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Preview On the Andrews-Stanley Refinement of Ramanujan's Partition Congruence Modulo 5

ON THE ANDREWS-STANLEY REFINEMENT OF RAMANUJAN’S PARTITION CONGRUENCE MODULO 5 4 0 0 ALEXANDERBERKOVICHANDFRANKG.GARVAN 2 n Abstract. In a recent study of sign-balanced, labelled posets Stanley [13], a introducedanewintegralpartitionstatistic J srank(π)=O(π)−O(π′), 3 where O(π)denotes the number ofoddparts of thepartition π and π′ is the ] conjugateofπ. In[1]AndrewsprovedthefollowingrefinementofRamanujan’s O partitioncongruencemod5: C p0(5n+4)≡p2(5n+4)≡0 (mod5), h. p(n)=p0(n)+p2(n), t where pi(n) (i = 0,2) denotes the number of partitions of n with srank ≡ i a (mod4) and p(n) is the number of unrestricted partitions of n. Andrews m askedforapartitionstatisticthatwoulddividethepartitions enumeratedby [ pi(5n+4)(i=0,2)intofiveequinumerous classes. In this paper we discuss two such statistics. The first one, while new, is 1 intimatelyrelatedtotheAndrews-Garvan[2]crank. Thesecondoneisinterms v of the 5-core crank, introduced by Garvan, Kim and Stanton [9]. Finally, we 2 discusssomenewformulasforpartitionsthatare5-cores. 1 0 1 0 4 1. Introduction 0 Let p(n) be the number of unrestricted partitions of n. Ramanujan discovered / h and later proved that t a (1.1) p(5n+4) 0 (mod 5), m ≡ (1.2) p(7n+5) 0 (mod 7), : ≡ v (1.3) p(11n+6) 0 (mod 11). i ≡ X Dyson[5]wasthefirsttoconsidercombinatorialexplanationsofthesecongruences. r Hedefinedtherankofapartitionasthe largest part minus the numberof partsand a made the empirical observations that p(5n+4) (1.4) N(k,5,5n+4)= , 0 k 4, 5 ≤ ≤ p(7n+5) (1.5) N(k,7,7n+5)= , 0 k 6, 7 ≤ ≤ where N(k,m,n) denotes the number of partitions of n with rank congruent to k modulo m. Equation (1.4) means that the residue of the rank mod 5 divides the partitionsof5n+4intofiveequalclasses. Similarly,(1.5)impliesthattheresidueof Date:December26,2003. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary11P81,11P83; Secondary05A17,05A19. Key words and phrases. partitions, t-cores, ranks, cranks, Stanley’s statistic, Ramanujan’s congruences. 1 2 ALEXANDERBERKOVICHANDFRANKG.GARVAN therankmod7dividesthepartitionsof7n+5intosevenequalclasses. Dyson’srank failed to explain (1.3), and so Dyson conjectured the existence of a hypothetical statistic, called the crank, that would explain the Ramanujan congruence mod 11. Identities(1.4)-(1.5)werelaterprovedbyAtkinandSwinnerton-Dyer[3]. Andrews and Garvan [2] found a crank for all three Ramanujan congruences (1.1)-(1.3). Their crank is defined as follows ℓ(π), if µ(π)=0, (1.6) crank(π)= ∼ (ν(π) µ(π), if µ(π)>0, − whereℓ(π) denotesthe largestpartofπ, µ(π) denotes the number ofonesinπ and ∼ ν(π) denotes the number of parts of π larger than µ(π). Later,Garvan,KimandStanton[9]founddifferentcranks,whichalsoexplained all three congruences (1.1)-(1.3). Their approach made essential use of t-cores of partitions and led to explicit bijections between various equinumerous classes. In particular, they provided what amounts to a combinatorial proof of the formula (1 q5m)5 (1.7) p(5n+4)qn =5 − , (1 qm)6 n≥0 m≥1 − X Y considered by Hardy to be an example of Ramanujan’s best work. The main results of [2] can be summarized as p(5n+4) (1.8) M(k,5,5n+4)= , 0 k 4, 5 ≤ ≤ p(7n+5) (1.9) M(k,7,7n+5)= , 0 k 6, 7 ≤ ≤ p(11n+6) (1.10) M(k,11,11n+6)= , 0 k 10, 11 ≤ ≤ and ∼ 1+(x+x−1 1)q+ M(m,n)xmqn − n>1 m XX (1 qn) (1.11) = − , (1 xqn)(1 x−1qn) n≥1 − − Y ∼ whereM(m,n)denotesthenumberofpartitionsofnwithcrankmandM(k,m,n) denotes the number of partitions of n with crank congruent to k modulo m. In [7] Garvan found a refinement of (1.1) (1.12) M(k,2,5n+4) 0 (mod 5), k =0,1 ≡ together with the combinatorial interpretation M(α,2,5n+4) (1.13) M(2k+α,10,5n+4)= , 0 k 4, 5 ≤ ≤ with α=0,1. Recently,averydifferentrefinementof(1.1)wasgivenbyAndrews[1]. Building on the work of Stanley [13], Andrews examined partitions π classified according to (π) and (π′), where where (π) denotes the number of odd parts of the O O O THE ANDREWS-STANLEY REFINEMENT OF RAMANUJAN’S CONGRUENCE 3 partition π and π′ is the conjugate of π. He used recursive relations to show that ( zyq;q2) (1.14) G(z,y,q):= S(n,r,s)qnzrys = − ∞ , (q4;q4) (z2q2;q4) (y2q2;q4) ∞ ∞ ∞ n,r,s≥0 X where S(n,r,s) denotes the number of partitions π of n with (π)=r, (π′)=s, O O and (1.15) (a;q) = lim (a;q) , ∞ n n→∞ 1, if n=0, (1.16) (a;q) =(a) = n n ( jn=−01(1−aqj), if n>0. Adirectcombinatorialproofof(1.14)QwaslatergivenbyA.Sills[12],A.J.Yee[14] andC. Boulet[4]. Actually, C. Boulet proveda stronger versionof (1.14) with one extra parameter. We define the Stanley rank of a partition π as (1.17) srank(π)= (π) (π′). O −O It is easy to see that (1.18) srank(π) 0 (mod 2), ≡ so that (1.19) p(n)=p (n)+p (n), 0 2 wherep (n)(i=0,2)denotesthenumberofpartitionsofnwithsrank i (mod 4). i ≡ We note that (1.14) with z =y−1 =√ 1 immediately implies the Stanley formula − [13, p.8] ( q;q2) (1.20) (p (n) p (n))qn = − ∞ . 0 − 2 (q4;q4) ( q2;q4)2 n≥0 ∞ − ∞ X Using (1.1), (1.19) and (1.20), Andrews proved the following refinement of (1.1) (1.21) p (5n+4) p (5n+4) 0 (mod 5). 0 2 ≡ ≡ His proof of (1.21) was analytic and so at the end of [1] he posed the problem of findingapartitionstatisticthatwouldgiveacombinatorialinterpretationof(1.21). The object of this paper is to provide a solution to the Andrews problem. It turns outthattherearetwodistinctintegralpartitionstatistics,whoseresiduemod5split the partitions enumeratedby p (5n+4) (with i=0,2)into five equal classes. The i first statistic, which we call the stcrank, is new. However, it is intimately related to the Andrews-Garvan crank (1.6). Unexpectedly, the second statistic is the “5- corecrank”,introducedby Garvan,Kim andStanton[9]. Thissecondstatistic not onlyprovidesthe desiredcombinatorialinterpretation,butit alsoprovidesa direct combinatorialproof of (1.21). The restofthis paper is organizedas follows. In Section2 wedefine the stcrank andshowthatisindeed,astatisticaskedforin[1]. InSection3webrieflyreviewthe development in [9]. In Section 4 we state a number of new formulas for partitions that are 5-cores. We sketch the “5-core crank” proof of (1.21) and we conclude with some open problems. 4 ALEXANDERBERKOVICHANDFRANKG.GARVAN 2. The stcrank We begin with some preliminaries about partitions and their conjugates. A partition π is a nonincreasing sequence (2.1) π =(λ ,λ ,λ ,...) 1 2 3 of nonnegative integers (parts) (2.2) λ λ λ . 1 2 3 ≥ ≥ ≥··· The weight of π, denoted by π is the sum of parts | | (2.3) π =λ +λ +λ + . 1 2 3 | | ··· If π = n, then we say that π is a partition of n. Often it is convenient to use | | another notation for π (2.4) π =(1f1,2f2,3f3,...), which indicates the number of times each integer occurs as a part. The number f = f (π) is called the frequency of i in π. The conjugate of π is the partition i i π′ =(λ′,λ′,λ′,...) with 1 2 3 λ′ =f +f +f +f + 1 1 2 3 4 ··· (2.5) λ′ =f +f +f + 2 2 3 4 ··· λ′ =f +f + 3 3 4 ··· . . . Next, we discuss two bijections. The first one relates π and bipartitions (π ,π ), 1 2 where π is a partition with no repeated even parts. 2 Bijection 1 1 π (π ,π ), 1 2 −→ where π =(1f1,2f2,3f3,...), π =(1⌊f2/2⌋,2⌊f4/2⌋,3⌊f6/2⌋,...), 1 π =(1f1,2{f2},3f3,4{f2},...), 2 x is the largest integer x, and ⌊ ⌋ ≤ x =x 2 x/2 . { } − ⌊ ⌋ Indeed, remove from π the maximum even number of even parts. The resulting partition is π , The removed even parts can be organized into a new partition 2 (22⌊f2/2⌋,42⌊f4/2⌋,62⌊f6/2⌋,...), which can easily be mapped onto π . Clearly, we 1 have (2.6) π =4π + π , 1 2 | | | | | | (2.7) srank(π)=srank(π ), 2 THE ANDREWS-STANLEY REFINEMENT OF RAMANUJAN’S CONGRUENCE 5 (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) π π A 2 B (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1) Figure 1. Graphical illustration of Bijection 2 so that q|π|ysrank(π) = q4|π1| q|π2|ysrank(π2) Xπ Xπ1 Xπ2 1 (2.8) = q|π2|ysrank(π2). (q4;q4) ∞ Xπ2 Comparing (2.8) and (1.14) with zy =1, we see that ( q;q2) (2.9) q|π2|ysrank(π2) = − ∞ , (y2q2;q4) (q2/y2;q4) ∞ ∞ Xπ2 where the sum is over all partitions with no repeated even parts. To describe our second bijection we require a few definitions. We say that π A 1 is a partition of type A iff π ((1),π ). We say that π = (λ ,λ ,λ ,...) is A 2 B 1 2 3 −→ a partition of type B iff either π = 4, λ λ 2, λ′ λ′ 2, λ 2 and λ | B| 6 1− 2 ≥ 1− 2 ≥ 1− 2 are not identical even integers and π has no repeated even parts, or π = (3,1). B B 1 Obviously, π ((0),π ). Our second bijection relates partitions of type A and B B −→ B. Bijection 2 2 π π , A B −→ where π =(1f1,2f2,3f3,...,mfm), A (1f1+2,2f2−2,3f3,4f4,...,(m 1)fm−1,mfm−1,(m+2)1), if m>2, − π = (1f1+2,41), if m=2, f =3, B  2 (1f1+1,31), if m=2, f2 =2, m≥2, f2 =2, 3, and f2i =0, 1 for i>1. Clearly, we have (2.10) π = π , A B | | | | (2.11) srank(π )=srank(π ). A B Next, we define a new partition statistic 1 (2.12) stcrank(π)=crank(π )+ srank(π)+Ψ(π), 1 2 6 ALEXANDERBERKOVICHANDFRANKG.GARVAN 1 where π is determined by π (π ,π ), and the correctionterm Ψ(π)=1 if π is 1 1 2 −→ of type B and zero, otherwise. We note that 1 (2.13) stcrank(π )= 1+ srank(π ), A A − 2 and 1 (2.14) stcrank(π )=1+ srank(π ). B B 2 Equipped with the definitions above, we can now prove the following lemma. Lemma 2.1. If g(x,y,q):= q|π|xstcrank(π)ysrank(π), π X then g(x,y,q) has the product representation (q4;q4) ( q;q2) ∞ ∞ g(x,y,q)= − , (q4x,q4/x,q2y2x,q2/(y2x);q4) ∞ where (a ,a ,a ,...;q) =(a ;q) (a ;q) (a ;q) . 1 2 2 ∞ 1 ∞ 2 ∞ 3 ∞ ··· Proof. If π is not of type B and π 1 (π ,π ), then using (2.6)-(2.7), (2.12) we 1 2 −→ find that (2.15) q|π|xstcrank(π)ysrank(π) =q4|π1|+|π2|xcrank(π1)(xy2)srank(π2)/2. 2 On the other hand, if π =π and π π , then A A B −→ q|πA|xstcrank(πA)ysrank(πA)+q|πB|xstcrank(πB)ysrank(πB) (2.16) =q|πA|(x+x−1 1)(xy2)srank(πA)/2+q|πB|x0(xy2)srank(πB)/2. − Here we have used (2.6)-(2.7) and (2.10)-(2.14). Equations (2.15), (2.16) imply that (2.17) q|π|xstcrank(π)ysrank(π) = q4|π1|w(x,π ) q|π2|(xy2)srank(π2)/2 1 Xπ Xπ1 Xπ2 where x+x−1 1, if π =(1), 1 (2.18) w(x,π )= − 1 (xcrank(π1), otherwise. We note that in the first sum on the right side of (2.17) the summation is over unrestrictedpartitions π , and in the secondsum the summation is overpartitions 1 π withnorepeatedevenparts. Finally,recalling(1.11)withq q4 and(2.9)with 2 → y2 xy2, we obtain → (q4;q4) ( q;q2) q|π|xstcrank(π)ysrank(π) = ∞ − ∞ , (xq4,q4/x;q4) · (xy2q2,q2/(xy2);q4) ∞ ∞ π X as desired. (cid:3) Next we show that (2.19) the coefficient of q5n+4 in g(ξ,1,q)=0, (2.20) the coefficient of q5n+4 in g(ξ,√ 1,q)=0, − THE ANDREWS-STANLEY REFINEMENT OF RAMANUJAN’S CONGRUENCE 7 where ξ is a primitive fifth root of unity (ξ5 = 1). We use the method of [6]. We need Jabobi’s triple product identity ∞ (2.21) znqn2 =(q2, qz q/z;q2) , ∞ − − n=−∞ X which implies that ∞ (2.22) (q4;q4) ( q;q2) =(q4, q3, q;q4) = q2n2+n = qTk, ∞ ∞ ∞ − − − n=−∞ k≥0 X X and 1 (2.23) (q2ξ2,q2/ξ2,q2;q2) = ( 1)mq2Tmξ−2m(1 ξ4m+2). ∞ 1 ξ2 − − − m≥0 X Here T =k(k+1)/2. By Lemma 2.1 and equations (2.22) and (2.23) we have k qTk (q2ξ2,q2/ξ2,q2;q2) g(ξ,1,q)= k≥0 = ∞ qTk (q4ξ,q4/ξ,q2ξ,q2/ξ;q4) (q10;q10) P ∞ ∞ k≥0 X 1 1 (2.24) = ( 1)mq2Tm+Tkξ−2m(1 ξ4m+2). 1 ξ2(q10;q10) − − ∞ − k,m≥0 X Note that 2T +T 4 (mod 5) iff k m 2 (mod 5), but then 1 ξ4m+2 =0. m k ≡ ≡ ≡ − This proves (2.19). The proof of (2.20) is analogous. LetP (k,m,n)denotethenumberofpartitionsofnwithsrank i (mod 4)and i ≡ stcrank k (mod m). Clearly, ≡ 4 g(ξ,1,q)+g(ξ,√ 1,q) (2.25) ξk P (k,5,n)qn = − , 0 2 k=0 n≥0 X X 4 g(ξ,1,q) g(ξ,√ 1,q) (2.26) ξk P (k,5,n)qn = − − , 2 2 k=0 n≥0 X X Combining (2.19)-(2.20) and (2.25)-(2.26) we find that 4 (2.27) ξkP (k,5,5n+4)=0,(for i=0,2), i k=0 X which implies that (2.28) P (0,5,5n+4)=P (1,5,5n+4)= =P (4,5,5n+4). i i i ··· On the other hand 4 (2.29) p (5n+4)= P (k,5,5n+4), i i k=0 X so that 1 (2.30) P (k,5,5n+4)= p (5n+4), i i 5 for i = 0,2 and k = 0,1,2,3,4. Thus, we have proved the main result of this section. 8 ALEXANDERBERKOVICHANDFRANKG.GARVAN Theorem 2.2. The residue of the partition statistic stcrank mod 5 divides the partitions enumerated by p (5n+4) with i=0,2 into five equinumerous classes. i We illustrate this theorem in Table 1 below for the 30 partitions of 9. These partitions are organized into five classes with six members each. In each class the first 4 members have srank 0 (mod 4) and the remaining two members have ≡ srank 2 (mod 4). ≡ Table 1. stcrank 0(mod 5) 1(mod 5) 2(mod 5) 3(mod 5) 4(mod 5) ≡ srank 0 (33) (15,22) (14,21,31) (11,24) (19) ≡ (mod 4) (13,21,41) (14,51) (13,32) (16,31) (12,22,31) (11,31,51) (12,21,51) (11,42) (11,21,61) (23,31) (41,51) (91) (22,51) (21,71) (12,71) srank 2 (13,23) (11,21,32) (15,41) (17,21) (21,31,41) ≡ (mod 4) (13,61) (12,31,41) (11,81) (11,22,41) (31,61) Finally, we note that the equation (2.31) srank(π)= srank(π′) − implies that a partition π is self-conjugate only if srank(π) = 0. This means that the involution π π′ has no fixed points if srank(π) 2 (mod 4). Hence, −→ ≡ 2 p (5n+4) and by (1.21) we have the stronger congruence 2 | p (5n+4) 0 (mod 10). 2 ≡ 3. t-cores In this section we recall some basic facts about t-cores and briefly review the development in [9]. A partition π is a called a t-core, if it has no rim hooks of length t [10]. We let a (n) denote the number of partitions of n which are t-cores. t Inwhatfollows,πt-coredenotesat-corepartition. Giventhediagramofapartition π we label a cell in the i-th row and j-th column by the least nonnegative integer congruenttoj i (mod t). Theresultingdiagramiscalledat-residuediagram[10, − p.84]. Let P be the set of all partitions and Pt-core be the set of all t-cores. There is well-known bijection which goes back to Littlewood [11]. φ1 : P Pt-core P → × × P, ···× (3.1) φ1(π)=(πt-core,π~t), (3.2) π~ =(π ,π ,π ,...,π ), t 0 1 2 t−1 b such that b b b b b t−1 (3.3) π = πt-core +t πi . | | | | | | i=0 X b THE ANDREWS-STANLEY REFINEMENT OF RAMANUJAN’S CONGRUENCE 9 This bijection is described in moredetail in [10], [9] and[8]. The followingidentity is an immediate corollary of this bijection. 1 1 (3.4) = p(n)qn = a (n)qn. (q) (qt;qt)t t ∞ n≥0 ∞ n≥0 X X It can be rewritten as (qt;qt)t (3.5) a (n)qn = ∞. t (q) ∞ n≥0 X There is another bijection φ , introduced in [9]. It is for t-cores only. φ : 2 2 Pt-core ~n=(n0,n1,...,nt−1) : ni Z,n0+ +nt−1 =0 , →{ ∈ ··· } (3.6) φ2(πt-core)=~n=(n0,n1,n2,...,nt−1). We call~n an n-vector. It has the following properties. (3.7) ~n Zt, ~n ~1 =0, t ∈ · and t−1 t−1 t (3.8) |πt-core|= 2 n2i + ini, i=0 u=0 X X where the t-dimensional vector~1 has all components equal to 1. The generating t function identity that corresponds to this second bijection is (3.9) at(n)qn = q2t||~n||2+~bt·~n. nX≥0 ~nX∈Zt ~n·~1t=0 Here t−1 (3.10) ~n 2 = n2, and ~b =(0,1,2,...,t 1). || || i t − i=0 X To construct the n-vector of πt-core in (3.6), we follow [8] and define (3.11) ~r(πt-core)=(r0,r1,r2,...,rt−1), where for 0 i t 1, ri(πt-core) denotes the number of cells labelled i (mod t) ≤ ≤ − in the t-residue diagram of πt-core. Then (3.6) can be given explicitly as (3.12) φ2(πt-core)=~n=(r0 r1,r1 r2,r2 r3,...,rt−1 r0). − − − − We note that t ~n 2 is a multiple of t since~n ~1 =0. Hence by (3.4) and (3.9) we 2|| || · t have (3.13) at(tn+δ)qtn+δ = q2t||~n||2+~bt·~n, nX≥0 ~n∈ZtX, ~n·~1t=0 ~n·~bt≡δ (modt) and 1 (3.14) p(tn+δ)qn = a (tn+δ)qn, (q)t t n≥0 ∞ n≥0 X X where δ =0,1,2, ..., t 1. − 10 ALEXANDERBERKOVICHANDFRANKG.GARVAN Wenowassumet=5. Forthecaseδ =4therightsideof(3.13)canbesimplified using the the following change of variables. n =α +α , 0 0 4 n = α +α +α , 1 0 1 4 − (3.15) n = α +α , 2 1 2 − n = α +α α , 3 2 3 4 − − n = α α , 4 3 4 − − We find~n is an n-vector satisfying~n ~b 4 (mod 5) if and only if 5 · ≡ (3.16) α~ =(α ,α ,α ,α ,α ) Z5 0 1 2 3 4 ∈ and (3.17) α +α +α +α +α =1. 0 1 2 3 4 We call α~ and α-vector. Hence, by (3.13) and (3.14) we have (3.18) a (5n+4)qn+1 = qQ(α~), 5 nX≥0 α~·X~15=1 α~∈Z5 and 1 (3.19) p(5n+4)qn+1 = qQ(α~), (q)5 nX≥0 ∞ α~·X~15=1 α~∈Z5 where (3.20) Q(α~)= α~ 2 (α α +α α + +α α ), 0 1 1 2 4 0 || || − ··· If π 4 (mod 5) and t = 5, we can combine bijections φ and φ into a single 1 2 | | ≡ bijection (3.21) Φ(π)=(α~,π~ ), 5 such that b 4 (3.22) π =5Q(α~) 1+5 π . i | | − | | i=0 X Next, following [9] we define the 5-core crank of π wbhen π 4 (mod 5) as | |≡ 4 2 (3.23) c (π)=1+ iα 2(1+n n n +n ) 2+ ir (mod 5), 5 i 0 1 2 3 2−i ≡ − − ≡ i=0 i=−2 X X where α is determined by (3.21). It is easy to check that Q(α~) in (3.22) remains invariant under the following cyclic permutation (3.24) C (α~)=(α ,α ,α ,α ,α ), 1 4 0 1 2 3 while c (π) increases by 1 (mod 5) under the map 5 b (3.25) O(π)=Φ−1(C (α~),~π ). 1 5 In other words, if π 4 (mod 5), then | |≡ b b b (3.26) π = O(π), | | | | b

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