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On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations: a translation of Carl Ludwig Siegel’s Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen by Clemens Fuchs, with a commentary and the article Integral points on curves: Siegel’s theorem after Siegel’s PDF

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Preview On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations: a translation of Carl Ludwig Siegel’s Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen by Clemens Fuchs, with a commentary and the article Integral points on curves: Siegel’s theorem after Siegel’s

On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations (a translation of Carl Ludwig Siegel’s U¨ ber einige AnwendungendiophantischerApproximationen by Clemens Fuchs) edited by Umberto Zannier with a commentary and the article Integral points on curves: Siegel’s theorem after Siegel’s proof EDIZIONI DELLA NORMALE 2 QUADERNI MONOGRAPHS UmbertoZannier ScuolaNormaleSuperiore PiazzadeiCavalieri,7 56126Pisa,Italia ClemensFuchs UniversityofSalzburg DepartmentofMathematics Hellbrunnerstr.34/I 5020Salzburg,Austria OnSomeApplicationsofDiophantineApproximations On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations (a translation of Carl Ludwig Siegel’s U¨ber einige AnwendungendiophantischerApproximationen by(cid:0)Clemens Fuchs) edited by Umberto Zannier with a commentary and the article Integral points on curves: Siegel’s theorem after Siegel’s proof by Clemens Fuchs and Umberto Zannier (cid:2)c 2014ScuolaNormaleSuperiorePisa ISBN978-88-7642-519-6 ISBN978-88-7642-520-2 (eBook) Contents Preface vii C(cid:76)(cid:69)(cid:77)(cid:69)(cid:78)(cid:83)(cid:0)(cid:38)(cid:85)(cid:67)(cid:72)(cid:83) OnsomeapplicationsofDiophantineapproximations 1 1 PartI:Ontranscendentalnumbers 8 1 Toolsfromcomplexanalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 Toolsfromarithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 Thetranscendenceof J (ξ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 0 4 Furtherapplicationsofthemethod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2 PartII:OnDiophantineequations 47 1 Equationsofgenus0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2 Idealsinfunctionfieldsandnumberfields . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3 Equationsofgenus1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4 AuxiliarymeansfromthetheoryofABELfunctions . . . . . . . 61 5 Equationsofarbitrarypositivegenus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6 Anapplicationoftheapproximationmethod . . . . . . . . . . . 68 7 Cubicformswithpositivediscriminant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 C(cid:65)(cid:82)(cid:76)L(cid:14)(cid:0)Siegel U¨bereinigeAnwendungendiophantischerApproximationen 81 ClemensFuchsandUmberto Zannier Integralpointsoncurves: Siegel’stheoremafterSiegel’sproof 139 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 2 SomedevelopmentsafterSiegel’sproof . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 3 Siegel’sTheoremandsomepreliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 4 ThreeargumentsforSiegel’sTheorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Preface In1929CarlLudwigSiegelpublishedthepaperU¨bereinigeAnwendungendi- ophantischerApproximationen(appearedinAbh. Preuß. Akad. Wissen. Phys.- math.Klasse,1929andreproducedinSiegel’scollectedpapersGes.Abh.Bd.I, Springer-Verlag1966,209-266). ItwasdevotedtoDiophantineApproximation andapplicationsofit,andbecamealandmarkwork,alsoconcerninganumber of related subjects. Siegel’s paper was written in German and this volume is devotedtoatranslationofitintoEnglish(includingalsotheoriginalversionin German). Siegel’s paper introduced simultaneously many new methods and ideas. To commentonthisinsomedetailwouldoccupyafurtherpaper(orseveralpapers), and here we just limit ourselves to a brief discussion. The paper is, roughly, dividedintotwoparts: (a)Thefirstpartwasdevotedtoprovingtranscendenceofnumbersobtained asvalues(atalgebraicpoints)ofcertainspecialfunctions(includinghypergeo- metric functions and Bessel functions). In this realm, Siegel’s paper system- atically developed ideas introduced originally by Hermite in dealing with the exponential function; a main point is to approximate with rational functions a function expressed by a power series, and to draw by specialisation numer- icalapproximationstoitsvalues. Thesenumericalapproximations, ifaccurate enough,allow,throughstandardcomparisonestimates,toprovetheirrationality (ortranscendence)ofthevaluesofthefunctioninquestion. Siegelexploitedandextendedthisprincipleingreatdepth, obtainingresults whichwere(andare)spectacularlygeneralinthetopic,especiallyatthattime. Probablythiswasthefirstpapergivingtotranscendencetheorysomecoher- ence. Thisstudyalsointroducedrelatedconcepts,liketheoneof‘E-function’and of‘G-function’(cf.[1,8]),andlednaturallytoalgebraicalandarithmeticalstud- ies on systems of linear differential equations (with polynomial coefficients), whicheventuallyinspiredseveraldifferentdirectionsofresearch,allimportant anddeep. (b) The second part was devoted to diophantine equations, more precisely to the study of integral points o algebraic curves. In this realm too, the paper viii Preface introduced several further new ideas, also with respect to previous important papersofSiegel.1 Someinstancesforthenewideascontainedinthesecondpart are: – The paper used the embedding of a curve (of positive genus) into its Jac- obian, and the finite generation of the rational points in this last variety (whichhadbeenprovedbyL.J.MordellforellipticcurvesandbyA.Weil ingeneral); thisprovidedabasicinstanceoftheintimateconnectionofdi- ophantine analysis with algebraic geometry and complex analysis, which becameunavoidablesincethattime. – It used and developed the concept of ‘height’ of algebraic points and its propertiesrelatedtorationaltransformations,especiallyonalgebraiccurves; this went sometimes beyond results by A. Weil, who had introduced the conceptandhadalsopointedouttransformationproperties. Again,thisrepresentedoneoftheveryfirstexamplesofhowthelinkbetween arithmetic and geometry can be used most efficiently, leading to profound results. – Itexploitedtoanewextentthediophantineapproximationtoalgebraicnum- bers.ThishadbeenusedbyA.Thuearound1909inthecontextofthespecial curvesdefinedbytheso-called‘Thueequations’. Forgeneralcurves,thedi- ophantineapproximationdrawnfromintegersolutionsisnotsharpenoughto providedirectlythesoughtinformation,henceSiegelhadtogomuchdeeper intothis. Bytakingcoversofthecurve(insideitsJacobian)heimprovedthe Diophantineapproximation;thenhewasabletoconcludethroughasuitable refinementofThue’stheorem,alsoprovedinthepaper. Thisrefinementwas notasstrongasK.F.Roth’stheorem(provedonlyin1955),creatingfurther complications to the proof; Siegel had to use simultaneous approximations toseveralnumberstogetasharpenoughestimate.(Forthistask,Siegelused ideasintroducedinthefirstpartofthepaper.) On combining all of this, Siegel produced his theorem on integral points on curves, which may be seen as a final result in this direction. At that time, this was especially impressive, since Diophantine equations were often treated by adhocmethods,withlittlepossibilityofembracingwholefamilies. (Oneofthe fewexceptionsoccurredwithThue’smethods,alludedtoabove.) The theorem also bears a marked geometrical content: an affine curve may haveinfinitelymanyintegralpointsonlyifithasnon-negativeEulercharacter- istic. (Thisisdefinedas2−2g−s wheregisthegenusofasmoothprojective modelofthecurveandwheresisthenumberofpointsatinfinity,namelythose 1Forinstance,Siegelhadwritten(chronologically)rightbeforeanotherremarkablepaperonin- tegralpointsbyprovingtheirfinitenessforhyperellipticequations y2 = f(x)underappropriate assumptions(thisresultwasextractedfromalettertoMordellandwaspublishedunderthepseud- onymXin[47]). ix Preface missing on the affine curve with respect to a smooth complete model.) Con- versely, this condition becomes sufficient (for the existence of infinitely many integral points) if we allow a sufficiently large number field and a sufficiently large(fixed)denominatorforthecoordinates.2 Eachofthenumerousresultsandideasthatwehavementionedwouldhave representedatthattimeamajoradvanceinitself. Henceitisdifficulttooveres- timatetheimportanceofthispaperanditsinfluence,eventhinkingofcontem- porarymathematics. The paper, however, being written in German, is not accessible for a direct reading to all mathematicians. There are of course modern good or excellent expositionsinEnglishofsomeoftheresults, howeverwebelieveitmaybeof interestformanytogothroughtheoriginalsourceforapreciseunderstanding ofsomeprinciples,asreallyconceivedbySiegel. Inaddition,wethinkthatthis paperisamodelalsofrom theviewpointofexposition; theideasandmethods arepresentedinalimpidandsimultaneouslypreciseway. AllofthisledthesecondauthortotheideaoftranslatingthepaperintoEng- lish, and of publishing the result by the ‘Edizioni della Normale’. After some partialattemptsforatranslation,thiswasfinallycarriedoutbythefirstauthor, andhereistheoutput. Thetranslationwasmadeliterallyandkeepingthestyle usedbySiegelasfaraspossible,insteadofrephrasingthetextinmoremodern style. (Inparticular, Siegel is not usingtheengaging‘we’ but insteaduses the comprehensive ‘one’. The reader should have this in mind when reading the translation.) Ithasbeeneventuallypossiblealsotoincludetheoriginaltextinthisvolume, whichprovidesadditionalinformation. Wehavealsoaddedtothetranslatedtextasmallnumberoffootnotes(marked as“FOOTNOTE BY THE EDITORS”)tohighlightafewpointsthatwethinkare worthnotingfortheconvenienceofthereader. Further,afterthetranslation,we haveincludedintothispublicationanarticlebythetwoofus,describingsome developmentsinthetopicofintegralpoints,andthreemodernproofsofSiegel’s theorem (two of them being versions of the original argument). We have also insertedafewreferencestootherworkarisingfromthepaperofSiegel. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. WethanktheEdizionidellaNormaleforhavingwel- comethisproject. WeespeciallythankMrs. LuisaFerriniofthe‘CentroEdiz- ioni’, whosegreatcareandattentionhavemadeitpossibletoreachthesought goal. ClemensFuchsandUmbertoZannier 2Notethataffineimpliess >0;however,inviewofFaltings’theorem-see2.1below-allof thisremainstruealsoforprojectivecurves,i.e.whens=0. On some applications of Diophantine approximations* ClemensFuchs EssaysofthePrussianAcademyofSciences. Physical-MathematicalClass1929,No.1 Thewell-knownsimpledeductionruleaccordingtowhichforanydistributionof morethannobjectstondrawersatleastonedrawercontainsatleasttwoobjects, givesrisetoageneralizationoftheEuclideanalgorithm,whichbyinvestigations dueto DIRICHLET, HERMITE and MINKOWSKI turnedouttobethesourceof importantarithmeticlaws. Inparticularitimpliesastatementonhowprecisely thenumber0canbeatleastapproximatedbyalinearcombination L =h ω +···+h ω 0 0 r r of suitable rational integers h ,...,h , which in absolute value are 0 r boundedbyagivennaturalnumber H anddonotvanishsimultaneously,andof givennumbersω ,...,ω ;infactforthebestapproximationitcertainlyholds 0 r |L|≤(|ω |+···+|ω |)H−r, 0 r anassertionthatdoesnotdependondeeperarithmeticpropertiesofthenumbers ω ,...,ω . 0 r The expression L is called an approximation form. If one then asks, how preciselythenumber0canatbestbeapproximatedbytheapproximationform h ω +···+h ω ,thenobviouslyanynon-trivialanswerwillcertainlydepend 0 0 r r onthearithmeticpropertiesofthegivennumbersω ,...,ω . 0 r Thisquestionparticularlycontainstheproblemtoinvestigatewhetheragiven number ω is transcendental or not; one just has to choose ω = 1,ω = 0 1 ω,...,ω = ωr,H = 1,2,3,...,r = 1,2,3,.... The additional assump- r tion, to come up even with a non-zero lower bound for |L| as a function in H andr,givesapositiveturnaroundtothetranscendenceproblem. Also,theupperboundforthenumberoflatticepointsonanalgebraiccurve, thus in particular the study of the finiteness of this number, leads, as will turn out later, to the determination of a positive lower bound for the absolute value ofacertainapproximationform. Analogoustothearithmeticproblemsofbounding|L|fromaboveandfrom below is an algebraic question. Let ω (x),...,ω (x) be series in powers of a 0 r ∗CARL LUDWIG SIEGEL, U¨ber einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen, In: “GesammelteAbhandlungen”,BandI,Springer-Verlag,Berlin-Heidelberg-NewYork,1966,209– 266.

This book consists mainly of the translation, by C. Fuchs, of the 1929 landmark paper "Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen" by C.L. Siegel. The paper contains proofs of most important results in transcendence theory and diophantine analysis, notably Siegel’s celebrated theorem
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