonal Dominance= Ki=1Wii . (12) K PK W A. Convergence of GTG∗/M i=1 j=1,j6=i| ij| P P These metrics will be evaluated via simulation for a number First, consider the entries of HTH∗. Let H = of system scenarios in Section IV. [h h ...h ], where h is an M 1 column vector with 1 2 K i × entries, h , then it is well known that ij C. SNR/SINR convergence for ZF and MF precoders HTH∗ hTh∗ M h 2 X = i i = r=1| ir| = , (5) (cid:18) M (cid:19) M P M M In this section, we derive limiting expressions for the ZF ii SNR and MF SINR for the unequal power scenarios. We where X is 2 with 2M complex degrees of freedom. X2M include a summary of the equalpower results [9] as these are Similarly neededforthederivations.Asin[9],weconsiderconvergence HTH∗ = hTi h∗j = Mr=1hirh∗jr = Y . (6) scenario 2. (cid:18) M (cid:19) M P M M 1) Zero Forcing Precoding, Equal Link Gains: For a zero ij forcing precoder, the transmitted symbol vector, s is given f Using the known convergenceof 1 HTH∗ to I we have [11] by M 1 GTG∗ = Dβ21HTH∗Dβ12 D∞, (7) sf = √γG∗(GTG∗)−1qf, (13) M M → β where we normalize the average power in s to ρ via f f 2DuetolimitationsofspacealltheanalysisshowninSec.IIIisfortheiid tr((GTG∗)−1) γ = . (14) case,butcanbeeasily modifiedtoinclude theeffects ofcorrelation. K Note that the entries of G are iid in this case. The resulting 4) Matched Filter Precoding, Unequal Powers: Here, the instantaneous received SNR is given by power normalization factor is SNR= ρf . (15) tr(D12HTH∗D21) tr((GTG∗)−1) γ = β β . (27) K The limit of (15) as M,K , with fixed M =α is [9] →∞ K From (25), the instantaneousSINR, for unequalpowers, of SNR ρ (α 1). (16) the ith user can be shown to be f → − ρf β2 hTh∗ 2 2) Zero Forcing Precoding, UnequalLink Gains: General- SINR = Kγ i| i i| . (28) izing the analysis in Section III-C1 to unequal link gains, we i 1+ ρfβi K β hTh∗ 2 Kγ k=1,k6=i k| i k| have the power normalization P Inorderto examinethe asymptoticbehaviourof(28), we first tr((D12HTH∗D12)−1) rewrite the right-hand side to give γ = β β . (17) K ρf(MK)βi2 hTih∗i 2 Hence, as in (15), the instantaneous SNR is given SINRi = Mγ | M | . SNR= 1 ρf 1 . (18) 1+ ρfMγβi (cid:18)PKk=1K,k6=iβk(cid:19)(cid:18)PKkM=1P,k6=Kk=i|1h,kTi6=hi∗kβ|k2βk(cid:19) tr((D2HTH∗D2)−1) (29) β β Considering the denominator of (18), using known properties We note the following properties of the terms in (29). In the hTh∗ of the inverse Wishart matrix, we have numerator, i i 1 as M . Also, we have M → →∞ E (Dβ12HTH∗Dβ)−1 = MD−β1K. (19) γ = tr(Dβ12HTH∗Dβ12) n o − M MK Hence, tr(D ) β lim Entr((Dβ12HTH∗Dβ)−1)o= PMKj=1Kβ1j = α(β1)1, (20) →= Kli→m∞ KkK=1βk =β∞, (30) − − K→∞P K where (1) = 1 K β−1. Assuming that (1) converges to β K j=1 j β assuming that the limit 1 K β β∞ exists. Note that ttrh(e(Dlim1β/i2tH, (Tβ1H)∞∗DPa1βs/2M)−,1K) →→(β1∞)∞th.eTnhiist ccoannvbeergesnhcoewntoththaet iwfitlhleallsimoict,onβv∞er,geexissotsththaKetnPink(=219),kth→eterms K1 PKk=1,k6=iβk limiting mean follows as the variance vanishes [12]. Hence, K we observe that 1 SNR→ ρf((α1)−∞1). (21) K k=X1,k6=iβk →β∞. (31) β Finally, from Sec. III-A and (30), we have 3) MatchedFilter Precoding,EqualPowers: Thetransmit- K ted signal for a MF precoder is given by 1 hTh∗ 2β β∞. (32) MK | i k| k → s = 1 G∗q , (22) k=X1,k6=i f f √γ Combining(30)and(32)with(29)wehavethelimitingSINR with of (28) for M,K , with fixed M = α, for user i given tr(GTG∗) by → ∞ K γ = . (23) K The received signal is thus given by SINR ρfαββ∞i2×1 = ρfαβi2 . (33) xf =√ρfGTG∗ qf +wf, (24) i → 1+ ρβf∞βiβ∞×1 β∞+ρfβiβ∞ √γ IV. RESULTS giving the instantaneous SINR of the ith user as We consider the two convergence scenarios given in Sec. ρf gTg∗ 2 II-C and the convergencemetrics given in Sec. III-C SINR = Kγ| i i| , (25) i 1+ ρf K gTg∗gTg∗ A. Convergence Properties Kγ k=1,k6=i i k k i P Fig.1showstheλratioversusM forconvergencescenario where g is the ith column of G. Under the limit operation, i 1 with K = 10 and K = 50. It can be seen that for both as in [9], we obtain the limit of (25) as M,K , with M =α fixed → ∞ values of K, the λ ratio will only converge to 1 when M is K ρ α excess of 104. Even for values of M as large as 100, the λ SINR f . (26) i → ρ +1 ratio for K = 50 is more than 8 time larger than the λ ratio f 30 9 K=10 K Fixed = 10 K=50 8 K = M/α 25 7 20 e6 nc a λ ratio 15 Domin5 nal 4 o g a 10 Di3 2 5 1 0 0 102 103 104 0 20 40 60 80 100 M M/10 Fig.1. λratiovsM foraniidchannel withK fixed Fig.3. iidChannelDiagonalDominance,bothK fixedand K =α−1 for M M increasing 0.35 α = 10 α = 25 0.3 B. Convergence Properties of ZF and MF precoders 0.25 0.2 22 0.15 20 E) D( ZF SNR Simulated (19) MA 0.1 18 ZF SNR Closed Form Approximation (22) B] MF SINR Simulated (29) d R [16 MF SINR Closed Form Approximation (34) 0.05 SIN R or 14 0 SN 0 200 400 600 800 1000 K 12 Fig.2. MAD(E)vsK foraniidchannel withα=M/K fixed 10 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 for K = 10. However, when we consider Fig. 2 showing the K meanabsolutedeviationofHTH∗/M fromtheidentityI,we Fig.4. ZFSNRandMFSINR,SingleAntennaMU-MIMO,EqualPowers, notethatthisdifferencequicklyapproacheszero.Forexample, K =α−1= 1 M 10 in Fig. 1, for M =500 the λ ratio is about4 for K =50, yet inFig.2, whenK =50,andthecorrespondingM =500,the Figs. 4 and 5 show the convergence properties of the ZF mean absolute deviation is less than 0.05. andMFprecodersforequalandunequalpowers,respectively, InFig.3,weobservethatWbecomesincreasinglydiagonal where we plot the expected value of (15) and (18) for ZF dominant for fixed K as M . This is because W and (25) and (28) for MF, along with their corresponding → ∞ has fixed dimension (K K) and the sum of the diagonal limits. The ZF precoder in both cases of equal and unequal × elementsgrow faster thank the fixed numberof off-diagonals. powers converges to the limit quickly. For example, in Figs. In contrast as both M and K grow large, W becomes less 4 and 5, when K = 10 and M = 100 the expected value diagonally dominant. This follows as the number of off- of the per-user SNR already approaches the asymptotic limit diagonalelementsincreasesasK2andthetotalcontributionof for infinite antennas. The convergence of the MF precoding the off-diagonalsbecomes dominant.It can be shown that the is shown also in Figs. 4 and 5. It can be observed in both diagonal dominance measure grows proportionally to M1/2 figures that the SINR for the MF precoder is not equal to for fixed K and decays proportionally to M−1/2 as both M the SNR of the ZF precoder in the asymptotic limits; the MF and K increase. For reasons of space, details are omitted. precoder SINR is effectively reduced by a factor of ρ +1 f Considering Figs. 1 and 2, we may conclude that the mas- when α is large (looking at (16) and (26)), as compared to siveMIMObehaviourthatresultsinadeterministicHTH∗/M the ZF SNR. This difference is obviousin Figs. 4 and 5 even onlybeginstoshowatsomeverylargevaluesofM -thebase for α = 10. The MF SINR takes a longer time to converge station antenna numbers. because of the additional random variables in the numerator 26 25 iid ZF SNR 24 iid MF SINR ZF SNR Instantaneous ρ = 0.5 ZF SNR 22 20 ρ = 0.5 MF SINR ZF SNR Limit ρ = 0.9 ZF SNR 20 MF SINR Instantaneous ρ = 0.9 MF SINR B] d MF SINR Limit SINR [18 R [dB]15 NR or 16 or SIN S14 NR 10 S 12 10 5 8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 K 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Fig.5. ZFSNRandMFSINR,SingleAntennaMU-MIMO,UnequalPowers, K =α−1= 1 K M 10 Fig. 7. ZF SNR and MF SINR, Single Antenna MU-MIMO, Correlated Channel, UnequalPowers, K =α−1= 1 M 10 and denominatorof (26). The unequalpower case for the MF precoderhasadditionaltermsin(33)whichmanifestitselfina case.TheSNR/SINRsforthelowervalueofcorrelationshould small increase of the per-user SINR as comparedto the equal be similar to the i.i.d. case for the two precoders- and this is powers.TheMFprecoderSINRisalsolessrelativetoZFSNR indeed the case. due to the inter-user interference terms in the denominator of (25); the boost in the SINR in the numerator of (25) due to V. CONCLUSION theco-phasingterms gTg∗ 2 isnotenoughtocompensatefor the inter-user interfer|eniceig|iven by K gTg∗gTg∗. In this paper, we have analyzed the number of antennas k=1,k6=i i k k i required for massive MIMO properties. We have presented P C. Impact of Correlation a method to derive ZF SNR and MF SINR for a scenario of unequal powers amongst the users. We have also derived the limit of these SNRs/SINRs as the number of base station 20 antennas is increased indefinitely. We found that massive iid ZF SNR 18 iid MF SINR MIMOpropertythatreliesonsmallvaluesoftheoff-diagonal ρ = 0.5 ZF SNR elements of HTH∗/M is desired, then a relatively small 16 ρ = 0.5 MF SINR ρ = 0.9 ZF SNR number of base station antennas will achieve convergence. 14 ρ = 0.9 MF SINR On the other hand if the desirable matrix is to reduce the dB]12 spread between maximum and minimum eigenvalues, then R [ N much larger base station antennas are needed. SI10 or Interestingly, the per-user SNR/SINR for both ZF and MF SNR 8 precoersarelesssensitivetoM.Inparticulartheper-userSNR 6 for a ZF precoder convergesquickly even for small values of M even though the SNR expression requiresthe computation 4 oftheinverseofamatrix.ThisleadsustoconcludethatforZF 2 andMFprecoders,wecanusethelimitingvalueofSNR/SINR 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 evenforsmallvaluesofM.Also,acorrelatedchannelreduces K MFSINRbya significantamountascomparedwithZFSNR. Fig. 6. ZF SNR and MF SINR, Single Antenna MU-MIMO, Correlated Channel, EqualPowers, K =α−1= 1 REFERENCES M 10 [1] E. G. Larsson, F. Tufvesson, O. Edfors, and T. L. Marzetta, “Massive Correlation is introduced in (2) by using the Kronecker MIMO for next generation wireless systems,” IEEE Communications Magazine, April2013. model (3). In the simulations two cases of correlation are [2] T.L.Marzetta, “Noncooperative cellular wireless withunlimited num- shown, a high inter-element correlation of ρ = 0.9 and a bersofbasestationantennas,” IEEETransactionsonWirelessCommu- low inter-element correlation of ρ = 0.5. Figs. 6 and 7 nications, vol.9,no.11,pp.3590–3600,November2010. [3] H. Q. Ngo, E. G. Larsson, and T. L. Marzetta, “Energy and spectral show the effect of this correlation for ZF and MF precoders efficiency ofvery large multiuser MIMO systems,” IEEETransactions for the mean SNR and SINR respectively. 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