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Project Gutenberg's On Growth and Form, by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: On Growth and Form Author: D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson Release Date: August 4, 2017 [EBook #55264] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ON GROWTH AND FORM *** Produced by Chris Curnow, RichardW, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive) GROWTH AND FORM CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER London: FETTER LANE, E.C. Edinburgh: 100 PRINCES STREET New York: G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS Bombay, Calcutta and Madras: MACMILLAN AND Co., LTD. Toronto: J. M. DENT AND SONS, LTD. Tokyo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved ON GROWTH AND FORM BY D’ARCY WENTWORTH THOMPSON Cambridge: at the University Press 1917 “The reasonings about the wonderful and intricate operations of nature are so full of uncertainty, that, as the Wise-man truly observes, hardly do we guess aright at the things that are upon earth, and with labour do we find the things that are before us .” Stephen Hales, Vegetable Staticks (1727), p. 318, 1738. PREFATORY NOTE This book of mine has little need of preface, for indeed it is “all preface” from beginning to end. I have written it as an easy introduction to the study of organic Form, by methods which are the common-places of physical science, which are by no means novel in their application to natural history, but which nevertheless naturalists are little accustomed to employ. It is not the biologist with an inkling of mathematics, but the skilled and learned mathematician who must ultimately deal with such problems as are merely sketched and adumbrated here. I pretend to no mathematical skill, but I have made what use I could of what tools I had; I have dealt with simple cases, and the mathematical methods which I have introduced are of the easiest and simplest kind. Elementary as they are, my book has not been written without the help—the indispensable help —of many friends. Like Mr Pope translating Homer, when I felt myself deficient I sought assistance! And the experience which Johnson attributed to Pope has been mine also, that men of learning did not refuse to help me. My debts are many, and I will not try to proclaim them all: but I beg to record my particular obligations to Professor Claxton Fidler, Sir George Greenhill, Sir Joseph Larmor, and Professor A. McKenzie; to a much younger but very helpful friend, Mr John Marshall, Scholar of Trinity; lastly, and (if I may say so) most of all, to my colleague Professor William Peddie, whose advice has made many useful additions to my book and whose criticism has spared me many a fault and blunder. I am under obligations also to the authors and publishers of many books from which illustrations have been borrowed, and especially to the following:― To the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office, for leave to reproduce a number of figures, chiefly of Foraminifera and of Radiolaria, from the Reports of the Challenger Expedition. To the Council of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and to that of the Zoological Society of London:—the former for letting me reprint from their Transactions the greater part of the text and illustrations of my concluding chapter, the latter for the use of a number of figures for my chapter on Horns. To Professor E. B. Wilson, for his well-known and all but indispensable figures of the cell (figs. 42–51, 53); to M. A. Prenant, for other figures (41, 48) in the same chapter; to Sir Donald MacAlister and Mr Edwin Arnold for certain figures (335–7), and to Sir Edward Schäfer and Messrs Longmans for another (334), illustrating the minute trabecular structure of bone. To Mr Gerhard Heilmann, of Copenhagen, for his beautiful diagrams (figs. 388–93, 401, 402) included in my last chapter. To Professor Claxton Fidler and to Messrs Griffin, for letting me use, with more or less modification or simplification, a number of illustrations (figs. 339–346) from Professor Fidler’s Textbook of Bridge Construction. To Messrs Blackwood and Sons, for several cuts (figs. 127–9, 131, 173) from Professor Alleyne Nicholson’s Palaeontology; to Mr Heinemann, for certain figures (57, 122, 123, 205) from Dr Stéphane Leduc’s Mechanism of Life; to Mr A. M. Worthington and to Messrs Longmans, for figures (71, 75) from A Study of Splashes, and to Mr C. R. Darling and to Messrs E. and S. Spon for those (fig. 85) from Mr Darling’s Liquid Drops and Globules. To Messrs Macmillan and Co. for two figures (304, 305) from Zittel’s Palaeontology, to the Oxford University Press for a diagram (fig. 28) from Mr J. W. Jenkinson’s Experimental Embryology; and to the Cambridge University Press for a number of figures from Professor Henry {vi} Woods’s Invertebrate Palaeontology, for one (fig. 210) from Dr Willey’s Zoological Results, and for another (fig. 321) from “Thomson and Tait.” Many more, and by much the greater part of my diagrams, I owe to the untiring help of Dr Doris L. Mackinnon, D.Sc., and of Miss Helen Ogilvie, M.A., B.Sc., of this College. D’ARCY WENTWORTH THOMPSON. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. December, 1916. CONTENTS CHAP. PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY 1 II. ON MAGNITUDE 16 III. THE RATE OF GROWTH 50 IV. ON THE INTERNAL FORM AND STRUCTURE OF THE CELL 156 V. THE FORMS OF CELLS 201 VI. A NOTE ON ADSORPTION 277 VII. THE FORMS OF TISSUES, OR CELL-AGGREGATES 293 VIII. THE SAME (continued ) 346 IX. ON CONCRETIONS, SPICULES, AND SPICULAR SKELETONS 411 X. A PARENTHETIC NOTE ON GEODETICS 488 XI. THE LOGARITHMIC SPIRAL 493 XII. THE SPIRAL SHELLS OF THE FORAMINIFERA 587 XIII. THE SHAPES OF HORNS, AND OF TEETH OR TUSKS: WITH A NOTE ON TORSION 612 XIV. ON LEAF-ARRANGEMENT, OR PHYLLOTAXIS 635 XV. ON THE SHAPES OF EGGS, AND OF CERTAIN OTHER HOLLOW STRUCTURES 652 XVI. ON FORM AND MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY 670 XVII. ON THE THEORY OF TRANSFORMATIONS, OR THE COMPARISON OF RELATED FORMS 719 EPILOGUE 778 INDEX 780 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. Page 1. Nerve-cells, from larger and smaller animals (Minot, after Irving Hardesty) 37 2. Relative magnitudes of some minute organisms (Zsigmondy) 39 3. Curves of growth in man (Quetelet and Bowditch) 61 4, 5. Mean annual increments of stature and weight in man (do.) 66, 69 6. The ratio, throughout life, of female weight to male (do.) 71 7–9. Curves of growth of child, before and after birth (His and Rüssow) 74–6 10. Curve of growth of bamboo (Ostwald, after Kraus) 77 11. Coefficients of variability in human stature (Boas and Wissler) 80 12. Growth in weight of mouse (Wolfgang Ostwald) 83 13. Do. of silkworm (Luciani and Lo Monaco) 84 14. Do. of tadpole (Ostwald, after Schaper) 85 15. Larval eels, or Leptocephali, and young elver (Joh. Schmidt) 86 16. Growth in length of Spirogyra (Hofmeister) 87 17. Pulsations of growth in Crocus (Bose) 88 18. Relative growth of brain, heart and body of man (Quetelet) 90 19. Ratio of stature to span of arms (do.) 94 20. Rates of growth near the tip of a bean-root (Sachs) 96 21, 22. The weight-length ratio of the plaice, and its annual periodic changes 99, 100 23. Variability of tail-forceps in earwigs (Bateson) 104 24. Variability of body-length in plaice 105 25. Rate of growth in plants in relation to temperature (Sachs) 109 26. Do. in maize, observed (Köppen), and calculated curves 112 27. Do. in roots of peas (Miss I. Leitch) 113 28, 29. Rate of growth of frog in relation to temperature (Jenkinson, after O. Hertwig), and calculated curves of do. 115, 6 30. Seasonal fluctuation of rate of growth in man (Daffner) 119 31. Do. in the rate of growth of trees (C. E. Hall) 120 32. Long-period fluctuation in the rate of growth of Arizona trees (A. E. Douglass) 122 33, 34. The varying form of brine-shrimps (Artemia), in relation to salinity (Abonyi) 128, 9 35–39. Curves of regenerative growth in tadpoles’ tails (M. L. Durbin) 140​–​145 40. Relation between amount of tail removed, amount restored, and time required for restoration (M. M. Ellis) 148 41. Caryokinesis in trout’s egg (Prenant, after Prof. P. Bouin) 169 42–51. Diagrams of mitotic cell-division (Prof. E. B. Wilson) 171–5 52. Chromosomes in course of splitting and separation (Hatschek and Flemming) 180 53. Annular chromosomes of mole-cricket (Wilson, after vom Rath) 181 54–56. Diagrams illustrating a hypothetic field of force in caryokinesis (Prof. W. Peddie) 182–4 57. An artificial figure of caryokinesis (Leduc) 186 58. A segmented egg of Cerebratulus (Prenant, after Coe) 189 59. Diagram of a field of force with two like poles 189 60. A budding yeast-cell 213 61. The roulettes of the conic sections 218 62. Mode of development of an unduloid from a cylindrical tube 220 63–65. Cylindrical, unduloid, nodoid and catenoid oil-globules (Plateau) 222, 3 66. Diagram of the nodoid, or elastic curve 224 67. Diagram of a cylinder capped by the cor​re​spon​ding portion of a sphere 226 68. A liquid cylinder breaking up into spheres 227 69. The same phenomenon in a protoplasmic cell of Trianea 234 70. Some phases of a splash (A. M. Worthington) 235 71. A breaking wave (do.) 236 72. The calycles of some campanularian zoophytes 237 73. A flagellate monad, Distigma proteus (Saville Kent) 246 74. Noctiluca miliaris, diagrammatic 246 75. Various species of Vorticella (Saville Kent and others) 247 76. Various species of Salpingoeca (do.) 248 77. Species of Tintinnus, Dinobryon and Codonella (do.) 248 78. The tube or cup of Vaginicola 248 79. The same of Folliculina 249 80. Trachelophyllum (Wreszniowski) 249 81. Trichodina pediculus 252 82. Dinenymplia gracilis (Leidy) 253 83. A “collar-cell” of Codosiga 254 84. Various species of Lagena (Brady) 256 85. Hanging drops, to illustrate the unduloid form (C. R. Darling) 257 86. Diagram of a fluted cylinder 260 87. Nodosaria scalaris (Brady) 262 88. Fluted and pleated gonangia of certain Campanularians (Allman) 262 89. Various species of Nodosaria, Sagrina and Rheophax (Brady) 263 90. Trypanosoma tineae and Spirochaeta anodontae, to shew undulating membranes (Minchin and Fantham) 266 91. Some species of Trichomastix and Trichomonas (Kofoid) 267 92. Herpetomonas assuming the undulatory membrane of a Trypanosome (D. L. Mackinnon) 268 93. Diagram of a human blood-corpuscle 271 94. Sperm-cells of decapod crustacea, Inachus and Galathea (Koltzoff) 273 95. The same, in saline solutions of varying density (do.) 274 96. A sperm-cell of Dromia (do.) 275 97. Chondriosomes in cells of kidney and pancreas (Barratt and Mathews) 285 98. Adsorptive concentration of potassium salts in various plant-cells (Macallum) 290 99​–​101. Equilibrium of surface-tension in a floating drop 294, 5 102. Plateau’s “bourrelet” in plant-cells; diagrammatic (Berthold) 298 103. Parenchyma of maize, shewing the same phenomenon 298 104, 5. Diagrams of the partition-wall between two soap-bubbles 299, 300 106. Diagram of a partition in a conical cell 300 107. Chains of cells in Nostoc, Anabaena and other low algae 300 108. Diagram of a symmetrically divided soap-bubble 301 109. Arrangement of partitions in dividing spores of Pellia (Campbell) 302 110. Cells of Dictyota (Reinke) 303 111, 2. Terminal and other cells of Chara, and young antheridium of do. 303 113. Diagram of cell-walls and partitions under various conditions of tension 304 114, 5. The partition-surfaces of three interconnected bubbles 307, 8 116. Diagram of four interconnected cells or bubbles 309 117. Various con​fi​gur​a​tions of four cells in a frog’s egg (Rauber) 311 118. Another diagram of two conjoined soap-bubbles 313 119. A froth of bubbles, shewing its outer or “epidermal” layer 314 120. A tetrahedron, or tetrahedral system, shewing its centre of symmetry 317 121. A group of hexagonal cells (Bonanni) 319 122, 3. Artificial cellular tissues (Leduc) 320 124. Epidermis of Girardia (Goebel) 321 125. Soap-froth, and the same under compression (Rhumbler) 322 126. Epidermal cells of Elodea canadensis (Berthold) 322 127. Lithostrotion Martini (Nicholson) 325 128. Cyathophyllum hexagonum (Nicholson, after Zittel) 325 129. Arachnophyllum pentagonum (Nicholson) 326 130. Heliolites (Woods) 326 131. Confluent septa in Thamnastraea and Comoseris (Nicholson, after Zittel) 327 132. Geometrical construction of a bee’s cell 330 133. Stellate cells in the pith of a rush; diagrammatic 335 134. Diagram of soap-films formed in a cubical wire skeleton (Plateau) 337 135. Polar furrows in systems of four soap-bubbles (Robert) 341 136–8. Diagrams illustrating the division of a cube by partitions of minimal area 347–50 139. Cells from hairs of Sphacelaria (Berthold) 351 140. The bisection of an isosceles triangle by minimal partitions 353 141. The similar partitioning of spheroidal and conical cells 353 142. S-shaped partitions from cells of algae and mosses (Reinke and others) 355 143. Diagrammatic explanation of the S-shaped partitions 356 144. Development of Erythrotrichia (Berthold) 359 145. Periclinal, anticlinal and radial partitioning of a quadrant 359 146. Construction for the minimal partitioning of a quadrant 361 147. Another diagram of anticlinal and periclinal partitions 362 148. Mode of segmentation of an artificially flattened frog’s egg (Roux) 363 149. The bisection, by minimal partitions, of a prism of small angle 364 150. Comparative diagram of the various modes of bisection of a prismatic sector 365 151. Diagram of the further growth of the two halves of a quadrantal cell 367 152. Diagram of the origin of an epidermic layer of cells 370 153. A discoidal cell dividing into octants 371 154. A germinating spore of Riccia (after Campbell), to shew the manner of space- partitioning in the cellular tissue 372 155, 6. Theoretical arrangement of successive partitions in a discoidal cell 373 157. Sections of a moss-embryo (Kienitz-Gerloff) 374 158. Various possible arrangements of partitions in groups of four to eight cells 375 159. Three modes of partitioning in a system of six cells 376 160, 1. Segmenting eggs of Trochus (Robert), and of Cynthia (Conklin) 377 162. Section of the apical cone of Salvinia (Pringsheim) 377 163, 4. Segmenting eggs of Pyrosoma (Korotneff), and of Echinus (Driesch) 377 165. Segmenting egg of a cephalopod (Watase) 378 166, 7. Eggs segmenting under pressure: of Echinus and Nereis (Driesch), and of a frog (Roux) 378 168. Various arrangements of a group of eight cells on the surface of a frog’s egg (Rauber) 381 169. Diagram of the partitions and interfacial contacts in a system of eight cells 383 170. Various modes of aggregation of eight oil-drops (Roux) 384 171. Forms, or species, of Asterolampra (Greville) 386 172. Diagrammatic section of an alcyonarian polype 387 173, 4. Sections of Heterophyllia (Nicholson and Martin Duncan) 388, 9 175. Diagrammatic section of a ctenophore (Eucharis) 391 176, 7. Diagrams of the construction of a Pluteus larva 392, 3 178, 9. Diagrams of the development of stomata, in Sedum and in the hyacinth 394 180. Various spores and pollen-grains (Berthold and others) 396 181. Spore of Anthoceros (Campbell) 397 182, 4, 9. Diagrammatic modes of division of a cell under certain conditions of asymmetry 400–5 183. Development of the embryo of Sphagnum (Campbell) 402 185. The gemma of a moss (do.) 403 186. The antheridium of Riccia (do.) 404 187. Section of growing shoot of Selaginella, diagrammatic 404 188. An embryo of Jungermannia (Kienitz-Gerloff) 404 190. Development of the sporangium of Osmunda (Bower) 406 191. Embryos of Phascum and of Adiantum (Kienitz-Gerloff) 408 192. A section of Girardia (Goebel) 408 193. An antheridium of Pteris (Strasburger) 409 194. Spicules of Siphonogorgia and Anthogorgia (Studer) 413 195–7. Calcospherites, deposited in white of egg (Harting) 421, 2 198. Sections of the shell of Mya (Carpenter) 422 199. Concretions, or spicules, artificially deposited in cartilage (Harting) 423 200. Further illustrations of alcyonarian spicules: Eunicea (Studer) 424 201–3. Associated, aggregated and composite cal​co​sphe​rites (Harting) 425, 6 204. Harting’s “conostats” 427 205. Liesegang’s rings (Leduc) 428 206. Relay-crystals of common salt (Bowman) 429 207. Wheel-like crystals in a colloid medium (do.) 429 208. A concentrically striated calcospherite or spherocrystal (Harting) 432 209. Otoliths of plaice, shewing “age-rings” (Wallace) 432 210. Spicules, or cal​co​sphe​rites, of Astrosclera (Lister) 436 211. 2. C- and S-shaped spicules of sponges and holothurians (Sollas and Théel) 442 213. An amphidisc of Hyalonema 442 214–7. Spicules of calcareous, tetractinellid and hexactinellid sponges, and of various holothurians (Haeckel, Schultze, Sollas and Théel) 445–452 218. Diagram of a solid body confined by surface-energy to a liquid boundary-film 460 219. Astrorhiza limicola and arenaria (Brady) 464 220. A nuclear “reticulum plasmatique” (Carnoy) 468 221. A spherical radiolarian, Aulonia hexagona (Haeckel) 469 222. Actinomma arcadophorum (do.) 469 223. Ethmosphaera conosiphonia (do.) 470 224. Portions of shells of Cenosphaera favosa and vesparia (do.) 470 225. Aulastrum triceros (do.) 471 226. Part of the skeleton of Cannorhaphis (do.) 472 227. A Nassellarian skeleton, Callimitra carolotae (do.) 472 228, 9. Portions of Dictyocha stapedia (do.) 474 230. Diagram to illustrate the conformation of Callimitra 476 231. Skeletons of various radiolarians (Haeckel) 479 232. Diagrammatic structure of the skeleton of Dorataspis (do.) 481 233, 4. Phatnaspis cristata (Haeckel), and a diagram of the same 483 235. Phractaspis prototypus (Haeckel) 484 236. Annular and spiral thickenings in the walls of plant-cells 488 237. A radiograph of the shell of Nautilus (Green and Gardiner) 494 238. A spiral foraminifer, Globigerina (Brady) 495 239–42. Diagrams to illustrate the development or growth of a logarithmic spiral 407–501 243. A helicoid and a scorpioid cyme 502 244. An Archimedean spiral 503 245–7. More diagrams of the development of a logarithmic spiral 505, 6 248–57. Various diagrams illustrating the math​e​mat​i​cal theory of gnomons 508–13 258. A shell of Haliotis, to shew how each increment of the shell constitutes a gnomon to the preexisting structure 514 259, 60. Spiral foraminifera, Pulvinulina and Cristellaria, to illustrate the same principle 514, 5 261. Another diagram of a logarithmic spiral 517 262. A diagram of the logarithmic spiral of Nautilus (Moseley) 519 263, 4. Opercula of Turbo and of Nerita (Moseley) 521, 2 265. A section of the shell of Melo ethiopicus 525 266. Shells of Harpa and Dolium, to illustrate generating curves and gene 526 267. D’Orbigny’s Helicometer 529 268. Section of a nautiloid shell, to shew the “protoconch” 531 269–73. Diagrams of logarithmic spirals, of various angles 532–5 274, 6, 7. Constructions for determining the angle of a logarithmic spiral 537, 8 275. An ammonite, to shew its corrugated surface pattern 537 278–80. Illustrations of the “angle of retardation” 542–4 281. A shell of Macroscaphites, to shew change of curvature 550 282. Construction for determining the length of the coiled spire 551 283. Section of the shell of Triton corrugatus (Woodward) 554 284. Lamellaria perspicua and Sigaretus haliotoides (do.) 555 285, 6. Sections of the shells of Terebra maculata and Trochus niloticus 559, 60 287–9. Diagrams illustrating the lines of growth on a lamellibranch shell 563–5 290. Caprinella adversa (Woodward) 567 291. Section of the shell of Productus (Woods) 567 292. The “skeletal loop” of Terebratula (do.) 568 293, 4. The spiral arms of Spirifer and of Atrypa (do.) 569 295–7. Shells of Cleodora, Hyalaea and other pteropods (Boas) 570, 1 298, 9. Coordinate diagrams of the shell-outline in certain pteropods 572, 3 300. Development of the shell of Hyalaea tridentata (Tesch) 573 301. Pteropod shells, of Cleodora and Hyalaea, viewed from the side (Boas) 575 302, 3. Diagrams of septa in a conical shell 579 304. A section of Nautilus, shewing the logarithmic spirals of the septa to which the shell- spiral is the evolute 581 305. Cast of the interior of the shell of Nautilus, to shew the contours of the septa at their junction with the shell-wall 582 306. Ammonites Sowerbyi, to shew septal outlines (Zittel, after Steinmann and Döderlein) 584 307. Suture-line of Pinacoceras (Zittel, after Hauer) 584 308. Shells of Hastigerina, to shew the “mouth” (Brady) 588 309. Nummulina antiquior (V. von Möller) 591 310. Cornuspira foliacea and Operculina complanata (Brady) 594 311. Miliolina pulchella and linnaeana (Brady) 596 312, 3. Cyclammina cancellata (do.), and diagrammatic figure of the same 596, 7 314. Orbulina universa (Brady) 598 315. Cristellaria reniformis (do.) 600 316. Discorbina bertheloti (do.) 603 317. Textularia trochus and concava (do.) 604 318. Diagrammatic figure of a ram’s horns (Sir V. Brooke) 615 319. Head of an Arabian wild goat (Sclater) 616 320. Head of Ovis Ammon, shewing St Venant’s curves 621 321. St Venant’s diagram of a triangular prism under torsion (Thomson and Tait) 623 322. Diagram of the same phenomenon in a ram’s horn 623 323. Antlers of a Swedish elk (Lönnberg) 629 324. Head and antlers of Cervus duvauceli (Lydekker) 630 325, 6. Diagrams of spiral phyllotaxis (P. G. Tait) 644, 5 327. Further diagrams of phyllotaxis, to shew how various spiral appearances may arise out of one and the same angular leaf-divergence 648 328. Diagrammatic outlines of various sea-urchins 664 329, 30. Diagrams of the angle of branching in blood-vessels (Hess) 667, 8 331, 2. Diagrams illustrating the flexure of a beam 674, 8 333. An example of the mode of arrangement of bast-fibres in a plant-stem (Schwendener) 680 334. Section of the head of a femur, to shew its trabecular structure (Schäfer, after Robinson) 681 335. Comparative diagrams of a crane-head and the head of a femur (Culmann and H. Meyer) 682 336. Diagram of stress-lines in the human foot (Sir D. MacAlister, after H. Meyer) 684 337. Trabecular structure of the os calcis (do.) 685 338. Diagram of shearing-stress in a loaded pillar 686 339. Diagrams of tied arch, and bowstring girder (Fidler) 693 340, 1. Diagrams of a bridge: shewing proposed span, the cor​re​spon​ding stress-diagram and reciprocal plan of construction (do.) 696 342. A loaded bracket and its reciprocal construction-diagram (Culmann) 697 343, 4. A cantilever bridge, with its reciprocal diagrams (Fidler) 698 345. A two-armed cantilever of the Forth Bridge (do.) 700 346. A two-armed cantilever with load distributed over two pier-heads, as in the quadrupedal skeleton 700

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