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On Public Imagination: A Political and Ethical Imperative PDF

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“Richard Falk, Victor Faessel and Michael Curtin have brought together a diverse set of authors for an in-depth examination of the importance of public imagination. This is a much- needed angle into the larger debate about the decay of liberal democracy.” — Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, author of Expulsions “Confronting today’s public challenges demands reason and benefits from a sense of history— but neither is a substitute for imagination. We need imagination both to understand what is going on and to decide how to respond. Without imagination our public debates are inanimate and our politics mere power struggles. This book brings 30 exciting perspectives on how to renew public imagination.” — Craig Calhoun, University Professor of Social Sciences, Arizona State University “Facing mounting global problems ranging from climate change to widening social inequality, our 21st-century world is in desperate need of collective action based on a pluralistic public imagination. This highly readable anthology presents the concise and innovative views of dozens of influential intellectuals on the critical role of an ethical imagination that cut across political, economic, and cultural divides. Highly recommended!” — Manfred B. Steger, Professor of Sociology, University of Hawai‘i-Mānoa and Global Professorial Fellow, Western Sydney University ON PUBLIC IMAGINATION In this wide-ranging and multidisciplinary volume, leading scholars, activists, journalists, and public figures deliberate about the creative and critical potential of public imagination in an era paradoxically marked by intensifying globalization and resurgent nationalism. Divided into five sections, these chapters explore the social, political, and cultural role of imagination and civic engagement, offering cogent, ingenious reflections that stand in stark contrast to the often grim rhetoric of our era. Short and succinct, the chapters engage with an interconnected ensemble of themes and issues while also providing insights into the specific geographical and social dynamics of each author’s national or regional context. (cid:129) Part 1 introduces the reader to theoretical reflections on imagination and the public sphere; (cid:129) Part 2 illustrates dynamics of public imagination in a diverse set of cultural contexts; (cid:129) Part 3 reflects in various ways on the urgent need for a radically transformed public and civic imagination in the face of worldwide ecological crisis; (cid:129) Part 4 suggests new societal possibilities that are related to spiritual as well as politically revolutionary sources of inspiration; (cid:129) Part 5 explores characteristics of present and potentially emerging global society and the existing transnational framework that could provide resources for a more humane global order. Erudite and thought-provoking, On Public Imagination makes a vital contribution to political thought, and is accessible to activists, students, and scholars alike. Victor Faessel is Associate Director of the Mellichamp Initiative on 21st Century Global Dynamics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is co-editor (with Richard Falk and Manoranjan Mohanty) of Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds: Towards 2030 (2017), and is managing editor of The Oxford Handbook of Global Studies (2018, Mark Juergensmeyer, Saskia Sassen, and Manfred Steger, eds.) as well as the four-volume Encyclopedia of Global Studies (2012, Helmut Anheier and Mark Juergensmeyer, eds.). He has been the general secretary of the Global Studies Consortium, a worldwide association of teaching programs, since its found- ing in 2007. Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law and Practice, Emeritus at Princeton University, and is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Orfalea Center of Global and International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author or editor of numerous books, most recently Revisiting the Vietnam War (2017), Power Shift: The New Global Order (2017), Palestine’s Horizon: Toward a Just Peace (2016), (Re)imagining Humane Global Gov- ernance (2014), and The Path to Zero: Dialogues on Nuclear Dangers, with David A. Krieger (2012). He is also the author of a book of poems, Waiting for Rainbows (2015). Michael Curtin is the Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair and Distinguished Professor of Film and Media Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His books include Pre- carious Creativity: Global Media, Local Labor (2016); Distribution Revolution: Conversations about the Digital Future of Film and Television (2014); Reorienting Global Communication: Indian and Chinese Media Beyond Borders (2010); and Playing to the World’s Biggest Audience: The Globalization of Chinese Film and TV (2007). ON PUBLIC IMAGINATION A Political and Ethical Imperative Edited by Victor Faessel, Richard Falk, and Michael Curtin Firstpublished2020 byRoutledge 52VanderbiltAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 andbyRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,Oxon,OX144RN RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2020Taylor&Francis TherightofVictorFaessel,RichardFalk,andMichaelCurtintobeidentifiedastheauthors oftheeditorialmaterial,andoftheauthorsfortheirindividualchapters,hasbeenassertedin accordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. WiththeexceptionofChapter18,nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproduced orutilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,nowknownor hereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinanyinformationstorage orretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublishers. Chapter18ofthisbookisavailableforfreeinPDFformatasOpenAccessfromthe individualproductpageatwww.routledge.com.Ithasbeenmadeavailableundera CreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0license. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregisteredtrademarks, andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintenttoinfringe. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Faessel,Victor,editor.|Falk,RichardA.,editor.|Curtin,Michael,editor. Title:Onpublicimagination:apoliticalandethicalimperative/editedbyVictorFaessel, RichardFalk,MichaelCurtin. Identifiers:LCCN2019035222(print)|LCCN2019035223(ebook)| Subjects:LCSH:Imagination(Philosophy) Classification:LCCBH301.I53O52020(print)|LCCBH301.I53(ebook)| DDC128/.3–dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2019035222 LCebookrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2019035223 ISBN:978-0-367-36063-4(hbk) ISBN:978-0-367-36061-0(pbk) ISBN:978-0-429-34359-9(ebk) TypesetinBembo bySwales&Willis,Exeter,Devon,UK CONTENTS Acknowledgments xi ListofContributors xii PublicImagination:TheChallengeof21stCenturyPopulistand AuthoritarianPolitics 1 RichardFalkandVictorFaessel PARTI Imagination:TheoryandEngagement 5 1 Rallying:Imagination’sPoliticalProcess 7 JulieA.Carlson 2 WhatHasHappenedtothePublicImaginationandWhy? 11 DrucillaCornellandStephenD.Seely 3 ImaginalPoliticsintheAgeofTrumpism 14 ChiaraBottici 4 PublicSpace:ThinkingattheEdgeoftheCave 17 FredDallmayr 5 ScalingImagination:ThePoliticalImplicationsofPopularMedia 21 MichaelCurtin 6 ANewOperatingSystemForHumanity:ThePowerofNarrative 25 KamalSinclair viii Contents PARTII ImaginingCommunitiesandRights 29 7 LivingTogether:SecularismandtheMakingofanIndianPublicSphere 31 NeeraChandhoke 8 HowtoThinkAboutPopulism 35 AkeelBilgrami 9 MagicofPublicImagination:TranscendingPublicEvil 38 VictoriaBrittain 10 Trump,PublicImagination,andIslamophobia 41 ChandraMuzaffar 11 America’sDividedPoliticalImaginary 45 PaulW.Kahn 12 Migration,Terrorism,andtheSurvivaloftheLiberalProject 48 TomFarer 13 BuildingaMovementagainstGenocideinMyanmar: RecoveringDemocracy’sPromise 52 PennyGreen 14 AmbedkarandDuBoisonPursuingRightsProtectionsGlobally 56 LuisCabrera 15 WhyShouldWeCareAboutChineseness? 59 AllenChun PARTIII EcologicalImaginations 63 16 SeedingtheFuture,SeedingFreedom 65 VandanaShiva 17 EcologicalPublics:ImaginingEpistemicOpenness 68 AnnaGrear 18 Re-imaginingPoliticsthroughtheLensoftheCommons 72 DavidBollier Contents ix PARTIV RuptureandRevolution 77 19 RuminationsonDarknessandLight 79 ElizabethWest 20 PublicImaginationasPropheticLegacy 82 CatherineKeller 21 ANewAxialAge?OpeningandDisarray 86 AbdellahHammoudi 22 RevolutionaryPoliticsandPublicImagination 89 BehroozGhamari-Tabrizi 23 TheGreatGramsci:ImagininganAlt-LeftProject 92 DayanJayatilleka 24 ADialecticofUtopia/DystopiainthePublicImagination ofthe21stCentury 95 StephenGill PARTV AcrosstheBorder 99 25 TheFutureofNationalandGlobal(Dis)order:Exclusive PopulismversusInclusiveGlobalGovernance 101 AhmetDavutoğlu 26 TheIndispensabilityofUtopias:ANoteonDavutoğlu’s VisionofGlobal(Dis)order 105 CelsoAmorim 27 ImaginingtheRighttoPeace 108 MarjorieCohn 28 PublicImaginationAboutPublicAffairs 112 JohanGaltung 29 ImaginingGlobalGovernance:AlternativestoTrump, Brexit,andNewWars 115 MaryKaldor

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