On Polynomial Representations of Classical Strange Lie Superalgebras Cuiling Luo Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics & System Sciences, 0 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 1 0 2 E-mail: [email protected] n a J 0 Abstract 2 In this paper, various polynomial representations of strange classical Lie super- ] algebras are investigated. It turns out that the representations for the algebras of T type P are indecomposable, and we obtain the composition series of the underly- R ing modules. As modules of the algebras of type Q , the polynomial algebras are . h decomposed into a direct sum of irreducible submodules. t a m Keywords: polynomial, representation, Lie superalgebra, composition series. [ 1 v 1 7 1 Introduction 4 3 . 1 Lie superalgebras were introduced by physicists as the fundamental tools of studying the 0 0 supersymmetry in physics. Unlike Lie algebra case, finite-dimensional modules of finite- 1 : dimensional simple Lie superalgebras may not be completely reducible and the structure v Xi of finite-dimensional irreducible modules is much more complicated due to the existence r of so-called atypical modules (cf. [17], [18]). In his celebrated work [16] on classification a of finite-dimensional simple Lie superalgebras, Kac found two families of exotic classical simple Lie superalgebras, which are called “strange” Lie superalgebras of type P and Q, respectively. These superalgebras do not have analogues in Lie algebras. The strange Lie superalgebras have attracted a number of mathematicians’ attention. Javis and Murray [9] obtained the Casimir invariants, characteristic identities, and tensoroperatorsforthestrangeLiesuperalgebras. Moreover, Nazarov[11]foundYangians of the superalgebras. In [2], Frappat, Sciarrino and Sorba studied Dynkin-like diagrams and a certain representation of the strange superalgebra P(n). In addition, they [3] gave a certain oscillator realization of the strange superalgebras. Medak [13] generalized the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula and used it to examine the so-called BCH-Lie and BCH-invertible subalgebras in the Lie superalgebra P(n). Penkov and Serganova [20] discovered a surprising phenomena that the multiplicity of the highest weight in the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of q(n) is in general greater than 1. Gruson [8] computed the cohomologywith trivial coefficients forthe strange Liesuper- algebras. Palev and Van der Jeugt [19] found a family of nongraded Fock representations of the Lie superalgebra Q(n). Gorelik [5] obtained the center of the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie superalgebra of type P. Serganova [21] determined the center of the quotient algebra of the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie superalgebra of type P by its Jacobson radical and used it to study the typical highest weight modules of the algebra. Medak [14] proved that each maximal invertible subalgebra of P(n) is Z-graded. Moon [15] obtained a “Schur-Weyl duality” for the algebras of type P. Martinez and Zelmanov [12] classified Lie superalgebras graded by P(n) and Q(n). Brundan [1] found a connection between Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and character formulas for the Lie superalgebra q(n). Gorelik [6] obtained the Shapovalov determinants of Q-type Lie su- peralgebras. Stukopin [22] studied the Yangians of the strange Lie superalgebra of type Q by Drinfel’d approach. Gorelik and Serganova [7] investigated the structure of Verma modules over the twisted affine Lie superalgebra q(n)(2). One way of understanding simple Lie algebras and simple Lie superalgebras is to determine thestructure oftheirnaturalrepresentations. Canonical polynomial irreducible representations (also known as oscillator representations in physics (e.g., cf. [4])) of finite- dimensional simple Lie algebras are very important from application point of view, where both the representation formulas and bases are clear. In [10], we determined the structure of certain noncanonical polynomial representations of classical simple Lie algebras, in particular, their irreducible submodules. In this paper, we want to generalize the above results to the strange simple Lie superalgebras. The details are as follows. Throughout this paper, we denote by Z the ring of integers and by N the set of nonnegative integers. For convenience, we also use the following notation of indices: i,j = i,i+1,...,j , (1.1) { } where i j are integers. Let E be the matrix whose (i,j)-entry is 1 and the others are i,j ≤ zero. Moreover, all the vector spaces are assumed over C, the field of complex numbers. The general linear Lie superalgebra gl(m n) = gl(m n) gl(m n) with ¯0 ¯1 | | ⊕ | m n m n gl(m n) = CE + CE , gl(m n) = (CE +CE ). (1.2) ¯0 i,j m+p,m+q ¯1 i,m+p m+p,i | | iX,j=1 pX,q=1 Xi=1 Xp=1 Let = C[x , ,x ,θ , ,θ ]bethepolynomialalgebrainbosonicvariablesx , ,x 1 m 1 n 1 m A ··· ··· ··· and fermionic variables θ , ,θ , i.e. 1 n ··· x x = x x , θ θ = θ θ , x θ = θ x , i,j 1,m, p,q 1,n. (1.3) i j j i p q q p i p p i − ∈ ∈ Take an integer r 0,m. Define an action of gl(m n) on by ∈ | A x ∂ δ if i,j 1,r, − j xi − i,j ∈ ∂ ∂ if i 1,r, j r +1,m, E = xi xj ∈ ∈ i,j|A x x if j 1,r, i r +1,m, i j − ∈ ∈ x ∂ if i,j r +1,m, i xj ∈ ∂ ∂ if i 1,r, p 1,n, E = xi θp ∈ ∈ (1.4) i,m+p|A (cid:26) x ∂ if i r +1,m, p 1,n, i θp ∈ ∈ θ x if j 1,r, p 1,n, E = − p j ∈ ∈ m+p,j|A (cid:26) θ ∂ if j r +1,m, p 1,n, p xj ∈ ∈ E = θ ∂ for p,q 1,n. m+p,m+q|A p θq ∈ Then we obtain a representation φ : gl(m n) gl( ), which is obtained from the r | → A canonical polynomial representation by swapping ∂ and x for i 1,r. In this case, xi − i ∈ the degree operator m+n r m n = φ ( E )+r = x ∂ + x ∂ + θ ∂ . (1.5) D r i,i − i xi j xj p θp Xi=1 Xi=1 jX=r+1 Xp=1 Set = f (f) = kf , k Z. (1.6) k A { ∈ A | D } ∈ It is straightforward to verify that all are irreducible gl(m n)-submodules and = k A | A . This is the starting point of this work. k∈ZAk L Inthispaper, wealwaysassumen 3. RecallthatthesimplestrangeLiesuperalgebra ≥ n−1 P(n 1) = C(E E E +E ) i,i i+1,i+1 n+i,n+i n+i+1,n+i+1 − − − Xi=1 + [C(E E )+C(E E ) i,j n+j,n+i j,i n+i,n+j − − 1≤Xi<j≤n n +C(E E )+C(E +E )]+ CE (1.7) n+i,j n+j,i i,n+j j,n+i j,n+j − Xj=1 is a subalgebra of gl(n n). Denote by φP = φ the restricted representation with | r r|P(n−1) m = n, by r the underlying module and by r its submodule . Furthermore, the A A Ak Ak ˆ notation S stands for the submodule generated by a set S. The notation f means that h i f is missing in an expression. Theorem 1. We have the following conclusions on the representation φP: r (1) If r = 0, the subspace 0 is an irreducible P(n 1)-module and the subspace 0 A1 − Ak with k > 1 has a composition series 0 xk 0 if k = n, (1.8) Ak ⊃ h 1i ⊃ { } 6 0 θ θ xn 0 . (1.9) An ⊃ h 1··· ni ⊃ h 1i ⊃ { } (2) When r = n, n = 0 if k > n, and the submodules n and n are irreducible. Ak An An−1 If 0 = k n 2, the submodule n has a composition series 6 ≤ − Ak n n xn−k−2 ( 1)ix θ θˆ θ 0 . (1.10) Ak ⊃ h n − i 1··· i··· ni ⊃ { } Xi=1 Furthermore, n has a composition series A0 n n 1 xn−2 ( 1)ix θ θˆ θ 0 . (1.11) A0 ⊃ h i ⊃ h n − i 1··· i··· ni ⊃ { } Xi=1 (3) In the case of 1 r n 1, we have the following composition series: ≤ ≤ − r x−k 0 if n r = k 0, (1.12) Ak ⊃ h r+1i ⊃ { } − 6 ≤ r xk 0 if n r = k > 0 (1.13) Ak ⊃ h ri ⊃ { } − 6 and r θ θ xn−r 0 . (1.14) An−r ⊃ h r+1··· ni ⊃ h r i ⊃ { } Recall that the Lie superalgebra n Q˜(n 1) = C(E +E )+ C(E +E ) i,j n+j,n+i i,n+j n+j,i − iX,j=1 i,j∈X1,n;i6=j n−1 + C(E E +E E ) (1.15) i,n+i i+1,n+i+1 n+i,i n+i+1,i+1 − − Xi=1 is a subalgebra of gl(n n). Denote by φQ = φ the restricted representation with | r r|Q˜(n−1) m = n, by r the underlying module and by r its submodule . Let I be the A A Ak Ak 2n 2n 2n identity matrix, i.e. I = 2n E . Then CI is the center of Q˜(n 1) and × 2n i=1 i,i 2n − the simple strange Lie superalgebra P Q(n 1) = Q˜(n 1)/CI . (1.16) 2n − − Theorem 2. We have the following conclusions on the representation φ˜Q of Q˜(n 1): r − (1) For k > 0, the submodule 0 is a direct sum of two irreducible submodules xk + Ak h 1 √kxk−1θ and xk √kxk−1θ . 1 1i h 1 − 1 1i (2) The submodules r with k Z are irreducible if 0 < r < n. Ak ∈ (3) The representations φ˜Q and φ˜Q are equivalent. 0 n Since φQ(I ) = r = 0 (cf. (1.5)), the subspaces r with 0 < r < n are r 2n |Arr D|Arr − Ar irreducible submodules of the strange simple Lie superalgebra Q(n 1) by (1.16). − The proof of Theorem 1 is given in Section 2. In Section 3, we prove Theorem 2. 2 Proof of Theorem 1 Inthissection, weinvestigatetherepresentationsφP ofthestrangesimpleLiesuperalgebra r P(n 1) in (1.7). − Note that n−1 H = C(E E E +E ) (2.1) i,i i+1,i+1 n+i,n+i n+i+1,n+i+1 − − Xi=1 forms a Cartan subalgebra of the even subalgebra P(n 1) = P(n 1) gl(n n) = H + C(E E ) (2.2) ¯0 ¯0 i,j n+j,n+i − − ∩ | − X i,j∈1,n;i6=j (cf. (1.2)). Moreover, we have the subalgebra P(n 1)+ = C(E E ). (2.3) − ¯0 i,j − n+j,n+i 1≤Xi<j≤n Denote n n α = α , xα = xαi for α = (α ,...,α ) Nn. (2.4) | | i i 1 n ∈ Xi=1 Yi=1 Set n r r = Span xαθ θ α Nn;i , ,i 1,n; α α = k t , (2.5) Ak,t { i1 ··· it | ∈ 1 ··· t ∈ j − i − } jX=r+1 Xi=1 where 0 t n. Then all r form P(n 1) -submodules. Moreover, ≤ ≤ Ak,t − ¯0 r = r . (2.6) Ak Ak,t M 0≤t≤min{k,n} Let n ξ = x θ . (2.7) i i Xi=1 We first introduce a lemma, which will be used for proving linear independence. Lemma 2.1 Let A = (a ) be an m m real matrix. If a > a for i 1,m, then i,j i,i i,j × | | | | ∈ jP6=i det(A) = 0. 6 We study the P(n 1)-module structure of r according to the following three cases. − Ak 2.1 r = 0 Inthiscase, 0 = 0 ifk < 0. Moreover, all 0 arefinite-dimensional P(n 1) -modules, Ak { } Ak − ¯0 which are completely reducible. Denote by U( ) the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie G (super) algebra . G Lemma 2.2 Suppose k > 1 and 1 t < min k,n . As P(n 1) submodules, ¯0 ≤ { } − 0 = U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) U(P(n 1) )(xk−t−1θ θ ξ). (2.8) Ak,t − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n ⊕ − ¯0 1 n−t+2··· n Moreover, the set t n {(n+k −2t)xαθi1 ···θit + (−1)pαipxα−ǫip+ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit (2.9) p=1s=1 P P α = k t;i , ,i < n if α = 0 | | | − 1 ··· t ∃ ip 6 } is a basis of U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) and the set − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n t n { (−1)pαipxα−ǫip+ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit | |α| = k −t; n ∈ {i1,··· ,it}} (2.10) Xp=1Xs=1 is a basis of U(P(n 1) )(xk−t−1θ θ ξ). − ¯0 1 n−t+2··· n Proof. Denote i ǫ = (0,...,0,1,0,...,0) for i 1,n. (2.11) i ∈ First we claim that t+1 (−1)pβipxβ−ǫipθi1···θˆip ···θit+1 ∈ U(P(n−1)¯0)(x1k−tθn−t+1···θn) (2.12) Xp=1 for distinct i 1,n and β Nn such that β = k t+2. It it straightforward to verify p ∈ ∈ | | − xk−tθ θ U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ). (2.13) i1 i2 ··· it+1 ∈ − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n Thus we have xαθ θ U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) (2.14) i2 ··· it+1 ∈ − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n for α Nn such that α = k t and α = = α = 0. Since ∈ | | − i2 ··· it+1 t+1 β ! (−1)pβipxβ−ǫipθi1 ···θˆip ···θit+1 = −(β + +i1β 1)! Xp=1 i1 ··· it+1 − t+1 t+1 t+1 × (Eip,i1 −En+i1,n+ip)βip xβ+pP=2βipǫi1−pP=2βipǫip−ǫi1θi2 ···θit+1 , (2.15) Yp=2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (2.13) holds. Note A(ξ) = 0 for A P(n 1) . (2.16) ¯0 ∈ − By the similar arguments as in the above, we have t ξ( (−1)pαipxα−ǫipθi1 ···θˆip ···θit) ∈ U(P(n−1)¯0)(x1k−t−1θn−t+2···θnξ) (2.17) Xp=1 for α Nn such that α = k t. Set ∈ | | − f(α;i , ,i ) = (k +n 2t)xαθ θ 1 ··· t − i1 ··· it t n + (−1)pαipxα−ǫip+ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit, (2.18) Xp=1 Xs=1 and t g(α;i1,··· ,it) = ξ( (−1)pαipxα−ǫipθi1 ···θˆip ···θit) pP=1 (2.19) t n = (−1)pαipxα−ǫip+ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit. p=1s=1 P P Since t f(α;i1··· ,it) = (−1)pαipxα+ǫs−ǫipθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit s6=Xi1,···,it(cid:0)Xp=1 +(α +1)xαθ θ , (2.20) s i1 ··· it (cid:1) we get f(α;i , ,i ) P(n 1) (xk−tθ θ ). Since 1 ··· t ∈ − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n 1 xαθ θ = f(α;i , ,i ) g(α;i , ,i ) , (2.21) i1··· it k +n 2t 1 ··· t − 1 ··· t − (cid:0) (cid:1) we have 0 = U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) U(P(n 1) )(xk−t−1θ θ ξ). (2.22) Ak,t − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n ⊕ − ¯0 1 n−t+2··· n Note that if α > 0, n f(α;i , ,i ,n) = ( 1)t f(α+ǫ ǫ ;s,i , ,i ) (2.23) 1 t−1 s n 1 t−1 ··· − − ··· s6=i1,X···,it−1,n and if n / i , ,i , 1 t ∈ { ··· } t 1 g(α;i , ,i ) = ( 1)pα g(α+ǫ ǫ ;n,i , ,iˆ, ,i ). (2.24) 1 ··· t α +1 − ip n − ip 1 ··· p ··· t s Xp=1 So the set (2.9) spans U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) and the set (2.10) spans U(P(n − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n − 1) )(xk−t−1θ θ ξ). ¯0 1 n−t+2··· n We still have to check the linear independence of (2.9) and (2.10). Assume cα f(α;i , ,i ) = 0. (2.25) i1,···,it 1 ··· t X Considering the coefficient of xαθ θ , we obtain i1 ··· it (n t+ α )cα + ( 1)p(α +1)cα−ǫip+ǫs = 0. (2.26) − s i1,···,it − s s,i1,···,iˆp,···,it s6=Xi1,···,it αip>0,sX6=i1,···,it,n By Lemma 2.1, we get cα = 0. If i1,···,it dα g(α;i , ,i ) = 0, (2.27) i1,···,it 1 ··· t X then t ( α )dα + ( 1)p(α +1)dα−ǫip+ǫs = 0, (2.28) − ip i1,···,it − s s,i1,···,iˆp,···,it Xp=1 αip>0,ip6=Xn,s6=i1,···,it,n t ( 1)pα dα ( α +α +1)dα−ǫip+ǫs + = 0, i = n,α > 0. (2.29) − ip i1,···,it − iq s s,i1,···,iˆp,···,it ··· p 6 ip q=X1,q6=p By Lemma 2.1 again, we get dα = 0. (cid:3) i1,···,it Theorem 2.3 The subspace 0 is the natural irreducible P(n 1)-module. Moreover, A1 − 0 (k > 1) has a composition series Ak 0 xk 0 if k = 1,n, (2.30) Ak ⊃ h 1i ⊃ { } 6 0 θ θ xn 0 . (2.31) An ⊃ h 1··· ni ⊃ h 1i ⊃ { } In addition, xk = U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ). (2.32) h 1i − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n 0≤tM≤k,n−1 Proof. The first statement is obvious. We will prove the others by several steps. 1) The submodule xk (k > 0) is irreducible. h 1i Applying E = x ∂ to 0 = f 0, we have xα f for some α with α = k. i,n+i |Ar i θi 6 ∈ Ak ∈ h i | | SinceSpan xα α Nn, α = k isanirreducible P(n 1) submodule, wegetxk f . { | ∈ | | } − ¯0− 1 ∈ h i 2) xk = U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) as P(n 1) -submodule. h 1i − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n − ¯0 0≤t≤Ln−1,k In fact, (k t)! xk−tθ θ = − (E E ) (E E )(xk). (2.33) 1 n−t+1··· n k! 2n−t+1,1 − n+1,n−t+1 ··· 2n,1 − n+1,n 1 Hence U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) xk for 0 t n 1,k. (2.34) − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n ⊂ h 1i ≤ ≤ − Now we have to show that U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) is a P(n 1)- − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n − 0≤t≤Ln−1,k submodule. It is sufficient to check P(n 1) (xk−tθ θ ) U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) (2.35) − ¯1 1 n−t+1··· n ⊂ − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n 0≤tM≤n−1,k by PBW Theorem. Note that if n t < i,j n, − ≤ (E +E )(xk−tθ θ ) i,n+j j,n+i 1 n−t+1··· n = ( 1)j−n+txk−tx θ θˆ θ +( 1)i−n+txk−tx θ θˆ θ . (2.36) − 1 i n−t+1··· j ··· n − 1 j n−t+1··· i··· n When 1 i n t < j n, ≤ ≤ − ≤ (E +E )(xk−tθ θ ) = ( 1)j−n+txk−tx θ θˆ θ . (2.37) i,n+j j,n+i 1 n−t+1··· n − 1 i n−t+1··· j··· n In the case 1 i,j n t, ≤ ≤ − (E +E )(xk−tθ θ ) = 0. (2.38) i,n+j j,n+i 1 n−t+1··· n Thus (E +E )(xk−tθ θ ) U(P(n 1) )(xk−t+1θ θ ). (2.39) i,n+j j,n+i 1 n−t+1··· n ⊂ − ¯0 1 n−t+2··· n Since (E E )(xk−tθ θ ) = 0, if i,j = 1, (2.40) n+i,j − n+j,i 1 n−t+1··· n 6 and (E E )(xk−tθ θ ) = (k t)xk−t−1θ θ θ , (2.41) n+i,1 − n+1,i 1 n−t+1··· n − 1 i n−t+1··· n we get (E E )(xk−tθ θ ) U(P(n 1) )(xk−t−1θ θ ). (2.42) n+i,j − n+j,i 1 n−t+1··· n ⊂ − ¯0 1 n−t··· n Hence (2.35) holds. 3) 0/ xk is irreducible when k = 1,n. Ak h 1i 6 Since 0 = U(P(n 1) )(xk−tθ θ ) Ak − ¯0 1 n−t+1··· n 0≤tM≤n−1,k U(P(n 1) )(xk−t−1ξθ θ ), (2.43) − ¯0 1 n−t+2··· n 0≤tM≤n,k−1 A0k/hxk1i ∼= U(P(n−1)¯0)(x1k−t−1ξθn−t+2···θn) (2.44) 0≤tM≤n,k−1 as P(n 1) -modules. For any f 0 xk , there exists xk−t0−1ξθ θ f¯ for − ¯0 ∈ Ak\h 1i 1 n−t0+2··· n ∈ h i some 0 t n,k 1 by the complete reducibility of 0 as a P(n 1) -module, where ≤ 0 ≤ − Ak − ¯0 f¯is the image of f in 0/ xk . We calculate Ak h 1i t0−1 (E E )(xk−t0−1ξθ θ ) 2n−j+2,1 − n+1,n−j+2 1 n−t0+2··· n Yj=t ( 1)t0−t(k t 1)! = − − 0 − xk−t−1ξθ θ (2.45) (k t 1)! 1 n−t+2··· n − − for t < t and 0 n−t0+2 (E +E )(xk−t0−1ξθ θ ) 1,n+j j,n+1 1 n−t0+2··· n j=nY−t′+2 = ( 1)t′−t0xk−t′−1ξθ θ (2.46) − 1 n−t′+2··· n for t′ > t , which imply f¯ = 0/ xk . 0 h i Ak h 1i 4) It is easy to check P(n 1)(θ θ ) xn . So θ θ / xn = Cθ θ is − 1··· n ⊂ h 1i h 1··· ni h 1i 1··· n irreducible. By the similar argument as in 3), we get 0/ θ θ is irreducible. (cid:3) An h 1··· ni 2.2 r = n In this case, n = 0 if k > n. Moreover, all n are finite-dimensional P(n 1) -modules, Ak Ak − ¯0 which are completely reducible. Again we deal with the P(n 1) -submodule n first − ¯0 Ak,t (cf. (2.5)) Lemma 2.4 When k < t n, ≤ n n = U(P(n 1) )(xt−k−1 ( 1)px θ θˆ θ ) Ak,t − ¯0 n − p n−t··· p··· n pX=n−t U(P(n 1) )(xt−kθ θ ) (2.47) ⊕ − ¯0 n n−t+1··· n as P(n 1) -submodules. Moreover, the set ¯0 − t n {(t−k)xαθi1···θit + (−1)pαsxα+ǫip−ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit | α ∈ Nn, (2.48) p=1s=1 P P α = t k; j > i , ,i such that α = 0 1 t j | | − ∃ ··· 6 } n is a basis of U(P(n 1) )(xt−k−1 ( 1)px θ θˆ θ ) and the set − ¯0 n − p n−t··· p··· n p=n−t P t n {txαθi1 ···θit − (−1)pαsxα+ǫip−ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit | α ∈ Nn, (2.49) p=1s=1 P P α = t k; α = 0 for all j > i , ,i j 1 t | | − ··· } is a basis of U(P(n 1) )(xt−kθ θ ). − ¯0 n n−t+1··· n Proof. Set t n f′(α;i1,··· ,it) = (t−k)xαθi1 ···θit + (−1)pαsxα+ǫip−ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit (2.50) Xp=1 Xs=1 and t n g′(α;i1,··· ,it) = txαθi1 ···θit − (−1)pαsxα+ǫip−ǫsθsθi1 ···θˆip ···θit. (2.51) Xp=1 Xs=1 Denote n U˜ = U(P(n 1) )(xt−k−1 ( 1)px θ θˆ θ ). (2.52) t − ¯0 n − p n−t··· p··· n pX=n−t It is straightforward to check t xt−k−1 ( 1)px θ θˆ θ U˜ . (2.53) i0 − ip i0 ··· ip ··· t ∈ t Xp=0 for i , ,i 1,n. Consequently, 0 t ··· ∈ t xα ( 1)px θ θˆ θ U˜ . (2.54) − ip i0 ··· ip ··· t ∈ t Xp=0