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1 On Centroidal Dynamics and Integrability of Average Angular Velocity Alessandro Saccon, Silvio Traversaro, Francesco Nori, Henk Nijmeijer Abstract—In the literature on robotics and multibody dy- different research communities with a different theoretical namics, the concept of average angular velocity has received background and research focus. considerable attention in recent years. We address the question Paper’s contributions: (1) Equation of motions for a free- of whether the average angular velocity defines an orientation 7 frame that depends only on the current robot configuration and floating robot written employing a robot-specific nota- 1 provideasimplealgebraicconditiontocheckwhetherthisholds. tion consistent with differential geometry notation: this 0 In the language of geometric mechanics, this condition cor- paper presents the dynamics of a simply supported articulated 2 responds to requiring the flatness of the mechanical connection rigid-body system subject to external forcing by employing associatedtotheroboticsystem.Here,however,weprovideboth n a notation which is inspired by the spatial vector algebra areinterpretationandaproofofthisresultaccessibletoreaders a notation [12], [13] while allowing for a one-to-one mapping J with a background in rigid body kinematics and multibody dy- namicsbutnotnecessarilyacquaintedwithdifferentialgeometry, withtheconceptsusedingeometricmechanicsanddifferential 0 stillprovidingpreciselinkstothegeometricmechanicsliterature. geometry related to the theory of differentiable manifolds and 1 Thisshouldhelpspreadingthealgebraicconditionbeyondthe Lie groups [14], [15] (e.g., X corresponds to Ad, × to ad, ] scopeofgeometricmechanics,contributingtoaproperutilization and ׯ∗ to −ad∗, see next section for details). While the O and understanding of the concept of average angular velocity. employment of Lie group formalism is robotics is certainly R not new (see, e.g., the excellent publications [16] and [17]), . I. INTRODUCTION we felt that an explicit parallelism between spatial vector s c Thetotalmomentumoffloatingarticulatedroboticsystems, algebra and Lie group notations was still missing. This holds [ suchasaerialmanipulatorsandhumanoidrobots,hasreceived true, in particular, for the free-floating dynamics case treated 1 considerable attention in the robotic literature. There is a here, required for assessing the integrability of the average v growing consensus that the dynamics of total momentum can angularvelocity;(2)differencebetweenthetotalmomentum 4 be used as a reduced but still exact model of the original Noether’s theorem and total momentum as commonly 1 systemthatcanease,e.g.,thedevelopmentofpostureandbal- encounter in robotics:wehighlighthowthetotalmomentum 5 ance controllers as well as planning algorithms for humanoid considered in the robotic literature [9] actually differs from 2 0 robots [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. The total momentum the total momentum (the momentum map) that derives from . is defined as the sum of all linear and angular momenta the application of geometric mechanics version of Noether’s 1 of the (rigid) bodies composing the articulated system. The theorem.Asaconsequence,theaveragevelocityintherobotic 0 7 momentum is typically computed with respect to a frame literature and locked velocity in the geometric mechanics 1 which orientation is that of the inertial frame and origin is literature represent the same velocity, although expressed : the total center of mass [9]. Its time evolution depends only with respect two different reference frames. This apparently v i on the external forces and torques acting on the system, such unessential detail plays however a key role (see discussion in X as gravity and contact forces. The total angular momentum Section III-D) in understanding the main result of this paper. r can be split into a linear and an angular component. The In highlighting the difference between the two velocities, the a linearcomponent,whendividedbythetotalmass,capturesthe angular momentum of the center of mass, an extra component average linear velocity of the mechanism, i.e, the velocity of oftheangularpartofthetotalmomentumonceexpressedwith thecenterofmass(CoM).Althoughstilldebatingaboutwhich respect to the inertial frame, receives particular attention; (3) value it should be regulated to, the angular component has Integrability condition for the average angular velocity: beenusedtodefineaconceptof“averageangularvelocity”of We use the results and insights of the previous two points theentiremechanism.Theconceptofaverageangularvelocity to show that the fundamental question “when does the inte- isdiscussedin[9]anditcorresponds,roughlyspeaking,tothe gration of the average angular velocity define an orientation angular velocity of entire mechanism, for the given pose but frame that depends only on the current internal joint position, assuming the internal joints to be fixed, corresponding to the independentlyoftheirtimeevolution?”isequivalenttoasking current value of the angular momentum. if a series of vector valued functions can be interpreted The geometric mechanics community has been employing as the (right trivialized) partial derivatives of a nonlinear a concept strictly related to the average velocity, the locked function of the internal joints. While pointing out that this velocity,foratleasttwodecades[10,Section3.3][11,Section is equivalent to requiring, in terms of geometric mechanics, 5.3], but an explicit link between the two concepts appears to thattheassociatedmechanicalconnectionisflat(see,e.g.,the bemissing.Weaimatprovidingthislinkinthispaper,hoping discussion on holonomy in [14, Section 3.14] and reference that this will help the communication of key results among there in), we provide a reinterpretation of the result, and the 2 (cid:104) (cid:105) acsosnonceicattieodn,atlhgaetbcraanicbecoenadsiitliyonfolelonwsuerdinbgytahereafldaetrneascsquoafintthede BMB = −mm13B×c3∧ mBBIBc∧ Gw.ern.te.rfarlaimzeedB inertia matrix withmultibodydynamics,kinematicsofrigidtransformations, In the expression for M (where B is typically a body B B undergraduate calculus, and the understanding of Schwartz’s fixed frame), m is the body mass, Bc the CoM coordinates, theorem (symmetry of second derivatives), but with no or and I the rotational inertia w.r.t. B. We use B B limited experience with differential geometry. Our hope is to contribute to the diffusion and utilization of this algebraic DJA,C/B condition beyond the scope of geometric mechanics. to indicate the Jacobian relating the velocity of frame C with Rigid body notation is reviewed in Section II. Section III respect to A expressed in D with the velocity of the base reviews the dynamics of floating mechanical systems and the link expressed in B, so that Dv = DJ (q)ν with A,C A,C/B evolution of the total momentum. In Section IV, we review ν =(Bv ,q˙ ). A,B J the concepts of average and locked velocities, centroidal frame, and provide the algebraic condition to show when it C. Frame velocity representation dependsonlyofthecurrentposeandshapeofthemechanism. Conclusions and a discussion are provided in Section VI. The velocity of B w.r.t. A is given by AH˙ , however, it B is more common to express it as a one the following six- II. NOTATION dimensional vectors, This section introduces basic notation used for dynamics (cid:20)Ao˙ −Aω∧ Ao (cid:21) Av = B A,B B , computations. We refer to [18] for details. A,B Aω A,B Given a vector w = (x,y,z)T ∈ R3, w∧ (read w hat) is (cid:20) BR Ao˙ (cid:21) (cid:20) Ao˙ (cid:21) the 3 × 3 skew-symmetric matrix associated with the cross BvA,B = BR AAω B , B[A]vA,B = Aω B , product × in R3, so that w∧x = w × x. Given the skew- A A,B A,B symmetric matrix W =w∧, W∨ ∈R3 (read W vee) denotes where Aω := (AR˙ AR(cid:62))∨. We refer to Av , Bv , A,B B B A,B A,B the inverse transformation. The set of rotational matrices is and B[A]v as, respectively, the right-trivialized, the left- A,B denoted SO(3), the set of rigid transformations SE(3). An trivialized, and the mixed velocity of B w.r.t. A. The mixed element of SE(3) has the structure [R, o ; 0 ,1] ∈ R4×4, representation is also known as hybrid representation [20]. 1×3 with R∈SO(3), o∈R3, where ; denotes row concatenation. Theleft-andright-trivializedrepresentationsarewidespread in the literature of Lie group-based geometric mechanics [16] (where they are called spatial and body velocities) and A. Frames notation recursive robot dynamics algorithms [12], [21] (where they A frame is defined by a point, called origin, and an arecalledspatialvelocities).Themixedvelocityiscommonly orientation frame [19]. We use capital letters to indicate used in multi-task control frameworks [22], [23], [2]. frames. Given a frame F, we denote with o its origin and F with [F] its orientation frame, writing F =(o ,[F]). F D. Single Rigid Body Dynamics A, B, ... Reference frames Given a rigid body whose position in space is determined p An arbitrary point by AH with L fixed to the body the classical Newton-Euler L B[A] Frame with origin o and orientation [A] B equations are written, in a combined form, as M Lv˙ +Lv ׯ∗ M Lv = f (1) B. Coordinates vectors and transformation matrices notation L L A,L A,L L L A,L L Ap∈R3 Coordinates of p w.r.t. A with f denoting the external wrench (combined force and L AoB ∈R3 Coordinates of oB w.r.t. to A torque vector) expressed w.r.t. L and ׯ∗ denotes the dual ARB ∈R3×3 Rotation matrix from [B] to 6Dcrossproduct(LvA,L ׯ∗ isequivalentto−ad∗LvA,L inthe [A] languageofLiegroups).WeusetheletterLsincearigidbody (cid:104) (cid:105) AHB = A01R×B3 Ao1B Rigid transf. from B to A on an articulated mechanism is usually referred to as a link. ACXvAB,B==(cid:104)(cid:104)A03CCR×ωvB3AA,A,BBo∧B(cid:105)AA∈RRRBB6(cid:105) VVeelloocciittyy troafnsfB. frowm.r.Bt. ttooAA A. Floating systIeImI.sRwIitGhIDg-rBavOiDtyYaDnYdNeAxtMerInCaSl contact forces expressed in C Consider a robotic system whose configuration is given by (cid:20) (cid:21) BvA,B×= B0ω3A∧×,3B BBωvA∧A∧,,BB Vector cross product in R6 qlin=k’(sHho,ms)o∈geSnEeo(3u)s×trRannsJfo,rwmhaetrieonHm=atrAixHaBnddsenreoptersestehnetsbathsee AXB =(cid:104)Ao∧BAARRBB A03R×B3(cid:105) (WrXenBch=trAaXns−f.Tf)rom B to A dthisepplaocseemaenndt otof tsheasntJheinsthearnpaelojofinthtse.rWobeowt.ilTlhreefveerltoociHty oasf Bf=(cid:104)CCfτAA,,BB(cid:105)∈R6 CwA.oro.tr.dBinates oBf the wrench f twhiethmvec=haBnvisAm,Bisdepnaoratimngettehreizevdelovciaityνo=f th(ve,bs˙a)s∈e fRra6m×e wRintJh (cid:20) (cid:21) respect the inertial frame expressed in the base frame (Bv BvA,Bׯ∗ = BBωv∧A∧,B B0ω3∧×3 Dual cross product in R6 is a left trivialized velocity, cf. the notation section). A,B A,B A,B 3 The dynamics of a floating articulated robotic system such withiv:=Ci[A]vA,Ci andiJ :=Ci[A]JA,Ci/B thei-thcontact as, e.g., a humanoid robot [24] is usually written as Jacobian (we refer to Section II for a clarification on the M(q)ν˙ +C(q,ν)ν+G(q)=[0;τ]+(cid:88)(iJ)T if (2) nimotpaltyioinngDiXJAT,C=/BB).XNCoit[eA]t,haat,wbryendcehfintriatinosnf,orimXat=ionC.i[EAx]XceBpt, i forthenotation,(6)-(7)areequivalenttothemorecommon(2) whereM,C,andGare,respectively,themassmatrix,Coriolis but they provide extra structure that helps to understand the matrix, and potential force vector, τ is the internal joint definition and time evolution of the total momentum directly torques,andiJ and f arethei-thcontactJacobianandcontact from the equations of motion. From a computational point of i force, both expressed with respect to a contact frame C , view, forward and inverse dynamics for (2) can be obtained i fixed with respect to its corresponding link. To derive (2), using,e.g.,thefloating-baserecursiveNewton-Euleralgorithm one can take a Newton-Euler approach summing up all the and composite-rigid-body algorithm presented in [12]. contributions of the internal and external forces for each body using(1)orsettingupaLagrangianL(H,s,H˙,s˙)andemploy B. The total momentum expressed in the inertial frame the Euler-Lagrange equations. However, as H is not a vector The Lagrangian (3) is not a function of H meaning it is quantity, either one use a local vector parametrization for invariant with respect to a rigid transformation. As shown in H (based, e.g., on Euler angles) or employ the tools from Appendix A, standard results of geometric mechanics imply geometric mechanics and form the left trivialized Lagrangian that the quantity 1(cid:20)v(cid:21)T (cid:20) L(s) A(s)(cid:21)(cid:20)v(cid:21) l(H,s,v,s˙)= (3) J = XB(Lv+As˙) (9) 2 s˙ AT(s) S(s) s˙ A A is a constant of motion for the unforced system. In (9), L and where v = BvA,B satisfies H˙ = Hv∧ and L, A, and S are A are as in (3) and XB as in Section II with A denoting the A suitable partitions of the overall mass matrix M(q) appearing inertial frame and B the base link frame. in (2) in accordance with the dimension of v and s˙. The Recalling that (3) is obtained by summing up all kinetic matrix L is typically referred to as the locked inertia tensor energies of each link dynamics (1) employing link Jacobian as is corresponds to the (generalized) inertia of the entire withastructuresimilarto(8),itisstraightforwardtorecognize mechanism computed with respect to B assuming no motions in J the total momentum given by the sum of the all the of its internal joints. To be more precise, one should write L A linearandangularmomentaofeachrigidbodyexpressedwith as L and A as A to indicate the output (and, for L, also B B B respect to the origin of A. When gravity and external forcing input) frame that these transformations accept. This should are present, J evolves according to A help, e.g., to better interpret the expression for the combined (cid:32) (cid:33) linear and angular momentum given by (9), later in the text. d ∂l (cid:88) J = XB H−1 + (iX)T f . (10) The dynamics of the articulated mechanism can be then dtA A ∂H i i derived using Hamel equations (see, e.g., [25], [15, Section 13.6], [26]), namely Thisresultcanbederiveddirectlyfromastraightforwardmod- ification of Noether’s theorem (for a proof of the geometric d ∂l ∂l +v ׯ∗ =0 (4) versionofNoether’stheorem,see[14,Chapter3]).Onecareful dt∂v ∂v inspection of the above formula shows, however, that (10) is d ∂l ∂l − =0. (5) actuallyequivalentto(6),onlywrittenintheinertialframeA. dt∂s˙ ∂s Hamel equations are a combination of standard Euler- C. The total momentum expressed at the center of mass Lagrange equations (5) and Newton-Euler equations (4), the The momentum of the system can be expressed also latter also called Euler-Poincare´ equations for a generic Lie with respect to other frames. In particular, the frame G := group [15, Section 13.5]. In the presence of internal and (p ,[A]),thathasasoriginthecombinedCoMp andthe external forces and the presence of potential energy due to, com com orientation of the inertial frame A, is commonly found in the e.g., the effect of gravity, (4)-(5) become robotic literature [27], [9]. With respect to G, the momentum d ∂l +v ׯ∗∂l =H−1 ∂l +(cid:88)(iX)T f (6) is given by dt∂v ∂v ∂H i i J(H,s,v,v˙):= XA(H,s) J(H,s,v,v˙). (11) G G A d ∂l ∂l (cid:88) − =τ + (iS)T f, (7) dt∂s˙ ∂s i We refer to GJ as the centroidal momentum (in accordance i with, e.g., [9]). Remarkably, when no external forces and where τ and f are as in (2), H−1∂l/∂H the vector represen- potential are present, this quantity is also constant as J i A tation of the linear map w (cid:55)→D l(H,s,v,s˙)·Hw∧, w ∈R6, given in (9) is constant and because ( X˙A) J is always a 1 G A and iX and iS define, respectively, the pose and shape parts zero. This last fact is related to the angular momentum of the of the i-th contact Jacobian iJ. More precisely, the (mixed) CoM.Denotingwithmthetotalmass,theangularmomentum velocity of the i-th contact point satisfies of the CoM is simply given by Ap ×mAp˙ . The only com com difference between J and J is indeed that J contains iv=iJν =iXv+iSs˙ (8) G A A within its angular part (i.e., its last three elements) also the 4 angular momentum of the CoM. Then ( X˙A) J ≡ 0 as in the robotic literature [27], [9], [28] is that the solution G A Ap˙ ×mAp˙ ≡ 0. This also implies that replacing A AH of (17) is not guaranteed to depend only on the con- com com C with G in (10) is all we need to obtain the evolution of J. figuration (H,s). That is, when AH satisfies AH (t) = G C C AF(H(t),s(t)) for a suitable function AF :SE(3)×RnJ → D. Locked and average velocities SE(3). It is well known that this does not always happen as in the simulation results presented in [29] and references Ingeometricmechanics,aspecialroleisplayedbytheleft- therein.Whatappeartobelessknownisthatthereisasimple trivialized locked velocity Bv defined in such a way that loc condition to check when this happens and that this is related J =L(s)v+A(s)s˙ =:L(s)Bv (12) to asking if the columns of L−1A are partial derivatives of a B loc nonlinear function of the joint displacements. or, equivalently, Note that the initial condition for C at t=t is completely 0 Bv :=v+L−1(s)A(s)s˙. (13) arbitraryandthereforethefunctionAF(H,s),whereitexists, loc isdetermineduptoanarbitraryrightmultiplicationbyanele- Thelockedvelocityis,foreachinstantoftime,thevelocityat mentofSE(3).Furthermore,giventhefactthatthekinematics which the base link should move, while considering the inter- (17) is actually invariant to an arbitrary pose transformation, nal joints as locked, to get the same value of the momentum onegetstheextraconditionthatifAF exists,itmustbeofthe corresponding to the current velocity of the mechanism. Note form AF(H,s)=HBF(s) with BF(s):RnJ →SE(3). The how the locked velocity is expressed with respect to the base dependence of the centroidal frame only on the configuration frame, so it is only a function of v, s, and s˙. is therefore equivalent to the existence of this SE(3)-valued In the robotic literature, the average velocity is defined as functionoftheinternaljoints.Tipically,theframeC att=t 0 Gv :=GX Bv [9].NotethatwecanobtainGv from ave B loc ave is taken to have its origin coinciding with the total center of Gv = L−1 J (14) mass because it can be shown (see remark below) that (17) ave G G G will maintain the equivalence of the two points: this justifies with GLG :=GXBBLBBXG block diagonal. At this point is the use of centroidal frame as name for C. key to observe that Gvave depends also on H, other than v, s, Remark.Independentlyoftheexistenceofaconfiguration- and s˙ while Bvloc does not. We will show in the next section, dependent-only frame satisfying AH (t) = AF(H(t),s(t)), C that the latter is then preferable in answering the integrability the CoM p has always constant coordinates with respect com question for the average (angular) velocity. to a frame C that evolves according to (17). In formulas, As a side note, it is worth recalling at this point that both Cp˙ =d/dtCp ≡0. A proof of this fact is given in the com com the locked velocity and average velocity can be used to block Appendix B. Therefore, in case indeed we can find a function diagonalize the mass matrix. However, as the kinetic energy AF suchthatAH (t)=AF(H(t),s(t)),itthenseemsnatural C is now written with respect to another velocity one must be to choose the frame C such that p is its origin. (cid:4) com careful in deriving the equations of motion from it. When using the locked velocity, Lagrange-Poincare´ equations (see, e.g., [15, Chapter 13]) can be use to retrive a set of equations B. The main result equivalent to (4)-(5). Define IV. THECENTROIDALFRAMEANDTHEMAINRESULT A(s):=L−1(s)A(s) (18) In this section, we recall the concept of centroidal frame with L(s) and A(s) expressed with respect to B as in (3). and provide the algebraic condition ensuring that it depends Then, the following holds. only on the configuration (H,s). Proposition 4.1: The centroidal frame satisfying (17) is integrable, that is, there exist a (differentiable) function BF : A. The centroidal frame and the main question RnJ →SE(3) such that The definition of the locked velocity given by (13) allows AH (t)=H(t)BF(s(t)) (19) one to write the momentum with respect to A simply as C J = XB L Bv . (15) if and only if A A B B loc Posing ALA :=AXBBLBBXA and Avloc :=AXBBvloc, the B := ∂Ai − ∂Aj +A ×A ≡0 (20) equation above simply becomes ij ∂s ∂s i j j i AJ =ALAAvloc. (16) for every i,j ∈{1,2,...,nJ}, where Ai, Aj are the i-th and j-th columns of A and × the vector cross product in R6. (cid:3) For a given initial configuration AH (t )∈SE(3) at a given C 0 time t=t0, one can then integrate the differential equation Proof. The result is, roughly speaking, a generalization to AH˙ =Av∧ AH (17) SE(3)ofSchwartz’stheorem(symmetryofsecondderivatives) C loc C and the related theorem stating that closed differential forms to get a frame that has, as right trivialized velocity, the arelocallyexact(existenceofapotentialfunction).Westartby locked velocity Av . A key remark that keeps appearing theobservationthatifwetakeanarbitrarysufficientlysmooth loc 5 function F : RnJ → SE(3) the right trivialized velocity andrequires(20).From(26),(27),and(28),forthecasenJ = associated to the homogeneous transformation matrix 2, one can write ∂F/∂s (s) as 1 HF(s)∈SE(3), (21) (cid:90) s2 ∂ (A∧(s ,t)∆ (s ,t))dt+ ∂∆2(s ,0), (29) ∂s 2 1 2 1 ∂s 1 with H = H(t) ∈ SE(3) and s = s(t) ∈ RnJ sufficiently 0 1 1 that can be further expanded into smooth curves is equal to (cid:18)d (cid:19)∨ (cid:90) s2 ∂A∧2 ∆ +A∧∂∆2dt+A∧(s ,0)∆ (s ,0), (30) (HF)(HF)−1 =AX (v+A(s)s˙). (22) ∂s 2 2 ∂s 1 1 2 1 dt B 0 1 1 where the terms inside the integral are evaluated at (s ,t). The above formula has exactly the same structure of the 1 Using (20), one gets that the integral above can be written as locked velocity given in (13) with the extra interpretation that the columns of the matrix A(s) above satisfy, for i ∈ (cid:90) s2(cid:18)∂A∧ (cid:19) ∂∆ 1 +(A ×A )∧ ∆ +A∧ 2dt (31) {1,2,...,nJ}, 0 ∂t 1 2 2 2 ∂s1 (cid:18)∂F (cid:19)∨ Using again the Jacobi identity and recalling that ∂∆ /∂t = Ai(s)= ∂si(s)F(s)−1 ∈R6, (23) A∧2∆2, the above integral can be rewritten as 2 that is, Ai can be interpreted as the right trivialized partial (cid:90) s2 ∂ (A∧∆ )+A∧(cid:18)∂∆2 −A∧∆ (cid:19)dt (32) derivatives of the nonlinear function F depending on the ∂t 1 2 2 ∂s 1 2 0 1 internal joints. Thinking F as a function F : RnJ → R4×4 where all terms are evaluated at (s ,t). By assuming one knows that its second derivative must satisfy 1 ∂F/∂s (s) = ∂∆ /∂s (s) = A∧(s)∆ (s), the second term 1 2 1 1 2 ∂2F ∂2F in the integral of (32) vanishes and allowing one to rewrite = (24) ∂s ∂s ∂s ∂s (30) as j i i j f(o2r3)e,voenreyciananwdrijte. Wtheritlienfgt h∂aFnd(ss)i/d∂esoif=(24A)∧ia(ss)F(s) using (cid:90)0s2 ∂∂t(A∧1(s1,t)∆2(s1,t))dt+A∧1(s1,0)∆2(s1,0) (33) (cid:18)∂A (cid:19)∧ which equals A∧1(s)∆2(s) = A∧1(s)F(s), with no contradic- i (s)F(s)+A∧(s)A∧(s)F(s) (25) tion on the assumption. ∂s i j j (cid:3) and similarly for the right hand side by exchanging i with Remark. When the underlying Lie group is SE(3), the j. Equating the two expressions and multiplying on the right expressiongivenin(20)isequivalenttothecurvatureofaprin- by the inverse of F(s), one obtains straightforwardly (20) by cipalconnection(see[14,Chapter2]andreferencethereinfor recalling Jacobi identity A∧A∧−A∧A∧ =(A ×A )∧. This i j j i i j a concise and convenient summary of principal connections). proves the necessity of the condition. Sufficiency is provided The curvature of a principal connection is typically written as constructively, using ∂Ad ∂Ad F(s)=∆nJ(s1,s2,...,snJ) (26) Bαdβ(s):= ∂sβα − ∂sαβ +CadbAaαAbβ (34) where∆nJ isgivenbelowandshowingthatF in(26)satisfies for d, α, β ∈ {1,...,nJ} with Aij denoting the entry (∆23): aRsil→ongSEa(s3)(2,0i)∈ho{l1d,s2.,I.n..(,2n6),}∆arneJdaenfidnetdherefcuunrcsitvioenlys (i,j) of A and Cbac the structure constants of the Lie group, i J representing the Lie bracket operation that, for SE(3), is the for a given value s=(s ,...,s ) as the solution at σ =s 1 nJ i 6D vector cross product appearing in (20). Therefore, the of the matrix differential equation right hand side of (20) is equivalent to (34). We find (20), d however,moreaccessiblethan(34)inparticulartoresearchers ∆ =A∧(s ,...,s ,σ,...,0)∆ (27) dσ i i 1 i−1 i inmultibodydynamicsemployingspatialvectornotation[13], notacquaintedwithdifferentialgeometry.Analternativeproof with ∆ evaluated at (s ,...,s ,σ) ∈ Ri with initial i 1 i−1 of Proposition 4.1 could be obtained by showing that when condition (34)isidenticallyzero(flatnessoftheconnection)thisimplies the existence of a function BF such that (23) holds. We ∆ (s ,...,s ,0)=∆ (s ,...,s ) (28) i 1 i−1 i−1 1 i−1 are not aware, though, of an accessible source where this is and ∆ (0) = F(0) ∈ SE(3) arbitrary (the desired orientation clearlystatedasintheproofofthepropositionaboveandthis 1 of the centroidal frame for s=0). Note that d∆ /dσ in (27) why we though worth presenting a proof that requires a basic i equals∂∆ (s ,...,s ,σ)/∂s .Inthefollowing,weprovide knowledge of the velocity kinematics of SE(3) and standard i 1 i−1 i the proof that (23) holds for n =2. Proving (23) for n >2 resultsofcalculus(Schwartz’stheorem)tobeunderstood.The J J is a straightforward but tedious calculation that follows from closestwecangetisChapterII,Section9,oftheclassicaltext thetechniqueusedwhenn =2.GivenF(s):=∆ (s ,s ),it [30], which clearly requires a deep knowledge on differential J 2 1 2 is immediate to see one must have ∂F/∂s (s)=A∧(s)F(s). geometry to be fully understood. For sake of completeness, 2 2 Showing ∂F/∂s (s)=A∧(s)F(s) is, instead, more involved we also mention that (24) could be replaced with the second 1 1 6 covariant derivative of F with respect to the (0) Cartan- Schouten connection [31], which is known to be symmetric, to obtain the following expression, similar to (25) but now coordinate independent, (cid:18)∂A 1 (cid:19)∧ i(s)+ A (s)×A (s) F(s), (35) ∂s 2 i j j which leads then again to (20). Principal connections have Fig.1. Thefree-floatingthreelinkmodel.Inthisfigure,s1ands2represent therelativeorientationsofthetwodistallinkswithrespecttothebase.See been also employed to study nonholonomic locomotion, as maintextforafulldescriptionofthefigure. the nonholomic constraint of a robot can be written in a form equivalent to (22): see, e.g., [32]. We hope the presentation given in this paper will help also accessing that literature. V. ANUMERICALEXAMPLE In this section, a simple example to illustrate the use of the integrabilitycondition(20)isgiven.Weconsideramechanism C. The link between locked and average velocity withtwointernalDOFs.ThisistheminimalnumberofDOFs to observe the nonintegrability, because, for one DOF, (20) is Inthissubsection,weelaboratefurtherontheremarkgiven always trivially satisfied. in the subsection IV-A showing that, when choosing Ao = C We numerically integrate (17), performing a motion that Ap , the centroidal kinematic is simply given by com starts and ends at the same internal joint configuration. The base link will not, in general, return to the original pose. The Ao˙ =Ap˙ (36) C com centroidal frame will always return to the original orientation AR˙C =Aωl∧ocARC (37) relative to the base link, if and only if (20) holds. In both cases, as explained in the Remark of Section IV-A, its CoM with Aωloc given bythe angularvelocity componentof Avloc. will return to its original position. We first show that, independently from where AoC is located, An illustration of the mechanism is given in Figure 1. The Gvave and Avloc satisfy mechanism is composed by three rigid bodies: a free-floating base link (yellow) and two distal links (cyan and magenta). (cid:20)Ap˙ (cid:21) com =Gv =GX Av . (38) The distal links are connected directly to the base via two Aω ave A loc loc independently actuated revolute joints. For both links, the offset between their center of mass and joint axis is identical This shows that the average angular velocity Gω coin- ave and denoted with d. To each body we firmly attach three cides with the locked angular velocity Aω . Proving (38) loc coordinate frames, indicated as B, 1 and 2 in the figure, each is obtained by employing the remark in the subsection IV-A centeredatthecorrespondingbody’sCoM.Thebaselinkmass regarding the invariance of the coordinates of the CoM and is 1 kg. Each distal link mass is also 1 kg. For the base link, the following lemma. the rotational inertia (about the axis passing through the CoM Lemma. Given the differential equation and orthogonal to the base link face) is 4 kg m2. For distal links,theinertiais1kgm2.Therotationalinertiawithrespect AH˙C =Av∧AHC (39) to the other directions are non influential (we are considering a planar mechanism) and can be assigned arbitrarily finding assume there is a point p such that its coordinates Cp with the same result provided below. respect to C are constant. Define G =(p,[A]) so that G has We verify (20) for two different values of d: namely, for p as origin and the same orientation of A. Then, the velocity d = 1 and d = 0. For d = 1, B = −B is equal, up to a 12 21 Av written with respect to G equals division by the factor (2C +6S −6S −28)2, to 1−2 1 2 Gv=GX Av=(cid:20)Ap˙(cid:21) (40)  2(C1+C2)(4C1+4C2−3C1S2+3C2S1)  A Aω 2C1(4S1+4S2−3S1S2−3S2S2)+2C2(4S1+4S2+3S1S2+3S1S1)  0  where Aω denotes the angular velocity component of Av. (cid:4)  0     0  Finally,toobtain(36)-(37),weemploy(38)toexpressAvloc −18S1−2−24C1−24C2 in terms of Gvave and substitute it into (17), obtaining where S1 := sin(s1), S2 := sin(s2), C1 := cos(s1), C2 := cos(s ), S := sin(s −s ), and C := cos(s −s ). 2 1−2 1 2 1−2 1 2 Ao˙C =Ap˙com+Aωl∧oc(AoC −Apcom) (41) For d=0, B12 =B21 ≡0. Details of the straightforward but AR˙ =Aω∧ AR . (42) tedious computations are not provided for space limitations. C loc C The conclusion is that, just for d = 0, the integration of where we recall AH = (AR ,Ao ;0 ,1) ∈ SE(3). As the average angular velocity will always produce a centroidal C C C 1×3 we have selected Ao =Ap , the result follows. framewhoseorientationisonlyafunctionoftheinternaljoint C com 7 displacements. This is confirmed by the animation snapshots APPENDIX given in Figure 2 corresponding to two simulations for dif- A. The momentum map and the total momentum ferent values of d. The complete animation is available as a multimediaattachmenttothispaper.Forbothcases,thejoints Noether’s theorem can be employed to conclude that, when follow the sinusoidal trajectories given by no gravity and external forces are applied, the momentum AJ (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) givenby(9)isconstant.Inthecontextofgeometricmechanics, 3π 2π π 2π s (t)= cos t −1 , s (t)= sin t , (9) is the momentum map J defined as 1 2 T 2 2 T (cid:104)J(q,q˙),ξ(cid:105)=FL(q,q˙)·ξ (q) (43) starting and ending in a mechanism configuration with the Q distallinksinaverticalposition.Theseresultsareindependent where FL(q,q˙) · z := lim (L(q,q˙ + tz) − L(q,q˙))/t t→0 of the particular initial pose and velocity of the base and denotes the fiber derivative of the Lagrangian in the direction therefore, in Figure 2, only the relative pose of the centroidal z ∈ T Q and ξ (q) the infinitesimal generator of the group q Q frame with respect the base link is shown. action formally defined as ξ (q) = d/dt| Φ (q). The Q t=0 exp(tξ) function Φ is the action of the symmetry group on the g VI. CONCLUSIONANDDISCUSSION configuration space: in the context of this paper, g ∈ SE(3), In this paper we have established a clear link between the configuration space Q = SE(3) × RnJ, and the group the concept of average angular velocity found in the robotics action Φ :Q→Q is simply given by g and multibody dynamics literature and the concept of locked velocity from the geometric mechanics literature. We have Φg(H,s)=(gH,s), (44) provided an accessible definition and proof on the key al- corresponding to a rigid transformation of the entire robot ac- gebraic condition that can be used to establish when the cordingtog thatleavesinvarianttheshapes.Theinfinitesimal centroidalframe(inparticular,itsorientation)dependsonlyon generator associated to (44) is therefore the current robot configuration and not on its time evolution. Forsystemswithasmallnumberoflinks,theconditioncould ξ (q)=(ξ∧H,0)∈T Q (45) Q (H,s) be checked symbolically and, for more complex mechanism, we expect efficient algorithms could be easily developed as and after straightforward computations one gets that the mo- just the differentiation of the matrices L and A, typically mentum map equals (9) as the right hand side of (43) is involved in the computation of the Coriolis’ matrix associated (cid:20)v(cid:21)T (cid:20) L(s) A(s)(cid:21)(cid:20)BX ξ(cid:21) to the dynamics, is required. Computationally, our experience FL(q,q˙)·ξ (q)= A . (46) Q s˙ AT(s) S(s) 0 suggeststocomputethelockedvelocitywithrespecttheframe whoseoriginistheCoMandorientationgivenbythebaselink For the reader that is familiar with Lie group theory, note frame. The advantage of using this frame is that the locked that, in(46), BX =Ad . Formore detailson momentum A H−1 inertia matrix becomes diagonal, still depending only on the maps and related concepts, we refer the interested reader to shape variables. [15, Chapter 11] and [14]. Thecentroidalframeisalwaysintegrablewhendealingwith asystempossessingonlyoneinternaldegreeoffreedom.Note how this result would remain valid for a mechanism where B. The center of mass is always a fixed point virtual constraints are employed to ensure that this happens, Inthisappendix,weprovethatthecenterofmassisalways making the internal degrees of freedom algebraically related a fixed with respect to AH obtained by the time integration C to a single variable that acts as the only internal degree of of (17). Requiting that the CoM to be fixed with respect to freedom(see,e.g.,theconceptofgatevariablein[33]andthe the frame C is equivalent to ask that work that stemmed from it in employing virtual constraints in the context of robot locomotion [34]). Our presentation might Ap¯˙com=Avl∧ocAp¯com (47) thereforehelpintakingadifferentperspectivetothoseresults. where Ap¯ are the homogeneous coordinates of p with We have shown that mechanisms with two internal degrees com com respect to A obtained by appending 1 to the standard coor- of freedom can also possess an integrable centroidal frame, dinates Ap , i.e., Ap¯ := (Ap ;1) where ; denotes butthisisnotguaranteedascommonexperienceandprevious com com com row concatenation. The proof of this fact derives from a investigations (e.g., the so called falling cat problem) have straightforward manipulation of the expression of the time already shown. It might be interesting to understand if there derivative of the identity Ap¯ = AH Cp¯ assuming are some rules in constructing a (nontrivial) mechanism such com C com Cp to be a constant. The right hand side of (47) can be thattheintegrabilityissatisfied.Thecentroidalframeforthose com expressed with respect to frame the frame G = (p ,[A]) mechanism might provide an interesting natural output to use com obtaining the equivalent condition incontrollingthegrossmotionofthesystemsbothinposition and in orientation. Even when dealing with a mechanism Ap¯˙ =AH Gv∧ Gp¯ (48) com G loc com where the centroidal frame is not integrable, one idea could be to try to assign the external wrenches so as to guarantee where Gp¯ =(0,0,0,1)T. Equation (48) is then equivalent com the integrability condition: one of the motivations to continue to Ap˙ =AR Gv and to Ap˙ =Gv , since AR = com G loc com loc G investigating the centroidal dynamics even further. I.Thislastconditionisalwaystruederivingdirectlyfromthe 8 t=0 s t=2 s t=4 s t=6 s t=8 s t=10 s Fig.2. 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