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Preview On the Center of Two-parameter Quantum Groups $U_{r,s}(\mathfrak{so}_{2n+1})$

4 1 Onthe Center ofTwo-parameter Quantum Groups U (so ) 0 r,s 2n+1 2 NaihongHu⋆ andYuxingShi n a J 4 ABSTRACT. The paper mainly considers the center of two-parameter quantum groups Ur,s(so2n+1)viaananalogueoftheHarish-Chandrahomomorphism. Inthecasewhen ] nisodd,theHarish-Chandrahomomorphismisnotinjectiveingeneral. Whenniseven, A theHarish-Chandrahomomorphismisinjectiveandthecenteroftwo-parameterquantum Q groupsUr,s(so2n+1)isdescribed,uptoisomorphism. . h t a m [ 1. Introduction 1 v Fromdown-upalgebrasapproach([BW1]),Benkart-Witherspoon([BW2])recovered 1 Takeuchi’s definition of two-parameter quantum groups of type A. Since then, a sys- 1 8 tematicstudyofthetwo-parameterquantumgroupshasbeengoingon,see, forinstance, 0 ([BW2],[BW3])fortypeA;([BGH1],[BGH2])fortypesB,C,D;[HS],[BH]fortypes . 1 G ,E ,E ,E . Foraunifieddefinition,see([HP1],[HP2]). Inthispaperwedetermine 2 6 7 8 0 thecenterofthetwo-parameterquantumgroupsoftypeB whenniseven. 4 n 1 Much work has been done on the center of quantum groups for finite-dimensional : v simple Lie algebras ([B], [D], [JL], [R], [RTF], [T]), and also for (generalized) Kac- i X Moody (super)algebras ([E], [Hong], [KT]), and for two-parameter quantum group of r typeA[BKL]. Theapproachtakeninmanyofthesepapers(andadoptedhereaswell)is a todefineabilinearformonthequantumgroupwhichisinvariantundertheadjointaction. ThisquantumversionoftheKillingformisoftenreferredtointheone-parametersetting as the Rosso form (see [R]). The next step involves constructing an analogue ξ of the Harish-Chandramap. Itis straightforwardto show thatthe mapξ is an injectivealgebra homomorphism. The main difficulty lies in determining the image of ξ and in finding enoughcentralelementsto provethatthe map ξ is surjective. In the two-parametercase fortypeA [BKL],anewphenomenonarises:thenoddandevencasesbehavedifferently. n 1991MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary17B37,81R50;Secondary17B35. Keywordsandphrases. two-parameterquantumgroup,Harish-Chandrahomomorphism,Rossoform. ⋆N.H.,Correspondingauthor,supportedinpartbytheNNSF(Grant:11271131),theNational&Shanghai LeadingAcademicDisciplineProjects(ProjectNumber:B407). 1 2 HUANDSHI Additionalcentralelementsarisewhenniseven. AsfortypeB ,wewillshowthatξ is n aninjectivemaponlywhenniseven. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.Insection2,thedefinitionoftwo-parameterquan- tumgroupU (so )andsomerelatedpropertiesaregiven.Insection3,weintroducea r,s 2n+1 Harish-Chandrahomomorphismξ,andprovethatξ isinjectivewhenniseven. Insection 4,wedeterminethecenteroftwo-parameterquantumgroupsU (so )inthesenseof r,s 2n+1 isomorphismswhenniseven. 2. U (so )andrelatedproperties r,s 2n+1 2.1. DefinitionofU (so ). Thedefinitionoftwo-parametersquantumgroupsof r,s 2n+1 typeBwasgivenin [BGH1].HereK=Q(r,s)isasubfieldofCwithr,s∈C,r2+s2 6= 1,r 6= s. Φistherootsystemofso withΠabaseofsimpleroots,whichisa finite 2n+1 subsetofaEuclideanspaceE = Rn withaninnerproduct(,). Letε ,··· ,ε denotea 1 n normalorthogonalbasis of E, then Π = {α = ε −ε ,1 ≤ i ≤ n−1,α = ε }, i i i+1 n n Φ={±εi±εj, 1≤i<j ≤n; ±εj, 1≤j ≤n}. Denoteri =r(αi,αi), si =s(αi,αi). DEFINITION 2.1. LetU =Ur,s(so2n+1)betheassociativealgebraoverKgenerated bye , f , ω±1, ω′±1(i=1,··· ,n),subjecttorelations(B1)—(B7): i i i i (B1) ω±1,ω′±1 all commute with one another and ω ω−1 = 1 = ω′ω′−1 for 1 ≤ i j i i j j i,j ≤n. (B2) For1≤i≤n,1≤j <n,therearethefollowingidentities: ω e ω−1 =r(εj,αi)s(εj+1,αi)e , ω f ω−1 =r−(εj,αi)s−(εj+1,αi)f , j i j j j i j i j j j i ω e ω−1 =r2(εn,αj)e , ω f ω−1 =r−2(εn,αj)f , n j n n j n j n n j ωnenωn−1 =rn(εn,αn)sn−(εn,αn)en, ωnfnωn−1 =rn−(εn,αn)s(nεn,αn)fn. (B3) For1≤i≤n,1≤j <n,therearethefollowingidentities: ω′e ω′−1 =s(εj,αi)r(εj+1,αi)e , ω′f ω′−1 =s−(εj,αi)r−(εj+1,αi)f , j i j j j i j i j j j i ωn′ejωn′−1 =s2n(εn,αj)ej, ωn′fjωn′−1 =s−n2(εn,αj)fj, ωn′enωn′−1 =s(nεn,αn)rn−(εn,αn)en, ωn′fnωn′−1 =sn−(εn,αn)rn(εn,αn)fn. (B4) For1≤i,j ≤n,therearethefollowingidentities: ω −ω′ [e ,f ]=δ i i. i j ij r −s i i (B5) For|i−j|>1,thereare(r,s)-Serrerelations: [e ,e ]=[f ,f ]=0. i j i j (B6) For1≤i<n,1≤j <n−1,thereare(r,s)-Serrerelations: e2e −(r +s )e e e +(r s )e e2 =0, i i+1 i i i i+1 i i i i+1 i e2 e −(r−1 +s−1 )e e e +(r−1 s−1 )e e2 =0, j+1 j j+1 j+1 j+1 j j+1 j+1 j+1 j j+1 e3e −(r−2+r−1s−1+s−2)e2e e n n−1 n n n n n n−1 n =−(r−1s−1)(r−2+r−1s−1+s−2)e e e2 +(r−3s−3)e e3. n n n n n n n n−1 n n n n−1 n ONTHECENTEROFTWO-PARAMETERQUANTUMGROUPSUr,s(so2n+1) 3 (B7) For1≤i<n,1≤j <n−1,thereare(r,s)-Serrerelations: f f2−(r +s )f f f +(r s )f2f =0, i+1 i i i i i+1 i i i i i+1 f f2 −(r−1 +s−1 )f f f +(r−1 s−1 )f2 f =0, j j+1 j+1 j+1 j+1 j j+1 j+1 j+1 j+1 j f f3−(r−2+r−1s−1+s−2)f f f2 n−1 n n n n n n n−1 n =−(r−1s−1)(r−2+r−1s−1+s−2)f2f f +(r−3s−3)f3f . n n n n n n n n−1 n n n n n−1 TheHopfalgebrastructureonU (so )withthecomultiplication,thecounitand r,s 2n+1 theantipodeasfollows ∆(ω±1)=ω±1⊗ω±1, ∆(ω′±1)=ω′±1⊗ω′±1, i i i i i i ∆(e )=e ⊗1+ω ⊗e , ∆(f )=1⊗f +f ⊗ω′, i i i i i i i i ε(ω±1)=ε(ω′±1)=1, ε(e )=ε(f )=0, i i i i S(ω±1)=ω∓1, S(ω′±1)=ω′∓1, i i i i S(e )=−ω−1e , S(f )=−f ω′−1. i i i i i i LetΛ = n Z̟ bethe weightlattice ofso , where̟ are thefundamental i=1 i 2n+1 i weights. LetΛ+ ={λ∈Λ|(α ,λ)≥0, 1≤i≤n}denotethesetofdominantweights L i forso .Q= n Zα denotetherootlatticeandsetQ+ = n Z α . 2n+1 i=1 i i=1 ≥0 i U hasatrianLgulardecompositionU ∼= U−⊗U0⊗U+,whLereU0 isthesubalgebra generatedby ω±, ω′±, and U+ (resp. U−) is the subalgebrageneratedby e (resp. f ). i i i i LetB(resp.B′)denotetheHopfsubalgebraofU generatedbye ,ω±(resp.f ,ω′±)with j j j j 1≤j ≤n. PROPOSITION 2.1. [BGH1] Thereexistsauniqueskew-dualpairingh, i:B′×B → KoftheHopfsubalgebrasBandB′suchthat 1 hf ,e i=δ , 1≤i,j ≤n, i j ij s −r i i hω′,ω i=r2(εj,αi)s2(εj+1,αi), 1≤i≤n,1≤j <n, i j hωi′,ωni=r2(εn,αi), 1≤i<n, hω′±1,ω−1i=hω′±1,ω i−1 =hω′,ω i∓1, 1≤i,j ≤n, i j i j i j hω′,ω i=rs−1. n n and all other pairs of generators are 0. Moreover, we have hS(a),S(b)i = ha,bi for a∈B′,b∈B. COROLLARY 2.2. [BGH1] Forς = ni=1ςiαi ∈Q,thedefiningrelations(B3)of U (so )canbewrittenas r,s 2n+1 P ω e ω−1 =hω′,ω ie , ω f ω−1 =hω′,ω i−1f , ς i ς i ς i ς i ς i ς i ω′e ω′−1 =hω′,ω i−1e , ω′f ω′−1 =hω′,ω if . ς i ς ς i i ς i ς ς i i Correspondingto anyλ ∈ Q is an algebra homomorphism̺λ : U → K givenby 0 ̺λ(ω ) = hω′, ω i,̺λ(ω′)= hω′, ω i−1. Associatedwithanyalgebrahomomorphism j λ j j j λ 4 HUANDSHI ψ :U →KistheVermamoduleM(ψ)withhighestweightψanditsuniqueirreducible 0 quotientL(ψ). Whenthehighestweightisgivenbythehomomorphism̺λ forλ∈Λ,we simplywriteM(λ)andL(λ)insteadofM(̺λ)andL(̺λ).TheyallbelongtocategoryO, formoredetails,pleasereferto[BGH2]. LEMMA 2.3. [BGH2] LetυλbeahighestweightvectorofM(λ)forλ∈Λ+. Then theirreduciblemoduleL(λ)isgivenby n L(λ)=L′(λ)=M(λ) Uf(λ,α∨i)+1υ . i λ (cid:30)(cid:16)Xi=1 (cid:17) LetW betheWeylgroupoftherootsystemΦ,andσ ∈W thereflectionassociated i to α for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Thus, σ (λ) = λ−(λ,α )α , λ ∈ Λ. By [BGH2], L(λ) i i i i is a finite-dimensional U-module on which U acts semi-simply. L(λ) = L(λ) , 0 µ µ≤λ where ̺µ : U → K is an algebra homomorphism,and L(λ) = {x ∈ L(λ)L| ω .x = 0 µ i ̺µ(ω )x, ω′.x=̺µ(ω′)x, 1≤i≤n}. i i i LEMMA 2.4. [BGH2](a)Theelementsei,fi(1≤ i≤n)actlocallynilpotentlyon U (so )-moduleL′(λ). r,s 2n+1 (b) Assume that rs−1 is not a root of unity, V = V ∈ Ob(O) is a j∈Z+ λ−jα Ur,s(sl2)-moduleforsomeλ∈Λ. Ife,f actlocallynilpoteLntlyonV,thendimKV <∞, andtheweightsofV arepreservedunderthesimplereflectiontakingαto−α. THEOREM 2.5. Ifλ∈Λ+,then dimL(λ)µ =dimL(λ)σ(µ), ∀µ∈Λ, σ ∈W. Proof. L(λ) = L′(λ), U a subalgebra generated by e ,f ,ω ,ω′, µ is a weight of i i i i i L′(λ),L′(µ)=U L′(λ) = L′(µ) ,whereλ′ ≤λ. By[BGH2]Lemma2.15, i i µ j∈Z+ i λ′−jαi simplereflectionσ preserveswPeightsofL′(µ),σ (µ)isweightofbothL′(µ)andL′(λ). i i i i SincedimL′(λ) ≥ dimL′(λ) ≥ dimL′(λ) , dimL′(λ) = dimL′(λ) . µ σi(µ) µ µ σi(µ) SodimL′(λ) =dimL′(λ) . (cid:3) µ σ(µ) DEFINITION 2.2. [BGH1]Bilinearformh, iU :U ×U →Kdefinedby hF ω′ω E ,F ω′ω E i =hω′,ω ihω′,ω ihF ,E ihS2(F ),E i. a µ υ β θ σ δ γ U σ υ µ δ θ β a γ ThisformisalsocalledtheRossoformofthetwo-parameterquantumgroupU (g). r,s THEOREM 2.6. [BGH1] TheRossoformonUr,s(g)×Ur,s(g)h, iU isadl-invariant, thatis,had(a)b,ci =hb,ad(S(a))ci fora,b,c∈U (g). l U l U r,s ByTheorem2.14([BGH1]), ha,bi =0, a∈U−σ(n−), b∈Uδ (n), σ,δ ∈Q+, σ 6=δ. U r,s r,s THEOREM 2.7 ([BGH1]). For β ∈ Q+, the skew pairing h , i on B′−β ×Bβ is nondegenerate. ONTHECENTEROFTWO-PARAMETERQUANTUMGROUPSUr,s(so2n+1) 5 LEMMA 2.8. Ifµ,µ1,ν,ν1 ∈Q+,then hU−ν(n−)U Uµ(n+),U−ν1(n−)U Uµ1(n+)i =0⇐⇒µ=ν ,ν =µ . 0 0 U 1 1 Defineagrouphomomorphismχ :Q×Q→K×asfollows η,φ χ (η ,φ )=hω′,ω ihω′ ,ω i, η,φ 1 1 η φ1 η1 φ where(η,φ)∈Q×Q,(η ,φ )∈Q×Q,K× =K\{0}. 1 1 LEMMA 2.9. Suppose rksl = 1 if and only if k = l = 0. If χη,φ = χη′,φ′, then (η,φ)=(η′,φ′). n Proof: Letζ = ζ α . Bydefinition, i i i=1 P ′ r2(εi,ζ)s2(εi+1,ζ), i<n, hω ,ω i= ζ i ( r2(εn,ζ)(rs)−ζi, i=n. hω′,ω i−1 = r2(εi+1,ζ)s2(εi,ζ), i<n, i ζ ( s2(εn,ζ)(rs)−ζi, i=n. Itiseasytoseethattheconclusionisobviousforcasei<n. Forcasei=n, χη,φ(0,αi)=hωη′,ωii=r2(εi,η)s2(εi+1,η) ′ ′ = χη′,φ′(0,αi)=r2(εi,η )s2(εi+1,η ). ′ ′ Bycomparingtheexponentofr,s,wegetthat(ε ,η−η ) = 0, (ε ,η−η ) = 0. So, i i+1 ′ η =η ,and χ (α ,0)=hω′,ω i=r−2(εi+1,φ)s−2(εi,φ) η,φ i i φ ′ ′ = χη′,φ′(αi,0)=r−2(εi+1,φ )s−2(εi,φ ). ′ ′ By comparingthe exponentofr, s, we have (ε ,φ−φ ) = 0, (ε ,φ−φ ) = 0, i.e., i i+1 φ=φ′. (cid:3) LEMMA 2.10. Ifrksl =1⇐⇒k =l =0.ThenRossoformh, iU isnondegenerate onU. Proof: We only have to prove that u ∈ U−ν(n−)U Uµ(n+), hu,vi = 0 for all 0 U v ∈ U−µ(n−)U Uν(n+), then u = 0. Let µ ∈ Q+, {uµ, uµ,···uµ } is a basis of 0 1 2 dµ Uµ(n+), dimUµ(n+) = d . By Theorem2.7, we can take a dualbasisof U−µ(n−) as µ {vµ,vµ,···vµ },thatis,hvµ,uµi = δ . Set{vνω′ω uµ 1 ≤ i ≤ d , 1 ≤ j ≤ d }isa 1 2 dµ i j ij i η φ j ν µ basisofU−ν(n−)U Uµ(n+). BydefinitionoftheRossoform, 0 (cid:12) hvνω′ω uµ,vµω′ ω uνi = hω′,ω ihω′ ,ω(cid:12) ihvµ,uµihS2(vν),uνi i η φ j k η1 φ1 l U η φ1 η1 φ k j i l = δ δ (rs−1)2(ρ,ν)hω′,ω ihω′ ,ω i. kj il η φ1 η1 φ Letu = θ vνω′ω uµ, v = vµω′ ω uν, 1 ≤ k ≤ d , 1 ≤ l ≤ d , η ,φ ∈ i,j,η,φ i η φ j k η1 φ1 l µ ν 1 1 i,j,η,φ Q, ρisahPalfsumofpositiveroots.Becauseofhu,vi =0,wehave U (2.1) θ (rs−1)2(ρ,ν)hω′,ω ihω′ ,ω i=0. l,k,η,φ η φ1 η1 φ η,φ X 6 HUANDSHI Thisidentityalsocanreformulateas θ (rs−1)2(ρ,ν)χ =0. ByDedekindThe- l,k,η,φ η,φ η,φ orem(pleaserefto[BAI]),θ =P0.Sou=0. (cid:3) l,k,η,φ 3. Harish-Chandrahomomorphism We supposerksl = 1 if andonlyif k = l = 0 fromnowon. Denoteby Z(U)the center of U (so ). It is easy to see that Z(U) ⊂ U0. We also define an algebra r,s 2n+1 automorphismγ−ρ :U →U as 0 0 γ−ρ(ω′ω )=̺−ρ(ω′ω )ω′ω . η φ η φ η φ DEFINITION 3.1. Harish-Chandrahomomorphismξ : Z(U) → U0 istherestricted mapγ−ρπ , Z(U) (cid:12) γ−ρπ :U0 →U0 →U0, (cid:12) whereπ :U0 →U isthecanonicalprojection. 0 THEOREM 3.1. Whenniseven,ξ :Z(U)→U0isinjectiveforUr,s(so2n+1). Proof: Note that U0 = U K, where K = U−ν(n−)U U+ν(n+), K is the 0 0 ν>0 two-sidedidealinU0 whichisthLekernelofπ. AsboLthπandγ−ρ arealgebrahomomor- phism, ξ is an algebra homomorphism. Assume that z ∈ Z(U) and ξ(z) = 0. Writing z = z withz ∈ U−ν(n−)U U+ν(n+),wehavez = 0. Fixanyz 6= 0minimal ν ν 0 0 ν ν∈Q+ with thPe property that ν ∈ Q+\0. Also choose bases {y } and {x} for U−ν(n−) and k l U+ν(n+),respectively.Wemaywritez = y t x , t ∈U . Then ν k k,l l k,l 0 k,l P 0=e z−ze i i = (e z −z e )+ (e y −y e )t x + y (e t x −t x e ). i γ γ i i k k i k,l l k i k,l l k,l l i γ6=ν k,l k,l X X X Notethateiyk−ykei ∈U−(ν−αi)(η−)U0,andonly (eiyk−ykei)tk,lxl ∈U−(ν−αi)(n−)U0U+ν(n+). k,l X Therefore,wehave (e y −y e )t x =0. i k k i k,l l k,l X By the triangulardecompositionof U and the fact that {x} is a basis of U+ν(n+), we l get e y t = y e t foreachl andi. Nowwe fixl andconsiderthe irreducible i k k,l k i k,l k k modPule L(λ) for λP∈ Λ+. Let vλ be the highest weight vector of L(λ), and set m = y t v .Thenforeachi, k k,l λ k P e m= e y t v = y e t v =0. i i k k,l λ k i k,l λ k k X X ONTHECENTEROFTWO-PARAMETERQUANTUMGROUPSUr,s(so2n+1) 7 HencemgeneratesapropersubmoduleofL(λ),whichiscontradictwiththeirreducibility ofL(λ),so m= y ̺λ(t )v =0. k k,l λ k X ν = k α + k α + ···+ k α ∈ Q+, chose suitable λ = λ ̟ + λ ̟ + ··· + 1 1 2 2 n n 1 1 2 2 λ ̟ such that (λ,α∨) = λ ≥ k . We might assume λ > 0. By [BGH2] Theorem n n i i i i 2.12, y ̺λ(t ) ∈ U−ν(n−) 7→ y ̺λ(t )v is injective,so y ̺λ(t ) = 0. k k,l k k,l λ k k,l k k k As{yP}isabasisofU−ν(n−), ̺λ(tP) =0. Lett = a ω′Pω . Wecanclaim: k k,l k,l η,φ η,φ η φ whenniseven,̺λ(t )=0,∀λ,thent =0. Thisclaimalsoamountsto k,l k,l P (3.1) ̺λ(ω′ω )=̺λ(ω′ω )⇐⇒η =ζ, φ=ψ. η φ ζ ψ whichisalsoequivalentto (3.2) ̺λ(ω′ω )=1⇐⇒η =0, φ=0. η φ Thiscanbeprovedbyinduction. (cid:3) 4. TheimageofZ(U)undertheHarish-Chandrahomomorphismξ Define an algebra homomorphism ̺0,λ : U → K for λ ∈ Λ by ̺0,λ(ω′ω ) = 0 η φ (rs−1)(η+φ,λ). And define an algebra homomorphism̺λ,µ : U0 → K for λ,µ ∈ Λ by ̺λ,µ(ω′ω )=̺λ,0(ω′ω )̺0,µ(ω′ω )=̺λ(ω′ω )̺0,µ(ω′ω ). η φ η φ η φ η φ η φ LEMMA 4.1. Letu = ωη′ωφ, η, φ ∈ Qforarbitrarytwo-parameterquantumgroup oftypeB .If̺λ,µ(u)=1forallλ,µ∈Λ, thenu=1. n Proof: Denote η =η α +η α +···+η α ,φ=φ α +φ α +···+φ α , 1 1 2 2 n n 1 1 2 2 n n ̺0,̟i(ωη′ωφ)=(rs−1)(η+φ,̟i) =1=⇒ηi+φi =0, ∀i, ̺̟i,0(ω′ω )=(s2r−2)(αi,ωi)ηi =1=⇒η =0, ∀i. η −η i Thiscompletestheproof. (cid:3) COROLLARY 4.2. Ifu∈U0,̺λ,µ(u)=0forall(λ,µ)∈Λ×Λ,thenu=0. Proof: (λ,µ) 7→ ̺λ,µ(ω′ω ), (η,φ) ∈ Q×Q is the character over group Λ×Λ. η φ ItfollowsfromLemma 4.1thatdifferent(η,φ)giverisetodifferentcharacters. Suppose nowthatu = θ ω′ω ,whereθ ∈ K. Byassumption, θ ̺λ,µ(ω′ω ) = 0for η,φ η φ η,φ η,φ η φ all(λ,µ) ∈Λ×Λ. Bythelinearindependenceofdifferentcharacters,θ = 0, u = 0. P P η,φ (cid:3) Let U0 = Kω′ω , define the action of Weyl group on U0 by σ(ω′ω ) = ♭ η −η ♭ η −η η∈Q ω′ ω , forLallσ ∈W,η ∈Q. σ(η) −σ(η) THEOREM 4.3. We have ̺σ(λ),µ(u) = ̺λ,µ(σ−1(u)) for arbitrary two-parameter quantumgroupoftypeB ,whereu∈U0,σ ∈W andλ,µ∈Λ. n ♭ 8 HUANDSHI Proof: We only need to prove this theorem for u = ω′ω . First, we claim that η −η ̺σ(λ),0(u) = ̺λ,0(σ−1(u))forallλ ∈ Λ,σ ∈ W. Thiscanbecheckedforeachσ and i u=ω′ω . η −η Weprove̺0,µ(u)=̺0,µ(σ−1(u))inthefollowing. ̺0,µ(ω′η1ω′η2ω−η1ω−η2) 1 2 1 2 =̺(0,(µ1+12µ2)α1+(µ1+µ2)α2)(ω′η1ω′η2ω−η1ω−η2) 1 2 1 2 =(rs−1)((µ1+12µ2)α1+(µ1+µ2)α2,0) =1, ̺0,µ(σ−1(ω′η1ω′η2ω−η1ω−η2))=1. 1 2 1 2 ̺σ(λ),µ(u) =̺σ(λ),0(ω′η1ω′η2ω−η1ω−η2)̺0,µ(ω′η1ω′η2ω−η1ω−η2) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 =̺λ,0(σ−1(ω′ω ))̺0,µ(σ−1(ω′ω )) η −η η −η =̺λ,µ(σ−1(ω′η1ω′η2ω−η1ω−η2)) 1 2 1 2 =̺λ,µ(σ−1(ω′ω )), η −η forallu∈U0, ̺σ(λ),µ(u)=̺λ,µ(σ−1(u)). (cid:3) ♭ Letusdefine (U0)W ={u∈U0 σ(u)=u,∀σ ∈W}, ♭ ♭ κη,φ(λ,µ)=̺λ,µ(ωη′ωφ)andκiζ,ψ(λ,µ)(cid:12)(cid:12)=̺σi(λ),µ(ωζ′ωψ), (λ,µ)∈Λ×Λ. LEMMA 4.4. As for two-parameters quantum groups of type B2n, if u ∈ U0, ̺σ(λ),µ(u)=̺λ,µ(u),for∀λ,µ∈Λandσ ∈W. Thenu∈(U0)W. ♭ Proof: Ifu = Σ θ ω′ω ∈ U ,suchthat̺σ(λ),µ(u) = ̺λ,µ(u),forallλ,µ ∈ Λ η,φ η,φ η φ 0 andσ ∈W.Identity θη,φ̺λ,µ(ωη′ωφ)= θζ,ψ̺σi(λ),µ(ωζ′ωψ)canberewrittenas (η,φ) (ζ,ψ) P P (4.1) θ κ = θ κi . η,φ η,φ ζ,ψ ζ,ψ (Xη,φ) (Xζ,ψ) ByLemma4.1,bothsidesofidentity(4.1)arelinearcombinationsofdifferentcharacters onΛ×Λ. Ifθ 6=0,thenκ =κi ,forsome(ζ,ψ)∈Λ×Λ. η,φ η,φ ζ,ψ Letη = η α ,φ= φ α ,ζ = ζ α , ψ = ψ α for1≤j ≤n,then j j j j j j j j j j j j (4.2) P κη,φ(0,̟Pj) = ̺0,̟j(Pωη′ωφ)=(rs−1P)(η+φ,̟j) (4.3) = κi (0,̟ ) ζ,ψ j (4.4) = ̺0,̟j(ωζ′ωψ)=(rs−1)(ζ+ψ,̟j), therefore, (4.5) η+φ=ζ+ψ. ONTHECENTEROFTWO-PARAMETERQUANTUMGROUPSUr,s(so2n+1) 9 Byexpandingκ (̟ ,0)=κi (̟ ,0),weget η,φ i ζ,ψ i (s2r−2)ηi−ζi =(s2r−2)(αi−1,−αi)ζi−1+(αi,−αi)ζi+(αi+1,−αi)ζi+1̺−αi(ωζ+ψ). Comparing the index of both sides, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion ζ +ψ = i i 0 (∀1 ≤ i ≤ n),whennisanevennumber. Sou ∈ U0. ByTheorem4.3,̺λ,µ(u) = ♭ ̺σ(λ),µ(u) = ̺λ,µ(σ−1(u)), for all λ,µ ∈ Λ and σ ∈ W. So u = σ−1(u), u ∈ (U0)W. (cid:3) ♭ THEOREM 4.5. FortypeBn,̺λ+ρ,µ(ξ(z))= ̺σ(λ+ρ),µ(ξ(z)). Especially,whenn iseven,ξ(Z(U))⊆(U0)W. ♭ Proof: Ifz ∈ Z(U),choosesuitableλ,µ ∈ Λsuchthat (λ,α∨) ≥ 0forsomefixed i i. Denotebyv ∈M(̺λ,µ)thehighestweightvector. λ,µ zv =π(z)v =̺λ,µ(π(z))v =̺λ+ρ,µ(ξ(z))v . λ,µ λ,µ λ,µ λ,µ SozactsonM(̺λ,µ)withscalar̺λ+ρ,µ(ξ(z)). ByLemma2.6in[BGH2], (4.6) e f(λ,α∨i)+1v =[(λ,α∨)+1] f(λ,α∨i)ri−(λ,α∨i)ωi−si−(λ,α∨i)ωi′v . i i λ,µ i i i r −s λ,µ i i r−(λ,α∨i)ω −s−(λ,α∨i)ω′ v i i i i λ,µ (cid:16) = r−(λ,α∨i)̺λ,(cid:17)µ(ω )−s−(λ,α∨i)̺λ,µ(ω′) v i i i i λ,µ = (cid:16)r−(λ,α∨i)̺λ,0(ω )−s−(λ,α∨i)̺λ,0(̟′)(cid:17)̺0,µ(ω )v i i i i i λ,µ = (cid:16)0. (cid:17) Soe f(λ,α∨i)+1v =0. j i λ,µ zf(λ,α∨i)+1v =π(z)f(λ,α∨i)+1v i λ,µ i λ,µ =̺σi(λ+ρ)−ρ,µ(π(z))fi(λ,α∨i)+1vλ,µ =̺σi(λ+ρ),µ(ξ(z))f(λ,α∨i)+1v . i λ,µ zactsonM(̺λ,µ)byscalar̺σi(λ+ρ),µ(ξ(z)). So (4.7) ̺λ+ρ,µ(ξ(z))=̺σi(λ+ρ),µ(ξ(z)). Now let us prove that (4.7) is true for arbitrary λ ∈ Λ. If (λ,α∨) = −1, then i λ + ρ = σ (λ + ρ), (4.7) is true. If (λ,α∨) < −1, let λ′ = σ (λ + ρ) − ρ, then i i i (λ′,α∨)≥ 0,λ′ suchthat(4.7)exists. Puttingλ′ = σ (λ+ρ)−ρ on (4.7),wecanget i i therequiredformula.SincetheWeylgroupisgeneratedbyσ ’s,so i (4.8) ̺λ+ρ,µ(ξ(z))=̺σ(λ+ρ),µ(ξ(z)), forallλ,µ∈Λ,σ ∈W. ByLemma4.4,theproofiscomplete. (cid:3) 10 HUANDSHI 5. ξisanalgebraisomorphismforU (so ) r,s 4n+1 LEMMA 5.1. z ∈ Z(U) if and only if adl(x)z = (ι ◦ ε(x))z for all x ∈ U. ε:U →KisthecounitofU,ι:K→U istheunitmapofU. Proof: z ∈Z(U)forallx∈U, ad(x)z = x zS(x )=z x S(x )=(ι◦ε)(x)z. l (1) (2) (1) (2) X(x) X(x) Oncontrary,ifad(x)z =(ι◦ε)(x)z,forallx∈U,then l ω zω−1 =ad(ω )z =(ι◦ε)(ω )z =z. i i l i i Forthesamereason,ω′z(ω′)−1 =z,and i i 0=(ι◦ε)(e )z =ad(e )z =e z+ω z(−ω−1)e =e z−ze i l i i i i i i i 0=(ι◦ε)(f )z =ad(f )z =z(−f (ω′)−1)+f z(ω′)−1 =(f z−zf )(ω′)−1. i l i i i i i i i i Soz ∈Z(u). (cid:3) LEMMA 5.2. SupposeΨ:U−µ(n−)×Uν(n+)→K isabilinearfunction,(η,φ)∈ Q×Q. Thereexitsau∈U−ν(n−)U Uµ(n+)suchthat 0 (5.1) hu,yω′ ω xi =hω′ ,ω ihω′,ω iΨ(y,x), η1 φ1 U η1 φ η φ1 forallx∈Uν(n+), y ∈U−µ(n−). Proof: Letµ ∈ Q+,{uµ,uµ,··· ,uµ }beabasisofUµ(n+),{vµ,vµ,··· ,vµ }be 1 2 dµ 1 2 dµ abasisofU−µ(n−)suchthathvµ,uµi=δ . Let i j ij u= Ψ(vµ,uν)vνω′ω uµ(rs−1)−2(ρ,ν). j i i η φ j i,j X Itiseasytocheckthatusatisfiesidentity(5.1). (cid:3) Define a U-module structure on U∗ as f ∈ U∗,(x.f)(v) = f(ad(S(x))v). Let β :U →U∗, (5.2) β(u)(v)=hu,vi u,v ∈U. U Bythenon-degeneracyofh,i ,β isinjective. U DEFINITION 5.1. M isafinitedimensionalU-module.DefineCf,m ∈U∗,Cf,m(v)= f(v.m),v ∈U,form∈M andf ∈M∗. THEOREM 5.3. M isafinitedimensionalU-moduleandM = Mλ, λ∈wt(M) M = m∈M (ω −̺λ(ω ))m=0, (ω′−̺λ(ω′))m=0L. λ i i i i forf ∈ M∗,m ∈(cid:8) M, the(cid:12)re exists a uniqueu ∈ U such that C (v) =(cid:9) hu,vi forall (cid:12) f,m U v ∈U.

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