1 1 0 2 ON GLOBALLY SYMMETRIC FINSLER SPACES n a J R.CHAVOSHKHATAMY∗,R.ESMAILI 2 2 ] Abstract. ThepaperconsiderthesymmetricofFinslerspaces. Wegivesome G conditionsaboutgloballysymmetricFinslerspaces. Thenweprovethatthese D spaces can be written as a coset space of Lie group withan invariant Finsler . h metric. Finally,weprovethatsuchaspacemustbeBerwaldian. t a m [ 1. Introduction 1 v ThestudyofFinslerspaceshasimportantinphysicsandBiology([5]),Inpartic- 8 ularthereareseveralimportantbooksaboutsuchspaces(see[1],[8]). Forexample 8 2 recently D. Bao, C. Robels, Z. Shen used the Randers metric in Finsler on Rie- 4 mannian manifolds ([9] and [8], page 214). We must also point out there was only . 1 little study about symmetry of such spaces ([3], [12]). For example E. Cartan has 0 1 beenshowedsymmetryplaysveryimportantroleinRiemanniangeometry([5]and 1 [12], page 203). : v i Definition1.1. AFinslerspaceislocallysymmetricif,foranyp∈M,thegeodesic X r reflection sp is a local isometry of the Finsler metric. a Definition 1.2. A reversible Finsler space (M,F) is called globally Symmetric if for any p∈M the exists an involutive isometry σ (that is, σ2 =I but σ 6=I) of x x x such that x is an isolated fixed point of σ . x Definition 1.3. Let G be a Lie group and K is a closed subgroup of G. Then the coset space G/K is called symmetric if there exists an involutive automorphism σ 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C60,53C35. Key words and phrases. FinslerSpace, LocallysymmetricFinslerspace, GloballySymmetric Finslerspace,Berwaldspace. ∗ ThefirstauthorwassupportedbythefundsoftheIslamicAzadUniversity-TabrizBranch, (IAUT). 1 2 R.CHAVOSHKHATAMY,R.ESMAILI of G such that G0 ⊂K ⊂G , σ σ where G is the subgroup consisting of the fixed points of σ in G and G0 denotes σ σ the identity component of G . σ Theorem 1.4. Let G/K be a symmetric coset space. Then any G-invariant re- versible Finsler metric (if exists) F on G/K makes (G/K,F) a globally symmetric Finsler space ([8], page 8). Theorem 1.5. Let (M,F) be a globally Symmetric Finsler space. For p ∈ M, denote the involutive isometry of (M,F) at p by S . Then we have x (a) For any p∈M,(dS ) =−I. In particular, F must be reversible. x x (b) (M,F) is forward and backward complete; (c) (M,F)is homogeneous. This is, thegroup of isometries of (M,F),I(M,F), acts transitively on M. (d)LetM betheuniversalcoveringspaceofM andπ betheprojection mapping. Then (M,πf∗(F)) is a globally Symmetric Finsler space, where π∗(F) is define by f ∗ π (F)(q)=F((dπ)pe(q)), q ∈Tpe(M), f (See [8] to prove). Corollary 1.6. Let (M,F) be a globally Symmetric Finsler space. Then for any p ∈ M,s is a local geodesic Symmetry at p. The Symmetry s , is unique. (See p p prove of Theorem 1.2 and [1]) 2. A theorem on globally Symmetric Finsler spaces Theorem 2.1. Let (M,F) be a globally Symmetric Finsler space. Then exits a Riemannian Symmetric pair (G,K) such that M is diffeomorphic to G/K and F is invariant under G. Proof. The group I(M,F) of isometries of (M,F) acts transitively on M ((C) of theorem 1.5). We provedthat I(M,F) is a Lie transformationgroup of M and for any p ∈ M ([12] and [7], page 78), the isotropic subgroup I (M,F) is a compact p subgroup of I(M,F) ([4]). Since M is connected ([7], [10]) and the subgroup K of G which p fixed is a compact subgroup of G. Furthermore, M is diffeomorphic to G/K under the mapping gH →g.p , g ∈G ([7] Theorem 2.5, [10]). As inthe Riemanniancaseinpage209of[7],wedefineamappingsofGintoGby s(g)=s gs , where s donote the (unique) involutive isometry of(M,f) with p as p p p an isolated fixed point. Then it is easily seen that s is aninvolutive automorphism of G andthe groupK lies between the closedsubgroupK of fixed points of s and s ON GLOBALLY SYMMETRIC FINSLER SPACES 3 the identity component of K (See definition of the symmetric coset space, [11]). s Furthermore,the groupK containsnonormalsubgroupofGotherthan{e}. That is, (G,K)is symmetric pair. (G,K)is a Riemanniansymmetricpair,because K is compact. (cid:3) The following useful will be results in the proof of our aim of this paper. Proposition 2.2. Let (M,F¯) be a Finsler space, p∈M and H be the holonomy p group of F¯ at p. If F is a H invariant Minkowski norm on T (M), then F can p p p p be extended to a Finsler metric F on M by parallel translations of F¯ such that F is affinely equivalent to F¯ ([5], proposition 4.2.2) Proposition 2.3. A Finsler metric F on a manifold M is a Berwald metric if and only if it is affinely equivalent to a Riemannian metric g. In this case, F and g have the same holonomy group at any point p∈M (see proposition 4.3.3 of [5]). Now the main aim Theorem 2.4. Let (M,F) be a globally symmetric Finsler space. Then (M,F) is a Berwald space. Furthermore, the connection of F coincides with the Levi-civita connection of a Riemannian metric g such that (M,g) is a Riemannian globally symmetric space. Proof. We first prove F is Beraldian. By Theorem 2.1, there exists a Riemannian symmetricpair(G,K)suchthatM isdiffeomorphictoG/K andF isinvariantun- derG. FixaG-invariantRiemannianmetricg onG/K. Withoutlosinggenerality, we can assume that (G,K) is effective (see [11] page 213). Since being a Berwald space is a local property, we can assume further that G/K is simple connected. Then we have a decomposition (page 244 of [11]): G/K =E×G /K ×G /K ×...×G /K , 1 1 2 2 n n where E is a Euclideanspace, G /K aresimply connectedirreducible Riemannian i i globallysymmetricspaces,i=1,2,...,n. Nowwedeterminetheholonomygroupsof gattheoriginofG/K. AccordingtothedeRhamdecompositiontheorem([2]),itis equalto the productofthe holonomygroupsofE andG /K atthe origin. NowE i i has trivialholonomy group. For G /K , by the holonomytheorem of Ambrose and i i Singer([12],page231,itshows,foranyconnection,howthecurvatureformgenerats the holonomy group), we know that the lie algebra η of the holonomy group H i i is spanned by the linear mappings of the form {τ−1R (X,Y)τ}, where τ denotes 0 anypiecewise smoothcurvestartingfromo, τ deneotesparalleledisplacements (with respect to the restricted Riemannian metric)ea long τ, τ−1 is the inverse of τ, R 0 is the curvature tensor of G /K of the restricted Rieemeannian metric and Xe,Y ∈ i i 4 R.CHAVOSHKHATAMY,R.ESMAILI T (G /K ). Since G /K is a globally symmetric space, the curvature tensor is 0 i i i i invariant under parallel displacements (page 201 of [10],[11]). So η =span{R (X,Y)|X,Y ∈T (G /K )}, i 0 0 i i (see page 243 of [7], [11]). On the other hand, Since G is a semisimple group. We know that the Lie algebra i ∗ of K =Ad(K )≃K is also equal to the span of R (X,Y) ([11]). The groups H , i i 0 i ∗ K are connected (because G /K is simply connected) ([10] and [11]). Hence we i i i ∗ have H =K . Consequently the holonomy group H of G/K at the origin is i i 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ K ×K ×...×K 1 2 n NowF definesaMinkowskinormF onT (G/K)whichisinvariantbyH ([2]). By 0 0 0 proposition2.2,wecanconstructaFinslermetricF¯onG/K byparalleltranslations of g. By proposition 2.3, F¯ is Berwaldian. Now for any point p = aK ∈ G/K, 0 there exists a geodesic of the Riemannian manifold (G/K,g), say γ(t) such that γ(0)=0,γ(1)=p . Suppose the initialvectorofγ is X andtakeX ∈p suchthat 0 0 dπ(X)=X . Thenitisknownthatγ(t)=exptX.p anddτ(exptX)istheparallel 0 0 translate of (G/K,g) along γ ([11] and [7], page 208). Since F is G- invariant, it is invariant under this parallel translate. This means that F and F¯ concede at T (G/K). Consequently they concide everywhere. Thus F is a Berwald metric. p0 For the next assertion, we use a result of Szabo’ ([2], page 278) which asserts that for any Berwald metric on M there exists a Riemannian metric with the same connection. Wehaveprovedthat(M,F)isaBerwaldspace. Thereforethereexists a Riemannian metric g on M with the same connection as F. In [11], we showed 1 that the connection of a globally symmetric Berwaldspace is affine symmetric. So (M,F) is a Riemannian globally symmetric space ([7], [11]). (cid:3) From the proof of theorem 2.4, we have the following corollary. Corollary2.5. Let(G/K,F)beagloballysymmetricFinslerspaceandg =ℓ+pbe the corresponding decomposition of the Lie algebras. Let π be the natural mapping of G onto G/K. Then (dπ) maps p isomorphically onto the tangent space of G/K e at p = eK. If X ∈ p, then the geodesic emanating from p with initial tangent 0 0 vector (dπ) X is given by e γ (t)=exptX.p . dπ.X 0 Furthermore, if y ∈T (G/K), then (dexptX) (Y) is the parallel of Y along the p0 p0 geodesic (see [11], [7] proof of theorem 3.3). Example2.6. LetG K ,G K betwosymmetriccosetspaceswithK ,K com- 1 1 2 2 1 2 (cid:14) (cid:14) pact (in this coset, they are Riemannian symmetric spaces) and g ,g be invariant 1 2 ON GLOBALLY SYMMETRIC FINSLER SPACES 5 Riemannian metric on G K , G K , respectively. Let M = G K ×G K 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) and O ,O be the origin of G K ,G K , respectively and denote O = (O ,O ) 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 (cid:14) (cid:14) (the origin of M). Now for y = y +y ∈ T (M) = T (G K )+T (G K ), 1 2 O O1 1(cid:14) 1 O2 2(cid:14) 2 we define F(y)=qg1(y1,y2)+g2(y1,y2)+ps g1(y1,y2)s+g2(y1,y2)s, where s is any integer ≥ 2. Then F(y) is a Minkowski norm on T (M) which is O invariant under K ×K ([4]). 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