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On some conjectures on the Mordell-Weil and the Tate-Shafarevich groups of an abelian variety PDF

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Preview On some conjectures on the Mordell-Weil and the Tate-Shafarevich groups of an abelian variety

On some conjectures on the Mordell-Weil and the Tate-Shafarevich groups of an abelian variety 8 0 0 Andrea Surroca Ortiz (ETH Zurich) ∗ 2 n a J Abstract. Weconsideranabelianvariety definedover anumberfield. Wegivecon- 7 ditonal bounds for the order of its Tate-Shafarevich group, as well as bounds for the ] N´eron-Tate height of generators of its Mordell-Weil group. The bounds are implied T N by strongbutnowadays classical conjectures, such as theBirch andSwinnerton-Dyer . conjecture and the functional equation of the L-series. In particular, we generalise a h result by D. Goldfeld and L. Szpiro on the order of the Tate-Shafarevich group. The t a method is an extension of the algorithm proposed by Yu. Manin for finding a basis m for the non-torsion rational points of an elliptic curve defined over the rationals. [ 1 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11G10, 11G40, 14G05, 11G50. v 4 5 1 Introduction 0 1 . 1 The Mordell-Weiltheoremsays that thegroupofrationalpointsonanabelianvariety A/K 0 defined over a number field is finitely generated: A(K) A(K) Zrk(A(K)). Nowadays, 8 tors ≃ × 0 even in the case of an elliptic curve, there is no way, in general, to compute the torsion : v part, the rank or a set of generators of this group. For some applications, it would be i X sufficient to bound the size of them. There exist bounds for the cardinality of the torsion r subgroup, e.g., in the case of elliptic curves, [Mer96]. The proof of the Weak Mordell- a Weil theorem gives an upper bound for the rank; such an explicit bound is obtained in [OT89]. As for the generators, Yu. Manin [Man71] proposed an algorithm for finding a basis for the non-torsion rational points of an elliptic curve. From Manin’s algorithm one could deduce a bound for the N´eron-Tate height of the generators. The approach relies on the conjecture of B. J. Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer [BSD65] (BSD-conjecture for short) and on the hypothesis that the L-series of the elliptic curve satisfies a functional equation. S.LangmodifiedtheheuristicapproachofYu. Maninandproposedthefollowing conjecture [Lan83, Conjecture 3]: Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q. Denote E/Q F the conductor, H (E/Q) the exponential Faltings height and rk(E(Q)) the Mordell-Weil Falt rank of E/Q. We can find a basis P ,...,P of the free part of E(Q) satisfying 1 r { } max hˆ(P ) crk(E(Q))2 ǫ(FE/Q) (log )rk(E(Q)) H (E/Q), (1) 1≤i≤r i ≪ ·FE/Q · FE/Q · Falt ∗Supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Community 1 where c is an absolute constant and ǫ is a function which does not depend on the rank and ǫ( ) tends to 0 as tends to infinity. F F On the other hand, from the proof of the Weak Mordell-Weil theorem we know that, for all n 1, the n-torsion part of the Tate-Shafarevich group is finite. It is conjectured ≥ that the whole Tate-Shafarevich group is finite; the conjecture is known for certain elliptic curves with complex multiplication ([Rub87]) andcertain modular elliptic curves ([Kol88]). D. Goldfeld and L. Szpiro [GS95] suggested the following bound for the order of the Tate- Shafarevich group X(E/K) of an elliptic curve, in terms of the conductor. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a field K, which can be a number field or a function field. Then, for every ǫ > 0, X(E/K) = O(N ( )1/2+ǫ), (2) K/Q E/K | | F where the implicit constant in the O depends on ǫ, K and rk(E(K)). In the same article they proved that this conjecture holds for elliptic curves defined over function fields pro- vided the Tate-Shafarevich group of the function field is finite. D. Goldfeld and D. Lieman [GL96] proved that, for a CM elliptic curve defined over Q with Mordell-Weil rank 0, we have X(E/Q) < k(ǫ) δ+ǫ, with δ = 59 if j = 0,1728, δ = 37 if j = 0 and δ = 79 if | | FE/Q 120 6 60 120 j = 1728, where k(ǫ) depends only on ǫ and is effectively computable. It is also proved in [GS95, Theorem 1] that, if the curve E is defined over Q and satisfies the BSD-conjecture and Szpiro’s conjecture (which bounds the discriminant in terms of the conductor), then X(E/Q) 7/4+ǫ(FE/Q), where ǫ( ) tends to 0 when tends to infinity. | | ≪ FE/Q F F In this article, we consider an abelian variety A defined over a number field K. We are interested in giving, under the assumption of the BSD-conjecture, bounds for its regulator and the order of its Tate-Shafarevich group, as well as bounds for the N´eron-Tate height of the generators of its Mordell-Weil group. The bounds are given in terms of more tractable objects associated to the variety and the number field. Precisely, our bounds depends on the dimension g of A, the absolute value = N of the norm of the conductor, the K/Q A/K F F Faltings’ height h = h (A/K), the Mordell-Weil rank r = rk(A(K)), the degree [K : Q] Falt and the absolute value D of the discriminant of K. Moreover the dependence is explicit K in all the parameters, with the exception of g and [K : Q]. We denote by H = exp h the { } exponential height. On one hand we give a conditional upper bound for the N´eron-Tate height of the ele- ments of a (particular) basis of the free part of the Mordell-Weil group A(K). Theorem 1.1 Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field K. Suppose that the L-series of A/K satisfies a functional equation (Conjecture 2.1) and the BSD-conjecture (Conjecture 3.1). Then we can choose a system P ,...,P of generators for the free part 1 r ˆ { ˆ} of the Mordell-Weil group A(K) such that h(P ) ... h(P ) and 1 r ≤ ≤ hˆ(Pr) ≤ c[K:Q],g ·(r!)4 ·2r ·(c[K:Q])1−r ·DKg ·F41 ·(logF)4g[K:Q]·(log(F ·DK2g))2g[K:Q]· H[K:Q] h(2g+1)(r−1)+g[K:Q], · · where c depends at most on the dimension g and the degree [K : Q], and c depends [K:Q],g [K:Q] at most on [K : Q]. 2 Notice that Conjecture 2.1 is known for abelian varieties with complex multiplication ([ST61]) and some modular abelian varieties ([Shi94]). As for Conjecture 3.1, the results of [CW77], [GZ86], [Rub87] and [Kol88] provide evidence for its truth. On the other hand, we extend Theorem 1 of [GS95] to arbitrary abelian varieties defined over number fields. This gives a conditional upper bound for X(A/K) . When the dimension equals 1 and | | the number field is Q, our bound improves Theorem 1 of [GS95]. Theorem 1.2 Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field K. Suppose that the L-series of A/K satisfies a functional equation (Conjecture 2.1) and the BSD-conjecture (Conjecture 3.1). Suppose that A/K satisfies the Szpiro’s Conjecture (Conjecture 6.1). Then, for every ǫ > 0, |X(A/K)| ≤ δ[K:Q],g(r)·DKg+(g2+ǫ)[K:Q]·F41+(g2+ǫ)[K:Q]·(logF)4g[K:Q]· g r(2g+1)+g[K:Q] (log( D2g))2g[K:Q] +ǫ log +(g2 +ǫ)logD +c , · F · K · 2 F K ǫ,[K:Q] (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) where δ[K:Q],g(r) = c[K:Q],g (r!)4 2r (c[K:Q])r e[K:Q]cǫ,[K:Q], c[K:Q],g depends only on g and · · · · [K : Q], c depends only on [K : Q] and c depends at most on ǫ and [K : Q]. [K:Q] ǫ,[K:Q] Recently, M.Hindrytreatedthistopicforabelianvarietiesin[Hin05]. Heputstheaccent on the analogy with the classical Brauer-Siegel formula for number fields. He formulates a conjecture comparing the product of the Tate-Shafarevich group and the regulator, with the height of the variety: For all ǫ > 0, H (A/K)(1−ǫ) X(A/K) Reg(A/K) Falt ≪ | | · ≪ H (A/K)(1+ǫ), where the implicit constants depend on K,g,ǫ and rk(A(K)). In Falt [Man71], [Lan83] and [GS95] the argument is developped when the dimension is 1 and the number field is Q, while in [Hin05] the dependence of the bounds on the number field is not always made explicit. As pointed out in our joint work with V. Bosser [BS07], this dependence could play an important rˆole. For example, the discriminant of the number field appears in the rank of the variety. In fact, the latter can be bounded in terms of the logarithm of the discriminant of K ([OT89]). Therefore, we consider here an arbitrary number field and make explicit the dependence onthe number field. Furthermore, contrary to [Lan83] and [Hin05] the bounds given here are not conjectured, but implied, by strong but nowadays classical conjectures. The method is an extension of the one proposed by Yu. Manin, based on the BSD- conjecture. The BSD-conjecture predicts the behavior of the L-series of the abelian variety A at the center of symmetry, that is 1. In fact, it states that the order of vanishing of L(A/K,s) at s = 1 equals the Mordell-Weil rank of A/K. Furthermore, it gives a formula which relates the value of the leading coefficient of the Taylor expansion of L(A/K,s) at s = 1 to the product of the Tate-Shafarevich group, the canonical regulator and some other objects associated to the variety. The notations and the data concerning the abelian variety can be found in the next section. The core of our results are in section 3, where we bound the product of the Tate-Shafarevich group and the canonical regulator (Proposition 3.11). In order to do it, we bound each one of the other terms of the BSD-formula. To deal 3 with the leading coefficient of the Taylor expansion of the L-series we use the functional equation (Lemma 3.2). We then relate the local periods to the Faltings’ height of A/K (Lemma 3.5). We also give a bound for the torsion part of the Mordell-Weil group (Lemma 3.10). In section 4 we recall some classical results on the geometry of numbers. We quote, in section 5, some lower bounds for the N´eron-Tate height of non-torsion points. In section 6 we deduce from the BSD-conjecture, the bounds for the highest N´eron-Tate height of a set of generators of A(K)/A(K) (Theorem 1.1) and an upper bound for the order of tors X(A(K)) (Theorem 1.2). In [BS07], we apply these results, for an elliptic curve, to show that, using the elliptic analoque of Baker’s method, the BSD-conjecture for a single elliptic curve implies a result in the direction of the abc-conjecture over number fields. 2 Notations Throughout the text we will consider an abelian variety A of dimension g defined over a number field K. We denote D the absolute value of the discriminant of the field K. To A K one canassociate different objets, asthe conductor, the L-function, the Faltingsheight, the Tate-Shafarevich group and the regulator. For the notations we follow [Ser70], [LRS93], [Mil72] , [Man71], [Gro82], [Tat95] and [CS86]. Let v be a finite place of K which corresponds to a prime ideal p. Denote K or K v p the completion of K at v. For any prime ideal p of K, fixing a prime in K above p p gives us a decomposition group G = Gal(K /K ) for p in Gal(K/K). Let I be the p p p p inertia subgroup of G , inducing the identity on the residue field k(p). Let π denotes the p p Frobenius which generates the quotient G /I . (Up to conjugation, G ,I and π depend p p p p p only on p.) Let l be any prime, l = char(k(p)). Denotes A[N] the N-torsion of A, for an 6 integer N, T (A) = limA[ln] the l-adic Tate module, and V (A/K) = T (A) Q the Q - l l l ⊗Zl l l vector space associa←te−d. Since Gal(K/K) acts on V (A/K), we have a l-adic representation l ρ : Gal(K/K) GL(V (A/K)). l → The conductor of the abelian variety A/K is the integral ideal of K defined by = pfp, A/K F Y where the product runs over the prime ideals p of K, and f is a positive integer, called p the exponent of the conductor, which we will define below. However, the exponent f is p zero if and only if A has good reduction at p. So, this product is finite. Let p be the prime number lying below p. It is known that if p > 2g +1, then f 2g. Unconditionally, it is p ≤ proven in [LRS93] that f 12g2v (p) (see [BK94] for best possible upper bounds in all p ≤ Kp cases). Asin[Ser70],wewillattachetoρtwopositiveintegersε (l)andδ (l)whichmeasuresthe p p ramification of ρ. For the notations we follow [LRS93]. Denotes V (A/K)Ipthe submodule l of elements fixed by I . Define p ε (l) = codim V (A/K)Ip. p Ql l 4 Let L = K (A[l]) be the field generated over K by the l-torsion points of A. Denotes p p p v the normalized valuation on L . Let π be a uniformizer for L . Denotes G = σ Lp p Lp p i { ∈ Gal(L /K );v (σπ π ) i + 1 the i-th inertia group associated to L /K and p p Lp Lp − Lp ≥ } p p g = G its order. Write g = Gal(L /K ) . Define i i 0 p p | | | | g A[l] i δp(l) = dimF . i≥1 g0 l(cid:18)A[l]Gi(cid:19) X It has being proved (see the references in [LRS93]) that ε (l) and δ (l) are independents p p of l so we will denote them by ε and δ . They are called the tame part and, respectively p p the wild part of the conductor. The exponent of the conductor is given by f = ε +δ . p p p Let us define the L-series, also called the ζ-function, of the variety A (see [Ser70, Section 4]). Since the Frobenius is defined up to I , it makes sense to define a polynomial p P (T) = det(1 (ρ(π ) V (A/K)Ip)T), where π is regarded as acting on the submodule A,p p l p − | V (A/K)Ip of elements fixed by I . The polynomial P (T) has integral coefficients which l p A,p are independent of l ([ST68, Theorem 3]). Define L(A/K,s) = P (N(v )−s)−1 A,p p Yvp where the product is taken over all non-archimedean places v of K and N(v ) is the norm p p of the prime ideal p associated to v . Define the normalized L-function by p Λ(A/K,s) = (N ( ) D2g)s/2 ((2π)−s Γ(s))g[K:Q] L(A/K,s). K/Q FA/K · K · · · (Observe that the product Γ (s) of the Γ-factors equals ((2π)−s Γ(s))g[K:Q]. In v∈MK∞ v · fact, Γ (s) equals Γ (s)2g if v is complex and, Γ (s)g if v is real, where Γ (s) = (2π)−sΓ(s) v C Q C C (see [Ser70, section 3]).) The Euler product converges and gives an analytic function for all s satisfying (s) > 3. We have a classical generalisation of a conjecture of Hasse-Weil. ℜ 2 Conjecture 2.1 (Hasse-Weil) Let A/K be an abelian variety defined over a number field. The L-series and the Λ-series of A/K have an analytic continuation to the entire complex plane and the Λ-series satisfies the functional equation Λ(A/K,2 s) = εΛ(A/K,s), for some ε = 1. − ± This conjecture is true for abelian varieties with complex multiplication ([ST61]), in some special cases, this conjecture is also true for modular abelian varieties ([Shi94]) and it is true for elliptic curves over Q ([Wil95] and [BCDT01]). DenoteΩ1 the sheaf ofdifferentials 1-formsonA/K and let ω ,...,ω bea K-basis A/K { 1 g} of H0(A,Ω1 ). Let η = ω ... ω be a non zero differential g-form on A. Let denote A/K 1∧ ∧ g A 5 the N´eron model of A over , let e : Spec( ) be its neutral section and let Ωg OK OK → A A/OK betheinvertible sheaf ofthedifferential1-formson . The moduleH0( ,Ωg )ofglobal A A A/OK invariant differentials on is a projective -module of rank 1 and can be written as K A O H0( ,Ωg ) = ηa, A A/OK where a is a fractional ideal of K (depending on η). To every place v of K, we will associate a local number c . For a finite place v let v A0(K ) be the subgroup of K -rational points which reduces to the identity component of v v the N´eron model . Denotes A c = (A(K ) : A0(K )) v v v the index of the subgroup of K -rationalpoints which extends to the connected component v in . Let µ be an additive Haar measure on K such that µ (O ) = 1 if v is finite, µ A v v v Kv v is the Lebesgue measure if v is a real archimedean place (i.e. K = R) and twice the v Lebesgue measure if v is complex (i.e. K = C). Define, for an archimedean place v, the v local period c = η µg. v | | v ZA(Kv) Remark that the integral c is non zero. For a non-archimedean place, Yu. Manin define v m = P (N (p )−1)−1 η µg, which is equivalent to our c (see, e. g., [Man71, v v K/Q v A(Kv)| | v v lemma 8.9] when the dimension g is 1). For the complex places, Yu. Manin choose µ R v to be the Lebesgue measure, instead, as we do, twice the Lebesgue measure. So with its definition [Man71, formula (38)], c = 2gm . B. Gross [Gro82] gives another formulation v v for the archimedean places, which is equivalent (see [Man71, lemma 8.8]). Define also the archimedean local factor as c (A/K) = N (a) c , ∞ K/Q v · v∈M∞ YK which is independent of the choice of the differential η. The part concerning the localperiods c can be bounded in terms of theFaltings’ height. v We recall here its definition (see [CS86, Chapter II]). We endowed the line bundle Ωg A/OK with an hermitian metric by definying, for a section s and for every archimedean place v, g 1 i 2 s = s s . v | | 2 ∧ (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) ZA(Kv) (cid:19) We define also s = s nv, || ||v | |v where n = 1 if v is real and n = 2 if v is complex. This norm extends the norme on K v v v (i.e. k K , s Ωg K , ks = k s ). Taking the pull-back of Ωg ∀ ∈ v ∀ ∈ A/OK ⊗OK v || ||v || ||v·|| ||v A/OK 6 and metrics via the neutral section e : Spec( ) , we obtain a metrised line bundle K O → A on Spec( ) (i.e. a projective -module of rank 1): K K O O ω = e∗Ωg . A/OK A/OK The line bundle ω can be identified with H0(Ωg ) = ηa. In fact, e∗Ωg = A/OK A/OK A/OK π Ωg , where π : Spec( ) is the structural morphism, and since the line bundle ∗ A/OK A → OK is affine, it can be identified with the module of its global sections H0(Ωg ). The A/OK Faltings’ height of A is the Arakelov degree of ω : A/OK 1 1 h (A/K) = deg (ω , . ) = log s , Falt [K : Q] Ar A/OK || || −[K : Q] || ||v v∈YMK for any section s. We will also use the notation H = exp h . It is well known that Falt Falt { } deg (ω , . ) = logcard(ω /s ) log s . Ar A/OK || || A/OK OK − || ||v v|∞ X Denote X(A/K) = ker(H1(Gal(K/K),A ) H1(Gal(K /K ),A )) the Tate- K → v v v Kv Shafarevich group of A/K. Recall that X(A/K) measures the obstruction to the Hasse Q principle. In fact, a non trivial element of X(A/K) corresponds to an homogenous space which have K -rational points for every place v, but no K-rational points. Even if it is v not easy to construct such a variety, it is only conjectured that X(A/K) is finite. K. Rubin [Rub87] gave the first examples of elliptic curves for which it can be proved that the Tate-Shafarevich group is finite (for example, for elliptic curves defined over Q). See also the results of V. A. Kolyvagin [Kol88]. We will suppose throughout the text that X(A/K) is finite. Denote Aˇ the dual abelian variety of A, that is Pic0(A), which is also defined over K, and isogenous to A. Let <,>: A(K) Aˇ(K) R denote the N´eron-Tate height pairing corresponding to the Poincar´e divisor×on A A→ˇ. Denote r = rk(A(K)) the rank of A(K). × Choose a basis P ,...,P for the torsion free part of A(K) and a basis Q ,...,Q for 1 r 1 r the torsion free{part of Aˇ(K} ). The canonical regulator of A is defined by { } Reg(A) = det((< P ,Q >) ). i j 1≤i≤r;1≤j≤r It is a non zero real number and does not depend on the choice of the basis. Denote A(K) and Aˇ(K) the torsion subgroups of the Mordell-Weil groups. Re- tors tors mark that A(K) and Aˇ(K) are always non zero. tors tors | | | | 3 On the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture WecannowstatethecelebratedconjectureofB.J.BirchandH.P.F.Swinnerton-Dyer(see [BSD65] for the case of elliptic curves and [Man71] and [Gro82] for a general formulation). 7 Conjecture 3.1 (Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer) Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field K. 1. The L-series L(A/K,s) has an analytic continuation to the entire complex plane. 2. ord L(A/K,s) = rk(A(K)). s=1 3. The leading coefficient L⋆(A/K,1) = lim L(A/K,s) in the Taylor expansion of s→1 (s−1)rk(A(K)) L(A/K,s) at s = 1 satisfies L⋆(A/K,1) = X(A/K) Reg(A(K)) A(K) −1 Aˇ(K) −1 c (A/K) c D−g/2. | |· ·| tors| ·| tors| · ∞ · v· K v∈YMK0 (3) There is some evidence for the truth of this conjecture. In particular, for an elliptic curve defined over Q satisfying ord L(E/Q,s) = 0, the conditions 1. and 2. are proved s=1 and also a relation between the value of L(E/Q,1) and the order of X(E/Q) similar to condition 3. See the results of [CW77], [GZ86], [Rub87], [Kol88]. In this section we bound the product X(A/K) Reg(A/K). In order to do it, the | | · formula (3) of the BSD-conjecture suggest to bound each one of the remaining terms. This is done in the following lemmas. The numbers c , for every non-archimedean place v, are non zero integers and can be v bounded from below by 1. To bound the leading coefficient L∗(A/K,1), Yu. Manin suggested to use the functional equation and some explicit equation for the derivative [Man71, formula (48)]. Here we use the functional equation and the classical convexity argument as in the Phragm´en-Lindel¨of principle, as in [GS95]. We conclude applying the Cauchy inequality in two different ways, because we want to obtain different kind of bounds. Lemma 3.2 Let A/K be an abelian variety of dimension g satisfying Conjecture 2.1. Let r = ord L(A/K,s) and = N ( ). Then the leading coefficient of the L-series s=1 K/Q A/K F F of A/K at s = 1 satisfies the following bounds: L⋆(A/K,1) (9/2π)g[K:Q]√ Dg (4) | | ≤ F · K L⋆(A/K,1) 2r 4g[K:Q] 14 D2g (log( D2g))2g[K:Q]. (5) | | ≤ · ·F · K · F · K Remark 3.3 Conjecturally, the order of the L-series at 1, here denoted by r, equals the rank of A(K). The bound (4) is independent of r, while (5) has a term 2r. Concerning the rank, T. Ooe and J. Top [OT89] proved the following bound: rk(A(K)) γ log +γ logD +γ , (6) 1 2 K 3 ≤ F 8 where γ ,γ and γ are positive real numbers depending only on g and [K : Q] and are 1 2 3 explicitly given. Using (6), we deduce from (5) a bound independent of the rank, which growth in and D is as: K F 54 Dg2+1 (log( D2g))2g[K:Q]. F · K · F · K Respect to the conductor, the bound (4) is of better quality than this last one. As for the dependence on the discriminant D , the bound (4) has a better dependence than this last K bound if the dimension g is 1 or 2. In [BS07] we are concerned with elliptic curves and we are interested on the dependence on D : the bound (4) is used therein. (However, it is K expected that rk(A(K)) logF . This would gives, using (5), a bound for the leading ≪ loglogF coefficient of the order 41+ǫ(F) Dg2+1+ǫ′(DK), F · K where ǫ and ǫ′ depend on g and [K : Q] and tend to 0 when tends to infinity and, F respectively, when D tends to infinity.) From now on, we will use the bound (4) in the K one-dimensional case and the bound (5) otherwise. Proof of Lemma 3.2. Let us consider the abelian variety A′ = ResKA over Q which is Q obtained from A by restriction of scalars (see [Mil72]). Over C we then have the decompo- sition A′ A (C), where the product runs over all the embeddings σ : K ֒ C and A ≃ σ σ → σ is the abelian variety obtained by action of σ on A. Then A′ is of dimension g′ = g[K : Q] Q and L(A′/Q,s) = L(A/K,s) and FA′/Q = NK/Q(FA/K)·DK2g. (7) We will use the fact that, since the abelian variety A′ is defined over Q, we have [Fon85] = A′/Q > 10g′. (8) N F The Hasse-Weil bound gives PA′,p(T) = ρi=1(1−αiT), where ρ = deg(PA′,p) ≤ 2g′ and α √p. Then, if we write s = σ+iτ, with σ = (s) > 3, the local factor of the Eulerian | i| ≤ Q ℜ 2 product of the L-series satisfies PA′,p(p)−s −1 (1 p21−σ)−2g′, | | ≤ − and then 1 L(A′/Q,s) ζ(σ )2g′. | | ≤ − 2 Let σ = 3 +ǫ, with ǫ > 0. Then 2 3 3 Λ(A′/Q,s) = Λ(A′/Q, +ǫ+iτ) 43+2ǫ (2π)−g′(32+ǫ) Γ( +ǫ)g′ ζ(1+ǫ) 2g′. | | | 2 | ≤ N · · 2 ·| | Since ζ(1+ǫ) (1+ 1), for ǫ > 0, then | | ≤ ǫ 3 3 1 Λ(A′/Q, +ǫ+iτ) 43+2ǫ (2π)−g′(32+ǫ) Γ( +ǫ)g′ (1+ )2g′. (9) | 2 | ≤ N · · 2 · ǫ 9 Using the functional equation, that is, Conjecture 2.1, the same bound (9) is valid for Λ(A′/Q, 1 ǫ iτ) . The Phragm´en-Lindel¨of theorem, implies that the bound (9) is still | 2 − − | valid for s with real part σ satisfying 1 ǫ σ 3 +ǫ. Applying the Cauchy inequality 2 − ≤ ≤ 2 in the disc (1, 1 +ǫ), we obtain D 2 (2π)g′ Λ(r)(A′/Q,1) (2π)g′ 1 L∗(A′/Q,1) = max Λ(A′/Q,s). √ r! ≤ √ (1 +ǫ)r s∈D(1,1+ǫ) N N 2 2 The upper bound (9) gives g′ 2g′ 1 3 1 L∗(A′/Q,1) (2π)−g′(12+ǫ) 41+2ǫ Γ +ǫ 1+ . ≤ (1 +ǫ)r · ·N · 2 · ǫ 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) To prove (4), we choose ǫ = 1 and obtain 2 g′ 9 L∗(A′/Q,1) A′/Q. ≤ 2π · F (cid:18) (cid:19) p To prove (5), we take ǫ = 2 . Thus (1 +ǫ)−r 2r and 1+ǫ = e 1. Using the lower 4 2 4 logN 2 ≤ N ·N bound (8) for the conductor of A′/Q, we obtain 1+1 log and Γ 3 +ǫ 3√π < N ǫ ≤ N 2 ≤ 2 3. For proving the last inequality, remark that Γ 3 +ǫ = 1 +ǫ Γ 1 +ǫ 3√π, 2 2 (cid:0) 2 (cid:1) (cid:0)≤ 2 (cid:1) because 1 +ǫ [1, 3] and then Γ 1 +ǫ Γ 1 = √π. Moreover e 3g′ (2π)−g′(1/2+ǫ) = 2 ∈ 2 2 2 ≤ 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) ·(cid:1) (cid:0)· (cid:1) g′ e 3 e (6)g′ 4g′, be(cid:0)cause(cid:1)1 < 1(cid:0)+(cid:1)ǫ < 3. This gives · (2π)1/2+ǫ ≤ · 5 ≤ 2 2 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) L∗(A′/Q,1) ≤ 2r ·4g′ ·FA41′/Q ·(logFA′/Q)2g′. 2 We conclude in both cases applying (7). In order to relate the Faltings’ height with the archimedean local periods, we need some preliminaries. For v complex, the local period c is almost the norm ω of ω, while for v v || || v real, it is a little bit more delicate to link the local period c with the norm ω . We v v || || fix an archimedean place v of K. Let (γ ,...,γ ) be a basis of the integral homology 1,v 2g,v H = H (A(K ),Z) of A. Choose γ ,...,γ such that γ ,...,γ generates the part of 1 v 1,v g,v 1,v g,v H fixed by complex conjugation. Let Ω = ω and Ω = ω , 1,v j 2,v j Zγi,v !1≤i≤g Zγi,v !g+1≤i≤2g wherej runsover 1,...,g ,betheperiodsmatrixesassociatedtoγ ,...,γ . Moreover, 1,v 2g,v { } choose γ ,...γ such that 1,v 2g,v τ = Ω−1Ω v 1,v 2,v 10

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