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Preview On the Behavior of the Residual in Conjugate Gradient Method

On the Behavior of the Residuals in Conjugate Gradient Method 3 1 0 Teruyoshi Washizawa 2 SARD Center, Canon Inc. n a January 22, 2013 J 1 2 Abstract ] In conjugate gradient method, it is well known that the recursively A computedresidualdiffersfrom trueoneastheiteration proceedsinfinite N arithmetic. Some work have been devoted to analyze this be-havior and . to evaluatethelower and theupperboundsof thedifference. Thispaper s focuses on the behavior of these two kinds of residuals, especially their c [ lower boundscaused by theloss of trailing digit, respectively. 1 v 1 Introduction 9 4 Conjugategradient(CG)methodanditsvarietiesarepopularasoneofthebest 7 unsteady iterative methods for solving the following linear system: 4 . 1 Ax=b (1) 0 3 In CG method, an approximate solution x is expected to approach the exact k 1 solution x*. For the symmetric positive definite A, it is proved that the A- : v norm of the error monotonically decreases as the iteration proceeds in exact Xi arithmetic. This will be called as A-norm monotonicity of the error in the remaining part of this article. It is obvious that we cannot calculate directly r a such a norm of the errorwithout the solution. Therefore,almost allalgorithms employ the residual which is easily calculated as the difference between the left handside(LHS)andtherighthandside(RHS)of(1),r :=b−Ax . Inpractice, k k theresidualiscalculatedbytherecursionformulabecauseofthecomputational complexity of the matrix vector product Ax [1, 2]. However, this recursion k formula causes another problem in which the recursive residualdiffers from the trueresidualastheiterationproceeds. Itcanbealsoobservedthattherecursive residualdecreasesafterthe true oneseamsto reachits lowerbound. We should terminate the CG steps just before the difference is too large to be neglected. Ginsburg has proposed a simple criterion [1]: For the true residual calculated as the difference between LHS and RHSofalinearsystemandtherecursiveresidualcalculatedbyusing 1 the recursionformula,theprocedureisterminatedwhenthe2-norm oftheirdifferenceisgreaterthanthe2-normoftherecursiveresidual: kr k<exp(k/n)2ks −r k k k k where n is dimensionarity of a linear system. Severalresearchershaveproposedtheestimationsofthelowerandtheupper boundofthenormoftheerrorandtheresidual. Wo´zniakowskiinvestigatedthe numerical stabilities and good-behaviors of three stationary iterative methods and CG method using the true residual b − Ax [3, 4]. Wo´zniakowski gave k the upper bound of the ultimately attainable accuracies of the A-norm and the 2-norm of the error, and 2-norm of the true residual. Bollen gives the round-off error analysis of descent methods and lead a general result on the attainable accuracy of the approximate solution in finite arithmetic [2]. It has alsoshownthatthegeneralresultisappliedtotheGauss-Southwellmethodand the gradient method to obtain the decreasing rates of the A-norm of the error in finite arithmetic. Greenbaum have shown that for tiny perturbation ǫ , the M eigenvalues and the A-norm of the error vectors generated over a fixed number of perturbed itera-tive steps are approximately the same as those quantities generatedby the exactrecurrencesapplied to a ”nearby”matrix [5]. The lower bound of the true residual is pointed out in [6]. Two kinds of the estimates of the A-norm of the error at every step in CG algorithm has been proposed and verified that those estimates are the lower and the upper bound in [7]. The lower and the upper bounds of the A-norm of the error have been also given by Meurant[7] and Strakoˇs and Tichy´[8]. Strakoˇs and Tichy´ have proposed the tight estimate for the lower bound of both the A-norm and the 2-norm of the errorin every step. This stepwise lower bound, however,keeps decreasing after the error reaches its ’global’ lower bound. Therefore, the terminating criteria by using this stepwise lowerbound cannotdetect the globallowerbound of the error. Calvetti et al. has proposed the estimates of the lower and upper bound of the A-norm of the error in CG method [9]. Those previous studies give the stepwiselowerandthe upperboundofthe errorandthe residualbutthe global bounds. Intheremainingpartofthisarticle,wewillfirstshowthatthetrueand the recursive residualalmostmonotonically de-crease as the iteration proceeds. Then, these lower bounds will be shown. 2 Notation We shall give the notations appeared throughout this article. A and b is, re- spectively, a coefficient matrix and a constant vector in a linear system. k·k in connection with a vector and a matrix, respectively, stands for the 2-norm andspectralnorm,k·k inconnectionwitha vectorstands forthe normunder A the metric tensor A. The exact value of a variable x is denoted as x¯. The floating point representation of a variable x is denoted simply as x. The com- putational error caused by the floating point representation is denoted as an 2 ∗ operator ǫ (x) := x−x¯. The exact solution of (1) is denoted as x which is M described formally as x∗ = A−1b. At the k-th step, an approximate solution, the error,thetrue residual,andthe recursiveresidualis,respectively,described as x , e , s , and r . They are computed in CG method as follows: k k k k xk+1 := xk+αkpk, ∗ e := x −x , k k s := b−Ax , k k rk+1 := rk−αkApk Since A is a constant matrix and kǫ (A)k/kAk is almost equal to ǫ without M M thedependenceonthenumberofiterations,ǫ (A)isoutofourconcernaswell M as ǫ (b). M 3 Almost monotonicity of residuals in finite arith- metic In this section, we will see the true and the recursive residual has the 2-norm almost monotonicity in finite arithmetic, respectively. 3.1 The 2-norm almost monotonicity of true residual The true residualis calculated as the difference between LHS and RHS. This is equivalent to multiplication of A to the error in finite arithmetic, ∗ ∗ s =b−Ax =b−A(x −x )−Ax =−Ae k k k k The behavior of true residual s is, therefore, equivalent to Ae . The A-norm k k monotonicityof the errorin finite arithmetic has been provedintheorem-3.1of [2]. Thefollowingtheoremshowstheerrorhasthe2-normalmostmonotonicity. Theorem-1. Ife hastheA-normmonotonicity,e hasthe 2-norm k k almost monotonicity for a regular matrix A, ∃k >j,ke k<ke k (2) k j Proof. The relationshipbetween 2-normand A-norm of anerror is ke k=kA−1/2e k ≤kA−1/2kke k (3) k k A k A similarly, ke k =kA1/2e k≤kA1/2kke k (4) k A k k Substituting (3) and (4) into (2) and we yield kA−1/2kke k <kA1/2k−1ke k (5) k A k A 3 Equation (5) holds if k exists to satisfy the following relation ke k <κ(A1/2)−1ke k (6) k A k A where κ(A) is the condition number of a matrix A. From the A- normmonotonicityofthe errore ,sincethefollowingrelationholds k for any positive value a, ∃k >j,ke k <ake k k A j A there exists k > j satisties (6) and consequently (2). We have to notice that (2) does not hold when a = 0, i.e., the inverse of the coefficient matrix A is singular. Theorem-1 leads to the 2-norm almost monotonicity of the true residual using the relationship ks k=kAe k. k k Theorem-2. If e has the 2-norm almost monotonicity, s has the k k 2-norm almost monotonicity for a regular matrix A, ∃k >j,ks k<ks k (7) k j Proof. The relationship between the 2-norm of the error and that of the residual is ks k=kAe k≤kAkke k (8) k k k Similarly, ke k=kA−1s k≤kA−1kks k (9) j j j Substituting (8) and (9) into (7) and we yield kAkke k<kA−1k−1ke k (10) k j Equation (10) holds if k exists to satisfy the following relationship ke k<κ(A)−1ke k (11) k j From the 2-norm almost monotonicity of the error e , since the k following relationship holds for any positive value a, ∃k >j,ke k<ake k (12) k j there exists k >j that satisfies (11) and consequently (7). 4 4 The 2-norm almost monotonicity of recursive residual Beforetheproofofalmostmonotonicityofrecursiveresidualinfinitearithmetic, we first give the proof of almost monotonicity of recursive residual in exact arithmetic. FromtheA-normmonotonicityofthe errorinexactarithmetic,the 2-norm almost monotonicity of the residual in exact arithmetic can be proved. We have to notice that the recursive residual r¯ is identical to the true residual j s¯ in exact arithmetic. j Theorem-3. If ∀n,ke¯n+1kA < ke¯nkA, then the following proposi- toin holds for a regular matrix A: ∃k >j,kr¯ k<kr¯ k (13) k j Proof. The relationship between the error and the residual gives: kr¯ k=kAe¯ k=kA1/2e¯ k (14) k k k A Then we yield the lower and the upper bound of the 2-norm of the true residual: kA−1/2k−1ke¯ k ≤kr¯ k≤kA1/2kke¯ k (15) k A k k A From above equation, the sufficient condition for (13) can be given as follows: kA1/2kke¯ k <kA−1/2k−1ke¯ k (16) k A j A that is, the equation holds if there exists k >j so that ke¯ k <κ(A1/2)−1ke¯ k (17) k A j A From the A-norm monotonicity of the error e¯ , the following equa- k tion holds for any positive value a, ∃k >j,ke¯ k <ake¯ k (18) k A j A and (13) holds. Now we show the almost monotonicity of the recursive residual in finite arith- metic. Theorem-4. Iftherecursiveresidualhas2-normalmostmonotonic- ity in exact arithmetic, then the recursive residual has the 2-norm almost monotonicity in finite arithmetic: ∃k >j,kr k<kr k (19) k j 5 Proof. Equation (19) is rewritten as ∃k >j,kr¯ +ǫ (r¯ )k<kr¯ +ǫ (r¯ )k k M k j M j The following relationship is one of its sufficient conditions max[kr¯ +ǫ (r¯ )k]<min[kr¯ +ǫ (r¯ )k] (20) k M k j M j The evaluation of the maximum value of LHS is max[kr k]=(1+ǫ )kr¯ k (21) k M k Similarly, the minimum value of RHS is evaluated as min[kr k]=(1−ǫ )kr¯ k (22) j M j Substituting (21) and (22) into (20), the sufficient condition (20) is given as ∃k >j,kr¯ k<(1−ǫ )/(1+ǫ )kr¯ k (23) k M M j There exists k > j for (1−ǫ )/(1+ǫ ) > 0 from theorem-3 and M M (23) holds. 5 Lower bounds of error and residual in finite arithmetic It has been shown that the 2-norm of two kinds of residuals, respectively, de- creases almost monotonically in finite arithmetic in the previous section. Now we consider whether if the 2-norm of each variable stops decreasing before the ∗ approximates x does not reach its target x . k 5.1 Lower bound of error Theoem-1 shows the approximate solution x approaches the exact solution j almost monotonically in finite arithmetic. The correction of the recursion for- mulaofx ,however,vanishesbythelossoftrailingdigitssothattheerrorstops k changing, i.e., |∆xstop(n)|/|xstop(n)|<ǫM =⇒xstop+1 =xstop where x (n) is the n-th component of x . k k ∗ Ontheotherhand,thesolutioninfinitearithmeticx isnotalwaysidentical ∗ to that in exact arithmetic x¯ . Therefore, the target for iterative algorithms in ∗ ∗ finitearithmeticshouldnotbex¯ butx . Theerrorcausedbythelossoftrailing ∗ digits is described formally as x −x . Since the true residual is given by stop multiplying A to the error, the lower bound of the true residual is given as ∗ A(x −x ). stop 6 5.2 Lower bound of recursive residual Theorem-4 shows the recursive residual reduces its 2-norm almost monotoni- cally. The next theorem proves that the change of the recursive residual stops only when krk+1k<ǫMkrkk. It decreases almost monotonically until then. Theorem-5. Therecursiveresidualneverhavealowerboundcaused by the loss of trailing digits. Proof. The recursionformulaofthe residualisingeneraldescribed as rk+1 =rk−∆kk (24) where ∆kr := α Ap . The residual reaches its lower bound r if k k k k the following condition is satisfied: ∆r <ǫ (r ) (25) k M k We will show the condition of (25) never be satisfied in not only exact but also finite arithmetic. In exact arithmetic, (24) satisfies the following relationship: krk+1k2 = kr¯k−∆r¯kk2 =kr¯kk2−2(r¯k,∆r¯k)+k∆r¯kk2 = kr¯kk2−2(r¯k,r¯k−r¯k+1)+k∆r¯kk2 = −kr¯ k2+k∆r¯ k2 k k whereusing(r¯k,r¯k+1)=0. Thefollowingrelationshipholdsdirectly from above equation in exact arithmetic : k∆r¯ k≥kr¯ k (26) k k This showsthat (25) never be satisfiedin exactarithmetic. Now we evaluate above in finite arithmetic. k∆r k min[∆r¯ +ǫ (∆r¯ )] k k M k ≥ kr k max[kr¯ +ǫ (r¯ )k] k k M k (1−ǫ )k∆r¯ k 2ǫ k∆r¯ k M k M k = = 1− (1+ǫ )kr¯ k (cid:18) 1+ǫ (cid:19) kr¯ k M k M k According to (26), we yield k∆r k 2ǫ k M ≥1− kr k 1+ǫ k M and prove that the recursive residual never have a lower bound causedbythelossoftrailingdigits. Theterminationoftheiterations is caused only when krk+1k≤ǫMkrkk by the significant decrease of the recursive residual for α Ap ≈r . k k k 7 6 Conclusions In this article, the convergence behaviors of true and recursive residual have been analyzed. The results obtained are summarized below: • Infinite arithmetic,the 2-normofthe errorandtheresidual,respectively, almost monotonically decreases. • 2-normofthe errorhas the lowerbound infinite arithmetic as wellas the true residual. • 2-normoftherecursiveresidualneverhaveanon-zerolowerboundcaused by the loss of trailing digits in finite arithmetic. References [1] T.Ginsburg: ”Theconjugategradientmethod,”NumerischeMathematik, 5(1), pp.191-200(1963). [2] J.A.M.Bollen: gNumericalStabilityofDescenetMethodsforSolvingLin- ear Equations,h Numerische Mathematik, 43, pp.361-377,1984. [3] H.Wo´zniakowski:gRound-OffErrorAnalysisofIteratinosforLargeLinear Systems,h Numeriche Mathematik, 30, pp.301-314,1978. [4] H. Wo´zniakowski :gRoundoff Error Analysis of New Class of Conjugate- GradientAlgorithms,hLinearAlgebraanditsApplications,29,pp.507-529, 1980. [5] A. 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