On Collective Effects in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics ∗ Bo-Sture K. Skagerstam Department of Physics, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway† and Microtechnology Center at Chalmers MC2, Department of Microelectronics and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology and G¨oteborg University, S-412 96, G¨oteborg, Sweden Weinvestigatetheroleofcollectiveeffectsinthemicromasersystemasusedinvariousstudiesofthe physics of cavity electrodynamics. We focus our attention on the effect on large-time correlations 5 due to multi-atom interactions. The influence of detection efficiencies and collective effects on the 0 appearance of trapping states at low temperatures is also found to beof particular importance. 0 2 PACS numbers32.80.-t, 42.50.-p, 42.50.Ct n a J I. INTRODUCTION also explicitely demonstrated field mode quantization in 3 a cavity [15]. Entanglement of mesoscopic states of the 1 electromagnetic field and an atom in a cavity has also 1 The idealized system of a two-level atom interact- been demonstrated [16] in accordance with theoretical v ingwithasecondquantizedsingle-modeelectromagnetic considerations (see e.g. Ref. [17]). Even though our 0 field, confined in a cavity, plays an important role in the analysis will focus on the dynamics of the micromaser 7 study of various fundamental aspects of quantum me- we observe that the JC model with damping effects in- 0 chanics. The micromaser is a remarkable experimental cluded has been realized in ion traps [18] and in super- 1 realizationof sucha simple but fundamental system (for conductingsystems[19]. Thecouplingofelectromagnetic 0 reviews and references see e.g. [1]). It is therefore also modes to the latter artificial two-level systems has been 5 0 an example of one of the rare systems in Nature which demonstrated in the laboratory [20, 21]. We also notice / exhibit a rich structure of physics that can be investi- thatithasexperimentallybeenverifiedthatphononscan h gated experimentally and which, at the same time, can be confined in semiconductor planar cavities [22]. It is p be studied by exact theoretical methods. In the optical therefore not unlikely that the present analysis may find - t regimeamicrolaserhasalsobeenrealizedexperimentally applicationsinsystemssimilartothemicromasersystem n [2]. Recently this has also been achieved for a one-atom butrealizedinacompletelydifferentphysicalframework. a u system [3]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section II we q Many features of the micromaser system can be re- outline the dynamics of a typical experimental setup of v: garded to be of general interest. Various aspects of the two-level system interacting with a single-mode of i stochastic resonance has e.g. been explored in this the radiation field. Long-time correlations are discussed X system[4]. The micromaser also illustrates a feature of in Section III and corrections due to detection efficien- r non-linear dynamical systems: turning on randomness cies are discussed in Section IV. Collective effects due a may led to an increase of the signal to noise ratio [5, 6]. to the finite probability of having two atoms at a time It can, furthermore, be argued that the micromaser sys- in the cavity are analyzed in Section V together with temisasimpleillustrationoftheconjecturedtopological possible effects on the detection of trapping states. In origin of second-order phase transitions [6, 7]. Trapping Section VI we summarize our work and indicate effects states [8, 9] have been generated in the stationary state onthe phasetransitionsofthe micromasersysteminthe of the micromaser system and therefore the generation so called large-N limit. of states with no classical analogue in such a system is feasible [10, 11]. A basic ingredient of the micromaser is the description of the dynamics in terms of the Dicke II. MICROMASER DYNAMICS model [12] in the so called rotating wave approximation, i.e. the of the Jaynes-Cummings (JC) model [13]. Early experimental studies involves a confirmation of the JC- model predicted atom revivals [14]. Recently one has In our analysis we consider the following typical real- izationof the micromaser. The pump atoms which enter thecavityareatresonancewiththeradiationfieldofthe cavity, and are also assumed to be prepared in the ex- †Permanentaddress ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] citedstate. Theinjectionintervalsbetweentheincoming 2 atoms are assumed to be Poisson-distributed. In terms theJC-model[13,24]. Thelowesteigenvalueλ =0ofL 0 of the dimensionless atomic flux parameter N = R/γ, then determines the stationary equilibrium solution p¯= where R is the rate injected atoms andγ is the damping p(0) asgivenbyEq.(1). (τ)=Tr[M(+)ρ¯]=u¯TM(s)p¯ s P rate of the cavity, the stationary photon number proba- thenistheprobabilitythatanatomisfoundinthestate bilitydistributionisthendescribedbyadiagonaldensity s= ,where+( )denotestheexcited(ground)state,af- matrix with diagonal elements which are well known [8] ter i±t leaves the m−icrocavity. The vector u¯T is the trans- and are given by pose of the vector u¯ with all entries equal to 1. Here we have used the fact that the vector u¯T simply represents n nbm+Nqm the trace operation and ρ¯is the diagonal density matrix p¯ =p¯ . (1) n 0 (1+n )m of the cavity field. When the injection intervals between Y b m=1 the incoming atoms are Poisson-distributed, as we have Hweerheaqvme d≡efiqn(xe)d=thseinn2a(tθu√raxl)d,iwmietnhsxio=nlemss/Npu,mapndpwarhaemre- oabsssuemrveindgistwthoeactaosme,stihnethjoeinsttaptreosbsa1bailnitdy,sP2(wsi1t,hs2a,tla),rgoef eter θ = gτ√N in terms of the atomic transit time τ. time delay t between them can be written in the form Furthermore, g is the single photon Rabi frequency at (s ,s ,t) = Tr[S(s )e−γLtS(s )ρ¯] zerodetuningofthe JC-model[13]. Theoverallconstant P 1 2 2 1 p¯0 is determined by ∞n=0p¯n =1. = u¯TM(s2)e−γLtS(s1) p¯ . (4) ThetheoryasdevePlopedinRefs.[8,23]suggeststheex- The time delay t corresponds to a large number, k istence of various phase transitions in the large-N limit ≃ Rt, of unobserved atoms between the two detections. In as the parameter θ is increased. A natural order pa- Eq.(4) we make use of the propagationmatrix rameter is then the averagephoton “density” x , where h i denotes an average with respect to the distribution S(s)=(1+L /N)−1M(s) , (5) h i C Eq. (1). An exact large-N limit treatment of the mi- cromaser phases structure and the corresponding crit- whereS =S(+)+S( ). Sisasocalledstochasticmatrix − ical fluctuations in terms of a conventional correlation (see e.g. Refs.[28, 29]) with left (u(n)) and right (p(n)) length was presented in Refs.[24]. Spontaneous jumps in S S eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalue κ , where n n /N and large correlation lengths close to micromaser n = 0,1,2,..., such that 1 = κ > κ > ... 0. The h i 0 1 phasetransitionshaveactuallybeenobservedexperimen- ≥ stationarydistributionasgivenbyEq.(1)correspondsto tally [1, 25]. Several new intriguing physical properties the eigenvalue κ = 1, i.e. u(0) = u¯ and p(0) = p¯. The of the micromaser system are unfolded when the theo- 0 S S spectral decomposition of Sk, where k =0,1,..., i.e. retical analysis is extended to a more general setup of the parameters available in the micromaser system than ∞ those considered here [26]. Sk = κkp(n)u(n)T , (6) n S S X n=0 is useful in many ofthe numericalcalculations presented below. Here the normalization is such that u(n)Tp(m) = III. LONG-TIME CORRELATION EFFECTS S S δ . The joint probability (s ,s ,t) is symmetric, i.e. nm 1 2 P (s ,s ,t)= (s ,s ,t),andisproperlynormalized,i.e. 1 2 2 1 P P (s ,s ,t) = 1 since Sp¯= p¯and u¯Tp¯= 1. In the Letusnowconsiderlong-timecorrelationsinthelarge- s1s2P 1 2 Poriginaldiscreteformulationofthemicromasersystem[8] N limit as was first introduced in Refs.[24]. These cor- the corresponding joint probability (s ,s ) of observ- relationsaremostconvenientlyexpressedinterms ofthe k 1 2 P ingtwoatomsinthe statess ands ,withk unobserved continuous-time formulation of the micromaser system 1 2 atoms between, can be written in the form [27]. Thevectorpformedbythediagonaldensitymatrix elements of the photon field then obeys the differential (s ,s )=Tr[S(s )SkS(s )ρ¯]=u¯TM(s )SkS(s )p¯ . equation Pk 1 2 2 1 2 1 (7) dp This joint probability is also properly normalized, i.e. = γLp , (2) (s ,s )=1. For a sufficiently large k and with dt − s1s2Pk 1 2 kP Rt it now follows that ≃ whereL=L N(M 1). HereL describesthedamp- ing of the cavCit−y , i.e.− C k(s1,s2)=u¯TS(s2)e−γLtS(s1) p¯= (s1,s2,t) (8) P P in the large-N limit [24] and where L is as in Eq. (2). A (L ) =(n +1)[nδ (n+1)δ ] formal way to see the validity of Eq.(8) is to notice that C nm b n,m− n+1,m (1+L /N)−1 = 1 L /N + (1/N2). We can then +nb[(n+1)δn,m−nδn,m+1] , (3) write C − C O and M = M(+) + M( ), where M(+)nm = (1 1 qn+1)δn,m and M(−)nm =−qnδn,m+1 have their origin i−n S =1− N(LC −N(M −1)) , (9) 3 apart from terms of order L (M 1)/N and higher or- C − ders in 1/N. Below we will find expansions of the form Eq.(9) very useful in the analysis of detection efficien- cies. We observe that the joint probabilities (s ,s ) 0.4 Pk 1 2 N = 10 are symmetric in s and s [24] as in the continuous- 1 2 1/Rξ (k) n = 0.15 time formulation, i.e. the order in which the atoms are D b 0.3 measured is irrelevant. Other definitions for such joint θ = 0.5 probabilities have appeared in the literature. In the def- inition for the two-time coincidence probability used in 0.2 e.g. Refs.[30,31],S(s )inEqs. (4)and(7)isreplacedby 1 M(s ). With the Poisson-statistics assumption behind the d1erivation of these equations this would, however, 0.1 −logκ1 seemlike anunnaturalthing todo. Sincethe correlation length to be defined and used below is only sensitive to k the eigenvalues of the operator L, our discussions below 20 40 60 80 100 willnot,intheend,beeffectedbysuchamodification,at least not in the large-N limit. With detector efficiencies η+ and η− for detecting atoms in the excited or ground state respectively,the sequence probabilities defined and FIG. 1: The convergence of the correlation length used in Ref.[33] are identical to our joint probabilities 1/RξD(k) = log(γD(k))/k as a function of the number Eq.(7) in the discrete formulation of the micromaser if k Rt of uno−bserv|ed atom| s leaving the cavity for θ = 0.5, ≃ η+ = η− = 100%. For k = 0 the joint probability N =10 and nb =0.15 in the case of thediscrete formulation (s ,s ) reduces to (τ), i.e. the probability that ofthemicromasersystemwithananalyticalfitusingonlythe tPhke n1ex2t atom is in tPhse1ss2tate s2 = if the previous next to the leading eigenvalue κ1 of the stochastic matrix S atomhas been found in the state s . ± (τ) exhibits the as defined in the main text. The corresponding correlation 1 Ps1 length is Rξ 14. The upper curve corresponds to the def- experimentally observed revivals in microcavity systems ≈ inition of joint probabilities of the present paper. The lower [14, 15] and in e.g. ion-traps [18]. (τ) exhibits in Ps1s2 curve corresponds to a redefinition S(s1) M(s1) in the addition so called pre-revivals [24]. → joint probabilities Eq.(7). The horizontal lines corresponds A properly normalized correlation function γ (t) can C log(κn) for n=1,...,7. now be defined and expressedin different but equivalent − manners, i.e. the large-N limit, i.e. ξ = ξ [24]. In Fig. 1 we illus- ss s 2 (+,+,t) (+)2 γ γ (t) h it−h i = P −P trated the convergence of 1/Rξ (k) log(γ (k))/k C ≡ 1 s 2 (+) ( ) D ≡ − | D | −h i P P − to its asymptotic value 1/Rξ = log(κ1) for a typical ( , ,t) ( )2 (+) ( ) (+, ,t) experimental setup of the microm−aser system. We ob- = P − − −P − = P P − −P − , (+) ( ) (+) ( ) serve that spectral resolution Eq.(6) and the definition P P − P P − Eq.(10) modified to yield γ (k) leads to (10) D ∞ where ss = s s (s ,s ,t) and s = h it s1,s2 1 2P 1 2 h i γ (k)= c exp( klog(1/κ )) , (13) s (s). This cPorrelation function satisfies 1 D n − n s P − ≤ nX=1 γPC(t) 1. At large times t , we then define the ≤ → ∞ atomic beam correlationlength ξC by [24] where we have defined γC(t)=γCe−t/ξC , (11) c = u¯TM(s1)pS(n)uS(n)TS(s2)p¯ n 1 s 2 which then is determined by the next-to-lowest eigen- sX1s2 −h i value λ1 of L, i.e. γξC = 1/λ1. In the discrete formula- u¯TM(+)p(n)u(n)TS(+)p¯ tion of the micromaser system we make the replacement = S S . (14) (s ,s ,t) (s ,s ) inEq.(10) and,forasufficiently + − 1 2 k 1 2 P P P →P large k, we then define, in a similar manner, the correla- The analyticalfits in Fig.1, 1/Rξ =c /k log(κ ), are tion length ξD by the expression based on using only the n=1 terDm in1Eq.(−13). W1e have γ (k)=γ e−k/RξD . (12) foundthatthisapproximationworksforallθ despite the D D fact that N is small in this case. The numerical value of In the large-N limit one can show that ξ and ξ con- c can easily be computed numerically given the micro- C D 1 verge to the same limit and we therefore write ξ ξ = maserparameters. TheuppercurveinFig.1corresponds C ≡ ξ for sufficiently large N [24]. For photons a similar the definition Eq.(7) of joint probabilities and leads to D analysis leads us to a correlation length ξ . It follows c 3.40. The lower curve in Fig. 1 corresponds to γ 1 ≈ that the correlation lengths so defined are identical in a redefinition S(s ) M(s ) in the joint probabilities 1 1 → 4 Eq.(7) and leads to c 4.37. In Fig.2 we compare the theschemeoutlinedinRef.[33]. Thereissimpleprescrip- 1 ≈ correlation length γξ using the discrete and continuous- tion how to modify the analysis in Section III to the sit- time formulation of the micromaser system for a typical uationwith, ingeneral,differentdetectionefficienciesη + setup of parameters. We observe the rapid convergence andη−. ThebasicmatricesM( )arenaturallymodified of the two formalisms already for a small value of N. In toM¯(s)=η M(s)withs= a±ndwetherforealsomod- s the sequel we will therefore make use of the fact that ify M =M(+)+M( ) to M¯±=η+M(+)+η−M( ). It γξ =1/λ1 =1/Nlog(1/κ1) if N is large enough. is also convenientto d−efine the matrix M¯− =M¯ −M. It − thenfollowsthatthe jointprobabilityasgivenby Eq.(7) is modified according to 6 (s ,s ) ¯ (s ,s )=u¯TM¯(s )S¯kS¯(s )p¯/ , k 1 2 k 1 2 2 1 N = 10 Continous P →P N (15) n = 0.15 Discrete where we have defined the matrix 5 b S¯(s)=(1+LC/N +M¯−)−1M¯(s) . (16) 4 γξ Here S¯ = S¯+ + S¯− and = η+ + + η− − is a N P P normalization factor. We also make the modification 3 (s) ¯(s)=η (s)/ . Itisofimportancetoobserve s P →P P N that the stationarymicromaserphotonnumber distribu- tionEq.(1)stillcanbeobtainedfromthestationarycon- 2 dition S¯p¯=p¯. The discussions in Section III in the case ofthediscreteformulationofthe micromasersystemcan 1 θ now simply be carried through by changing the relevant probabilities by the modified probabilities defined above and one, e.g., shows that ¯ (s ,s ) = ¯ (s ,s ), which 0 k 1 2 k 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 wasshownexplicitely for kP=0 in Ref.[3P3]. We therefore define the correlationfunction ¯(+)¯( ) ¯ (+, ) k FIG.2: ThecorrelationlengthγξasafunctionofθforN =10 γ¯ (k) = P P − −P − D ¯(+)¯( ) and nb =0.15 in the case of the continuous-time (solid line) P P − and thediscrete (dashed line) formulation of the micromaser = γ¯ e−k/Rξ¯D , (17) D system as described in the main text. expressed in one of many equivalent manners as in Eq.(17). ForN largeenoughwecanthenwriteξ =ξ¯ if D η+ = η− = 1. Using a 1/N expansion similar to Eq.(9) IV. DETECTION EFFICIENCIES we now find that 1 S¯=1 (LC NM¯−)+(M¯ 1)=S , (18) − N − − It has been emphasized in the literature that in the apart from higher order terms in (LC NM¯−)/N and analysis of the micromaser system, when detection ef- − higher orders in 1/N. For sufficiently large N we would ficiencies has to be taken into account, one must dis- then e.g. conclude that tinguish between the occurrence of a certain detection event and the absence of such a detection event. This ¯ (s ,s )=u¯TM¯(s )e−γLtS¯(s )p¯/ . (19) k 1 2 2 1 is so since the detection of an atom leaving the cavity P N necessarily gives rise to an instantaneous and non-local The correlation length ξ¯ ξ¯ in Eq.(17) would then D ≡ state reduction of the micromaser cavity radiation field. again be determined by the next-to-lowest eigenvalue In Refs.[32] a non-linear equation of motion was derived of L and, as a result, ξ¯ would actually not depend on taking such effects into account. In studying the statis- the detection efficiencies at all and therefore equal to ξ. ticsofsequenceeventsitwas,however,showninRef.[30] This was the claim as announced in Refs.[26]. This con- that one may make use of a linear equation of motion clusion is basically correct apart from a trivial correc- for non-normalized states. Recently it has been shown tion which, unfortunately, was not taken into account. in detail how these different formalismsactually leads to The physical explanation of this correction is simply the same physical results [33]. Below we follow the anal- the fact that the time interval t in Eq.(19) should be ysisofRefs.[30,33]sincewefinditsimplerto implement such that Rt is average number of atoms which the ob- numerically. serverclaims passes throughthe micromaser system, i.e. Ourcalculationofjointorsequenceprobabilitieswhen Rt k(η+ (+) + η− ( )) and not Rt k. This ≃ P P − ≃ detection efficiencies must be taken into account follows means that the correlationlength ξ is ”renormalized”to 5 ξ¯= (η+ (+)+η− ( ))ξ. A more formal proof of this P P − assertion can be given as follows. Let us first consider Sthinecceasteheofceoqruraelladteiotnectlieonngtehfficξ¯ienwciilels,bie.e.deηte≡rmη+ine=dηb−y. 10 N = 10 η+ = η− = 1.0 9 the next-to-leading eigenvalue κ¯ of the operator S¯, i.e. n = 0.054 η = η = 0.4 1 b + − pγrξ¯o=ble1m/NS¯lpo¯Dg(1=/κ¯κ¯1p¯)Dfo.rAlasrgineNRe,fw.[2e4s]tuitdyistchoeneviegneinevnatlutoe 78 γξ¯ ηη+ ==00..73 (cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:8) rewritesuchaneigenvalueprobleminanequivalentform, − (cid:9) i.e. 6 η 1 5 L N(1+ η)(M 1)) p¯ =ηN( 1)p¯ . C D D (cid:16) − κ¯ − − (cid:17) κ¯ − 4 (20) This equation can now be compared to the eigenvalue 3 problem in the case of the continuous-time formulation 2 of the micromaser system with η+ =η− =1, i.e. 1 θ (L N(M 1))p =λ(N)p , (21) C C C − − 0 0 5 10 15 20 where we have made the N dependence explicit in the eigenvalue λ(N). By comparing Eqs.(20) and (21) we 10 conclude that N = 10 η = η = 1.0 + − 9 η 1 nb = 0.054 η+ = η− = 0.4 λ(cid:16)N(1+ κ¯ −η)(cid:17)=ηN(κ¯ −1) . (22) 8 γξ¯ η+ = 0.7 (cid:8) 7 η+P++η−P− η = 0.3 (cid:10)(cid:11) − Since λ(N) remains finite in the large-N limit, we can 6 (cid:9) write λ(N(1+η/κ¯ η)) λ(N) for sufficiently large − → 5 N and we conclude that 4 1 λ 1 1 =1+ =1+ . (23) κ¯ ηN ηγξN 3 1 We therefore find that γξ¯=ηγξ apart from 1/N correc- 2 tions. A consequence of this analysis is that ηN(1/κ¯ 1 θ − 1)Mp¯ = ηN(1/κ¯ 1)p¯ in the large-N limit as can D D − 0 be seen again by comparing Eqs.(20) and (21). This 0 5 10 15 20 can be understood as follows. For large N the com- ponents eigenvector p¯ will be distributed around some D large component. We can the replace the matrices M(s) FIG.3: Intheuppergraphthecorrelation length γξ¯isgiven fors= bythediagonalmatrices (s),i.e. theirmean- ± P as a function of θ for N =10 and nb =0.054 for various val- field values, in the expression ηN(1/κ¯ 1)Mp¯ above. − D uesof detection efficiencies. With equal detection efficiencies Extending the analysis above for a equal detection ef- η = η+ = η−(lower curve) the correlation length is given by fithcaietnγcξi¯es=t(oη+the(+ca)s+eηw−ith( d)i)ffγeξreanptarotnferso,mw1e/Nthecnorfirencd- ηsiγdξerwtihthe sξam=eξ¯p(ηa+ram=eηte−rs=bu1t).aIn”retnhoerlmowaleirzegdr”apchorwreelactoionn- P P − tions. Numerically, it turns out that the convergence of γξ¯/(η+ ++η− −). P P thecorrelationlengthasafunctionofN isveryrapid. In Figs. 3 we study, as an example, the correlation length γξ¯ γξ¯D for a moderate value of N = 10 and other length so obtained is then the one that was predicted in ≡ parameters adapted to experimental data on trapping Refs.[24]. effects in the micromaser system [10]. One verifies that γξ¯(θ =0)=(Nlog(1+1/Nη ))−1inexcellentagreement + with numerical simulations in general. We find it re- markablethatthe scalinglawfor detectionefficienciesof the ratio of correlationlengths ξ¯/ξ =η+P(+)+η−P(−) V. COLLECTIVE EFFECTS works so well for such a small value of N as used in e.g. Figs.3. Experimentally one could therefore measure the appropriate sequence probabilities, evaluate the correla- tionlengthandthenrenormalizethe correspondingdata Collective effects are now due to the fact that during withaneasilycalculablefactor. Theresultingcorrelation a time interval t, such that 0 < t < τ, two atoms has 6 jointly interacted with the same cavity radiation field. and, finally, An ideal and very special situation corresponds t = τ n+1 n+2 which has been discussed in great detail in Ref.[34] and d (t) = 4 q2 (t)[1 q (τ t)] alsoelsewhere[35]. Thegeneralsituationismoretedious n 2n+32n+3 n+3/2 − n+1 − butstraightforwardtoanalyzeandhasbeendiscussedin n+2 + q (2t)q (τ t) . (30) great detail in Ref.[36] in terms of an expansion in the 2(2n+3) n+3/2 n+1 − parameter ǫ = Rτ. This parameter is supposed to be small, i.e. ǫ 1, in order to be close to the one-atom OurfinalexpressionforLtotis,infact,inagreementwith ≪ maser situation (see e.g. Appendix A in the second ref- erence of Ref.[24]). We have reconsideredthe analysis of Ref.[36]. The generator L in the master equation Eq.(2) 1 is, up to first order terms in ǫ, modified according to N = 50 ǫ = 0 0.9 dp = γ(LC (1 2ǫ)N(M 1))p , nb = 0 ǫ = 0.05 dt − − − − 0.8 ǫ = 0.1 ǫ τ + γNτ Z dtu2(t)p , 0.7 hxi ǫ = 0.4 0 0.6 (24) 0.5 where the two-atomgeneratoru (t) describes two atoms 2 that have jointly interacted with the cavity during the 0.4 time interval t such that 0< t< τ and given explicitely 0.3 inRef.[36]. Onefinds thatthe generatorL inthe master equation Eq.(2) is replaced by L = L+L , where 0.2 tot col L describesthetwo-atomcollectiveeffectswithmatrix col 0.1 θ elements given by 0 (L ) =Nǫ[(w (τ)+v (τ))δ 0 5 10 15 20 col nm n n n,m −vn−1(τ)δn,m+1−wn−2(τ)δn,m+2] . 12 (25) ǫ = 0 N = 50 10 ǫ = 0.05 n = 0 Here we have defined b 1 τ ǫ = 0.1 vn(τ) = τ Z0 dt(cid:16)[qn+1(τ −t)+bn(t)][1−qn+1(τ −t) 8 ǫ = 0.4 qn+2(τ t)] qn+1(τ)[1 qn+1(τ) qn+2(τ)] 6 − − − − − [c (t)+d (t)][q (τ t) q (τ t)] , − n n n+1 − − n+2 − (cid:17) 4 log(γξ) (26) 2 and 1 τ w (τ)= dt c (t)+q (τ t)q (τ t) 0 n τ Z0 (cid:16) n n+2 − n+1 − θ +b (t)q (τ t)+[c (t)+d (t)]q (τ t) . -2 n n+2 n n n+2 0 5 10 15 20 − − (cid:17) (27) In these definitions we make use of the functions q (t) qn =sin2(gt√n), n ≡ FisIgGiv.e4n: IanstahfeuunpctpieorngorfapθhfotrheNor=de5r0paanrdamnebte=r0hxfior=vhanr/ioNuis n+1 values of ǫ = Rτ. It is only for ǫ = 0 that trapping-state bn(t) = 2n+3qn+3/2(2t)[1−qn+1(τ −t)] peaks are visible. In the lower graph the correlation length γξ is given for the same set of parameters. Even though the 1 q (2t)q (τ t) , (28) trapping-state peaks vanishes as ǫ increases, the correlation − 2 n+3/2 n+1 − length can still be large for ǫ = 0. The peaks at θ 1 6 ≃ correspond to thefirst maser transition. and n+1 c (t) = q (2t)[1 q (τ t)] the result of Ref.[36] using a slightly different notation. n 2(2n+3) n+3/2 − n+1 − It is rather straightforward to implement the matrix el- + q2 (t)q (τ t) , (29) ements of L in a numerical routine in order to find n+3/2 n+1 − tot 7 the new stationary distribution p¯ corresponding to the atom inversion I(τ) is given by eigenvalue λ = 0 of L to be used in evaluating vari- 0 tot ous expectation values. The correlation length is again determined by the next-to-lowest eigenvalue λ1 of Ltot. I(τ) = η+P(+)−η−P(−) In the numericalwork it turns out to be sufficient to use N 200x200 matrices for both L and Ltot in order to obtain (η++η−)nb η++η− = x , (31) theaccuracyofthegraphsaspresentedinthepresentpa- N − h i per. In Fig.4 we show the results of a numerical evalua- N N tionoftheorderparameter x andthecorrelationlength h i γξ for N =50 in a vacuum configuration (nb =0). whereis isthenormalizationfactorη+ (+)+η− ( ). N P P − Eq.(31)givesthe generalrelationbetweentheatomicin- version I(τ) and the order parameter x . We observe h i that if η η+ = η− then I(τ) is independent of η. It ≡ is clear form our Fig.6 that trapping effects are much 16 more visible in the correlation length than in the order N = 10 ǫ = 0.00 parameter x . Its is also clear that collective effects are 14 ǫ = 0.05 h i n = 0.001 small with the set of micromaser parameters chosen. In- b ǫ = 0.10 stead detection efficiency will be a major correction to 12 ǫ = 0.50 the theoretical values. In Section IV we have seen how the correction length is to be corrected for due to de- 10 tection efficiencies. In view of these results it therefore appearsthattrapping-statescanbemoreclearlyrevealed 8 experimentally in terms of the correlation length rather 6 γξ thanthe atomicinversionsor,equivalently,the orderpa- rameter x . h i 4 2 θ 00 5 10 15 20 2 N = 10 ǫ = 0 ǫ 6= 0 n = 0.054 b FIG.5: Thecorrelationlengthγξasafunctionofθforvarious 1.5 valuesofǫ. Theverticallinesindicatethetrappingsvaluesof γξ/5 θ=π√N(1/√3,1/√2,1,2/√3,√2,√3,2). (cid:10)- 1 hxi Our results basically agree with the corresponding nu- merical results of Ref.[36] even though we appearently (cid:27)(cid:9) haveahighernumericalprecision. As arguedinRef.[36], 0.5 effects of trapping states at θ = kπ N/n, for k,n = 1,2,..., vanishes as ǫ = 0. This is, hpowever, not so for 6 the correlationlength γξ as indicated in the lower figure θ of Fig.4. In fact, if we consider even a lower value of 0 N = 10 and n = 0.001 as in Fig.5, trapping-state ef- 0 5 10 15 20 b fects are clearly seen in the correlation length. In Fig.5 the vertical lines corresponds to the clearly visible trap- ping states with ǫ = 0. In the experimental study of FIG. 6: The order parameter x and the correlation length trapping-states in Ref.[10] the parameters are, however, h i γξ/5 as a function of θ with no collective effects taken into variedinsuchawaythattheparameterǫisnotconstant account (ǫ = 0) or ǫ = Rτ = θ√Nγ/g. The Rabi fre- but is given by ǫ = Rτ = θ√Nγ/g as in Fig.6, where quency is as in the experimental study of trapping-states in we have chosen the cavity temperature to be T = 0.3K, Ref.[10], i.e. g = 39 kHz and γ = 10 s−1. The vertical corresponding to n = 0.054. The average photon life- linesindicatetheexperimentallyobservedtrappingsvaluesof b time in the cavity corresponding to Fig.6 is 0.1 s, i.e. θ = π√N(1/√3,1/√2,2/√6,2/√5,1,2/√3,√2) as reported γ =10 s−1. The verticallines in Fig.6 correspondto the in Ref.[10]. trapping-states as considered in Ref.[10] and studied in terms of the atomic inversion. With detection efficien- cies taken into account, the appropriate definition of the 8 VI. FINAL REMARKS there is, however, in an actual experimental situation a finite probability of more than one pump atom in the cavity [34]. Since the average number of pump atoms inside the cavity is ǫ τR = γ√Nθ/g, this parameter, ≡ In conclusion, we have studied how to take detection as we have seen above, naturally parameterize the prob- efficiencies into account when comparing experimental abilityofcollectivepumpatomeffects. Ifǫisassumedto data for the correlation length to the theoretical predic- beconstantandsmall,i.e. ǫ 1,weseethatthedimen- ≪ tions. We have found a remarkable and simple scaling sionless pump parameter N is bounded by √N g/γθ. ≪ relation that connects observational data and the theo- Arbitrarily large values of N can then only be reached retical prediction. We have also studied two-atom col- by making g/γ arbitrarily large which, of course, is dif- lective effects in terms of the natural parameter ǫ=Rτ. ficult to achieve in a real experimental realization of the Even though cumbersome, the calculations are in prin- micromaser. Alternative ǫ = θ√Ng/γ should be small ciple straightforward. Trapping effects appear to sup- as θ varies. As we have seen in the present paper, if ǫ is pressed with increasing values of ǫ. We have, however, sufficiently small, corrections to the observables as dis- seen that in a realistic experimental situation, as dis- cussedinthe presentpaper canbe calculatedina rather cussed in e.g. Ref.[10], collective effects are, neverthe- straightforwardmanner. less, small and detection efficiencies are more important At finite N and including collective pump atom ef- to take into account. As we have shown, detection effi- fects, signals of the large N phase transitions in the cienciescan,however,betakenintoaccountinastraight- order parameter x are still clearly exhibited, at least h i forward manner. in the case when the pump atoms are prepared in the With increasing values of N, signals due to the micro- excited state and at resonance with cavity radiation ∗ maser phase transitions become more pronounced. Gen- field. The critical point θ of the first second-order 0 eral methods, which are exact in the large-N limit, for maser transition remains the same with x used as a h i computing characteristic features of these phase transi- natural order parameter. As seen from Eq.(24) when tion have been presented in Refs.[24, 26]. Detection effi- taking collective effects into account for a sufficiently ciencieswillonlyimplyacalculablerescalingasdiscussed small ǫ, one-atom effects are modified by a renormal- in Section IV. ization N exp( 2ǫ)N, where exp( 2ǫ) 1 2ǫ is → − − ≈ − the probability for one-atom events in the micromaser θ∗ θ∗ θ∗ θ∗ cavity. We therefore expect that the critical parame- 0 01 12 23 tersθ∗ √N offirst-ordertransitionsarechangedto 16 θ¯∗ kk+e1x∝p( ǫ)θ∗ . By making use of the generalre- ǫ = 0 kk+1 ≡ − kk+1 N = 100 sultsofRefs.[24,26]concerningtheN dependenceofthe 14 ǫ = 0.05 peak values of the correlation length these are changed n = 0.15 ǫ = 0.1 12 b ǫ = 0.2 accordingly, and we find that log(γξ)crit is changed to 10 log(γξ) ǫ = 0.3 log(γξ¯)crit =exp(−ǫ)log(γξ(θ =θ¯k∗k+1)). In Fig.7 we il- lustrate these effects in the case N =100 and n =0.15. ǫ = 0.4 b For small values of ǫ we find that the scaling behavior 8 givenaboveforθ¯∗ andlog(γξ¯) areindeedcompat- kk+1 crit 6 ible with the exact results. AsinRef.[36]wealsofindthatourperturbativemeth- 4 ods gives meaningful results even when the expansion parameterǫislarge. Inthepresentpaperwehaveconsid- 2 ereda limited rangeof micromaserparameters. If atoms 0 θ and the radiation field are not at resonance one can e.g. extend the results of the present paper by making use of -2 0 5 10 15 20 the methods of Ref.[26] and the procedures outlined in the present. ACKNOWLEDGMENT FIG.7: Thecorrelationlengthγξasafunctionofθforvarious values of ǫ. The vertical lines indicate the large N values for themaserphasetransitionsatθ=θ∗ =1,θ∗ 6.6610,θ∗ The author wishes to thank B. T. H. Varcoe and H. 0 01 12 12.035,θ∗ 17.413. With x as an order ≈parameter, th≈e Walther and for discussions and H. Walther for provid- 23 transition a≈t θ = θ0∗ is secondh oirder while the other are first ing a guide to the progress in experimental work over order transitions. theyears. G¨oranWendinisacknowledgedforhospitality during the completion of this work. NorFA is acknowl- Duetotherandomarrivalstatisticsofthepumpatoms edged for its support. 9 [1] H. 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