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ON SEMI-MARKOV PROCESSES AND THEIR KOLMOGOROV’S INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ENZOORSINGHER1,COSTANTINORICCIUTI1,ANDBRUNOTOALDO1,2,§ 7 1 0 Abstract. Semi-Markov processes are a generalization of Markov processes 2 since the exponential distribution of time intervals is replaced with an arbi- trarydistribution. Thispaperprovidesanintegro-differentialformoftheKol- n mogorov’s backward equations for a large class of homogeneous semi-Markov a processes, having the form of a Volterra integro-differential equation. An J equivalent evolutionary (differential) form of the equations is also provided. 1 Weak limits of semi-Markov processes are also considered and their corre- 1 spondingintegro-differentialKolmogorov’sequationsareidentified. ] R P . h t a m Contents [ 1 1. Introduction 2 v 2. Preliminaries 3 5 2.1. Complete monotonicity and Bernstein functions 3 0 2.2. Subordinators and non-homogeneous subordinators 3 9 3. Stepped semi-Markov processes and time-changed Markov processes 4 2 3.1. Stepped semi-Markov processes 4 0 . 3.2. Construction as time-changed Markov processes 5 1 3.3. Complete monotonicity of the survival function 8 0 7 4. The Kolmogorov’s equations 11 1 4.1. The backward equation 12 : 5. Geneneral semi-Markov processes as limit of stepped semi-Markov v i processes 17 X 5.1. Limit of stepped semi-Markov processes 18 r 5.2. Convergence to the fractional equation 21 a 6. Some remarks on countable state spaces 25 7. Auxiliary results 26 References 28 Date:January12,2017. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60K15,60J25,60G51. Key words and phrases. Semi-Markov processes, time-changed processes, subordinators, non-homogeneous subordinators, integro-differential equations, Bernstein functions, fractional equations. 1 2 E.ORSINGHER,C.RICCIUTI,ANDB.TOALDO 1. Introduction Semi-MarkovprocesseshavebeenintroducedbyL´evy[27]andSmith[42]inorder to reduce the limitation induced by the exponential distribution of the correspond- ing time intervals. In these papers jump semi-Markov processes were considered, i.e., jump processes with a waiting time between jumps which is not necessarily given by an exponential random variable. This is the immediate generalization of Markov chains since the Markov property is the typical consequence of the lack of memory of the exponential distribution. The general theory of semi-Markov processes has then been developed by Pyke [37; 38]. The first generalization of the Kolmogorov’s equations to the semi-Markov case was given in Feller [11]. In this paper the author provided an integral form for the backward equation when a semi-Markov process runs on a countable state-space, but from the discussion in [11] it is clear that the generalization of such equations to any state space was not so far. In succesive years, indeed, the theory of semi-Markov processes has been developed (e.g. Cinlar [8], Gihman and Skorohod [15]). Recent developments of the theory can be found in Harlamov [17] and in Korolyuk and Swishchuk [24] in which semi-Markov processes are discussed in full generality. A large class of semi-Markov processes can be equivalently constructed as time- changed Markov processes. This fact is well formalized in Kurtz [25] in the case where the waiting times between jumps have finite mean. A more general ap- proach is proposed in Kaspi and Maisonneuve [19] by assuming a Markov additive process (A ,D ) and defining X(t) = A(L(t)) where L(t) is the hitting time pro- t t cess of D . In the present paper we consider indeed semi-Markov processes which t can be obtained as a time-changed Markov process. In recent years Baeumer and Meerschaert [2], Meerschaert and Scheffler [30], Meerschaert et al. [31] considered Markov processes time-changed via an independent inverse of an α-stable subor- dinator and shown that these processes are governed by time-fractional equations. Whenthesamethingisdonewithamoregeneralindependentinversesubordinator then the equations become more general integro-differential equations (Kochubei [21],Kolokoltsov[22;23],Toaldo[43;44])orpseudo-differentialinthetime-variable [30]. These processes can be often viewed as semi-Markov processes as discussed in Meerschaert and Straka [33]. Hence this suggests that there is a strong relation- ship between integro-differential equations and the Kolmogorov’s equation of semi- Markov processes. In the present paper such a relationship is clearly established in a very general framework. The Kolmogorov’s equations are firstly investigated when the semi-Markov processes have stepped paths. Such equations turn out to be Volterra integro-differential equations. Our framework also includes the case in which the Markov process is non independent on the random time process. This yields to variable order Volterra integro-differential equations having the form d (cid:90) t q(s,·)k(t−s,·)ds −k(t,·)q(0,·) = (Gq(t))(·) (1.1) dt 0 forq :[0,∞)(cid:55)→BwhereBisaBanachspace,k(t,·)isasuitableconvolutionkernel andGisthegeneratoroftheMarkovprocess. Further,weaklimitsofsteppedsemi- Markov processes are also studied and the corresponding Kolmogorov’s equations are determined. Time-fractional equations can be always viewed as particular and interesting cases of the equations studied in this paper. 3 2. Preliminaries Wecollectinthissectionsometechnicalinformationwhichwillbeusedthrough- out the paper. 2.1. Complete monotonicity and Bernstein functions. We recall here some basic facts on Bernstein functions and complete monotonicity. We refer to [41] for such information. A function f :(0,∞)(cid:55)→R is said to be a Bernstein function if it isofclassC∞,f(λ)≥0and(−1)n−1f(n)(λ)≥0forallλ>0([41,Definition3.1]). For a non-negative C∞ function f to be a Bernstein function it is necessary and sufficient that f(cid:48) is completely monotone. A function g :(0,∞)(cid:55)→R is completely monotoneifitisofclassC∞ andsuchthat(−1)ng(n)(λ)≥0foralln∈N∪{0}and λ>0; hence (e.g. [41, Theorem 1.4]) it can be written as the Laplace transform of a unique measure K on [0,∞), i.e., for all λ>0, (cid:90) g(λ) = e−λsK(ds). (2.1) [0,∞) Aconsequenceoftheabovefactsisthatafunctionf isaBernsteinfunctionif,and only if, it can be written in the form [41, Theorem 3.2] (cid:90) ∞ f(λ) = a+bλ+ (cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)ν(ds) (2.2) 0 whereaandbarenon-negativeconstantsandν(·)isameasureon(0,∞)satisfying (cid:82)∞ theintegrabilitycondition (s∧1)ν(ds)<∞. AsubclassofBernsteinfunctions, 0 playing a central role in this paper is the class of complete Bernstein functions. A Bernstein function is said to be complete if the corresponding L´evy measure has a completely monotone density with respect to the Lebesgue measure [41, Definition 6.1]. Furthermore, a Bernstein function f (cid:54)= 0, is complete if, and only if, can be representedasf =1/hwherehisa(non-negative)Stieltjesfunction, i.e., hadmits the representation a (cid:90) ∞ 1 h(λ) = +b+ m(ds) (2.3) λ s+λ 0 where m is a measure on (0,∞) such that (cid:90) ∞ 1 m(ds)<∞. (2.4) 1+s 0 2.2. Subordinatorsandnon-homogeneoussubordinators. Asubordinatoris a non-decreasing L´evy process. Every Bernstein function is the Laplace exponent of a subordinator [5, Theorem 1.2]. Hence with the symbol σf(t) we denote the subordinator with transition probabilites µ (ds) such that t (cid:90) ∞ e−λsµ (ds) = Ee−λσf(t) = e−tf(λ). (2.5) t 0 A non-homogeneous subordinator, say σΠ(t), t ≥ 0, is a non-decreasing additive processinthesenseofSato[40,Definition1.6]. Henceitisanon-decreasingprocess with independent increments, stochastically continuous and with a.s. c´adl`ag paths andsuchthatσΠ(0)=0a.s. Suchaprocesscanbeconstructedasproposedin[35, Sec. 2], i.e., (cid:88) σΠ(t) := b(t)+ e(s) (2.6) 0≤s≤t 4 E.ORSINGHER,C.RICCIUTI,ANDB.TOALDO where e(s) is a Poisson point process in R+ whose characteristic measure ν(dx,dt) on (0,∞)×[0,∞) satisfies the integrability condition (cid:90) (x∧1)ν(dx,dw) < ∞. (2.7) (0,∞)×[0,t] Hence if ν(dx,dt) = v(dx)dt, where dt is the Lebesgue measure, the construction of a subordinator is obtained. In what follows we will always assume, as in [35], that ν(ds,·) is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and we denote a density as ν(ds,t)dt := ν(ds,dt). Furthermore we will assume that the process has no drift, hence in (2.6) we have b(t) = 0, for all t ≥ 0. Therefore the expected number of jumps from x to x+dx occuring up to t is given by (cid:90) t φ(dx,t) := ν(dx,s)ds. (2.8) 0 By [35, Eqs (2.6) and (2.7)] we have Ee−λσΠ(t) = e−Π(λ,t) (2.9) where (cid:90) ∞ λ(cid:55)→Π(λ,t) := (cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)φ(ds,t) (2.10) 0 or equivalently, by [35, Eq. (2.12)], (cid:90) t Π(λ,t) = f(λ,s)ds (2.11) 0 where λ(cid:55)→f(λ,s) is, for each s, the Bernstein function (cid:90) ∞ f(λ,s) = (cid:0)1−e−λw(cid:1)ν(dw,s). (2.12) 0 3. Stepped semi-Markov processes and time-changed Markov processes 3.1. Stepped semi-Markov processes. Let (S,S) be a state space where S is a σ-algebra on S, generated from the space S endowed with the discrete topology induced by the metric (cid:40) 1, x(cid:54)=y, ρ(x,y) = (3.1) 0, x=y. We consider on S right-continuous processes X(t), t≥0, whose paths are stepped functions. Hence the paths are functions t (cid:55)→ x(t), such that for any t ≥ 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that for all h ∈ (0,δ) it is true that x(t) = x(t+h), i.e. the functions t (cid:55)→ x(t) are right-continuous in the discrete topology, and further they have a finite number of discontinuities on any finite interval (of time). Processes with these paths are semi-Markov processes in the sense of Gihman and Skorohod (see [15, Chapter 3] and also [17, Chapter 3, Section 12, p. 76]) if the couple (cid:0)X(t),γX(t)(cid:1), where γX(t) := t−(0∨sup{s≤t:X(s)(cid:54)=X(t)}), (3.2) is a strict Markov process. A process with these properties can be constructed as follows (see [15, Chapter 3, Section 3]). Assume a family of probability spaces 5 (Ω,F,Px), x ∈ S. Let X be a discrete-time Markov chain on S under Px such n that Px(X =x) = 1 and define for all B ∈ S, the transition probabilities B (cid:55)→ 0 h(x,B) = Px(X ∈B). In the case S is countable we denote by (H) = h the 1 ij ij transition matrix of X . Let η be a sequence of i.i.d. r.v.’s jointly independent n i from X under any Px each one of which is uniformly distributed on [0,1]. Let n F be a c.d.f. of a non-negative r.v. for any x,y ∈ S and define a function x,y ϕ :[0,1](cid:55)→[0,∞) such that ϕ (η ) have distributions F for any i. Then let x,y x,y i x,y J =ϕ (η ) and define i Xi,Xi+1 i n n+1 (cid:88) (cid:88) X(t) = X , J ≤t< J . (3.3) n i i i=0 i=0 This is equivalent to say that for any x,y,z ∈S Px(J ≤t|X =z,X =y) = Pz(J ≤t|X =y) = F (t). (3.4) n n n+1 1 1 z,y We denote F (t) := 1−F (t). When F has a density with respect to the x,y x,y x,y Lebesgue measure, we denote it by fx,y(t). It is clear that if Fx,y(t)=e−θ(x)t then we have that (3.3) defines a continuous-time Markov process. In this case we use the symbol J to denote such exponential r.v.’s, the symbol M(t), t≥0, to denote i the corresponding Markov process and t (cid:55)→ m(t) for the sample paths of M(t). Now let T =(cid:80)n J and define n i=1 i NJ(t) := max{n∈N:T ≤t}. (3.5) n By using (3.5) we can say that (3.3) is equivalent to define X(t) := X . (3.6) NJ(t) It is clear that for M(t) the process NJ reduces to a birth process. In this case we denote the epochs of the birth process with the symbol T . From the discussion n above it is therefore clear that Px(T −T >t|X =y)=e−θ(y)t. n+1 n n Finally, note that in view of [15, Chapter 3, Section 3, Lemma 2] the process X(t) satisfies the defining properties of semi-Markov processes, i.e., the couple (cid:0)X(t),γX(t)(cid:1),whereγX(t):=t−T ,isastrict(homogeneous)Markovprocess. NJ(t) Henceitisclearthatoursemi-Markovprocessesaretime-homogeneousinthesense that Px(cid:0)X(t+τ)∈B |X(τ)=y,γX(τ)=s(cid:1) = Py(cid:0)X(t)∈B |γX(0)=s(cid:1), (3.7) for any t,τ ≥0, 0≤s≤τ, x,y ∈S and B ∈S. 3.2. Construction as time-changed Markov processes. The aim of this sec- tion is to make precise the following heuristical remarks. The results below show when a homogeneous semi-Markov process is given by a random time change of a Markovprocessandwhichtypeoftime-changeisallowed. Supposethatattheran- domtimes(T ) aMarkovprocessM(t(cid:48))jumpsinthestates(X ) andasemi- i i∈N i i∈N MarkovprocessX(t)jumpsinthesamestates(Xi)i∈N attherandomtimes(Ti)i∈N. Ift=g(t(cid:48))wehavethatT =g(T ),indistribution,andX(t)=M(t(cid:48))=M(g−1(t)). i i This can happen for a suitably defined strictly increasing function t (cid:55)→ g(t) which must be meant as either a deterministic or as a random function. To determine which function g is allowed, consider that the r.v.’s g(T )−g(T ) must be inde- i+1 i pendent r.v.’s. Note also that the behaviour of the function g can be dependent on the position of the process, i.e., the increment g(t)−g(s) depends on the r.v.’s 6 E.ORSINGHER,C.RICCIUTI,ANDB.TOALDO M(w),s≤w ≤t. This means that the (infinitesimal) increment g(s+ds)−g(s) is given by the increment of a different function σx(s+ds)−σx(s), conditionally on M(s)=x. Furthermore since M(t) is a stepped process, we can write g(t)=g(T )+σXi(t)−σXi(T ), T ≤t<T , (3.8) i i i i+1 sincethepositionX reachedatT ismantaineduptotimeT . Theholdingtimes i i i+1 T −T are the r.v.’s i+1 i g(T −)−g(T )=σXi(T −)−σXi(T ), (3.9) i+1 i i+1 i andtopreservetime-homogeneitywemayrequirethatthedistributionofT −T i+1 i does not depend on i which is the number of the jumps. Hence if the increment satisfiesσXi(t)−σXi(s)=σXi(t−s),indistribution,andifσXi(t)=σXi(t−),then the distribution of T −T , which is the distribution of (3.9), is independent on i i+1 i since T −T is an exponential r.v. with parameter θ(x) (conditionally on X = i+1 i i x). This suggest to choose σXi(t) as a strictly increasing process with stationary and independent increments, i.e., a strictly increasing subordinator. Since any incrementσXi(t)isstrictlyincreasingandleft-invertiblethengisstrictlyincreasing and left-invertible and therefore X(t)=X , g(T )≤t<g(T ), (3.10) n n n+1 is equivalent to X(t)=X , T ≤g−1(t)<T . (3.11) n n n+1 In particular since g is strictly increasing then the left-inverse g−1 is the hitting- time process of g. This heuristically shows that in this case X(t) and M(g−1(t)) are the same process and since in the previous remarks the increments of g depend on the position X (and on any τ ) then g(t) is dependent on M(t). This will be i i made precise below. We show here that processes X(t) defined as in Section 3.1 can be constructed under suitable assumptions as a particular time-change of M. Consider a family of Bernstein functions {f(λ,x,y)} having representation (x,y)∈S×S (cid:90) ∞ f(λ,x,y) = (cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)ν(ds,x,y), (3.12) 0 and let ν((0,∞),x,y) = ∞ for each (x,y) ∈ S × S. Let (cid:8)σ(x,y)(t)(cid:9) , (x,y)∈S×S t≥0,beafamilyofsubordinatorswithLaplaceexponentf(λ,x,y). Thenconsider (cid:8)L(x,y)(t)(cid:9) which is a family of inverses of σ(x,y). Now consider a non- (x,y)∈S×S homogeneous subordinator defined as in (2.6) with b(t) = 0 for all t ≥ 0 and with characteristic measure ∞ (cid:88) v(ds,t) = ν(ds,x ,x )1 (t) (3.13) k k+1 [τk,τk+1] k=1 where the symbols x and τ indicate the realization of X and T so that k k k k t(cid:55)→m(t)=x , τ ≤t<τ . (3.14) k k k+1 Equivalently if we denote by t (cid:55)→ n(t) the sample paths of the counting process N(t) associated with M(t), we can rewrite (3.14) as m(t)=x . (3.15) n(t) 7 Thisistosaythateachfixedpatht(cid:55)→m(t)ofM(t),whosediscontinuities(jumps) areinthepointst=τ ,definesadifferentmeasureν(ds,t)dt. Hencetheincrements k of σΠ(t) are given by σΠ(t) = σΠ(T )+σ(Xn,Xn+1)(t−T ), T ≤t<T . (3.16) n n n n+1 The process σΠ(t) is therefore a different non-homogeneous subordinator for any fixed path of m(t) with Laplace exponent Π(λ,t) which is determined by the path of M(t). However the r.v. σΠ(t) depends only on the events needed at time t, i.e., we have (cid:104) (cid:105) Ex e−λσΠ(t) |τ ,··· ,τ ,x ,··· ,x = e−Π(λ,t) 0 n(t) 0 n(t)+1 where (cid:90) t(cid:90) ∞ Π(λ,t) = (cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)v(ds,y)dy 0 0 (cid:90) t(cid:90) ∞ n(t) = (cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)(cid:88)ν(ds,x ,x )1 (y)dy k k+1 [τk,τk+1] 0 0 k=0 n(t)−1 (cid:88) = (τ −τ )f(λ,x ,x )+(t−τ )f(λ,x ,x ), (3.17) k+1 k k k+1 n(t) n(t) n(t)+1 k=0 where τ =0 and, under Px, x =x. Then we define 0 0 LΠ(t) := inf(cid:8)s≥0:σΠ(s)≥t(cid:9). (3.18) Since it is assumed that ν((0,∞),x,y) = ∞ for any (x,y) then v((0,∞),t) = ∞ for any t and thus the process σΠ(t) is strictly increasing on any finite interval of time [35, Proposition 2.2]. Hence LΠ(cid:0)σΠ(t)(cid:1) = t, a.s. The following Theorem is the precise statement of the heuristical discussion at the beginning of this section. Theorem 3.1. Let X(t) be a stepped semi-Markov process (as in (3.1)). Assume ν((0,∞),x,y))=∞forany(x,y)∈S×S. Thefollowingassertionsareequivalent. (1) For any (x,y)∈S×S, F (t)=Eze−θ(x)L(x,y)(t). x,y (2) X(t) and M(cid:0)LΠ(t)(cid:1) are the same process. Proof. The process σΠ(t) is strictly increasing on any finite interval ([35, Propo- sition 2.2]) then LΠ(t) has continuous sample paths. Since X(t) and M(cid:0)LΠ(t)(cid:1) have the same embedded chain, to prove that X(t) coincides with M(LΠ(t)) it is sufficient to prove that M(LΠ(t)) has the same waiting times between the jumps of X(t). Note that M(cid:0)LΠ(t)(cid:1) = X , T ≤LΠ(t)<T , (3.19) n n n+1 andhencebyusing[31,Lemma2.1]wehavethattheepochsofM(LΠ(t))occurrat the random times σΠ(T −). But it is true that, a.s., σΠ(T −)=σΠ(T ) ([35, The- n n n orem 2.1]) and hence we have by (3.16) that σΠ(Tn+1)−σΠ(Tn)=σ(Xn,Xn+1)(Jn) (we recall that J = T −T ). Since J are the holding times of the process n n+1 n n M(t), conditionally on X = x, are independent exponential r.v.’s with parameter i θ(x). Hence we can compute the Laplace transform of the r.v. σ(Xn,Xn+1)(Jn) as (cid:16) (cid:17) Ex e−λσ(Xn,Xn+1)(Jn) |X =y,X =z =Exe−Jnf(λ,y,z) n n+1 8 E.ORSINGHER,C.RICCIUTI,ANDB.TOALDO (cid:90) ∞ = θ(y)e−θ(y)we−wf(λ,y,z)dw 0 θ(y) = . (3.20) θ(y)+f(λ,y,z) Since by [30, Corollary 3.5] we have that (cid:90) ∞ f(λ,y,z) e−λtExe−θ(y)L(y,z)(t)dt = λ−1 , (3.21) θ(y)+f(λ,y,z) 0 then the corresponding density has Laplace transform (cid:90) ∞ θ(y) e−λtfy,z(dt) = θ(y)+f(λ,y,z). (3.22) 0 Therefore, for λ>0, (cid:90) ∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) e−λtfy,z(dt)=Ex e−λσ(Xn,Xn+1)(Jn) |Xn =y,Xn+1 =z (3.23) 0 and therefore the proof is complete. (cid:3) 3.3. Complete monotonicity of the survival function. From the discussion above we know that a stepped semi-Markov process can be viewed as the random time-change (independent or dependent) of a Markov process. In [25, Section 2] it is also discussed the existence of a time-change relationship between Markov and semi-Markov processes valid when the mean of the holding times J is finite. We i provide here a condition which guarantees the existence of a time-change relation- ship between M and X in the form described in Theorem 3.1. This condition also identify the process σΠ(t) when no information are given. Hence the following re- sult is also a tool to identify the random time process related to a semi-Markov process. Theorem 3.2. Let K (·), (x,y) ∈ S × S, be a family of measures on [0,∞) x,y (cid:82)∞ which satisfies K [0,∞) = 1 and sK (ds) = ∞. The following assertions x,y 0 x,y are equivalent. (1) Forany(x,y)∈S×S itistruethatthefunctionst(cid:55)→F (t)arecompletely x,y monotone functions with respect to the measures K (·). x,y (2) There exists a process LΠ(t) such that X(t) and M(cid:0)LΠ(t)(cid:1) are the same process defined by setting in (3.17) n(t)−1 (cid:88) Π(λ,t) = (τ −τ )f(λ,x ,x )+(t−τ )f(λ,x ,x ), (3.24) k+1 k k k+1 n(t) n(t) n(t)+1 k=0 with f(λ,x,y) = θ(x) λF(cid:101)x,y(λ) = θ(x)(cid:90) ∞(cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)ν(ds,x,y) (3.25) 1−λF(cid:101) (λ) 0 x,y which are unbounded complete Bernstein functions for any (x,y)∈S×S. Proof.1) → 2) By using Theorem 3.1 it is sufficient to prove that any completely monotone function which is also the survival function of a non-negative r.v.’s (with a Lebesgue density diverging at zero) can be considered as the moment generating function of an inverse subordinator Lf for some f. In 9 otherwordsweprovethatift(cid:55)→F (t)arecompletelymonotonefunctions x,y for any (x,y), then it must be true that F (t) = Eze−θ(x)L(x,y)(t) (3.26) x,y for some inverse L(x,y)(t) and hence by Theorem 3.1 we have X(t) = M(LΠ(t)) where Π is defined in (3.17). After this we prove that the repre- sentationin(3.24)istrue. Observethatthedependenceoff on(x,y)isun- necessaryinthisproof: itisindeedsufficienttoprovethateverycompletely monotonefunctioncanbewrittenasthemomentgeneratingfunctionofan inverse subordinator Lf for some Bernstein function f. Then letting (x,y) vary is the same thing as considering a different function f. Hence in what follows we omit the dependence of F from (x,y). In the same spirit we x,y also fix the parameter θ(x)=θ. Since t(cid:55)→F(t) is completely monotone then (cid:90) ∞ F(t)= e−tsK(ds) (3.27) 0 for some measure K(·) with K(0,∞)=1. Hence (cid:90) ∞ 1 F(cid:101)(λ)= K(ds) (3.28) s+λ 0 which is a Stieltjes function if (cid:90) ∞ 1 K(ds)<∞. (3.29) s+1 0 But (3.29) is true since K[0,∞) = 1. Hence by Lemma 7.2 we know that there exists f(λ) complete Bernstein function such that f(λ) 1 F(cid:101)(λ)= . (3.30) λ θ+f(λ) Use [30, Corollary 3.5] to say that (cid:90) ∞ f(λ) 1 e−λtEze−θLf(t)dt = (3.31) λ θ+f(λ) 0 and hence since t(cid:55)→Ee−θLf(t) is completely monotone by Lemma 7.1 and obviously continuous we have that F(t)=Exe−θLf(t) for any t≥0. Now we prove that the representation for f is true. Rearrange (3.30) and use Lemma 7.2 to say that λF(cid:101)(λ) f(λ) = θ (3.32) 1−λF(cid:101)(λ) is a complete Bernstein function. Hence we have (cid:18) (cid:90) ∞ (cid:19) f(λ)=θ a+bλ+ (cid:0)1−e−λs(cid:1)ν(ds) , (3.33) 0 wheretheL´evymeasureν(ds)hasacompletelymonotonedensitys(cid:55)→ν(s) since f is complete. Now we prove that a=0, b=0 and ν(0,∞)=∞. By using (3.28) it is easy to verify that lim f(λ)=∞: indeed note that λ→∞ (cid:90) ∞ λ lim λF(cid:101)(λ) = lim K(ds) λ→∞ λ→∞ 0 λ+s 10 E.ORSINGHER,C.RICCIUTI,ANDB.TOALDO (cid:90) ∞(cid:18) s (cid:19) = lim 1− K(ds) (3.34) λ→∞ 0 λ+s andsinceλ(cid:55)→(cid:0)1−s(λ+s)−1(cid:1)isboundedandmonotonewecanmovethe limit inside the integral to say that lim λF(cid:101)(λ) = 1. We can conclude λ→∞ now that lim f(λ) = ∞. Therefore it must be true, by [41, Corollary λ→∞ 3.7, Item (v)], that ν(0,∞) = ∞ or b > 0 (or both). Now we compute b. Note that by [41, p. 16, item (iv)] we know that b = lim λ−1f(λ) (3.35) λ→∞ and by using (3.32) we have that F(cid:101)(λ) b = lim λ→∞1−λF(cid:101)(λ) (cid:82)∞(s+λ)−1K(ds) = lim 0 . (3.36) λ→∞1−λ(cid:82)∞(s+λ)−1K(ds) 0 However since K(0,∞)=1 we note that the denominator is given by (cid:90) ∞ 1−λF(cid:101)(λ) =1−λ (s+λ)−1K(ds) 0 (cid:90) ∞(cid:18) λ (cid:19) = 1− K(ds) s+λ 0 (cid:90) ∞ 1 = sK(ds). (3.37) s+λ 0 Let k(ds):=sK(ds), the limit (3.36) is (cid:82)∞(λ+s)−1s−1k(ds) b = lim 0 λ→∞ (cid:82)∞(λ+s)−1k(ds) 0 (cid:82)∞λ−1(cid:0)1+λ−1s(cid:1)−1s−1k(ds) = lim 0 λ→∞ (cid:82)∞λ−1(1+λ−1s)−1k(ds) 0 (cid:82)∞(cid:0)1+λ−1s(cid:1)−1s−1k(ds) = lim 0 . (3.38) λ→∞ (cid:82)∞(1+λ−1s)−1k(ds) 0 The function λ (cid:55)→ (cid:0)1+λ−1s(cid:1)−1 is, for any fixed s > 0, bounded and monotone. Hence in (3.38) we can move the limit inside the integral to get (cid:82)∞s−1k(ds) 1 b = 0 = . (3.39) (cid:82)∞k(ds) k(0,∞) 0 (cid:82)∞ Hencewehavebytheassumptionsthatb=0sincek(0,∞)= sK(ds)= 0 ∞. The fact that a = 0 is true since a = f(0) and we can use again the representation (3.34) to verify. This complete the proof. 2) → 1) Nowweprovetheconversestatement. IfX(t)andM(cid:0)LΠ(t)(cid:1)arethesame processthenitmustbetruebyTheorem3.1thatF (t)=Eze−θ(x)L(x,y)(t) x,y for any (x,y) and that L(x,y) are inverses subordinators with Laplace ex- ponents f(λ,x,y) given in (3.25). Further since f(λ,x,y) are complete

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