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On Galois overings and tilting modules ∗† Patri k Le Meur 7 February 2, 2008 0 0 2 n Abstra t a A k T J Let be a basi onne ted (cid:28)nite dimensional algebra over an algebrai ally losed (cid:28)eld . Let be A G 2 a basi tilting -modulewith arbitrary (cid:28)niteprojAe tive dimensioGn. For a (cid:28)xed group we omparethe 1 set of iso lasses of onne ted Galois overings of with group and th→−e set of iso lasses of onne ted End (T) G K Galois overings of A with group . Using the Hasse diagram A (see [17℄ and [23℄) of basi A T ] tilting -modules, we give su(cid:30) ient onditions on under whi h there is a bije tion between these two T A sets (these onditions are always veri(cid:28)ed when is of (cid:28)nite representation type). Then we apply these R A EndA(T) results to studywhenthesimple onne tednessof impliestheone of (see [5℄). Finally, using . h an argument due to W. Crawley-Boevey, we prove that the type of any simply onne ted tilted algebra t is a tree and that its (cid:28)rst Ho hs hild ohomology group vanishes a m Introdu tion [ k A k 4 Let be an algebrai ally losed (cid:28)eld and let be a (cid:28)nite dimensional -algebra. In order to study the mod(A) A A v ategory of (cid:28)nite dimensional (left) -modules we may assume that is basi and onne ted. mod(A) T 7 In the study of , tilting theory has proved to be a powerful tool. Indeed, if is a basi tilting A B = End (T) A B 4 -module and if we set A , then and have many ommon properties: Brenner-Butler mod(A) mod(B) 6 Theorem establishes an equivalen e between ertain sub ategories of and (see [10℄, [16℄ 9 A B and[21℄), and haveequivalentderived ategories (see[14℄) and(inparti ular) theyhaveisomorphi 0 Grothendie k groups and isomorphi Ho hs hild ohomologies. In this text we will study the following 6 A B problem relating and : 0 A B (P ) / is it possible to ompare the Galois overings of and those of ? 1 h A=kQ Q T at Asanexample,if x Qwith a(cid:28)niteBqu=ivkeQrw′ ithoutQor′iented y leandifQ isanAPR-tiltingmodule m asso iatedtxoasink of (sQee[6℄)Qth′en where isobtainedfrom byreverAsingallthearrows endings at . In parti ular and have the same underlying graph and therefore has a onne ted G B : v Galois overing with group if and only if the sameholAds for . A k i Re all that in order to onsider Galois overings of we always onsider as a - ategory. When X C →A mod(A) C isaGalois overing,itispossibletodes ribepartof intermsof -modules(seeforexample mod(C) mod(A) C r [9℄and[12℄). Thisdes riptionisusefulbe ause iseasiertostudythan ,espe iallywhen a A issimply onne ted(thislastsituationmayo urwhen isof(cid:28)niterepresentationtype,see[12℄). Noti e that simple onne tedness and tilting theory have already been studied together through the following onje ture formulated in [5℄: A =⇒ B (P ) 2 is simply onne ted is simply onne ted A T More pre isely, the above impli ation is true if: is of (cid:28)nite representation type and is of proje tive A=kQ Q B dimensionat mostone(see [2℄),or if: (with a quiver)and istame(see [5℄,see also [3℄for a (P ) (P ) A 1 2 generalisationtothe aseofquasi-tiltedalgebras). Thetwoproblems and arerelatedbe ause C →A C issimply onne ted if and onlyif thereisnoproper Galois overing with onne tedandlo ally bounded (see [19℄). (P ) T 1 In order to study the question we will exhibit su(cid:30) ient onditions for to be of the (cid:28)rst kind F C −→ A T F w.r.t. a (cid:28)xed Galois overing . Indeed, if is of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. , then it is possible to B T onstru t a Galois overing of . Under additional hypotheses on ,theequivalen e lass of this Galois ∗ adress: DépartementdeMathématiques,E olenormalesupérieuredeCa han,61avenueduprésidentWilson,94235Ca han, Fra†n e e-mail: plemeurdptmaths.ens- a han.fr 1 F Fo:veCri→ngAis uniqFu′e:lyC′d→eteArmined by the equivalen e lass of . Here we say that two Galokis overings and areequivalentif andonlyifthereexistsa ommutativesquareof - ategories k and -linear fun tors: C ∼ // C′ F F′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) A ∼ // A wherehorizontalarrowsareisomorphismsandwherethebottomhorizontalarrowrestri tstotheidentity A A B map on the set of obje ts of . For simpli ity, let us say that and have the same onne ted Galois G Gal (G) Gal (G) Gal (G) A B A overingswithgroup ifthereexistsabije tionbetweenthesets and where Gal (G) C →A C →B B (resp. ) stands for the set of equivalen e lasses of Galois overings (resp. ) with G C group andwith onne tedandlo allybounded. Withthisde(cid:28)nition,weprovethefollowingtheorem (P ) 1 whi h is themainresult of this textand whi h partially answers : T A B =End (T) G A Theorem 1. Let be a basi tilting -module, let and let be group. →− →− T′ ∈ K K T End (T) End (T′) A A A A 1. If lies in the onne ted omponent of ontaining , then and G have the same onne ted Galois overings with group . →− T K A DA A B A 2. If lies in the onne ted omponent of ontaining or , then and have the same G onne ted Galois overings with group . →− K A A B A In parti ular, if is onne ted (whi h happens when is of (cid:28)nite representation type) then and G G have the same onne ted Galois overings with group , for any group . →− K T A A A Here is the Hasse diagram asso iated with the poset of basi tilting -modules (see [17℄ and A A [23℄). Re all(see[12℄)thatwhen isof(cid:28)niterepresentationtype, admitsa onne tedGalois overing G G π (A) 1 with group if and only if is a fa tor groupof thefundamental group of theAuslander-Reiten A A B quiver of with its mesh relations. Theorem 1 allows us to get the following orollary when and are of (cid:28)niterepresentation type. We thankIbrahimAssemfor having pointedoutthis orollary. T A B = End (T) A B A Corollary 1. Let be a basi tilting -module and let . If both and are of (cid:28)nite A B representation type, then and have isomorphi fundamental groups. (P ) 2 Theorem 1 also allows us to prove thefollowing orollary related to . T A B=End (T) A Corollary 2. (see [2℄ and [3℄) Let be a basi tilting -module and let . →− →− T′ ∈ K K T End (T) A A A 1. If lieEsnindth(eT ′o)nne ted omponentof ontaining ,then: issimply onne ted A if and only if is simply onne ted. →− T K A DA A A 2. If liesin the onne ted omponent of ontaining or then: issimply onne ted ifand B only if is simply onne ted. →− K A A A In parti ular, f is onne ted (e.g. is of (cid:28)nite representation type, see [17℄), then: is simply B onne ted if and only if is simply onne ted. →− K A A Theorem1usestheHassediagram →−inordertoprove(inparti ular)thatabasi tilting -module K A lyinginaspe i(cid:28) onne ted omponentof isofthe(cid:28)rstkindw.r.t. agiven onne tedGalois overing A A of . OMn the other hand, aEnxta1rg(Mum,eMnt)d=ue0to W. Crawley-Boevey (see [13℄) proves that any rAigid - module (i.e. su h that A ) is of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. any Galois overing of with Z car(k)=0 Z/pZ car(k)=p p group if (resp. if , prime). Using this argumentwe are able to prove the (P ) 2 following proposition. Itgivesapartialanswer to andtoA.Skwro«ski'squestionin[24, Problem1℄ wetheritistruethatatriangularalgebraissimply onne tedifandonlyifits(cid:28)rstHo hs hild ohomology group vanishes. A = kQ Q T Proposition 1. (see [3℄, [5℄) Assume that with a quiver without oriented y le. Let be a A B=End (T) B Q A basi tilting -moduleandlet (hen e, istiltedoftype ). Thenthefollowingimpli ation holds: B =⇒ Q HH1(B)=0 is simply onne ted is a tree and B B Re all thatthe impli ation of Proposition 1 has beenprovedin [5℄ for tametilted and in [3℄ for tamequasi-tilted. The text is organised as follows. In Se tion 1 we will give the de(cid:28)nition of all the notions mentioned aboveandwhi hwillbeusedfortheproofofFT′heoBrem1. InSe tion2wewilldetailtFhe: Con→strAu tioAnand give some properties of the Galois overing of starting from a Galois overing of and 2 A T A aTba1si Ttilting -module . In thisFstudy, we will introdFu′ e the fol2lowingChypotheseFs.oTn the -module T: ) is of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. (this ensures thatF′ exists), ) theF-module ob3taψin.eNd ≃froNm by restri ting the s alaNrs is bTasi (this ensures that is ψo:nAne −∼→tedAif is onne ted) ) for any dire t summand of and for any automorphismF′ whi h restri ts to the identity map on obje ts (this ensures that the equivalen e lass of does depend only on the equivalen e lass F of ). These three hypotheses la k of simpli ity, therefore, Se tion 3 is devoted to (cid:28)nd simple su(cid:30) ient A T onditionsforthebasi tilting -modu→−le toverifythese. Inparti ular,wewillprovethatthe ondition T K A A (cid:16) lies in the onne ted omponent of ontaining (cid:17) (cid:28)ts ourrequirements. Sin eourmainobje tive A is to establish a orresponden e between the equivalen e lasses of the onne ted Galois overin→−gs of B T K A →a−nd those of , we will need to (cid:28)nd onditions for to lie in both onne ted omponents of and K A B T B B ontaining and respe tively (re all that →−is also a→−basi tilting -module). This will be done K K in Se tion4 where we→− omparetheHasse diagrams A and B. Inparti ular, we will prove thatth→−ere K A T K A B is an oriented path in starting at and ending at if and only if there is an oriented path in B T starting at and ending at . This equivalen e will be used in Se tion 5 in order to prove Theorem 1, Corollary 1 and Corollary 2. Finally, in Se tion 6, we prove Proposition 1. Iwouldliketoa knowledgeEduardoN.Mar osforhisstimulatingremarks on erningtheimpli ation (P ) 2 during theCIMPA s hool Homologi al methods and representations of non- ommutative algebras in Mar del Plata, Argentina (February2006). 1 Basi de(cid:28)nitions and preparatory lemmata k k C Reminder on - ategories (see [9℄ for more details). A - ategory is small ategory su h that for x,y∈Ob(C) C x y k y x any theset ofmorphismsfrom to isa -ve torspa e andsu hthatthe omposition C k k C of morphisms in is -bilinear. A - ategory is alled onne ted if and only if there is no non trivial Ob(C)=E⊔F C = C =0 x∈E,y∈F y x x y partition sku h that for anyk F. : E → B F′: E′ → B All fun tors bketween - ategorieFs are Fsu′pposed to be -linear. If and are fun torsbetween - ategories, then and are alledequivalentifthereexistsa ommutativediagram: E ∼ //E′ F F′ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) B ∼ //B wherehorizontalarrowsareisomorphismsandwherethebottomhorizontalarrowrestri tstotheidentity Ob(B) k k C mapon . A lo ally bounded - ategory is a - ategory verifyingthe following onditions: C . distin tobje ts in are not isomorphi , x∈Ob(C) k C C . for any ,the -ve torspa es y∈Ob(C) y x and y∈Ob(C) x y are (cid:28)nite dimensional, L L x∈Ob(C) k C x x . for any ,the -algebra is lo al. A k A For example, let be a basi (cid:28)nite dimensional -algebra (basi means that is the dire t sum of A {e ,...,e } 1 n pairwise non-isomorphi inde omposable proje tive -modules)and let bea ompleteset of A k pairwise orthogonal primitive idempotents. Then an be viewed as a lo ally bounded - ategory as e ,...,e A e e e Ae i,j 1 n i j j i follows: aretheobje tsof ,thespa eofmorphismsfrom to isequalto forany A and the omposition of morphismsis indu ed by the produ t in . Noti e that di(cid:27)erent hoi es for the e ,...,e k 1 n primitiveidempotents giverisetoisomorphi - ategories. Inthistextweshallalways onsider A k su h an algebra as a lo ally bounded - ategory. k C k C k M: C → Modules over - ategories. If is a - ategory, a (left) -module is a -linear fun tor MOD(k) MOD(k) k C M → N where is the ategory of -ve tor spa es. A morphism of -modules is a k C MOD(C) -linear natural transformation of fun tors. The ategory of -modulesis denotedby . C M M(x) A -module is alled lo ally (cid:28)nite dimensional (resp. (cid:28)nite dimensional) if and only if is x∈Ob(C) M(x) (cid:28)nitedimensionalforany (resp. x∈Ob(C) is(cid:28)nitedimensional). The ategoryoflo ally LC Mod(C) mod(C) (cid:28)nite dimensional (resp. (cid:28)nite dimensional) -modules is denoted by (resp. ). Noti e C =A Mod(C)=mod(C) thatif as above, then . IND(C) Ind(C) ind(C) MOD(C) We shall write (resp. , resp. ) for the full sub ategory of (resp. of Mod(C) mod(C) C M =N ... N N ∈ind(C) 1 t i ,resp. of )ofinde omposable -modules. Finally,if with i M N1,...,Nt L L for any , then is alled basi if and only if are pairwise non isomorphi . 3 A k A Tilting modules. Let be a basi (cid:28)nite dimensional -algebra. A tilting -module (see [10℄, [16℄ T ∈mod(A) and [21℄) is a module verifying thefollowing onditions: (T1) T pd (T)<∞ A has (cid:28)niteproje tive dimension (i.e. ), (T2) Exti (T,T)=0 i>0 T A for any (i.e. is selforthogonal), (T3) mod(A) 0→A→T →...→T →0 T ,...,T ∈add(T) 1 r 1 r thereisanexa tsequen e in : with (this T ,...,T T 1 r last propertymeansthat are dire tsums of dire tsummandsof ). (T1) (T2) A module whi h satis(cid:28)es onditions and above is alled an ex eptional module. Assume that T A T End (T) f.t = f(t) A is a tilting -module. Then, is also a tilting -module for the following a tion: f ∈End (T) t∈T T A A for and . Assume moreover that is basi as an -module and (cid:28)x a de omposition T =T ⊕...⊕T T ,...,T ∈ind(A) End (T) 1 n 1 n A with . This de(cid:28)nesa de omposition oftheunitof into a B :=End (T) k A sumofprimitivepairwise orthogonalidempotentssothat isalo allybounded - ategory {T ,...,T } i,j B as follows: the set of obje ts is 1 n and for any the spa e of morphisms Tj Ti is equal to Hom (T ,T ) x∈Ob(A) T(x) B A i j . For any , is aninde omposable -module: B → MOD(k) T ∈Ob(B) 7→ T (x) i i u∈ B 7→ T (x)−u−→x T (x) Tj Ti i j T = T(x) k and x∈Ob(A) . Finally, thefollowing fun tor is an isomorphismof - ategories: L ρ : A −→ End (T) A B x∈Ob(A) 7−→ T(x)∈Ob(End (T)) B T(u) u∈ A 7−→ T(x)−−−→T(y) y x End (T) A For more details on the above properties and for a more general study of , we refer the reader to [10℄, [14℄, [16℄ and [21℄. T A T A A Let bethesetofbasi tilting -modulesuTp∈toTisomorphism. Then isendowedwTit⊥hapTartialorder A introdu edin [23℄ and de(cid:28)nedas follows. If , theright perpendi ular ategory of is de(cid:28)ned by(see [7℄): T⊥ ={X ∈mod(A) | (∀i>1) Exti (T,X)=0} A ′ T′ ∈T T 6 T′ T⊥ ⊆ T ⊥ If A is another basi tilting module, we write provided that . In parti ul→−ar, we T 6A T ∈T K A A have forany . In→−[17℄,D.HappelandL.UngerhaveprovedthattheHassed→−iagram of T K T T →T′ K A A A A Tis=asXfollowTs. TheXve∈rtii neds(iAn) T′a=reYtheeTlementsYin∈inda(nAd)thereisanarrow in ifandonly if: u vwith , with andthereexistsanonsplitexa tsequen e 0 → X −→LM −→ Y → 0 mod(A) LM ∈ add(T) u v in with . In su h a→−situation, (resp. ) is the left (resp. add(T) X Y K A right) -approximationof (resp. ). Formoredetailson ,wereferthereaderto[17℄and[18℄. k G G k E Galois overingsof - ategories. Let beagroup. Afree - ategoryisa - ategory endowed G→Aut(E) G Ob(E) with amorphismofgroups su hthattheindu eda tion of on isfree. Inthis ase, E →E/G E G k there exists a (unique)quotient of by in the ategory of - ategories. With this property, B G F: E →B aGalois overingof withgroup isbyde(cid:28)nitionafun tor endowedwithagroupmorphism G→Aut(F)={g∈Aut(E)|F ◦g=F} and verifying thefollowing fa ts: G→Aut(F)֒→Aut(E) E G . thegroup morphism endows with a stru ture of free - ategory, F E/G−→B F . thefun tor indu edby is an isomorphism. G→Aut(F) This de(cid:28)nition implies that thEe group morphism isxon∈e-Otob(-oBn)e (a tualFly−o1n(xe) an show that this is an isomorphismFwhenx is onne tFed−)1.(FM(oxr)e)o=verGf.oxr any x∈Ob(Eth)e set is non empty and alled the(cid:28)ber of at . It veri(cid:28)es for any . Were allthatGalois overingsareparti ular asesof overingfun tors(see[9℄). A overingfun tor k F: E → B x,y ∈ E F 0 is a -linear fun tor su h that for any , the following mappings indu ed by are bije tive: y′Ex→ F(y)BF(x) yEx′ → F(y)BF(x) and y′∈FM−1(F(y)) x′∈FM−1(F(x)) Remarkthata overingfun toris notsupposedto restri t to a surje tive mappingonobje ts. However, k a overing fun tor is an isomorphism of - ategories if and only if it restri ts to a bije tive mapping on obje ts. Using basi linear algebra argumentsit is easy to prove thefollowing useful lemma: 4 p,q k q◦p p,q q◦p Lemma 1.1. Let be -linear fun tors su h that the omposition is de(cid:28)ned. Then and are overing fun tors as soon as two of them are so. F: E →B G B E If isaGalois overingwithgroup andwith onne tedthen neednotbe onne ted. In E = E E E i i i su ha ase, if wherethe 'sarethe onne ted omponentsof ,thenforea h ,thefollowing i‘∈I fun tor: F :E ֒→E →B i i is a Galois overing with group: G :={g∈G | g(Ob(E ))∩Ob(E )6=∅}={g∈G| g(Ob(E ))=Ob(E )} i i i i i i,j ∈ I G G G i j Moreover, if then the groups and are onjugated in and there exists a ommutative diagram: Ei? ∼ //Ej ?? (cid:127)(cid:127) ? (cid:127) ? (cid:127) Fi ??(cid:31)(cid:31) (cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127) Fj B G {E |i∈I} i wherethehorizontalarrowisanisomorphism. Thisimpliesthat a tstransitivelyontheset E B of the onne ted omponentsof . Noti e thatall these fa ts maybe false if is not onne ted. B Two Galois overingsof are alledequivalentifandonlyif theyareisomorphi as fun torsbetween k - ategories (see above, this implies thatthe groups of the Galois overings are isomorphi ). The equiv- F [F] alen e lass of a Galois overing will be denoted by . Finally, we shall say for short that a Galois E →B E B overing is onne ted if and only if is onne ted and lo ally bounded(this impliesthat is onne ted and lo ally bounded,see [12, 1.2℄). k B k Simply onne ted lo ally bounded - ategories. Let be a lo ally bounded - ategory. Then B B is alled simply onne ted if and only if there is no proper onne ted Galois overing of (proper meanswithnontrivialgroup). Thisde(cid:28)nitionisequivalenttotheoriginalone(see[20℄forthetriangular B ase and [19, Prop. 4.1℄ for the non-triangular ase) whi h was introdu ed in [1℄: is simply onne ted π (Q ,I)=1 kQ /I ≃B B 1 B B ifandonlyif foranyadmissiblepresentation of (see[20℄forthede(cid:28)nitionof π (Q ,I) 1 B ). F:E →B Basi notions on overing te hniques(see [9℄ and[22℄). Let bea Galois overingwith G G E G MOD(E) M ∈MOD(E) g∈G ggMrou:p= F. ◦Tgh−e1 ∈-aM tiOonDo(nE) gives risetoFana tion of on : ifF : MOD(E) →anMdOD(B), then λ . Moreover, de(cid:28)nes two additive fun tors (the F.: MOD(B) → MOD(E) push-down fun tor) and (the pull-up fun tor) with the following properties (for more details we refer thereader to [9℄): F.M =M◦F M ∈MOD(B) . for any , . if M ∈ MOD(E), then (FλM)(x) = x′∈F−1(x)M(x′) for any x ∈ Ob(B). If u ∈ yEx, then the (F M)(F(u)) M(g.x)L g.x∈F−1(F(x))=G.x M(g.u): M(g.x)→ λ restri tion of to (for )isequalto M(g.y) , F F. λ . and are exa tand sendproje tive modules to proje tive modules, F E ≃ B F.B ≃ E E B E x 7→ E . λ g∈G and , where (resp. ) is the -module y∈Ob(E) y x (resp. the B-moduLle x7→ y∈Ob(B) yBx), L F.F = LgId . λ g∈G MOD(E) X ∈MLOD(B) X ≃F Y Y ∈MOD(E) F F.X ≃ X . if veri(cid:28)es λ for some , then λ g∈G , F (mod(E))⊆mod(B) F (Mod(E))⊆Mod(B) F.(Mod(B))⊆Mod(E) L λ λ . , , , D◦F.=F.◦D D◦F ≃F ◦D D=Hom (?,k) λ|mod(E) λ |mod(E) k . and where is theusual duality, F F. λ . is left adjoint to , D◦F ◦D F. Hom (F.M,N)≃ λ E . isrightadjointto (inparti ular, thereisa fun torialisomorphism Hom (M,F N) M ∈MOD(B) N ∈mod(E) B λ for any and any ). M,N ∈MOD(E) F λ . for any , thefollowing mappingsindu edby are bije tive: Hom (gM,N)→Hom (F M,F N) Hom (M, gN)→Hom (F M,F N) E B λ λ E B λ λ and gM∈G gM∈G 5 These properties give the following result whi h will be usedmanytimes in this text: M ∈MOD(E) M ∈MOD(B) F M λ Lemma1.2. If (resp. ) has(cid:28)niteproje tive dimension,thensodoes F.(M) (resp. ). M ∈MOD(E) N ∈MOD(B) j >1 Let , and . There is an isomorphism of ve tor spa es: Extj(F M,N)≃Extj(M,F.N) B λ E M ∈mod(E) Moreover, if then there is an isomorphism of ve tor spa es: Extj(F.N,M)≃Extj(N,F N) E B λ F. F λ Proof: The (cid:28)rst assertion is due to the fa t that and are exa t and send proje tive modules F. F F.: D(MOD(B)) → D(MOD(E)) λ to proje tive modules. For the same reasons, and indu e and F : D(MOD(E)) → D(MOD(B)) (F ,F.) (F.,F ) λ λ λ respe tively and the adjun tions and Exatjt(tXh,eYle)v=el of module ategories give rise to adjun tions at the level of derived ategories. Sin e E Hom (Y,X[j]) (cid:4) D(MOD(E)) we get theannoun ed isomorphisms. k F Remark that an isomorphism of - ategories is a parti ular ase of Galois overing. When is an F. F λ isomorphism, and haveadditional properties as shows thefollowing lemmawhose proof isa dire t onsequen e of thede(cid:28)nition of thepush-down and pull-upfun tors. F: E → B k F.F = Id λ MOD(E) Lemma 1.3. Assume that is an isomorphism of - ategories. Then and F F.=Id λ MOD(B) . F: E → B G B M Modules of the (cid:28)rst kind. Let be a Galois overing with group . A -module is F N M alledofthe(cid:28)rstkindw.r.t. ifandonlyifforanyinde omposabledire tsummand of thereexists N ∈MOD(E) N ≃F N ind (B) mod (B) λ 1 1 su h that . We will denote by (resp. ) the full sub ategory of ind(B) mod(B) F ind (B) b (resp. of )ofmodulbesofthe(cid:28)rstkindw.r.t. . Noti ethefollowingpropertiesof 1 : M ∈ind (B) N ∈MOD(E) M ≃F N N ∈ind(E) 1 λ . if and verify , then , M ∈ind (B) N,N′ ∈MOD(E) M ≃F N ≃F N′ g∈G 1 λ λ . Nif′ ≃ gN and verify , thenthere exists su h that . B E = E E E If is onne ted and if i∈I i, where the i's are the onne ted omponents of , then an B M ‘ F inde omposable -module is of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. if and only if it is of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. F : E ֒→ E → B i ∈ I i i for any . More pre isely, we have the following well know lemma where we keep theestablished notations. M ∈ind(B) M ∈ind(E) F M ≃M i∈I λ Lemma 1.4. Let . If is su h that , then there is a unique su h M ∈ind(E ) M ≃(F ) M j ∈I g∈G that i . In su h a ase, wce have i λ . Morecover, if then there exists su h g(E )=E g gM ∈ind(E ) (F ) gM ≃M that c i j, and for any su h we have: c j and j λ . c c A k n Throughout this text will denote a basi and onne ted (cid:28)nite dimensional -algebra and will K (A) 0 denote therankof its Grothendie k group . 2 Galois overings asso iated with modules of the (cid:28)rst kind Throughout this se tion we will use thefollowing data: F: C →A G - a Galois overing with group T = T ... T ∈ mod(A) T ∈ ind(A) A 1 n i - (with ) a basi tilting -module of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. F L L , λ : F (T )→T T ∈ind(C) i∈{1,...,n} i λ i i i - an isomorphism with ,for every . B=EndbA(T) b Let . With these data, we wish to: F G B 1. onstru ta Galois overing Ti,λi with group of , b F T λ F 2. studythedependen eoftheequivalen e lass of Ti,λi onthedata i, i andonthe hoi eof in [F] b its equivalen e lass , b T B 3. repeatthe onstru tion madeat the(cid:28)rststepstartingfrom (viewedas a basi tilting -module) F End (T) andtheGalois overing Ti,λi. ThiswillgiveaGalois overingof B whi hwillbe ompared F b ρ : A−∼→End (T) A B with using theisomorphism . 6 F b 2.1 Constru tion of the Galois overing Ti,λi End ( gT ) k Let C g,i i be the following - ategory: L b { gT | g∈G, i∈{1,...,n}} gT g′T i i j . th(ei,sget)6=of(ojb,jge′ )ts is ( and are onsidered as di(cid:27)erent obje ts if ), b b b gT hT Hom (gT , hT ) i j C i j . thespa e of morphismsfrom to is equal to , b b b mobd(C) . the omposition is indu edbythe omposition of morphismsin . C gT F.T Remark 2.1. 1. The -modules g,i i and are isomorphi . L G C b k End ( gT ) 2. If is a (cid:28)nite group, then is a (cid:28)nite dimensional -algebra. In parti ular, C g,i i and EndC(F.T) are isomorphi k-algebras. L b G mod(C) End ( gT ) G 3. The -a tion on naturally endows C g,i i with a stru ture of free - ategory. L End ( gT ) G = 1b i 4. C i,g i is lo ally bounded if and only if Ti for any . This is equivalent to say that F.T L C b is a basi b -module. λ ,...,λ 1 n The isomorphisms de(cid:28)nethefollowing fun tor: F : End ( gT ) −→ B Ti,λi C g,i i b LgT 7−→ T i b i gT −→ub hT 7−→ T −λ−j−−F−λ−u−−λ−−i→1 T i j i j b b F : End ( gT )→B G Lemma 2.2. The fun tor Ti,λi C i,g i is a Galois overing with group . b L C′ Enbd ( gT ) F′: C′ → B F Proof: For simpli ity, we shall write for C i,g i and for Ti,λi. Re all (see G C′ L F′◦g=F′ Fb′ F′ Remark2.1)that a tsfreelyon . Moreover,wehave b by onstru tionof . So, de(cid:28)nes k k a ommutativediagram of - ategories and -linear fun tors: C′ ⋆ CC ( ) CCCF′ C C (cid:15)(cid:15) C!! C′/G //B F′ C′ → C′/G F λ WherFe′ is the quotient funC ′t→or.CF′/rGom the properties veri(cid:28)ed by (see Se tion 1) wFe′infer that is a overing fun tor. Sin e is a also overing fun tor we dedu e that so is (see F′ Ob(C′)/G={gT | g∈G, i∈{1,...,n}}/G→ i OLebm(Bm)a=1.{1T).,F..in.a,Tlly,} rFes′tri ts to a bije tive mappinFg′ G (cid:4) 1 n so is an isomorphism. Thus, is a Galois ovebring with group . F End ( gT ) Sin e Ti,λi isaGalois overing,itisnaturaltoaskwhether C i,g i is onne tedornot. The b L following lemma partially answers this question. b C End ( gT ) Lemma 2.3. If is not onne ted, then C i,g i is not onne ted. L C′ End ( bgT ) C Proof: For simpli ity let us write for C i,g i . Assume that is not onne ted and let C = x∈ICx wheretheCx'sarethe onne ted omLponentbsof C. Fori∈{1,...,n}, we haveTi∈ind(C), ‘ x ∈I T ∈ind(C ) so there exists a unique i su h that i xi . Let us set: b G b={g∈G| g(C )=C } x1 x1 x1 i∈{1,...,n} G {C | x∈I} g ∈G g (C )=C Let , sin e a ts transitively on x , there exists i su h that i x1 xi g ∈G (in parti ular 1 x1). Therefore: (∀i∈{1,...,n}) gi−1Ti ∈mod(Cx1) O C′ b Let us set to be thefollowing set of obje ts of : O:={gT | i∈{1,...,n} gg ∈G }⊆Ob(C′) i and i x1 O b Remarkthat satis(cid:28)es thefollowing: 7 O6=∅ T ∈O 1 . be ause . . Sin e C is not bonne ted and sin e G a ts transitively on {Cx | x ∈ I} we have Gx1 ( G. Let g∈G\G gg 6∈G gT 6∈O O(Ob(C) x1, then 1 x1 and 1 . Hen e . . For anygTi ∈Ob(C′), wCe′ havegTib∈O if and oOnly if gTi ∈ind(Cx1O).bA(Cs′)a\O onsequen e, thereis no non zero mborphismin betweenban obje t in and abn obje t in . C′ (cid:4) As a onsequen e, is not onne ted. b F F,T ,λ 2.2 Independen e of the equivalen e lass of Tbi,λi on the data i i [F ] F Inthetwofollowing lemmas,weexaminethedependen eoftheequivalen e lass Ti,λi of Ti,λi onthe T ,...,T ,λ ,...,λ F [F] b b 1 n 1 n hoi e of and on the hoi e of in its equivalen e lass . b b i ∈ {1,...,n} µi: FλTi → Ti Ti ∈ ind(C) Lemma 2.4. For ea h , let be an isomorphism with . Then F F Ti,λi and Ti,µi are equivalent. b Proof: We need to exhibit a ommutativesquare: EndC( i,g gTi) ϕ // EndC( i,g gTi) (⋆) L L F F b Ti,µi Ti,λi B(cid:15)(cid:15) ψ //B(cid:15)(cid:15) b ϕ,ψ ψ(x)=x x∈Ob(B)={T ,...,T } i∈{1,...,n} 1 n where FλaTrei ≃isoTmio≃rpFhλisTmis and where for any θi: Ti −∼→ giTi gi ∈.GLet ϕ. We have , so there exists an isomorphism with . Let us de(cid:28)ne by: ϕb: End ( gT ) −→ End ( gTb) C i,g i C i,g i LgTi 7−→ gLgiTi b gTi −→u hTj 7−→ ggiTi−−h−θj−−u−−bg−θi−−→1 hgjTj ϕ k θ b b F θ : F T → F T i λ i λ i λ i Then is an isomorphism of - ategories. Noti e that de(cid:28)nes an isomorphism . ψ So we an de(cid:28)ne by: b ψ: B −→ B T 7−→ T i i u T −→T 7−→ ψ(u) i j ψ(u) where is the omposition: T −λ−−i−→1 F T −F−λ−θ−i−→1 F T −µ→i T −→u T −µ−−j−→1 F T −F−λ−θ→j F T −λ→j T i λ i λ i i j λ j λ j j ψ kb Obb(B) ϕ ψ So isanisomorphismof - ategories whi h restri ts to theidentitymapon . Moreover and (⋆) (cid:4) make ommutative. T In the following lemma, we show that, under additional hypotheses on , the equivalen e lass of F F [F] Ti,λi does notdependonthe hoi e of in . b F′: C′ →A G F Lemma 2.5. Assume that is a Galois overing (with group ) equivalent to and assume T that veri(cid:28)es the following ondition: H ψ.T ≃T i ψ: A−∼→A A,T i i ( ):(cid:17) for any and for any isomorphism whi h restri ts to the identity map on Ob(A) .(cid:17) T F′ i∈{1,...,n} µ : F′T →T TThe∈nindi(sC′o)f the (cid:28)rsFt′kind w.r.tF. . For ea h let i λ i i be an isomorphism with i . Then Ti,µi and Ti,λi are equivalent. b F F′ Proof: Let us (cid:28)xan isomorphism between and : C′ ϕ //C F′ F A(cid:15)(cid:15) ψ //A(cid:15)(cid:15) 8 ν: Aut(C′)→Aut(C) Aut(C′)=G Aut(C)= Letus set to betheisomorphismof groups(re all that and G ): ν: Aut(C′) → Aut(C) g 7→ ϕ◦g◦ϕ−1 g ∈Aut(C)=G g ∈Aut(C′)=G g MOD(C) ReM alOl Dth(aCt′)any (resp. )MdeO(cid:28)nDe(sCa′)n→auMtomOoDr(pAh)ism of (resp. of ). Therefore we have an equalityof fun tors : (∀g∈Aut(C′)) ϕ ◦g=ν(g)◦ϕ λ λ θ : ψ.T →T i T =ϕ.T ϕ T =T i i i i i λ i i Letus(cid:28)xanisomorpψhi.sψm=Id ,forea h ,andψlFet′u=sFseϕt . Inparti ular: (see Lemma1.3). Sin e λ MOD(A) (lo . it.) and ,we infebr that: b F′T =ψ.ψ F′T =ψF ϕ T =ψ.F T λ i λ λ i . λ λ i λ i i µ : F′T →T b Therefore, we get for ea h anisomorphism i λ i i equal to the omposition: µ : F′T =ψF T −ψ−.−λ→i ψT −θ→i T i λ i . λ i . i i T F′ b This proves that is of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. . A ording to the pre eding subse tion, this de(cid:28)nes the G Galois overing with group : FT′i,µi: EndC′( gTi)→B Mg,i F′ F Thanks to Lemma2.4 we only need to prove that Ti,µi and Ti,λi are equivalent. ϕλ b First, we have thefollowing fun tor indu edby : ϕ: EndC′( i,g gTi) −→ EndC( i,g gTi) gLT 7−→ ν(g)T L=ϕ gT i i λ bi gT −→u hT 7−→ ν(g)T −ϕ−λ−→u ν(h)T i j ib j ν: G→G bϕ ϕ.=Id b ϕ.ϕ =Id λ MOD(C) λ MOD(C) Sin e isanisomorphismandbe auseoftheequalities and ϕ (see Lemma1.3), thefun tor is an isomorphism. ψ λ Se ondly,we have the following fun tor indu edby : ψ: B −→ B T 7−→ T i i T −→u T 7−→ T −ψ−λ−(−θ−j−−1u−θ−i→) T i j i j ψ ψ.=ψ.ψ =Id ψ λ λ MOD(A) Sin e ,thefun tor isawellde(cid:28)nedisomorphismandrestri tstotheidentity Ob(B) map on . Therefore, we have a diagram whose horizontal arrows are isomorphisms and whose bottomhorizontal arrow restri ts to theidentitymapon theset of obje ts: EndC′( i,g gTi) ϕ // EndC( i,g gTi) L L F′ F b Ti,µi Ti,λi B(cid:15)(cid:15) ψ //B(cid:15)(cid:15) b gT −→u hT i j This diagram is ommutative,indeed, for any we have: ψF′ (u) = ψ(µ F′(u)µ−1)=ψ (θ−1µ F′(u)µ−1θ ) Ti,µi j λ i λ j j λ i i = ψ (θ−1θ ψ.(λ )F′(u)ψ.(λ )−1θ−1θ ) λ j j j λ i i i = λ (ψ F′)(u) λ−1 ψ ψ.=Id = λj (Fλϕλ)(u) λi−1 be ause Fλϕ=ψF′MOD(C) j λ λ i be ause = F (ϕ (u))=F ϕ(u) Ti,λi λ Ti,λi b b F′ F (cid:4) This proves that Ti,µi and Ti,λi are equivalent. b T A →− Later, we shall prove that if is a basi tilting -module lying in the onne ted omponent of K A H A A,T ontaining , then the hypothesis ( ) in the pre eding lemma is automati ally veri(cid:28)ed. As a A onsequen e,forthesetilting -modules,theproperty(cid:16)tobeofthe(cid:28)rstkindw.r.t. anequivalen e lassof A H A A,T Galois overingsof (cid:17) doesmakesense. However,thehypothesis( )isnotveri(cid:28)edforany -module T as the following exampleshows. 9 A Example 2.6. Let be the path algebra of the following quiver: 2 (cid:0)@@ >> (cid:0) > b (cid:0) >c (cid:0) > (cid:0) > (cid:0) > (cid:0) (cid:30)(cid:30) 1 //3 a n = 3 k ψ: A −∼→ A ψ(x) = x Here and we have an isomorphism of - ategories: su h that for any x∈Ob(A) ψ(a)=a+cb ψ(b)=b ψ(c)=c i T A i , , and . For any integer , let be the following -module: k (cid:0)@@ >> (cid:0) > 1(cid:0)(cid:0) >>1 (cid:0) > (cid:0) > (cid:0) (cid:30)(cid:30) k // k i Then: T T i i i+1 - and are not isomorphi , for any , car(k)6=2 T ,T ,T 1 2 3 - if , then are pairwise non isomorphi , ψ.T =T i i i+1 - for any . car(k)6=2 H T =T ⊕T ⊕T T A,T 1 2 3 In parti ular, if , thien hypothesEisxt(1(T ,T) i)s≃nokt satis(cid:28)edτfo(rT )≃T . Remark that is not tilting. Indeed, for any , we have A i i be ause A i i. Remark2.1,Lemma2.4 and Lemma2.5 justify the following de(cid:28)nition: H A,T De(cid:28)nition 2.7. Assume that the hypothesis ( ) is satis(cid:28)ed (see Lemma 2.5). The equivalen e lass [F] F A T =T ... T [F] T ∈ind(A) 1 n i of and the basi tilting -module of the (cid:28)rst kind w.r.t. (with ) L L B G F uniquely de(cid:28)ne an equivalen e lass of Galois overing of with group and whi h admits Ti,λi as a [F]T: EndC(F.T)→B b representative. This equivalen e lass will be denoted by . [F] ([F] ) 2.3 Comparison of and T T C′ End ( gT ) F′ F For short, let us write for C g,i i and for Ti,λi . In this subse tion we shall not assume that the hypothesis (HA,T)λof:LFemTLm−a∼→2T.5bisi∈sa{ti1s,(cid:28).e.d.,,nex} ebpt for the last proposition. Starting froFm′ F i λ i i aBndfromtheisomorphisms , ,wehavFe′ onstru tedtheGalois overing Fo′f′ .EOnndem(Ta)y≃tryAto perform thesambe onsFtr′u′ tionFstarting from in order to get a Galois oTvering B of Fa′nd eventually ompaLre: Ob(Aw)it→h O.bI(nC)this purpose, we need to prFov:eOtbh(aCt)→isOobf(Ath)e (cid:28)rstkindw.r.t. . Letus(cid:28)xalifting ofthesurje tive mapping . x∈Ob(A) T[(x) C′ For , let be the -modulesu h that: T[(x)(gT )=T (g−1L(x)) gT ∈Ob(C′) i i i - for any , T[(x) gbT −→u bhT T (g−b1L(x))−u−L−(−x→) T (h−1L(x)) u∈ C′ - “ i j” is equal to i j for any hTj gTi. b b b i∈b{1,...,n} b b Therefore, for any , we have: F′T[(x) (T )= T[(x)(gT )= T (g−1L(x))= F T (x) λ i i i λ i “ ” gM∈G gM∈G “ ” b b b (µ ) : F′T[(x) (T )→(T(x))(T ) (F T )(x)−(−λi−)→x T (x) So we mayset x Ti “ λ ” i i to be equalto λ i i . Lemma 2.8. The linear isomorphisms (µx)Ti (i∈{1,...,n}) de(cid:28)ne anbisomorphism of B-modules: µ : F′T[(x)−∼→T(x) x λ µ B u ∈ C′ F′(u) ∈ Proof: We only need to prove that x is a morphism of -modules. Let tTj sTi so that TjBTi, and let us prove that thefollowing diagram ommutes: b b F′T[(x) (T ) (µx)Ti=(λi)x //T (x) ⋆ “ λ ” i i ( ) “Fλ′T[(x)”(F′(u)) (T(x))(F′(u))=F′(u)x F′T[(x(cid:15)(cid:15)) (T ) (µx)Tj=(λj)x // T ((cid:15)(cid:15)x) λ j j “ ” 10

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