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Preview On special zeros of $p$-adic $L$-functions of Hilbert modular forms

ON SPECIAL ZEROS OF p-ADIC L-FUNCTIONS OF HILBERT MODULAR FORMS 2 BY MICHAEL SPIESS 1 0 2 l u J Abstract. LetEbeamodularellipticcurveoveratotallyrealnumber 0 field F. We prove the weak exceptional zero conjecture which links a 1 (higher) derivative of the p-adic L-function attached to E to certain p- adicperiodsattachedtothecorrespondingHilbertmodularformatthe ] places above p where E has split multiplicative reduction. Under some T mildrestrictionsonpandtheconductorofE wededucetheexceptional N zero conjecture in the strong form (i.e. where the automorphic p-adic h. periods are replaced by the L-invariants of E defined in terms of Tate t periods) from a special case proved earlier by Mok. Crucial for our a method is a new construction of the p-adic L-function of E in terms of m local data. [ 1 v Contents 9 8 Introduction 2 2 2 1. Generalities on distributions and measures 6 . 7 1.1. Distributions and measures 6 0 2 1.2. p-adic measures 8 1 : 2. Local distributions attached to ordinary representations 8 v Xi 2.1. Gauss sums 8 r 2.2. Ordinary representations of PGL (F) 10 a 2 2.3. Universal tamely ramified representations of PGL (F) 11 2 2.4. Distributions attached to elements of Cα(F,M) 12 2.5. Local distributions 13 2.6. Extensions of the Steinberg representation 14 2.7. Semi-local theory 16 3. Special zeros of p-adic L-functions 17 3.1. Rings of functions on ideles and adeles 18 3.2. Computation of ∂((log ◦N)k) for k = 0,...,r 20 p 3.3. p-adic L-functions attached to cohomology classes 30 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 11F41, 11F67, 11F70; Secondary: 11G40. Key words and phrases. p-adicL-functions, Hilbert modular forms, p-adicperiods. 1 2 BYMICHAELSPIESS 3.4. Integral cohomology classes 31 3.5. Another construction of distributions on G 33 p 4. p-adic L-functions of Hilbert modular forms 37 4.1. p-ordinary cuspidal automorphic representations 37 4.2. Adelic Hilbert modular forms 38 4.3. Hecke Algebra 39 4.4. Cohomology of GL (F) 41 2 4.5. Eichler-Shimura map 45 4.6. p-adic measures attached to Hilbert modular forms 46 5. Exceptional zero conjecture 48 5.1. Automorphic L-invariants 48 5.2. Main results 51 References 53 Introduction Let E be a modular elliptic curve over a totally real number field F and let p be a prime number and such that E has either good ordinary or multiplicative reduction at all places p above p. Attached to E are the (Hasse-Weil) L-function L(E,s) (a function in the complex variable s) and a p-adic L-function L (E,s) (here s ∈ Z ). Both are linked by the interpo- p p lation property which expresses the p-adic measure associated to L (E,s) in p terms of twisted special L-values L(E,χ,1). A special case is the formula L (E,0) = e(α ,1) ·L(E,1). p p p|p Y Here e(α ,1) is certain Euler factor defined in terms of the reduction of E p at p (see Prop. 4.10 for its definition). It is = 0 if and only if E has split multiplicative reduction at p. Let S be the set of primes p of F above p 1 where E has split multiplicative reduction, let S be the set of all primes p above p and let S = S −S . Thus we have L (E,0) = 0 if S 6= ∅. In [Hi] 2 p 1 p 1 it has been conjectured that (1) ord L (E,s) ≥ r : = ♯(S ); s=0 p 1 dr (2) L (E,s)| = r! L (E) · e(α ,1) · L(E,1). dsr p s=0 p p pY∈S1 pY∈S2 Here the L-invariant L (E) is defined as L (E) = ℓ (q ))/o (q ) p p p E/Fp p E/Fp where q is the Tate period of E/F , ℓ = log ◦N and o = E/Fp p p p Fp/Qp p ord ◦N . p Fp/Qp In this paper we prove (1) unconditionally and (2) under the following assumptions (see Theorem 5.10): (i) p ≥ 5 is unramified in F; (ii) E has ON SPECIAL ZEROS OF p-ADIC L-FUNCTIONS OF HILBERT MODULAR FORMS 3 multiplicative reduction at a prime q ∤ p, or r is odd, or the sign w(E) of the functional equation for L(E,s) (i.e. the root number of E) is = −1. The statements (1) and (2) are known as exceptional zero conjecture. In the case F = Q it was formulated by Mazur, Tate and Teitelbaum [MTT] and proved by Greenberg and Stevens [GS] and independently by Kato, Kurihara and Tsuji. In the case r = 1, (2) was proved by Mok [Mo] under the assumption (i), by extending the method of [GS]. Toexplain ourprooflet π betheautomorphicrepresentation of GL (A ) 2 F associated to E. Thus π has trivial central character and the local factor π is discrete of weight 2 at all archimedean places v. The Hasse-Weil v L-function of E is then equal to the automorphic L-function L(s − 1,π). 2 Moreover L (E,s) is solely defined in terms of π (thus we write L (s,π) for p p L (E,s)). p In section 5.1 we shall introduce a second type of L-invariant L (π). It p is defined in terms of the cohomology of (S -)arithmetic groups. We show p that L (π) does not change under certain quadratic twists, i.e. we have p L (π ⊗ χ) = L (π) for any quadratic character χ of the idele class group p p I/F∗ of F such that the local components χ of χ at infinite places and at v v = p are trivial. We prove an analogue of (2) above (unconditionally) with thearithmetic L-invariants L (E) replaced bytheautomorphic L-invariants p L (π), i.e. we show p dr (3) L (s,π)| = r! L (π) · e(α ,1) · L(1,π). dsr p s=0 p p 2 pY∈S1 pY∈S2 InthecaseF = QtheseL-invariantshavebeenintroducedbyDarmon([Da], section 3.2). He showed thatthey areinvariant undertwists and alsoproved (3). Also if the narrow class number of F is = 1 a different construction of L (π) has been given in [Gr]. p To deduce (2) from (3) it is therefore enough to show L (π) = L (E) for p p all p ∈ S . In future work [GIS] we plan to give an unconditional proof of it 1 (and thus of (2)) by comparing L (π) to the (similarly defined) L-invariant p of an automorphic representation π′ of a totally definite quaternion algebra – which corresponds to π under Jacquet-Langlands functoriality – and by using p-adic uniformization of Shimura curves (compare also [BDI] where a similar proof has been given in the case F = Q under certain assumptions on π). However if p satisfies the conditions (i) above and E satisfies (ii) then we can deduce the equality L (π) = L (E) for fixed p ∈ S by comparing the p p 1 formulas(2)and(3)inthecaser = 1forcertainquadratictwistsofE andπ. More precisely, by a result of Waldspurger [Wa], we can choose a quadratic character χ such that the arithmetic and automorphic L-invariants at p do not change under twisting with χ, L(1,π⊗χ) does not vanish and p is the 2 onlyplaceabovepwherethetwistedellipticcurveE hassplitmultiplicative χ reduction. Then by Mok’s result and (3) we can express both L (E) and p L (π) by the same formula. p 4 BYMICHAELSPIESS Thep-adicL-functionattached toπ istheΓ-transformofacertain canon- ical measure µ on the Galois group G of the maximal abelian extension of π p F which is unramified outside p and ∞, i.e. it is given by L (s,π) = hγisµ (dγ) p π ZGp (for the definition of hγis see section 3.3). Crucial for the proof of (1) and (3) is a new construction of µ 1. We π shall briefly explain it (for details see 4.6). Heuristically, we defineµ as the π x 0 direct image of the distribution µ ×Wp d×x under the reciprocity πp 0 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) map I = F∗×Ip → G of class field theory. Here the first factor µ is the p p πp productdistribution on F∗ = F∗ of certain canonical distributions µ p p∈Sp p p on F∗ attached to each local factors π , p ∈ S . Moreover d×x denotes the p Q p p Haar measure on the group of S -ideles Ip = ′ F∗ and Wp is a certain p v∤p v Whittaker function of πp = π (it is the product of local Whittaker v∤p v Q functions). N Toputthisconstructiononasoundfoundationconsiderthemapφ given π by ζxp 0 φ (U,xp) = µ (ζU) Wp π πp 0 1 ζ∈F∗ (cid:18) (cid:19) X where the first argument U is a compact open subset of F∗ and the second p an idele xp ∈ Ip. Then φ (ζU,ζxp)= φ (U,x) for all ζ ∈ F∗. Thus if we set π π φ (x ,xp): = φ (x U,xp) then φ can be viewed as a function on the idele U p π p U class group I/F∗ (so the map U → φ is a distribution on F∗ with values U p in a certain space of functions on I/F∗). For a locally constant map f : G → C there exists a compact open p subgroup U ⊂ U = O∗ ⊂ F∗ such that f ◦ρ : I/F∗ → C factors p p∈Sp p p through I/F∗(U ×Up) (here ρ : I/F∗ → G denotes the reciprocity map). Q p Then f(γ)µ (dγ) is given by Gp π R f(γ)µ (dγ) = [U :U] f(ρ(x))φ (x)d×x. π p U ZGp ZI/F∗ By using properties of the cohomology groups of arithmetic subgroups of GL (F) we show that µ is bounded (i.e. it is a p-adic measure in the sense 2 π of section 1.2 below) and so any continuous map Z → C can be integrated p p against it. One way to describe the local distribution µ for p ∈ S is that it is p p the image of a certain Whittaker functional of π under a canonical map – p denoted by δ – from the dual of π to the space of distributions on F∗. We p p will give the definition of δ in the case p ∈ S , or equivalently, when π is 1 p the Steinberg representation St (i.e. π is isomorphic to the space of locally p constant functions P1(F ) → C modulo constants). For c ∈ Hom(St,C) we p 1In principle our construction is related to Manin’s [Ma]. However in our set-up the measure µ is build in a simple mannerfrom local distributions µ at each place v of F π πv ON SPECIAL ZEROS OF p-ADIC L-FUNCTIONS OF HILBERT MODULAR FORMS 5 define δ(c) by f(x)δ(c)(dx) = c(f˜). Here for a locally constant map with F compact support f : F → C we define f˜: P1(F ) → C by f˜(∞) = 0 and R p p f˜([x : 1]) = f(x). Thus in the case π = St, the target of δ is the space of p distributions on F . p In particular the local contribution µ of µ at p ∈ S is actually a p π 1 distributiononF (andnotonlyonF∗). Therefore,allowedasfirstargument p p in φ (U,xp) are not only compact open subsets U of F∗ but also of the π p larger space F × F∗. This fact is crucial for our proof that the p∈S1 p p∈S2 p vanishing order L (s,π) at s = 0 is ≥ r. The map δ and distributions µ p p Q Q will be introduced in sections 2.4 and 2.5 respectively. Chapter 3 is the technical heart of this paper. It provides an axiomatic approach to study trivial zeros of p-adic L-function which can be applied in other situations as well (e.g. to the case of p-adic L-functions of totally real number fields [Sp], [DC]). We consider arbitrary two-variable function φ: (U,xp) 7→ φ(U,xp)(U ⊂ F × F∗ compactopenandxp ∈ Ip) p∈S1 p p∈S2 p satisfying certain axioms and attach a p-adic distribution µ on G as above. p Q Q By ”integrating away” the infinite places we obtain a certain cohomology class κ ∈ Hd(F∗,D) associated to φ (where d = [F : Q]− 1, F∗ denotes + + the group of totally positive elements of F and D is a certain space of distributions on the adelic space F × F∗× ′ F∗) and the p∈S1 p p∈S2 p v∤p∞ v distribution µ can be defined solely in terms of κ. The space D contains a Q Q Q canonicallysubspaceDb (consisting–inacertainsense–ofp-adicmeasures) andµ is ap-adicmeasureprovided thatκlies intheimage of Hd(F∗,Db) → + Hd(F∗,D) (see section 3.4). + In this case we define L (s,φ) as the Γ-transform of µ and show that p L (s,φ) has a zero of order ≥ r at s = 0. Furthermore we give a descrip- p tion of the r-th derivative dr L (s,φ)| as a certain cap-product. More dsr p s=0 precisely, we associate to any continuous homomorphism ℓ : F∗ → C a co- p p homology class c ∈ H1(F∗,C (F ,C )) (for its definition and the notation ℓ + c p p see 3.4). If S = {p ,...,p } we will show 1 1 r dr (r) (4) dsrLp(s,φ)|s=0 = (−1) 2 r! (κ∪cℓp1 ∪...∪cℓpr)∩ϑ. Here ϑ is essentially the fundamental class of the quotient M/F∗ where + M is a certain d + r-dimensional manifold on which F∗ acts freely (see + section 3.2). If U = O × O∗ and φ (x): = φ(x U ,xp) for 0 p∈S1 p p∈S2 p 0 p 0 x = (x ,xp) ∈ F∗×Ip = I, we will also prove p p Q Q (5) ZI/F∗ φ0(x)d×x = (−1)(r2) r! (κ∪cop1 ∪...∪copr)∩ϑ. Inchapter4wewillverifythatthetheorydevelopedinthepreviouschap- ter can be applied in the case φ= φ . The difficult part is to show that the π cohomology class κ attached to φ comes from a class in Hd(F∗,Db). This π π + isachieved byshowingthatitliesintheimageofaspecificcohomology class κ ∈ Hd(PGL (F),A) under a canonical map ∆ : Hd(PGL (F),A) → π 2 ∗ 2 Hd(F∗,D) (for the definition of the coefficients A and the map ∆ we refer + ∗ to section 4.4 and 4.5). The fact that any arithmetic subgroup of PGL (F) b 2 6 BYMICHAELSPIESS has the finiteness property (VFL) (introduced by Serre in [Se]) implies that ∆ factors through Hd(F∗,Db). ∗ + Inthe last chapter 5 we will introducethe automorphic L-invariant L (π) p and deduce (3) from (4) and (5). The cohomology group Hd(PGL (F),A) 2 carries an action of a Hecke algebra and κ lies in the π-isotypic component π Hd(PGL (F),A) . Usingthefactthat classes c “come” fromcertain PGL 2 π ℓ 2 cohomology classes as well (they will be introduced in section 2.6) and the b factthatHd(PGL (F),A) isonedimensional(aresultsduetoHarder[Ha]) 2 π we show that the cup products κ∪c and κ∪c differ by a factor L (π) ℓp p p which is defined in terms of the cohomology of PGL (F). 2 Acknowledgement. I thank Vytautas Paskunas for several helpful conversa- tions and Kumar Murty for providing me with the reference [FH]. Also I am grateful to H. Deppe, L. Gehrmann, S. Molina and M. Seveso for useful comments on an earlier draft. Notation. The following notations are valid throughout this paper. A list with further notations will be given at the beginning of chapters 2 and 3. Unless otherwise stated all rings are commutative with unit. We fix a prime number p and embeddings ι :Q ֒→ C, ι :Q ֒→ C . ∞ p p We let ord denote the valuation on C and Q (via ι ) normalized so that p p p ord (p) = 1. The valuation ring of Q will be denoted by O. p We denote the set of compact open subsets of a topological space X by Co(X). If X and Y are topological spaces then C(X,Y) denotes the set of continuous maps X → Y and C (X,Y) the subset of continuous maps with c compact support. If we consider Y with the discrete topology then we shall also write C0(X,Y) and C0(X,Y) instead of C(X,Y) and C (X,Y). c c Put G: = PGL , and let B be the subgroup of upper triangular matrices 2 ∗ 0 (modulo the center Z of GL ), T = /Z be the maximal torus 2 0 ∗ (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) t 0 of G in B. We write elements of G often simply as matrices (and 0 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) neglect the fact that we consider them only modulo the center of Z). We t 0 identift G with T via the isomorphism t 7→ . If R is a ring the m 0 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) determinant induces a homomorphism det :G(R) → R∗/(R∗)2. 1. Generalities on distributions and measures 1.1. Distributions and measures. Let X be a totally disconnected σ- locally compact topological space (in practice X will be a e.g. profinite set like an infinite Galois group or a certain space of adeles). For a topological Hausdorff ring R we denote by C (X,R) the subring of C(X,R) consisting ⋄ of maps f : X → R with f(x) → 0 as x → ∞ (equivalently by setting f(∞)= 0themap f extendscontinuously to theone-pointcompactification ON SPECIAL ZEROS OF p-ADIC L-FUNCTIONS OF HILBERT MODULAR FORMS 7 of X). We have C0(X,R) ⊆ C (X,R) ⊆ C (X,R) ⊆ C(X,R). Note that if c c ⋄ X = X ×X where X and X are σ-locally compact and if f ∈ C (X ,R), 1 2 1 2 1 ⋄ 1 f ∈ C (X ,R) then the map (f ⊗ f )(g ,g ): = f (g ) · f (g ) lies in 2 ⋄ 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 C (X,R). ⋄ Let M be an R-module. Recall that an M-valued distribution on X is a homomorphism µ : C0(X,Z) → M. It extends to an R-linear map c (6) C0(X,R) −→ M, f 7→ f dµ. c ZX WeshalldenotetheR-moduleofM-valueddistributionsonX byDist(X,M). If X = X ×X , µ ∈Dist(X,M) and f ∈ C0(X ,R) then f 7→ f ⊗f dµ 1 2 1 c 1 2 1 2 is an M-valued distribution on X which will be denoted by 7→ f dµ i.e. 2 RX1 1 we have a pairing R (7) Dist(X,M)×C0(X ,R) −→ Dist(X ,M), (µ,f ) 7→ f dµ. c 1 2 1 1 ZX1 Next we introduce the notion of a measure on X with values in a p-adic Banach space. Assume that R = K is a p-adic field. By that we mean that K is a field of characteristic 0 which is equipped with a p-adic value, i.e. a nonarchimedian absolute value | | : K → R whose restriction to Q is the usual p-adic value and such K is complete with respect to | |. We denote a p-adic value often as | | and the corresponding valuation ring by O . p K A norm on a K-vector space V is a function k k : V → R such that (i) kavk = |a| kvk, (ii) kv+wk ≤ max(kvk,kwk) and(iii) kvk ≥ 0with equality p iff v = 0 for all a ∈ K, v,w ∈ V. Two norms k k , k k are equivalent if 1 2 there exists C ,C ∈ R with C kvk ≤ kvk ≤ C kvk for all v ∈ V. A 1 2 + 1 2 1 2 2 normedK-vector space(V,k k)isa(K-)Banach space ifV iscompletewith respect to k k. Recall that any finite-dimensional K-vector space admits a norm, any two norms are equivalent and it is complete. The K-vector space C (X,K) with the supremums norm kfk = sup |f(γ)| is a K-Banach ⋄ ∞ γ∈X p space. Let V be a K-vector space. Recall that an O -submodule L ⊆ V is a K lattice if aL = V and aL = {0}. For a given lattice L ⊆ V a∈K∗ a∈K∗ the function p (v): = inf |a| is a norm on V. If k k is another norm L v∈aL p S T then p is equivalent to k k if and only if L is open andboundedin (V,k k). L A lattice L ⊆ V is complete if V is complete with respect to p . Finally a L torsion free O -module L is said to be complete if L is a complete lattice K in L ⊗ K. For example the O -dual of a free module is a complete OK K torsionfree O -module. K Let (V,k k) be a Banach space. An element µ ∈ Dist(X,V) is a measure (or bounded distribution) if µ is continuous with respect to the supremums norm, i.e. if there exists C ∈ R, C > 0 such that | f dµ| ≤ kfk for X p ∞ all f ∈ C0(X,K). We will denote the space of V-valued measures on X by R Distb(X,V). If L ⊆ V is an open and bounded lattice then Distb(X,V) is the image of the canonical inclusion Dist(X,L)⊗ K → Dist(X,V). An OK element µ ∈ Distb(X,V) can be integrated not only against locally constant functions but against any f ∈ C (X,K). In fact since C0(X,K) is dense in ⋄ c 8 BYMICHAELSPIESS theBanach space(C (X,K),k k )the functional(6) extends to auniquely ⋄ ∞ to a continuous functional (8) C (X,K) −→ V, f 7→ f dµ. ⋄ Z If X = X ×X then we obtain as a refinement of the bilinear map (7) a 1 2 pairing (9) Distb(X,V)×C (X ,K) −→ Distb(X ,V), (µ,f )7→ f dµ. ⋄ 1 2 1 1 ZX1 1.2. p-adic measures. Given µ ∈ Dist(X,C) we want to clarify what do we mean by saying that µ is a p-adic measure. For simplicity assume that X is compact. The distribution µ extends to C -linear map p (10) C0(X,C ) −→ C ⊗ C, f 7→ f dµ p p Q Z and we denote its by V so that we can view µ as an element of Dist(X,V ). µ µ It is called a p-adic measure if V is a finitely generated C -vector space µ p and if µ ∈ Distb(X,V ). Equivalently, the image of µ (considered as a µ map C0(X,Z) → C) is contained in a finitely generated O-module. So if µ ∈ Dist(X,C) is a p-adic measure (10) extends to continuous functional C(X,C )−→ V , f 7→ f dµ. p µ R 2. Local distributions attached to ordinary representations 2.1. Gauss sums. Throughoutthis chapter F denotes a finite extension of Q , O = O its ring of integers and p the maximal ideal of O. We denote p F by U the group of units of O and put U(n) = {x ∈ U| x ≡ 1 mod pn}. Let q denote the number of elements of O/p. We fix an (additive) character ∗ ψ : F → Q such that Ker(ψ) = O and a generator ̟ of p. We denote by |x| the modulus of x ∈ F∗ (i.e. |̟| = q−1) and by ord = ord the additive F valuation (normalized by ord(̟) =1). The normalized Haar measure on F willbedenotedbydx(normalizedby dx = 1). Weputd×x = (1−1)−1dx O q |x| so that d×x = 1. U R LemmaR2.1. Let X ⊆ {x ∈ F∗ | ord(x) ≤ −2} be a compact open subset such for all a ∈ X there exists n ∈ Z, 1 ≤ n ≤ −ord(a) − 1 such that aU(n) ⊆ X. Then, ψ(x)d×x = 0. ZX Proof. It is enough to consider the case X = aU(n) with 1 ≤ n ≤ −ord(a)−1. Choose b ∈ F∗ with ord(b)+ord(a) = −1. Hence ψ(ab) 6= 1 and ord(b) ≥ n and therefore ψ(x)d×x = ψ(ax)d×x = ψ(a(1+b)x)d×x ZX ZU(n) ZU(n) = ψ(ax)ψ(abx)d×x. ZU(n) ON SPECIAL ZEROS OF p-ADIC L-FUNCTIONS OF HILBERT MODULAR FORMS 9 Since ord(abx−ab) = −1+ord(x−1) ≥ n−1≥ 0, we have ψ(abx) = ψ(ab) for all x ∈U(n). It follows ψ(x)d×x = ψ(ab) ψ(ax)d×x = ψ(ab) ψ(x)d×x, ZX ZU(n) ZX hence ψ(x)d×x = 0. (cid:3) X R Recall that the conductor c(χ) of a quasicharacter χ : F∗ → C∗ is the largest ideal pn of O such that U(n) ⊆ Ker(χ). Lemma 2.2. Let χ : F∗ → C∗ be a quasicharacter of conductor pn,n ≥ 1 and let a ∈F∗ with ord(a) 6=−n. Then we have ψ(ax)χ(x)d×x = 0. ZU Proof. 1. case ord(a) > −n: Choose b ∈ F∗ with max(−ord(a),0) ≤ ord(b) < n, 1+b ∈ U and χ(1+b) 6= 1. Then, ψ(ax)χ(x)d×x = ψ(ax(1+b))χ(x(1+b))d×x = ZU ZU = χ(1+b) ψ(ax)ψ(abx)χ(x)d×x ZU = χ(1+b) ψ(ax)χ(x)d×x ZU hence ψ(ax)χ(x)d×x = 0. U 2. caseRord(a) < −n: By 2.1 above we have ψ(ax)χ(x)d×x = χ(b) ψ(x)d×x = 0. ZU bU(n)X∈U/U(n) ZabU(n) (cid:3) WerecallthedefinitionoftheGausssumofaquasicharacter(withrespect to the fix choice of ψ). Definition 2.3. Let χ : F∗ → C∗ be a quasicharacter with conductor pn, n ≥ 0 and a ∈F∗ with ord(a) =−n. We define the Gauss sum of χ by τ(χ) = τ(χ,ψ) = [U :U(n)] ψ(x)χ(x)d×x. ZaU For a quasicharacter χ :F∗ → C∗ we define (11) χ(x)ψ(x)dx: = lim χ(x)ψ(x)dx. ZF∗ n→+∞Zx∈F∗,−n≤ord(x)≤n Lemma 2.4. Let χ : F∗ → C∗ be a quasicharacter with conductor pf. Assume that |χ(̟)| < q. Then the integral (11) converges and we have 1−χ(̟)−1 if f = 0; χ(x)ψ(x)dx = 1−χ(̟)q−1 ZF∗ ( τ(χ) if f > 0. 10 BYMICHAELSPIESS Proof. Firstly, we remark 1 if ord(a) ≥ 0; (12) ψ(ax)d×x = − 1 if ord(a) = −1;  q−1 ZU  0 if ord(a) ≤ −2; for all a ∈F∗. Since (1−1/q)d×x = dx, we obtain |x| ∞ χ(x)ψ(x)dx = (1−1/q)q−n χ(x)ψ(x)d×x. ZF∗ n=−∞ Z̟nU X If f > 0 then by 2.2 we have χ(x)ψ(x)dx = (1−1/q)qf χ(x)ψ(x)d×x = τ(χ). ZF∗ Z̟−fU On the other hand if f = 0 then by (12) we get ∞ q χ(x)ψ(x)dx = (1−1/q) − + (χ(̟)q−1)n (q−1)χ(̟) ZF∗ n=0 ! X 1−χ(̟)−1 = . 1−χ(̟)q−1 (cid:3) 2.2. Ordinary representations of PGL (F). We introduce more nota- 2 tion. Let K = G(O). For an ideal c ⊂ O let K (c) ⊆ K denote the 0 subgroup of matrices A (modulo Z) which are upper triangular modulo c. Let π : G(F) → GL(V) be an irreducible admissible infinite-dimensional representation (where V is a C-vector space). Recall [Cas] that there exists a largest ideal c(π) – the conductor of π – such that VK0(c) = {v ∈ V | π(k)v = v ∀k ∈ K (c)} =6 0. In this case VK0(c) is one-dimensional. 0 The representation π is called tamely ramified if the conductor divides p. This holds if and only if π = π(χ−1,χ) for an unramified quasicharacter χ : F∗ → C∗ (see e.g. [Bu], Ch. IV). More precisely if the conductor is O , F then π is spherical hence a principal series representation π(χ−1,χ) where χ : F∗ → C∗ is an unramifiedquasicharacter with χ2 6= |·|. If c(π) = p, then π is a special representation π(χ−1,χ) where χ is unramified with χ2 = |·|. Definition 2.5. Assume that π = π(χ−1,χ) is tamely ramified. Then π is called ordinary if either χ2 = |·| or if π is spherical and tempered and if χ(̟)q1/2 is a p-adic unit (i.e. it lies in O∗). Thusifπ = π(χ−1,χ)istamely ramifiedandifweputα: = χ(̟)q1/2 ∈ C then π is ordinary if either α =±1 or if α∈ O∗ and |α| = q1/2. Note that α determines π uniquely, i.e. thereexists aone-to-one correspondencebetween theset (of isomorphism classes) of ordinaryrepresentations of G(F) andthe set {α ∈ O∗| α = ±1 or |α| = q1/2}. We will call an element of the latter set an ordinary parameter. We will denote the class corresponding to α by π and define χ (x): = αord(x) (thus π = π(χ−1| · |−1/2,χ | · |1/2)). If α α α α α

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