1 On the Capacity of Cloud Radio Access Networks with Oblivious Relaying In˜aki Estella Aguerri† Abdellatif Zaidi† ‡ Giuseppe Caire(cid:63) Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)∗ †France Research Center, Huawei Technologies, Boulogne-Billancourt, 92100, France ‡ Universite´ Paris-Est, Champs-sur-Marne, 77454, France (cid:63) Technische Universitat Berlin, 10587 Berlin, Germany ∗ Technion Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel {[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]} 7 1 Abstract—Westudythetransmissionoveranetworkinwhich Wyner-Ziv compression [8]–[10] and noisy-network coding 0 users send information to a remote destination through relay [11].Schemescombiningthetwoapporacheshavebeenshown 2 nodes that are connected to the destination via finite-capacity to possibly outperform the best of the two in [12], especially n error-free links, i.e., a cloud radio access network. The relays in scenarios in which there are more users than relay nodes. a are constrained to operate without knowledge of the users’ J codebooks, i.e., they perform oblivious processing – The des- In the spirit, however, a CRAN architecture is usually 5 tination, or central processor, however, is informed about the envisioned as one in which BSs operate as simple radio units 2 users’ codebooks. We establish a single-letter characterization (RUs) that are constrained to implement only the radio func- of the capacity region of this model for a class of discrete tionalities, such as analog-to-digital conversion and filtering, ] memoryless channels in which the outputs at the relay nodes while the baseband functionalities are migrated to the CP. For T are independent given the users’ inputs. We show that both this reason, while relaying schemes that involve partial or full I relaying a`-la Cover-El Gamal, i.e., compress-and-forward with decoding of the users’ codewords can sometimes offer rate . joint decompression and decoding, and “noisy network coding”, s gains,theydonotseemtobesuitableinpractice–Infact,such c are optimal. The proof of the converse part establishes, and schemesassumethatallorasubsetoftherelaynodesarefully [ utilizes, connections with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) sourcecodingproblemunderlogarithmiclossdistortionmeasure. aware(atalltimes)ofthecodebooksandencodingusedbythe 1 Extensions to general discrete memoryless channels are also users;andthesignalingrequiredtoconveysuchinformationis v investigated.Inthiscase,weestablishinnerandouterboundson generally prohibitive, particularly as networks become large. 7 the capacity region. For memoryless Gaussian channels within Instead,schemesinwhichrelaysperformobliviousprocessing 3 thestudiedclassofchannels,wecharacterizethecapacityunder arepreferred.Obliviousprocessingwasfirstintroducedin[5]. 2 Gaussian channel inputs. The basic idea is that of using randomized encoding to model 7 I. INTRODUCTION lack of information about codebooks. For related works, the 0 . Cloud radio access networks (CRAN) provide a new archi- reader may refer to [6], [13]–[15]. In particular, [15] extends 1 tecture for next-generation wireless cellular systems in which the original definition of oblivious processing of [5], which 0 basestations(BSs)areconnectedtoacloud-computingcentral rules out time-sharing, to include settings in which encoders 7 processor (CP) via error-free finite-rate fronthaul links. This areallowedtoswitchamongdifferentcodebooksandoblivious 1 : architectureisgenerallyseenasanefficientmeanstoincrease nodes are unaware of the codebooks but are given, or can v spectral efficiency in cellular networks by enabling joint pro- acquire, time- or frequency-schedule information, which is Xi cessingofthesignalsreceivedbymultipleBSsattheCP,thus generally less difficult to obtain. The framework is termed alleviatingtheeffectofinterference.Otheradvantagesinclude therein as “oblivious processing with enabled time-sharing”. r a low cost deployment and flexible network utilization [1]. In this work, we consider transmission over a CRAN in In a CRAN network, each BS acts essentially as a relay which the relay nodes are constrained to operate without node; and so can in principle implement any relaying strat- knowledge of the users’ codebooks, i.e., are oblivious, and egy, e.g., decode-and-forward [2, Theorem 1], compress-and- only know time- or frequency-sharing information. Focusing forward [2, Theorem 6] or combinations of them. Relaying on a class of discrete memoryless channels in which the relay strategies in CRANs can be divided roughly into two classes: outputsareindependentconditionallyontheusers’inputs,we i) strategies that require the relay nodes to know the users’ establish a single-letter characterization of the capacity region codebooks (i.e., modulation, coding), such as decode-and- of this class of channels. We show that relaying a`-la Cover-El forward,compute-and-forward[3],[4]orvariantsofit,andii) Gamal, i.e., compress-and-forward with joint decompression strategiesinwhichtherelaynodesoperatewithoutknowledge and decoding, or noisy network coding, are optimal. For the of the users’ codebooks, often referred to as oblivious relay proof of the converse part, we utilize useful connections with processing(ornomadictransmitter)[5]–[7].Thissecondclass the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) source coding problem iscomposedessentiallyofstrategiesinwhichtherelaysimple- under logarithmic loss distortion measure [16]. For memory- ment forms of compress-and-forward [2], such as successive less Gaussian channels within this class, we characterize the capacityunderGaussianchannelinputs.Extensionstogeneral The work of G. Caire is supported by an Alexander von Humboldt discrete memoryless channels are also investigated. In this Professorship. The work of S.Shamai has been supported by the European case, we establish inner and outer bounds on the capacity Union’sHorizon2020ResearchAndInnovationProgramme,grantagreement no.694630. region. 2 Notation:Throughout,weusethefollowingnotation.Lower case letters denote scalars, e.g., x; upper case letters denote random variables, e.g., X, boldface lower case letters denote vectors, e.g., x, and boldface upper case letters denote matri- ces, e.g., X. Calligraphic letters denote sets, e.g., X; and the cardinality of set X is denoted by |X|. For a set of integers K,thenotationX denotesthesetofrandomvariables{X } K k with indices k in the set K, i.e., X ={X } . K k k∈K II. SYSTEMMODEL Fig.1. CRANmodelwithobliviousrelayingandtime-sharing. Consider the discrete memoryless CRAN model shown in Figure 1. In this model, a set of users communicate with Definition 1. A (n,R ,...,R ) code for the studied model a central processor (CP) through a set of relay nodes that 1 L with oblivious relay processing and enabled time-sharing are connected to the CP via error-free finite-rate fronthaul links. Let L = {1,...,L} denote the set of users, and consistofLencodingfunctionsφl :[1,|Xl|n2nRl]×[1,2nRl]× K = {1,...,K} denote the set of relays, and let Ck be the Qn → Xln, K relaying functions φrk : Ykn × Qn → capacityofthelinkconnectingrelaynodek totheCP,k ∈K. [1,2nCk], and a decoding function g : [1,|X1|n2nR1]×···× Similar to [6], the relays nodes are constrained to operate [1,|XL|n2nRL]×[1,2nC1]×···×[1,2nCL]×Qn →[1,2nR1]× without knowledge of the users’ codebook and only know ...[1,2nRL]. time-sharing information, i.e., oblivious relay processing with Definition 2. A rate tuple (R ,...,R ) is said to be achiev- enabled time sharing. The obliviousness of the relay nodes to 1 L able if, for any (cid:15) > 0, there exist a sequence of codes, such the actual codebooks is modeled by the transmitters picking that, for sufficiently long blocklength n, each user’s message at random their selected codebooks and the relays not aware can be decoded by the CP at rate at least R with vanishing of the actual codebooks indices. Specifically, the codeword k Xn(F ,M ,Qn) transmitted by encoder l, l∈L, depends not probability of error, i.e., l l only on the message Ml ∈ [1,2nRl], but also on the index Pr{(M1,...,ML)(cid:54)=(Mˆ1,...,MˆL)}≤(cid:15). (3) F which runs over all possible codebooks of the given rate l R ,i.e.,F ∈[1,|X |n2nRl]andthetimesharingsequenceQn. For given CK, the capacity region R(CK) is the closure of all l l l achievable rate tuples (R ,...,R ). Formally, the model is defined as follows. 1 L 1) Codebooks: Transmitter l, l ∈ L, sends message m ∈ Due to space limitations, some of the results of this paper are l [1,2nRl]totheCPusingacodebookfromaset{Cl(Fl)} onlyoutlinedorgivenwithoutproofs.Thedetailedproofscan that is indexed by F ∈ [1,|X |n2nRl]. The index F is be found in [17]. l l l picked at random and shared with CP, but not to the relays. A. Class of Discrete Memoryless Channels 2) Time-sharing sequence: All terminals, including the In this work, we establish the capacity region of the fol- relay nodes, are aware of a time-sharing sequence Qn, lowing class of discrete memoryless CRAN channels with distributedasp (qn)=(cid:81)n p (q )forapmfp (q). Qn i=1 Q i Q oblivious relay processing and enabled time-sharing. In this 3) Encodingfunctions:Theencodingfunctionatuserl,l∈ class, the channel outputs at the relay nodes are independent L, is defined by a pair (p ,φ ) where p is a single- Xl l Xl conditionally on the users’ inputs. That is, letter pmf and φ is a mapping φ : [1,|X |n2nRl] × l l l [1,2nRl]×Qn → Xn, that maps the given codebook (cid:89)n (cid:89)K l p(yn|xn)= p(y |x ), (4) index F , message m and time-sharing variable qn to K L k,i L,i l l a channel input xn =φ (F ,m ,qn). The probability of i=1k=1 l l l l selecting codebook F , F ∈[1,|X |n2nRl], is given by or, equivalently, the following Markov chain holds, l l l p (f,qn)= (cid:89) p (φ (f,m)|qn), (1) Yk,i−−XL,i−−YK/k,i for k ∈Kandi∈[1,n]. (5) F Xn|Qn l (cid:10) (cid:10) m∈[1,2nR] B. Oblivious Relaying with Enabled Time-Sharing where p (xn|qn) = (cid:81)n p (x |q ) for some Xn|Qn i=1 X|Q i i Similar to [6], the above constraint of oblivious relay pro- given pmf p (x|q). X|Q cessing with enabled time-sharing means that, in the absence 4) Relayingfunctions:Relaynodek ,k ∈K,isunawareof ofinformationregardingtheindicesF andthemessagesM , the codebook indices F =(F ,...,F ), and maps the L L L 1 L a codeword xn(F ,m |qn) taken from a (n,R ) codebook has receivedsequenceykn ∈Yk intoanindexJk ∈[1,2nCk] independent blut nlon-ildentically distributed enltries. as J = φr(yn,qn), that it then sends to the CP over k k k the error-free link of capacity C . The index J is then k k Lemma 1. Without the knowledge of the selected codebooks sent the to the CP over the link of capacity C . k indices (F ,...,F ), the distribution of the transmitted code- 5) Decoding function: Upon receiving the indices J = 1 L K words conditioned on the time-sharing sequence are given (J1...,JK), the CP estimates the users’ messages as by p (xn|qn) = (cid:81)n p (x |q ). Consequently, the (mˆ ,...,mˆ )=g(F ,...,F ,J ,...,J ,qn), (2) chanXnelnl|Qonutpult at relay ki=, Y1 nXils|Qdistlr,iibuited as 1 L 1 L 1 K k [w1h,e2rneC1g]×:··[·1×,|X[11,|n22nnCRL1]]××Q·n··→× [[11,,2|XnRL1|n]2×nR.L.].×× pYkn|Qn(ykn|qn)=(cid:89)n (cid:88) pYk|XL(yk,i|xL)(cid:89)L pXl|Q(xl|qi). [1,2nRL] is the decoder mapping. i=1x1,...,xL i=1 3 III. MAINRESULTS this region, however, is not easy as it requires finding the optimal choices of the involved auxiliary random variables A. Capacity Region of Studied Class of CRAN Channels U ,...,U .Thefollowingtheoremcharacterizesmoreexplic- 1 K The main result of this paper is a single-letter character- itly the capacity region when the users are constrained to em- ization of the capacity region of the class of channels with ployGaussiansignaling,i.e.,forQ=q,X ∼CN(0,K ), l,q l,q oblivious relaying and enabled time-sharing that satisfy (5). for all l∈L. The following theorem states the result. Theorem 2. If the input vectors are Gaussian, the capacity Theorem 1. For the class of discrete memoryless channels region of the memoryless Gaussian MIMO model (7) is given givenby(5)withobliviousrelayprocessingandenabledtime- by the set of all rate tuples (R ,...,R ) satisfying that for 1 L sharing, a rate tuple (R ,...,R ) is achievable if and only 1 L all T ⊆L and all S ⊆K if for all T ⊆L and for all S ⊆K, we have (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88)R ≤(cid:88) C −log |Σk| (8) Rt ≤ [Cs−I(Ys;Us|XL,Q)] t∈T t k∈S k |Σ−k1−Bk| t∈T s∈S |(cid:80) HH B H +K−1| +I(XT;USc|XTc,Q), (6) +log k∈Sc k,T k k,T T , (9) |K−1|, for some joint measure of the form T p(q)(cid:81)L p(x |q)(cid:81)K p(y |x )(cid:81)K p(u |y ,q). for some 0 (cid:22) B (cid:22) Σ−1, where H denotes the channel l=1 l k=1 k L k=1 k k k k k,T matrix connecting the input X to the output Y , formed by T k Proof: The proof of converse part of Theorem 1 is relegated concatenating the matrices H , l∈T, horizontally. k,l to Section V. The proof of the direct part can be obtained by applying the noisy network coding (NNC) scheme of [11, Remark 3. Theorem2extendstheresultof[5,Theorem5]to Theorem 1]. Alternatively, the rate region of Theorem 1 can the case of L users and enabled time-sharing. In addition to also be achieved by a scheme that generalizes that of [7, The- showingthatundertheconstraintofGaussianinputsignaling, orem 1], which is established in the case of a single transmit the quantization codewords can be chosen optimally to be node, to the case of multiple users and accommodate time- Gaussian, the result of Theorem 2 also means that time- sharing. By opposition to the NNC scheme, the latter scheme sharingisnotneededinthememorylessGaussiancase.Recall is based on compress-and-forward a` la Cover-El Gamal with that, as shown through an example in [5], if the relays joint decoding and decompression at the CP (CoF-JD). are aware of the users’ codebooks restricting to Gaussian Remark 1. Key element for the proof of Theorem 1 is the input signaling can be a severe constraint and is generally connection with the chief executive officer (CEO) problem. suboptimal. For the case of m encoders, m≥3, while characterization of Remark4. In[18],theauthorsstudythequestionsofoptimal the optimal rate-distortion region of this problem for general fronthaul compression and decoding strategies for uplink distortionmeasureshaseludedtheinformationtheory,achar- CRAN networks without oblivious processing constraints. It acterization of the optimal region in the case of logarithmic isshownthatNNCwithGaussianinputandGaussianquanti- loss distortion measure has been provided recently in [16]. zation achieve to within a constant gap of the capacity region Remark 2. The sum-rate of Theorem 1 can also be achieved of the Gaussian MIMO uplink CRAN. In this paper, we show by a scheme in which the CP decodes explicitly the com- that if only oblivious relay processing is allowed, NNC and pression indices first, and then decodes the users’ transmitted CoF-JD is in fact optimal from a capacity viewpoint. messages, i.e., decompression and decoding is not performed jointly. A similar observation is found in [18, Theorem 2]. IV. GENERALDISCRETEMEMORYLESSMODEL In this section, we focus on general discrete memoryless CRAN channels with oblivious relay processing and time B. Memoryless Gaussian Model sharing, i.e., the channel outputs at the relays are arbitrarily In this section, we consider a memoryless Gaussian MIMO correlated and the Markov chain (5) does not necessarily model of the studied CRAN with oblivious relay processing hold. We establish bounds on the capacity region of the andenabledtimesharing.Thechanneloutputatrelaynodek, model. The results extend those of [5], which only consider a equipped with Mk receive antennas, is given by single transmitter and no time-sharing, to the case of multiple transmitters and allowed time-sharing. Y =H X+N , (7) k k,L k The following theorem provides an inner bound on the ca- where X (cid:44) [XT1,...,XTL]T, Xl ∈ CNl is the channel pacity region of the general DM CRAN model with oblivious input vector of user l, l ∈ L, H (cid:44) [H ,...,H ], relay processing and time sharing. k,L k,1 k,L Hk,l ∈ CMk×Nl is the channel matrix connecting user l to Theorem 3. For general DM CRAN channels with oblivious relay node k, and Nk ∈ CMk is the noise vector at relay relay processing and enabled time-sharing, the set of rates node k, assumed to be Gaussian with Nk ∼CN(0,Σk). The (R1,...,RL) such that for all T ⊆L and all S ⊆K, transmission is subjected to power constraint Tr(K ) ≤ P , l k (cid:88) (cid:88) where Kl = E[XlXHl ] is the covariance matrix of Xl. The Rt ≤ Cs−I(YS;US|XL,USc,Q) (10) noises at the relay nodes are assumed to be independent; and t∈T s∈S so the studied Gaussian model satisfies the Markov chain (5). +I(X ;U |X ,Q), (11) T Sc Tc The result of Theorem 1 can be extended to continuous channels using standard techniques; and so it characterizes for some joint measure p(q)(cid:81)Ll=1p(xl|q)p(yK|xL) the capacity region of the model (7). The computation of ·(cid:81)K p(u |y ,q), is achievable. k=1 k k 4 We now provide an outer bound on the capacity region of the Inequality (16) can be shown as follows. generalDMCRANmodelwithobliviousrelayprocessingand time-sharing. The following theorem states the result. nRT =H(mT) (17) =I(m ;J ,F ,Q˜)+H(m |J ,F ,Q˜) (18) Theorem 4. For general DM CRAN channels with oblivious T K L T K L relay processing and enabled time-sharing, if a rate-tuple =I(m ;J ,F |F ,Q˜)+H(m |J ,F ,Q˜) (19) T K T Tc T K L (R1,...,RL)isachievablethenforallT ⊆LandallS ⊆K, ≤I(m ;J ,F |F ,Q˜)+n(cid:15) (20) T K T Tc n (cid:88)Rt ≤(cid:88)Cs−I(YS;US|XL,USc,Q) (12) =H(JK,FT|FTc,Q˜)−H(JK,FT|FTc,mT,Q˜)+n(cid:15)n (21) t∈T s∈S +I(XT;USc|XTc,Q), (13) =H(JK|FTc,Q˜)+H(FT|FTc,JK,Q˜)+n(cid:15)n (22) for some (Q,XL,YK,UK,W) distributed according to −H(FT|FTc,mT,Q˜)−H(JK|FTc,mT,FT,Q˜) (23) p(q)(cid:81)Ll=1p(xl|q) p(yK|xL) p(w|q), uk = fk(w,yk,q) for =I(mT,FT;JK|FTc,Q˜)−I(FT;JK|FTc,Q˜)+n(cid:15)n (24) k = [1,K], for some random variable W and some deter- ≤I(m ,F ;J |F ,Q˜)+n(cid:15) (25) ministic functions {f }, k ∈K. T T K Tc n k ≤I(Xn;J |F ,Q˜)+n(cid:15) (26) Remark5. TheinnerboundofTheorem3andtheouterbound T K Tc n of Theorem 4 do not coincide in general. This is due to the =H(XTn|FTc,Q˜)−H(XTn|FTc,JK,Q˜)+n(cid:15)n (27) fact that in Theorem 3, U1,...,UK satisfy the Markov chain ≤H(XTn|XTnc,Q˜)−H(XTn|XTnc,FTc,JK,Q˜)+n(cid:15)n (28) U −−(Y ,Q)−−(X ,Y ,U ), whereas in Theorem 4 eakch(cid:10)Uk iska fun(cid:10)ction oLf YkL/bkut aKls/ok of a “common” random =H(XTn|XTnc,Q˜)−H(XTn|XTnc,JK,Q˜)+n(cid:15)n, (29) variable W. In particular, the Markov chain U −−(Y ,Q)− k k where (17) follows since m are independent; (19) follows −UK/k does not necessarily hold for the auxil(cid:10)iary random since m is independent ofTQ˜ and F ; (20) follows from v(cid:10)ariables of the outer bound. T Tc (14); (24) follows since m is independent of F ; (26) T L Remark 6. As we already mentioned, the class (5) of DM follows from the data processing inequality;(28) follows since CRAN channels connects with the CEO problem under log- XTnc,FTc are independent from XTn and since conditioning arithmic loss distortion measure. The rate-distortion region reduces entropy and; (29) follows due to the Markov chain of this problem is characterized in the excellent contribu- Xn −−(Xn ,J ,Q˜)−−F . (30) tion [16] for an arbitrary number of (source) encoders (see T Tc K Tc (cid:10) (cid:10) Theorem 3 therein). For general DM CRAN channels, i.e., Then, from (29) we have (16) as follows: without the Markov chain (5) the model connects with the distributed source coding problem under logarithmic loss H(Xn|Xn ,J ,Q˜) (31) T Tc K distortion measure. While a solution of the latter problem for n the case of two encoders has been found in [16, Theorem ≤(cid:88)H(X |Xn ,Xi−1,Q˜)−nR (32) T,i Tc T T 6], generalizing the result to the case of arbitrary number i=1 of encoders poses a significant challenge. In fact, as also n mentioned in [16], the Berger-Tung inner bound is known to =(cid:88)H(X |X ,Xi−1,Xn ,Q˜)−nR (33) T,i Tc,i L L,i+1 T be generally suboptimal (e.g., see the Korner-Marton lossless i=1 modulo-sumproblem[19]).Characterizingthecapacityregion n of the general DM CRAN model under the constraint of =(cid:88)H(X |X ,Q¯ )−nR =nΓ . (34) T,i Tc,i i T T oblivious relay processing and enabled time-sharing poses a i=1 similar challenge, except perhaps for the case of two relay where (33) is due to Lemma 1. nodes, results on which will be reported elsewhere. Continuing from (29), we have n V. PROOFOFCONVERSEPARTOFTHEOREM1 nR ≤(cid:88)H(X |Xn ,Q˜,Xi−1) Assumetheratetuple(R ,...,R )isachievable.LetT be T T,i Tc T 1 L i=1 a set of L, S be a non-empty set of K, and Jk (cid:44)φrk(Ykn,qn) −H(Xn |Xn ,J ,Xi−1,Q˜)+n(cid:15) (35) be the message sent by relay k ∈ K, and let Q˜ = qn be T,i Tc K T n the time-sharing variable. For simplicity we define XLn (cid:44) =(cid:88)n H(X |Xn ,Q˜,Xi−1,Xn ) (Xn,...,Xn), R (cid:44)(cid:80) R and C (cid:44)(cid:80) C . T,i Tc T T,i+1 Defi1ne Ui,kL(cid:44)(JkT,Yki−1)t∈Tandt Q¯i (cid:44)S(XLi−1k,∈XSLn,ki+1,Q˜). −i=1H(X |Xn ,J ,Xi−1,Q˜)+n(cid:15) (36) From Fano’s inequality, we have with (cid:15) → 0 for n → ∞ T,i Tc K T n n n (for vanishing probability of error), for all T ⊆L, ≤(cid:88)H(X |X ,Q¯ ) T,i Tc,i i H(mT|JK,FL,Q˜)≤H(mL|JK,FL,Q˜)≤n(cid:15)n. (14) i=1 −H(X |X ,U ,Q¯ )+n(cid:15) (37) T,i Tc,i K,i i n We show the following inequality, used below in the proof. n n =(cid:88)I(X ;U |X ,Q¯ )+n(cid:15) , (38) H(Xn|Xn ,J ,Q˜)≤(cid:88)H(X |X ,Q¯ )−nR (15) T,i K,i Tc,i i n T Tc K T,i Tc,i i T i=1 i=1 where (36) follows due to Lemma 1; and (37) follows since (cid:44)nΓ . (16) T conditioning reduces entropy. 5 On the other hand, we have the following equality (and sometimes determine exactly) what operations the relay I(YSn;JS|XLn,JSc,Q˜)= (cid:88)I(Ykn;Jk|XLn,Q˜) (39) nhoapdsesnsohno-usuldrppreisrifnogrmlyoitptiismsahlolywinntthhaist ccoasmep.rIensps-aarntidc-ufloarrw,paerdr-, k∈S or variants of it, generally perform well in this case, and are = (cid:88)(cid:88)n I(Yk,i;Jk|XLn,Yki−1,Q˜) (40) oinpdtiempeanldwenhtenonthteheouustperustsinaptutthse.Freulrathyenrmodoerse,airneacdodnidtiiotinontoaliltys k∈Si=1 relevance from a practical viewpoint, restricting the relays not = (cid:88)(cid:88)n I(Yk,i;Jk,Yki−1|XLn,Q˜) (41) troateknloowss/uitniliczoemthpeariussoenrsw’ ictohdethbeoonkosn-coabulsivesioounslyseattinbgou(ned.ged., k∈Si=1 compress-and-forward and noisy network coding perform to = (cid:88)(cid:88)n I(Yk,i;Uk,i|XL,i,Q¯i), (42) wcaisteh)i.n a constant gap from the cut-set bound in the Gaussian REFERENCES k∈Si=1 where (39) follows due to the Markov chain [1] M. 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