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On Recoverable and Two-Stage Robust Selection Problems with Budgeted Uncertainty Andr´e Chassein1, Marc Goerigk2, Adam Kasperski3, and Pawel 7 Zielin´ski4 1 0 2 1Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Universit¨at Kaiserslautern, Germany b 2Department of Management Science, Lancaster University, United Kingdom e 3Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wrocl aw University of Technology, Poland F 4Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, Wrocl aw University of Technology, Poland 6 1 February 17, 2017 ] C O . h Abstract t a m Inthis paper the problemofselectingp outofnavailableitems is discussed,such thattheir totalcostis minimized. We assumethatcostsarenotknownexactly,but [ stem from a set of possible outcomes. 2 Robust recoverable and two-stage models of this selection problem are analyzed. v Inthetwo-stageproblem,uptopitemsischoseninthefirststage,andthesolutionis 4 6 completedoncethescenariobecomesrevealedinthesecondstage. Intherecoverable 0 problem, a set of p items is selected in the first stage, and can be modified by 6 exchanging up to k items in the second stage, after a scenario reveals. 0 We assume that uncertain costs are modeled through bounded uncertainty sets, . 1 i.e., the interval uncertainty sets with an additional linear (budget) constraint, in 0 their discrete and continuous variants. Polynomial algorithms for recoverable and 7 two-stage selection problems with continuous bounded uncertainty, and compact 1 mixed integer formulations in the case of discrete bounded uncertainty are con- : v structed. i X Keywords: combinatorial optimization; robust optimization; selection problem; r a budgeted uncertainty; two-stage robustness; recoverable robustness 1. Introduction In this paper we consider the following Selection problem. We are given a set of n items with cost c for each i ∈ [n]:= {1,...,n} and an integer p ∈ [n]. We seek a subset i 1 X ⊆ [n] of p items, |X| = p, whose total cost c is minimum. It is easy to see i∈X i that an optimal solution is composed of p itemsPof the smallest cost. It can be found in O(n)time by usingthe well-known fact, thatthe pth smallest item can befoundin O(n) time (see, e.g., [10]). Selection is a basic resource allocation problem [17]. It is also a special case of 0-1 knapsack, 0-1 assignment, single machine scheduling, and minimum matroid base problems (see [19] for an overview). It can be formulated as the following integer linear program: min c x i∈[n] i i s.t. P x = p (1) i∈[n] i xP∈ {0,1} ∀i ∈[n]. i We will use Φ ⊆ {0,1}n to denote the set of all feasible solutions to (1). Given xxx ∈ {0,1}n, we also define X = {i ∈ [n] : x = 1}, and X = [n]\X , i.e. X is the item xxx i xxx xxx xxx set induced by vector xxx and X denotes its complement. xxx Consider the case when the item costs are uncertain. As part of the input, we are given a scenario set U, containing all possible vectors of the item costs, called scenarios. Several methods of defining U have been proposed in the existing literature (see, e.g., [3, 4,18,23,26]). Under discrete uncertainty (see, e.g., [23]), the scenario set contains K distinct scenarios i.e. UD = {ccc ,...,ccc }, ccc ∈ Rn. Under interval uncertainty, the 1 K i + cost of each item i ∈ [n] belongs to a closed interval [c ,c ], where d := c − c ≥ 0 i i i i i is the maximal deviation of the cost of i from its nominal value c . In the traditional i interval uncertainty representation, UI is the Cartesian product of all the intervals (see, e.g., [23]). In this paper we will focus on the following two generalizations of scenario set UI, which have been examined in [3,4,26]: • Continuous budgeted uncertainty: Uc = {(c +δ ) : δ ∈ [0,d ], δ ≤ Γ}⊆ Rn i i i∈[n] i i i + X i∈[n] • Discrete budgeted uncertainty: Ud = {(c +δ ) :δ ∈ {0,d },|{i ∈ [n]:δ = d }| ≤ Γ}⊆ Rn i i i∈[n] i i i i + The fixed parameter Γ ≥ 0 is called a budget and it controls the amount of uncertainty which an adversary can allocate to the item costs. For a sufficiently large Γ, Uc reduces to UI, and Ud reduces to the extreme points of UI. In order to compute a solution, under a specified scenario set U, we can follow a robust optimization approach. For general overviews on robust optimization, see, e.g., [1,14,21,23,27]. In a typical, single-stage robust model we seek a solution minimizing the total cost in a worst case. This leads to the following minmax and minmax regret problems: MinMax : minmaxcccxxx, xxx∈Φ ccc∈U MinMax-Regret: minmaxmax(cccxxx−cccyyy). xxx∈Φ ccc∈U yyy∈Φ 2 The minmax (regret) versions of the Selection problem have been discussed in the existing literature. For scenario set UD both problems are NP-hard even for K = 2 (the numberofscenariosequals2)[2]. IfK ispartoftheinput,thenMinMaxandMinMax- RegretarestronglyNP-hardandnotapproximablewithinanyconstantfactor[19]. On theotherhand,MinMaxis approximablewithinO(logK/loglogK)[12]butMinMax- Regret is only known to be approximable within K, which is due to the results given in [1]. The MinMax problem under scenario sets Uc and Ud is polynomially solvable, according to the results obtained in [3]. Also, MinMax-Regret,under scenario set UI, is polynomially solvable by the algorithms designed in [2,9]. Theproblemswhicharisesinpracticeoftenhaveatwo-stage nature. Namely, apartial solution is computed in the first stage and completed in the second stage, or a complete solution is formed in the first stage and modified to some extent in the second stage. Typically, the costs in the first stage are precisely known, while the costs in the second stage are uncertain. Before we formally define the two-stage models, let us introduce some additional notation: • Φ = {xxx ∈ {0,1}n : x ≤ p}, 1 i∈[n] i P • Φ = {yyy ∈ {0,1}n : (x +y ) = p,x +y ≤ 1,i ∈ [n]}, xxx ∈ Φ , xxx i∈[n] i i i i 1 P • Φk = {yyy ∈ {0,1}n : y = p, x y ≥ p−k}, xxx ∈ Φ,k ∈ [p]∪{0}. xxx i∈[n] i i∈[n] i i P P Ifyyy ∈ Φ , then X ∩X = ∅ and|X ∪X |= p. Hence Φ encodes all subsetsof the item xxx xxx yyy xxx yyy xxx set [n], which added to X form a complete solution of cardinality p. Set Φk is called a xxx xxx recovery set, k is a given recovery parameter. If yyy ∈ Φk, then |X \X |= |X \X |≤ k, xxx xxx yyy yyy xxx so Φk encodes all solutions which can beobtained from X by exchanging up to k items. xxx xxx Let CCC = (C ,...,C ) be a vector of the first stage item costs, which are assumed to be 1 n precisely known. Let scenario set U contain all possible vectors of the uncertain second stage costs. Given k ∈ [p]∪{0}, we study the following recoverable selection problem: RREC :min CCCxxx+max mincccyyy . xxx∈Φ(cid:18) ccc∈U yyy∈Φk (cid:19) xxx In RREC a complete solution (exactly p items) is chosen in the first stage. Then, after a scenario from U reveals, one can exchange optimally up to k items in the second stage. Notice that if k = 0 and C = 0 for each i ∈ [n], then RREC becomes the MinMax i problem. The robust recoverable model for linear programming, together with some applications, was discussed in [24]. It has been also recently applied to the shortest path [5], spanning tree [15,16], knapsack [6] and traveling salesman problems [8]. The RREC problem under scenario sets UD and UI has been recently discussed in [20]. Under UD it turned out to be NP-hard for constant K, strongly NP-hard and not at all approximable when K is part of the input (this is true even if k = 1). On the other hand, under scenario set UI, a polynomial O((p−k)n2) time algorithm for RREC has been proposed in [20]. No results for scenario rests Uc and Ud have been known to date. We also analyze the following robust two-stage selection problem: R2ST: min CCCxxx+max mincccyyy , xxx∈Φ1(cid:18) ccc∈U yyy∈Φxxx (cid:19) 3 In R2STwe seek a firststage solution, which may contain less than p items. Then, after a scenario from U reveals, this solution is completed optimally to p items. The robust two-stage model was introduced in [22] for the bipartite matching problem. The R2ST problem has been recently discussed in [20]. It is polynomially solvable under scenario set UI. For scenario set UD, the problem is strongly NP-hard and hard to approximate within(1−ǫ)lognforanyǫ >0,butithasanO(logK+logn)randomizedapproximation algorithm. No results for scenario sets Uc and Ud have been known to date. Given a first stage solution xxx ∈ Φ (resp. xxx ∈ Φ ), we will also study the following 1 adversarial problem: AREC (A2ST) : max min cccyyy. ccc∈U yyy∈Φxxxk(Φxxx) If, additionally, scenario ccc∈ U is fixed, then we get the following incremental problem: IREC (I2ST) : min cccyyy. yyy∈Φxxkx(Φxxx) Theadversarialandincrementalversionsofsomenetworkproblemswerediscussedin[11, 26]. The incremental versions of the shortest path and the spanning tree problems are polynomially solvable [11], whereas the adversarial versions of these problems under scenario set Ud are strongly NP-hard [13,25,26]. Table 1: The known results for UD and UI obtained in [20] and new results for Uc and Ud shown in this paper. U IREC AREC RREC I2ST A2ST R2ST O(n) O(Kn) NP-hard for const. K; O(n) O(Kn) NP-hard for const. K; str. NP-hard str. NP-hard D U not at all appr. appr. O(logK+logn) for unbounded K not appr. (1−ǫ)logn for unbounded K UI O(n) O(n) O((p−k)n2) O(n) O(n) O(n) Uc O(n) O(n2) poly. sol. O(n) O(n2) poly. sol. O(nlogn) compact MIP O(nlogn) compact MIP Ud O(n) O(n3) compact MIP O(n) O(n2) compact MIP New results. All new results for scenario sets Uc and Ud, obtained in this paper, are summarized in Table 1. In particular, we show that all the considered problems are polynomially solvable under scenario set Uc. The polynomial algorithms for RREC and R2ST under Uc are based on solving a polynomial number of linear programming subproblems. We also provide polynomial time combinatorial algorithms for AREC and A2ST under both Uc and Ud. The complexity of RREC and R2ST under Ud remains open. For these problems we construct compact MIP formulations and propose approximation algorithms. 4 2. Continuous Budgeted Uncertainty In this section we address the RREC and R2ST problems under scenario set Uc. We will show that both problems can be solved in polynomial time. 2.1. Recoverable Robust Selection 2.1.1. The incremental problem Given xxx ∈ Φ and ccc ∈ U, the incremental problem, IREC, can be formulated as the following linear program (notice that the constraints y ∈ {0,1} can be relaxed): i opt = min c y 1 i i X i∈[n] s.t. y =p i X (2) i∈[n] x y ≥ p−k i i X i∈[n] y ∈ [0,1] i∈ [n] i It is easy to see that the IREC problem can be solved in O(n) time. Indeed, we first choose p−k items of the smallest cost from X and then k items of the smallest cost xxx from the remaining items. We will now show some additional properties of (2), which will be used extensively later. The dual to (2) is max pα+(p−k)β − γ i X i∈[n] s.t. α+x β ≤ γ +c i ∈ [n] (3) i i i β ≥ 0 γ ≥ 0 i ∈ [n] i From now on, we will assume that k > 0 (the case k = 0 is trivial, since yyy =xxx holds). Letb(ccc)bethepthsmallestitemcostfortheitemsin[n]underccc(i.e. ifc ≤ ··· ≤ c σ(1) σ(n) is the ordered sequence of the item costs under ccc, then b(ccc)= c ). Similarly, let b (ccc) σ(p) 1 bethe(p−k)th smallest item cost for theitems in X and b (ccc)bethekth smallest item xxx 2 cost for the items in X under ccc. The following proposition characterizes the optimal xxx values of α and β in (3), and is fundamental in the following analysis: Proposition 1. Given scenario ccc∈ U, the following conditions hold: 1. if b (ccc)≤ b(ccc), then α = b(ccc) and β = 0 are optimal in (3), 1 2. if b (ccc)> b(ccc), then α = b (ccc) and β = b (ccc)−b (ccc) are optimal in (3). 1 2 1 2 Proof. By replacing γ by [α+βx −c ] , the dual problem (3) can be represented as i i i + follows: max f(α,β) = max pα+(p−k)β − [α+βx −c ] , (4) i i + α,β≥0 α,β≥0 X  i∈[n]   5 where [a] = max{0,a}. Let us sort the items in [n] so that that c ≤ ··· ≤ c . + σ(1) σ(n) Let us sort the items in X so that c ≤ ··· ≤ c and the items in X so that xxx ν(1) ν(p) xxx c ≤ ··· ≤ c . We distinguish two cases. The first one: c ≤ c (b (ccc) ≤ ς(1) ς(n−p) ν(p−k) σ(p) 1 b(ccc)). Then it is possible to construct an optimal solution to (2) with the cost equal to c . Namely, we choose p−k items of the smallest costs from X and k items i∈[p] σ(i) xxx Pof the smallest cost from the remaining items. Fix α = cσ(p) and β = 0, which gives the case 1. By using (4), we obtain f(α,β) = c = opt and the proposition follows i∈[p] σ(i) 1 from the weak duality theorem. The secoPnd case: cν(p−k) > cσ(p) (b1(ccc) > b(ccc)). The optimal solution to (2) is then formed by the items ν(1),...,ν(p−k) and ς(1),...,ς(k). Fix α = c and β = c −c , which gives the case 2. By (4), we have ς(k) ν(p−k) ς(k) f(α,β) = pα+(p−k)β − [α+β−c ] − [α−c ] i + i + iX∈Xxxx iX∈Xxxx = pc +(p−k)(c −c )− [c −c ] − [c −c ] ς(k) ν(p−k) ς(k) ν(p−k) i + ς(k) i + iX∈Xxxx iX∈Xxxx = pc +(p−k)(c −c )−(p−k)c + c −kc + c ς(k) ν(p−k) ς(k) ν(p−k) ν(i) ς(k) ς(i) X X i∈[p−k] i∈[k] = c + c = opt ν(i) ς(i) 1 X X i∈[p−k] i∈[k] and the proposition follows from the weak duality theorem. 2.1.2. The adversarial problem Consider the adversarial problem AREC for a given solution xxx ∈ Φ. We will again assume that k > 0. If k = 0, then all the budget Γ is allocated to the items in X . xxx Scenario ccc ∈ Uc which maximizes the objective value in this problem is called a worst scenario for xxx (worst scenario for short). We now give a characterization of a worst scenario. Proposition 2. There is a worst scenario ccc = (c +δ ) ∈ Uc such that i i i∈[n] 1. b (ccc)≤ b(ccc) or 1 2. b (ccc) or b (ccc) belongs to D = {c ,...,c ,c ,...,c }. 1 2 1 n 1 n Proof. Assume that b (ccc) > b(ccc) and both b (ccc) and b (ccc) do not belong to D. The main 1 1 2 idea of the proof is to show that there is a worst scenario satisfying condition 1 or 2. Note that b (ccc) > b(ccc) implies b (ccc) > b (ccc). Let A = {i ∈ X : c +δ = b (ccc)} and 1 1 2 xxx i i 1 B = {i ∈ X : c +δ = b (ccc)}. Observe that A,B 6= ∅ by the definition of b (ccc) and xxx i i 2 1 b (ccc). Also, a positive budget must be allocated to each item in A and B. In Figures 1a 2 and 1b we have A = {2,4,5} and B = {7,9}. Let k be the number of items in X 1 xxx such that c +δ < b (ccc) and k be the number of items in X such that c +δ < b (ccc). i i 1 2 xxx i i 2 In the sample problem (see Figures 1a and 1b) we have k = 2 and k = 1. Suppose 1 2 that there is an item j such that c +d > b (ccc) and c +δ < b (ccc) (see the item 3 in j j 1 j j 1 6 a) b) c i −∆ ±∆ 3 −3∆ −3∆ 3 ±∆3 δi c −∆ −∆ ±∆ i 2 2 2 i b1(c) b1(c) b2(c) ±∆ b2(c) 3 ±∆ 2 +∆ +∆ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Xx Xx Xx Xx Figure 1: Illustration of the proof for n = 10, p = 5, k = 2, and X = {1,...,5}. xxx Figure1a). Letustransformscenarioccc∈ Uc intoscenarioccc ∈ Uc asfollows: δ := δ +∆ 1 j j and δ := δ −∆/|A| for each i ∈ A, where ∆ > 0 is a sufficiently small number (see i i Figure 1a). Letyyy bean optimal solution undercccand letyyy bean optimal solution under 1 ccc . The following equality holds 1 ∆ ccc yyy =cccyyy+∆−(p−k−k ) . 1 1 1 |A| Since |A|+k ≥ p−k, ccc yyy ≥ cccyyy and ccc is also a worst scenario. We can increase ∆ 1 1 1 1 until b (ccc ) ∈ D, or b (ccc ) = b (ccc ) (which implies b (ccc ) = b(ccc )), or b (ccc ) = c +δ . 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 j j In the first two cases the proposition follows and the third case will be analyzed later. The same reasoning can be applied to every item j ∈ X such that c +d > b (ccc) and xxx j j 2 c +δ < b (ccc) (see the item 8 in Figure 1a). So, it remains to analyze the case shown j j 2 in Figure 1b. Let us again choose some sufficiently small ∆ > 0. Define scenario ccc by 1 modifying ccc in the following way δ := δ +∆/|A| for each i ∈ A and δ := δ −∆/|B| i i i i for each i ∈ B. Similarly, define scenario ccc by modifying ccc as follows δ := δ −∆/|A| 2 i i for each i∈ A and δ := δ +∆/|B| for each i∈ B. Let yyy be an optimal solution under i i 1 ccc and yyy be an optimal solution under ccc . The following equalities hold 1 2 2 ∆ ∆ ccc yyy =cccyyy+(p−k−k ) −(k−k ) , 1 1 1 2 |A| |B| ∆ ∆ ccc yyy =cccyyy−(p−k−k ) +(k−k ) . 2 2 1 2 |A| |B| Hence, either ccc yyy ≥ cccyyy or ccc yyy ≥ cccyyy, so ccc or ccc is also a worst scenario. We can now 1 1 2 2 1 2 increase ∆ until ccc (ccc ) satisfies condition 1 or 2. 1 2 Using(3)andthedefinitionofscenariosetUc,wecanrepresentARECasthefollowing 7 linear programming problem: max pα+(p−k)β − γ i∈[n] i s.t. α+x β ≤ γ +cP+δ ∀i∈ [n] i i i i δ ≤ Γ i∈[n] i (5) δP≤ d ∀i∈ [n] i i β ≥ 0 γ ,δ ≥ 0 i ∈[n] i i Thus AREC can be solved in polynomial time. In the following we will construct a strongly polynomial combinatorial algorithm for solving AREC. The following corol- lary is a consequence of Proposition 1 and Proposition 2: Corollary 3. There is an optimal solution to (5) in which 1. β = 0 or 2. α or α+β belongs to D = {c ,...,c ,c ,...,c }. 1 n 1 n Proof. According to Proposition 1, there is an optimal solution to (5) which induces a worst scenarioccc= (c +δ ) ∈ Uc, which satisfies conditions 1 and 2 of Proposition 1. i i i∈[n] If the condition 1 is fulfilled, i.e. b (ccc) ≤ b(ccc), then according to Proposition 2 we 1 get β = 0. If b (ccc) > b(ccc), then condition 2 from Proposition 1 and condition 2 from 1 Proposition 2 hold. Both these conditions imply the condition 2 of the corollary. Proposition 4. The optimal values of α and β in (5) can be found by solving the following problem: max αp+β(p−k)−max [α+βx −c ] −Γ, [α+βx −c ]  (6) i i + i i + α,β≥0 X X  i∈[n] i∈[n]    Proof. Let us first rewrite (5) in the following way: max pα+(p−k)β − [α+βx −c −δ ] i i i + X i∈[n] s.t. δ ≤ Γ i (7) X i∈[n] 0 ≤ δ ≤ d i∈ [n] i i β ≥ 0 Let usfixα andβ ≥ 0in (7). Thentheoptimal values of δ can bethen foundby solving i the following subproblem: z = min [α+βx −c −δ ] i i i + X i∈[n] s.t. δ ≤ Γ (8) i X i∈[n] 0≤ δ ≤ d i∈ [n] i i 8 Let U = [α+βx −c ] . Observe that [U −Γ] is a lower bound on z as z ≥ 0 i∈[n] i i + + and it is nPot possible to decrease U by more than Γ. The subproblem (8) can be solved by applying the following greedy method. For i := 1,...,n, if α+βx −c > 0, we fix i i δ = min{α+βx −c ,d ,Γ} and modify Γ := Γ−δ . If, at some step, Γ = 0 we have i i i i i reached the lower bound. Hence z = [U−Γ] . On the other hand if, after the algorithm + terminates, we still have Γ > 0, then z = [α+βx −c −d ] . In consequence i∈[n] i i i + P z =max[U −Γ]+, [α+βxi −ci −di]+  X  i∈[n]   =max [α+βx −c ] −Γ, [α+βx −c ] , i i + i i + X X  i∈[n] i∈[n] which together with (7)completes the proof.  Having the optimal values of α and β, the worst scenario ccc = (c + δ ) , can be i i i∈[n] found in O(n) time by applying the greedy method to (8), described in the proof of Proposition 4. We now construct an efficient algorithm for solving (6), which will give us the optimal values of α and β. We will illustrate this algorithm by using the sample problem shown in Figure 2. 8 I6 7 ci I 5 6 I 4 5 I3 4 ici I 2 2 I 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Xx Xx Figure 2: A sample problem with n = 10, p = 5, k = 2, Γ = 24, and X = {1,...,5}. xxx Let h ≤ h ≤ ··· ≤ h be the ordered sequence of the distinct values from D. (1) (2) (l) This sequence defines a family of closed intervals I = [h ,h ], j ∈ [l −1], which j (j) (j+1) partitions theinterval[min c ,max c ]. Notice thatl ≤ 2n. Intheexampleshown i∈[n] i i∈[n] i in Figure 2 we have six intervals I ,...I which split the interval [1,8]. 1 6 By Corollary 3, we need to investigate two cases. In the first case, we have β = 0. Then (6) reduces to the following problem: maxf(α) = maxαp−max [α−c ] −Γ, [α−c −d ]  (9) i + i i + α α  X X  i∈[n] i∈[n]    9 Consider the problem of maximizing f(α) over a fixed interval I . It is easy to verify j that (9) reduces then to finding the maximum of a minimum of two linear functions of α over I . For example, when α ∈ I = [4,5], then after an easy computation, the j 3 problem (9) becomes max min{−5α+44,4α+4}. α∈[4,5] It is well known that the maximum value of α is attained at one of the bounds of the interval I or at the intersection point of the two linear functions of α. In this case we j compute α by solving −5α+44 = α+4 which yields α = 4.44. We can now solve (9) by solving at most 2n subproblems consisting in maximizing f(α) over I ,...I . Notice, 1 l however, that in some cases we do not have to examine all the intervals I ,...,I . We 1 l can use the fact that α is the pth smallest item cost in the computed scenario. In the example, the optimal value of α belongs to I ∪ I ∪ I . The function f(α) for the 1 2 3 sample problem is shown in Figure 2. The optimal value of α is 4.44. The scenario corresponding to α = 4.44 can be obtained by applying a greedy method and it is also shown in Figure 3. 8 f(α) I6 7 21:77 I5 20 6 I4 5 I3 α 4 10 I2 2 I1 1 α 4:44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 5 6 I1 I2 I3 Xx Xx Figure 3: The function f(α) for the sample problem and the worst scenario for the optimal value of α= 4.44. We now discuss the second case in Corollary 3. Let us fix γ = α+β and rewrite (6) as follows: max g(α,γ) = max{αk+γ(p−k)− α,γ≥α α,γ≥α max [γ−ci]++ [α−ci]+−Γ, [γ −ci −di]+ + [α−ci−di]+. iX∈Xxxx iX∈Xxxx iX∈Xxxx iX∈Xxxx  (10)   According to Corollary 2, the optimal value of α or γ belongs to D. So, let us first fix γ ∈ D and consider the problem max g(α,γ). The optimal value of α can be found by α optimizing α over each interval I , whose upper bound is not greater then γ (it follows j from the constraint α ≤ γ). Again, the problem max g(α,γ) can be reduced to α∈Ij 10

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