On ergodic least-squares estimators of the generalized diffusion coefficient for fractional Brownian motion Denis Boyer,1,∗ David S. Dean,2,† Carlos Mej´ıa-Monasterio,3,4,‡ and Gleb Oshanin5,§ 1Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de M´exico, D.F. 04510, Mexico 2Universit´e de Bordeaux and CNRS, Laboratoire Ondes et Mati`ere d’Aquitaine (LOMA), UMR 5798, F-33400 Talence, France 3Laboratory of Physical Properties, Technical University of Madrid, Av. Complutense s/n 28040, Madrid, Spain 4Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 68 FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland 3 5Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique de la Mati`ere Condens´ee (UMR CNRS 7600), 1 Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 5 France 0 (Dated: February 1, 2013) 2 We analyse a class of estimators of the generalized diffusion coefficient for fractional Brownian n motionBtofknownHurstindexH,basedonweightedfunctionalsofthesingletimesquaredisplace- a ment. Weshowthatforacertainchoiceoftheweight function thesefunctionalspossess anergodic J propertyand thusprovidethetrue,ensemble-averaged, generalized diffusion coefficient to anynec- 1 essaryprecisionfromasingletrajectorydata,butatexpenseofaprogressivelyhigherexperimental 3 resolution. Convergence is fastest around H ≃0.30, a value in thesubdiffusiveregime. ] h PACSnumbers: 02.50.-r,05.10.Gg,82.37.-j,87.80.Nj c e m Single molecule spectroscopy techniques allow the turbations, for instance treatment with antibiotic drugs, tracking of single particles over a wide range of time whichhavehoweveranegligibleeffectonν [4]. Likewise, - t scales [1–3]. In complex media such as living cells, a the coefficient K of lipids in membranes is strongly re- a t number ofrecentstudies havereportedevidence for sub- duced by small cholesterol concentrations, whereas ν re- s . diffusive transport of particles like proteins [4], viruses mainsunchanged[12]. Inthecontextofsearchproblems, t a [5], chromosome monomers [6], mRNA [7] or lipid gran- a particle following a subdiffusive fBm actually explores m ules [8]. Subdiffusion is typically characterizedby a sub- the 3d space more compactly than a BM and can have - lineargrowthwithtimeofthemeansquaredisplacement a higher probability of eventually encountering a nearby d (MSD), E(B2) = Ktν with ν < 1, where B is the par- target [13]. The larger the value of K, the faster this n t t ticle position at time t, E denotes the ensemble average local exploration. o c and K is a generalized diffusivity. Inthispaper,generalizingourpreviousresultsforstan- [ A growing body of single trajectory studies suggest dard BM [14], we present a method to estimate the en- 1 that fractional Brownian motion (fBm), among the va- semble averaged diffusivity K from the analysis of sin- v riety of stochastic processes that produce subdiffusion, gle fBm trajectories of a priori known anomalous expo- 8 maybeamodelparticularlyrelevanttosubcellulartrans- nent. Estimating diffusion constants from data is not 3 port. FBm is a Gaussian continuous-time random pro- an easy task when trajectories are few and ensemble av- 6 7 cess with stationary increments and is characterized by erages cannot be performed. BM and fBm are ergodic . a so-called Hurst index H = ν/2. If H < 1/2, trajecto- processes and time averages tend to ensemble averages, 1 ries are subdiffusive with increments that are negatively butconvergencecanbeslow[15]. Forfinitetrajectoriesof 0 3 and long range correlated [9]. Such correlations were finite resolution, variations by orders of magnitude have 1 observed in subdiffusing mRNA molecules [10], RNA- beenobservedforestimatorsofthenormaldiffusioncoef- : proteinsorchromosomalloci[4]withinE.colicells. Sim- ficient obtained from single particles moving along DNA v i ilarly,fBmcanbe usedtodescribethe dispersionofapo- [16], in the plasma membrane [2] or in the cytoplasm of X ferritinproteins in crowdeddextransolutions [11]andof mammalian cells [17]. Large fluctuations are also mani- r lipid molecules in lipid bilayers [12]. fest in subdiffusive cases [4, 12]. a Whereas the determinationof an anomalous exponent Abroaddispersioninthemeasuresofthe diffusionco- from data has been extensively studied, as it demon- efficient raisesimportant questions about optimal fitting strates deviationfrom standardBrownianmotion (BM), methodologies. A reliable estimator must possess an er- the problem of estimating the generalized diffusion con- godic property, so that its most probable value should stantK hasreceivedmuchlessattention. Itappearsthat converge to the true ensemble average independently of K is much more sensitive than ν to many biological fac- the trajectory considered and its variance should vanish tors and its precise determination can potentially yield as the observation time increases. Recently, much effort valuable information about the kinetics of transcription, hasbeeninvestedintheanalysisofthischallengingprob- translation and other physico-biological processes. The lem and severaldifferent estimators have been analyzed, generalized diffusivity of RNA molecules in bacteria is based,e.g.,onthe sliding time-averagedsquaredisplace- greatly affected (either positively or negatively) by per- ment [18, 19], mean length of a maximal excursion [20], 2 the maximum likelihood approximation [21–25] and op- differs from other estimates used in the literature which timal weighted least-squares functionals [14]. involve two-time integrals (see e.g., [15]). Our aim here is to determine an ergodic least-square Furtheron,fromastraightforwardcalculationthevari- estimator for the generalized diffusion coefficient when ance of the estimator u is, for arbitrary weight function the underlyingstochastic motionis givenby a fBm. The ω(t), estimatorsconsideredherearesingletimequantities,un- likeothersbasedonfitsoftwo-timequantitiessuchasthe 1 T T dtdsω(t)ω(s)Cov B2,B2 Var(u)= 0 0 t s , (5) time averagedMSD. K2R R T dtt2Hω(t) 2(cid:0) (cid:1) LetusconsiderafractionalBrownianmotionB inone 0 t (cid:16)R (cid:17) dimensionwithB =0andzeroexpectationvalueforall 0 where Cov B2,B2 is the covariance function of a t ∈ [0,T], where T is the total observation time. The t s squared fBm(cid:0)traject(cid:1)ory covariance function of the process is given by [9]: Cov B2,B2 =E{ B2−E{B2} B2−E{B2} }.(6) Cov(B ,B )=E{(B −E{B })(B −E{B })} t s t t s s t s t t s s (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) K This function can be calculated exactly using Eq. (1) to = t2H +s2H −|t−s|2H , (1) 2 give (cid:0) (cid:1) where D(= K/2) is the generalized diffusion coefficient Cov B2,B2 =2Cov2(B ,B ) t s t s danesdcrtihbeesHtuhrestraegxgpeodnneensts Hof ∈the(0r,e1s)u.ltiTnghemHoutirosnt,inwdiethx (cid:0) (cid:1)= K2 t2H +s2H −|t−s|2H 2 . (7) 2 a higher value leading to a smoother motion. Stan- (cid:0) (cid:1) dard Brownian motion is a particular case of the fBm Inserting the latter expression into Eq. (5) and noticing corresponding to H = 1/2. As already mentioned, for that the kernel is a symmetric function of t and s, we H < 1/2 the increments of the process are negatively have correlated so that the fBm is subdiffusive. On the other T tdtdsω(t)ω(s) t2H +s2H −(t−s)2H 2 hand,forH >1/2theincrementsoftheprocessareposi- Var(u)= 0 0 . R R (cid:0) 2 (cid:1) tivelycorrelatedandsuperdiffusivebehavioris observed. T dtt2Hω(t) 0 WeconsiderasingletrajectoryBt,thatis,aparticular (cid:16)R (cid:17) (8) realizationofanfBmprocesswithaknownH,andwrite Following Ref.[14], we choose down the following weighted least-squares functional: ω(t)=(t +t)−α, (9) F = 1 T dtW(t) B2−K t2H 2, (2) 0 2Z t f wheret isalagtimeandαatunableexponent. Inadis- 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 crete time description, t canbe setequalto the interval 0 whereW(t) is someweightingfunction to be determined between successive measurements [14]. We thus identify afterwards and Kf is a trial parameter. We call Kf an t0asaresolutionparameterinthepresentcontinuousde- estimate of the generalized diffusion coefficient from the scription. We also note that in [14], it was proventhat a single trajectory Bt, if it minimizes F. Calculating the powerlaw weightfunctionofthe type in Eq. (9)wasop- partialderivative ∂F/∂Kf, setting it to zeroand solving timalamongallweightfunctions. Fixingt0 andscanning the resulting equationfor u=Kf/K,we findthe follow- overdifferentvaluesofα,weseekthevalueforwhichthe ing least-squares estimator of the generalized diffusion variance of u is smallest. Hopefully, for such value, the coefficient K: varianceshouldvanishesinthelimitofinfiniteresolution or infinite data size, i.e. when the parameter ǫ = t /T K 1 T dtω(t)B2 0 u≡ f = 0 t , (3) tendstozero. Tocheckthelatterpoint,weconsiderfirst K K RT dtt2Hω(t) the limit of an infinitely long observation time, ǫ = 0. 0 R For α < γ = 1+2H the integrals in Eq. (8) can be H where we have introduced the notation performed exactly yielding ω(t)=t2HW(t). (4) Var(u)= γH −α 1 + 2 + 2 (cid:16)1−α γH −α Note that the estimator u measures the ratio of the ob- 1 Γ(1−α)Γ(γ ) H + −2 served generalized diffusion coefficient for a single given 2γ −1−α Γ(1+γ −α) H H trajectoryrelativetotheensemble-averagedvalue. More- Γ(1−α)Γ(2γ −1)−2Γ(γ )Γ(γ −α) over, E{u} ≡ 1 holds for any arbitrary ω(t), making it + H H H , (10) Γ(2γH −α) (cid:17) possible to compare the effectiveness of different choices of ω(t). It is worthwhile remarking that u is given by where Γ(·) is the gamma-function. On the other hand, a single time integration (a local functional) and thus forα>γ =1+2H andǫ=0,the resultin Eq.(8) can H 3 2 0.9 0.8 8 0.7 0.6 1.5 0.5 0.4 6 0.3 0.2 u) 0.1 H) r( 1 ( a C4 V 0.5 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 α H FIG. 1. (color online) The variance in Eqs. (10) (for α < FIG.2. PrefactorinEq.(12)asafunctionoftheHurstindex. 1+2H) and (11) (for α > 1+2H) as a function of α, for different values of the Hurst parameter H. which exists for any H ∈ (0,1). This result generalizes be conveniently represented as a single integral thatof Ref. [14] forordinaryBrownianmotion. We con- Γ(2γ ) Γ(2α−2γ ) Γ2(α) cludethatthevarianceoftheestimatorvanisheslogarith- H H Var(u)= × mically with the total observation time. In other words, Γ2(α−γ ) Γ2(γ ) H H the diffusion constant estimated from one trajectory by 1 1+(1−x)2H −x2H 2 F (α,2γ ,2α;x) ,(11) this method tends toward the correct value logarithmi- Z0 (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 1 H cally slowly. The prefactor C(H), which is displayed in Fig.2, reaches a minimum at H∗ ≃0.30. From Fig.2, we where F (·) is the confluent hypergeometric function. 2 1 notice that, keeping the resolution ǫ fixed, the variance The integral in Eq. (11) can be also performed exactly of u will be small for processes with H ∈[0.15,0.6], typ- byusingtheseriesrepresentationofthe confluenthyper- ically. This interval encompasses almost all the anoma- geometricfunctionandthenresumming the resultingse- lous exponent values reported in single particle studies. ries. However, the expression obtained is rather lengthy Conversely, the function C(H) diverges as H → 0 or as it contains several hypergeometric functions F (·). 3 2 1. Therefore, we can expect that, even with the ergodic Ontheotherhand,the resultintheformofEq.(11)can choiceofα,theestimatesofthediffusionconstantshould be tackled by Mathematica; in addition the asymptotic become highly inaccurate for nearly localized or nearly behavior can be easily extracted from it, so that we pre- ballistic fBm processes. fertoworkwiththecompactexpression(11)ratherthan with an exact but cumbersome expression. In conclusion, we have shown that the true, ensemble- In Fig.1 we show the dependence of the variance of averagegeneralizeddiffusion coefficientK ofafractional theestimatoruonthe exponentα,fordifferentvaluesof Brownian motion of known Hurst index H can be ob- the Hurst index H. We notice that for any fixed H, the tained from single trajectory data using the weighted variancevanishesasαapproachesα=1+2H andisnon- least-squares estimator in Eq. (3) with the weight func- zeroforanyothervalue. Thismeansthatforafractional tion ω(t) =1/(t0+t)1+2H. Such an estimator possesses Brownian motion with Hurst index H the estimators in an ergodic property so that K can be evaluated with Eq.(3)withpower-lawweightfunctionsω(t)=(t +t)−α any necessary precision but at the expense of increasing 0 possess an ergodic property only when α=1+2H. theobservationtimeT (ordecreasingt0). Alimitationof The last issue we discuss is that of the decay rate of thepresentclassofestimators,whicharebasedonsingle- thevariancewhenǫissmallbutfiniteintheergodiccase time functionals of B2, is admittedly their slow conver- t α = 1+2H. It is straightforward to show from Eq. (8) gence toward the ensemble average. Two-time function- that in the limit ǫ → 0 the variance is given to leading als, based on the time averaged MSD, for instance, ex- order by: hibit faster convergence: for fBmwith H <3/4the rela- tivevarianceofthe time averagedMSD vanishesast /T 0 C(H) Var(u)∼ , (12) [15]. Nevertheless these other estimators might be more ln(1/ǫ) sensitivetomeasurementerrorsandmaynotbeaccurate when diffusion is no longer a pure process but a mixture where C(H) is a constant defined by: of processes with different characteristic times. 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