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On Socialist Realism PDF

99 Pages·1960·1.27 MB·English
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111I9 59t wo nLann\·crbiyp atns a nony­ nzouyso ungS oviewtr itewre res ecretly taketno P ariasn dp ublishtehde rfeo rt iLe firstth neR.e centltyh,efi rsotf t heset,h e precedent-shatstheorritnn go vel,T he TrialB eginasp,p eariednA 111erOinc ai.t s publicatTiionn,1r ee ferrteodi ta s ((per­ flaptsh e1 nosrte nzarkanbolvee tlo h ave conzeo uto f Russias incteh eR evolu­ tio.n. .." Now thes econndL aJlltscript, alsao worko fn wjori nzportainscp eu,b ­ lishweidt ahn i ntroducbtyit ohnee nlinent Polisahu thoCrz,e slaMwi losz. Fonnulatbeyd M axinGzo rkyd urintgh e heighotf t heS talidni ctatorsthhiedp o,c ­ trinoef S ocialriesatl ihsans1s urvivaeldl ther ecenvti cissitoufdS eosv iepto litics. Indeedt,h iase sthettihce oriys n o nzere 111atotfet ra stfeo rt heR ussh1c1i1t izienn generaanld t heR ussiaanr tiisntp articu­ larW.i thi tgsl orificaotfit ohne s tatiet,s optinzisn1-bya-nddei ctrsfe uen,d wnental ai1t1o1e ducatteh ew orkerisnt hes piroi)t socialitshnizsi, s t hep hilosopwhhyi ch dictattehse w holet onea nd tenzpeor j Russialni fTeo. a ttactkh efl oodo fn ovels, poe1nsa,n d playsp roduceudn dert hi.� theorya'esg iS-{Al bSr wnT ertd;.o esh ere -is therefnoorn ez ereex erciisnle i terary criticibsuntza , r enwrkabel.er anzinatio1, Coiiln /u edo nb ac[kIf >a C onrinfureodmf ronflta p ·otfh ev erfyo undatoifop nr esent-Rduasy­ siaind eoloSgeyt.w ithitnh ep anora1onfa Russialni terahriys tory, ATberrat1zn' s essaiys a to ncea n intellecatnudah li s­ toricdaolc umenotfg rea1tn omenatn da n encouragrienvge latoifno enw c rititceanl­ denciewsi thins upposedmloyn olithic Russia. To keeph isi dentiat ys ecreAtb,r am Tertzb orrowehdi sp seudonyfmr om a charactienra now bannedM oscow Universsittuyd ensotn gH.i sw orki ndi­ catetsh ahte i sa younmga n,a ndi ti sc on­ ceivabtlhea th e waso neo ft hey oung writewrhso sew orka ppearebdr iefliyn Russiian1 956d urintgh e firsto fyt ehaer 11thawM.o"s ti mportatnott heW estern readehri,sw ritisnhgo whsi se ducatiboyn theS ovietasn d a lovinagn d thorough knowledogfeR ussialni teratIutir seo .b ­ vioushliys c oncerfno rt hef uturoef h is countryl'ist erattuhraeti nducehdi mt o arrangfeo rt hed angerotursa nspforrotm Russioaf h isi mportamnets sagteo t he outsiwdoer ld. Jackdeets ibgynJ aneHta h·erson PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. ON SOCIALIST REALISM BY THE SAME AUTHOR: TheTr ial Begins ON SOCIALIST REALISM byA bram Tertz INTRODUCTION BY CZESLAW MILOSZ PantheBoono ks Thet exotf O n SocialRiesatl ism ist ranslabtyeG de orgDee nnis. © 196b0y P antheoBno oks, a DivisioofnR andomH ouseI,n c., 333S ixtAhv enueN,e w York1 4N,. Y. Allr ightrse servedi,n cluditnhger ightto r eproduce thibso oko rp ortiotnhse reionfa nyf onn. LibraroyfC ongresCsa taloCga rdN umber:6 1-10028. Manufacturiendt heU niteSdt ateosfA merica byH .W olffB ookM fg.C o.N,e w YorkN,. Y. PUBLISHER'NSO TE On SocialRiesatl isims r egardeads t het heoretical companioann d justificatoiofn t hei maginative worlpdr esentienAd b ramT ertzn'osv elTh,e Trial BeginsI.tar rivesdi multaneowuistlhty h en oveiln theW esta ndw asfi rsptu blishbeytd h eF rencrhe ­ viewL 'EsprTitw.o leadiinngt ellecmtaugaalz ines inE uropeK,ul turianP arisa ndl lT empoP resente in Rome,s ubsequenptulbyl ishtehde mt ogethaesr complementawroyr ksT.h e worko riginaalpl­y peareind t hicso untinr yt hep ageosf D issenmta ga­ zine. m INTRODUCTION T hee sys awhihc follwoawssw rittientn h e SoviteU noina ndsn etb yi sta uhtotrh orugfhr nides toP airsa,s ihngt hatb epi utbi lsh.eI dtc amoeu t firtsi n1 959i, na F rencthr alnaisnto,i nt hPea ris monhtyl Esptr.Wie neehdav en od oubats itsto auhtenitcyi.Wt e don oktn owt hwer tiern'amse , norw oultdhr eeb ea nyp oitni nt ryitnodg si cvoer itA.ll t hee videngcoees t os how,h owevetrh,a t heb elonsg tot hyeo ungegre neiroanot fR usisan wrietsr,e ducaetde ntiruenldyet rhp eo tservoilou­nt ayr sysmt.Te hef acttht a hhea sd edceidt oh ave hi·wso hr pubilshaebdr osahodw sh ibse ilfei nt he importoafnw cheah te h ast os ya.L euts c nosider tihss etph:e rwee h avea manw itahm pel taelnt foartt ainpionpg urliyat inh si ownc ournytb,u t whos certeylw ritseosmt ehiinntge ndaetbd e sfto r raedignb ya s maglrlo uopfi nimtaets.H et hegno es toa greadte aolft rboelu top lahciems a nusicprt 7

Abram Tertz, one of the most important writers to emerge in the Soviet Union since World War II, came to prominence in 1959 when On Socialist Realism was published in the West. It was the first important critique of the central dogma of Soviet literature, an ironic tour de force in which Sinyavsky's
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