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Preview On almost everywhere exponential summability of rectangular partial sums of double trigonometric Fourier series

ON ALMOST EVERYWHERE EXPONENTIAL SUMMABILITY OF RECTANGULAR PARTIAL SUMS OF DOUBLE TRIGONOMETRIC FOURIER SERIES 7 1 0 USHANGIGOGINAVAAND GRIGORIKARAGULYAN 2 n a J 0 Abstract. Inthispaperwestudythea.e. exponentialstrongsumma- 3 bility problem for the rectangular partial sums of double trigonometric Fourier series of thefunctions from LlogL . ] P A 1. Introduction . h t We denote the set of all non-negative integers by N. Let T := [ π,π) = a m R/2π and R := ( , ). Denote by L1(T) the class of all me−asurable functions f on R t−ha∞t a∞re 2π-periodic and satisfy [ 1 f := f < . v k k1 | | ∞ 0 ZT 1 7 The Fourier series of a function f L1(T) with respect to the trigonometric 8 ∈ system is 0 1. ∞ 0 (1) c einx, n 7 n=−∞ 1 X : where v 1 Xi cn := f(x)e−inxdx 2π r ZT a are the Fourier coefficients of f. Denote by S (x,f) the partial sums of the n Fourier series of f and let n 1 σ (x,f) = S (x,f) n k n+1 k=0 X be the (C,1) means of (1). Fejér [1] proved that σ (f) converges to f uni- n formly for any 2π-periodic continuous function. Lebesgue in [18] established almost everywhere convergence of (C,1) means if f L1(T). The strong ∈ 02010 Mathematics Subject Classification 42C10 . Keywordsandphrases: DoubleFourierseries,strongsummability,exponentialmeans. 1 2 USHANGIGOGINAVAANDGRIGORIKARAGULYAN summability problem, i.e. the convergence of the strong means n−1 1 (2) S (x,f) f(x)p, x T, p > 0, k n | − | ∈ k=0 X was first considered by Hardy and Littlewood in [9]. They showed that for any f Lr(T) (1< r < ) the strong means tend to 0 a.e. as n . The trigono∈metric Fourier ser∞ies of f L1(T) is said to be (H,p)-sum→m∞able at x T if the values (2) converge ∈to 0 as n . The (H,p)-summability pro∈blem in L1(T) has been investigated by M→arc∞inkiewicz [19] for p =2, and later by Zygmund [34] for the general case 1 p < . ≤ ∞ Let Φ : [0, ) [0, ), Φ(0) = 0, be a continuous increasing function. ∞ → ∞ We say a series with the partial sums s strong Φ-summable to a limit s if n n−1 1 lim Φ(s s ) = 0. k n→∞n | − | k=0 X In [20] Oskolkov first considered the a.e strong Φ-summability problem of Fourier series with exponentially growing Φ. Namely, he proved a.e strong Φ-summability of Fourier series if lnΦ(t)= O(t/lnlnt) as t . → ∞ In [21] Rodin proved Theorem R (Rodin). If a continuous function Φ: [0, ) [0, ), Φ(0) = ∞ → ∞ 0, satisfies the condition lnΦ(t) limsup < , t ∞ t→+∞ then for any f L1(T) the relation ∈ n−1 1 (3) lim Φ(S (x,f) f(x) ) = 0 k n→∞n | − | k=0 X holds for a. e. x T. ∈ Karagulyan [11, 12] proved that the exponential growth in Rodin’s theo- rem is optimal. Moreover, it was proved TheoremK(Karagulyan). Ifacontinuous increasing functionΦ : [0, ) ∞ → [0, ),Φ(0) = 0, satisfies the condition ∞ lnΦ(t) limsup = , t ∞ t→+∞ then there exists a function f L1(T), for which the relation ∈ n−1 1 limsup Φ(S (x,f) )= k n | | ∞ n→∞ k=0 X holds everywhere on T. ALMOST EVERYWHERE EXPONENTIAL SUMMABILITY 3 In this paper we study the exponential summability problem for the rect- angular partial sums of double Fourier series. Let f L1(T2) be a function ∈ with Fourier series ∞ (4) c ei(mx+ny), nm m,n=−∞ X where 1 c = f(x ,x )e−i(mx1+nx2)dx dx nm 4π2 1 2 1 2 ZT2Z are the Fourier coefficients of the function f. The rectangular partial sums of (4) are defined by M N S (f)= S (x ,x ,f)= c ei(mx1+nx2). MN MN 1 2 nm m=−Mn=−N X X We denote by LlogL T2 the class of measurable functions f, with (cid:0) (cid:1) f log+ f < , | | | | ∞ ZT2Z where log+u := I logu, u > 0. For the rectangular partial sums of (1,∞) two-dimensional trigonometric FourierseriesJessen,MarcinkiewiczandZyg- mund [10] has proved for any f LlogL T2 that ∈ 1 n−1m−1 (cid:0) (cid:1) lim (S (x ,x ,f) f(x ,x )) = 0 ij 1 2 1 2 n,m→∞nm − i=0 j=0 X X for a. e. (x ,x ) T2. They also showed that for every non-negative 1 2 ∈ function ω : [0, ) [0, ) satisfying ω(t) , ω(t) log+t −1 0 as ∞ → ∞ ↑ ∞ → t , there exists a function f such that f ω(f ) L1 T2 and the → ∞ | | | | ∈(cid:0) (cid:1) (C,1,1) means of double Fourier series of f diverge a.e.. (cid:0) (cid:1) The two dimensional a.e. strong rectangular (H,p)-summability, i.e. the relation n−1m−1 1 lim S (x ,x ,f) f(x ,x ) p =0 a.e. ij 1 2 1 2 n,m→∞nm | − | i=0 j=0 X X was proved by Gogoladze [8]for f LlogL T2 . These results show that in ∈ two dimensional case the optimal class of functions for (C,1,1) summability and strong summability coincide. That is th(cid:0)e cl(cid:1)ass of functions LlogL T2 . We prove the following (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem. If a continuous increasing function Φ: [0, ) [0, ), Φ(0) = ∞ → ∞ 0, satisfies the condition lnΦ(t) (5) limsup < , t→+∞ t/lnlnt ∞ p 4 USHANGIGOGINAVAANDGRIGORIKARAGULYAN then for any f LlogL T2 the relation ∈ n−(cid:0)1m−(cid:1)1 1 (6) lim Φ(S (x ,x ,f) f(x ,x ) )= 0 ij 1 2 1 2 n,m→∞nm | − | i=0 j=0 X X holds for a. e. (x ,x ) T2. 1 2 ∈ As a corollary of this result we get the Gogoladze [8] theorem on a.e. Hp-summability of double Fourier series. From Jessen, Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund [10] theorem it follows that the class LlogL T2 in our theorem is necessary in the context of strong summability question. That is, it is not possible to give a larger convergence space than LlogL(cid:0) T(cid:1)2 . Our method of proof do not allow to get (6) under the weaker condition (cid:0) (cid:1) lnΦ(t) (7) limsup < . t→+∞ √t ∞ There is a conjecture that (7) is the optimal bound of Φ ensuring a.e. rect- angular strong summability (6) for every function f LlogL T2 . ∈ The results on strong summability and approximation by trigonometric (cid:0) (cid:1) Fourier series have been extended for several other orthogonal systems, see Schipp [23, 24, 25], Leindler [14, 15, 16, 17], Totik [26, 27, 28, 29], Gogi- nava,Gogoladze[5,6],Goginava,Gogoladze, Karagulyan[7],Gat,Goginava, Karagulyan [3, 4], Weisz [30]-[33]. 2. Auxiliary lemmas The notation a . b will stand for a < c b, where c > 0 is an absolute · constant. We shall write a b if the relations a . b and b . a hold at the ∼ same time. Everywhere below q > 1 will be used as the conjugate of p > 1, that is 1/p+1/q = 1. [a] denotes the integer part of a R. The maximal function of a function f L1(T) is defi∈ned by ∈ 1 Mf (x) := sup f(y) dy, I:x∈I⊂T|I| Z | | I where I is an open interval. The following one dimensional operators intro- duced by Gabisonia [2] are significant tools in the investigations of strong summability problems: q 1/q k [nπ] n n G(n)f(x):=   f (x+t) + f(x t) dt  , p k | | | − | Xk=1 kZ−1     n       G f(x):= supG(n)f(x). p p n∈N Oskolkov’s following lemma plays key role in the proof of the basic lemma. ALMOST EVERYWHERE EXPONENTIAL SUMMABILITY 5 Lemma 1 (Oskolkov, [20]). For any family of pairwise disjoint intervals ∆ T with centers c it holds the inequality k k ⊂ q |∆j| (8) x T : sup j |x−cj|+|∆j| > λ . exp( cλ), λ > 0, (cid:12)(cid:12) ∈ p>1 Pp(cid:16)lnln(p+2)(cid:17) (cid:12)(cid:12) −   (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where c(cid:12)>0 is an absolute constant. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) One can easily check that q 1/q q |∆j| |∆j| sup j |x−cj|+|∆j| . 1,sup j |x−cj|+|∆j| . p>1 (cid:16)P (cid:16)plnln(p+2(cid:17)) (cid:17)  p>1 Pp(cid:16)lnln(p+2)(cid:17)    Combining this with (8), we get   q 1/q |∆j| (9) sup j |x−cj|+|∆j| . 1. Tp>1 (cid:16)P (cid:16)plnln(p+2(cid:17)) (cid:17) Z Lemma 2. If f L1(T), then ∈ G f(x) 1 1/2 (10) x T :sup p > λ . f , λ > 0. ∈ plnln(p+2) λ k k1 (cid:12)(cid:26) p>1 (cid:27)(cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. It i(cid:12)s enough to prove the same estim(cid:12)ate for the modified operators q 1/q k [nπ] n n (11) G′f(x):= sup  f (x+t) dt  . p n∈NXk=1kkZ−1 | |     n       Using the Calderon-Zygmund lemma, for the maximal function we get the relation ∞ (12) R := x T :Mf (x) > √λ = ∆ , λ > 0, λ k ∈ n o k[=0 where ∆ T are disjoint open intervals such that k ⊂ 1 (13) √λ f(t) dt 2√λ, ≤ ∆ | | ≤ k | | Z ∆k 1 (14) R f . | λ|≤ √λk k1 6 USHANGIGOGINAVAANDGRIGORIKARAGULYAN Denote δn := [(k 1)/n,k/n] and δn(x) := x+δn. Separating the terms in k − k k the sum (11) with k satisfying δn(x) R , we get k ⊂ λ q 1/q k n n (15) G′f(x) sup  f(x+t) dt  p ≤n∈Nk:δknX(x)⊂RλkkZ−1 | |     n       q 1/q k n n +sup  f(x+t) dt  n∈Nk:δknX(x)6⊂RλkkZ−1 | |     n   := I +II.    From the definition of R in the case δn(x) R it follows that λ k 6⊂ λ k n n f (x+t) dt √λ. | | ≤ kZ−1 n Thus we conclude ∞ 1/q 1/q 1 1 (16) II √λ . √λ . p√λ. ≤ kq q 1 ! k=1 (cid:18) − (cid:19) X Given x T set ∈ min k :δn(x) ∆ if k :δn(x) ∆ =∅, ki(x)= { k ⊂ i} if {k :δkn(x) ⊂ ∆i} 6=∅. (cid:26) ∞ { k ⊂ i} ∞ DenoteR := 3∆ andtakeanarbitrary point x T R . Onecaneasily λ k λ ∈ \ k=1 check theat if kiS(x) 6= ∞, then e k (x) i ∆ x c , i i ∋ n ∼ | − | ALMOST EVERYWHERE EXPONENTIAL SUMMABILITY 7 where c is the center of the interval ∆ . Thus for any x / R we obtain i i λ ∈ e q 1/q ∞ n (17) I = sup f (t) dt     n∈N Xi=1k:δknX(x)⊂∆i kδnZ(x) | |   k       q 1/q ∞ n sup f (t) dt     ≤ n∈N Xi=1 k:δknX(x)⊂∆i kδnZ(x) | |   k       q 1/q ∞ n ∆ 1 i sup | | f (t) dt ≤ n∈Ni=1ki(x)|∆i|Z | |   X ∆i     ∞ q 1/q n ∆ . √λsup | i| k (x) n i=1(cid:18) i (cid:19) ! X ∞ q 1/q ∆ . √λ | i| , x / R . λ x c + ∆ ∈ i=1(cid:18)| − i| | i|(cid:19) ! X e Using Chebyshev’s inequality, from (9), (16) and (17) it follows that G′f(x) x T R : sup p > λ λ ∈ \ plnln(p+2) (cid:12)(cid:26) p>1 (cid:27)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) e (cid:12)(cid:12) |∆j| q 1/q . x T R :√λ 1+sup j |x−cj|+|∆j| cλ (cid:12)(cid:12) ∈ \ λ  p>1 (cid:16)P (cid:16)plnln(p+2(cid:17)) (cid:17)  ≥ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)   (cid:12) e (cid:12)  q 1/q  (cid:12) (cid:12) |∆j| (cid:12) . (cid:12)1 sup j |x−cj|+|∆j| dx (cid:12) √λ p>1 (cid:16)P (cid:16)plnln(p+2(cid:17)) (cid:17) ZT 1 . , √λ for an appropriate absolute constant c > 0. Applying homogeneity, one can get G′f(x) f 1/2 (18) x T R : sup p > λ . k k1 , λ > 0. λ ∈ \ plnln(p+2) λ (cid:12)(cid:26) p>1 (cid:27)(cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) e (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 8 USHANGIGOGINAVAANDGRIGORIKARAGULYAN Consequently, from (14)-(18) we get G′f(x) x T : sup p > λ ∈ plnln(p+2) (cid:12)(cid:26) p>1 (cid:27)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) x T R :sup G′pf((cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)x) > λ + R˜ λ λ ≤ ∈ \ plnln(p+2) | | (cid:12)(cid:26) p>1 (cid:27)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) f 1/e2 f (cid:12) . (cid:12) k k1 + k k1. (cid:12) λ √λ (cid:18) (cid:19) Again using homogeneity, we obtain (10). (cid:3) We will need the following estimations. Lemma 3 (Gabisonia, [2]). If p > 1 and f L1(T2), then ∈ 1/p n−1 1 (19) S (x,f)p . G(n)f(x). n | j |  p j=0 X   Lemma 4 (Schipp, [22]). If f L1(T2), then ∈ 1/p n−1 1 (20) S (x,f) p . pG f(x). j 2 n | |  j=0 X   Rodin [21] proved the weak (1,1)-type estimate for the operators G f(x) p with a fixed p > 1. From this fact, applying a standard argument, one can derive Lemma 5 (Rodin, [21]). Let f LlogL(T). Then ∈ G (f) . 1+ f log f . k 2 k1 | | | | ZT For any function f L1(T2) define ∈ G (x ,x ;f) = G f (x ), G (x ,x ;f)= G f (x ), p,1 1 2 p x2 1 p,2 1 2 p x1 2 G(n)(x ,x ;f) = G(n)f (x ), G(n)(x ,x ;f) = G(n)f (x ), p,1 1 2 p x2 1 p,2 1 2 p x1 2 where f () = f(,x ) and f () = f(x , ) are considered as functions on x2 · · 2 x1 · 1 · x and x respectively. Similarly one dimensional partial sums of f(x ,x ) 1 2 1 2 with respect to each variables will be denoted by S (x ,x ,f)= S (x ,f ), S (x ,x ,f)= S (x ,f ). n,1 1 2 n 1 x2 n,2 1 2 n 2 x1 ALMOST EVERYWHERE EXPONENTIAL SUMMABILITY 9 Lemma 6. If f LlogL(T2), then ∈ 1/p n−1m−1 1 S (x ,x ,f)p (cid:12) nm i=0 j=0 | i,j 1 2 | ! (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)spu>p1ns,mu∈pN P Pp2lnln(p+2) > λ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)   (cid:12) 1/2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 (cid:12) . 1+ f log+ f , λ >0. λ  | | | | ZT2Z    Proof. Using (19), (20) and generalized Minkowsi’s inequality, we get n−1m−1 n−1m−1 1 1 S (x ,x ,f) p = S (x ,x ,S (f)) p i,j 1 2 i,1 1 2 j,2 nm | | nm | | i=0 j=0 i=0 j=0 X X X X m−1 1 p (n) G (x ,x , S (f)) ≤ m p,1 1 2 | j,2 | Xj=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) p 1/p m−1 1 G(n) x ,x , S (f)p ≤  p,1  1 2 m | j,2 |   j=0 X       1/pp m−1 1 G x ,x , S (f)p  p,1 1 2 j,2  ≤ m | |  j=0 X    . pp(G (x ,x ,G (f)))p.   p,1 1 2 2,2 Hence we obtain 1/p n−1m−1 1 S (x ,x ,f)p  nm i=0 j=0 | i,j 1 2 | !  Ω = (x1,x2)∈ T2 :spu>p1ns,mu∈pN P Pp2lnln(p+2) > λ        G (x ,x ,G (f))  (x ,x ) T2 : sup p,1 1 2 2,2 > λ ,  1 2 ⊂ ∈ plnln(p+2) (cid:26) p>1 (cid:27) 10 USHANGIGOGINAVAANDGRIGORIKARAGULYAN then, applying Lemma 2 and 5, we conclude Ω = I (x ,x )dx dx = dx I (x ,x )dx Ω 1 2 1 2 2 Ω 1 2 1 | | TZ2 ZT ZT 1/2 1 . G (x ,x ,f)dx dx 2,2 1 2 1 2 λ  ZT ZT   1/2 1 . 1+ f (x ,x ) log+ f(x ,x ) dx dx 1 2 1 2 1 2 λ  | | | |  ZT ZT    1/2 1 . 1+ f (x ,x ) log+ f(x ,x ) dx dx . 1 2 1 2 1 2 λ  | | | |  TZ2    Lemma is proved. (cid:3) 3. Proof of Theorem 1 Let L := L T2 be Orlicz space of functions on T2 generated by the M M Young function M(t) = tlog+t. Itis known that L is aBanach space with (cid:0) (cid:1) M respect to the Luxemburg norm f f := inf λ : λ > 0, M | | 1 < . k kM  λ ≤  ∞  XZ (cid:18) (cid:19)  According to a theorem from ([13], Chap. 2, theorem 9.5) we have 0,5 1+ M( f ) f 1+ M( f )  | |  ≤ k kM ≤ | | TZ2 ZT2   provided f = 1. Hence from Lemma 6 we conclude k kM 1/p n−1m−1 1 S (f)p (cid:12) nm i=0 j=0 | i,j | ! (cid:12) f 1/2 (21) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)spu>p1ns,mu∈pN pP2loPglog(p+2) > λ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12). (cid:18)k λkM(cid:19) . (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)   (cid:12) (cid:12)   Indeed, (cid:12)at first we deduce the case of f = 1, then(cid:12)using a homogeneity (cid:12) k kM (cid:12) argument, we get the inequality in the general case.

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