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On Scale Determination in Lattice QCD with Dynamical Quarks 9 0 0 2 n a J 7 AsitK. De, A.HarindranathandJyotirmoyMaiti ∗ 2 SahaInstituteofNuclearPhysics,1/AFSaltLake,Kolkata700064,India ] E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], t a [email protected] l - p e Dependenceofa/rc(inverseSommerparameterinunitsoflatticespacinga)onamq(quarkmass h inlatticeunit)hasbeenobservedinalllatticeQCDsimulationswithseaquarksincludingtheones [ withimprovedactions. Howmuchofthisdependenceisascalingviolationhasremainedanin- 1 v triguingquestion.Ourapproachhasbeentoinvestigatetheissuewithanactionwithknownlattice 8 artifacts,i.e.,thestandardWilsonquarkandgaugeactionwithb =5.6and2degenerateflavors 2 1 of sea quarks on 163 32 lattices. In order to study in detail the sea quark mass dependence, × 4 measurements are carried out at eight values of the PCAC quark mass values am from about q . 1 0.07to below0.015. Thoughscaling violationsmayindeedbepresentforrelativelylargeam , q 0 9 aconsistentscenarioatsufficientlysmallamq seemstoemergeinthemass-independentscheme 0 whereforafixedb ,1/r and√s havelineardependenceonm asphysicaleffectssimilartothe 0 q : v quarkmassdependenceoftherhomass. We presentevidenceforthisscenarioandaccordingly i X extract the lattice scale (a=0.0805(7) fm, a 1 =2.45(2) GeV) by chiral extrapolation to the − r physicalpoint. a TheXXVIInternationalSymposiumonLatticeFieldTheory July14-192008 Williamsburg,Virginia,USA Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ ScaleDetermination AsitK.De 1. Introduction TheSommerparameter, denoted byr ,isnotadirectly measurable quantity andassuch may 0 haveuncertainties regarding itsvalue. Themethodofdetermination ofthelatticescaleausingthe Sommer parameter may also not be one’s favorite way. However, the change of r /a with am , 0 q where m is the sea quark mass, in simulations of all formulations (including improved versions) q of lattice QCD has intrigued the lattice community for the last decade. Basically two questions appear: a)Isthisacut-offeffectoraphysicaleffect? b)Howisthelatticescaleatobedetermined? Related issues are whether the scale a is to be taken as dependent on the quark mass m . In that q case,howdoesonechirallyextrapolatehadronicquantitieslikemassesgiventhatquarkmassesare allatdifferent scales? Sofarthereisnotheoretical understanding oftheissuesraisedabove. 2. OurSimulation We have used unimproved Wilson gauge and fermion actions with well-known O(a) cut-off effects with2degenerate lightflavorsofseaquarkatafixedgaugecoupling givenbyb =6/g2 = 5.6 on 16332 lattices. One important feature of our investigation was large number, viz., 8 values ofseaquarkmassesroughlyintherangeam 0.07 0.014. q ∼ − At each quark mass, 5000 equilibrated trajectories were generated using the standard HMC algorithm (DDHMC runs are underway on larger volumes). Using highly optimized gaussian smearing at both mesonic source and sink, pion and rho masses and their decay constants were computed [1]. APEsmearingwasusedonthegaugeconfigurationswithsmearinglevelupto40withe =2.5 where c/4 = 1/(e +4) was the coefficient of the staples. Expectation values of Wilson loops <W(R,T)> with rectangular extents R and T were then measured up to T =16 and R=8√3. Reasonable plateau was obtained in effective potential versus T plots between T = 3 and T = 5. The static potential aV(R) was extracted from single exponential fits between [T ,T ] = min max [3,4], [3,5], [4,5] using <W(R,T)>=C(R)exp[ aV(R)T]. Optimum smearing level wasdeter- − mined at a given quark mass by observing the ground state overlap C(R) as a function of R (for details see [1, 2]). The optimum smearing level was found to be 30 for the lightest three quark massesand25fortherest. Ateach b and quark mass, the static potential aV(R) as obtained from the Wilson loops was analyzed withthephenomenologically successful well-knownansatz: a 1 1 aV(R)=aV +a2s R d (2.1) 0 ROT − R − (cid:18)(cid:20)R(cid:21)−R(cid:19) whered isthecoefficientofthelatticecorrection termwith ROT 1 4p (cid:229) cos(aqi R) = · (2.2) (cid:20)R(cid:21) L3 4sin2(aq/2) qi=0 i 6 beingthelatticefouriertransform ofthegluonpropagator. The first 3 terms of aV(R) in eq. 2.1 above is differentiated to obtain the Sommer parame- ter: a/r =1/R =as 1/2/ (N a ) where N =1.65 and N =1 giving rise to the Sommer c c c 0 1 − parameters r andr respecptively. 0 1 2 ScaleDetermination AsitK.De 1 0.9 0.8 R) V(0.7 a 0.6 Uncorrected potential Corrected potential 0.5 Fit curve 0.4 2 3 4 5 6 1.2 1 R) V(0.8 a 0.6 0.4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 R Figure1: Fitsofthestaticpotentialatk =0.1575.Thetoppanelshowsthefittingrange. 3. Numerical Results Afewgeneralobservationsarenotedregardingourfitsofthestaticpotential: (i)Thedifference ([1/R] 1/R) is never negligible on a finite lattice. (ii) a is expected to run with R at these − intermediate length scales. (iii) We can only estimate an average a over the values of R where thestaticpotential isfit. (iv)Perturbative running isgenerally applicable atscales&2GeVwhich translates intoR.1inourcase. Wewanttoemphasizetheimportanceofdetermining a ,thecoefficientofthe1/R(Coulomb) term,originofwhichisinthecontinuumperturbationtheory. Todetermineitreliably,onenaturally hastoprobethesmallRregionwhichhastheproblemoflackofrotationalsymmetryonthelattice. However, in our case, use of the correction term proportional to d does the job as exemplified ROT byfig. 1wherethefitsdescribe thecorrected datamuchbeyondthefitrange. However,toachieve such beautiful fits, one needs to tune all the fit parameters and the smearing level. Signature of good fits is not limited to fig. 1. A good fit should also produce the values of d close to that ROT of a (unlike the random values as found in [3]) and should show expected behavior of a , e.g., a 3 ScaleDetermination AsitK.De 0.33 T = 3 - 4 0.32 T = 3 - 5 T = 4 - 5 0.31 a 0.3 0.29 R = 1.414 R = 1.732 min min 0.28 0.33 0.32 0.31 a 0.3 0.29 R = 2.0 R = 2.236 min min 0.28 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 R R max max Figure2: a versusR plotsatfixedvaluesofR andthreeT rangesfork =0.1575. max min 0.38 R = 6.708 0.34 Rmax = 6.708 max 0.36 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.3 a a 0.3 sm_lev = 20 0.28 mp from PP; Rmin = 1.414 00..2268 ssssmmmm____lllleeeevvvv ==== 23345050 0.26 mmmppp fffrrrooommm APAPAA; ;; R RRmmminiinn = == 2 12.0..4014 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 R amAP min q Figure3: Left: a versusR atfixedR fordifferentvaluesofthesmearinglevel. Right: a versusam min max q attwovaluesofR min should increase as R increases and also asthe smearing level increases (unlike wrong behavior min asfoundinfig. 22in[4]). The above checks on the determination of a is crucial to our observation and inference. At Wilsonhoppingparameterk =0.1575(am 0.03),Fig. 2showsthata isrelativelyinsensitiveto q ≈ changeofR ,however,therange[T ,T ]=[3,4]andR =√2producesthemostaccurate max min max min determination ofa . At the same k , the left panel of fig. 3 shows the behavior of a versus R at various values min of the smearing level and it exhibits the expected dependence on R and the smearing level. min 4 ScaleDetermination AsitK.De 0.24 mp from PP 0.28 mp from PP 0.23 0.27 0.22 0.26 1/2sa0.21 amAA; R = 1.414 a/r1 0.25 amqAA; Rmin = 1.414 0.2 amqqAP; Rmmiinn = 1.414 0.24 aammqAAPA;; RRmin == 12..4014 0.19 amqAA; Rmin = 2.0 0.23 amqqAP; Rmmiinn = 2.0 amAP; R = 2.0 0.22 q min 0.18 0.24 mp from AA 0.28 mp from AA 0.23 0.27 0.22 0.26 1/2 0.21 a/r1 0.25 sa 0.24 0.2 0.23 0.19 0.22 0.18 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 am am q q Figure4: as 1/2anda/r versusam fortwodifferentvaluesofR 1 q min It also shows that the most precise value of a is obtained at the smallest R = √2 and a is min determined progressively impreciselyasR increasesandbeyondR =2because ofimprecise min min determination a doesnotgrowwithR . min The right panel of fig. 3 shows for a given R =6.708 and k =0.1575 that a is weakly max dependentonam fortwovaluesofR =√2,2. Inparticular,thisdimensionlesscoefficientdoes q min notsignificantly dependonam forsmallenough am .0.035. q q In fig. 4 we show that for am .0.035, both as 1/2 (left panel) and a/r (right panel) (and q 1 naturally alsoa/r ,although theplotisnotshownhere)canbefitlinearly witham : 0 q as 1/2 = C +C am (3.1) 1 2 q a/r = A +B am (3.2) c c c q We also note that fig. 4 shows data for two values of R used in previous figures. Qualitative min conclusions about independence ofa and linear dependence ofas 1/2 and a/r on am for am . c q q 0.035 does not depend on the choice of R as long as R is small enough (obviously the data, min min especially a , is more accurate for smaller R ). In fact, the above qualitative conclusions do not min depend on the choice of the values of the fitting parameters or the smearing level as long as they remainsensible. Inaddition, weobserve fromtherightpanel offig. 4thatalthough theindividual values of a and as 1/2 depend on the choice of R , the value of a/r at all am is relatively min c q insensitive toit. Forourfinalanalysis, wetake[T ,T ]=[3,4],[R ,R ]=[√2,3√5]and min max min max APEsmearinglevelis30forthelightest 3quarkmassesand25fortherestofthequarkmasses. 5 ScaleDetermination AsitK.De 0.2 0.19 a/r0 0.18 am from PP p am from AA p 0.17 Fit for am from PP p Fit for am from AA p 0.16 0.28 0.55 0.27 0.5 0.26 a/r1 amr 0.45 0.25 0.4 amp from PP 0.24 amp from AA 0.35 Fit for amp from PP 0.23 Fit for amp from AA 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.22 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 (am)2 (am)2 p p Figure5: Linearchiralextrapolationofa/rcandamr with(amp )2 Usingthevalueofthelatticespacing(determinedlater)thesmallestquarkmassinusehereis about30-35MeVandam .0.035roughlytranslatesintom .85MeVatthisb (=5.6). Someof q q oursmallerquarkmassesincludingthesmallestonecanbecomparedwithvaluesobtainedwiththe sameWilsonlatticeQCDactionparameters[5,6]butatlargerlatticevolumesandthiscomparison showsthatourquarkmassesdonothaveanysignificantfinitesize(FS)effects. Ourvaluesofa/r 0 also arenotexpected tohave anyFSeffect because thefittingrange inRandthevalue r orr are 0 ! wellwithinthephysicallineardimensionofourlattice. Ourquark masses are determined using PCACandabsence ofFSeffect onour quark masses establishes that PCACis wellsatisfied on the lattice. ThePCAConthe lattice differs from that in the continuum by O(a). FSeffect, if any, also enters through this O(a)term. Asaresult, absence ofFSeffectisalsoanindirect indication ofabsence ofscaling violations orcut-offeffects. 4. Interpretation ofthe Results Our numerical observation at fixed b of am -independence of the dimensionless coefficient q a is interpreted as a signal for negligible cut-off effect in a for small enough am . At fixed b , q theobserved lineardependence ofas 1/2 anda/r onam foram .0.035 istheninterpreted asa c q q physical dependence ofs 1/2 and1/r onm : c q s 1/2 = C +C m with C =aC (4.1) 1 2 q 1 1 1/r = A +B m with A =aA (4.2) c c c q c c 6 ScaleDetermination AsitK.De In other words, for small enough am , the cut-off dependence is negligible, a mass-independent q scale-setting scheme at fixed b is implied, i.e., the lattice spacing a is fixed at a fixed b , and the physical dependence ofs 1/2 and1/r onm allowsforachiralextrapolation. c q Although absence of scaling violations cannot be solidly established unless one has data for different b ,theissueisthatonestillneedstosetascaleatafixedb andunless onehasacriterion for getting rid of possible scaling violations, how is one ever going to achieve it and without that how would one do chiral extrapolation of hadronic observables? If any mass-independent scaling violations are present, that should then also invalidate all chiral extrapolations done to date on hadronic observables. One hopes, consistent with notions of universality, that at large enough b (i.e., small enough lattice spacing a) and small enough quark mass m , all valid formulations of q latticeQCDshouldreacharegimewhereallcut-offeffectsarenegligible. The left panel of fig. 5 then shows a linear chiral extrapolation of a/rc in (amp )2. The lat- tice spacing at the physical point is then extracted by solving a quadratic equation in the lattice spacing, along the lines of [2] (for details, see [7]). Our best determination of the lattice spacing is a=0.0805(7) fm or a 1 =2.45(2) GeV with r =0.49 fm put in. This determination tallies − 0 verywellwithanindependent hadronic determination ofthelatticespacingthrough alinearchiral extrapolation ofamr with(amp )2 (shownintherightpaneloffig. 5). Thehadronic determination islessaccurateandyieldsa=0.0800(20) fm,i.e.,a 1=2.47(6)GeV. − Detailsofthisworkcanbefoundin[7]. Numerical calculations are carried out on a Cray XD1 (120 AMD [email protected]) sup- ported bythe 10th and 11th FiveYearPlan Projects ofthe Theory Division, SINPunder the DAE, Govt. of India. This work was in part based on the MILC collaboration’s public lattice gauge theorycode. Seehttp://physics.utah.edu/ dtar/milc.html. References [1] A.K.De,A.HarindranathandJ.Maiti,InvestigationofLatticeQCDwithWilsonfermionswith GaussianSmearing,arXiv:0712.4354[hep-lat]. [2] G.S.Bali,BramBolder,NorbertEicker,ThomasLippert,BorisOrth,PeerUeberholz,Klaus Schilling,ThorstenStruckmann[Tc LCollaboration],Phys.Rev.D62,054503(2000) [arXiv:hep-lat/0003012]. [3] D.Bec´irevic´,B.Blossier,Ph.Boucaud,V.Giménez,V.Lubicz,F.Mescia,S.Simulaand G.Tarantino,Nucl.Phys.B734,138(2006)[arXiv:hep-lat/0510014]. [4] S.Aokietal.[JLQCDCollaboration],Two-flavorQCDsimulationwithexactchiralsymmetry arXiv:0803.3197v2[hep-lat]. [5] L.DelDebbio,L.Giusti,M.Luscher,R.PetronzioandN.Tantalo,JHEP0702,056(2007). [6] B.Orth,T.LippertandK.Schilling,Phys.Rev.D72,014503(2005)[arXiv:hep-lat/0503016]. [7] A.K.De,A.HarindranathandJ.Maiti,OnScaleDeterminationinLatticeQCDwithDynamical Quarks,arXiv:0803.1281[hep-lat]. 7

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