ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 18(2): 320–322 25 DECEMBER 2009 On authorship of Chilean anemone ‘Bunodactis hermafroditica’ (Cnidaria: Actiniaria) and its generic assignment N. SANAMYAN, K. SANAMYAN & D. SCHORIES N. Sanamyan & K. Sanamyan, Kamchatka Branch of the Pacific Institute of Geography, Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Partizanskaya Str. 6, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 683000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] D. Schories, Instituto de Biología Marina, Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile. E-mail: [email protected] Authorship of the species currently known as ‘Bunodactis hermaphroditica’ should be attribut- ed to Carlgren (1959) but not to McMurrich (1904) as commonly maintained. The species be- longs to the genus Gyractis and should be cited as Gyractis hermafroditica (Carlgren, 1959). Key words: sea anemone, South America, Pacific, nomenclature, taxonomy, Cnidaria, Acti- naria, Gyractis hermafroditica, authorship INTRODUCTION Bunodactis hermaphroditica: Yanagi & Daly, 2004: 419 (discussion). Two small sea anemones from Chile, An- The brief history of description and ap- thopleura hermaphroditica (Carlgren, 1899) plying different names to this species and and a species commonly named ‘Bunodactis related Anthopleura hermaphroditica is as hermaphroditica’ have been discussed in re- follows. cent literature (Yanage & Daly, 2004; Scho- 1. Carlgren (1899: 23) described Bunodes ries et al., submitted). The first species, A. hermaphroditicus from “Chile, Talcahuano”. hermaphroditica, is ecologically important 2. McMurrich (1904: 287) described species inhabiting intertidal mudflats where the specimens from Chile he thought be it can attain an average abundance of 11000 identical with Carlgren’s species: “I have specimens per square meter and where it al- identified these specimens with Carlgren’s most completely displaces other intertidal Bunodes hermaphroditicus (1899) from Tal- benthos (Schories et al., submitted). The cahuano on account on their marked simi- second species, ‘Bunodactis hermaphroditi- larity in every particular except the number ca’, is often mentioned in the literature as of perfect mesenteries”. He placed the spe- a very similar species often found together cies to the genus Cribrina and referred it as with Anthopleura hermaphroditica. The au- Cribrina hermaphroditica (Carlgren, 1899). thorship of ‘Bunodactis hermaphroditica’ is 3. Carlgren (1927) briefly discussed commonly ascribed to McMurrich (1904) differences between his specimens and the (see Carlgren, 1959; Yanagi & Daly, 2004), specimens described by McMurrich (1904) however, as is shown in the present paper, and explained these differences partly by this attribution is erroneous and the taxon different size of the specimens, and partly should be ascribed to Carlgren (1959). by probably incorrect data reported by Mc- Murrich. Carlgren (1927) had no doubt DISCUSSION about conspecificity of his and McMurrich specimens. He found acrorhagi (“real mar- Gyractis hermafroditica (Carlgren, 1959) ginal spherules, not pseudo-marginal spher- ules”) in his specimens and transferred the Cribrina hermaphroditica (misid.) McMurrich, 1904: 287. species to the genus Anthopleura listed as A. Bunodactis hermafroditica Carlgren, 1959: 23. hermaphroditica (Carlgren). © 2009 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes N. SANAMYAN ET AL. ON AUTHORSHIP OF BUNODACTIS HERMAFRODITICA 321 4. Carlgren (1959), after examining nu- standing of the genus. Dunn et al. (1980) merous specimens from Chile, come to a synonymized Bunodactis with Aulactinia conclusion that the specimens described by Verrill, 1864. Then, England (1987: 255) him in 1899 and the specimens described by transferred all species having prominent McMurrich (1904) belong to different spe- marginal spherules from Aulactinia to Gy- cies. He briefly described two species, for ractis Boveri, 1893. According to England his species he used the name Anthopleura (1992), the type species of Bunodactis, B. hermafroditica (Carlgren) and for the spe- verrucosa (Pennant, 1777), should be as- cies described by McMurrich Bunodactis signed to Gyractis for it has marginal spher- hermafroditica (McMurrich); spelling with ules according to existing descriptions of f instead of ph keeps the name identical ac- the species. cording to Art. 58 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (International ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999) (the Code). We appreciate valuable comments of two re- viewers on the first variant of the manuscript. Yanagi & Daly (2004) discussed the tax- onomy and nomenclature of both species in details. To achieve the status and author- REFERENCES ship of the name Cribrina hermaphroditica Carlgren, O. 1899. Zoantharien. Hamburger as used by McMurrich they refer to Art 11.6 Magalhaensische Sammelreise, 4(1): 1–47. and 50.7 of International Code of Zoologi- Carlgren, O. 1927. Actiniaria and Zoantharia. cal Nomenclature. However, these articles Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Ant- are not appropriate in this case since they arctic Expedition 1901–1903, 2(3): 1–102. apply to the names first published as ju- Carlgren, O. 1949. A survey of the Ptychod- nior synonyms. Actually the name Cribrina actiaria, Corallimoropharia and Actiniaria. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens hermaphroditica was not first published Hand lingar Ser. 4, 1(1): 1–121. as junior synonym, this name is just a new Carlgren, O. 1959. Corallimorpharia and Actini- combination for Bunodes hermaphroditicus aria with description of a new genus and spe- Carlgren, 1899. Yanagi & Daly (2004: 419) cies from Peru. Reports of the Lund University expressed an opinion that the Carlgren’s Chile Expedition 1848–49, 38. Lunds Univer- (1959) description constitutes a new com- sitets Arsskrift. (N.F.) Adv 2, 56(6): 1–39. bination for C. hermaphroditica McMurrich Dunn, D.F., Chia, F. & Levine, R. 1980. Nomen- 1904 rather than an original description. clature of Aulactinia (=Bunodactis), with de- However, the name Cribrina hermaphro- scription of Aulactinia incubans n.sp. (Coel- enterata: Actiniaria), an internally brooding ditica in McMurrich, 1904 is misidentifica- sea anemone from Puget Sound. Canadian tion and thus unavailable (even if the spe- Journal of Zoology, 58: 2071–2080. cies belongs or was subsequently transferred England, K.W. 1987. Certain Actiniaria (Cni- to another genus, Art. 49 of the Code). The daria, Anthozoa) from the Red Sea and tropi- name Bunodactis hermafroditica Carlgren, cal Indo-Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the British 1959 may be treated as an available name Museum (Natural History) (Zoology) 53(4): (Art. 13 of the Code), and the attribution to 205–29. McMurrich may be considered a reference. England, K.W. 1992. Actiniaria (Cnidaria: An- It is not a homonym of Bunodes hermaphro- thozoa) from Hong Kong with additional data on similar species from Aden, Bahrain diticus Carlgren, 1899 for it is described in a and Singapore. In: Morton, B. (Ed.). Pro- different genus. ceedings of the Fourth International Marine Generic assignment. The species, as de- Biological Workshop: the Marine Flora and scribed, clearly falls to the genus Bunodactis Fauna of Hong Kong and the Southern China, Verrill, 1899 as defined by Carlgren (1949) Hong Kong, 11–29 April 1989. University and is in agreement with Carlgren’s under- Press, Hong Kong: 49–95. © 2009 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 18(2): 320–322 322 N. SANAMYAN ET AL. ON AUTHORSHIP OF BUNODACTIS HERMAFRODITICA International Commission on Zoological No- ted. Actinian dominance on intertidal mud- menclature. 1999. International Code of flats: an alternate state to the classic food Zoological Nomenclature adopted by the In- web? Journal of the Marine Biological Asso- ternational Union of Biological Sciences, 4th ciation. edition. The International Trust for Zoologi- Yanagi, K. & Daly, M. 2004. The hermaphro- cal Nomenclature, London. xxix + 306 p. ditic sea anemone Anthopleura atodai n. sp. McMurrich, J.P. 1904. The Actiniae of the Plate (Anthozoa: Actiniaria: Actiniidae) from Ja- pan, with a redescription of A. hermaphro- collection (Fauna Chilensis 3). Zoologische ditica. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Jahrbucher Jena, Supplement 6: 215–305. Washington, 117: 408–422. Schories, D., Reise, K., Sanamyan, K., Sana- myan, N., Clasing, E. & Reise, A. Submit- Received 27 October 2009 / Accepted 6 December 2009. © 2009 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 18(2): 320–322