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RandMoamt erainaPdrl osc esses SeriEedsi tors: H.EugSetnaen alneEdyt ieGnunyeo n OtheVro lumients h isse ries: HydrodynamoifDc iss persMeedd ia J.PH.u liAn.,M C.a zabat, E.G uyonF,.C armon(ae ditors) ISBN 04 448 83586 StatisMtoidceallfs o trh eF ractuorfDe i sordeMreeddi a H.JH.e rmannS,.R oux( editors) ISBN x( hardbound) 04 448 8551 ISBN (paperback) 044848 5510 DisordaenrdG ranulMaerd ia D.B ideaAu.,H ansen (editors) ISBN 04 448 89265 NORTH-HOLLAND AMSTERDAM•L ONDON•N EW YORK•T OKYO OnC lusatneCdrl su stering FroAmt omtsoF ractals Editbeyd: PetJe.Rr e ynolds PhysDiicvsi sion Officeo fN avaRle search ArlingVtAUo,Sn A, 1993 NORTH-HOLLAND AMSTERDAM• LONDON•N EW YORK•T OKYO North-Holland ElseviSecri ence PublBi.sVh.e rs SaraB urgerharts2t5r aat P.OB.o x2 11 1000A E Amsterdam TheN etherlands Libraroyf CongresCsa taloglng-ln-PubllcDaattlao n clustersa nd clustering from atoms to fractals edited by Peter On Reynolds. I J. p. cm. -- <Random mater1 a1s and processes) Inc1udesb 1b11ograph1calr eferences. ISBN 0-444-89022-X Cluster theory !Nuclearp hysics> 2. Electronics tructure. 3. 1C.h emistry.P hys1ca1a nd theoretical. I. ReynoldsP eter <Peter James) II. Series. J. QC793.3.S305 1993 541--dc20 93-9513 CIP ISBN0:4 4489 02X2 ©ELSEVISECRI ENCPEU BLISHEBR.SV1 .9,9 A3l rli ghrtess erved. Nop arotft hipsu blicamtaiyob ner eproducsetdo,r ienda r etriseyvsatle omr,t ransmititnae ndyf, o romr bya nym eanse,l ectromneicch,a nicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h otuhtep riowrr itten permissoifot nh ep ublishEelrs,e vSiceire ncPeu blishBe.Vr s.C ,o pyrig&h Pte rmissiDoenpsa rtment, P.0 .B ox5 211,0 0A0M AmsterdaTmh,eN etherlands. Speciarle gulatifoonrrs e aderisn t heU .S.A-.T hisp ublicathiaosbn e enr egistewrietdht he Copyright CleCaernatnecre (ICnCcC.) S,a lemM,a ssachuseItntfso.r matciaonbn e o btainferdo m theC CC aboucto nditiuonndse wrh icphh otocopoifep sa rtosft hipsu blicamtaiyob ne m adei nt he U.S.AAl.ol t hecro pyright questions, incluoduitnsgio dfpet h hoeUt .oSc.oAsp.hy,oi unlgbd er eferred tot he copyorwingehrEt,l sevSiceire nPcueb lishBe.Vr .su, n leostsh erwsipseec ified. No responsibiisal sistuym ebdy tphueb lisfhoerar n yi njuarnyd /odra maget op ersonosrp roperty asa matteorfp roducltisa binleigtlyi,g eonrco et herwiosrfe r,o amn yu seo ro peratoifoa nn ym ethods, producitnss,t rucotrii odnesac so ntaiinnet dh em aterhiearle in. Thibso oki sp rintoenad c id-fpraepee r. Printiend TNheet herlands v Preface Iti sw idelbye lievtehdab te tweneonw a ndt het umo ft hec entuar syu bstanfrtaicatlio ofn basiacn da pplisecdi entwiislbtles w orkionngp roblecmosn cernisntgr uctcuhrareasc terized byt hel acokf c onventigoenoamle triocradle Rra.n domma tericaolnss tiatv uetrely a rgpea rt ofo urn atureanlv ironmaeswn etl als a substanfrtaicatlio ofnm an-madoeb jects. Glasses, polymearnsda morphomuast eriaarleas m ongt hev asatr raoyfe xamplOens a.l argsecra le, poroumse dicao,m posiatnedss u spensciaonnb sem entioned. Althoutghheb asince wi deaasr fien dinwgi despraepapdl icathteifi oenl,id str oublbeyd thfe actth aats ingcloeh eresenottf bo okst hacto vetrh esnee wd evelopmdeonetnsso te xist. Indeesdi,n cteh fiee lidst ruilnyt erdiscitphlweir niatrtayec,nc ounatrsae s l iketloby e fo und inp hysiacnsdc hemisbtoroyk asn dj ournaalsst heayr eto be founodn t hes helvleasbe led "matersicailesn ocre" "e ngineering". Theb asiicd eaisnt hseu bje(cstu cahsp ercolafrtaicotna,rl asn,d ofime ld.s.,). w ergee n­ eralilnytr oduciencd o nnectwiiotnmh i croscoppriocb lemIsth. a sh,o weveberc,o mec lear toa c ommuniotfys cienttihsattths e sied eaasr er elevtoa natb roasdp ectruomfa pplications dealiwnigt mha terisaclise nwchee rteh dei soridsae tra ni ntermedoif"a mtees oscospciacl"e . Noto nlsyt atsitcr uctbuurtae lss doy nameiffce csthso ubledi ncludEexda.m plaerse foiunn d theg rowtphr ocesosfae gsgr egatiencs h,e micdails perwsiitohnai f nr acturroecdki ,no ceans, ori nt hse tructoufar fl ea mefr ontI.n o rdetroe ncompatshsiw sh olfiee ldw,e a rei ntroduc­ ingt hicso heresnetr ioefbs oo ksd esignteord e acehn ginesecrise,n tainsdmt ast hematicians intereisntr eedc epnrto greisnst himsu ltidiscifipellidnE.aa rcyhv olumsetr ivteosb es elf­ contaiannedcd o mprehentsoir belaed efrrosm o utsitdheefi eld. TheS eriEedsi tors vu Foreword Randomantet shAsen gstsrcoamil sne o wa r elatwievltelal myae ndi maRla*n.d omantes s othsecra liess l,fe acsros n troMlalcerdo.s dciospoisrchd oewrus pi nc olloilntd usr,b ulent flowisn,h eaopfss anidnf, r actmuerdeibdau a,tl siont hrei nogfSs a tuarnn idn s tfoarrm a­ tioSno.m per ocewshsiechsha vbee euns esdt easdiinltcyhe ne e olirtehviocl aurtseit oinl l myster(ieoggu:rs i ndTihnecg o)m.m unoifst tya tipshtyisciabclri isnitgncss o mplenteewl y approatcosh oemsoe ft heosleqd u estoiuocrnu sr:r kneonwtl edignpe h atsrea nsisteilofn s, similar sntroulnci tnpuehraeerns o,m weinllael,a t dou nexpeucntiefdi cations. Thep resseenrthi aebsse esnt arfteotdrh piusr pomsyhe o;p iets h tahtne e cesfsoanrnya l­ iswmi lnlos tu bmetrhgueen derlpyhiynsgii cnss y:s tseumcsah sfr actucrleadoy rss ,n ow driafdtvsa,n icnie nst ercfahceimail(s otprrh yy siacrjseu) as,st n ecesassta hrteyh eoretical backgraonusdnh do ubel idn corpionrt ahsteee rdi Iefts h.di usa slp icraibnte m aintained, thebosoek wsi lels tabalnii mspho rnteawtrn atd i-tainoIdnw isthh etmh bee st. PG..d eG ennes *Ofc oursseo,m ew ilds ubspercemiaeisn t:h gel assstya otfem atterg o bneein notorious example. ix Intrdouction Whya ltlh ei nteriencs ltu steTrhsa?it s t hqeu esttihoantt h iboso k isd esignteoad n swebry leadiynogu , rtehaed etrod, i scocvleurs tienmr asn yo ft hefiorr mTsh.i psr efawciela lt tempt top roviadp ea rtainaslw beer lowB.u tl emte s tabryts ayitnhga ctl usthearvsaeu niqpulea cien scienTchee.yo ccuorna n umbero fl engstcha lfreosm,t haet omriecg imtoe t hmea croscopic. Anda sa r esutlhte,ocy c uri na v arieotffiy e ldTsh.e ya rei nteresstciinegn tliyfib,cu attl hey cana lshoa viem portcaonnts equetneccehsn olalolgyiM.co reovtehre,ay r dei ffertehnitn tgos diffepreeonptl Ieti. sh opetdh atth ivso lumwei lall loywo ut oc atcahg limposfec lustienr s manyo ft hediirv ermsaen ifestatainodpn rso viydoeuw itahb iotf t hel argpeirc ture. Asr ecenatslt ye ny earasg ot,h efi elodf c lustwearssa tb esitn i tisn fa.n cMyuchh as happenseidn cthee n.I nt hiboso k we wantto takteh eg enersacli entriefiacd oenra tour throutghhi tse rraTihne.r wei lble s omethionfig n terheesrtei ,ti sh oped,fo rs tudenitns­, cludiandgv ancuendd ergradaunadgt ersa duastteud enatsws e,l als fo rt her esearicnhte hre variosuusb fields suArsvt ehyee dt.i tlet haelsfileeu lddess ,r fraonmga et omaincd m olecular physiacnsdc hemistotr ys,t atismteicchaaln iccosn,d ensed-pmhaytstieacrns d,m aterisaclis­ enceB.o tht heoretwiocrakal n de xperimaerndeti ss cussCeodv.e risnugc ahw idera ngoef topiicsps e rhaapt sa lolr debru,ti ti sh opetdh atth ep edagogsitcyaollfe t hivso lume allows accessibbyia ll iatrygr ee adership. Inpe rhaptsh em ostc ommonlrye cogniszeendso ef" clustoenrem" e anasn a ggregate ofa tomosr m olecurlaensg ifrnogm af ewt om anyt housanSdusc.ha ggregaotr"e ssu per­ moleculheasv"te h ed istincotfbi eoinn ign termedbieattwee aetno masn dm olecuolnet sh e oneh anda,n dc ondensmeadt ter-whetrtahdeirt isonoallia dm,o rphouosr,fr actal-on the otheTrh.i asl loownse t oi nvestigate thbee hcarvoifrsoosrmo thvee art omidco maitnot he extendceodn,d ensed-rmeagtitmeQreu .e stiaroinssse u cahs w,h ena ndh owd oebsa nsdt ruc­ turceo meto be?A ret hem anyi nterespthiansgoe fst hec ondensed-mwaotrtlpedrr e seinnt finitsey stems-iist. hee.rf ee rromagonres tuipce rcondubechtaivnigoi rnc lusteDrosc ?l us­ termse ltA?n dh owl argies" macroscoipfbi yct "h itse rwme m ean thee xisteonftc hee se kindosfb ehaviIonrt?e rnegsltyai,s pecotfts h ec ondensed-rmeagtitmeiert seslufc,ah s fr ac­ talsa,r ea lsdoe scriibendt ermosfc lusteTrhsii.s s o neo ft heo therm eaninogfs" cluster," thougchl earolnyet haitsn otu nrelattote hdea bovNea.t urqaule stidoenalsw itchl uster-size distribumteitohnodsos, fc lustgerrow tthr,a nspwoirtth cilnu staenrdst ,h es pecimaalt erials properotfio ebsj ecatsss emblfreodmc lust(errast thhearfn r oma toms). Toa l argeex tetnhti fise lhda sa cceleroavteetrdh el asfetw yearbesc ausieth asb ecome possiebxlpee rimenttopa rloldyu ccleu stoefral sm osatn ym ateritaodl e;p ossiitz e-selected, Introduction x cleaannwd,e ll-charcalcutseotrneitrszosue rdf aacnetdso c; r etahtree e-dimsetnrsuico­nal turoeusot ft heTmh.e nseew a bilpirtoiveeisnd oer msocuise notpipfiocr tiunnciltueydx i­ng traordoipnpaorryt ufonrsi ytnitehse nsoivzmeialnt ge rWihayln so.v eAll?t hofuegwwho uld bes hoctkhetadht pe r opeorfmt aitetdsee rpe nodnc hemiccoamlp osiimttai yobe n s,u rpris­ intgos omteh tahtce h aractoefmr aitsetricicaasbnl e ds r amataiffceaclbtlyeyv d a rytihneg dimensoifto hnceso nstitTuheucnslt uss.at nemdra st ermiaadlfreso mt hecma bne haivne totadlilffye wraeyntsth aeni tthheearit ro mic/mcoolmepocnuelonarttr hs ce o ndepnhsaesde s thmea terialfo rmwo oniu tlosdw nI.nfa ctt,hb ee havciaodnri ffer even with different size clusFtoeerrx sa.m pbleec,ac ulsues ctaehnra svs ei zients h nee ighborohfto hodwe a velength ofl igchltu,s term-abtaesrceiadaben l msa dwei tuhn iqoupet ipcraolpe rtthicaeatsbn e t uned toap artiscpeucltarrrea gli Tohne.ei ffre ocntl igihpestr hamposs sti mpillyl usbtryac otne­d sidetrhideni gf feerfefneotcnv t iss iboifll airwtgayet er drorpalievnte)sr sm(uiesso. trfog g.. Clusatlesrhosa vaev erlya rsguer faacreec ao mpatrobe udl k maAtsea rr eisatulhl.eat yr e potenitdieacalallt ya lCyosntvse.ro snecell yao,sf ws e ll-kcnaotwantl hycesa tg,e -structured zeolhiatvebese ,eu ns endo wt og rotawi locrleuds ters! Whetnh ceo ndenseds-ymsatttehtmame tir g uhltt imbaetfo erlmyefr do mt hmea terial beicnogn sideexrheiadbn isyto sor ftc ooperbaethiavvteih orere ,m noafnt thc ioso perativity mays teixlilis nst u fficliaercnglteul sytB eudrtis ff.e rkeinnotdfc s o operatmiavyei mteyr ge asw elaln,thd e " remnmaanyit n"d ebeemd u cmho re atr heamnn aFnoter.x amptlhmeea, g ­ netmiocm epnetar t ohma bse efonu nidns omcel usttobee grrse attheairnnt hceo rresponding bulmka terTihaiclso. u bel dv eruys effourdl e signneiwmn agg nesttiocrm aegdeiM ao.r e­ oveerv,i defrnocmme a gnestuipce,r afntmdue ildt,ti rnagn saimtoinoognt sh ienrdsi ctahtaets clusctaeenrx sh imbaictr osbechoapviiwcoh ret nh eayrn eo vte rlya ragtael Rle.l atsimvaellly Hec lusftoeerrx sa,m psleeet,mos hoswu perftubiedh-alviSikuoecrc h.l usmtaeypr rso vide ar elatiinveevrletyrc, yo ledn virofonrmo etnhtae tro moirmc o lecsupleacrpi reosv,i ad ing laborfaottroh srety u odfiy n teraacntrdie oancstS imoanclsll.u shtaevraesl sboe eonb served to" melatn,td"o e xhifbeirtr omabgenheatviico r. Recenthtelrhyea bse emna jeoxrc iteambeotnuhttse y nthoefCs 6ii0sn l arqguea ntities. Thihsa psr ovitdhoeepd p orttuosn tiuttdyhy vi esr syt able mcolluesictenmur ul caghrr eater dettahialwn a sp revicoounsclye ivAasib tloser .i gdiinsaclo vReircSekmr a,l lheaypd,r e­ dictietsdst, r ucitssu ocrcee r-sbhaalpSleu dc.ch l osceadgs et rucntouwar pepset aobr ec om­ mona,n hda vbee enna mefdu llearsae cn leas(s asf Rt.eB ru ckmiFnusltleMeror r)e.o ver, thecyafo nr mt ubaensfid b erasnp,de rhmaopssit n teresdtoipneTgdhl.ecy ya, b ne d opeidn an umboefwr a yisnfa, c to:nt hoeu tsoindt ehi,en siadneod,n t h"eo nsideP"r oS(fms.ae le­ leyc'hsa pitnte hri s vfoorlm uomrede e taiTlhse") b.u ckybaallsjloos it"no gettohf eorr m thuen iotfas s ollieda,d tioan nge ntinreewlth,yi rfdo romfc arbTohnec. o ndensed-matter anmda tercioamlmsu nihtaivbeeees ne xcittode ids cotvheatrth essoel ciadbnse d opteod produach ei gh-temopregraasntuiupcre er conTdhuepc rtooperr.ot fbi uecsk ybaantldhl esi r cousairnjesu bseti lnegarn endo wa,n tdh peo ssibaiplpieptahiree nso menal. Whecnl usters groww haentdthh eeac rgo gnrsetgiaatrtuaeete ,ona mtnssd m/oolre courl es arlea r"gmeorn omuenri"pt esr,h calpuss ttheermss eolrev veemsna crosctohpefiyrc e,q uently forvme royp esnt rucdteusrcersia bsfra abclteaW lhisl.te h cel ustedri-sstirziaebtt u htei on atomliecvi esgl i vbeyn" magniucm bers" thoad vowi intsght abdielriitvfryio nmeg i ther closgeedo mesttrriucc otrcu lroesesel de ctorrobniiitcnat hllesar ,g e-swcoartllhedce l urs-te Introduction xi . sidzies triibsfu otuitnoodon b esyc allianwgTs h.e asref ea mifrloimas rt atimsetcihcaanli cs asc haractecrriistbtieichcaa lvTo ihfou crsl. u satneadrg sg regfraotmte hspi,os i onfvt i ew, not onldyi spplhaaytrs aen sittihoeunyns d,e trhleiAmen! a lowgiitethsh ermodybneahmaivci or cabne fo unidn th ec lustedri-sstirzioebfpe u rtcioolnaa tnipdoo nl ysmteart iasswt eilaclss , habse erne cednitslcyo viendr ieffdu siona-glgiremgiatTtehidiop snr .o viudseesif nusli ghts intthol ea rge-sstrcuacltoeufc r leu satneadrg sgr egaatnepdsr ,o vihdaensdo lnethsoo wt hey grow. This hbaoobeske nd iviidnetdo PtahrrtTeshe.i d si visseipoanr tahtee srfi oeulgdh ly intsom aliln,t ermeadnildaa treg,e -cslcuasltSeem rascl.ll u satreterh sre e giomfae t omic anmdo lecpuhlyasrai nccdsh emiHsetrrteyh i.es saurepesr oducptrioopne,gr etoimeestr,i es, stabialniedtl ye,c tsrtornuiccTt hueir net.e rmreedgiiaimtstee h trea nsitrieogniawmlie t,h itcsh aractienrcilsuttdihiocenns gs o efbt u lk-bleihkaevg iroorwa,tn had g gregaanttdih oen , beginonfmi antge rials scTiheeen xcies toiefcsn oscouepe esr.pa htaisivesaes l saod dressed herLea.r ge-cslcuaslrteee flremsco trc eo ndenseda-nmmdaa ttteersirca ileasns cpeec Ititss . int hriesg itmheafr ta ctmaalkste h emiorsd tr amaatpipce arTahnebc oea.r dbeetrwse tehne threea rPneao rstth sarh po,w evTeoar l .a regxet tehnceth apptreorcsie naep dr ogrefrsosmi on smatloll a rge. Thuost,h ewproesurl bhdeia npcsl tiond erdat wh lei naetss l igdhitflfye rent placIenes a.cP ha rtth eirases hoirntt rodtuotc htieis osntu heaasrt ae d dreisnts heveda rious chaptthefarotsl low. Wem usnto tteh uantf ortuannaboyto ekol nya s ubjaeslc atr agste h miuss btes elective. Wec ounlodbt e gtoi cno vaelrtl h iaistn cluudnedtdeh re heaandmdie nagn ionfg" clusters." Atl eaosntse u cohm issiisto haner eoafi cosahaepdprraolx cirmyasnattna qdlu sa sicrystals inc ondemnastetdAe grg.r egfoartmeefrsdo mv aricoluuss ctaednri ss p"lfaoyr bipdodiennt" grosuypm metjruiasestts h q eu asicdroyT.sh tiiassal s su bjdeecste r(vainhndag v imnagn)y boobkysi tsOetlhfae.rr e tahswa etha vei nclhuedreea dro ef tmeenr etloyu cuhpeodan n,nd o t fulelxyp loTrheibodso. k i mse atnopt r ovainod vee rvriaetwth heaarcn o mprehpeincstiuvree ofc lusitneo rrsdt,eoi r n ditchareta en ogfae c tivainttdih seecs i envtiitfaeilncic toym passed. Beforcel osaiw nogr,od fh istobraicckaglr moauyan ldsp or ovsiodmeie n siIgnht th.e "prehisdtaoyorsfti hcle"9 80'asf,ts eorm vee reya rwloyr iknc lushtaebdre se dno nteh,e Officeo fN avRale seasrpcohn saonrA ecdc eleRreasteeaIdrn ciht i(aAtRiiIvn)te h airse a. Thgeo aolfA Riissb ,r ietflohy e,ln pu cliemapotret raenste aarrecaahns gd i vteh eamc ritical masssot hatth emyi gchotn tiannutdeh roinvt eh eoiwrn T.y picaanAl RlIyh aasl ifetime off ivyee arRse.c ogntihziein ntge rdisncaitpuolrfice nl aursyta enAr RsIw, a sd eveloped joinitntl hPyeh ysCihcesm,i satnMrdya ,t erSicailesDn icvei siinto hnmesi d1 980B'osb.b y JunkMeirc,h Sahelle sianngDdea rv,iN de lsionpn a rtiacrutelobe a cro mmenfodret dh eir effoarntsfd o resiincg rheta tthipinrsgo grFaumn.d ionftg h per ogrbeagma in n1 988I.n ear1l9y9a 0m eetwianhsge ladtL akAer rowhienSa odu thCearnl ifwohrneitrahe,se e lected groupprse setnhtepeirdre limainnodan rgyo wionrgkT .h ep resbeonoitks a no utgroofw th that maeneodtf ti hnrege suolft st heC lOuNsRpt reorgsra asawm h olTeh.we ordke scribed heriesas ubsoeftt hw eo rwkh ihcahbs e eanc compluinsdhteehrdna otw -compAlReIt.e d FinaIlw loyu,ll di kteog ivteh anIka sm.g reaatplpyr ecoifat thaiesv sei sIth aanvcee receiinve eddi ttihnbigos o akn,td o a ltlh aeu thfoorrt sh eeixrt rpeamtei weintcmheym any questiIonpn arst.i cIuw liastrho t hamnykw ifeL,o uiPseer ifnoihr,e l wpi tmha kitnhge maneyd itcoorriraelc atniwdoi nthshe, pr a tiweintcmheea nmdy m anlya ntieg hattws o rk. xii Intrioodnu ct It hank Emifolrya c Crairtrtieecarad loi ftn hgie n troduscetcotriyao nnfodsr h, e hre lpful suggesLtaisotnIla smy.e , x tremgrealtye ffuoltr h eex pearnutdn faialsisnigs otfCa hnacse WilliIaIwmIhs o c onveurntceodu nmtaanbdyli yff erweonrtd -procpersosdouorcu etpdu ts intoonu en ifLoarTme fXo rmaantud,l timdaotceulmyeW nitt.h hoiumtt h ewroeu lbden o book. PetJeR.re ynolds Decem1be9r9 2 3 SmallA tomica nd Mo lecular ClusterPsr:o duction, Propertieasn,d Electronic Structure ThiPsa rotft hbeo okt reatthsae reoafc hemisatnrdpy h ysitchsai tsp erhamposs otf teans so­ ciatweidt thh ete ncnl usstceire nTchee.c lustweera sr ceo nsidehreirnaegr ree latisvmeallyl aggregaotfae tso mosr m oleculferse,q ueinntt lhyeg asp hasCel.u stperrosd ucientd h issi ze rangeex hibain tu mbeorfp ropertthiaehtse lpelda untchhe fi eldt:h eeyx hib"imta gincu m­ bersi"nm asssp ectraan,do scillaitnti hoeniisor n izaptoitoenn t(iIaPlassn) de lectarfofinn ities (EAsT)h.e m agincu mberinsp articulleatdro s omei nitcioanlt rovaesrt soty h eoirri giDni.d therye suflrto mi ncreassteadb idluiett yos omeg eometpraicck ienfgf eocrrt a thbeerc ause ofa p articusltaarblelyle e ctrsotnriucc turea-nei l.eec.t roncilcoaslselhdye lOlr?w erteh e magincu mbernso td uet os tabialtia tlylb ,u tt ok ineteiffce citnst hec lusptreord uctpiroon­ cessT?h ea nswetru rneodu tt ob es omeo fe achT.h eo scillaitnit ohneIs P sa ndE As,o n theo thehra ndi,n dicattheapdta rticculluasrst iezrwe osu lbde m orer eacttihvaeon t hearnsd, perhampisg hpto inutsi nt hdei rectoifgo ono dc atalysts.t hCelinem,apo rrltya qnute stiionn s thiasr enrae lattose t abiclhiteym,i craela ctigveiotmye,t rsihcaaplae n,de lectrosntriucc ture. Int hef ircshta ptbeyrH ,e atahn dS ayklaylw,e beginw itvhe rsym alcll usteIrnps a.r ­ ticulcaarr,b ocnl ustfreorms C 3t oC 11a ree xamineTdh.ea pproatchhe eym ploiyn volves noveiln frarsepde ctrostceocphyn iqTuheesa .u thoursset hestee chniqtuoee lsu cidcaltues ter structaurrete h:e scel ustleirnse oarrm onocycrliincg sA?n dw hata ret hed ynamicpaalt h­ waysfr omc haitnor ingT?h es pectrhae lppr ovitdheae n swerFso.re xamplleo,w -freeqnucy, anharmonfliocp,pb ye ndimnogd ewse refou ndt hacto ulpdr oviadtle e aosnte p athwfaryo m linetaocr y clsitcr uctCuornesse.q uenacreeesx pecteidnt hdey namicsso ooftfo nnatiaondn , inm ateriparlosc esssiuncgah s d iamontdh in-fgirlomw tThh.e e xperiments dheesrcer ibed meshw elwli trhe cetnhte oretpirceadli ctwihoincsth,h ese concdh aptdeirs cusses. Thet heoreatpipcralo aecmhp hasiiznte hdce h aptbeyBr a rtleetat lti .sth ec oupled-cluster methodT.h ed evelopmoefan tbi nitthieootr oyt hel evtehla ittc oul"dp reditchtee" x peri­ mentarle sulatnsdt, h urse liapbrleyd incetws tructounrlehysa ,p penaefdt aes ri gnifiinca­nt terplbaeyt wetehne oarnyd e xperimheandot c currEeadc.hh adf orctehdeo thetrod evelop

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