Bernoulli 22(1), 2016, 589–614 DOI: 10.3150/14-BEJ669 On differentiability of implicitly defined 6 1 function in semi-parametric profile 0 2 likelihood estimation n a J YUICHI HIROSE 7 School of Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research, Victoria University of Wellington, ] New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] T S In this paper, we study the differentiability of implicitly defined functions which we encounter . h in the profile likelihood estimation of parameters in semi-parametric models. Scott and Wild t (Biometrika 84 (1997) 57–71; J. Statist. Plann. Inference 96 (2001) 3–27) and Murphy and a van der Vaart (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 95 (2000) 449–485) developed methodologies that can m avoid dealing with such implicitly defined functions by parametrizing parameters in theprofile [ likelihood and using an approximate least favorable submodel in semi-parametric models. Our 1 result shows applicability of an alternative approach presented in Hirose (Ann. Inst. Statist. v Math. 63 (2011) 1247–1275) which uses thedirect expansion of the profile likelihood. 4 Keywords: efficiency; efficient information bound; efficient score; implicitly definedfunction; 3 4 profile likelihood; semi-parametric model 1 0 1. Introduction . 1 0 6 Consider a general semi-parametric model 1 : v P={pθ,η(x): θ∈Θ,η∈H}, i X where p (x) is a density function on the sample space X which depends on a finite- θ,η r dimensional parameter θ and an infinite-dimensional parameter η. We assume that the a set Θ of the parameter θ is an open subset of Rd and the set H is a convex subset of a Banach space B. OnceobservationsX ,...,X aregeneratedfromthemodel,thelog-likelihoodisgiven 1 n by n ℓ (θ,η)=n−1 logp (X )= logp (x)dF (x), (1.1) n θ,η i θ,η n Z Xi=1 This is an electronic reprint of theoriginal article published by theISI/BS in Bernoulli, 2016, Vol. 22, No. 1, 589–614. This reprint differsfrom theoriginal in pagination and typographic detail. 1350-7265 (cid:13)c 2016ISI/BS 2 Y. Hirose where F is the empirical c.d.f. based on the observations. In the profile likelihood ap- n proach, we find a function η of the parameter θ and a c.d.f. F as the maximizer of θ,F the log-likelihood given θ such that η =argmax logp (x)dF (x). (1.2) θ,Fn η Z θ,η n Then the profile (log)-likelihood is given by logp (x)dF (x). (1.3) Z θ,ηθ,Fn n Inthis paper,weconsiderthesituationwhenthe function η isgivenasthe solution θ,F to the operator equation of the form η=Ψ (η). (1.4) θ,F Murphy, Rossini and van der Vaart [10] encountered this type of implicitly defined functionintheirmaximumlikelihoodestimationproblemintheproportionaloddsmodel. According to them, “because Hˆ is not an explicit function of β, we are unable to β differentiatetheprofilelog-likelihoodexplicitlyinβ toformanestimatorofΣ”(hereHˆ β is the maximizer of the log-likelihood ℓ (β,H) given β, H is the baseline odds of failure n and Σ is the efficient information). The authors (Murphy, Rossini and van der Vaart [10]) used a numerical approximation to the problem. In the first example (Example 1) given below, we present a modified version of the proportional odds model and give an example of implicitly defined function there. Scott and Wild [13, 14] also encountered implicitly defined functions in their estima- tionproblemwithdatafromvariousoutcome-dependentsamplingdesign.Theyproposed a method of re-parametrization of profile-likelihood so that the log-likelihood is an ex- plicitly defined function in terms of the parameters in the re-parametrizedmodel. Their estimators turned out to be efficient and Hirose and Lee [7] showed conditions under which re-parametrizationgives efficient estimation in a contextof multiple-sample semi- parametric model. AnotherwaytoavoiddealingwithimplicitlydefinedfunctionsisdevelopedbyMurphy and van der Vaart [11]. The paper proved the efficiency of profile likelihood estimation byintroducinganapproximateleastfavorablesub-modeltoexpressthe upper andlower boundsfortheprofilelog-likelihood.Sincethesetwoboundshavethesameexpressionfor theasymptoticexpansion,sodoestheonefortheprofilelog-likelihood.Theadvantageof the approachis that it does not need to deal with implicitly defined functions which we discussed in the current paper. Disadvantage of Murphy and van der Vaart [11] are (1) it needs to find an approximate least favorablesubmodel in eachexample which may be difficult to find in some cases; (2) no-bias condition (equation (3.4) in Murphy and van derVaart[11])isassumedinthemaintheoremanditneedstobeverifiedinexamplesto which the main theorem is applied. In their “Discussion”, they commented “It appears difficult to derive good approximations to a least favorable path for such models, and given such approximationit is unclear how one would verify the no-bias condition”. On differentiability of implicitly defined function 3 Hirose [6] used direct asymptotic expansion of the profile likelihood to show the effi- ciency of the profile likelihood estimator. The result in the paper (Theorem 1 in Hirose [6]) does not assume the no-bias condition and, under the assumptions given there, the no-bias condition (equation (4) in Hirose [6]) is proved(therefore, verificationof the no- bias condition is not required in examples). In the approach, we cannot avoid dealing with implicitly defined functions of the form given in (1.4) in some applications. The purposeofthis paper is to study the propertiesofthese function suchasdifferentiability sothatthe methodinHirose[6]is applicabletothoseapplications.TheresultsinHirose [6] are summarized in Section 6. InSection2,wegiveexamplesofimplicitlydefinedfunctions.Themainresultsarepre- sentedinSection3. InSections 4and5,the mainresults areappliedto the examples.In Section6.1,wedemonstratehowtheresultofthepaper(thedifferentiabilityofimplicitly defined functions in semi-parametric models) can be applied in a context of asymptotic linearexpansionofthemaximumprofilelikelihoodestimatorinasemi-parametricmodel. 2. Examples 2.1. Example 1 (semi-parametric proportional odds model) Theoriginalasymptotictheoryformaximumlikelihoodestimatorinthesemi-parametric proportional odds model is developed in Murphy, Rossini and van der Vaart [10]. We present a modified version of the model in Kosorok [9]. In this model, we observe X =(U,δ,Z), where U =T ∧C, δ=1 , Z ∈Rd is a {U=T} covariate vector, T is a failure time and C is a right censoring time. We assume C and T are independent given Z. TheproportionaloddsregressionmodelisspecifiedbythesurvivalfunctionofT given Z of the form 1 S(t|Z)= , 1+eβ′ZA(t) where A(t) is nondecreasing function on [0,τ] with A(0)=0. τ is the limit of censoring distribution such that P(C>τ)=0 and P(C=τ)>0. The distribution of Z and C are uninformative of S and varZ is positive definite. Define the counting process N(t)=δ1 and at risk process Y(t)=1 . We {U≤t} {U≥t} assume P{δY(t)=1}>0 for each t∈[0,τ]. Let F be the empiricalprocessfori.i.d. observation(U ,δ ,Z ), i=1,...,n.Thenthe n i i i log-likelihood on page 292 in Kosorok [9] can be written as ℓ (β,A)= {δ(β′Z+loga(U))−(1+δ)log(1+eβ′ZA(U))}dF , n n Z where a(t)=dA(t)/dt. 4 Y. Hirose Consider one-dimensional sub-models for A defined by the map u t→A (u)= (1+th(s))dA(s), t Z 0 where h(s) is an arbitrary total variation bounded cadlag function on [0,τ]. By differ- entiating the log-likelihood function ℓ (β,A ) with respect to t at t=0, we obtain the n t score operator d eβ′Z Uh(u)dA(u) B (β,A)(h)= ℓ (β,A )= δh(U)−(1+δ) 0 dF . n dt(cid:12) n t Z (cid:26) 1+R eβ′ZA(U) (cid:27) n (cid:12)t=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Choose h(u)=1 , then {u≤t} U B (β,A)(h)= N(t)dF − W(u;β,A)dA(u) dF , n n n Z Z (cid:26)Z (cid:27) 0 where N(t) and Y(t) are defined above and (1+δ)eβ′ZY(u) W(u;β,A)= . (2.1) 1+eβ′ZA(U) The solution Aˆ to the equation B (β,A)(h)=0 is of the form β,Fn n u E dN(s) Aˆ (u)= Fn , (2.2) β,Fn Z0 EFnW(s;β,Aˆβ,Fn) where E dN(s)= dN(s)dF and E W(s;β,Aˆ )= W(s;β,Aˆ )dF . Fn n Fn β,Fn β,Fn n Let F be a generiRc notation for the c.d.f., and if we let R u E dN(s) F Ψ (A)= , (2.3) β,F Z E W(s;β,A) 0 F then (2.2) is a solution to the operator equation A = Ψ (A), here E dN(s) = β,Fn F dN(s)dF and E W(s;β,Aˆ )= W(s;β,Aˆ )dF. More detailed treatment of this F β,F β,F eRxample can be found in [9], SectionR15.3, pages 291–303. We continue this example in Section 4. 2.2. Example 2 (continuous outcome with missing data) This example is studied in Weaver and Zhou [19] and Song, Zhou and Kosorok [17]. Suppose the underlying data generating process on the sample space Y×X is a model Q={p(y,x;θ)=f(y|x;θ)g(x): θ∈Θ,g∈G}. (2.4) On differentiability of implicitly defined function 5 Here, f(y|x;θ) is a conditional density of Y given X which depends on a finite- dimensional parameter θ, g(x) is an unspecified density of X which is an infinite- dimensional nuisance parameter. We assume the set Θ⊂Rd is an open set containing a neighborhood of the true value θ and G is the set of density function of x containing 0 the true value g (x). We assume the variable Y is a continuous variable. 0 We consider a situation when there are samples for which we observe complete obser- vation (Y,X) and for which we observe only Y. Let R be the indicator variable for the i ith observation defined by 1, if X is observed, R = i i (cid:26)2, if Xi is not observed. ThentheindexsetforthecompleteobservationsisV ={i: R =1}andtheindexsetfor i the incomplete observations is V ={i: R =2}. (In the paper Song, Zhou and Kosorok i [17] R =0 was used for subjects X is not observed.) Let n =|V|, n =|V| be the i i V V total number of complete observations and incomplete observations, respectively. Weaver and Zhou [19] and Song,Zhou and Kosorok[17] consider the likelihood of the form L (θ,g)= {f(Y |X ;θ)g(X )} f (Y ;θ,g), (2.5) n i i i Y i iY∈V iY∈V where f (y;θ,g)= f(y|x;θ)g(x)dx. (2.6) Y Z X The log-likelihood, the 1/n times log of (2.5) is n 1 n 1 ℓ (θ,g)= V {logf(y |x ;θ)+logg(x )}+ V logf (y ;θ,g). n i i i Y i n n n n V iX∈V V iX∈V Forthe proofin the laterpartofthe paper,weintroduce notation:let F and F be 1n 2n the empiricalc.d.f.s basedonthe samples in V and V, respectively;denote w =n /n, 1n V w =n /n and let F = 2 w F be the empirical c.d.f. for the combined samples 2n V n s=1 sn sn in V ∪V. P Then the log-likelihood can be expressed as ℓ (θ,g)=w {logf(y|x;θ)+logg(x)}dF +w logf (y;θ,g)dF . n 1n 1n 2n Y 2n Z Z To find the maximizer of ℓ (θ,g), we treat g(x) as probability mass function on the n observedvalues{x : i∈V}.Denoteg =g(x ),i∈V.Thederivativeofthelog-likelihood i i i with respect to g is i ∂ ℓ (θ,g)=w 1{x=xi}dF1n +w f(y|xi;θ) dF , ∂g n 1nR g 2nZ f (y;θ,g) 2n i i Y 6 Y. Hirose here, for the discrete g, f (y;θ,g)= f(y|x ;θ)g . Y i∈V i i Let λ be a Lagrange multiplier toPaccount for g =1. Set ∂ ℓ (θ,g)+λ=0. i∈V i ∂gi n Multiply by g and sum over i∈V to get w +wP +λ=0. Therefore, λ=−(w + i 1n 2n 1n w )=−1 and ∂ ℓ (θ,g)−1=0. By rearranging this equation, we obtain 2n ∂gi n w 1 dF gˆ = 1n {x=xi} 1n . i 1−w f(yR|x ;θ)/f (y;θ,gˆ)dF 2n i Y 2n R This is exactly equation (3) in Song, Zhou and Kosorok [17]. Since the gˆ is a function i of θ and F = 2 w F , it can be written as n s=1 sn sn P w (∂ dF )(x ) 1n x 1n i gˆ (x )= , i∈V, (2.7) θ,Fn i 1−w f(y|x ;θR)/f (y;θ,gˆ )dF 2n i Y θ,Fn 2n R where ∂ = ∂ (see Note below for the notation ∂ dF ). This is a solution to the x ∂x x 1 equation g=Ψθ,Fn(g) with R w ∂ dF 1 x 1 Ψ (g)= , θ,F 1−w f(y|x;θR)/f (y;θ,g)dF 2 Y 2 R here F = 2 w F . We continue this example in Sections 5 and 6.1. s=1 s s Note (CPomment on the notation ∂x dF1).Letus denote ∂x= ∂∂x. The Heavisidestep function H(x)=1{x≥0} and the DiracRdelta function δ(x) are related by ∂xH(x)=δ(x). Using this, for the joint empirical c.d.f. F (x,y)= 1 n H(x−x )H(y−y ), we have n n i=1 i i P n n 1 1 ∂ dF (x)= δ(x−x ) dH(y−y )= δ(x−x ), x n i i i (cid:18) Z (cid:19) n Z n Xi=1 Xi=1 whereweused dH(y−y )=1(sincetheintegralisoverall y).Forthecontinuouscase, i joint c.d.f. F(xR,y) and marginal p.d.f. f(x) are related by (∂x dF)(x)=f(x). This justifies the notation ∂x dF1 for both continuous and empirical cR.d.f.s. R 3. Main results In this section, we show the differentiability of implicitly defined function which is given as a solution to the operator equation (1.4). As we stated in the Introduction, we consider a general semi-parametric model P={p (x): θ∈Θ,η∈H}, θ,η where p (x) is a density function on the sample space X which depends on a finite- θ,η dimensional parameter θ and an infinite-dimensional parameter η. We assume that the On differentiability of implicitly defined function 7 set Θ of the parameter θ is an open subset of Rd and the set H is a convex set in a Banach space B, which we may assume the closed linear span of H. Definition(Hadamarddifferentiability).SupposeX andY aretwonormedlinearspaces andletT ⊂X.Wesaythatamapψ:T →Y isHadamarddifferentiableatx∈T ifthere is a continuous linear map dψ(x):X→Y such that t−1{ψ(x )−ψ(x)}→dψ(x)h as t↓0 (3.1) t for any map t→x with x =x and t−1(x −x)→h∈X as t↓0. The map dψ(x) is t t=0 t called the Hadamard derivative of ψ at x, and is continuous in x (for reference, see Gill [5] and Shapiro [16]). We denote the second derivative of ψ in the sense of Hadamardby d2ψ(x). The usual first and second derivative of a parametric function ψ(x), x∈Rd, are denoted by ψ˙ and ψ¨. Note on Hadamard differentiability. TheaboveformofdefinitionoftheHadamarddif- ferentiabilityisduetoFr´echetin1937.M.SovashowedtheequivalenceoftheHadamard differentiability and the compact differentiability in metrizable linear spaces (Averbukh andSmolyanov[2]).Becauseoftheequivalence,someauthorsusecompactdifferentiabil- ity as definition of Hadamard differentiability (Gill [5], van der Vaart and Wellner [18], Bickel,Klaassen,RitovandWellner[3]).Inthispaper,weusethedefinitionofHadamard differentiability given by Fr´echet. In addition to the Hadamard differentiability of functions, in Theorem 3.1 below, we assume the following condition. Additional condition. We say a Hadamard differentiable map ψ(x) satisfies the addi- tional condition at x, if, for eachpath x in some neighborhoodof x, there is a bounded t and linear map h→dψ∗h such that the equality t ψ(x )−ψ(x)=dψ∗(x −x) (3.2) t t t holds. For a smooth map x with x →x as t↓0, the Hadamard differentiability of the t t function ψ and the additional condition (3.2) imply that dψ∗h→dψ(x)h as t↓0, (3.3) t where the limit dψ(x) is the Hadamard derivative of ψ at x. Note on additional condition. In many statistics applications, we have the additional condition. For example, for functions F(x) and g(x), the map ψ:F → g(x)dF(x) sat- isfies the additional condition: R ψ(F )−ψ(F)= g(x)d(F −F)(x) t t Z here the map dψ∗ in (3.2) is dψ∗h= g(x)dh(x) which coincides with the Hadamard t derivative of ψ. For another example, cRonsider a map ψ:g→( g(x)dF(x))−1. Then R 1 1 − [g (x)−g(x)]dF(x) t ψ(g )−ψ(g)= − = , t g (x)dF(x) g(x)dF(x) gR(x)dF(x) g(x)dF(x) t t R R R R 8 Y. Hirose and it shows the map ψ satisfies the additional condition with − h(x)dF(x) dψ∗h= . t g (x)dRF(x) g(x)dF(x) t R R If g →g as t↓0, then dψ∗h converges to the Hadamard derivative of ψ: t t − h(x)dF(x) dψh= . ( Rg(x)dF(x))2 R Note on norm used in Theorem 3.1 (below). We treat the set of c.d.f. functions F on X as a subset of ℓ∞(X), the collection of all bounded functions on X. This means the norm on F is the sup-norm: for F ∈F, kFk=sup |F(x)|. The convex subset H of a x∈X Banach space B has the natural norm from the Banach space and it is also denoted by khk for h∈H. For all derivatives in the theorem, we use the operator norm. The open subset Θ of Rd has the Euclidean norm. Theorem 3.1. Suppose the map (θ,F,η)→Ψ (η)∈H, (θ,F,η)∈Θ×F×H, is: θ,F (A1) Two times continuously differentiable with respect to θ and two times Hadamard differentiable with respect to η and Hadamard differentiable with respect to F so that the derivatives Ψ˙ (η), Ψ¨ (η), d Ψ (η), d2Ψ (η), d Ψ˙ (η) and θ,F θ,F η θ,F η θ,F η θ,F d Ψ (η) exist in some neighborhood of the true value (θ ,η ,F ) (where, e.g., F θ,F 0 0 0 Ψ˙ (η) is the firstderivative withrespect to θ, and d Ψ (η) is thefirstderiva- θ,F η θ,F tive with respect to η in the sense of Hadamard. Similarly, the rest is defined). For each derivative, we assume the corresponding additional condition (3.2). (A2) The true value (θ ,η ,F ) satisfy η =Ψ (η ). 0 0 0 0 θ0,F0 0 (A3) Thelinearoperatord Ψ (η ):B→Bhastheoperatornormkd Ψ (η )k< η θ0,F0 0 η θ0,F0 0 1. Then the solution η to the equation θ,F η=Ψ (η) (3.4) θ,F exists in an neighborhood of (θ ,F ) and it is two times continuously differentiable with 0 0 respecttoθ andHadamarddifferentiable withrespecttoF intheneighborhood. Moreover, the derivatives are given by η˙ =[I−d Ψ (η )]−1Ψ˙ (η ), (3.5) θ,F η θ,F θ,F θ,F θ,F η¨ =[I−d Ψ (η )]−1[Ψ¨ (η )+d Ψ˙ (η )η˙T θ,F η θ,F θ,F θ,F θ,F η θ,F θ,F θ,F (3.6) +d Ψ˙T (η )η˙ +d2Ψ (η )η˙ η˙T ] η θ,F θ,F θ,F η θ,F θ,F θ,F θ,F and −1 d η =[I−d Ψ (η )] d Ψ (η ). (3.7) F θ,F η θ,F θ,F F θ,F θ,F On differentiability of implicitly defined function 9 3.1. Proof of Theorem 3.1 We assumed the derivative d Ψ (η ) exists and its operator norm satisfies η θ0,F0 0 kd Ψ (η )k<1. By continuity of the map (θ,η,F)→d Ψ (η), there are ε>0 η θ0,F0 0 η θ,F and a neighborhood of (θ ,η ,F ) such that 0 0 0 kd Ψ (η)k<1−ε (3.8) η θ,F forall(θ,η,F)inthe neighborhood.Inthe following,weassumethe parameters(θ,η,F) stay in the neighborhood so that the inequality (3.8) holds. Existence and invertibility. Let I:B →B be the identity operator on the space B. In the neighborhood discussed above, the map (I −d Ψ (η)):B→B has the inverse η θ,F (I−d Ψ (η))−1, which is also a bounded linear map (cf. Kolmogorov and Fomin [8], η θ,F Theorem 4, page 231). It also follows that there is a neighborhood of (θ ,η ,F ) such 0 0 0 that,foreach(θ,F),themapη→Ψ (η)isacontractionmappingintheneighborhood. θ,F By Banach’s contraction principle (cf. Agarwal, O’Regan and Sahu [1], Theorem 4.1.5, page 178), the solution to the equation (3.4) exists uniquely in the neighborhood. Differentiability with respect to F. Fix h in an appropriate space and let F be a map t such that F =F, t−1{F −F}→h as t↓0. Then, F →F (as t↓0). We aim to find t=0 t t the limit of t−1{η −η } as t↓0. θ,Ft θ,F (Step 1) First step is to show η →η as t↓0. Due to equation (3.4), η = θ,Ft θ,F θ,F Ψ (η ) and η =Ψ (η ). It follows that θ,F θ,F θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,Ft {η −η }={Ψ (η )−Ψ (η )} θ,Ft θ,F θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,F θ,F (3.9) ={Ψ (η )−Ψ (η )}+{Ψ (η )−Ψ (η )}. θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,F θ,Ft θ,F θ,F θ,F Since the map F →Ψ (η) is continuous and F →F (as t↓0), the second term in θ,F t the right-hand side is Ψ (η )−Ψ (η )=o(1) as t↓0. θ,Ft θ,F θ,F θ,F By the generalized Taylorstheorem for Banachspaces (cf. [20], page 243,Theorem 4C), the first term in the right-hand side is kΨ (η )−Ψ (η )k≤ sup kd Ψ (η +τ(η −η ))kkη −η k θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,F η θ,Ft θ,F θ,Ft θ,F θ,Ft θ,F τ∈[0,1] ≤(1−ε)kη −η k, θ,Ft θ,F where the last inequality is due to (3.8). It follows from (3.9) that kη −η k≤o(1)+(1−ε)kη −η k as t↓0. θ,Ft θ,F θ,Ft θ,F This shows η →η as t↓0. θ,Ft θ,F 10 Y. Hirose (Step2)BytheHadamarddifferentiabilityofthemapF →Ψ (η)andtheadditional θ,F condition((3.2)and(3.3)),thereisalinearoperatorh→d Ψ∗hsuchthatthefirstterm F t in the right-hand side of (3.9) can be expressed as {Ψ (η )−Ψ (η )}=d Ψ∗(F −F), θ,Ft θ,Ft θ,F θ,Ft F t t and d Ψ∗→d Ψ (η ) as t↓0. F t F θ,F θ,F Similarly, there is a linear operator h′ →d Ψ∗h′ such that the second term in the η t right-hand side of (3.9) is {Ψ (η )−Ψ (η )}=d Ψ∗{η −η } θ,F θ,Ft θ,F θ,F η t θ,Ft θ,F and d Ψ∗→d Ψ (η ) as t↓0. η t η θ,F θ,F Altogether, equation (3.9) can be written as {η −η }=d Ψ∗(F −F)+d Ψ∗{η −η }. θ,Ft θ,F F t t η t θ,Ft θ,F It follows that [I−d Ψ∗]{η −η }=d Ψ∗(F −F), η t θ,Ft θ,F F t t where I is the identity operator in the space B. Since we have the inequality (3.8) and d Ψ∗→d Ψ (η ) as t↓0, the inverse [I− η t η θ,F θ,F d Ψ∗]−1 exists for small t>0. Therefore, when t−1(F −F)→h as t↓0, we have that η t t t−1{η −η } = [I−d Ψ∗]−1d Ψ∗t−1(F −F) θ,Ft θ,F η t F t t −1 →[I−d Ψ (η )] d Ψ (η )h as t↓0. η θ,F θ,F F θ,F θ,F Since the limit is a bounded and linear map of h, the function η (x) is Hadamard θ,F differentiable with respect to F with the derivative −1 d η =[I−d Ψ (η )] d Ψ (η ). F θ,F η θ,F θ,F F θ,F θ,F Differentiability with respect to θ. Similar proof as above can show that, for t−1(θ − t θ)→a∈Rd as t↓0, we have t−1{η −η }→[I−d Ψ (η )]−1aTΨ˙ (η ). θt,F θ,F η θ,F θ,F θ,F θ,F It follows that the first derivative η˙ of η (x) with respect to θ is given by θ,F θ,F aTη˙ =[I−d Ψ (η )]−1aTΨ˙ (η ). (3.10) θ,F η θ,F θ,F θ,F θ,F