On the biostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy of the Moscovian Stage in the type area Marya Kh. MAKHLINA Geocentre Moscow, Varshavskoye shosse, 39a, 113105 Moscow (Russia) Marya N. SOLOVIEVA t & Nataiia V. GOREVA Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky per., 7, 109017 Moscow (Russia) Makhlina M- Kh., Solovieva M. N & Goreva N.V. 1997. — On the biostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy of the Moscovian Stage in the type area, in Crasquin-Soleau S. & De Wever P. (eds), Pen-Tethys: stratigraphie corrélations, Geodiversitas 19 (2) : 235-245. ABSTRACT Moscovian Stage deposits are widespread in Russia. The stage wus cscablished in 1890 by Nikicin. It is subdivised in four horizons: Vereya, Kashira, Podol’sk and Myachkovo. The subdivisions of the stage are based on studies of brachipods, foraminifera, conodonts, ammonites, bivalves, rugo.sans and KEYWORDS Moscovian, plants. In thi.s paper, new data are due to the correction of the standard sec¬ Carboniferous, tion of chc Moscovian Stage and its nc\v interprétation. Cyclostratigraphy biostratigrapliy, analysis based on the geological histoiy' of the région and its eustatics is a new cyclostratigraphy, Moscow Synciine. aspect of the rcscarch presented in this paper. RÉSUMÉ Les dépôts du Moscovien sont largement répandus en Russie. Cet étage a été défini en 1890 par Nikitin. II est subdivisé en quatre horizons : Vereya, Kashira, Podofsk et Myachkovo. Les .subdivisions de l'étage sont fondées sur Tétude des brachiopodes, foraminifères, conodontes, ammonites, bivalves, MOTS CLÉS Moscovicn, rugueux et plantes. Dans cet article, les nouvelles données proviennent de la Carbonifère, révision de la coupc stand.ird de l'éragc et de .scs nouvelles interprétations. bio.stratigraphic, L’analyse cyclosiratigrapliiquc fondée sur l'histoire géologique de la région et cyclüstratigraphie, synclinal de Moscou. de son eustatisme est un nouvel aspect de k recherche présente ici. GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2) 235 Malchlina M. Kh., Solovieva M. N. t & Goreva N. V. The Moscovinn Stag;e deposits as well as the were caused by die discovery ofa gap in the stra¬ Middle Carbonîfcrous oncs as a vvhole are wides- totype section of the Kashira Horizon, where pread in Russia and minerai deposits, including deposits of the Tsna unit, estahlished by oil and gas, arc rather common in these sédi¬ -Solovieva (1984, 1986) in the fsna River basin ments. Subdivision and corrélation of the (Ryazan-Saratov dépression) in the easiern part Moscovian polylacial deposits connected with of the Moscow Synoclisc, arc absent. Cyclostrati- different climatic zones (subtropical and boréal) graphical anal^'sis of the Moscovian Stage based represent tJic esscncia! elernetu of geological on the geological history of the région and its mapping and exploitation. Icndency lo adéquate eii.stadc tectonics is rhe new aspect of the rcscar- reliability, précision of stratigraphie scale.s and ch presented in rhis paper high degrce of corrélations achicvcmcnc causcd the necessiiv to reinve.stigate of the stage and l'hc Moscovian Stage in rlie type area îs represen- substage stratotypes. led by marine deposits. Le hy continuons sériés The Moscovian Stage was establislied by Nikiiin of transgressive deposits (130-150 m rhick), in in 1890 in tbe vicinity ol: Moscow. l'he upper which sands and clays are graduallv rcplaced by limit of flic stage was dcfined at rhe base of clayey and pure limesroncs, Subhorizontal hed- Gzhelian limcstoncs. ding and cycticic)^ of deposits give opporrunjt) to The Moscovian, according co the ideas of Ivanov idenrify and follow up horizons, formations and (1926) who had estahlished the fundamental relatively smaJl subdivisions (suhfbrmations and principles of the modem views on ihe volume of memhers) in this région, and to identify cycles of this stage and its subdivisions based on the stu- different order. dies of the deposiiional sequence in the Southern If che CnrbonifcroLis S)^tcm is considered to be a parc ot the Moscow Syneclise, was suhdivided cycle of the third order, Middle and Upper into four horizons: Vcrcya. Kashira, Podolsk and Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) are c)'clcs of the Myachkovo. The Tegulifera Horizon (the fourth order. The Middle Carboniterous corres¬ Kasimovian Stage) was considered to be a part of ponds CO a tcccono-cLisratic cycle of the flfth die Upper Carboniterous. Faunal assemblages of order, tlie Moscovian and Kasimovian stages to che Moscovian as a whole, as well as rhose of its cycles' of che sixih order (Table 1). According to subdivisions based on studies of bradiiopods, Tilebomirov (1988), the lattcr includes the chree foraminifers, conodonrs, ammonites,, bivalves, units correspondiiig to three phases of che trans¬ rugosans, plants, are rekuivcly well known, zonal gression: initial (a), maximum (jî) and terminal, scalcs being estahlished on the hasis of some of or regreS-sive phase (y). Cycles of the sixth order these studied groups. Numerous publications are may be complété or .shortened, rhe former devored to che Moscovian Stage in the type area, consi.sting of chree cycles of the seventh order, which mosr important are rhose by Ivanov che lattcr of two cycles oi the samc order, the ini¬ (1926), Ivanova &c Khvorova (1955), Raiiser- tial phase being absent- These cycles could be Chernousova et ai (1951). Some papers are followed up in different faciès throughout a published during the last 20 vears by Shik rcgioiit and cheir forinacion corresponds lo the (1971), Makhlina (1972, 1976), Makhlina & maximum lectono-eustatic changes of basin Shik (1983), Makhlina et al. (1984), Goreva levcl. 'Hie A/a, Vereya and T.sna subdivisions (1984), Solovieva (1984, 1986). apparenily cotre.spond to rhe cycle of the seventh New data included tn rhe présent paper w'crc order, or to the initial phase of the transgression obtaincd by the correction of the standard sec¬ (tï) (Table 1). l'he combiacd Ka.shija, Podolsk tion of the Moscovian Stage and its new inter¬ and Myachkovo horizons correspond to the cycle prétation. of che seventh order, or to the maximum phase The lower houndary of ihe Moscovian Stage, of rhe transgi-ession (P), whercas chree horizons according to the iraditional views, coïncides wirh of rhe Kasimovian Stage of rhe Upper rhe lower boundaty of the Vereya Horizon. Carboniferous correspond to a régressive phase Changes in the standard section interprétation (y). Within the cycles of the seventh order there 236 GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2) Bio-cyclostratigraphy of the Moscovian Stage Table 1. — Subdivision of the Moscovician of the Russian Platform. Régional Local scale Cyclostraligraphy scale scale Moscow Synclise order of cycles 1 IX VIII D IV III Horizon Formation Subformation Member Horizon Substage (Formation) stage CTE0>On9. ri CO Voskresensk n Krevyakino Krevyakino Suvorovo Krevyakino Krevyakinian y movia pper zi u a K Myachkova Peski Peski Myachkovian c re Noviinskoe Noviinskoe Shehurovo Shehurovo c - Podorsk Podol'sk Ulitino Ulitino Podolskian (0 c Vas'kino Vas'kino (32 <u <0 a, Smedva Smedva Smedva > BH B Rostislavr O O B Lopasnya Lopasnya Lopasnya Kashirian P O Kashira Kashira Khatum pi w CO Nara O c Nara Polustova Nara _c Gora eu Tsna Tsna Tsnian? O a3 1 1 Upper (cid:9632) 1B Vereya Vereya Vereyan a (cid:9632) Lower Shat a2 (cid:9632) 1 Melekess Aza Aza al (cid:9632) (cid:9632) are smaller cycles - those of the eighth order, cor- environmenrs. Periodicity in the distribution of responding to separate horizons (substages in the faunal assemblages, which always show maxi¬ proposed cyclostracigraphic scale, Table 1) and mum diversiry in a transgressive part of a cycle those of the first order, corresponding to subfor¬ and low diversit)'^ in its régressive part (Makhlina mations (hori/.t)ns in the proposed cyclostrati- Sbik 1983), is a charnctcristic fcaturc of ail graphic scale, Table I). simultancoiisly formed polyfacial stratigraphie units corresponding to the cycles (Figs 1-3). Every stratigraphie unit of any rank can be sub- Boundaries between tbese units correspond lo divided iiuo two parts: lower^ corresponding to historico'geological changes of sédimentation ihe transgressive pha.se of sedimentarion, and patterns, i.e. to changes in abioric environment upper, corresponding lo ihe régressive phase. taking place simultaneousiy in the wholc région Contemporaneous stratigraphie units of different (Makhlina 1996). faciès, which wcrc formed in the paleobasin as a The Jnain criteria for distinguishing and cracing latéral sequence of rocks rcflect, ncat-shore, per- ot transgressive-regressive cycles in which combi¬ iferal, shallow-water and relatively deep-water nation form stratigraphie units (formations, sub- GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2) 237 Makhlina M. Kh., Solovieva M. N. t & Goreva N. V. formations) are ihe follovA'ing: sedimcntological N. bttsslcri, Dfplognctthodus adoradoensis-, and faunistic content, features of texture, perio- D. orphnnits, Streptognathodtis parviis. dicity in rhe distribution of ail groups oi iauna in According to Solovieva (1984) and Alekseev the section, as well as blostratigraphic;d characte- (1994), the Vereya Formation sensu Ivanov ristics for the définition of the gcological age of (1926) is only charaeVerized by the yVlyutovo the units. ’l'hc sufficient methodical signifîcance fïisulinid and conodont assemblages. The over¬ of the lirhological-palaeoecological criteria, ela- lying and underlying Shat and Ordynha mem- borated by Osipova & Belskaya (1967). should bers ( Fable 1) do not contain any orber tàunisric be emphasized in this respect. complex except Alyutovo age. Leaving aside the problcm of rhe lower boundary In the standard of the Moscovian Stage, the posi¬ of the Moscovian Stage, chat is stÜl discussed tion ahove the Vereya Formation in the case of (Solovieva 1986; Aleksecv et ai 1994), let us give normal scquence is occupied hy rhe Tsna unit brief characterisrics of the stratotype sections of distinguished hy Solovieva {1984, J986). Tn rhe the horizons (formations, subformations), Le. of stratotype section (Yambirnoye Quarry, Ryazan units of the régional and Joca) s'cales ol the région, Fig. l'H) it is represented by inierbcd- Moscovian Stage, accepted in Russia ding ol dcrrital and doloniitr/.ed finc-grained (Anonymous 1988, Table l). limestones with greenish clays and marks, rarely with micro-grained dolomites (Fig. 2-11). The The Vercya Horizon (Formation), in order to tliickness of rhe subformaiioii in the stratotype is reinvesrigate the stratutype, was studied ncar the 16.5 m (Table ty Local Scalc, 1988). village Alyutovo on the righc bank of the Pronja Deposits of the Tsna Subformarion correspond river, where it is lying ciansgressively on Lower to the Zone Aljutonelln pritcoideas HctnifitsuUna Carboniferous deposits (Solovieva 1986) volgeyisis. l'his typical forantiniferal asscmbhige, (Fig. 2-1). Red sand and clays, glauconite Sând- characteri/ed by a high dcgrec of similarity m ail stones can be found in the base ol the section, régions where the.se deposits arc represented (rhe crinoid-bryozoan sandy limestones with forâmi- Russian Plaiform, rhe Douces Basin,, the nifers, as well as intoibedding of crinoid lime¬ Cisuralian Dépression, Urals, Tien-Shan, etc.), stones, variegated c!ays> maris with brachiopods iücludes the follov^nng species: Schtibemila gTiici- and bryozoans overlying them (Ivanova & lis znensis^ Sch. galinae, Ozawainella digitnUsy KTvorova 195S). l'he chickness of che formation ProfnsulificdJa prisen tîntanica^ P nnrûtovensis, in this section is 10 m, and in the région ir P jmta^ Taitzehoella prolibrovichi, T. pseudolibro- changes from 10 to 3? ni. The Vereya Formation Vîckd, Aljutovella parasaratovica^ zl. ùuralovtca, is subdivided into rwo subforniarîons, lower and A. priscoidca^ A. znensisy Hemîfusidina dutkevîchi, Lippcr (Anonymous 1988). Solovieva (1986) pro- H. volgemis. posed the foraminileral Proftisiinella cavis, Aljutovella aljutovica. AL artificirxHs Zone. The typical assemblage of the Vereya Horizon (Formation) ts fcprcsented by tho following spe- cies of foraminifers; Eostaffelln mutabilis, Schubertella püuçhepuuay Psvudosmffclla suhqua- dratUt Profiisulinella cavis, P parvn^ Aljutovella aljutoviça, A. artificialis, A. scclvevatictu A. euhnea, ehn^ntft. Deposits of the Vereya Horizon (Formation) cor¬ respond the conodont IdiognatiHndes tubercu- TO lattis^ !d. mitrginodosus Zone. Characccristic species of the zone arc Idiogriathoides dnnhassiens. Id. shnuxtus^ Id. fossatuf. ïd, ein'rngatus^ FfG. 1. — Location map of the stratotype sections (l-X) of the Idiognathodus incurvusy Neognathodus atokaensis-, Moscovian Stage (for the list of the sections, see figures 2. 3). 238 GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2) Bio-q^clostratigraphy of the Moscovian Stage According to thc prdimlnary investigations, ihe rnoelleri, H. kashirka communis, H. splcndida, l'sna Subformatîon corresponds ro the tonodonr Beedeina ozaivai-, B. paraozaivah B. pseudoelegam. Neogtmthodus bathrops^ Streptognathodus tramiîi- The Rostislavf member consists of two parts. vus Zone. J'iie lowcr boundary is defined by rbe The lowcr onc is represented by interbedding of entry of Neagvathodus boihrops, the upper one by clays and limestones, or by unfossiliferons days, the incoming ot Streptoguathodus disi^ectus. or by dolomicic maris (bed 23, Fig. 2-IV), the Deposits arc characterized by an inipoverished upper one by sands, aleurolites, sandstones and conodont complcx. Typical spedes are as follows: conglomerace (bed 21, Fig. 1-V), The lower part Neognathodîis bothraps^ Streptügndthudus pürinis^ corresponds to a régressive phase and terminâtes Idiognathodiis delicatus-, Id. cd^llqitus, Diplo- the kopasoy.a Snhformation, the upper part, gnathodus colonidoemis. being the transgressive one, corresponds to the Deposits of che Tsna Subformaiion hâve a spotcy base of rhe Smedva Subformarion. distribution due to the transgressive bedding on it of thc Kashira Horizon that corresponds to the The Smedva Subformarion, or according to beginning of maximum transgression ((îj, Ivanov (1926) “dolomites of Smedva”, contains Table 1). micnjgraincd dolomites and dctrital limestones (Fig. 2-V). U was referred to the Podol.sk The Nara Subformation is represented by an Horizon by Ivanov and Solovieva, many of the interbedding of poorly coloured micrograincd subséquent auihors assigned tbi.s subformatinn to limestones and dolomites wiih biodetrital lime- the Kashira Horizon. “Dolomites of Smedva' srones and clay seams. The thickness of thc represent lagoonal rocks characteristic of a régres¬ deposits eau reach 28 ni {Fig. 2-II1). Materials sive phase. I hls environment was imfavorablc for available give ati opportuniiy lo substantiate ihe fusLilinids. dliaC is why deposits of the Smedva récognition of thc local Hemifiisulhm kushiricUy Subformation are very poorly characrerized by H, moellert^ Becekina pscudoelegans Zone. In the this group of tauaa. The Lopasnya and Smedva eastern sections of the Southern part of rhe subformations correspond to the conodont Russian Platform chcrc arc numerous Neo- Neognathodus medadultirnus^ Streptognathodus stajjellu, Profusnlinelta pseudolibrovichi, Pr. eoli- dissectus Zone. The lowcr limit of the zone Is brovichi. Pi. syzranicas Pr. mtHahiUs^ defined by lhe incoming ot Neognathodus meda- Heniifusulim kashirka. H. pseudobochi. H. mocl- diiltirniis^ the upper one by the entry ot leri, Beedchm hontu B. Qznwau B. pseu-doelcgatis^ N. medexultimm. Characteristic spccies are as fol¬ B. d(. proQZiiWiü^ B. kayi. The Nara Subtormation lows; N. hothrops^ N. medadultiinus, N. colom- corresponds to thc conodont Ncognathodiis biensis^ Idiognathodus obliquus^ L delicutus^ bothropSy Streptognathodus disseetns Zone. It is I. robustiLu Streptognathodus dissectus, Diplogna- characicrizcd by ihc following species: thodus coloradoerisis. This zone can be subdlvided Ncognathodus bothrops^ N. kashtrieiists, Sti: dissec- into two local subzones, each with a characterls- tus^ Str. parvus. Diplognathodus voloriidoensis is tic assemblage: Suh/.one Neognathodus bothrops» very common. N medadultimus, corresponding to thc Lopasnya The overlying Lopasnya Subformarion is repre¬ Sublormation, and Subzone N. medexultirnus sented by interbedding of pinkish and greenish corresponding ro the Smedva SubRirmation. Ttic limestones, dctrital, micrograincd, with cherts, volume of tlic former sub-zone is designated by variegated maris, more rarely dolomites. Its the coexistence of A^. bothrups and N. medadultk thickness is 15-30 ni (Fig. 2-1V)- The subforma¬ mus, the characteristic complex lieing represented tion corresponds to thc local Moellerites lopUs- by N. hotbrops, N. medadultufius, Strepîognd'- viensis, Beedeina ozawai, Fusulinella sahpulchni thodus dissectus, Idiognathodiis oblitjuus, l he Zone (Solovieva 1986). The Ibllowing complex volume of lhe latier subzune is designated by the is characteristic: Ozawamelht stellae., Pmîellilprae- présence of Neognathodus medexultirnus, Stiepto- cuTsor paraventricoui., F. praetypica, Neostajfella gnathodus dissectus, Idiognathodus obliquus, larionovae, Fusidinella subptdchray Hemifusulina L robustus. GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19 (2) 239 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 ^7 9 10 11 12 hr^ 13 14 l^-:-:;J ib 1'®^ 16 I & I 17 I O I IB l^ I 19 I ^'i ZO I cÿ ) 21 \A I 22 I ü I 23 |g<l 24 r~0n 26 1 f i 26 I 1 27 f-*~^ 20 l'^l L-l 29 l*^»l 30 I ] 31 | lil| | 32 33 IV^I 34 liTÜIll 3B Fig. 2. — Sections of the Moscovian Stage (Veroya. Tsna and Kashira beds); I. outcrops near ihe Alyutovo village, right bank of the Pronja River {Solovieva 1986), lectostratotype ol the Vereya Formation; II, Yambirnoye Quarry near the Yambirnoye village, left bank of the Tsna R'ver (Solovieva 1986'/; the Tsna Suoformaîion holostralolype; III. outcrops along the Oka. Nara. Protva. Besputa rivers: section oî the Nara Subtomiation of the Kashira Formation (ivanova » Khvorova 1955, fig. 13), !V, ourcfop near ihe Lapmo village at ihe left bank ot the Lopasnya River (near the Knatun village) (Solovieva 1986): siratotype ol the Lopasnya Subiormatton. layer 1. Khatun member: layer 23, Rostislavrmember. the lower part; V. outcrops along the OKa. Nara, Protva. Besputa rivers; sections of the Smedva Suütofrnation ot the Kashira Formalion: layer 21. RostislavI rnember, lhe upper pan (Ivanova & Khvorova 1955, fig 13). Legend for figorys 2*3 Depos«ts 1-16:1. Kmestone; 2. d&tr*ta! ai biomorphlc-detriial limêslone- 3, siuôge limestone; 4. microg^ained limestone; 5, coprolilc-dclnlal limestone. 6. lime sanostone, 7. dolomite; 8, miçrograined dolomite; 9. clayey limestone: 10. mari: 11, ciayey dolomite; 12. dolomite mari; 13. dolomitized limestone; 14, Time and aoiomlte ctay; 15. sand sill, sandstone; 1B. fragments oi chert and limestone. Fossils 17-29; 17, foraminifers; 18, brachiopods. 19, solllary corals: 20, colonial corals; 21, bivalves; 22. gastro- pods: 23. Dryozoans: 24. fishes. 25. chnoids; 26. echinoids; 27. algae: 28. aigae Ivanovia tenuissima; 29, traces of mud-eaters; Secondai^ alterations, structure and other signs 30-35; 30. cherts: 31. caverns: 32. stylioliies: 33. cross-beddlng 34. limestone brec- cia. 35. gap l'he Podolsk Horizon (Formation), a maximum rcpre-scntcd m;iinly by biomorphic limestones phase of the Moscovian transgression (p2)» is with seams of miçrograined dolomites, greenish iAr\ GEODIVERSITAS « 1997 • 19(2) Bio-cyclostratigraphy of the Moscovian Stage mari and clays; the total thickness is 25-40 m. compicx is as fbilows: OzMwatnella kumkhoverisis, Three subtormations can be identified within NeostaffelLi rosm^zein^ N. sphueroklea^ Taitzebeella this formation. librovitchi aieliidy FusuHnella colaniae,, Hemi- fusulina splcndida, Bt-rdeina elegans, B. omwai, The lower one (Vas’kino Subformation) is repre- B. elshanica vaskinensh, Putrella triangnU-. sentcd by miciograined Jimcstoncs and dolo¬ mites with biomorphic'dctrital limestone seams; 1 he overlying Ulilino Subformation is similar to the thickness is 7-12 m (Fig. 3-Vl). At the base, the Vas'kino in the sedimeniological aspect but there are conglomérâtes and maris that could be differs m rhe présence of limestone seams with traced regionally. The Vas'kino Subformation the algae Ivanovia termissinut. The thickness of corresponds to the tusulinid FusuUneUa colaniacy the deposits is 12-13 m (Fig. 3-VIT). The sub- Beedeina elegans Zone. The characteristic formation corresponds to the local FusuHnella Fig. 3. — Sor.tlonç of the ^/1o8COV^* Stage (Podoi'sk. Myachkovo norirona): VI soriionK m mo nasm ot ihe Oka ffive» east of ihe Kashira towo, near Bolstioyo Huno village, pogoM Rosttftiavi’. and noar Vas'kino village, section ol ihu Vas’Kino Subformatloo of (he Podol'sk Formation (Ivanovan & Khvorova tP-W. np ?0i VII, Quany near ihü town Podoi'sk: ntraiotype ol the Podoi'&k Formariun (Ulltino Süblormaiion) [Ivanova & Klivurova 1ÔS5. fig. VHI, Üuarry ooarthe lowo Potioi'i^k. atraiolypao* ÜiaPodolBk Formation (Shehurovo Sublormation) <lvanova & Khvorova 10W, (ig 23) «X, Ooairy |(ié Ujwn Podolsk hvpostratotype ot Iho Novlinekoe Subformalion of (hr? Myachkovo Formation (Ivanov;? fi Klivorova 1955. fig. 23); X. Atanusiovo Üuarry noar the Atanaslevo villagH on the nght bank ni the Moekva River, tteclion of Hie Mvachkovo-KrovyaKino boundary tayors (Middlft/Upper Oarhoni/erüus boundaryl; layer 6, “lower conHlomarate'*: lay^r 7, dolomite oi Turaovo"; loyer 8..'0trmH8l)a". lay^r fi. aharstia . layer TO, upper conglome- rate". Hypostratotype of the Peski Subformation of the Myachkovo Formation: it is near Peski raiiway station, on the left bank of the Moskva River (Makhlina étal-1972, 1984). GEODIVERSITAS * 1997 • 19(2) 24 I Makhlina M. Kh., Solovieva M. N. t & Goreva N. V. vozghalemk^ Fusidina Utinensis Zone, the follo- Pidchrella pulclmu Hemifimdina bocki, FI. stdbilis, wing complcx being considered as a cbaractcris- Fusidina cylindrica, tic one: Fusiella putchella, Neostaffella ozaumi, The upper one, Peski Subformation, is represen¬ Ozawainella mosquensis, FusulinelLi vozhgalensis, ted by biomorphic-detrital limestone with lenses Hemifusulina stabilis, H. polasnemîs, Fusulina of lightcoloured maris and clays. ‘‘Turaevo” ulitinemh, F. panconeîish, Purtrlla bmzhnikovae. micrograined dolomite at the top accomplishes 'l’hc uppermost part of the Podolsk Formation is the maximum phase of the Moscovian transgres¬ identified as the Shehurovo Subformation repre- sion. The thickness of the depo.sits is 7-15 m sented by dolomites* biomorphic limestones wich (Fig. 3-X). L^eposits of chc Peski Subformation greenish mari and clayey limestone seams. correspond to the local FusuUnella podolskensis, Limestones are ofren dolomiti/ed and siliceous. F. cylindrica domodedovi Zone. The data avai- The thickness of the deposirs is 8-12 m lable, especiaJly those concerning fusulinid distri¬ (Fig. 3-Vni). riie Shehurovo Subrormaiion cor¬ bution (Makhlina et al, 1972) givc ân op- responds to Becdcina kameyisis^ Pmrrlla brazhn 't- porcuniçy to indicatc complcx typical of the kovae, Ozawainellu ynosquensis Zone with deposirs of chc I*eski Subformation: Schubertella accompanying characteristic complex of mjachkovensh. Ozaivairiella mosquensis,, FusuUnella hockiy F. îwzghulensis, B. elegans^ FusuUnella bockh F yata, F podolskensd^ F. hele- B, shellunem, B. elshanka, nae^ F. mosquensis, F. kumpaniy Hemifusulina Deposits of the Podolsk Horizon correspond co bocki, Fusidina cylindrica domodedovi. F mos- the conodont Neognathodus nicdexultimiis, querysis, F. mjachkovcyîsis^ F pachreiysis^ F fortissi- Idiognathodm podobki^nsis Zone. The lower limit ma. of the zone is deflned by the encry of rhese two The Myachkovo Horizon (Formation) corres¬ species, the upper onc by the îneoming ol ponds to the conodont Neognathodus roundyij Neognathodus roitndyi. The conodont complex as Streptogyiathodus cancetlosus Zone. The lower a whole is not characteristic cnough, the lollo- limit of the zone is deflned by the entry of wing speciCvS being typical*. îdiopiathodiis podoF Neogyiarhodus ifum{q!ialh^ N, rouyidyi^ chc upper skensis, L nuigtiifictis^ l. delicatus^ Neognathodus one by the incoming of S. subcxcelsusy medadulîitynis^ N~ medexultimus, Idiognathodm fssheri and by the disappcarance of Neogtiathodiis spccics. Index species are domina- rhe Myachkovo Horizon (Formation) accom- cing in this complex, N» ynedcxultinuiSy N inae- plishes the maximum phase of the Moscovian quLtleSy (dfognathndm dehcant<, f. rrigonolobatm transgression ((3^,). Tt is represented by biomor¬ being characteristic ones. 'l'he zone is suhdivided phic limestones with micrograined dolomite into rvvo parts considered noivadays ro be local scams and Ughtcolourcd mari Icnses. The total subztmes. The Noviinskoe Subformation corres¬ thickness ol rhe deposirs is 17-37 m. The forma¬ ponds tn the Neognathodus ifîaequales Subzone, tion is divided into rvvo subfotmariuns. charactcrizcd hy tlie acme o( the index spccies. The lower one, Novlinskoc Subformation, is The Peski Subformation corresporid.s to the represented by varions limestones (derrital, bio- N, roundyi Subzone, i.e. to the period of morphic-detriial) with micrograined limestone N. vQundyi mass development and incoming of and dolomite seams, coral-fusulinid limesStones N. dihitatiis •SiVi.à Idiognathodus trigyniolohatus. being typical of its lower part (Fig. 3-IX). The thickness ol die deposits is 10-23 m. Deposirs of The jifïsiiTon of the upper houndary of the the subformation correspond to Fusnlinella hockty Moscovian Stage, i.e. the Middle/Upper E mra, Beedema samarica Zone. The characteris¬ Carboniferous, is .srül discassed at présent time. tic complex indudos SchubertelLx myachkovernis^ rhis houndary was establi.shcd by Ivanov (1926) Fusielta typka, NeostaffelLt pnradoxa, N. sphaeroi- in outerops and quarrics along the Moskv^a river dea, Fusulinella bocki, F. bocki paucheptata, and its triburaries (in Myarhkovo, Suvorova F fluxa, E mosquensis, E rara^ Beedeina samarica^ Gora, Krevyakino and other localities). Ail these 242 GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2) Bio-cycloscratigraphy of the Moscovian Stage localities artr connected to a scparate synsedinienc- Conodom distribution in rhe boundary beds ary élévation in the Moscow zone of élévations demonstrate.s thaï the "garnasha”-"sharsha** beds and are characterized by varying fades of rhe should be a.ssigned to the Kasimovian stage, i.e. boundary beds, as well as by numerous erosional to rhe local Subzonc Idiognathodus arendti of che surfaces with an intraforinaiional conglomerate Streptogtmthodus oppletus Zone (che Krcv}^akino incerbed. Some marker beds traced by Ivânov Horizon). The lower limit of the .subzone is dofi- (1926) in the boundary beds in this région got ned by the incoming of Idiognathodus arendti, their own naines: bed 7 - *‘svinyâ'\ or *^dolomite 1. flshert. Sp'eptngfvzthodtts sttbexcelsiu, S. oppletus, of Turaevo” (Makhlina et ai 1972) (Fig. 3-X) - che upper one by rhe entry of S. sugittaüs and the lightgreen argillaceous mictograined dolomite; disappearance of Idiognathodus trigonolohutus. bed 8 - ''gamasba" - interbedding ol green, red Characteristic species are as follows: clays and maris, limestones, sonietiines with Streptogitathodus suhexcelsus, S. oppletus, S. excel- conglomerate interheds. In some sections, chis sus, S. eaneellosus, Idiognathodus trigonolobatus, member is replâced by dolomitic maris and argil- î. Jishert, J. arendti. laceous limestones (Fig. 3-X); bed 9 - “sharsha" - The Lippet boundary of the Myachkovo Horizon white mictograined nonhomogeneous “^conglo- (Formation), established on the basis of cyclo- merate-likc'’ limestonc with caverns. stratigraphic analysis at the top ofthe "dolomite The position of the upper boundary of the of Turaevo”, is proved not only by faunal distri¬ Moscovian Stage, according to the conclusions bution data but by also .sedimentological and based on brachiopods and foraminifera srudies, is geochemical data. Bed-hy-bcd compatison of changing within the interval from "the lower detrital limesrone microstructures pn the conglomerate lu the base of rhe upper conglome¬ Myachkovo-Krev'yakino boundar)' demonsrrares rate”, i.e. within lhe inccrval from bed 6 to rhat in the former cloddy pcllecal cernent struc¬ bed 10 on Fig. 2-X (Ivanov 1926; Ivanova ôe tures dominate, whercas in the latter (rhe Khvorova 1933; Bolkhovkinova 1937; Rauser- .Suvorovo and Voskresensk subformations) Chernousovâ & Rcitlinger 1954; Maklilina et ai mictograined oncs dominate. Compatison of the 1972). Further srudies of the lower conglomerate geochemical coefficients in the boundary beds interbed (bed 6 on Fig 3-X) undcrlying "dolo¬ also demonstrates rhe différence in che quaiuitd- mite of Turaevo ” showed that tliis conglomerate rivc contenr of microelements: in carbonate wa.s from intrafonnatiorial origin and nor of inter- rocks and in clays and maris in the Noviinskoe stagial one, becaosc ail thèse interbeds contained and Peski .subformaiions, ir is respccrively 10 and fusulinids of Fusulvja tylindnea Zone, indicating 2000 time.s more, than in similar rocks of the rhe Myachkovo (Feski Subformation) âge of the Suvorovo and Voskresensk .subforniations. This "lower conglomcj’ate” (Makhlina et ai 1972). level, therefore, désignâtes the end of rhe d'he complex of foraminifcrs above the "dolomite Moscovian transgression maximum phase (p^) of Turaevo” (in beds 8-9, le. in ‘^garnasha” and and the beginning of a régressive phase (y). It "sharsha”) is represented by numerous small fora- corresponds to the Kasimovian time, characteri- minifers and fusulinids with a widc vertical dis¬ zed by the tcrrigenou.s supply with the micro- tribution, Ozditvûînella atigulata, Globivalvulina elemental content, dilferent from ilie Moscovian, ex gr. gmnulozd, Schuhertella rnjachkoveinh, by faciès variability in the zone of synsediment- Endothym sp. among them. Recently, fcw oppres- ary élévations, followed by the érosion and pre- sed Obsolètes obsolètes wcrc fouud in ibese beds. vailing of unfavorable environments for many Mass Obsolètes enter above the bed 9 ('sharsha”). groups of fauna, particularly foraminifcrs Therefore, we draw the boundary between rhe (Makhlina 1976; Makhlina eZ///. 1972). Myachkovo and the Krev^^akino horizons (i.e. the Middle/Upper Carboniferous boundary) at the Based on the data obiained from cyclostrati- top of the "dolomite of Turaevo''' (bed 7 on graphical analysis of the Middle/Upper Fig. 3-X) between the two conglomérâtes, the Carboniferous deposics in che type area, one may lower one and the upper one. conclude that the Kasimovian/Gzhelian bounda- GEODIVERSITAS * 1997 • 19(2) 243 Makhlina M. Kh., Solovieva M. N. t & Goreva N. V. ry was more significant than rh^ Moscovian/ Alekseev A. S., Rarskov 1. S. & Kotionova I., 1. Kasimovian oue, bccause the Kasimovian Stage 1994. — Stratigraphy of the I.owcr Moskovian Subsrage (Mîddie Carbonilerous) Irom Central represented che terminal phase of the Moscovian Russia accurding to conodont invcstigition. Vesmik transgression, whereas the Gzhclian Stage corres- MGU, Scrie 4, Geologia 2; 33-46 |in Russian). ponded to ihe maximum phase of the following. Rolkhoviiinova M. A. 1937- - Myachkovo section the Gzhelian/Asseiian transgression (both the according to ne\^' paleoncology data, Thesis of report Moscovian and the Gzhelian/Asselian transgres¬ in XVIU session of însirnastonal Geologiad Congress^ Moscow; 29^^ |in Russian). sions represent cycles of the sixth order). This Goreva N. 1984. — Conodonts of the .Moscovian cyclostratigraphical boundaiy supports rhe views Stage in the Moscow Syneclise, .Sbornik "Paleonto- of Nikirin (1890), who proposed to dravv the logical vharacteristics of straîoiypicul and hase boundary between the "Moscow Sériés*' and the Carboniferous sections in rhe Moscow Syneclise^\ VIoscoAV. 44-) 22 (in Russian]. Gzhclian Stage below rhe limestone.s of Gzhel. Ivanov A. i*. 1926. — Middle-Upper Carboniferous Taking into account everything mentioned dc'pofiifs nf Moscow province. Bulletin MOIP, volu¬ above, ono may corne to the conclusion thar me 4: 13-1R9 [in Rus.sian]. almost each of the subdivisions of Kashira, W.mov.i K. I. &[ Ëhvorova 1. V. 1955. — Stratigraphy Podofsk and Myachkovo horizons (formations) of rhe Midiile .ind Upper Cjrboniferou.s in chc wes¬ tern part of the Moscow Synctlisc. Trtidy Paleon- are characterized by zonal conodont and fusuli- tologischeskyi Institute Acaderny Nauk USSRy nid assemblages, and can be traced in different Moscow, tome 53: 1-281 [in Russian]. faciès ail ûver rhe major part of the Moscow Khvorova I. V. 1953. — llvolurion of Middle and Syneclise and other régions of the Russian Upper Carboniferous Basin in the western part of Plarform, and aiso outside of it It gives the the Moscow Synecll.se. Trudy PIPI, tome XLill, Moscow, 22Ü p. [in Russian]. opportunity to raise the rank of these subdivi¬ Maldilina M. Kh. 1976. — Comparative characteris- sions and to regard them as rhe horizons (cycles ticcof ihc structure of Moskovian, Kasimovian and of the eighth order) of the Russian Platform tïzhelian-A.s.selian stages of the Upper Paleozoic in Régional Scalc (Table 1). We believe also thar the Podmosküsye. Izvestya \'9JZov. Geulogia i uizvedka, horizons estahlished by Tvannv in 1926 (the Nü. 6: 3-10 (in Russian]. — 1996. — Cyclic sti Miigraphyv faciès and launa of Vereya, Kashira, Podol'sk and Myachkovo - the Lower Cjrboniferôu.s (Dinantian) of the cycles of the eighth ordci) correspond to stages, Moscow Synecli.se and Voronezh AntecUsc, in as it has heen demonstraced by Ivanova in 1955 Rcceni Advânces in l.ower Carboniferous Geologjs and proved by numerous data, obtained during Genlogkal Society, Spécial Publication. No. 107: 359-364. the following ycars. Howevet. in May 1995, the Makhlina M. Kh., Koulikova A. M. de Rourkovsky Interdepart-mental Stratigraphie Commirtee ol V. P. 1972, — New data aboui a detaÜed compari- Russia dccidcd to consider horizons of rhe son of stratigraphie sections, Izvesrya VUZov^ Moscovian Stage of the Global Scale as subsrages Gtologra i razvedka. Ko. 10; 13-20 |in Russian|. with their own n.imes. As ro rhe Tsna Makhlina M. Kh. & Shik R. M, 1983. -Cydo- .stracigrapKic merhod for a detailed invesrigaiion of Subformation, the problein oi ils rank still Upper and Middle Carboniferous depo.sir.s in remains debatable (should il be a horizon or a Podmoskovye. Izuesrya VLlZotf. Geoîogin / razoedka. substage?). Solovieva considered the Tsna beds to No. 2:3-14 (iti Russian]. be of a stage rank. Tt can be traced in the Russian Makhlina M. Kh., Isakova T.N*. & JouÜtova V.E. Platform, as well as in Ticn-Shan, Donets Basin, 1984. — Upper Carboniferous In Podmoskovye. Vestmk sbtsrntk Verhnt Carbon SSSR\ Nauka: 5-14 lirais and other régions. [in Ru.^sian]. Nikitin S. N. 1890. — Carboniferous deposits of the Moscow area and arlesian wau-rs in the vicinity of REFERENCES Moscow. Trudy Gtmlogischeskyi Com., tome 5, No. 5: 1-181 |în RussiânJ. Anonymous 1990. — Decision of the Inter- Osipova A. I. &: Belskara T. N. 1967. — An expé¬ departmental Régional Swatigrapbic Conférence on rience of A lithologicaf-mlacoccological study of the the Mieidlc and Jpper Paleozoic nf the Russian Visean-Namriri.in dcpo.sîts in the Moscow Platfonn (Leningrad, 1988). Carboniferous System. Syneclise. Lithologla i polezn. iskop.. No. 5: Léningrad, 95 p. [in Russian]. 118-142 [in Russian]. 244 GEODIVERSITAS • 1997 • 19(2)