ON AN OPTIMAL STOPPING PROBLEM OF AN INSIDER ERHANBAYRAKTARAND ZHOUZHOU Abstract. Weconsider theoptimal problem sup E n φi , where T >0is a fixed 3 τ∈Tε,T hPi=1 (τ−εi)+i 1 time horizon, (φi) is progressively measurable with respect to the Brownian filtration, εi ∈ t 0≤t≤T 20 [0,T] is a constant, i=1,... ,n, and Tε,T is the set of stopping times that lie between a constant ε ∈ [0,T] and T. We solve this problem by conditioning and then using the theory of reflected n backward stochastic differential equations (RBSDEs). As a corollary, we provide a solution to a J the optimal stopping problem supτ∈T0,T EB(τ−ε)+ recently posed by Shiryaev at the International 0 Conference on Advanced Stochastic Optimization Problems organized by the Steklov Institute of 2 Mathematics in September2012. ] R P 1. Main result . h t Let T > 0 and let {Bt,t ∈ [0,T]} be a Brownian motion defined on a probability space (Ω,F,P) a m and let F = {Ft,t ∈ [0,T]} be the natural filtration augmented by the P-null sets of F. Consider [ the optimal stopping time problem 2 n v (1) v = sup E φi , 0 (τ−εi)+ 0 τ∈Tε,T "i=1 # X 1 3 where (φit)0≤t≤T is continuous and progressively measurable, εi ∈ [0,T], i = 1,... ,n, are given . 1 constants, and Tε,T is the set of stopping times that lie between a constant ε ∈ [0,T] and T. 0 Observe that τ −εi is not a stopping time with respect to F for εi > 0. This can be thought of a 3 1 problem of an insider in which he is allowed to peek εi into the futurefor each payoff before making : v his stopping decision. The solution to (1) is described by the following result: i X ar Theorem 1. Assume E sup0≤t≤T(ξt+)2 < ∞, where ξt = ni=1φi(t−εi)+, 0 ≤ t ≤ T. Then the value defined in (1) can be calculated using a reflected backward stochastic differential equation (cid:2) (cid:3) P (RBSDE). More precisely, v = EY , for any ε∈ [0,T], where (Y ) satisfies the RBSDE ε t 0≤t≤T T ξ ≤ Y = ξ − Z dW +(K −K ), 0≤ t ≤ T, t t T s s T t (2) Zt T (Y −ξ )dK = 0, t t t Z0 Date: January 22, 2013. Keywords and phrases. optimalstoppingproblemofaninsider,ReflectedBackwardStochasticDifferentialEqua- tions (RBSDEs), conditioning. ThisresearchwassupportedinpartbytheNationalScienceFoundationundergrantsDMS0906257,DMS0955463, and DMS 1118673. 1 2 Moreover, there exists an optimal stopping time τˆ described by τˆ= inf{t ∈ [ε,T] :Y = ξ }. t t Proof. For any τ ∈ T , ε,T Eξ = E[E[ξ |F ]]≤ E esssupE[ξ |F ] . τ τ ε τ ε τ∈Tε,T h i Therefore, (3) v = sup Eξ ≤ E esssupE[ξ |F ] . τ τ ε τ∈Tε,T τ∈Tε,T h i By Theorem 5.2 in [4] there exists a unique solution (Y,Z,K) to the RBSDE in (2). Then by Proposition 2.3 (and its proof) in [4] we have sup Eξ ≥ Eξ = EY = EY = E esssupE[ξ |F ] . τ τˆ τˆ ε τ ε τ∈Tε,T τ∈Tε,T h i Along with (3) the last inequality completes the proof. (cid:3) One should note that the optimal stopping problem we are considering is path dependent (i.e. not of Markovian type) and therefore one would not be able to write down a classical free boundary problem corresponding to (4) unless one is willing to consider free boundary problems in the path dependent PDE framework of [3]. This is the main reason we work with RBSDEs. Now let’s consider Shiryaev’s problem: (4) v(ε) = sup EB , (τ−ε)+ τ∈T0,T Remark 1. Observe that for ε > 0, insider’s value defined in (4) is strictly greater than 0 (and hence does strictly better than a stopper which does not posses the insider information): 2 v(ε) ≥ E max B = (ε∧(T −ε)) >v(0) = 0, t 0≤t≤ε∧(T−ε) rπ h i which shows that there is an incentive for waiting. We also have an upper bound 2T vε ≤ E max B = . t 0≤t≤T r π h i In fact when ε ∈[T/2,T], vε can be explicitly determined as 2(T −ε) v(ε) = E max B = , ε ∈ [T/2,T]. t (cid:20)0≤t≤T−ε (cid:21) r π and we have a strict lower bound for ε ∈[0,T/2] 2ε v(ε) > E max B = , ε ∈ [0,T/2]. t (cid:20)0≤t≤ε (cid:21) r π For arbitrary values of ε ∈ [0,T] we have the following result as a corollary of Theorem 1: 3 Corollary 2. The value defined in (4) can be calculated using an RBSDE. More precisely, vε = Y 0 almost surely, where (Y ) satisfies the RBSDE (2) with ξ defined as ξ = B , 0≤ t ≤ T. t 0≤t≤T t (t−ε)+ Moreover, there exists an optimal stopping time τˆ described by (5) τˆ = inf{t ≥ 0: Y = B } ≥ ε∧(T −ε). t (t−ε)+ Furthermore, the function ε→ v(ε), ε ∈[0,T], is a continuous function. Proof. The continuity of ε → v(ε), ε ∈ [0,T] is a direct consequence of the stability of RBSDEs indicated by Proposition 3.6 in [4]. On the other hand, since v(ε) = sup EB = sup EB , δ ∈ [0,ε], (τ−ε)+ (τ−ε)+ τ∈T0,T τ∈Tδ,T from Theorem 1 we can conclude that v(ε) = EY . The latter implies that (Y ) is a martingale δ t t∈[0,T] from on t ∈ [0,ε]. It also shows that the stopping time τ defined by δ τ = inf{t ∈ [δ,T] : Y = ξ }, δ t t is optimal for both the problem sup EB and sup EB , δ ∈ [0,ε]. In fact, one τ∈T0,T (τ−ε)+ τ∈Tδ,T (τ−ε)+ can observe that for t ∈ [0,ε∧(T −ε)), Y ≥ E[Y |F ] > 0 = ξ , a.s., which implies dK = 0, 0 ≤ t ε t t t t ≤ ε∧(T −ε), a.s, (so the martingale property of (Y ) for t ∈ [0,ε∧(T −ε)] can also be concluded t from this point of view). The martingale property on the other hand implies that stopping time defined in (5) is no less than ε∧(T −ε) almost surely. (cid:3) Optimal stopping problems of the type m sup E ϕj , τ+δj τ∈T0,T j=1 X where ϕj’s and progressively measurable δj > 0’s are constants, were considered by [1] and [2]. A generalization combining these type of pay-offs with the one in (1) will be left for future work. References [1] E. Bayraktar and M. Egami, The effects of implementation delay on decision-making under uncertainty, Sto- chastic Process. Appl., 117 (2007), pp.333–358. [2] B. Bruder and H. Pham, Impulse control problem on finite horizon with execution delay, Stochastic Process. Appl., 119 (2009), pp.1436–1469. [3] I. Ekren, C. Keller, N. Touzi, and J. Zhang, On Viscosity Solutions of Path Dependent PDEs, ArXiv e-prints, (2011). To appear in theAnnals of Probability. [4] N. El Karoui, C. Kapoudjian, E. Pardoux, S. Peng, and M. C. Quenez, Reflected solutions of backward SDE’s, and related obstacle problems for PDE’s,Ann.Probab., 25 (1997), pp.702–737. Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan E-mail address: [email protected] Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan E-mail address: [email protected]