1 On Ergodic Secrecy Capacity of Multiple Input Wiretap Channel with Statistical CSIT Shih-Chun Lin and Pin-Hsun Lin Abstract—We consider the secure transmission in ergodic legitimate and eavesdropper channels but not the realizations fast-Rayleighfadingmultiple-inputsingle-outputsingle-antenna- of them. Under this scenario, we derive the secrecy capacity eavesdropper (MISOSE) wiretap channels. We assume that the ofthefast-fading,multiple-inputsingle-outputsingle-antenna- statistics of both the legitimate and eavesdropper channels is eavesdropper (MISOSE) wiretap channels, where the trans- the only available channel state information at the transmitter 2 (CSIT). By introducing a new secrecy capacity upper bound, mitter has multiple antennas while the legitimate receiver and 1 we prove that the secrecy capacity is achieved by Gaussian eavesdroppereachhavesingleantenna.Boththecoefficientsof 0 2 inputwithoutprefixing.Toattainthis,weformanotherMISOSE the legitimate and eavesdropper channels are Rayleigh faded. channel for upper-bounding, and tighten the bound by finding We first propose a new secrecy capacity upper bound to n the worst correlations between the legitimate and eavesdropper show that the transmission scheme in [6] is secrecy-capacity a channel coefficients. The resulting upper bound is tighter than J the others in the literature which are based on modifying the achieving, which is based on [1] with Gaussian input but 3 correlation between the noises at the legitimate receiver and without prefixing. Then we find the optimal channel input 1 eavesdropper. Next, we fully characterize the ergodic secrecy covariancematrixanalyticallytofullycharacterizetheergodic capacity by showing that the optimal channel input covariance secrecy capacity,while such a optimizationproblem is solved ] matrix is a scaled identity matrix, with the transmit power T allocateduniformlyamongtheantennas.Thekeytosolvesucha numerically in [6] without guaranteeing the optimality. The I complicated stochastic optimization problemis byexploiting the key is to exploit the completely monotone property of the s. completely monotone property of the ergodic secrecy capacity ergodicsecrecycapacity,theninvokingthestochasticordering c to use the stochastic ordering theory. Finally, our simulation theory [8]. [ results show that for the considered channel setting, the secrecy To obtain a tighter secrecy capacity upper bound than that capacity is bounded in both the high signal-to-noise ratio and 1 reported in [7], we introduce another MISOSE channel with large number of transmit antenna regimes. v arelaxedsecrecyconstraintforupper-bounding,whilefinding 8 I. INTRODUCTION theworstcorrelationsbetweenthecoefficientsofthelegitimate 6 The secrecy capacity of a wiretap channel is the maximum and eavesdropper channels to tighten the bound. In [7], the 8 2 achievable secrecy rate between the transmitter and a legiti- upper bound is obtained by directly applying the concepts . mate receiver, and a perfect secrecy constraint is imposed to from [3] [4] where the correlationis only introducedbetween 1 makenoinformationbeattainablebyaneavesdropper[1] [2]. the noises at the legitimate receiver and eavesdropperand the 0 2 In the wireless environments, the time-varying characteristic secrecy constraint is left unchanged. Note that the secrecy 1 of fading channels can also be exploited to enhance the capacitylower boundin [7] is indeed notachievable.In order : secrecy capacity [3]. Further enhancements are attainable by to achieve such a bound, the variable-rate coding in [3] must v i employing multiple antennas at each node, e.g., in [4] [5]. be invoked, where the full CSIT of the legitimate channel X However,thesesecrecycapacityresults[3]–[5]relyonperfect must be used to vary the transmission rate in every channel r knowledge of the legitimate receiver’s channel state informa- fading state. This can not be done with only statistical CSIT a tionatthetransmitter(CSIT).Becauseofthelimitedfeedback of the legitimate channel as in our setting. In addition to bandwidth and the delay caused by channel estimation, it the CSIT assumptions, the secrecy capacity result of [3] is may be hard to track the channel coefficients if they vary buildedon the ergodicslow fadingchannelassumptionwhere rapidly. Thus for fast-fading channels, it is more practical to coding among lots of slow fading channelblocks (each block consider the case with only partial CSIT of the legitimate with lots of coded symbols) is used. This assumption may be channel. However, in this case, only some lower and upper unrealistic owing to the long latency. For fast fadingchannels bounds of the secrecy capacity are known [6] [7], and the with full CSIT of legitimate channel and statistical CSIT of secrecy capacity is unknown. Although the general secrecy the eavesdropper channel, only some achievability results are capacity formula is reported in [1], the optimal auxiliary known [9]. In contrast to our results, in [9], the prefixing in randomvariableforprefixingin this formulais still unknown. [1] may be useful to increase the secrecy rate. More detailed In this letter, we consider one important scenario of partial comparisons between our results and those in [7] [6] [3] can CSIT,i.e.,thetransmitteronlyknowsthestatistics ofboththe be found in Remarks 1 and 2. S.-C. Lin is with Graduate Institute of Computer and Communication II. SYSTEMMODEL Engineering,NationalTaipeiUniversityofTechnology,Taipei,Taiwan10643, e-mail: [email protected], P.-H. Lin is with the Department of Electrical In the considered MISOSE wiretap channel, we study the EngineeringandGraduateInstituteofCommunication Engineering,National problem of reliably communicating a secret message w from TaiwanUniversity, Taipei,Taiwan,10617,e-mail:[email protected] the transmitter to the legitimate receiver subject to a con- ThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalScienceCouncil,Taiwan,R.O.C., underGrants 100-2628-E-007-025-MY3. straint on the information attainable by the eavesdropper (in 2 upcoming (4)). The received signals y and z at the legitimate Theorem 2. Before that, we present the following Theorem 1 receiverandeavesdropper(eachwithsingleantenna)fromthe which shows that the scheme in [6], which uses Gaussian x transmitterequippedwithmultiple-antenna,canberepresented withoutprefixingin [1], is capacityachieving.By introducing respectively as ∗ new bounding techniques, we obtain tighter secrecy capacity upper bound than that in [7] to attain the secrecy cpapcity. y=hHx+n , (1) y For such a upper bound, we form a better degraded MISOSE z=gHx+nz, (2) channel of (1)(2) with a less stringent perfect secrecy con- straint than (4) (in the upcoming (6)), and tighten the upper wherexisaN ×1complexvectorrepresentingthetransmitted t bound by carefully introducing correlations to the channels h vector signal, N is the numberof transmit antennas, while n t y and g (in the upcoming (8)). andn areindependentandidenticallydistributed(i.i.d.)circu- z larlysymmetricadditivewhiteGaussiannoisewithzeromean and unit variance at the legitimate receiver and eavesdropper, Theorem 1 For the MISOSE fast Rayleigh fading wiretap respectively. In (1) and (2), h and g are both N ×1 complex t channel (1)(2) with the statistical CSIT of h and g, using vectors, and representing the channels from the transmitter to Gaussain x without prefixing is the optimal transmission the legitimate receiver and eavesdropper, respectively. strategy.Andthenon-zerosecrecycapacityC isobtainedonly s In this work, the channels are assumed to be fast Rayleigh when s >s , which is fading. That is, h∼CN(0,s 2I) and g∼CN(0,s 2I), respec- h g h g tively, while h, g, n and n are independent. The channel C =max E log 1+hHS h −E log 1+gHS g , (5) y z s h x g x S coefficients change in every symbol time. We assume that x the legitimate receiver knows the instantaneous channel state where S x is(cid:0)the(cid:2)cov(cid:0)ariance ma(cid:1)(cid:3)trix of(cid:2)the(cid:0)Gaussian(cid:1)(cid:3)c(cid:1)hannel informationofhperfectly,whiletheeavesdropperknowsthose input x and subject to (3), while h∼CN(0,s 2I) and g∼ h of h and g perfectly. As for the CSIT, only the distributions CN(0,s 2gI). of h andg are knownat the transmitter,while the realizations of h and g are unknown. Thus the transmitter is subjected to Proof:From[6],weknowthattheright-hand-side(RHS) a power constraint as of (5) is achievable and serves as a secrecy capacity lower- bound.Nowwepresentournewsecrecycapacityupperbound Tr(S )≤P, (3) x which matches the RHS of (5). The key for establishing such where S is the covariance matrix of x in (1) and (2). anupper-boundisfirstformingabetterMISOSEchannelthan x Theperfectsecrecyandsecrecycapacityaredefinedasfol- (1)(2) in terms of higher secrecy capacity, and applying the lows.Considera (2NR,N)-codewithanencoderthatmapsthe results in [1]. First, we consider a better scenario where the message w∈W ={1,2,...,2NR} into a length-N codeword; eavesdropper does not know the realizations of h, and (4) N andadecoderatthelegitimatereceiverthatmapsthereceived becomes sequenceyN (thecollectionsofyoverthecodelengthN)from W H(w|zN,gN)/N>R−e ′,and Pr(wˆ 6=w)≤e ′. (6) the legitimate channel (1) to an estimated message wˆ ∈ . N We then have the following definitions. As in [10], equivalently, we can respectively treat the output ofthelegitimatechannelas(y,h) whilethatofthe eavesdrop- Definition 1 (Secrecy Capacity [3]) Perfect secrecy is achievable with rate R if, for any e ′ > 0, there exists a per channel as (z,g). From [11], the secrecy capacity under sequence of (2NR,N)-codes and an integer N such that for constraint (6) is only related to the marginal distributions 0 p(y,h|x) and p(z,g|x). Then for any joint conditional PDF any N>N 0 py′,h′,z,g|x suchthat p(y′,h′|x)=p(y,h|x), thesecrecycapacity H(w|zN,hN,gN)/N>R−e ′,and Pr(wˆ 6=w)≤e ′, (4) under constraint (6) is the same. Now we introduce our same marginallegitimatechannelp(y′,h′|x)for(1),whichisformed where w is the secret message, zN,hN, and gN are the col- by replacing h in y with h′=(s /s )g as lections of z,h, and g over code length N, respectively. The h g secrecycapacityCs isthesupremumofallachievablesecrecy y′=(h′)Hx+ny=((s h/s g)g)Hx+ny. (7) rates. SincexisindependentofhandgduetoourCSITassumption, III. SECRECY CAPACITY OF THEMISOSE FAST both h′ and h have the same conditional distributions condi- RAYLEIGH FADING WIRETAP CHANNEL tion on x (which equal to CN(0,s 2I)). Then we know that In this section, we fully characterize the secrecy capacity p(y′,h′|x)=p(y,h|x). From (7), we whill focuson the MISOSE of the MISOSE fast Rayleighfadingchannelin the upcoming channel in the following, ∗ Inthisletter, kakisthevectornormofvectora.Thetraceandcomplex y′′=gHx+(s /s )n , z=gHx+n . (8) conjugate transpose of matrix A is denoted by Tr(A) and AH, respectively. g h y z Thediagonalmatrixisdenotedbydiag(.).Thezero-meancomplexGaussian randomvectorwithcovariance matrixS isdenotedasCN(0,S ).Forrandom We now use the secrecy capacity of the MISOSE channel variables(vectors)AandB,p(A)istheprobabilitydistributionfunction(PDF) (8), under constraint (6), to upper-bound that of the original of A, I(A;B) denotes the mutual information between them while H(A|B) channel(1)(2). Again, we can treat as (y′′,g) and (z,g) as the denotes theconditional differential entropy. WeuseA→B→Ctorepresent output of the legitimate channel and that of the eavesdropper that A,B, and C form a Markov chain. All the logarithm operations are of base2suchthattheunitofrates isinbit. channel in (8), respectively. As in [9], we apply this fact into 3 the secrecy capacity formula of [1], ByusingtheeigenvaluedecompositionS =UDUH,whereU x is unitary and D is diagonal,finding the optimalS ∗ of (14) is C ≤maxI(U;y′′,g)−I(U;z,g) (9) x s p equivalent to solving (U,x) =maxI(U;y′′|g)−I(U;z|g), (10) maxE log s 2/s 2+gHUDUHg −E log(1+gHUDUHg) , p(U,x) U,D g g h g ≤maxI(x;y′′|z,g). (11) =max(cid:0)E(cid:2) log(cid:0) s 2/s 2+gHDg −(cid:1)E(cid:3) lo(cid:2)g(1+gHDg) , (cid:3)(cid:1) px D g g h g (15) where U in (9) is an auxiliary random variable for prefixing, (cid:0) (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:1) whichformstheMarkovchainU→x→(y′′,z,g);theequality where the equality comes from the fact that the distribution (10) follows from [10] by the independence of U and g due of g∼CN(0,s 2I) is unchanged by the rotation of unitary U, g to our CSIT assumptions; and the inequality (11) is from [5]. and we can set S =D (U=I) without loss of optimality. x Whens g<s h,theequivalentchannel(8)isdegraded,andx→ Inthe following,we show thatsubjectingtoTr(D)≤P,the y′′→z given g. From [12], apply the Markov chain property optimal D for (15) is to (11) C ≤maxI(x;y′′|g)−I(x;z|g). (12) D∗=diag{P/NT,P/NT,···,P/NT}. (16) s px Firstofall,from[6,SectionV],theoptimalDfor(15)satisfies From [4], we know that Gaussian x is optimal for the upper Tr(D)=P. For any D=[d ,d ,···,d ] where (cid:229) d =P and bound in (12), and the upper-boundin (12) matches the RHS d ≥0,∀i, we want to prove1th2at for DN∗T defined in (i16) of(5)whens <s .Notethatwhens <s ,theRHSof(5) i g h g h ispositive.Incontrast,whens g≥s h,theupperboundin(11) Eg log a+gHDg −Eg log 1+gHDg is zero since from (8), x→z→y′′ given g. And it concludes ≤E log a+gHD∗g −E log 1+gHD∗g , (17) g(cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) g(cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) the proof. where we(cid:2)den(cid:0)ote s 2/s 2 b(cid:1)y(cid:3) a, wh(cid:2)ich(cid:0)belongs to(cid:1)[(cid:3)0,1). Here Remark 1: When the transmitter additionally knows the g h we introducesome resultsfromthe stochastic orderingtheory realizations of h, e. g. [3], the legitimate channel (7) is not a [8] to proceed. samemarginalchannelof(1).Inthiscase,givenx,hmaynot be Gaussian but h′ =(s /s )g is Gaussian, and p(y′,h′|x) Definition 2 [8, p.234] A function y (x) : [0,¥ ) → R is h g completely monotone if for all x>0 and n=0,1,2,···, its from (7) may not equal to p(y,h|x) from (1), In our case, the derivative y (n) exists and (−1)ny (n)(x)≥0. CSIT assumption makes x independent of h and g, then the legitimate channelin (7) has the same marginalas that in (1). Definition 3 [8, (5.A.1)] Let B1 and B2 be two nonnegative Then we can get rid of the unrealistic ergodic slow fading randomvariablessuchthatE[e−sB1]≥E[e−sB2], foralls>0. assumptionsin [3] andfindthe secrecycapacityinfastfading ThenB1 issaidtobesmallerthanB2 intheLaplacetransform channel. Note that the upper-bound in [7] is obtained by order, denoted as B1≤LT B2. directly applying the derivationsin [3] to fast fading channel, Lemma 1 [8, Th. 5.A.4] Let B and B be two nonnegative 1 2 and is looser than the upper-bound (11) which is based on random variables. If B ≤ B then E[f(B )] ≤E[f(B )], 1 LT 2 1 2 the channel (8) and is tightened by the “worst” correlation where the first derivative of a differentiable function f on between h and g (h=g). [0,¥ ) is completely monotone, provided that the expectations exist. Now we show that the optimal S of (5) is x To prove (17), we let B = gHDg, B = gHD∗g, and diag{P/N ,...,P/N }, and fully characterize the secrecy 1 2 T T f(x)=log(a+x)−log(1+x) to invoke Lemma 1. It can be capacity as follows. easily verified that y (x), the first derivative of f(x), satisfies Definition 2. More specifically, the nth derivative of y meets Theorem 2 For the MISOSE fast Rayleigh fading wiretap n! − n! >0, if n is even, channel (1)(2) with the statistical CSIT of h and g, under y (n)(x)= (a+x)n+1 (1+x)n+1 (18) −n! + n! <0, if n is odd, power constraint P, the non-zero secrecy capacity Cs is ( (a+x)n+1 (1+x)n+1 obtained only when s h>s g, which is when x>0, since a∈[0,1). Now from Lemma 1 and Defini- ||h||2 ||g||2 tion 3, we know that to prove (17) is equivalent to proving Cs=Eh log 1+P −Eg log 1+P , (13) E[e−sB1] ≥ E[e−sB2] or log(E[e−sB1]/E[e−sB2]) ≥ 0,∀s > 0. N N (cid:20) (cid:18) T (cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:18) T (cid:19)(cid:21) From [13, p.40], we know that where h∼CN(0,s 2I), g∼CN(0,s 2I), and N is the number of transmit antennahs. g T log E[e−sB1] =(cid:229)NT log(1+2d∗s)−(cid:229)NT log(1+2d s). (19) E[e−sB2] k k (cid:18) (cid:19) k=1 k=1 Proof:Subjectingto(3),aftersubstitutingh∼CN(0,s 2I) To show that the above is nonnegative, we resort to the h and g∼CN(0,s 2gI) into the optimization problem in (5), it majorization theory. Note that (cid:229) Nk=T1log(1+2dˇks) is a Schur- becomes concave function [14] in (dˇ,...,dˇ ), ∀s > 0, and by the 1 NT s 2/s 2+gHS g definition of majorization [14] max E log g h x −E log(1+gHS g) . (14) S x g" s 2g/s 2h # g x ! (d1∗,···,dN∗T)=(P/NT,P/NT,···,P/NT)≺(d1,d2,···dNT), (cid:2) (cid:3) 4 unit variances. In Fig. 1 we compare the secrecy capacities 7 with N = 2 under different s /s . The secrecy capacity s /s =0.1 T g h g h increases with decreasing s /s . The capacity converges to 6 s /s =0.3 g h bpcu)5 s gg/s hh=0.5 l2alrogge(sPh./Isng)Fiwgh.e2n, twhee ScoNmRpaisrehitghhe,swechriecchymceaeptasci(t1ie3s) wwiitthh city ( s g/s h=0.9 different numbers of transmit antennas NT. We can also find apai4 that the capacity converges when NT is large enough. This secrecy c3 arepspullytsingcatnhebceenetarsaillylimseitetnheboyrelmettoinng||hN|T|2/→NT¥ anind|(|1g3||)2,/NanTd, odic 2 respectively. g Er V. CONCLUSION 1 In this paper, we derived the secrecy capacity of the MISOSE ergodicfast Raylieghfading wiretapchannel,where 0 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 only the statistical CSIT of the legitimate and eavesdropper Transmit SNR (dB) channels is known. By introducing a new secrecy capacity upper bound, we first showed that Gaussian input without Fig. 1. Comparison of the ergodic secrecy capacities under different eavesdropper-to-legitimate-channel qualities s g/s h. prefixing is secrecy capacity achieving. Then we analytically found the optimal channel input covariance matrix, and fully characterized the secrecy capacity. 2 REFERENCES 1.8 [1] I. Csisza´r and J. Ko˙rner, “Broadcast channels with confidential mes- u)1.6 sages,” IEEETrans.Inform. 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