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On parsimonious edge-colouring of graphs with maximum degree three J.L. Fouquet and J.M. Vanherpe L.I.F.O., Facult´e des Sciences, B.P. 6759 0 Universit´e d’Orl´eans, 45067 Orl´eans Cedex 2, FR 1 0 2 Abstract l u In a graph G of maximum degree ∆ let γ denote the largest fraction J of edges that can be ∆ edge-coloured. Albertson and Haas showed that 5 γ ≥ 1153 whenGiscubic[1]. Weshowherethatthisresultcanbeextended 1 to graphs with maximum degree 3 with the exception of a graph on 5 vertices. Moreover, thereareexactly twographswith maximumdegree3 ] (onebeingobviously thePetersen graph)for which γ = 13. Thisextends M 15 a result given in [14]. These results are obtained by giving structural D properties of the so called δ−minimum edge colourings for graphs with maximum degree 3. . s Keywords : Cubic graph; Edge-colouring; c Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) : 05C15. [ 4 v 1 Introduction 7 4 Throughoutthispaper,weshallbeconcernedwithconnectedgraphswithmax- 7 imum degree 3. We know by Vizing’s theorem [15] that these graphs can be 4 . edge-coloured with 4 colours. Let φ : E(G) → {α,β,γ,δ} be a proper edge- 9 colouring of G. It is often of interest to try to use one colour (say δ) as few as 0 possible. When an edge colouring is optimal, following this constraint, we shall 8 0 say that φ is δ−minimum. In [3] we gave without proof (in French, see [5] for : a translation) results on δ−minimum edge-colourings of cubic graphs. Some v of them have been obtained later and independently by Steffen [13, 14]. Some i X other results which were not stated formally in [4] are needed here. The pur- r pose ofSection2is to givethose resultsas structuralpropertiesofδ−minimum a edge-colourings as well as others which will be useful in Section 3. An edge colouring of G using colours α,β,γ,δ is said to be δ-improper pro- vided that adjacent edges having the same colours (if any) are colouredwith δ. Itisclearthataproperedgecolouring(andhenceaδ−minimumedge-colouring) ofGis aparticularδ-improperedgecolouring. Foraproperorδ-improperedge colouring φ of G, it will be convenient to denote E (x) (x ∈ {α,β,γ,δ}) the φ set of edges coloured with x by φ. For x,y ∈ {α,β,γ,δ},x 6= y, φ(x,y) is the partialsubgraphofGspannedbythese twocolours,thatisE (x)∪E (y)(this φ φ subgraph being a union of paths and even cycles where the colours x and y alternate). Since any two δ−minimum edge-colourings of G have the same number of edges coloured δ we shall denote by s(G) this number (the colour number as defined in [13]). 1 As usual, for any undirected graph G, we denote by V(G) the set of its vertices and by E(G) the set of its edges and we suppose that |V(G)| =n and |E(G)|=m. AstrongmatchingC inagraphGisamatchingC suchthatthere is no edgeofE(G) connecting anytwoedgesofC, or,equivalently,suchthatC is the edge-set of the subgraph of G induced on the vertex-set V(C). 2 On δ−minimum edge-colouring The graph G considered in the following series of Lemmas will have maximum degree 3. Lemma 1 [3,4,5]Any2-factor of Gcontains at least s(G)disjoint odd cycles. Lemma 2 [3, 4, 5] Let φ be a δ−minimum edge-colouring of G. Any edge in E (δ) is incident to α, β and γ. Moreover each such edge has one end of degree φ 2 and the other of degree 3 or the two ends of degree 3. Lemma 3 Let φ be a δ−improper colouring of G then there exists a proper colouring of G φ′ such that E (δ)⊆E (δ) φ′ φ Proof Let φ be a δ-improper edge colouring of G. If φ is a proper colouring, we are done. Hence, assume that uv and uw are colouredδ. If d(u)=2 we can change the colour of uv to α,β or γ since v is incident to at most two colours in this set. If d(u) = 3 assume that the third edge uz incident to u is also coloured δ, then we can change the colour of uv for the same reason as above. If uz is coloured with α,β or γ, then v and w are incident to the two re- maining colours of the set {α,β,γ} otherwise one of the edges uv, uw can be recolouredwiththemissingcolour. W.l.o.g.,considerthatuz iscolouredαthen v and w are incident to β and γ. Since u has degree 1 in φ(α,β) let P be the path of φ(α,β) which ends on u. We can assume that v or w (say v) is not the other end vertex of P. Exchanging α and β along P does not change the colours incident to v. But now uz is coloured α and we can change the colour of uv with β. Ineachcase,wegethenceanewδ-improperedgecolouringφ withE (δ)( 1 φ1 E (δ). Repeating this process leads us to construct a proper edge colouring of φ G with E (δ)⊆E (δ) as claimed. (cid:3) φ′ φ Proposition 4 Let v ,v ...,v ∈V(G) such that G−{v ,v ,...v } is 3-edge 1 2 k 1 2 k colourable. Then s(G)≤k. Proof Letusconsidera3-edgecolouringofG−{v ,v ,...v }withα,β andγ 1 2 k andletuscolourtheedgesincidenttov ,v ...,v withδ. Wegetaδ-improper 1 2 k edge colouring φ of G. Lemma 3 gives a proper colouring of G φ′ such that E (δ)⊆E (δ). Hence φ′ has at most k edges coloured with δ and s(G)≤k φ′ φ (cid:3) Proposition4 above has been obtained by Steffen [13] for cubic graphs. 2 Lemma 5 Let φ be a δ−improper colouring of G then |E (δ)|≥s(G) φ Proof Applying Lemma 3, let φ′ be a proper edge colouring of G such that E (δ)⊆E (δ). We clearly have |E (δ)|≥|E (δ)|≥s(G) (cid:3) φ′ φ φ φ′ Lemma 6 [3, 4, 5] Let φ be a δ−minimum edge-colouring of G. For any edge e=uv ∈E (δ)therearetwocolours xandy in{α,β,γ}suchthattheconnected φ component of φ(x,y) containing the two ends of e is an even path joining these two ends. Remark 7 An edge of E (δ) is in A when its ends can be connected by a φ φ path of φ(α,β), B by a path of φ(β,γ) and C by a path of φ(α,γ). It is φ φ clear that A , B and C are not necessarily pairwise disjoint since an edge of φ φ φ E (δ) with one end of degree 2 is containedin 2 such sets. Assume indeed that φ e=uv ∈E (δ)withd(u)=3andd(v)=2then,ifuisincidenttoαandβ and φ v isincidenttoγ wehaveanalternatingpathwhoseendsareuandv inφ(α,γ) aswellasinφ(β,γ). Hence e isinA ∩B . Whene∈A wecanassociateto e φ φ φ the oddcycle C (e) obtainedby consideringthe path ofφ(α,β) together with Aφ e. We define in the same way C (e) and C (e) when e is in B or C . In Bφ Cφ φ φ the following lemma we consider an edge in A , an analogous result holds true φ whenever we consider edges in B or C as well. φ φ Lemma 8 [3, 4, 5] Let φ be a δ−minimum edge-colouring of G and let e be an edge in A then for any edge e′ ∈C (e) there is a δ−minimum edge-colouring φ Aφ φ′ such that E (δ) = E (δ)−{e}∪{e′}, e′ ∈ A and C (e) = C (e′). φ′ φ φ′ Aφ Aφ′ Moreover, each edge outside C (e) but incident with this cycle is coloured γ, Aφ φ and φ′ only differ on the edges of C (e). Aφ Foreachedge e∈E (δ)(where φ is a δ−minimumedge-colouring ofG) we φ can associate one or two odd cycles following the fact that e is in one or two sets among A , B or C . Let C be the set of odd cycles associatedto edges in φ φ φ E (δ). φ Lemma 9 [3, 4, 5] For each cycle C ∈C, there are no two consecutive vertices with degree two. Lemma 10 [3,4,5]Lete ,e ∈E (δ)andletC ,C ∈C besuchthatC 6=C , 1 2 φ 1 2 1 2 e ∈E(C ) and e ∈E(C ) then C and C are (vertex) disjoint. 1 1 2 2 1 2 By Lemma 8 any two cycles in C corresponding to edges in distinct sets A , B or C are at distance at least 2. Assume that C = C (e ) and φ φ φ 1 Aφ 1 C = C (e ) for some edges e and e in A . Can we say something about 2 Aφ 2 1 2 φ the subgraph of G whose vertex set is V(C )∪V(C ) ? In general, we have 1 2 no answer to this problem. However, when G is cubic and any vertex of G lies on some cycle of C (we shall say that C is spanning), we have a property which will be useful later. Let us remark first that whenever C is spanning, we can consider that G is edge-coloured in such a way that the edges of the cycles of C are alternatively coloured with α and β (except one edge coloured δ)andtheremainingperfectmatchingiscolouredwithγ. Forthisδ−minimum edge-colouring of G we have B =∅ as well as C =∅. φ φ 3 Lemma 11 Assume that G is cubic and C is spanning. Let e ,e ∈A and let 1 2 φ C ,C ∈C such that C =C (e ) and C =C (e ). Then at least one of the 1 2 1 Aφ 1 2 Aφ 2 followings is true (i) C and C are at distance at least 2 1 2 (ii) C and C are joined by at least 3 edges 1 2 (iii) C and C have at least two chords each 1 2 Proof Since e ,e ∈ A and C is spanning we have B = C = ∅. Let 1 2 φ φ φ C = v v ...v and C = w w ...w . Assume that C and C are joined 1 0 1 2k1 2 0 1 2k2 1 2 by the edge v w . By Lemma 6, we can consider a δ−minimum edge-colouring 0 0 φ such that φ(v v ) = φ(w w ) = δ, φ(v v ) = φ(w w ) = β and φ(v v ) = 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 2k1 φ(w w ) = α. Moreover each edge of G (in particular v w ) incident with 0 2k2 0 0 these cycles is coloured γ. We can change the colour of v w in β. We obtain 0 0 thusanewδ−minimumedge-colouring φ′. Performingthatexchangeofcolours on v w transforms the edges coloured δ v v and w w in two edges of C 0 0 0 1 0 1 φ′ lying on odd cycles C′ and C′ respectively. We get hence a new set C′ = 1 2 C−{C ,C }∪{C′,C′} of odd cycles associated to δ−coloured edges in φ′. 1 2 1 2 From Lemma 8 C′ (C′ respectively) is at distance at least 2 from any cycle 1 2 in C−{C ,C }. Hence V(C′)∪V(C′)⊆V(C )∪V(C ). It is an easy task to 1 2 1 2 1 2 check now that (ii) or (iii) above must be verified. (cid:3) Lemma 12 [3, 4, 5] Let e =uv be an edge of E (δ) such that v has degree 1 1 φ 1 2 in G. Then v is the only vertex in N(u) of degree 2 and for any edge e = 1 2 u v ∈E (δ), {e ,e } induces a 2K . 2 2 φ 1 2 2 Lemma 13 [3, 4, 5] Let e and e be two edges of E (δ). If e and e are 1 2 φ 1 2 contained in two distinct sets of A ,B or C then {e ,e } induces a 2K φ φ φ 1 2 2 otherwise e ,e are joined by at most one edge. 1 2 Lemma 14 [3, 4, 5] Let e ,e and e bethree distinct edges of E (δ) contained 1 2 3 φ in the same set A ,B or C . Then {e ,e ,e } induces asubgraph with at most φ φ φ 1 2 3 four edges. 3 Applications and problems 3.1 On a result by Payan In [10] Payan showed that it is always possible to edge-colour a graph of max- imum degree 3 with three maximal matchings (with respect to the inclusion) and introduced henceforth a notion of strong-edge colouring where a strong edge-colouringmeans that one colour is a strong matching while the remaining colours are usual matchings. Payan conjectured that any d−regular graph has d pairwise disjoint maximal matchings and showed that this conjecture holds true for graphs with maximum degree 3. ThefollowingresulthasbeenobtainedfirstbyPayan[10],buthistechnique does not exhibit explicitly the odd cycles associated to the edges of the strong matching and their properties. 4 Theorem 15 Let G be a graph with maximum degree at most 3. Then G has a δ−minimumedge-colouring φwhere E (δ) is a strongmatching and, moreover, φ any edge in E (δ) has its two ends of degree 3 in G. φ Proof Letφbeaδ−minimumedge-colouring ofG. FromLemma13,anytwo edges of E (δ) belonging to distinct sets from among A ,B and C induce a φ φ φ φ strong matching. Hence, we have to find a δ−minimum edge-colouring where eachsetA ,B orC inducesastrongmatching(withthesupplementaryprop- φ φ φ erty that the end vertices of these edges have degree 3). That means that we can work on eachset A ,B and C independently. Without loss of generality, φ φ φ we only consider A here. φ Assume that A = {e ,e ,...e } and A′ = {e ,...e } (1 ≤ i ≤ k−1) is φ 1 2 k φ 1 i a strong matching and each edge of A′ has its two ends with degree 3 in G. φ Consider the edge e and let C =C (φ)=(u ,u ...u ) be the odd cycle i+1 ei+1 0 1 2p associated to this edge (Lemma 6). Let us mark any vertex v of degree 3 on C with a + whenever the edge of colourγ incidenttothisvertexhasitsotherendwhichisavertexincidenttoan edgeofA′ andletusmarkv with−otherwise. By Lemma9avertexofdegree φ 2 on C has its two neighbours of degree 3 and by Lemma 12 these two vertices are marked with a −. By Lemma 14 we cannot have two consecutive vertices marked with a +. Hence, C must have two consecutive vertices of degree 3 marked with − whatever is the number of vertices of degree 2 on C. Let u and u be two vertices of C of degree 3 marked with − (j being j j+1 taken modulo 2p+1). We can transform the edge colouring φ by exchanging colours on C uniquely, in such a way that the edge of colour δ of this cycle is u u . Intheresultingedgecolouringφ wehaveA =A −{e }∪{u u } j j+1 1 φ1 φ i+1 j j+1 andA′ =A′ ∪{u u }isastrongmatchingwhereeachedgehasitstwoends φ1 φ j j+1 ofdegree3. Repeatingthisprocessweareleftwithanewδ−minimumcolouring φ′ where A is a strong matching. (cid:3) φ′ Corollary 16 Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3 then there are s(G) vertices ofdegree3pairwise non-adjacent v ...v suchthatG−{v ...v } 1 s(G) 1 s(G) is 3-colourable. Proof Pickavertexoneachedgecolouredδ inaδ-minimumcolouringφofG where E (δ) is a strong matching (Theorem 15). We get a subset S of vertices φ satisfying our corollary. (cid:3) Steffen [13] obtained Corollary 16 for bridgeless cubic graphs. 3.2 Parsimonious edge colouring Let χ′(G) be the classical chromatic index of G. For convenience let c(G)=max{|E(H)|:H ⊆G ,χ′(H)=3} c(G) γ(G)= |E(G)| Staton [12] (and independently Locke [9]) showed that whenever G is a cubic graph distinct from K then G contains a bipartite subgraph (and hence a 3- 4 edge colourable graph, by K¨onig’s theorem [8]) with at least 7 of the edges of 9 5 G. Bondy and Locke [2] obtained 4 when considering graphs with maximum 5 degree at most 3. In[1]AlbertsonandHaasshowedthatwheneverGisacubicgraph,wehave γ(G) ≥ 13 while for graphs with maximum degree 3 they obtained γ(G)≥ 26. 15 31 Our purpose here is to show that 13 is a lower bound for γ(G) when G has 15 maximum degree 3, with the exception of the graph G depicted in Figure 1 5 below. Figure 1: G 5 Lemma 17 Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3 then γ(G)=1− s(G). m Proof Let φ be a δ−minimum edge-colouring of G. The restriction of φ to E(G) − E (δ) is a proper 3-edge-colouring, hence c(G) ≥ m − s(G) and φ γ(G)≥1− s(G). m If H is a subgraph of G with χ(H)= 3, consider a proper 3-edge-colouring φ : E(H) → {α,β,γ} and let ψ : E(G) → {α,β,γ,δ} be the continuation of φ with ψ(e) = δ for e ∈ E(G)−E(H). By Lemma 3 there is a proper edge- colouring ψ′ of G with E (δ) ⊆ E (δ) so that |E(H)| = |E(G)−E (δ)| ≤ ψ′ ψ ψ |E(G)−E (δ)|≤m−s(G), c(G)≤m−s(G) and γ(G)≤1− s(G). (cid:3) ψ′ m In [11], Rizzi shows that for triangle free graphs of maximum degree 3, γ(G) ≥ 1− 2 (where the odd girth of a graph G, denoted by g (G), is 3godd(G) odd the minimum length of an odd cycle). Theorem 18 Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3 then γ(G) ≥ 1 − 2 . 3godd(G) Proof Letφbeaδ−minimumedge-colouring ofGandE (δ)={e ,e ...e }. φ 1 2 s(G) C being the set of odd cycles associated to edges in E (δ), we write C = φ {C ,C ...C } and suppose that for i = 1,2...s(G), e is an edge of C . 1 2 s(G) i i We know by Lemma 10 that the cycles of C are vertex-disjoint. Let us write C =C ∪C , where C denotes the set of odd cycles of C which 2 3 2 havea vertexof degree2,while C is for the setof cyclesin C whoseallvertices 3 have degree 3. Let k =|C |, obviously we have 0≤k≤s(G) and C ∩C =∅. 2 2 3 If C ∈ C , we may assume that e has a vertex of degree 2 (see Lemma 8) i 2 i and we can associate to e another odd cycle say C′ (Remark 7) whose edges i i distinct from e form an even path using at least godd(G) edges which are not i 2 6 edges of C . Hence, C ∪C′ contains at least 3g (G) edges. Consequently i i i 2 odd there are at least 32 ×k×godd(G) edges in [ (Ci∪Ci′). Ci∈C2 When C ∈C , C contains at least g (G) edges, moreover, each vertex of i 3 i odd C being of degree 3, there are s(G)−k ×g (G) additionnal edges which are i 2 odd incident to a vertex of [ Ci. Ci∈C3 Since C ∩C =∅ and C′ ∩C =∅ (1≤i,j ≤s(G), i6=j), we have i j i j 3 s(G)−k 3 m≥ g (G)×k+(s(G)−k)×g (G)+ ×g (G)= ×s(G)×g (G). odd odd odd odd 2 2 2 Consequently γ(G)=1− s(G) ≥1− 2 . m 3godd(G) (cid:3) Lemma 19 [1] Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3. Assume that v ∈ V(G) is such that d(v)=1 then γ(G)>γ(G−v). A triangle T = {a,b,c} is said to be reducible whenever its neighbours are distinct. WhenT is a reducibletrianglein G(Ghavingmaximumdegree3)we can obtain a new graph G′ with maximum degree 3 by shrinking this triangle into a single vertex and joining this new vertex to the neighbours of T in G. Lemma 20 [1] Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3. Assume that T = {a,b,c} is a reducible triangle and let G′ be the graph obtained by reduction of this triangle. Then γ(G)>γ(G′). Theorem 21 Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3,V be the set of vertices 2 2 with degree2in Gand V those of degree3. If G6=G then γ(G)≥1− 15 . 3 5 1+2|V2| 3|V3| Proof FromLemma19andLemma20wecanconsiderthatGhasonlyvertices of degree 2 or 3 and that G contains no reducible triangle. AssumethatwecanassociateasetP ofatleast5distinctverticesofV for e 3 eachedgee∈E (δ)inaδ−minimumedge-colouring φofG. Assumemoreover φ that ∀e,e′ ∈E (δ) P ∩P =∅ (1) φ e e′ Then s(G) s(G) |V3| γ(G)=1− =1− ≥1− 5 m 3|V |+|V | 3|V |+|V | 2 3 2 2 3 2 Hence 2 γ(G)≥1− 15 1+ 2|V2| 3|V3| It remains to see how to construct the sets P satisfying Property (1). Let e C be the set of odd cycles associated to edges in E (δ) (see Lemma 10). Let φ e∈E (δ), assume that e is contained in a cycle C ∈C of length 3. By Lemma φ 10, the edges incident to that triangle have the same colour in {α,β,γ}. This triangle is hence reducible, impossible. We can thus consider that each cycle of 7 C has length at least 5. By Lemma 2 and Lemma 12, we know that whenever such a cycle contains vertices of V , their distance on this cycle is at least 3. 2 Which means that every cycle C ∈ C contains at least 5 vertices in V as soon 3 as C has length at least 7 or C has length 5 but does not contain a vertex of V . For each edge e ∈ E (δ) contained in such a cycle we associate P as any 2 φ e set of 5 vertices of V contained in the cycle. 3 TheremayexistedgesinE (δ)containedina5-cycleofC havingexactlyone φ vertex in V . Let C =a a a a a be such a cycle and assume that a ∈V . By 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 Lemma 2 and Lemma 14, a is the only vertex of degree 2 and by exchanging 1 colours along this cycle, we can suppose that a a ∈ E (δ). Since a ∈ V , 1 2 φ 1 2 e=a a is containedina secondcycle C′ ofC (see Remark7). IfC′ containsa 1 2 vertexx∈V distinct froma ,a ,a anda then wesetP ={a ,a ,a ,a ,x}. 3 2 3 4 5 e 2 3 4 5 Otherwise C′ =a a a a a and G is isomorphic to G , impossible. 1 2 4 3 5 5 The sets {P | e ∈ E (δ)} are pairwise disjoint since any two cycles of C e φ associated to distinct edges in E (δ) are disjoint. Hence property 1 holds and φ the proof is complete. (cid:3) Albertson and Haas [1] proved that γ(G) ≥ 26 when G is a graph with 31 maximum degree 3 and Rizzi [11] obtained γ(G) ≥ 6. From Theorem 21 we 7 get immediately γ(G) ≥ 13, a better bound. Let us remark that we get also 15 γ(G)≥ 13 by Theorem 18 as soon as g ≥5. 15 odd Lemma 22 Let G be a cubic graph which can be factored into s(G) cycles of length 5 and without reducible triangle. Then every 2-factor of G contains s(G) cycles of length 5. Proof Since G has no reducible triangle, all cycles in a 2-factor have length atleast4. Let C be any 2-factorofG. Letus denote n the number of cyclesof 4 length 4, n the number of cycles of length 5 and n the number of cycles on 5 6+ at least 6 vertices in C. We have 5n +6n ≤5s(G)−4n . 5 6+ 4 Whenn +n >0,ifn >0thenn +n <n +6n6+ ≤ 5s(G)−4n4 ≤s(G) 4 6+ 6+ 5 6+ 5 5 5 and if n =0, we have n >0 and n ≤ 5s(G)−4n4 <s(G). A contradiction in 6+ 4 5 5 both cases with Lemma 1. (cid:3) Corollary 23 Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3 such that γ(G)= 13. 15 Then G is a cubic graph which can be factored into s(G) cycles of length 5. Moreover every 2-factor of G has this property. Proof Theoptimumforγ(G)inTheorem21isobtainedwhenevers(G)= |V3| 5 and |V |=0. That is, G is a cubic graph admitting a 2-factor of s(G) cycles of 2 length 5. Moreoverby Lemma 20 G has no reducible triangle, the result comes from Lemma 22. (cid:3) As pointed out by Albertson and Haas [1], the Petersen graph with γ(G)= 13 supplies an extremal example for cubic graphs. Steffen [14] proved that the 15 only cubic bridgeless graph with γ(G) = 13 is the Petersen graph. In fact, 15 we can extend this result to graphs with maximum degree 3 where bridges are allowed(excluding the graphG ). Let P′ be the cubic graphon 10 vertices 5 8 obtainedfromtwocopiesofG (Figure1)byjoiningbyanedgethetwovertices 5 of degree 2. Theorem 24 Let G be a connected graph with maximum degree 3 such that γ(G)= 13. Then G is isomorphic to the Petersen graph or to P′. 15 Proof Let G be a graph with maximum degree 3 such that γ(G)= 13. 15 From Corollary 23, we can consider that G is cubic and G has a 2-factor of cycles of length 5. Let C = {C ...C } be such a 2-factor ( C is spanning). 1 s(G) Let φ be a δ−minimum edge-colouring of G induced by this 2−factor. Without loss of generality consider two cycles in C, namely C and C , 1 2 and let us denote C = v v v v v while C = u u u u u and assume that 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 v u ∈ G. From Lemma 11, C and C are joined by at least 3 edges or each 1 1 1 2 of them has two chords. If s(G) > 2 there is a cycle C ∈ C. Without loss of 3 generality, G being connected, we can suppose that C is joined to C by an 3 1 edge. Applying once more time Lemma 11, C and C have two chords or are 1 3 joined by at least 3 edges, contradiction with the constraints imposed by C 1 and C . Hence s(G) = 2 and G has 10 vertices and no 4-cycle, which leads to 2 a graph isomorphic to P′ or the Petersen graph as claimed. (cid:3) We can construct cubic graphs with chromatic index 4 (snarks in the liter- ature) which are cyclically 4- edge connected and having a 2-factor of C ’s. 5 Indeed, let G be a cubic cyclically 4-edge connected graph of order n and cMopibees oafptherefePcettemrsaetnchgirnagpho.f FGo,rMeac=hP{x(iiyi=|i1=..1..n.).wn2e}.coLnestidPer1t.w..oPen2dgbeesan2t i 2 distance 1 aparte1 and e2. Letus observethat P −{e1,e2} containsa 2-factor i i i i i of two C ’s (C1 and C2). 5 i i We construct then a new cyclically 4-edge connected cubic graph H with chromaticindex4byapplyingthewellknownoperationdot-product(seeFigure 2 for a description and [7] for a formal definition) on {e1,e2} and the edge x y i i i i (i=1...n). We remark that the vertices of G vanish in the operation and the 2 resultinggraphH hasa2factorofC ,namely{C1,C2,...C1,C2,...C1,C2}. 5 1 1 i i n n 2 2 We do not know example an of a cyclically 5-edge connected snark (except the Petersen graph) with a 2-factor of induced cycles of length 5. Problem 25 Is there any cyclically 5-edge connected snark distinct from the Petersen graph with a 2-factor of C ’s ? 5 As a first step towards the resolution of this Problem we propose the fol- lowing Theorem. Recall that a permutation graph is a cubic graphhaving some 2-factor with precisely 2 odd cycles. Theorem 26 Let G be a cubic graph which can be factored into s(G) induced odd cycles of length at least 5, then G is a permutation graph. Moreover, if G has girth 5 then G is the Petersen graph. Proof Let F be a 2-factor of s(G) cycles of length at least 5 in G, every cycleofF beinganinducedoddcycleofG. We considertheδ−minimumedge- colouring φ such that the edges of all cycles of F are alternatively coloured α and β except for exactly one edge per cycle which is coloured with δ, all the 9 r a x s b t c y u d G1 G2 r a s b t c u d G .G 1 2 Figure 2: The dot product operation on graphs G , G . 1 2 10

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