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Preview On the bonding environment of phosphorus in purified doped single-walled carbon nanotubes

On the bonding environment of phosphorus in purified doped single-walled carbon nanotubes 6 1 0 Georgina Ruiz-Soria1 ,Toma Susi1,Markus Sauer1,Kazuhiro Yanagi2, Thomas Pichler1,Paola Ayala1 ⇤ ⇤ 2 1 FacultyofPhysics,UniversityofVienna,Boltzmanngasse5,A-1090Vienna,Austria n 2DepartmentofPhysics,TokyoMetropolitanUniversity,1-1Minami-Osawa,Hachiouji,Tokyo192-0397,Japan a J 7 2 ] Abstract i c s In this work, phosphorous-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes have been synthesized by the thermal - decompositionoftrimethylphosphineusingahigh-vacuumchemicalvapordepositionmethod. Furthermore, l r a modified density-gradient-ultracentrifugation process has been applied to carefully purify our doped ma- t m terial. The combined use of Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy allowed us to provide the first . insight into the bonding environment of P incorporated into the carbon lattice, avoiding competing signals t a arising from synthesis byproducts. This study represents the first step toward the proper identification of m the bonding configuration of P atoms when direct substitution takes place. - d n 1. Introduction gestedthatPincorporationallowsthemodulationof o the transport properties of CPx-SWNTs [2, 9]. Al- c [ Fine-tuning the electronic properties of single- though the experimental incorporation of P in car- walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) via di↵erent bon materials such as diamond and fullerenes was 1 functionalization paths is highly desirable for appli- reportedmorethanadecadeago[10,11],thetheoret- v cations. The direct replacement of C atoms by het- ical prediction of P-doped single-walled carbon nan- 1 8 eroatomsisanidealmethod,butalsotheonepresent- otubes (CPx-SWNTs) has been followed only much 4 ingthelargestdi�culties[1,2]. Experimentally,sub- later by experimental results using aerosol-assisted 7 stitutional nitrogen doping has already been exten- chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [12] and arc dis- 0 sively explored and the bonding configurations that charge[13]. SimilarlytootherdopedSWCNTs,even . 1 N atoms can have in the graphitic network of a nan- intheoptimalconditions,thepropertiesofproduced 0 otube have been studied by various methods [3, 4]. CPx-SWNTsdependonthespecificPprecursorand 6 In a more limited number of publications, boron has the catalytic method used for synthesis. 1 also been reported as a feasible substitutional ele- In this context, it has been reported that P and : v ment [5, 6, 7, 8]. Another dopant candidate is phos- N working as co-dopants can favor the oxygen re- Xi phorus. Calculations have indicated that P can in- duction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells [14]. corporate in the nanotube wall, taking the place of a Enhancedchargecarrierspinscatteringcomparedto r a Catomthroughdirectsubstitution. Ithasbeensug- pristine SWCNTs has been reported from nuclear magnetic resonance measurements [13]. Neverthe- less, the field is still in its initial stages, and an un- ⇤Correspondingauthors. Fax:+43-1427751375. derstanding of the material’s properties as well as E-mailaddresses: the optimization of the synthesis processes is needed [email protected](G.Ruiz-Soria); [email protected](P.Ayala) before CPx-SWNTs can find their way into applica- PreprintsubmittedtoCarbon July6,2014 tions. Itisnecessarytounderstandtheincorporation in water (30 wt.%). The metallic catalytic particles of P atoms in the nanotube to analyze whether the were eliminated by tip sonication in a 1% sodium overall morphology of the tubes is a↵ected by the deoxycholate (DOC) aqueous solution for 4 h and purification process, i.e. the tube diameter and the later ultracentrifugation for 30 min at 150000 g. ⇠ sample diameter distribution From the centrifugation tube, only 70% of the su- ⇠ To address this matter, we have used for the first pernatant was collected, since the upper 10% is ⇠ time a non-diluted trimethylphosphine feedstock for typically constituted by remaining amorphous car- the synthesis of CPx-SWNTs using a high-vacuum bon and the bottom 20% of metallic particles. To ⇠ based CVD method. We have noticed that for the cleanthesurfactantfromthenanotubes,thesolution specific case of CPx-SWNTs, the yield of nanotubes was filtrated through PTFE membrane filters (Mili- isreducedincomparisontopreviouslyreportedCVD pore, pore size 0.2 µm) and rinsed thoroughly with methods. However, the possibility to use a non- methanol, water and toluene. The overall morphol- dilutedprecursorprovidesagreatadvantagetowards ogy of the samples was inspected by scanning elec- understanding the bonding environments in which P tron microscopy (SEM; Zeiss Supra 55 VP, 1.00 kV bonds to the carbon atoms in the graphitic lattice gun acceleration voltage) and transmission electron as well as to the catalytic byproducts. Only indirect microscopy (TEM; FEI Tecnai F30, operating at techniques, namely Raman spectroscopy and trans- 100 keV). A JY-Horiba HR800 Raman spectrome- portmeasurements,hadsofarbeenusedtoinferthe ter with a liquid nitrogen cooled CCD detector was incorporation of P in the nanotubes [9, 13]. To the usedformultifrequencymeasurementsusing488,568 best of our knowledge, none of the reports on CPx- and 632 nm excitation wavelengths. All data were SWNTshavebeenabletoprovidedirectevidencefor collected in ambient conditions. XPS was used to the incorporation of P atoms in substitutional con- inspect the elemental composition of the samples, figuration in a single-walled nanotube sample nor an with the spectra recorded using a Scienta spectrom- estimation of the bulk percentage of P heteroatoms. eter equipped with a MX650 monochromatic X-ray Inthiscontext,thepurificationofCPx-SWNTswe source. reportherehasallowedanalyticallydisentanglingthe role of P in the nanotubes exclusively. We have ben- 3. Results and Discussion efitedfromtheuseofapurifiedmaterialtoapplythe full capability of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy The optimal growth temperature was identified to (XPS) to understand the bonding environments of P be 900 oC. However, the growth temperature is ⇠ in a SWCNT doped sample. practically limited to a T 50oC window. Out of this rangethegrowthofnanotubeswaspracticallyvoided. Based on this fact, we focused on the quality of the 2. Experimental experiments with steps of T 10oC. The yield was in- A high-vacuum (HV) CVD, was used for the ther- deed slightly compromised away from 900oC but no mal decompostion of trimethylphosphine (PMe ) in significant morphology changes were identified. The 3 the presence of an iron-based supported catalyst. first remarkable result regards the possibility to ob- Thisisthefirstworktoreporttheuseofthisprecur- tain a buckypaper of purified doped material. The sor and HV-CVD system to synthesize CPx-SWNTs limitednumberofworksrelatedtothepurificationof nanotubes. This method has been used previously either in-situ or post synthesis doped tubes had pre- for the synthesis of pristine and doped SWCNTs as viously highlighted this as a problem [20, 21]. SEM described in detail elsewhere [15, 16, 17]. The opti- and TEM micrographs, as well as the schematics of mal growth temperature for CPx-SWNTs was found the purification procedure are shown in Fig. 1. to be 900 oC. The samples were purified using a The low magnification image displays highly com- ⇠ modified density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) pact bundles of CPx-SWNTs with no visible impu- method[18,19,20]usingamildacidsolutionofHCl rities. To provide a rough estimation of the distri- 2 As-grown CP -SWNTs Purified CP -SWNTs x x Amorphous Purification carbon species HCl (cid:48)(cid:74)(cid:50)(cid:14)(cid:21)(cid:43)(cid:38)(cid:79)(cid:314)(cid:43) O+MgCl 2 2 Clean + SWCNTs 10nm 10nm Centrifugation Metallic 500nm Particles Figure1: IntermediatemagnificationTEMimageandSEMmicrographofthesampleasgrown(left),schematicsoftheDGU purificationprocess(middle),andSEMmicrographofthematerialafterpurification(right). bution of diameters in the raw and purified samples, (see Table 1). a multifrequency resonance Raman spectroscopy in- spection of the radial breathing mode (RBM) region Laser wavelength As-grown Purified Change is shown in (Fig. 2a). It is well understood that the (nm) I /I I /I (%) D G D G Raman response in this region, !RBM, is inversely 488 0.2 0.07 65 proportional to the diameter of the tubes dt. We 568 0.5 0.27 �46 have made use of the environmental parameters and 633 0.6 0.48 �20 force constant reported in Ref. 22) for our estima- � tion. From our measurements with the three laser Table1: ChangesoftheRamanintensityratiooftheDband lines,thehighestdiameterpopulationswerefoundin to the G band upon purification according to the excitation the range between 0.85 and 1.4 nm (dotted ver- wavelength. ⇠ ⇠ tical lines). The spectra in Fig. 2 are normalized to the maximum peak intensity for ease of comparison. We have examined carefully the 2D line depicted However, comparing the spectra of the raw material in Fig. 2c. It has been previously reported that this with the purified one with the intensity normalized line should exhibit a clear splitting due to an asso- tothelaserpower(notshownhere)revealsaparticu- ciated double phonon scattering process induced by larlypronouncedeliminationoftubeswithdiameters thepresenceofdopants[23]. Similartothosestudies, larger than 1.2 nm, which can be attributed to the the spectra corresponding to our non-purified CPx- ⇠ centrifugation step. Small diameter tubes are not SWNTsexhibitamuchlargerfullwidthathalfmax- abundant in the material as-grown and the purifi- imum (FWHM) compared to the 2D response of the cation reduces their population further, most likely purified material, which can in principle be decon- due to their lower stability during ultrasonication. voluted with two di↵erent contributions. However, Thus the mean diameter in the sample remains al- afterthesamplehasbeenpurified,nosplittingofthe most unchanged upon purification. To get a Raman 2Dbandisobserved. Therefore,itremainsuncertain estimate of the defect concentration in our samples, at what doping level the 2D signature could be used weusetheDbandtoGbandintensityratio(ID/IG). to quantify the incorporation of dopants. Fig. 2b shows the D and G band responses for the In order to verify the purity of our samples, to an- raw and the purified material. The I /I intensity D G alyzetheirelementalcompositionandtoconfirmthe ratio confirms the high quality of the material with presenceofphosphorus,weperformedXPSmeasure- clearlydiscernibletransverseandlongitudinaloptical ments. Ithasbeenreportedthatphosphorusdopants phonon signals, and it also indicates that the purifi- can get strongly oxidized in ambient conditions [13], cation process results in significantly cleaner tubes we therefore recorded spectra before and after an- 3 Diameter (nm) 2a)1,6 1,2 As-grown0,8 b) G P 2p ensity C 1s RBM Purified D y nt 633 nm sit m. i en or ormalized intensity 566383 nnmm xx2c1514..D6)5581882 0nn0mm Intensity1 45 0608 nm 1600 Normalized int PaPnuunrrieiffiaieeldedd + N 28B7ind28in6g 2e8n 5erg28y4 (e2V8)3 N 633 nm 2600 2700 Raman s hift (cm-1) 138 136 134 132 130 128 568 nm Binding energy (eV) 488 nm 488 nm 150 200 250 300 2600 2700 Figure 3: Main panel: P 2p core level XPS spectra of the Raman shift (cm-1) samples after purification and after additional annealing at 600oC.Inset: theC1s responseofthetwosamples. Figure 2: Multifrequency Raman spectra comparing the re- sponse of the samples before (black) and after (green) pu- rification. (a) RBM region. (b) D and G band region. (c) 2D band region. The inset shows a close-up to the 2D main This broadening can be partly attributed to oxygen peak(568nm). adsorption [27, 28], and it is clearly observed that the FWHM becomes narrower after annealing. Also, the C 1s signal exhibited a shift of 0.3 eV compared nealingthesampleinvacuumtoremovetheadsorbed to the as-grown carbon nanotubes [26]. To try fur- oxygen. Surveyspectraandadditionalmeasurements ther understanding the C 1s lineshape we also need on the energy range corresponding to the Fe 2p pho- to focus on the phosphorous response. The presence toemission response of the purified sample, allowed of carbonaceous species associated to phosphorus- us to confirm that all rests of catalyst were removed containing compounds had been reported as prod- bythepurificationprocess(ironinparticular),which ucts of the synthesis of multi- and single-walled allowustoprobetheincorporationofPinfromadif- phosphorus-doped tubes [12, 24, 25], but a direct ferentperspectivecomparedtopreviousXPSstudies wall-dopantidentificationwasneverbroughttolight. on CPx-MWNTs [24, 25]. Inoursamples, thePcontentwasfoundtoreach0.3 In the C 1s response for the sample as-grown (not at.%inthepurifiedsample,andasubsequentin-situ shown here), the main feature present in the spectra annealingstepat600oC,thephosphoruscontentwas is a single intense component located at 284.4 eV, measured as 0.26 at.%. Thus while the P content ⇠ whichisingoodagreementtothesignalcorrespond- didnotchangesignificantly,theC1s exhibitsamuch ing to carbon atoms bound in the graphitic SWCNT narrower lineshape (see the inset of Fig. 3). lattice [26]. A clean sample of SWCNTs exhibits es- Considering the spectrometer resolution, the P 2p tablished footprints in the C 1s line that serve as a responseofthepurifiedsampleshowninFig.3canbe first prerequisite for the identification of dopants [1]. fittedbyasinglepeaklocatedat133.3eV.Notethat However, once the samples are purified a broaden- previous work on C films containing P have [29, 30] ing of the C 1s line is observed. The C 1s of the attributed this binding energy value to P-O bonds. sample after purification, as well as the signal after However, this does not necessarily mean that the P annealing treatment are shown in the inset of Fig. 3. atoms in our samples are bonded to O atoms. 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