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198 Pages·1972·3.873 MB·Foundations of Language 15
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ON THE COMPOSITIONAL NATURE OF THE ASPECTS FOUNDATIONS OF LANGUAGE SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES Editors MORRIS HALLE, MIT P. HARTMANN, Konstanz K. KUNJUNNI RAJA, Madras BENSON MA TES, Univ. of California J. F. ST AAL, Univ. of California PIETER A. VERBURG, Groningen JOHN W. M. VERHAAR (Secretary), Djakarta VOLUME 15 ON THE COMPOSITIONAL NATURE OF THE ASPECTS by H. J. VERK UYL SPRINGER-SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 77-188006 ISBN 978-90-481-8338-8 ISBN 978-94-017-2478-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-2478-4 All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1972 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland in 1972 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1972 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher PREFACE This book is a thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts of the University of Utrecht. It was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Dr. H. Schultink. I would like to express my gratitude to him for his criticisms of earlier versions which led to many improvements, in particular with respect to the exposition of the argument. To my co-referent Dirk van Dalen, reader in the Department of Philo sophy (,Centrale Interfaculteit') of the University of Utrecht, I am greatly indebted for his valuable and fruitful suggestions about problems relevant to both linguistics and logic. Several ideas developed in this study owe their present concrete form to our many discussions. This thesis originates in syntactic research into the Aspects carried out in 1967 under the supervision of Albert Kraak, professor at the University of Nijmegen, who ever since gave much attention to my work in progress. I am very grateful to him for his careful and stimulating criticism as well as for the continuous support he gave me during these years. The present study closely relates to the work of my colleague Wim Klooster with regard to both its theoretical framework and its subject matter. Our joint work on the measurement of duration in Dutch is an integral part of the argument. I have greatly profited from the numerous discussions we have had. I am further obliged to my colleague Jan Luif and to Pieter Seuren of Magdalen College Oxford, for their criticisms of earlier drafts and their valuable suggestions, and to all others who have helped me in writing this book. Finally I want to thank Phil Hyams of the University of Amsterdam, who unweariedly corrected my English, and Peter Nieuwenhuijsen for assisting in compiling the index and the bibliography. The names mentioned here do not absolve me from the responsibility for errors that remain. Amsterdam, July 1971 H. J. VERKUYL CONTENTS PREFACE V ABSTRACT OF THE ARGUMENT IX I. ASPECTS AS SEMANTIC PRIMITIVES 1.0. Introduction 1 1.1. Introductory Observations on Aspects 2 1.2. Aspects in Aspects 9 1.2.1. Subcategorization of Lexical Categories in Aspects 11 1.2.2. Some Objections 16 1.3. Aspects in Gruber's Base Component 29 1.3.1. Polycategorial Lexical Attachment to Semantic Trees 29 1.3.2. Inherent Subcategorization of Verbs 35 II. ASPECTS AS COMPOUND CATEGORIES 2.0. Introduction 40 2.1. Verbs and Directional Phrases 41 2.2. Strictly Transitive vs. Intransitive Verbs 46 2.3. Pseudo-Intransitive Verbs and Direct-Object Noun Phrases 49 2.4. Pseudo-Intransitive Verbs and Prepositional Phrases 53 2.4.1. PERFORM-Verbs and Abstract Nouns 54 2.4.2. TAKE-Verbs and Concrete Nouns 73 2.4.3. Verbs Occurring with the Accusativus Effectivus 85 2.5. Conclusion 96 III. THE UPPER BOUND OF THE ASPECTS 3.0. Introduction 98 3.1. The Role of the Subject and the Indirect Object in the Composition of the Aspects 100 3.2. The Location of Durational Adverbials and the Upper Bound of the Aspects 109 3.3. A Criterion for Verb Phrase Constituency? 118 3.3.1. Doen dat (do so)-replacement 119 3.3.2. On the Underlying Category DO 123 3.3.3. Concerning the Condition of Strict Identity on Co- referentiality 134 VIII ON THE COMPOSITIONAL NATURE OF THE ASPECTS 3.3.4. The Underlying Structure of Action Sentences 142 3.3.5. Conclusion 155 3.4. Event-Units and Minimal Events 156 3.4.1. On the Logical Structure of Action Sentences 156 3.4.2. The 'All and Only'-Claim by Lakoff and Ross 162 3.4.3. Minimal Scope of Reference 165 3.4.4. Minimal Events and the Upper Bound of the Aspects 174 3.5. Conclusion 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 INDEX 182 ABSTRACT OF THE ARGUMENT This study aims to make for a better understanding of the term 'Aspects' in linguistic theory. Its most current application is found in studies on Slavonic languages. In the abundant literature on the contrast between the Durative (or Imperfective) Aspect and the Nondurative (or Perfective) Aspect, their occurrence has been taken to be restricted to Slavonic and some other languages, generally speaking to languages whose Verbal systems are morphologically characterized with regard to this opposition. The central hypothesis of transformational-generative theory that a dis tinction should be made between the deep structure and the surface structure of a language, entails the possibility for morphological systematicity to be nothing more than a manifestation of a general or even universal re gularity expressed, for example, in the syntactic component of grammers of other languages. It will be shown in this study that the opposition between the two Aspects is present in Dutch, and as can be seen from the translated material, also in English, and that it should be described as the expression of regularities of a primarily syntactic-semantic nature. In Chapter One I shall discuss the plausibility of the view that in non Slavonic languages generalizations can be made pertaining to phenomena which in Slavonic grammars are generally accounted for in terms of the con trast between the Durative and Nondurative Aspects. As this opposition should be related to the possibility for Durational Adverbials to occur in some sentences and to their exclusion from others, it follows that we cannot consider the Aspects free from selectional relations between these Ad verbials and the constituents to which the term 'Aspects' applies. In Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965) we meet the claim that Durational Adverbials relate selectionally to Verbs, an opinion which in fact links up with the traditional assumption mentioned above that the Aspects should be assigned to Verbs. Even if we take into consideration recent modifications made by Chomsky in Remarks on Nominalization (1968a) many inadequacies inherent to the model proposed in Aspects make it rather senseless to pursue other ways of remedying its inherent limitations, notably with respect to the status of Prepositional Phrases, to the organiza tion and the function of the lexicon and to the specification of Verbs and Nouns. Gruber's abandonment of the principle of monocategorial lexical at- X ON THE COMPOSITIONAL NATURE OF THE ASPECTS tachment which states that for every lexical item there is just one categorial node in deep structure to which it can be attached, as well as his basic as sumption that no essential difference should be made between syntax and semantics at the level of deep structural representation, should be seen as a basic contribution to what in the work of Lakoff, Ross, McCawley, Postal and others has been developed as an alternative to Chomsky's original and modified conception of transformational-generative theory. Since Gruber's work is relatively explicit as to the application of the principle of polycategorial lexical attachment, which allows lexical items to be attached to more than one category of the base, and since in his gram mar Verbs can inherently be specified in terms of semantic primitives, his framework opens up perspectives for an adequate account of the Aspects in grammar. A brief survey of Gruber's basic assumptions applied to the main theme of this study will follow the refutation of the Aspects-model and its extrapolations. In Chapter 2 the compositional nature of the Aspects will be demonstrat ed with the help of a number of outwardly diverse sentences, all of which allow for the same generalization regarding the position of Durational Adverbials. The Durative and the Nondurative Aspects in these sentences appear to be composed of a Verbal subcategory on the one hand and a con figuration of categories of a nominal nature on the other. Accordingly they can be represented by schemata. Sentences like *H ij speelde een uur lang het cel/oconcert van Schumann (lit: He played Schumann's cello concerto for an hour), *Greetje wandelde urenlang een kilometer (lit: Greetje walked a kilometre for hours), *D e muis at een weeklang de kaas (lit: The mouse ate the cheese for a week), *H ij hoorde urenlang dat De Gaulle was over/eden (lit: He heard for hours that De Gaulle had died), *D e chirurg genas een maandlang een hartp atient (lit: Rhe surgeon cured a heart patient for a month), can all be analyzed on the basis of the following Nondurative scheme: v[VERB]v+NP[SPECIFIED QUANTITY OF X]NP. The asterisk is used to indicate that these sentences are ungrammatical in their single-event reading; they can, however, be interpreted as expressing frequency, though somewhat unnaturally. The category VERB represents one of the categories MOVEMENT, PERFORM, TAKE, ADD TO, TRANSITION, DO, etc., whereas the categories SPECIFIED QUANTITY OF X pertain to the countability, finiteness, or delimitation ofX. Thus a cello concerto when performed should be conceived of as a finite piece of musical information, a kilometre when covered as a limited quantity of distance measuring units, a slice of bread when eaten as a specified portion of bread, and so on. Sentences like Hij speelde een uurlang cellomuziek (He played cello music ABSTRACT OF THE ARGUMENT IX for an hour), Greetje wandelde urenlang (Greetje walked for hours), De muis at een week lang van de kaas (The mouse ate from the cheese for a week), De muis at een weeklang kaas (The mouse ate cheese for a week), De chirurg genas een maandlang hartpatfenten (For a month the surgeon cured heart patients) and Hij hoorde urenlang praten over De Gaulle's dood (He heard people talking about De Gaulle's death for hours) all fit into the Durative scheme v[VERB]v+NP[UNSPECIFIED QUANTITY OF X]NP. Eating from the cheese is to take (separate) an unspecified quantity of cheese from a (speci fied) quantity of cheese; music can be played for a virtually infinite time, and given the eternal life of Greetje she can walk infinitely. The surgeon restricted himself for a month to curing only members of the set of heart patients. In all these cases the termination of the events is dependent on the length of the stretch of time given in the Durational Adverbials. In Chapter 3 it will be shown that the Indirect Object, as well as the Subject of the sentence, is also involved in the composition of the Aspects. Thus, in the latter case there is an opposition between sentences like *E r stroomt urenlang een liler water uit de rots (lit: There is streaming a litre of water out of that rock for hours) and a sentence like Er stroomt urenlang water uit de rots (Water is streaming out of that rock for hours), which can be ex plained in terms of the schemata above. That is to say, the term 'Aspects' applies to configurations of categories of the following form NP[(UN)SPE CIFIED QUANTITY OF X]Np+vp[v[VERB]v (+NP[(UN)SPECIFIED QUANTITY OF X]NP)]VP. This very fact invites the question of where the upper bound of the Aspects should be located. Since there are selectional restrictions between the categories fitting into the Nondurative scheme and Durational Adverbials, it can safely be assumed that those con stituents which are located "higher" than Durational Adverbials are not involved in the composition of the Aspects. Therefore attention will be given to the status of Durational Adverbials in underlying structure. In Klooster and Verkuyl (1971) it is argued that sentences containing the Verb duren (last) and those containing Durational Adverbials having an Indefinite Determiner are transformationally derived from one underlying source. Both duren plus its Specifying Complement and the Durational Ad verbial can be considered the Verb Phrase of a sentential structure whose Subject is an embedded S referring to events. In other words, these Durational Adverbials can be taken as predications over events. The rule transforming the underlying Predicate into a Durational Adverbial is called Adverbialization. The Nondurative scheme can be used as a constraint on this transforma tional rule. This constraint states that if the sentential Subject of a sentence is specified as referring to one single event and if this Subject S dominates

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