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On detecting and quantification of randomness for one-sided sequences Nikolai Dokuchaev 6 1 Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Curtin University, 0 2 GPO Box U1987, Perth, 6845 Western Australia n u Submitted: January 22, 2016. Revised: June 22, 2016 J 2 2 Abstract ] T The paper studies discrete time processes and their predictability and randomness in deter- I . s ministic pathwisesetting,withoutusingprobabilisticassumptionsontheensemble. Wesuggest c [ some approaches to quantification of randomness based on frequency analysis of two-sided and 4 one-sidedsequences. Inaddition,thepapersuggestsanextensionofthenotionofbandlimitiness v on one-sided sequences and a procedure allowing to represent an one-sided sequence as a sum 6 9 of left-bandlimited and predictable sequences and a non-reducible noise. 3 Key words: causal approximation, sequences, one-sided sequences, randomness, bandlim- 6 0 itiness, prediction forecasting . 1 0 6 1 Introduction 1 : v The paper studies discrete time processes and their predictability and randomness in deterministic i X pathwise setting, without using probabilistic assumptions on the ensemble. r a UnderstandingofthepathwiserandomnessleadstomanyapplicationsinMonte-Carlomethods, cryptography, and control systems. There are many classical works devoted to the concept of pathwise randomness and the problem of distinguishability of random sequences; see the references in [20, 14]. In particular, the approach from Borel (1909) [3] , Mises (1919) [22] , Church (1940) [6] was based on limits of the sampling proportions of zeros in the binary sequences and subsequences; Kolmogorov (1965) [18] and Loveland (1966) [21] developed a different concept of the algorithmic randomnessandcompressibility; Schnorr(1971) [23]suggested approachbasedonpredicability and martingale properties. So far, the exiting theory is devoted to the problem of distinguishability of randomsequences and does notconsider theproblem of quantification of thedegree of randomness. This paper studies randomness in the sense of the pathwise predicability and attempts to develop 1 an approach for quantification and separation of the “noise” for the sequences that are deemed to be random. The estimation of the degree on randomness is a difficult problem, since the task of detecting the randomness is nontrivial itself. The paper investigates randomness and noise for the sequences in a more special setting origi- nated from the linear filtering and prediction of stochastic processes rather than algorithmic ran- domnessinthespritofDowney(2004). Wesuggestexploringthefollowingstraightforwardpathwise criterion: a class of sequences that is predictable or such that its missing value can be recovered withouterrorfromobservationsofremainingvalues isassumedtoconsistofnon-randomsequences. For stationary discrete time processes, there is a criterion of predictability and recoverability in the frequency domain setting given by the classical minimality criterion [17], Theorem 24, and the Szego¨-Kolmogorov theorem; see [25, 28] and recent literature reviews in [4, 24]. By this theorem, a stationary process is predictable if its spectral density is vanishing with a certain rate at a point of the unit circle {z ∈ C : |z| = 1}. In particular, it holds if the spectral density vanishes on an arc of the unit circle, i.e., the process is bandlimited. There are many works devoted to smoothing in frequency domain and sampling; see, e.g., [1, 2, 15, 16, 19, 27, 29] and the bibliography here. In [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], predictability was readdressed in the deterministic setting for two-sided sequences for with Z-transform vanishing in a point on T, and some predictors were suggested. These results were based on frequency characteristics of the entire two-sided sequences, since the propertiesoftheZ-transformswereused. Applicationofthetwo-sidedZ-transformrequirestoselect some past time at the middle of the time interval of the observations as the zero point for a model of the two-sided sequence; this could be inconvenient. In many applications, it is more convenient to represent data flow as one-sided sequences such that x(t) represents outdated observations with diminishing significance as t → −∞. This leads to the analysis of the one-sided sequences directed backward to the past. However, the straightforward application of the one-sided Z-transform to the one-sided sequences does not generate Z-transform vanishing on a part of the unit circle even for a band-limited underlying sequence. The paper suggests some approaches to quantification of randomness based on frequency anal- ysis of two-sided and one-sided sequences. In addition, the paper suggests an extension of the notion of bandlimitiness on one-sided sequences and a procedureallowing to representan one-sided sequence as a sum of left-bandlimited and predictable sequences and a non-reducible noise. 2 Definitions and background We use notation sinc(x) = sin(x)/x and T = {z ∈ C : |z| = 1}, and we denote by Z the set of all integers. 2 For a Hilbert space H, we denote by (·,·) the corresponding inner product. We denote by H L (D) the usual Hilbert space of complex valued square integrable functions x : D → C, where D 2 is an interval in R. Letτ ∈ Z∪{+∞}andθ < τ; thecasewhereθ = −∞isnotexcluded. We denotebyℓ (θ,τ)the r Banach space of complex valued sequences {x(t)}τ such that kxk = ( τ |x(t)|r)1/r < +∞ t=θ ℓr(θ,τ) t=θ for r ∈ [1,∞) or kxk = sup |x(t)| < +∞ for r = +∞. ℓ∞(θ,τ) t:θ−1<t<τ+1 P Let ℓ = ℓ (−∞,+∞) and ℓ− = ℓ (−∞,0). r r r r For x ∈ ℓ or x ∈ ℓ , we denote by X = Zx the Z-transform 1 2 ∞ X(z) = x(t)z−t, z ∈ T. t=−∞ X Respectively, the inverse Z-transform x = Z−1X is defined as 1 π x(t) = X eiω eiωtdω, t = 0,±1,±2,.... 2π Z−π (cid:0) (cid:1) If x ∈ ℓ2, then X|T is defined as an element of L2(T). For a set I ⊂ (−π,π], we denote Ic = (−π,π]\I. Let J be the set of all I ⊂ (−π,π] such that the set {eiω} is a connected arc and Ic 6= ∅. ω∈I For any I ∈ J, we denote by ω the middle point eiωI of the arc {eiω} . I ω∈I We denote by X (I) the set of all mappings X : T → C such that X eiω ∈ L (−π,π) and BL 2 X eiω = 0 for ω ∈/ I. We will call the corresponding processes x = Z−1X band-limited. Let (cid:0) (cid:1) ℓBL(I) ={x ∈ ℓ : X = Zx ∈ X (I)}. 2(cid:0) (cid:1) 2 BL Definition 1. Assume that there exists I ∈ J such that x ∈ ℓ− represents the trace of a band- 2 limited process x ∈ ℓBL(I) with the spectrum on I, i.e., x(t) = x (t) for t ≤ 0, and X = BL 2 BL BL Zx ∈ X (I). We call the process x left band-limited with the spectrum on I. BL BL Let ℓ−,LBL(I) be the subset of ℓ− consisting of semi-infinite sequences {x(t)} such that 2 2 t≤0 x(t) =(Z−1X)(t) for t ≤ 0 for some X ∈ X (I). BL 3 Quantification of randomness for two-sided sequences Let us discuss first a straightforward approach where noise is associated with the high-frequency component. Consider a sequence x ∈ ℓ that does not feature predicability described in Lemma 1. 2 Let X = ZX, YBL|T = (IIX)|T, yBL = Z−1YBL 3 for some given I ∈ J. Here I is the indicator function, i.e., I eiω = 1 if ω ∈ I and I eiω = 0 if I I ω ∈ Ic = (−π,π]\I. Inmanyapplications,itisacceptabletodeemtheprocessn (t) = x(t)−y (t) (cid:0) (cid:1) BL (cid:0) (cid:1) BL with I = I = (−Ω,Ω), where Ω ∈ (0,π), to be a noise accompanying the systematic movement 0 y (t). However, estimation of n (t) will not help to quantify the randomness of x, since BL BL kn k = kx−y k → 0 as mes(−π,π]\I) → 0 for any x ∈ ℓ . (3.1) BL ℓ2 BL ℓ2 2 In addition, n is also a predictable band-limited process, BL nBL = x−yBL = Z−1(IIcZx)∈ ℓB2L(Ic), In particular, this means that any two-sided sequence x ∈ ℓ can be represented as as a sum 2 x = y +n , y ∈ ℓBL(I), n ∈ ℓBL(Ic), (3.2) BL BL BL 2 BL 2 i.e., as a sum of two two-sided band-limited predictable in the sense of Lemma 1 sequences, and that can be done with any choice of I. This also does not lead to possibility to detect and quantify randomness. We suggest a different approach. We will show below a meaningful quantification of the ran- domness of x ∈ ℓ can be achieved with the value 2 σ(x) = essinf |X eiω |, X = Zx. (3.3) ω∈(−π,π] (cid:0) (cid:1) 3.1 Randomness as a measure of non-predictability Some predictability results for two-sided sequences Two-sided band-limited sequences are predictable in the following sense. Theorem 1. (i) Let X ⊂ ℓBL(I) be a bounded set. Then, for any ε > 0, there exists a mapping 2 k(·) : Z → R such that supt∈Zkx(t)−x(t)k ≤ ε for all x ∈ X for x(t) =∆ eiωIt s≤t−1k(t− s)e−iωIsx(s). P b b b b (ii) Let J ⊂ J be a set of I such that sup mes(I) < 2π. Let X ⊂ ∪ ℓBL(I) be a 1 I∈J1 I∈J1 2 bounded set in ℓ . Then, for any ε > 0, there exists a mapping k(·) : Z → R such that 2 supt∈Zkx(t)−x(t)k ≤ ε for all x ∈ X for x(t) =∆ eiωIt s≤t−1k(t−s)e−iωIsx(s). b P (iii) Let J1 be the sebt of I ∈ J such that supI∈Jbmes(I) < 2π, and Xb ⊂ ∪I∈J1ℓB2L(I) be a bounded set in ℓ such that |x(t)|2 → 0 as τ → +∞ uniformly over x ∈ X. Then, for any ε > 0, 2 t≤τ there exists τ < 0 and a mapping k(·) : Z → R such that sup kx(t) − x(t)k ≤ ε for all P t≥1 x ∈ X for x(t) =∆ eiωIt t−1 k(t−s)e−iωIsx(s). s=τ b b P b b 4 Theorem 1(iii) states that some predicability based on finite sets of observations also can be achieved if we relax predicability requirement to cover times t ≥ 1 only; this would be a weaker version of predicability comparing with the one described in Theorem 1 (ii). Some versions of this Theorem and some examples of predictable classes can befound in [9, 10]. In addition, it appears that the spectrum supporting sets I can be estimated from the set of observations {x(s)} for any τ < 0. More precisely, the following theorem holds. s≤τ Theorem 2. Let X ⊂ ℓ be a set such that if x ∈ X then x ∈ ℓBL(I) for some I = I(x) ∈ J, and 2 2 ∆ that ν = 2π −sup mes(I(x)) > 0. Let ν = ν/3. Then, for any τ < 0, there exists a mapping x∈X F : ℓ (−∞,τ) → (−π,π] such that, for ω = F(x(t)| ), T ⊂ {eiω, ω ∈ Ic}, where 2 c t≤τ c b T = ei(ω+π) : ω ∈(−π,π], min |ω −ω+2kπ| ≤ ν . c b c k=0,±1 (cid:26) (cid:27) In other words, if x ∈ X, then x ∈ ℓBL(I) and I ⊂ I, whbere b 2 I = ω ∈ (−π,π] :eiω ∈/ T . b b c The set I in Theorem 2 can be re(cid:8)garded as an estimate o(cid:9)f I based on observations of {x(t)} . b t≤τ Let X ⊂ ℓ ∩ℓ be a class of processes such that σ(x) > 0 for x ∈ X and that, for x ∈ X and 2 1 b X = Zx, for any m > 0, the functions X eiω and |X eiω |−1 are differentiable in ω ∈R and that sup sup |dX eiω /dω| < +∞. For the purpose of the investigation of the predictability x∈X ω∈[−π,π] (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) for x, this smoothness and assumed without a loss generality: it is sufficient to replace x by a (cid:0) (cid:1) faster vanishing processes with the same predictability properties such that x(t)/(1+|t|m), m ≥ 2. σ = min |X eiω |> 0 ω∈[−π,π] We want to represent each x ∈ X as (cid:0) (cid:1) x = y +n, BL where y is a band-limited predictable process such that the class Y = {y } , is predictable BL BL x∈X in the sense of Lemma 1. In this case, each n = x−y is a non-predictable (random) noise. BL We suggest the following restrictions on the choice of y : BL (i) kX eiω k =kY eiω k +kN eiω k , d = 1,+∞, (3.4) Ld(−π,π) BL Ld(−π,π) Ld(−π,π) where Y (cid:0)= Z(cid:1)y and N = Zn′(cid:0). (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) BL BL (ii) n does not allow a similar representation n = y′ + n′, with a non-random (predictable) BL non-zero y′ such that BL kN eiω k = kY′ eiω k +kN′ eiω k , d = 1,+∞, Ld(−π,π) Ld(−π,π) Ld(−π,π) where Y′ (cid:0)= Z(cid:1)y′ and N′ = Zn(cid:0)′. (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) BL BL 5 It appears that n featuring these properties exists in some case and can be derived explicitly from X. Let us show this. Let ω ∈ (−π,π] be such that |X eiωI |= σ, and let 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) σ(x) γ eiω = , Y eiω = [1−γ eiω ]X eiω , N eiω = γ eiω X eiω . (3.5) |X(eiω)| (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Clearly, X = Y +N, Y eiωI = 0, |N eiω | ≡ σ(x), (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) and (3.4) holds with d = 1 and d = ∞. By continuity of X eiω and |X eiω |−1, the function Y eiω is also continuous ω. (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) If Y eiω vanishes fast enough when ω → ω (see [9]), then y = Z−1Y is predictable; in (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 this case, the set {n} can be considered as the set of pathwise noises; therefore, this gives a (cid:0) (cid:1) x∈X quantification n as a norm of n or N, such as kN eiω k = σ(x). (3.6) L1(−π,π) (cid:0) (cid:1) However, it would be too restrictive to require that the set X is such that (3.5) leads to Y eiω that vanishes so fast as ω → ω that y is predictable. To overcome this, we suggest to replace 0 BL (cid:0) (cid:1) (3.5) by γ eiω = 1 if |eiω −eiω0| ≤ ε, ε σ(x) γ (cid:0)eiω(cid:1) = if |eiω −eiω0| > ε, ε |X(eiω)| Y (cid:0)eiω(cid:1) = [1−γ eiω ]X eiω , N eiω = γ eiω X eiω , (3.7) ε ε ε (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) where ε→ 0. In this case, x = y +n , y = Z−1Y ∈ ℓBL(I ), n = Z−1N , (3.8) ε ε ε ε 2 ε ε ε where I = {ω : |eiω −eiω0| ≤ε}, ε |N eiω | =X eiω , if ω ∈ I , ε ε |N (cid:0)eiω(cid:1)| =|X(cid:0) eiω(cid:1)0 |= const if ω ∈/ I , (3.9) ε ε (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) We regard n as approximation of the noise as ε→ 0+. ε To justify this description of the noise, we have to show that the set of band-limited processes {y } in (3.7)-(3.8) is predictable in some sense. Theorem 1(i)-(ii) does not ensure predicability ε of this set, since it requires to know the values ω . This would require to know ω , which is 0 Iε 6 inconsistent with the notion of predictability. However, Theorem 2 ensures sufficient estimation of I and ω based on observations of {x(t)} ; we can take select ω = ω −π if ω ∈ (0,π], and ε Iε t≤τ Iε c c ω = ω +π if ω ∈ (−π,0], in the notations of Theorem 2. This leads to the following two step Iε c c b b procedure: the set {x(s)} is used for prediction of x(t), and the set {x(s)} is used for the τ<s<t s≤τ b b estimation of ω ≈ ω . This allows to satisfy conditions of Theorem 1(iii). Iε Iε Therefore, the set of band-limited processes {y } in (3.7)-(3.8) is predictable in the sense of ε b Theorem 1(iii). This predictability covers times t ≥ 1 only; it is a weaker version of predictability comparing with the one described in Lemma 1(i)-(ii). SinceanormforN isapproachingthenormforN,thenormofN canbeusedforquantification ε of the randomness of the two-sided sequences. The process y = Z−1Y can also be interpreted as an output of a smoothing filter. ε ε This support the choice of the value σ(x) for the quantification of x. 3.2 Randomness as a measure of recoverability By recoverability, we mean a possibility of constructing a linear recovering operator as described in the definition below. Note that X eiω is continuous in ω for x ∈ℓ , X = Zx. 1 Let ω ∈ (0,π] begiven. For σ ≥ 0, let X = {x ∈ℓ : min |X eiω | = |X eiω0 | =σ}. 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) σ 1 ω∈(−π,π] For m ∈ Z, assume that the value x(m) is not observable for x ∈ ℓ and that all other values 1(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) of x are observable. We consider recovering problem for x(m) as finding an estimate x(m) = F x|t∈Z\{m} , where F :ℓ1(−∞,m−1)×ℓ1(m+1,+∞) → R is some mapping. e Th(cid:0)eorem 3.(cid:1)For any estimator x(m) = F x|t∈Z\{m} , where F :ℓ1(−∞,m−1)×ℓ1(m+1,+∞)→ R is some mapping, we have that (cid:0) (cid:1) e sup |x(m)−x(m)| ≥ σ. (3.10) x∈Xσ In addition, there exists an optimal estimeator x(m) = F x|t∈Z\{m} , where F : ℓ1(−∞,m−1)× ℓ (m+1,+∞) → R is some mapping, such that 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) b b b sup |x(m)−x(m)| = σ. (3.11) x∈Xσ This supports again the choice of thebvalue σ(x) for the quantification of the randomness for x. 4 Separating the noise for one-sided sequences Unfortunately, representation (3.2) does not lead toward a solution of the predictability problem, since it would require to know the entire sequence {x(t)}+∞ to calculate X = Zx. t=−∞ 7 On the other hand, it is natural to use one-sided sequences interpreted as available past ob- servations for predictability problems. For this, we have to use the notion of left bandlimitness for one-sided sequences. We will use a modification of representation (3.2) that was stated for two-sided sequences. For this, we have to of representation to two-sided sequences. We suggest to replace the ”ideal” projections xBL = Z−1(IIZx)∈ ℓ2 for x ∈ ℓ2 and yBL = x−xBL = Z−1(IIcZx) by their ”optimal” one-sided substitutes. b b Uniqueness of the extrapolation for left band-limited processes Lemma 1. For any I ∈ J and any x ∈ ℓ−,LBL(I), there exists an unique x ∈ ℓBL(I) such that 2 BL 2 x(t) =x (t) for t ≤ 0. BL By Lemma 1, the future values x (t)| of a band-limited process x , are uniquely defined BL t>0 BL by the trace x (t)| . This statement represent a reformulation in the deterministic setting of BL t≤0 the classical Szego¨-Kolmogorov Theorem for stationary Gaussian processes [18, 25, 26, 28]. Existence of optimal band-limited approximation Let x ∈ ℓ− be a semi-infinite one-sided sequence representing available historical data, and let 2 I ∈ J. Theorem 4. There exists an unique optimal solution x of the minimization problem 0 Minimize |x(t)−x(t)|2b over x ∈ℓ−,LBL(I). (4.1) 2 t=−∞ X b b By Lemma 1, there exists a unique band-limited process x ∈ ℓBL(I) such that x(t)| = BL 2 t≤0 x (t)| . This offers a natural way to extrapolate a left band-limited solution x ∈ ℓ− of problem BL t≤0 2 b (4.1) on the future times t > 0. b The optimal solution Let I ∈ J be given, and let mes(I) = 2Ω for some Ω∈ (0,π). Let I = (−Ω,Ω), i.e., ω = 0. 0 I0 For ω ∈ [−π,π), let the operator p : ℓ− → ℓ− be defined as x¯(t) = eiωtx(t) for x¯ = p x. ω 2 2 ω Let the operator Q :ℓ → ℓ−,LBL(I ) be defined as x = Qy = Z−1X, where 2 2 0 X eiω = y eikωπ/ΩIb , b (4.2) k {|ω|≤Ω} k∈Z (cid:0) (cid:1) X b 8 for the corresponding y = {y }∈ ℓ . Similarly to the classical sinc representation, we obtain that k 2 1 Ω 1 Ω x(t) = y eikωπ/Ω eiωtdω = y eikωπ/Ω+iωtdω k k 2π 2π Z−Ω k∈Z ! k∈Z Z−Ω X X b 1 eikπ+iΩt−e−ikπ−iΩt Ω = y = y sinc(kπ+Ωt)= (Qy)(t). (4.3) k k 2π ikπ/Ω+it π Xk∈Z kX∈ZN It follows that the Q :ℓ → ℓ−,LBL(I ) is actually defined as 2 2 0 Ω x(t) = (Qy)(t) = y sinc(kπ+Ωt). k π k∈Z X b Consider the operator Q∗ : ℓ−,LBL(I ) → ℓ being adjoint to the operator Q :ℓ → ℓ−,LBL(I ), i.e., 2 0 2 2 2 0 such that Ω (Q∗x) = sinc(kπ+Ωt)x(t). (4.4) k π t∈T X Consider a linear bounded non-negatively defined Hermitian operator R :ℓ → ℓ defined as 2 2 R = Q∗Q. Consider operator P =p QR−1Q∗p :ℓ → ℓ−,LBL(I). I ωI −ωI 2 2 Theorem 5. (i) The operator R : ℓ → ℓ has a bounded inverse operator R−1 :ℓ → ℓ . 2 2 2 2 (ii) Problem (4.1) has a unique solution x = P x. (4.5) I Theorem 6. For any I ∈ J, there exists nI ∈b ℓ−2 such that PInI = 0 and nI 6= 0. The processes n can be considered as the noise component with respect to smooth processes I with the spectrum on I, for a given I ∈ J. Corollary 1. A process x ∈ ℓ− is left-bandlimited with the spectrum I if and only if x = 2 p QR−1Q∗p x. ωI −ωI Remark 1. It can be noted that x = p QQ+p x, where Q+ = R−1Q∗ : ℓ− → ℓ is a Moore– ωI −ωI 2 2 Penrose pseudoinverse of the operator Q :ℓ → ℓ−. 2 2 b Let us elaborate equation (4.5). The optimal process x can be expressed as Ω x(t) = eiωIt yksinc(kπb+Ωt). π k∈Z X b b 9 Here y = {yk}k∈Z is defined as b b y = R−1Qp−ωIx. (4.6) The operator R can be represented viba a matrix R = {Rkm}, where k,m ∈ Z. In this setting, (Ry) = ∞ R y , and the components of the matrix R are defined as k k=−∞ km m P Ω2 0 R = sinc(mπ+Ωj)sinc(kπ+Ωj). km π2 j=−∞ X Respectively, the components of the vector Q∗x = {(Q∗x)k}k∈Z are defined as 0 Ω (Q∗x) = sinc(kπ+Ωj)x(j). (4.7) k π j=−∞ X 4.1 A multi-step procedure for one-sided sequences Unfortunately, the approach described in Section 3 does not lead toward a solution of the pre- dictability problem, since it would require to know the entire sequence {x(t)}+∞ to calculate t=−∞ X = Zx and quantitative characteristics suggested in Section 3. On the other hand, it is natural to use one-sided sequences interpreted as available past obser- vations for predictability problems. In this case, we have to use the notion of left bandlimitness for one-sided sequences. We will use a modification of representation (3.2) that was stated for two-sided sequences. For this, we suggest to replace the ”ideal” projections x = Z−1(I Zx) ∈ ℓ for x ∈ ℓ by BL I 2 2 their ”optimal” one-sided substitutes x = P x ∈ ℓ−; this substitution is optimal on {t ≤ 0} in the I 2 b sense of optimization problem (4.1). Unfortunately, it may happen that b x−x ∈/ ℓ−,LBL(Ic). 2 For this, we suggest to replace the ”bideal” projections xBL = Z−1(IIZx) ∈ ℓ2 for x ∈ ℓ2 and yBL = x − xBL = Z−1(IIcZx) by their ”optimal” one-sided substitutes x = PIx ∈ ℓ−2 and b y = PIc(x−x) ∈ ℓ−2; this substitution is optimal on {t ≤ 0} in the sense of optimization problem b b (4.1). Unfortunately, it may happen that b b y = PIc(x−x)∈/ ℓ−2,LBL(Ic). We suggest a multi-step procebdure that tobdeal with this complication. Assume that we observe a semi-infinite one-sided sequence {x(t)} ∈ ℓ−. t≤0 2 Consider a sequence of sets {I } ⊂ J, with the corresponding middle points ω ∈ I . k k=0,1,2,.. k k Further, let us consider the following sequences of elements of ℓ−: 2 10

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