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On construction of multivariate symmetric MRA-based wavelets1 A. Krivoshein St.Petersburg State University 2 e-mail: [email protected] 1 0 2 Abstract n For an arbitrary matrix dilation, any integer n and any integer/semi-integer c, we describe all a J masks that are symmetric with respect to the point c and have sum rule of order n. For each such mask, we give explicit formulas for wavelet functions that are point symmetric/antisymmetric 2 1 and generate frame-like wavelet system providing approximation order n. For any matrix dilations (which are appropriate for axialsymmetry groupon R2 in some natural sense) and given integer n, ] axial symmetric/antisymmetric frame-like wavelet systems providing approximation order n are A constructed. Also, for several matrix dilations the explicit construction of highly symmetric frame- F like wavelet systems providing approximationorder n is presented. . h t a Keywords: MRA-based wavelet systems, frame-type expansion, approximation order, symme- m try [ Mathematics Subject Classifications: 42C40 1 v 6 1 Introduction 0 6 2 In recent years, methods for the construction of wavelet systems with different types of symmetry . 1 are actively developed (see [1], [3], [4], [6], [9], [10], [15], [16], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [26], 0 [27] and the references therein). In this paper, we study the construction of symmetric frame- 2 like wavelet systems. Such systems were introduced in [24]. They are obtained by the general 1 scheme for the construction of MRA-based dual wavelet frames that was developed by A. Ron and : v Z.Shen[28]. Therealizationofthisschemeleadstoadualwaveletsystemsbutnotnecessarytodual Xi frames. Toobtainframeswehavetosatisfyadditionalcondition,namelyallwaveletfunctionsshould have vanishing moments. However, perfect reconstruction property, frame-type decomposition and r a desired approximation properties for MRA-based dual wavelet systems can be achieved without frame requirements [24] (also see [17]). This simplification of the construction scheme allows us to provide symmetry in general case. Let us, firstly, introduce some basic notations and definitions. 1.1 Notations N is the set of positive integers, R is the set of real numbers, C is the set of complex numbers. For x R we denote by x the largest integer not greater than x. Rd denotes the d-dimensional Eu- ∈ ⌊ ⌋ clideanspace,x=(x ,...,x ),y =(y ,...,y )areitselements(vectors),(x) =x forj = 1,...,d, 1 d 1 d j j (x,y) = x y + ... + x y , x = (x,x), 0 = (0,...,0) Rd. For x,y Rd we write 1 1 d d x > y if x > y , j = 1,...,d; x| | y if x y , j = 1,...,d.∈Zd is the integer∈lattice in Rd, Zd := x jZd : jx 0 . For x R≥d vecptorjx≥ jZd and ( x ) = x , j = 1,...,d. For α Zd + { ∈ ≥ } ∈ ⌊ ⌋∈ ⌊ ⌋ j ⌊ j⌋ ∈ + d we denote by o(α) the set of odd coordinates of α, Πα(ξ) := (1 −e2πiξj)αj. If α,β ∈ Zd+, j=1 Q 1 ThisresearchwassupportedbyGrant09-01-00162 ofRFBR. 1 d d d a,b Rd, we set [α] = α , α! = α !, α = α! , ab = abj, Dαf = ∂[α]f , ∈ j=1 j j=1 j β β!(α−β)! j=1 j ∂α1x1...∂αdxd δ isthe KroneckerdeltaP. Fori=1,..Q.,d, vec(cid:16)tor(cid:17)se Zd arethestanQdardbasisofRd, (e ) =δ , ab i i j ij j =1,...,d. For n N, we set ∆ := α: α Zd, ∈[α]<n , ∆e := α: α ∆ ,[α]is even . ∈ n { ∈ + } n { ∈ n } Let M be a dilation matrix, i.e. an integer d d matrix whose eigenvalues are bigger than 1 in × module, M denote the conjugate matrix to M, I denote the d d identity matrix, m= detM . ∗ d We say that vectors k, n Zd are congruent modulo M if k n×=Ml, l Zd. The intege|r lattic|e Zd is split into cosets wi∈th respect to the congruence. It is−known that∈the number of cosets is equal to m (see, e.g., [25, § 2.2]). Let us choose an arbitrary representative from each coset, call them all digits and denote the set of digits by D(M) = s ,...,s . Each coset we denote by 0 m 1 Ωi := Mk+s ,k Zd , i=0,...,m 1. { − } MIf f{is a funcition∈defi}ned on Rd, we s−et f (x):=mj/2f(Mjx+k), j Z,k Zd jk ∈ ∈ and f := f (x):j Z, k Zd .Iffunctionf L (Rd)thenitsFouriertransformf isdefined jk jk 1 { } { ∈ ∈ } ∈ to be f(ξ)= f(x)e 2πi(x,ξ)dx, ξ Rd. This notion can be naturally extended to L (Rd). − 2 ∈ Rd b TheSchwaRrtzclassoffunctionsdefinedonRd isdenotedbyS. ThedualspaceofS isS ,i.e. the b ′ space of tempered distributions. The basic notion and facts from distribution theory can be found in, e.g., [32]. If f S, g S , then f,g := g,f := g(f). If f L (Rd), g L (Rd), 1 + 1 = 1, ∈ ∈ ′ h i h i ∈ p ∈ q p q then f,g := fg. Iff S thenf denotesitsFouriertransformdefinedby f,g = f,g ,g S. h i Rd ∈ ′ h i h i ∈ If f S , j Z,k Zd, we define f by ∈ ′ ∈ R ∈ jk b bb f ,g = f,g g S. h jk i h −j,−M−jki ∀ ∈ For a function f S , its Sobolev smoothness exponent is defined to be ′ ∈ ν (f)=sup ν R + : f(ξ)2(1+ ξ 2)νdξ < . 2  ∈ {−∞} { ∞} | | | | ∞  [ [ RZd  b We say that t(ξ), ξ Rd, is a trigonometric polynomial of semi-integer degrees associated with ∈ σ 1Zd 0,1 d if t is a function of the following type ∈ 2 2 T(cid:2) (cid:3) t(ξ)= h e2πi(k+σ,ξ), h C. k k ∈ kX∈Zd We say that t(ξ), ξ Rd, is a trigonometric polynomial of integer degrees (or just trigonometric ∈ polynomial) if t is a trigonometric polynomial of semi-integer degrees associated with σ =0. A function/distribution ϕ is calledrefinable if there exists a 1-periodic function m L ([0,1]d) 0 2 ∈ (mask, also refinable mask, low-pass filter) such that ϕ(ξ)=m0(M∗−1ξ)ϕ(M∗−1ξ). (1) This condition is called refinement equation. It is well known (see, e.g., [25, § 2.4]) that for any b b trigonometric polynomial m satisfying m (0) = 1 there exists a unique solution (up to a factor) 0 0 of the refinement equation (1) in S . The solution is compactly supported and given by its Fourier ′ transform ∞ ϕ(ξ):= m0(M∗−jξ). (2) j=1 Y b 2 Throughout the paper we assume that any refinable mask m is a trigonometric polynomial with 0 real or complex coefficients and m (0)=1. 0 For any trigonometric polynomial t there exists a unique set of trigonometric polynomials τ , k k =0,...,m 1, such that − m 1 1 − t(ξ)= e2πi(sk,ξ)τk(M∗ξ), (3) √m k=0 X where s are digits of the matrix M. This is so called polyphase representation of trigonometric k polynomial t. For k = 0,...,m 1, τ is the polyphase component of t corresponding to the digit k − s . If we change the set of digits, the polyphase components of trigonometric polynomial t will also k change. Any polyphase component τ can be expressed by k 1 τk(ξ)= e−2πi(M−1sk,ξ+s)t(M∗−1(ξ+s)), k =0,...,m 1. √m − s∈XD(M) If t(ξ)= h e2πi(n,ξ),h C, then n Zd n n ∈ ∈ P 1 τ (ξ)= h e2πi(p,ξ), k =0,...,m 1. k √m Mp+sk − pX∈Zd Fortrigonometricpolynomialofsemi-integerdegreest(ξ)= h e2πi(k+σ,ξ),h C,associated k k ∈ k Zd with σ 1Zd 0,1 d, we define its coefficient support to beP∈csupp(t) = k Zd : h = 0 and ∈ 2 2 { ∈ k 6 } the number of its non-zero coefficients to be csupp(t). For β ∆T,(cid:2)n (cid:3)N, we denote by Θ | the clas|s of trigonometric polynomials of integer or n β,n ∈ ∈ semi-integer degrees associated with σ 1Zd 0,1 d and defined on Rd such that t Θ ∈ 2 2 ∀ ∈ β,n Dαt(0)=(2πTi)(cid:2)αδ (cid:3), α ∆ . (4) αβ n ∀ ∈ Also, we will use the following notations: ΘA := t Θ :t(ξ)=t( ξ) for β ∆e. β,n { ∈ β,n − } ∈ n ΘB := t Θ :t(ξ)=( 1)[β]t(ξ) for β ∆ . β,n { ∈ β,n − } ∈ n How to construct trigonometric polynomials from the class Θ (ΘA or ΘB )? It can be done in β,n β,n β,n different ways. For example, we can take d G (ξ)= g (ξ ), β ∆ , (5) β βr r ∈ n r=1 Y where g (u) Θ k = 0,...,n 1, u R. It is clear that G (ξ) Θ . The coefficients of k k,n β β,n ∈ − ∈ ∈ n 1 trigonometricpolynomialsg (u)= − h(k)e2πilu areeasytofindfromthelinearsystemofequations k l l=0 with Vandermonde matrix accordingPwith conditions (4). For example, if n=2: g (u)=1, g (u)= 1+e2πiu. 0 1 − If n=3: 3 1 1 1 g (u)=1, g (u)= +2e2πiu e4πiu, g (u)= e2πiu+ e4πiu. 0 1 2 −2 − 2 2 − 2 If n=4: 3 11 3 1 g (u)=1, g (u)= +3e2πiu e4πiu+ e6πiu, 0 1 − 6 − 2 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 g (u)=1 e2πiu+2e4πiu e6πiu, g (u)= + e2πiu e4πiu+ e6πiu. 2 3 − 2 − 2 −6 2 − 2 6 Also, recursive formulas for computing g (u) are given in [30]. k Trigonometric polynomials from the class ΘA , β ∆e, can be constructed as follows β,n ∈ n 1 GA(ξ)= (G (ξ)+G ( ξ)), G (ξ) Θ . β 2 β β − β ∈ β,n It is clear that GA(ξ) ΘA . β ∈ β,n Similarly, trigonometric polynomials from the class ΘB , β ∆ , can be constructed as follows β,n ∈ n 1 GB(ξ)= (G (ξ)+( 1)[β]G (ξ)), G (ξ) Θ . β 2 β − β β ∈ β,n It is clear that GB(ξ) ΘB . β ∈ β,n How to construct trigonometric polynomials G (ξ) of semi-integer degrees associated certain β with σ 1Zd 0,1 d such that G (ξ) Θ ? We simply find gs(u) in the following form ∈ 2 2 β ∈ β,n k n 1 gks(u)= − h(lk)Te2(cid:2)πi(l+(cid:3)21)u, u∈R, such that gks(u)∈Θk,n k =0,...,n−1. Then, as in (5), we set l=0 P G (ξ)= g (ξ ) gs (ξ ), β ∆ . β βr r βr r ∈ n r∈/Yo(2σ) r∈Yo(2σ) Trigonometric polynomials of semi-integer degrees associated with σ from the class ΘA , β ∆e β,n ∈ n and from the class ΘB , β ∆ , can be constructed as above. For n N we sayβt,hnat tr∈igonnometric polynomial t has vanishing moments of order n if ∈ Dβt(ξ) =0, β ∆ . n ξ=0 ∀ ∈ (cid:12) For n N we say that trigonometric p(cid:12)(cid:12)olynomial t has sum rule of order n with respect to the ∈ dilation matrix M if Dβt(M∗−1ξ)ξ=s =0, s D(M∗) 0 , β ∆n. | ∀ ∈ \{ } ∀ ∈ High order of sum rule for a refinable mask is very important in applications, since it is connected with good approximation properties of the corresponding wavelet system (see, e.g. [20] and the references therein). For n N we say that trigonometric polynomial t has linear-phase moments of order n with phase c ∈Rd if ∈ Dβt(0)=Dβe2πi(c,ξ) =(2πi)[β]cβ, β ∆ . n ξ=0 ∀ ∈ (cid:12) This notion was described in [16] for univar(cid:12)iate case and in [20] for more general settings. The (cid:12) importance of linear-phase moments is in the fact that they are useful in the sense of polynomial reproduction and subdivision schemes. It should be noted that these properties of trigonometric polynomials are invariant with respect to the integer shifts. If trigonometric polynomial t has vanishing moments of order n (sum rule of order n or linear-phase moments of order n with phase c Rd) then trigonometric polynomial t(ξ) := t(ξ)e2πi(γ,ξ), γ Zd, also has vanishing moments of o∈rder n (sum rule of order n or linear- ′ ∈ phase moments of order n but with phase c+γ). 4 Ifψ(ν) S ,ν =1,...,r,then ψ(ν) iscalledawaveletsystem. Forn Nwesaythatcompactly ∈ ′ { jk } ∈ supported wavelet system ψ(ν) has vanishing moments of order n (or has VMn property) if { jk } Dβψ(ν)(0)=0, ν =1,...,r, β ∆ . n ∀ ∈ Afamily offunctions fn n d( is a countable index set) ina Hilbert spaceH is calleda frame { } ∈ℵ ℵ in H if there exist A,B >0 so that, for all f H, ∈ A f 2 f,f 2 B f 2. n k k ≤ |h i| ≤ k k n X∈ℵ An important property of a frame f in H is the following: every f H can be decomposed n n { } ∈ as f = f,f f , where f is a dual frame in H. Comprehensive characterizations of frames nh ni n { n}n can be found in [2]. Wavelet frames are of great interest for many applications, especially in signal P processing. e e 1.2 Symmetry property of mask and refinable function A finite set of d d integer matrices H E : detE =1 is a symmetry group on Zd if H forms × ⊂{ | | } a group under matrix multiplication. Let H be a symmetry group on Zd. A function f is said to be H-symmetric with respect to a center C Rd if ∈ f(E(x C)+C)=f(x), E H, x Rd. − ∀ ⊂ ∈ Hence, a trigonometric polynomial t(ξ)= h e2πi(n,ξ), h C is H-symmetric with respect to n n ∈ n Zd a center c Rd if P∈ ∈ t(ξ)=e2πi(c−Ec,ξ)t(E∗ξ), E H (6) ∀ ⊂ and c Ec Zd, E H. Condition (6) is equivalent to − ∈ ∀ ⊂ h =h , n Zd, E H. n E(n c)+c − ∀ ∈ ∀ ⊂ It is known (see, e.g. [11]) that H-symmetry of a mask m (ξ) not always carries over to its 0 refinable function ϕ, defined by (2). Due to this fact a strongernotion of symmetry was introduced in [11]. Afinitesetofd dintegermatricesH issaidtobe symmetry group with respect to the dilation M matrix M if H is×a symmetry group on Zd such that M MEM 1 H , E H . − M M ∈ ∀ ⊂ The following statement was shown by B. Han. Lemma 1 [14, Proposition 2.1] LetH beasymmetrygroupwithrespecttothedilation matrixM. M Mask m is H -symmetric with respect to a center c Rd if and only if the corresponding refinable 0 M function ϕ given by (2) is H -symmetric with respect∈to a center C Rd and C =(M I ) 1c. M d − ∈ − Let H be a symmetry group on Zd and trigonometric polynomial t(ξ) be H-symmetric with a center c 1Zd. When H = I , I , condition (6) is equivalent to ∈ 2 { d − d} t(ξ)=e2πi(2c,ξ)t( ξ) or h =h , k Zd. (7) n 2c n − − ∀ ∈ Suchtrigonometricpolynomialt(ξ)iscalledsymmetric with respect to the point c. Moreover,inthis caseH isasymmetrygroupwithrespecttoanydilationmatrixandLemma1forH isalwaysvalid. If mask m (ξ) is symmetric with respect to the point c then 0 5 Dejm (0)=Dej e2πi(2c,ξ)m ( ξ) =2πi2(c) Dejm (0). 0 0 j 0 − ξ=0 − (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:12) Therefore, Dejm0(0) = 2πicej, j = 1,...,d, i.e. the(cid:12)(cid:12)phase for linear-phase moments must match with the symmetry point c. The maximal order of linear-phase moments for symmetric mask with respect to the point c must be an even integer (see [20, Proposition 2]). Let H be a symmetry group on Z2 and trigonometric polynomial t(ξ) be H-symmetric with a center c 1Z2. When ∈ 2 1 0 H = ±I2,± −0 1 , (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) t(ξ) is called axial symmetric with respect to the center c. When 1 0 0 1 0 1 H = ±I2,± −0 1 ,± 1 0 ,± 1 0 , (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18)− (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) t(ξ) is called 4-fold symmetric with respect to the center c. In fact, for trigonometric polynomial t(ξ) with complex Fourier coefficients, we can consider another type of point symmetry 1 t(ξ)=e2πi(2c,ξ)t(ξ) or h =h , k Zd, c Zd. (8) k 2c k − ∀ ∈ ∈ 2 A mask with point symmetry in the sense (8) is often called a linear-phase filter in engineering. Linearphasefilterhasconstantgroupdelay,allfrequencycomponentshaveequaldelaytimes. That is, there is no distortion due to the time delay of frequencies relative to one another. In many applications this is useful. If mask m is a linear-phase filter then for the corresponding refinable 0 function ϕ defined by (2) equality ϕ(2C x) =ϕ(x) holds, where C =(M I ) 1c (see, e.g., [16, d − − − Lemma 2]). Iftrigonometricpolynomialt(ξ)hasrealFouriercoefficients,thentwosymmetriesinthesense(7) and in the sense (8) are the same. Asymmetryisonethemostdesirablepropertyforwaveletsystems. Alotofdifferentapproaches providing symmetry have been developed since the history of wavelets began. In [5], I. Daubechies showed that for dyadic dilation M = 2 the Haar function χ , up to an integer shift, is the only [0,1] orthogonalrefinablefunctionwithsymmetryandcompactsupport. Thus,toprovidesymmetryand compact support for orthogonalwavelet bases, we have to consider dilations M >2 or multivariate case. FordilationfactorM =3C.ChuiandJ.A.Lian[4]consideredthe constructionofsymmetric and antisymmetric orthonormal wavelets. B. Han [10] constructed symmetric orthonormal scaling functions and wavelets with dilation factor M = 4. The method for construction of orthogonal symmetric refinable functions for arbitrary dilation factors M > 2 and any order of sum rule is suggested by E. Belogay and Y. Wang [1]. For any given orthogonal symmetric refinable function algorithmforderivingorthogonalwaveletbaseswasfoundbyA.Petukhov[26]forarbitrarydilation factors M >2. The case of orthogonalsymmetric refinable masks with complex coefficients, linear- phase moments, order of sum rule and step-by-step algorithm for construction high pass filters was investigated by B. Han [15], [16], [20]. For a given symmetric refinable function, C. Chui and W. He [3] proved that there exists sym- metrictightwaveletframewith3generatorsfordyadicdilationM =2. Insomecasesthenumberof generatorscan be reduced to 2 [27]. For dilation factor M =2 symmetric tight waveletframes with 3 generators and high vanishing moments was constructed by B. Han, Q. Mo [18]. For an arbitrary dilation factor M 2 systematic algorithm for constructing (anti)symmetric tight wavelet frames ≥ generated by a given refinable function was presented in [26]. StartingfromanytwosymmetriccompactlysupportedrefinablefunctionsinL (R)withdilation 2 factor M 2, I. Daubechies and B. Han [6] showed that it is always possible to construct 2M ≥ 6 wavelet functions with compact support such that they generate a pair of (anti)symmetric dual wavelet frames in L (R). 2 In multivariate case, S. S. Goh, Z. Y. Lim, Z. Shen [9] suggested a general and simple method for the construction of point symmetric tight wavelet frames from a given tight wavelet frame and the number of generators for the symmetric tight wavelet frames is at most twice the number of generators for the given tight wavelet frame. The order of vanishing moments is preserved. S. Karakazyan, M. Skopina, M. Tchobanou in [23] described all real interpolatory masks which are symmetric with respect to the origin and generate symmetric/antisymmetric compactly supported biorthonormal bases or dual wavelet systems, generally speaking, with vanishing moments up to arbitrary order n for matrix dilations whose determinant is odd or equal 2. ± Theconstructionofhighlysymmetricwaveletsystemsistheleaststudiedthemeintheliterature. One of method was suggested by Q. Jiang in [21], [22] for the construction of dual wavelet frames formultiresolutionsurfaceprocessingwith4-foldsymmetryfordyadicand√2-refinementand6-fold symmetry for dyadic and √3-refinement. 1.3 Paper outline The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce mixed extension principle and the notion of MRA-based frame-like wavelet system. Section 3 is devoted to the construction of point symmetric refinable masks and point symmetric/antisymmetric frame-like wavelet system with de- siredapproximationproperties. InSection4weconstructaxialsymmetricframe-likewaveletsystem with desired approximation properties. In Section 5 some results about the construction of highly symmetric frame-like wavelet system are given. In Section 6 several examples are presented. 2 Preliminary results A general scheme for the construction of MRA-based wavelet frames was developed in [28], [29] (Mixed Extension Principle). To construct a pair of dual wavelet frames in L (Rd) one starts with 2 two refinable functions ϕ,ϕ, ϕ(0) = 1, ϕ(0) = 1, (or its masks m ,m , respectively), then finds 0 0 waveletmasks m ,m , ν =1,...,r, r m 1, which are also trigonometric polynomials such that ν ν ≥ − matrices e b be e e µ ... µ µ ... µ 00 0,m 1 00 0,m 1 := ... ... ... − , := ... ... ... −  M M e e µ ... µ µ ... µ  r,0 r,m−1  f  r,0 r,m−1      satisfy e e T =I , (9) m M M where µ , µ k = 0,...,m 1, are the polyphase components of trigonometric polynomials m , νk νk ν − f m for all ν =0,...,r, r m 1. ν ≥ − Wavelet functions ψ(ν), ψ(ν), ν =1,...,r, r m 1, are defined by their Fourier transform e ≥ − e ψ(ν)(ξ)=me(M 1ξ)ϕ(M 1ξ), ψ(ν)(ξ)=m (M 1ξ)ϕ(M 1ξ). (10) ν ∗− ∗− ν ∗− ∗− If wavelet fudnctions ψ(ν),ψ(ν), ν =b1,...,r, r ≥edm−1, aere constructbeed as above, then the set of functions ψ(ν) , ψ(ν) is said to be (MRA-based) dual wavelet systems generated by refinable { jk } { jk } functions ϕ,ϕ (or their masksem ,m ). 0 0 For wavelet functioens ψ(ν), ν = 1,...,r, r m 1, defined by (10) VMn property for the ≥ − correspondineg wavelet system is eqeuivalent to the fact that wavelet masks mν, ν = 1,...,r have vanishing moments up to oerder n. e 7 For a compactly supported dual wavelet systems ψ(ν) , ψ(ν) , ν = 1,...,r, r m 1, { jk } { jk } ≥ − generatedbyrefinablefunctionsϕ,ϕ L (Rd)necessary(see[31,Theorem1])andsufficient(see[12, 2 Theorems 2.2, 2.3]) condition to be ∈a pair of dual wavelet framesein L (Rd) is the following: each 2 wavelet function ψ(ν),ψ(ν) shouldehave vanishing moment at least of order 1. Construction of univariate dualwaveletframes withvanishing moments wasdeveloped,in [6]. Formultidimensional case explicit method foer construction of compactly supported dual wavelet frames with vanishing moments was suggestedin [31], but it is not easy to provide various types of symmetry for different matrix dilations. If we reject frame requirements and aim to provide VMn property only for wavelet functions ψ(ν), ν = 1,...,r, then the method could be symplified. Necessary conditions with constructive proof are given in e Lemma 2 [24, Lemma 14] Let ϕ,ϕ be compactly supported refinable distributions, µ , µ , k = 0k 0k 0,...,m 1, be the polyphase components of their masks m ,m respectively, n N. If 0 0 − ∈ e e (2πi)[β] β Dβµ0k(0)= λα ( M−1sk)β−α eβ ∆n, k =0,...,m 1 (11) √m α − ∀ ∈ ∀ − α∈ZXd+,α≤β (cid:18) (cid:19) for some numbers λα C, α ∆n, λ0 =1, and ∈ ∈ m 1 − Dβ 1 µ (ξ)µ (ξ) =0 β ∆ , (12) 0k 0k n − !(cid:12) ∀ ∈ Xk=0 (cid:12)ξ=0 (cid:12) e (cid:12) then there exist (MRA-based) dual wavelet systems ψ(cid:12) (ν) , ψ(ν) , ν = 1,...,m, such that ψ(ν) { jk } { jk } { jk } has VMn property. e e Later,inTheorem19theextensiontechniqueandexplicitformulasforthewaveletmaskswillbe given. It is important to say that frames cannot be constructed using this method (see Remark 20 for more details). Note that (see, e.g., [31]) the set of numbers λ is unique, does not depend on n and α 1 λ = Dαm (M 1ξ) , α ∆ . (13) α (2πi)[α] 0 ∗− ξ=0 ∈ n (cid:12) (cid:12) Conditions (11), (12) do not depend on our choice of t(cid:12)he set of digits. Remark 3 Due to Theorem [7, Theorem 10] and the identity m 1 − µ (M ξ)µ (M ξ)= m (ξ+M 1s)m (ξ+M 1s), 0k ∗ 0k ∗ 0 ∗− 0 ∗− kX=0 s∈DX(M∗) e e conditions (11), (12) in Lemma 2 may be replaced by (i) m (ξ) has sum rule of order n, 0 (ii) Dβ 1 m (ξ)m (ξ) =0 β ∆ . (14) 0 0 n − ξ=0 ∀ ∈ (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:12) (cid:12) e (cid:12) Thus,the methodforthe constructionofMRA-basedframe-likewaveletsystemsis quite simple. We start with any mask m that has sum rule of order n. Next, we find dual refinable mask m 0 0 satisfying (14) and wavelet masks m ,m , ν = 1,...,m using Lemma 2. The refinable functions ν ν e e 8 ϕ,ϕ are defined by (2); wavelet functions ψ(ν),ψ(ν) are defined by (10). Thereby, we get the pair of MRA-based dual wavelet systems ψ(ν) , ψ(ν) which may consist of tempered distributions, { jk } { jk } geneerally speaking. Nevertheless, we can consideer frame-type decomposition with respect to these systems for appropriate functions f (e.g., f Seif ψ(ν) S ; f L if ψ(ν) L , 1 + 1 =1). ∈ ∈ ′ ∈ p ∈ q p q Let ψ(ν) , ψ(ν) be dual wavelet systems and A be a class of functions f for which f,ϕ , { jk } { jk } e e h 0ki (ν) (ν) f,ψ have meaning. We say that ψ is frame-like if h jk i e { jk } e r e f = ∞ f,ψ(ν) ψ(ν) f A, (15) h jk i jk ∀ ∈ j=X−∞νX=1kX∈Zd e and ψ(ν) is almost frame-like if { jk } r f = f,ϕ ϕ + ∞ f,ψ(ν) ψ(ν) f A, (16) h 0ki 0k h jk i jk ∀ ∈ kX∈Zd Xj=0νX=1kX∈Zd where the series in (15) and (16) econverge in some natural seense. Here we give some results from [24]. Theorem 4 [24, Theorem 12] Let f S, ϕ,ϕ S , ϕ,ϕ be compactly supported and refinable, ′ ∈ ∈ ϕ(0)=ϕ(0)=1. Then MRA-based dual wavelet systems ψ(ν) , ψ(ν) , ν =1,...,r, generated by { jk } { jk } ϕ,ϕ are almost frame-like, i.e. (16) holds with tehe series coenverging in S′. Tbheorebem 5 [24, Theorem 16] Let f S, ϕ L (Rd), ϕ S , ϕe,ϕ be compactly supported and 2 ′ e ∈ ∈ ∈ refinable, ϕ(0)=ϕ(0)=1, and let ψ(ν),ψ(ν),ν =1,...,r, be defined by (10). Then (16) holds with the series converging in L2-norm. If, moreover, ϕ,ϕ are asein Lemmae2, then b be e f f,ϕ ϕ j−1 m ef,ψ(ν) ψ(ν) CkfkW2n∗ , (17) (cid:13) − h 0ki 0k− h ik i ik (cid:13) ≤ (λ ε)jn (cid:13)(cid:13) kX∈Zd Xi=0νX=1kX∈Zd (cid:13)(cid:13)2 | |− (cid:13) e e (cid:13) where λ is a m(cid:13)inimal (in module) eigenvalue of M, ε > 0, λ(cid:13) ε > 1, n n, C and n do not (cid:13) | |(cid:13)− ∗ ≥ ∗ depend on f and j. In other words, almost frame-like wavelet system ψ(ν) from Theorem 5 provide approximation { jk } order n. 3 Construction of symmetric frame-like wavelets In this section, we will consider refinable masks m (ξ) = h e2πi(n,ξ), h C that are sym- 0 n Zd n n ∈ metric with respect to a point c 1Zd in two different senses∈ ∈ 2 P (a) m (ξ) = e2πi(2c,ξ)m ( ξ), that is h = h , k Zd, then we say that m (ξ) is symmetric 0 0 k 2c k 0 with respect to the p−oint c 1Zd in the se−nse∀(a)∈; ∈ 2 (b) m (ξ)=e2πi(2c,ξ)m (ξ),thatish =h , k Zd,thenwesaythatm (ξ)is symmetricwith 0 0 k 2c k 0 respect to the point c 1Zd in the sens−e (b∀). ∈ ∈ 2 Similarly, m (ξ) is antisymmetric with respect to the point c 1Zd in the sense (a), if m (ξ)= 0 ∈ 2 0 e2πi(2c,ξ)m ( ξ); m (ξ) is antisymmetric with respect to the point c 1Zd in the sense (b), if − 0 − 0 ∈ 2 m (ξ)= e2πi(2c,ξ)m (ξ). 0 0 − We will use the polyphase components µ , k = 0,...,m 1, for the construction of mask m 0k 0 − that is symmetric with respect to a point. Thus, we need to reformulate symmetry conditions for the mask in terms of its polyphase components. 9 Lemma 6 A mask m (ξ) is symmetric with respect to a point c 1Zd in the sense (a) if and only 0 ∈ 2 if its polyphase components µ (ξ), k =0,...,m 1 satisfy 0k − µ0k(ξ)=e2πi(M−1(2c−sk−sl),ξ)µ0l( ξ), (18) − where l is a unique integer in 0,...,m 1 such that M 1(2c s s ) Zd. − k l { − } − − ∈ Proof. Firstly, we assume that m (ξ) is symmetric with respect to the point c 1Zd in the sense (a), i.e. h = h , n Zd. N0amely, all coefficients h such that indices n∈ Ω2k match with the coefficiennts h2c−nw∀hos∈e indices 2c n Ωl for somenl 0,...,m 1 and∈ M 2c−n − ∈ M ∈{ − } e2πi(sk,ξ)µ0k(M∗ξ)= hMn+ske2πi(Mn+sk,ξ) = h2c−Mn−ske2πi(Mn+sk,ξ) nX∈Zd nX∈Zd = hMp+sle2πi(2c−Mp−sl,ξ) =e2πi(2c−sl,ξ)µ0l(−M∗ξ), pX∈Zd where k =0,...,m 1, and number l is chosensuch that 2c Mn s Ωl , i.e. 2c Mn s = Mp+s ,p Zd, or−M 1(2c s s ) Zd. − − k ∈ M − − k l − k l ∈ − − ∈ Next, suppose we have (18). According with (3) we obtain m 1 1 − m0( ξ)= e−2πi(sk,ξ)µ0k( M∗ξ)= − √m − k=0 X m 1 1 − e−2πi(2c,ξ) e2πi(sl,ξ)µ0l(M∗ξ)=e−2πi(2c,ξ)m0(ξ), √m l=0 X i.e. mask m is symmetric with respect to the point c in the sense (a). ✸ 0 This fact for the univariate case and for multiwavelets is hidden in the proof of [19, Lemma 1]. So, we decided to give a direct proof of this Lemma for multivariate case. The same statementis validfor mask m thatis symmetric with respectto the point c 1Zd in 0 ∈ 2 the sense (b) with condition (18) replaced by µ0k(ξ)=e2πi(M−1(2c−sk−sl),ξ)µ0l(ξ). (19) The set of indices 0,...,m 1 according to the equation (18) or (19) can be divided into sets { − } I and J. Index i I, if we can find index i = i so that M 1(2c s s ) Zd. Then index i I too ′ − i i′ ′ ∈ 6 − − ∈ ∈ and µ0i(ξ)=e2πi(M−1(2c−si−si′),ξ)µ0i′( ξ), M−1(2c si si′) Zd − − − ∈ or µ0i(ξ)=e2πi(M−1(2c−si−si′),ξ)µ0i′(ξ) M−1(2c si si′) Zd. − − ∈ The corresponding digits s ,s always can be choose so that i i′ M 1(2c s s )=0. (20) − i i′ − − Indeed,ifM 1(2c s s )=n,n Zd,wesimplyreplacedigits bys +Mnandgettherequired − i i′ i′ i′ − − ∈ equality. Then the polyphase component µ also change and we get 0i′ µ (ξ)=µ ( ξ). (21) 0i 0i′ − 10

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