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On the Adoption and Dis-adoption of Household Energy and Farm Technologies PDF

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ECONOMIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW UNIVERSITY OF GOTHENBURG 223 ________________________ On the Adoption and Dis-adoption of Household Energy and Farm Technologies Sied Hassen ISBN 978-91-88199-01-0 (printed) ISBN 978-91-88199-02-7 (pdf) ISSN 1651-4289 print ISSN 1651-4297 online Printed in Sweden, Ineko 2015 (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3) To My Wife and My Parents (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3)(cid:3) (cid:3) Table of Contents Acknowledgments i Abstracts v Overview vii Paper I: Intra-household bargaining power and demand for clean and energy efficient Stoves: Experimental evidence from rural Ethiopia 1. Introduction 2 2. Experiment setting, data collection and design 6 Choice of geographical location 6 Data collection 7 Experiment design and procedures 9 3. Conceptual framework 12 4. Empirical strategy 15 5. Descriptive statistics 22 Descriptive statistics from survey 22 Results from the BDM stove purchase experiment 25 Descriptive statistics: length of time the improved stoves are in use 27 6. Econometric results 27 Instruments validity and first stage regression results 27 IV-Tobit results: willingness to pay, autonomy (autocracy) and other correlates 29 IV-Linear regression results: length of time the improved stoves are in use, wives’ autonomy and other correlates 32 7. Conclusion and policy implications 33 References 36 Appendix A 41 Appendix B 43 Appendix C 53 Paper II: Disadoption, substitutability and complementarity of agricultural technologies: A Random Effects Multivariate Probit Analysis 1. Introduction 2 2. Conceptual framework and empirical strategy 6 3. Data and description of study area 8 4. Descriptive statistics 9 5. Econometrics results 14 MVP and SURE results: interdependencies and determinants of disadoption of green revolution technologies 14 Robustness checks 18 6. Conclusion 19 References 21 Appendix A 27 Appendix B 32 Paper III: Household fuel choice in urban China: Evidence from panel data 1. Introduction 1 2. Review of Literature 3 3. Empirical Strategy 7 4. Data 11 5. Empirical Results 15 6. Conclusion and Policy Implications 23 References 25 List of Figures 31 List of Tables 32 Appendix 40 Paper IV: Adoption and disadoption of electric cookstoves in urban Ethiopia: Evidence from panel data 1. Introduction 111 2. A Review of literature on improved stove adoption 112 3. Empirical strategy 113 Correlated random effects probit model 113 Discrte-time proportional hazrd model 115 4. Data and description of variables 116 5. Econometric Results 119 Adoption of electric mitad appliance 119 Transition into and out of adoption 121 7. Conclusion and policy implications 123 References 123 Acknowledgements The long PhD journey has come to an end with this yellow book. It has been a lot of hard work, butalsoenjoyable. Thisbookendsonetripinlifebutopensthedoorforanothertrip. Thethesis would not have been accomplished without the support and encouragement of colleagues, friends and various institutions. It is thus my pleasant duty to express my gratitude to all those who contributedinmanywaystothecompletionofmyPhDstudyandmadeitamemorableexperience forme. First and foremost, I would like to thank God, Allah, for giving me the power to believe in myself and pursue my dreams. I could never have done this without the faith I have in You, the Almighty. Alhamdulillah! I would like to express my genuine gratitude to my parents who have worked tirelessly all the timetoprovidemethesupportneededtoreachthislevel. Myparents,despitebeinguneducated, haveastrongbeliefthateducationhasthepowertochangesocietyandlives. Theyhavesacrificed a lot to make sure that I have the highest education level. Thank you Mom and Dad! I am also overwhelmingly thankful to my wife, Nejat (Habibti), who sacrificed some of her dreams in life byfollowingmetoSweden. Hersupport,encouragement,patienceandlovewereindisputablythe foundationuponwhichthepastfiveyearsofmylifehavebeenbuilt. Hertoleranceofmyfrequent swings in moods due to schooling stress is a testament in itself of her unwavering devotion and love. Habibti, I will always love you and be on your side! I also owe my deepest gratitude to my brothers,sisters,brothers-in-law,sisters-in-law,mother-in-lawandfather-in-lawforallthesupport andcourageyoubestowedonmeduringmystayinEthiopia. My special appreciation and thanks goes to my two supervisors: Gunnar K¨ohlin and Yonas Alem. They have been tremendous mentors for me. I had the privilege of co-authoring one of my thesis chapters with both of them; this was published in Resources and Energy Economics. This gave me the chance to explore more ideas on improved cookstoves in the developing world. Gunnar,despiteyourbusyschedule,yourdoorisopentomeatappointedandunappointedtimes. I remember one day I came at an unscheduled time around the early evening and you were in a hurrynottomissthetrain,butyouletitgoandtalkedwithme. Iamsothankfulforyourinspiring guidance and invaluably constructive criticism during the thesis writing period. Your advice on research as well as on my career has been priceless. It is a great opportunity to do my doctoral thesisunderyourguidanceandtolearnfromyourresearchexpertise. Tacks˚amycket! IwouldliketoexpressmyheartfeltappreciationandgratitudetoYonasAlem. Heisayoung, i energetic, brilliant and creative researcher. During the time of thesis writing, I was overwhelmed by his incredibly quick and valuable suggestions for every new version of the papers, which he providedbyreadingthemduringnightsandweekends. Youroptimismandadviceonbothresearch andotherissueshasbeenasourceofhopeandinspirationtome. Ihavealsolearntalotfromyour clevereconometricsskills,inparticularpaneldataeconometrics. Beyondbeingmysupervisor,you have been a good friend to me. Yonas, thank you is not enough for all of your invaluable support thathelpedmereachthisstage. IwouldliketothankProfessorSubhrenduPattanayak,myopponentduringmyfinalseminarat theDepartmentofEconomics,UniversityofGothenburg,forallhiscriticalbuthelpfulcomments. Ihighlyappreciateyoursuggestionforthefollow-upsurveyforthefirstchapterofthethesis. Your comments and suggestions were helpful in improving the papers. I am also highly indebted to my co-author, Xiao-Bing Zhang, for inviting me to work on the urban China fuel consumption project. I have really enjoyed the experience of working with a peer PhD student and I learnt a lot from the discussions we had. Outside academics, it was also a great opportunity to be an officematewithhim. Ineverfelttiredorboredintheofficewhenhewasaroundbecausehisjokes were very entertaining; he is a quiet comedian. I would like to thank Haileselassie Medhin, Peter Berck,Fredrik Carlson, Menale Kassie, Thomas Sterner, M˚ans S¨oderbom, Dale Whittington, and seminarparticipantsattheDepartmentofEconomics,UniversityofGothenburg,andparticipants atthe6th and8th EfDannualconferencesfortheirhelpfulcommentsanddiscussionsontheearlier versionsofthepapers. Myearnestthankfulnessgoestomyteacherswhosharedtheirknowledgeandthoughtsduring my coursework: Olof Johansson-Stenman, Andreea Mitrut, Amrish Patel, Johan Stennek, Conny Wollbrant,EyerusalemSiba,LennartHjalmarsson,ArneBigsten,OlegShchetinin,LennartFlood, Ola Olsson, M˚ans S¨oderbom, Yonas Alem, Dick Durevall, Joakim Westerlund, Michele Valsecchi, Thomas Sterner, H˚akan Eggert, Efthymia Kyriakopoulou, Elizabeth Robinson, Gunnar Ko¨hlin, FredrikCarlsson,ElinaLampi,VicAdamowicz,MiteshKataria,FranciscoAlpizar,DaleWhitting- ton, Peter Martinsson, Katarina Nordblom, Jessica Coria, Stefan Ambec, Xiangping Liu, Daniel Slunge, and Olof Drakenberg. I also want to thank the researchers at the Beijer Institute of Eco- logicalEconomicsfortheirnicehospitalityinSpring2012. ItiswithimmensepleasurethatIexpressmythankfulnesstomyclassmateswhomadethePhD studymorememorable: SimonaBejenariu,OanaBorcan,AnjaTolonen,MarcelaJaime,HangYin, Xiao-BingZhang,RemidiusRuhinduka,EmilPersson,andJoakimRuist. Myspecialgratitudegoes ii tomySidaclassmatesMarcelaJaime,HangYin,Xiao-BingZhang,andRemidiusRuhinduka,who made my PhD journey more enjoyable by preparing parties that reflected the different countries wecomefrom. Thelaughterwesharedatthepartiesandoutside,andthetripsandtimewespent together,willalwaysbeinmyheart. MygratitudealsogoestoElizabethF¨oldi,Eva-LenaNeth-Johansson,SelmaOliveira,Po-Ts’an Goh, ˚Asa Adin, Jeanette Saldjoughi, Ann-Christin R¨a¨ata¨ri Nystro¨m, Mona J¨onefors and Marita Ta¨ıbfortheirgreatadministrativesupport,andtotheITdepartmentfortheirtechnicalassistance. TheyprovidedinvaluablesupporttofinishthisPhDprogram. IamespeciallygratefultoElizabeth F¨oldi for her sympathetic and sincere hospitality and for solving the problems that I encountered during my PhD study. I also would like to thank Cyndi Berck for her excellent language and editorialsupport. Lastbutnotleast,IwouldliketoexpressthanksforthefinancialsupportIgotfromtheSwedish InternationalDevelopmentCooperationAgency(Sida)throughtheEnvironmentalEconomicsUnit, UniversityofGothenburg. AspecialthankalsogoestotheCollegeofBusinessandEconomicsand theDepartmentofEconomics,MekelleUniversity,forprovidingsupportservicesformyfieldstudy andforgrantingmestudyleaveforthewholeofmyPhDstudyperiod. Iwouldalsoliketothankthe farmerswhoparticipatedinthesurveyandexperimentandtheenumeratorswhospentconsiderable timewalkingtothevillagesofthesefarmersunderscorchingsunandinclementweatherconditions. SiedHassen May,2015 Gothenburg,Sweden iii iv

Paper IV: Adoption and disadoption of electric cookstoves in urban Ethiopia: Evidence .. sources (i.e., they may have the ability to pay the monthly bill for these clean energy sources). Hence, for . Email: [email protected]. Abstract expenditure on children's material needs (clothes,. 1
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