On the construction of corrected Light-Front Hamiltonian for QED 2 S. A. Paston, E. V. Prokhvatilov, V. A. Franke ∗ † ‡ St.-Peterspurg State University, Russia November 23, 2000 1 0 0 2 n a Abstract J 6 The counterterms, which must be included into Light-Front Hamiltonian of QED2 to 2 get the equivalence with conventional Lorentz-covariant formulation, are found. This is done to all orders of perturbation theory in fermion mass, usingthe bosonization at inter- 2 v mediate steps and comparing Light-Front and Lorentz-covariant perturbation theories for 4 bosonized model. The obtained Light-Front Hamiltonian contains all terms, present in 2 2 the QED2 theory, canonically (naively) quantized on the Light-Front (in the Light-Front 1 gauge) and an unusual counterterm. This counterterm is proportional to linear combina- 1 tion of fermion zero modes (which are multiplied by some operator factors neutralizing 0 0 their charge and fermionic number). The coefficients before these zero mode operators / are UV finite and depend on condensate parameter in the θ-vacuum. These coefficients h t are proportional to fermion mass, when this mass goes to zero. - p e h : v i X r a ∗E-mail: [email protected] †E-mail: [email protected] ‡E-mail: [email protected] 1 1. Introduction Hamiltonian approach to Quantum Field Theory in Light-Front (LF) co- ordinates [1] x = (x0 x3)/√2, x = (x1,x2), with x+ playing the role of ± ⊥ ± time, is one of nonperturbative approaches which can be used in attempts to solve strong coupling problems [2–4]. One quantizes field theory on the hyperplane x+ = 0 and considers the generator P of the shift along the x+ + axis as a Hamiltonian H. The generator of the shift along the axis x , i. e. − the momentum operator P , does not displace the surface x+ = 0, where the − quantization is performed, and is kinematic (according to Dirac terminology) in contrast to dynamical generator P . Operator P does not depend on the + − interaction and is quadratic in field variables. Due to spectral condition it is nonnegative and has zero eigenvalue on the physical vacuum. Positive and negative p parts of Fourier modes of fields play a role of creation and anni- − hilation operators on this vacuum and can be used to form LF Fock space. Therefore the physical vacuum can be trivially described in terms of this ”mathematical” Fock space vacuum. The spectrum of bound states can be found by solving the Schroedinger equation P Ψ = p Ψ (1) + + | i | i in the subspaces with fixed p ,p . The mass m can be found as m2 = − ⊥ 2p p p2 . The procedure of solving this bound state problem can be nonper- + −− ⊥ turbative. This was demonstrated for (1+1)-dimensional field theory models by so called DLCQ method [5–7] (see [3]). LF Hamiltonian formalism faces with specific divergences at p = 0 [2–4, 8], − and needs a regularization. Simplest translationally invariant regularization is the cutoff p ε > 0. This cutoff breaks Lorentz and gauge symmetries. − ≥ Another regularization, retaining gauge invariance, is the cutoff x L − | | ≤ with periodic boundary conditions for fields. In this case the momentum p − is discrete, p = p = (πn/L), n = 0,1,2,..., and zero modes, p = 0, are n − − well separated. Canonical formalism allows in principle to express these zero modes in terms of other, nonzero modes via solving constraints (usually it is a very complicated nonlinear problem) [9–13]. Examples of nonperturbative calculations in (1+1)-dimensional models, using canonical LF formulation, show that the description of vacuum effects can be nonequivalent to that in the conventional formulation in Lorentz co- ordinates [14–16]. Furthermore lowest order perturbative calculations show 2 a difference between corresponding LF and Lorentz-covariant Feynman dia- grams [17, 18]. This can invalidate the conventional renormalization proce- dure for LF perturbation theory. These violations of the equivalence between Lorentz-covariant and canonical LF formulations can be caused by the break- down of Lorentz and other symmetries due to LF regularizations described above. Nevertheless for nongauge theories, like Yukawa model, it is possible to restore the equivalence, at least perturbatively, by adding few simple coun- terterms to canonical LF Hamiltonian [18–21]. For gauge theories we have used the general method of the paper [21], to compare the Feynman diagrams of LF and conventional (covariant) perturbation theories (to all orders) and to construct via this method counterterms for canonical LF Hamiltonian. It appears that the number of such counterterms under simple p ε regu- | −| ≥ larization is infinite [21]. We are able to overcome this difficulty only via a complication of the regularization scheme (using Pauli-Villars type ”ghost” fields) [22]. The theory on the LF with the resulting QCD-Hamiltonian of [22] is perturbatively equivalent in the limit of removing the regularization to the Lorentz-covariant QCD. But this LF Hamiltonian is rather complicated and contains several unknown parameters. Furthermore it does not guarantee that the description of nonperturbative vacuum effects will be correct. One can explicitly analyse these vacuum effects only in two-dimensional gauge models. Inspite of the simplicity of 2-dimensional formulation one may hope to get some indications how to describe the nonperturbative vacuum effects also in four dimensions. In (1+1)-dimensional space-time it is possible to go beyond usual per- turbation theory by transforming gauge field model, like QED , to scalar 2 field model (”massive Sine-Gordon” type model for the QED ) [23–26]. This 2 transformation includes the ”bosonization” procedure, i. e. the transition from fermionic to bosonic variables [16, 27–30]. After such transformation of the Hamiltonian the fermionic mass term plays the role of the interaction term in corresponding scalar field theory. Therefore the perturbation theory in terms of this scalar field (with fermion mass becoming the coupling con- stant) plays the role of conventional chiral perturbation theory. Furthermore nontrivial description of quantum vacuum in QED , related with instantons 2 and the ”θ” vacua [25, 26, 31, 32], is taken into account in this scalar field theory simply by the appearing of the ”θ”–parameter in the interaction term. In the present paper we use this formulation to construct correct LF QED 2 Hamiltonian, applying perturbation theory ( to all orders in coupling, i.e. in 3 fermion mass) in corresponding scalar field theory. After obtaining corrected boson form of LF Hamiltonian we make the transformation to original canon- ical LF form (with fermionic field variables on the LF) plus some new terms (”counterterms”). Due to nonpolynomial character of boson field interaction, in perturba- tion theory one faces ultraviolet (UV) divergencies for some infinite sums of diagrams of a given order [33]. That is why it is difficult to apply straightfor- wardly the method of the paper [21] of the comparison of LF and covariant perturbation theories. In the paper [33] we used Pauli-Villars regularization for scalar field. This allowed to apply the general method of [21] and to find the counterterms that correct the boson LF Hamiltonian [33] (analogous consideration for sine-Gordon model not containing UV-divergences was car- ried out in the paper [34]). These counterterms are proportional to chiral condensate parameter, which depends on the UV cutoff and becomes infinite after removing the regularization (while perturbatively one can see how this infinity cancels the divergencies appearing in LF perturbation theory). The LF Hamiltonian corrected in this way depends explicitly on the UV cutoff parameter. Furthermore we can not return simply to original canonical LF variables (the transformation from boson to fermion variables on the LF be- comes complicated due to the presence of boson Pauli-Villars ghost fields in the chosen regularization scheme). In the present paper we avoid these difficulties using, instead of boson Pauli-Villars UV regularization, simple UV cutoff at intermediate steps. This becomes possible, because we are able to prove UV finiteness of Lorentz- covariant Green functions of the considered scalar field theory (without vac- uum loops) to all orders of perturbation theory in fermion mass parameter. We carry out a detailed comparison of LF and Lorentz-covariant perturba- tion theories to all orders. As a result, we find counterterms to canonical LF Hamiltonian restoring its equivalence with Lorentz-covariant formulation (in terms of boson field). The form of the obtained LF Hamiltonian allows simple transformation to original canonical fermion variables on the LF and the direct comparison with the original canonical LF Hamiltonian. The resulting form of LF Hamiltonian includes a term, which appears under naive canonical LF quantization of QED in LF gauge and a new counterterm 2 proportional to linear combination of fermion zero modes (multiplied by some operator factors neutralizing their charge and fermionic number) with the UV finite coefficients, depending on condensate parameter. These coefficients are 4 proportional to fermion mass, when this mass approaches to zero. One can use this LF Hamiltonian for nonperturbative calculations applying DLCQ method and fitting condensate parameters to known spectrum. However it is more interesting to extract from this study some features that could be true also in the 4-dimensional QCD. This was attempted recently in [35, 36]. In Sect. 2 we review Hamiltonian formulation of QED and the canonical 2 form of the bozonization transformation. In Sect. 3 we prove the UV finiteness of the bosonized Lorentz-covariant perturbation theory to all orders in fermion mass. In Sect. 4-6 we compare LF and Lorentz-covariant perturbation theories in boson form and construct counterterms generating the difference between them. At the beginning of the Sect. 4 a more detailed explication of the content of the Sect. 4-6 is given. In Sect. 7 we rewrite the corrected boson LF Hamiltonian in terms of canonical fermion variables on the LF. 2. Hamiltonian formulation of QED in Lorentz frame 2 and the bosonization transformation Let us start from usual Lagrangian density for QED in Lorentz coordi- 2 nates xµ = (x0,x1): 1 L = F Fµν + Ψ¯(iγmD M)Ψ, (2) µν µ −4 − ψ where F = ∂ A ∂ A , D = ∂ ieA , A (x) are gauge fields, Ψ = − , µν µ ν − ν µ µ µ − µ µ ψ+ Ψ¯ = Ψ+γ0 are fermion fields with mass M, e is the coupling constant, γµ(cid:16) ar(cid:17)e chosen as follows: 0 i 0 i i 0 γ0 = − , γ1 = , γ5 = iγ0γ1 = . (3) i 0 i 0 0 i − From this Lagrangian one gets the following Hamiltonian H: 1 H = dx1 Π2 + r ψ+iD ψ + iM ψ+ψ ψ+ψ , (4) Z 2 1 rX=± (cid:16) r 1 r(cid:17) (cid:16) + − − − +(cid:17) where Π = ∂L = F is the momentum conjugate to A . Besides one gets 1 ∂(∂0A1) 01 1 the constraint equation ∂ Π + e ψ+ψ + ψ+ψ = 0. (5) 1 1 + + − − (cid:16) (cid:17) 5 It is convenient to consider the theory on the interval L x1 L with pe- − ≤ ≤ riodic boundary conditions for fields and to fix the appropriate gauge [10–13]: ∂ A = 0. (6) 1 1 Then all fields can be represented by corresponding Fourier series, and zero, p = 0, mode can be separated from nonzero modes. We denote the zero and 1 nonzero mode parts of a function f(x1) as follows: dx1 f(x1) f + [f(x1)], f f(x1). (7) (0) (0) ≡ ≡ 2L Z Owing to the constraint (5) we get [Π ] = e∂ 1[ψ+ψ + ψ+ψ ], (8) 1 1− + + − − − L Q dx1 ψ+ψ + ψ+ψ = 0. (9) + + ≡ ZL (cid:16) − −(cid:17) − We use eq-n (8) to exclude [Π ] from the Hamiltonian (4). The zero modes 1 A A , Π remain independent and commute at fixed time as follows: 1 1(0) 1(0) ≡ i [A ,Π ] = . (10) 1(0) 1(0) 2L Here and in the following we assume that (∂ 1[f(x1)]) 0. We impose the 1− (0) ≡ condition (9) on physical states after quantization: Q phys = 0. (11) | i Quantum definition of the charge Q and current operators I (x) = ± ψ+(x)ψ (x) includes gauge invariant UV regularization [16, 28] (the ”point ± ± splitting” with the parameter δ) of the following form: riδ riδ I (x;δ) = ψ+(x1 )ψ (x1 + )exp(reA δ), r = . (12) r r − 2 r 2 1 ± Here and in the following we set x0 = 0 and omit this variable for brevity. L Q(δ) = dx1 I (x;δ). (13) r Z r= L X± − 6 This regularization makes the Hamiltonian well defined [28]. Indeed, the term of the Hamiltonian (4), L riδ riδ H (δ) = dx1 r ψ+(x1 )iD ψ (x1 + )exp(reA δ) = Ψ¯DΨ r 1 r 1 Z r= − 2 2 ! L X± − d = Q(δ), (14) dδ can be minimized by filling negative ”energy” levels (according to Dirac pro- cedure). Following the work [28] one can find the minimizing state, starting from the state vector 0 such that D | i ψ (x) 0 = 0, (15) r D | i using Fourier decomposition 1 π ψ (x) = ∞ ψ e ipnx1, p = n (16) r n,r − n √2L L n= X−∞ and introducing a set of states q = q ,q with ”energy” levels filled up to + | i | −i q : ± q+ q = ∞ ψ+ ψ+ 0 , (17) n,+ m, D | i | i n=Y−∞mY=q− − where q , q are integers and + − [ψ+ ,ψ ] = δ δ . (18) n,r m,r′ + nm rr′ One gets [16, 28] L L 1 rLeA dx1I (x,δ) q = + rq + + 1 q + O(δ), (19) r r | i πδ 2 π !!| i Z L − H (δ) q = Ψ¯DΨ | i 2L π π 1 rLeA 2 1 = + rq + + q + O(δ). (20) r −πδ2 − 12L 2L 2 π ! | i r= X± These expressions show that one can define the renormalized (i. e. UV finite in the δ 0 limit) quantities as follows: → 1 I (x) = lim I (x;δ) , (21) r r δ 0 − 2πδ! → 7 L 2L Q = lim Q(δ) = dx1 I (x), (22) r δ 0 − πδ! Z r= → L X± − 2L π H = lim H (δ) + + . (23) Ψ¯DΨ δ 0 Ψ¯DΨ πδ2 12L! → Moreover one can define the operators Q : ± L 1 rLeA Q dx1I (x) 1, Q + Q = Q 1, (24) r r + ≡ − 2 − π − − Z L − Q q = rq q . (25) r r | i | i According to the equation (19) (or (25)) and the paper [28] these operators are integer valued and commute with gauge fields and current operators: [Q ,Π ] = [Q ,A ] = [Q ,I (x)] = 0 (26) r 1(0) r 1 r r′ (let us remark that applying current operators to states q , we can get the | i whole Hilbert space [37]). This definition leads to the commutation relation between Π and Q = L dx1(I I ): 1 5 L + − − − R ie [Q ,Π ] = (27) 5 1(0) π because of eq-n (10). Renormalized currents (21) satisfy commutation rela- tions with anomalous Schwinger term [14–16, 28]: ir [I (x),I (x )] = δ ∂ δ(x1 x1). (28) r r′ ′ x0=0 rr′ 1 ′ 2π − These relations account for the axial vector anomaly in QED . On the other 2 hand they are a base for the bosonization, because their form resembles boson field canonical commutation relations. Indeed one can introduce the following canonically conjugate boson field variables: √π √π Φ(x) = Π e∂ 1[I + I ] = Π (x), (29) − e 1(0) − 1− + − x − e 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) Π(x) = √π(I (x) I (x)), (30) + − − 8 [Φ(x),Φ(x )] = [Π(x),Π(x )] = 0, ′ x0=0 ′ x0=0 [Φ(x),Π(x )] = iδ(x1 x1). (31) ′ x0=0 ′ − Let us construct inverse transformation formula, that expresses initial fermion variables in terms of boson ones. With this aim we introduce [14–16, 28] operators ω , canonically conjugated to the Q (and commuting with other ± ± canonical variables): [ω ,Q ] = iδ . (32) r r′ rr′ According to the equality e iωrQ eiωr = Q + 1, (33) − r r these operators can be represented by their action on the q states: | i eiω+ q ,q = q + 1,q , eiω− q ,q = q ,q 1 . (34) + + + + | −i | −i | −i | − − i The expression for fermion fields can be written in the same way as it is done in string theory [16, 30]: ψr(x) = N0e−iωreriπ2Q−riπxL1Qr : e−i√π[∂1−1[Π]+rΦ]x :, (35) where N is a normalization factor depending on the choice of normal ordering 0 in (35). To fix this normal ordering we take Fourier decompositions of boson fields in the interaction picture form (i. e. in the free field like form with the mass m = e/√π and operators a+,a playing the role of creation and n n annihilation operators): 1 a e ipnx1 + h.c. n − [Φ(x)] = , (36) √4L √E n=0 n X 6 1 [Π(x)] = √E a e ipnx1 h.c. , (37) n n − i√4L − n=0 (cid:18) (cid:19) X 6 [a ,a+] = δ , E m2 + p2. (38) m n mn n n ≡ q Then we take normal ordering with respect to operators a ,a+, and the factor n n N becomes equal to 0 1 π (E p )2 n n N = exp − . (39) 0 √2L −4L p2E nX>0 n n 9 One can check [16] (taking into account UV regularization (12) of the product of fermion fields) that operators (35) satisfy correct canonical anticommuta- tion relations and reproduce the definitions (29),(30). Having the explicit formulas for the bosonization one can rewrite the Hamil- tonian (4) (where the substitution of (8) for the [Π ] is done) in terms of boson 1 variables. One gets on the physical subspace of states which satisfy constraint (11), the following expression [14–16]: L 1 1 m2 H = dx1 : Π2 + (∂ Φ)2 + Φ2 MN cos(ω + √4πΦ) : + 1 1 2 2 2 − Z L − +const, (40) where ω ω ω √4πΦ π/2, N = 1 exp π ( 1 1 ) . This ≡ + − − − (0) − 1 L (cid:18)L n>0 pn − En (cid:19) Hamiltonian coincides with the Hamiltonian of scalar fiPeld theory, where the field Φ(x) is periodic on the interval L x1 L and the operator ω, − ≤ ≤ commuting with all boson field variables, can be replaced by it’s eigenvalue, playing the role of the ”θ” – parameter. The relation between ω and the θ-parameter can be explained by noticing that the remaining (after fixing the gauge ∂ A = 0) discrete gauge group 1 1 πl Ψ Ψ , A A + (41) n n+l 1 1 −Ω→ −Ω→ eL l l is realized by the operators Ω = exp(ilω), and that these gauge operators l are responsible for the change of topological charge and connected with the definition of the θ-vacuum [26, 32]. The operators a , determined by eq-ns n (36),(37), annihilate free boson field vacuum 0 : | i a 0 = 0. (42) n | i This vacuum state can be described also in terms of states (17) [16, 28]. In the limit mL one gets [16] → ∞ meC lim N = , (43) 1 mL 2π →∞ where C = 0.577216... is the Euler constant, and the Hamiltonian (40) takes the form corresponding to Lorentz-invariant theory of scalar field Φ: 1 1 m2 MmeC H = dx1 : Π2 + (∂ Φ)2 + Φ2 cos(θ + √4πΦ) : . (44) 1 2 2 2 − 2π Z This scalar field theory is considered in the sections 3-6. 10