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ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS 1. Introduction Almost automorphic functions ... PDF

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Preview ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS 1. Introduction Almost automorphic functions ...

ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS YINGFEIYI Abstract. Almostautomorphicdynamicshavebeengivenanotableamount of attention in recent years with respect to the study of almost periodically forced monotone systems. There are solid evidences that these types of dy- namicsshouldalsobeoffundamentalimportanceinnon-monotoneespecially conservative systems due to the interaction of multi-frequencies. Thisarticle will give a preliminary discussion in this regard by reviewing certain known casesandraisingsomeproblemsforpotentialfuturestudies. 1. Introduction Almostautomorphicfunctions,generatingthe(Bohr)almostperiodicones,were (cid:12)rst introduced by Bochner ([12]) in 1955 in a di(cid:11)erential geometry context, and, withaminormodi(cid:12)cation,theywereshownin[27,94]tocoincidewiththeLevitan classofN-almostperiodicfunctions([56]). LetT bealocallycompact,(cid:27)-compact, Abelian, (cid:12)rstcountable topologicalgroupandlet E beacompletemetricspace. A functionf C(T;E)issaidtobealmostautomorphicifwhenever t isasequence n 2 f g such that f(t +t) g(t) C(T;E) uniformly on compact sets, then g(t t ) n n ! 2 (cid:0) ! f(t) uniformly on compact sets, as n . f becomes almost periodic if any ! 1 sequence tn admitsasubsequence tn0 suchthatf(tn0+t)convergesuniformlyon f g f g T, as n . In the literature, the abovenotion of almost automorphyis referred !1 to as sequential or continuous almost automorphy. In fact, almost automorphic functions(and(cid:13)ows)canbede(cid:12)nedinanabstractfashiononanytopologicalgroup with respect to pointwise net convergence (see [27, 94, 98] for details). A function is sequential almost automorphic i(cid:11) it is net almost automorphic and uniformly continuous ([98]). We choose the sequential notion in this paper because of its convenience in the applications to di(cid:11)erential equations. An almost periodic function is necessarily almost automorphic, but not vice versa. One can de(cid:12)ne Fourier series for both almost periodic and almost auto- morphic functions valued in a Banach space but the one for an almost periodic function is unique and converges uniformly in terms of Bochner-Fejer summation, while the one for an almost automorphic function is in general non-unique and its Bochner-Fejer sum only converges pointwise ([98]). Although there can be many Fourier series associated with a given almost automorphic function, one can de(cid:12)ne the frequency module of an almost automorphic function in the usual way as the smallestAbeliangroupcontainingaFourierspectrum-thesetofFourierexponents associatedwithaFourierseries,and,ithasbeenshownthatsuchafrequencymod- uleisuniquelyde(cid:12)ned([106]). Intheabovesense,bothalmostperiodicandalmost 1991 Mathematics Subject Classi(cid:12)cation. Primary 34C27, 34C28, 37B55; Secondary 54H20, 58F14,58F05,58F30. Keywordsandphrases. Almostautomorphicdynamics,multi-frequency,nonlinearoscillations. PartiallysupportedbyNSFgrantDMS0204119. 1 2 YINGFEIYI automorphicfunctionscanbeviewedasnaturalgeneralizationstotheperiodicones in the strongest and the weakest sense respectively. Almost automorphic minimal (cid:13)ows were (cid:12)rst introduced and studied by Veech ([97]-[100]). A (cid:13)ow (E;T) is called almost automorphic (almost periodic) min- imal if E is the closure of an almost automorphic (almost periodic) orbit. An almost automorphic minimal (cid:13)ow contains residually many almost automorphic points and becomes almost periodic only if every point in E is almost automor- phic ([98, 100]). Typical examples of almost automorphicminimal sets include the well known Toeplitz minimal sets in symbolic dynamics ([19, 61]), the Denjoy set ([17]) on the circle, and the Aubry-Mather sets ([5, 62]) on an annulus. Unlike an almost periodic minimal (cid:13)ow, an almost automorphic one can be non-uniquely ergodic and can admit positive topological entropy ([61]), and its general measure theoretical characterization is completely random ([31]). Topologically, while an almost periodic minimal set is always a compact topological group ([22]), a non- almostperiodic, almostautomorphicone is only an almost 1-coverof a topological group ([98]) and can be topologically complicated ([46]). Hence, on one hand, an almost automorphic (cid:13)ow resembles an almost periodic one harmonically, but on the other hand, it presents certain complicated dynamical, topological and mea- sure theoretical features which are signi(cid:12)cantly di(cid:11)erent from an almost periodic one. Systematicstudiesofalmostautomorphicdynamicsindi(cid:11)erentialequationswere made in a seriesof recent worksof the authorwith Shen ([89]-[93]) with respect to almostperiodicallyforcedmonotonesystemswhichareroughlythoseadmittingno internalfrequencies. Consideraskew-product semi-(cid:13)ow(cid:25) overanalmost periodic t minimal base (cid:13)ow. Loosely speaking, it has been shown that if (cid:25) is (cid:12)ber-wise t totallymonotone (e.g., skew-product (cid:13)ows and semi-(cid:13)ows generatedby almostpe- riodicallyforcedscalarODEsandalmostperiodicallyforcedparabolicPDEsinone space dimension, respectively), then all its minimal sets are almost automorphic with frequencymodules respondingtothatof the base(cid:13)owharmonically, and,if it is (cid:12)ber-wise strongly monotone (e.g., skew-product (cid:13)ows and semi-(cid:13)ows generated by cooperative almost periodic systems of ODEs and almost periodically forced parabolicPDEsin higherspacedimensions,respectively),then eachlinearlystable minimalsetisalmostautomorphicwithfrequencymodulerespondingtothatofthe base (cid:13)ow sub-harmonically,and moreover,a minimal set in the (cid:12)ber-wise strongly monotone skew-product semi-(cid:13)ow (cid:25) over an almost periodic minimal base (cid:13)ow t becomes almost periodic if it is uniformly stable. It is well known that even in the simplest almost periodically forced monotone system such as a quasi-periodically forcedscalarODEwith onlytwofrequenciesandalinearscalarODEwith limiting periodic coe(cid:14)cients, almost periodic motions need not exist ([26, 46, 56, 75, 93]). Thus,the(cid:12)ndingofalmostautomorphicdynamicsin[89]-[93]actuallyshowsafun- damentalphenomenoninalmostperiodicallyforcedmonotonesystems,i.e.,almost automorphic solutions largely exist but almost periodic ones need not. We refer the readersto [85, 93] for referenceson the study of almost automorphicdynamics in almost periodically forced di(cid:11)erential systems and to [3, 41, 42, 74, 76, 86, 88] for recent developments in the subject. Comparing with periodically forced monotone systems in which periodic solu- tions are generically expected, the existence of almost automorphic solutions in almost periodically forced monotone systems re(cid:13)ects a general harmonic nature of ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS 3 the systems due to the interactions of several frequencies especially when they are close to the resonance. It is therefore well expected that almost automorphic dy- namicsshouldalsolargelyexistinalmostperiodicallyforcednon-monotonesystems (i.e., systems with self-excitations or containing internal frequencies) and even in autonomous conservative systems. Some examples of periodically forced nonlinear oscillators and Hamiltonian systems have already supported this assertion but no systematic investigation is made to the existence of almost automorphic dynamics in general almost periodically forced non-monotone systems yet. In this article, we will review some known cases of the existence of almost automorphic dynamics in non-monotone systems and formulate some general open problems as potential starting points in the subject. We are also attempting to link the study of almost automorphic oscillations with other active areas in dynamical systems such as the almostperiodicFloquettheory,Aubry-Mathertheory,chaos,Hamiltoniansystems, non-chaotic strange attractors, nonlinear oscillations, and toral (cid:13)ows. Problems arising in multi-frequency, non-monotone systems are far more complicated and challengingthanthoseinmonotonesystems. Atthisstage,wehavemorequestions than answers. Therefore, instead of an expository article as it was supposed to be, the present article is rather a research note, aiming at making some prelimi- nary discussions in this interesting subject, which is by no means complete or well thought out. Throughout the paper, we let (Y;R) be an almost periodic minimal (cid:13)ow and denote y t as the orbit of the (cid:13)ow passing through a point y Y. We will mainly (cid:1) 2 considerODEs with almostperiodic forcingof the formf(x;y t), wherex Rn is (cid:1) 2 a state variable (the global existence of solutions of the ODEs is always assumed). This is without loss of generality. Suppose that an ODE (1.1) x0 =F(x;t); x Rn; 2 is considered with F being uniformly Lipschitz in x and almost periodic in t uniformly with respect to x. Let Y = H(F) = cl F (cid:28) R be the hull of (cid:28) f j 2 g y = F under the compact open topology (hence Y is compact metric), where 0 F (x;t) F(x;t+(cid:28)). De(cid:12)ne f : Rn Y Rn: f(x;y) = y(x;0), y Y. Then (cid:28) (cid:17) (cid:2) ! 2 the time translationy t=y de(cid:12)nesanaturalalmostperiodicminimal (cid:13)ow(Y;R) t (cid:1) and F(x;t) f(x;y t). Thus instead of studying the single equation (1.1), we 0 (cid:17) (cid:1) will consider a family of equations (1.2) x0 =f(x;y t); x Rn; (cid:1) 2 which consist of the translated and limiting equations of (1.1). To study the dy- namical behaviors of solutions of (1.1), we note that the equations (1.2) give rise to a skew-product (cid:13)ow (Rn Y;(cid:25) ): t (cid:2) (cid:25) (x;y)=(X(x;y;t);y t); t (cid:1) where X(x;y;t) denotes the solution of (1.2) with the initial value x. Such a formulation was originated in [67, 84] in studying dynamics of non-autonomous di(cid:11)erential equations (see also [48, 105]). We note that if F is quasi-periodic in t with k frequencies, then Y Tk and (Y;R) is topologically conjugated to the ’ standard quasi-periodic (cid:13)ow on the k-torus. Part of the material in this article has been lectured at the 7th International Conferenceon Di(cid:11)erence Equationsand Applications (ICDEA), Changsha, China, 4 YINGFEIYI 2002, the International Conference on Dynamical Methods for Di(cid:11)erential Equa- tions, Medina, Spain, 2002, and the International Workshop on Global Analysis of Dynamical Systems, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2001. The author would like to thank the organizers of these conferences for opportunities to present part of the resultscontainedin this article, in particularthe organizersforthe 7th ICDEA for their invitation to write this article. 2. Almost automorphic functions and flows In this section, unless speci(cid:12)ed otherwise, we let T be a locally compact, (cid:27)- compact, Abelian, (cid:12)rst countable group, and E be a complete metric space. 2.1. Harmonicproperties. Fouriertheorywas(cid:12)rstdevelopedin[98]forcomplex valued almost automorphic functions. ParallelFourier theory can be also found in [56] for N-almost periodic functions. Theorem 2.1. Letf be an almost automorphic function on T valued in a Banach space. Then f admits Fourier series (not necessarily unique) whose Bochner-Fejer sums converge to f pointwise (in fact, uniformly on compact sets). The theorem was (cid:12)rst proved in [98] for complex valued functions and was gen- eralized in [106] for almost automorphic functions on R valued in a Banach space. The same proof can be carried over for general T. Let f be an almost automorphicfunction on T. Then the topologicalhull H(f) isalmostautomorphicminimalunderthe‘time’translation(cid:13)owwhichisanalmost 1-coverof its maximal almost periodic factor (Y;T) (see Theorem 2.3 below). The almost periodic factor is unique up to (cid:13)ow isomorphism and admits a natural compact Abelian topological group structure inherited from the (cid:13)ow ([22]), e.g., when T = R, Y is a solenoidal group ([2]). Hence the dual group Y0 is discrete. We de(cid:12)ne the frequency module (f) of f asthe subgroupof Y0 generatedby the M Fourierspectrum associatedwith aFourierseriesof f. Thisiswellde(cid:12)nedbecause of the following theorem which was originally shown in [106] for T = R but also holds in general. Theorem 2.2. With respect to any Fourier series of f, (f) Y0. M ’ The following module containment result can be shown similarly as in [106] for functions de(cid:12)ned on R. Proposition 2.1. For two almost automorphic functions f;g C(T;E), (g) 2 M (cid:26) (f) i(cid:11) whenever f(t+t ) f(t) for some sequence t T then g(t+t ) n n n M ! f g(cid:26) ! g(t), uniformly on compact sets. 2.2. Structural properties. The following result shown in [98] is known as the Veech almost automorphic structure theorem. Theorem 2.3. A compact minimal (cid:13)ow (E;T) is almost automorphic i(cid:11) it is an almost 1-1 extension of its maximal almost periodic factor (Y;T), i.e., there is a residual subset Y Y such that each (cid:12)ber over Y is a singleton. 0 0 (cid:26) ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS 5 Let (E;T), (Y;T) be as in the above. It is shown in [100] that as long as there is a y Y corresponding to a singleton (cid:12)ber, then there are residually many of 0 2 them. The set of points in E lying in the singleton (cid:12)bers consists of precisely the almost automorphic points, and, E becomes almost periodic i(cid:11) all points in E are almost automorphic. Again, as (Y;T) is almost periodic minimal, Y admits a compact Abelian group structure inherited from the (cid:13)ow whose dual group Y0 is discrete. We thus de(cid:12)ne the frequency module (E) of E as the dual group Y0. M Thisde(cid:12)nitionisinconsistentwith thatforanalmostautomorphicfunction which we introduced above. Theorem 2.4. 1) A function f C(T;E) is almost automorphic i(cid:11) it is a 2 pointwise limit of a sequence of jointly almost automorphic, almost periodic functions. 2) f C(T;E) is almost automorphic i(cid:11) there exists a dense subgroup G 2 of a compact group G , a continuous homomorphism (cid:30) : T G, and a (cid:3) ! function g : G E which is continuous on G such that f = g (cid:30) is (cid:3) ! (cid:14) uniformly continuous. 3) If (cid:30):T D, where D is complete metric, is almost automorphic, g:D ! ! E is continuous on R((cid:30)), then f =g (cid:30) C(T;E) is almost automorphic (cid:14) 2 if it is uniformly continuous. Part1)of the theoremwasshownin[98] forcomplexvalued(sequential)almost automorphic functions. Part 2) of the theorem was stated and shown in [96] for complex valued function f as follows: f is (net) almost automorphic i(cid:11) there is a continuous homomorphism (cid:30):T G, where G is a totally bounded group, and a ! complex valued function g which is continuous on G such that f = g (cid:30). Part 3) (cid:14) of the theorem was stated and shown in [99] for complex valued functions f;g as follows: if (cid:30):T C is (net) almost automorphic and g :R((cid:30)) C is continuous, ! ! then f = g (cid:30) is (net) almost automorphic. With proper modi(cid:12)cations as the (cid:14) above,all these resultscan be extended to the onesstated in the theoremby using similar arguments as originally used in [96, 98, 99]. Parts2)3)oftheabovetheoremisparticularlyusefulinconstructingnon-quasi- periodic, almost automorphic functions with (cid:12)nite many frequencies. Let ! = (! ;! ; ;! ) 1 2 k (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) Rk be a given non-resonant vector and f : Tk Rn be a measurable func- 2 ! tion which is continuouson an orbit (cid:18) +!t:t T of the quasi-periodic(cid:13)ow on 0 f 2 g Tk with the frequency !, here T = R or Z. As !t : t R is embedded into Tk f 2 g as a dense subgroup (or the map R Tk : t (cid:18) +!t is almost periodic hence 0 ! 7! almostautomorphic),animmediateapplicationofpart2)or3)ofTheorem2.4and Proposition 2.1 yields the following. Corollary 2.1. Let f;!;(cid:18) be as in the above. Then F(t) =f((cid:18) +!t), t R or 0 0 2 Z, is almost automorphic whose frequency module (F) is contained in (!) - M M the additive subgroup of R generated by ! ;! ; ;! . 1 2 k (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) Remark 2.1. For each (cid:18) Tk, the function f((cid:18)+!t), where t R or Z, may be 2 2 regarded as a weak quasi-periodic function. Weak quasi-periodic orbits are known to existence in monotone twist maps on an annulus as orbits lying in the Aubry- Mather sets ([62]) and in scalar ODEs with quasi-periodic time dependence ([76]). 6 YINGFEIYI The existence of such orbits in these dynamical systems were shown under certain monotonicity and properties that f : Tk R1 is semi-continuous and admits ! bounded directional derivative along !. Indeed, the semi-continuity implies that f admits a residual set Y of points of continuity, and the directional di(cid:11)erentiability 0 together with the continuous dependence on initial conditions imply the continuity of f on each orbit (cid:18) +!t if (cid:18) Y . It is clear that a weak quasi-periodic orbit 0 0 0 f g 2 f((cid:18)+!t) becomes almost automorphic precisely when (cid:18) is a point of continuity of f, and becomes quasi-periodic only if f itself is a continuous function on the torus. It is important to note that the family of weak quasi-periodic orbits such de- (cid:12)ned always contains almost automorphic ones. This is because of the harmonic similarity between almost automorphic functions with (cid:12)nite many frequencies and quasi-periodic ones. Indeed, if (cid:18) is not a point of continuity of f, then the function f((cid:18)+!t)needs not even be recurrentand needsnot admit any Fourier series whose Bochner-Fejer sum is pointwise convergent, due to the lack of continuity of f on the set (cid:18)+!t . f g 2.3. Inherit properties. Similar to almost periodic minimal (cid:13)ows ([22]), it was shownin[9]thatanalmostautomorphicminimal(cid:13)ow(X;T)alsoadmitsaninher- itance property as follows. Theorem 2.5. Let S be a syndetic subgroup of T. Then (X;T) is almost auto- morphic minimal with maximal almost periodic factor (Y;T) i(cid:11) (X;S) is almost automorphic minimal with maximal almost periodic factor (Y;S). Theaboveinheritpropertycanbe easilyextendedtoaPoincar(cid:19)emapassociated witharealcompact(cid:13)ow(X;R). RecallthataclosedsubsetZ X isaglobal cross (cid:26) section of (X;R) if i) all orbits meet Z; ii) there is a positive continuous function T : Z R, called (cid:12)rst return time, such that z T(z) Z and z t Z for all ! (cid:1) 2 (cid:1) 62 z Z and 0<t<T(z). In case a global cross section Z exists, one can de(cid:12)ne the 2 Poincar(cid:19)e map P : Z Z : z z T(z), which is a homeomorphism on Z. The ! 7! (cid:1) following can be shown similarly to a special case considered in [9]. Proposition 2.2. Suppose that (X;R) admits a global cross section Z and let P : Z Z be the associated Poincar(cid:19)e map. Then (X;R) is almost automorphic ! minimal i(cid:11) (Z;P) is. Let P : S1 S1 be an orientation preserving homeomorphism with irrational ! rotationnumber. Then P hasa uniqueminimal set E whichis either topologically conjugatedtoapurerotation([17])orisanalmost1-1extensionofapurerotation onS1 ([60]),bothwithzerotopologicalentropy. Inanycase,E is(discrete)almost automorphic. Now considera C1 (cid:12)xed-point-free (cid:13)ow (cid:25) on the 2-torusT2. Then (cid:25) admits a t t Poincar(cid:19)esection and its rotation vector (cid:25)~ (y) t ! = lim t!1 t exists and is independent of y T2, where (cid:25)~ : R2 R2 denotes a continuous t 2 ! lift of (cid:25) . We assume further that ! is non-resonant, or equivalently, (cid:25) admits no t t periodic orbits. An easy application of the Denjoy theory implies that (cid:25) admits t a unique minimal set E which is topologically equivalent to a suspension of either ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS 7 a pure rotation or a Denjoy Cantor set on the circle (hence E is uniquely ergodic with zerotopologicalentropy). ApplyingProposition2.2,wefurtherconcludethat E is actually almost automorphic. Similarly, let f be an area preserving, orientation preserving, boundary compo- nents preserving, twist homeomorphism of an annulus A. Let (cid:26) < (cid:26) denote the 0 1 rotation numbers of f restricted to the lower and upper boundaries of A, respec- tively. Then it has been shown in [62] that for any (cid:26) [(cid:26) ;(cid:26) ] irrational,f admits 0 1 2 a minimal set M which is topologically conjugated to either a pure rotation of (cid:26) the circle or a Denjoy set of the circle, with the rotation number (cid:26). Hence, M (cid:26) is an almost automorphic minimal set. In fact, Fourier series and their pointwise convergencefor the almostautomorphic orbits(referredto asquasi-periodicorbits by Mather) in M were also discussed in [62] which (cid:12)t in the harmonic nature of (cid:26) general almost automorphic functions described in Theorem 2.1. To summarize, we have the following. Theorem 2.6. A Denjoy minimal set of a circle homeomorphism, a Denjoy mini- malsetof atoral(cid:13)ow, andAubry-Mather setsof anareapreservingmonotonetwist map on an annulus are all almost automorphic minimal sets with zero topological entropy. 3. Almost periodically forced circle flows Consider an almost periodically forced circle (cid:13)ow generated by the following almost periodically forced scalarODE: (3.1) (cid:30)0 =f((cid:30);y t); (cid:1) where(cid:30) R1,f :R1 Y R1 isLipschitzcontinuous,periodicinthe(cid:12)rstvariable 2 (cid:2) ! with period 1. Using the identi(cid:12)cation (cid:30) (cid:30)0 (mod1), (3.1) clearly generates a (cid:17) skew-product (cid:13)ow (cid:3) :S1 Y S1 Y: t (cid:2) ! (cid:2) (3.2) (cid:3) ((cid:30) ;y )=((cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t);y t) t 0 0 0 0 0 (cid:1) when both (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) and (cid:30) are identi(cid:12)ed modulo 1, where (cid:30)(t) = (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) is 0 0 0 0 0 the solution of (3.1) with y=y , (cid:30)(0)=(cid:30) . 0 0 3.1. Rotation number and mean motion. Using arguments of [49] and the Birkho(cid:11) ergodic theorem, it is easily seen that the equation (3.1), or equivalently, the skew-product (cid:13)ow (3.2) admits a well de(cid:12)ned rotation number (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) 0 0 (cid:26)= lim t!1 t i.e., the limit exists and is independent of initial values ((cid:30) ;y ) R1 Y. 0 0 2 (cid:2) We say that the equation (3.1), or equivalently, the skew-product (cid:13)ow (3.2) admits mean motion if sup (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) (cid:30) (cid:26)t < 0 0 0 t2R1j (cid:0) (cid:0) j 1 for all ((cid:30) ;y ) R1 Y. 0 0 2 (cid:2) 8 YINGFEIYI Remark 3.1. 1) It is well known that if either (3.1) is periodically dependent on time ([38]), i.e., (Y;R) = (S1;R) is a pure rotation of the circle, or almost periodically dependent on time but admits an almost periodic solution ([25]), then it always admits mean motion. This is however not the case for general almost periodic time dependence. As an extreme example, let Y =Tk, f f(!t) be quasi- (cid:17) periodic in (3.1), where ! Rk is a non-resonant frequency vector. Then (cid:26)=[f] - 2 t themeanvalueof f, and, itiswellknownthat(cid:30)((cid:30) ;t) (cid:30) (cid:26)t= (f(!s) [f])ds 0 (cid:0) 0(cid:0) 0 (cid:0) can be unbounded if k >1 unless some additional conditions are aRssumed on f and ! (e.g., f is su(cid:14)ciently smooth and ! is Diophantine). 2) A natural question here is that under what conditions (3.1) can admit mean motion. Another question is that whether the mean motion property is generic, e.g., among the class of real analytic functions f : S1 Tk R1 endowed with (cid:2) ! sup-norm, with (Y;R)=(Tk;R) being a (cid:12)xed Diophantine, quasi-periodic (cid:13)ow. Wedonothaveanswerstothesequestionsbutconjecturethattheanswertothe second question should be a(cid:14)rmative. Below, we give some equivalent conditions for mean motion to hold in (3.1). Proposition 3.1. The equation (3.1) admits mean motion i(cid:11) there is a ((cid:30) ;y ) 0 0 2 R1 Y such that (cid:2) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) (cid:30) (cid:26)t 0 0 0 j (cid:0) (cid:0) j is bounded for either t 0 or t 0. (cid:21) (cid:20) Proof. We note that, by the periodicity of f in (cid:30), for any t R1, y Y, if 2 2 (cid:30)(cid:3) (cid:30)(cid:3) <l for some positive integer l, then also j 1(cid:0) 2j (3.3) (cid:30)((cid:30)(cid:3);y;t) (cid:30)((cid:30)(cid:3);y;t) <l: j 1 (cid:0) 2 j Without loss of generality, assume that ((cid:30) ;y ) R1 Y is such that 0 0 2 (cid:2) sup (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) (cid:30) (cid:26)t < : 0 0 0 j (cid:0) (cid:0) j 1 t(cid:21)0 Then it follows from the (cid:13)ow property that sup (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) (cid:30) (cid:26)t < (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) t2R1j (cid:0) (cid:0) j 1 forany((cid:30) ;y ) !((cid:30) ;y )withrespecttothe(cid:13)ow(3.2). Hence(3.1)admitsmean (cid:3) (cid:3) 0 0 motion by (3.3)2. (cid:3) Lemma 3.1. Consider (3.1). Then (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;t)dy (cid:30) (cid:26)t 4 0 0 jZ (cid:0) (cid:0) j(cid:20) Y for any (cid:30) R1. 0 2 Proof. Again, by the periodicity of f in (cid:30), for any t R1, y Y, if (cid:30)(cid:3) (cid:30)(cid:3) 2 2 1 (cid:17) 2 (mod1), then (3.4) (cid:30)((cid:30)(cid:3);y;t) (cid:30)(cid:3) =(cid:30)((cid:30)(cid:3);y;t) (cid:30)(cid:3); 1 (cid:0) 1 2 (cid:0) 2 and, if (cid:30)(cid:3) (cid:30)(cid:3) <l for some positive integer l, then (3.3) holds. j 1(cid:0) 2j Now, (cid:12)x t;(cid:30) R1. Forany y Y, 0 s t, let 0 (cid:30) ;(cid:30) <1 be such that 0 1 2 2 2 (cid:20)j j(cid:20)j j (cid:20) (cid:30) (cid:30) ; (cid:30) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;s); (mod1): 1 0 2 0 (cid:17) (cid:17) ON ALMOST AUTOMORPHIC OSCILLATIONS 9 It follows from (3.4) that (3.5) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t) (cid:30) = (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t) (cid:30) ; 0 0 1 1 (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (3.6) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;t+s) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;s) = (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t) (cid:30) : 0 0 2 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) Hence, by (3.3)-(3.6), (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;t+s) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;s) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t)+(cid:30) 0 0 0 0 j (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) j = (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t)+(cid:30) (cid:30) 2 1 2 1 j (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) j (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t) + (cid:30) (cid:30) 4; 2 1 2 1 (cid:20)j (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) j j (cid:0) j(cid:20) i.e., t+s (3.7) (cid:30)0((cid:30) ;y;(cid:21))d(cid:21) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t)+(cid:30) 4: 0 0 0 jZ (cid:0) (cid:1) j(cid:20) s Let T =0. An application of Frobine’s theorem yields 6 t 1 t (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;T +s) 1 t 0 (cid:30) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;(cid:21))d(cid:21)+ ds (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t)ds 0 0 0 j (cid:0)Z T Z T (cid:0) T Z (cid:1) j 0 0 0 1 T t+s 1 T (3.8) = (cid:30)0((cid:30) ;y;(cid:21))d(cid:21)ds (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t)ds+(cid:30) 4: 0 0 0 jT Z Z (cid:0) T Z (cid:1) j(cid:20) 0 s 0 Since (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;T +s) 0 lim =(cid:26) T!1 T uniformly in y Y, s [0;t], and, by the Birkho(cid:11) ergodic theorem, 2 2 1 T lim (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y s;t)ds= (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;t)dy; 0 0 T!1T Z0 (cid:1) ZY the lemma is proved by passing limit T in (3.8). (cid:3) !1 Theorem 3.1. (3.1) admits mean motion i(cid:11) there is a ((cid:30) ;y ) R1 Y such that 0 0 2 (cid:2) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y ;t) (cid:30)((cid:30) ;y;t)dy 0 0 0 j (cid:0)Z j Y is bounded for t 0 or t 0. (cid:21) (cid:20) Proof. This follows immediately from Proposition 3.1 and Lemma 3.1. (cid:3) 3.2. Mean motion and almost automorphic dynamics. One signi(cid:12)cance for havingmeanmotionisthatitactuallyimpliesthe existenceofalmostautomorphic dynamics in the skew-product (cid:13)ow (3.2). First, we consider the following almost periodically forced scalar ODE (3.9) x0 =f(x;y t); (cid:1) wherex R1,f :R1 Y R1 isLipschitzcontinuous. Let(cid:25) :R1 Y R1 Y: t 2 (cid:2) ! (cid:2) ! (cid:2) (3.10) (cid:25) (x ;y )=(x(x ;y ;t);y t) t 0 0 0 0 0 (cid:1) be the skew-product (cid:13)ow generated by (3.9), where x(t) = x(x ;y ;t) denotes 0 0 the solution of (3.9) with y = y and x(0) = x . As (3.9) forms a special class of 0 0 almostperiodicallyforced,1-dimensional,scalarparabolicPDEswiththeNeumann boundary condition, the following lemma follows from the corresponding result in 10 YINGFEIYI [91, 93]. As the proofs for the scalar ODE case is much less involved than the parabolic PDE case, we include them here for the readers’ convenience. Lemma 3.2. Let E be a minimal set of (3.10). Then the following holds. 1) (E;R) isalmost automorphic and infactanalmost 1-1extensionof (Y;R); 2) E is uniquely ergodic i(cid:11) Y admits full Haar measure, where Y Y is the 0 0 (cid:26) residual set corresponding to the singelton (cid:12)bers. 3) Letx(x ;y ;t)be an almost automorphic solution of (3.9)for some y Y. 0 0 0 2 Then (x) (f). M (cid:26)M Proof. Let p:R1 Y Y be the natural projection and de(cid:12)ne (cid:2) ! a (y)=max x:(x;y) E p(cid:0)1(y) ; a (y)=min x:(x;y) E p(cid:0)1(y) : M m f 2 \ g f 2 \ g 1) Let 2E be furnished with Hausdor(cid:11) metric. Since the map h : Y 2E: ! y E p(cid:0)1(y) is upper semi-continuous, the points of continuity of h form a 7! \ residualsubsetY Y. Fixay Y andlett besuchthat(cid:25) (a (y);y) 0 (cid:26) 2 0 n !1 tn M ! (a (y);y). By the continuity of h at y, there is a sequence of points (x ;y) m n 2 E p(cid:0)1(y) such that (cid:25) (x ;y) (a (y);y). Now, by taking limits to both side \ tn n ! M of the inequalities x(x ;y;t ) x(a (y);y;t ); n n M n (cid:20) weobtainthata (y) a (y). Hencea (y)=a (y)andE p(cid:0)1(y)isasingleton. M m M m (cid:20) \ 2)Let(cid:22)denotethe HaarmeasureonY. If(cid:22)(Y )=1,then E isclearlyuniquely 0 ergodic. Now suppose that (cid:22)(Y ) = 0 (note that Y is invariant). Then the func- 0 0 tionals l :C(E) R, M;m ! l (f)= f(a (y);y)d(cid:22) M;m M;m Z Y would de(cid:12)ne two distinct invariant measures on E. 3) follows immediately from 1) and Proposition 2.1. (cid:3) Remark 3.2. 1) If (3.9) is periodically dependent on time, then each minimal set of its associated skew-product (cid:13)ow becomes periodic (hence is uniquely ergodic and admits zero topological entropy). We conjecture that in the almost periodic time dependent case, the skew-product (cid:13)ow associated with (3.9) can have almost auto- morphic minimal sets which are non-uniquelyergodic and admit positive topological entropy. 2) Assume that (3.9) is quasi-periodically dependent on time, i.e., (Y;R) = (Tk;R) : y t = y +!t is a quasi-periodic (cid:13)ow on the k-torus for some k with (cid:1) the toral frequency ! Rk. It was shown in [76] that if (3.9) admits a bounded 2 solution x(t) for some y = y , then it has two families of weak quasi-periodic so- 0 lutions x (y +!t);x (y +!t), y Tk, in the sense of Remark 2.1, such that (cid:0) + 2 x ;x :Tk R1 are lower and upper semi-continuous respectively, and, (cid:0) + ! (3.11) infx(t) x (y) x (y) supx(t); y Tk; (cid:0) + (cid:20) (cid:20) (cid:20) 2 (3.12) x (y +!t) (cid:30)(t) x (y +!t); t R: (cid:0) 0 + 0 (cid:20) (cid:20) 2 Moreover, if y Tk is a point of continuity for x (x resp.), then x (y +!t) 0 (cid:0) + (cid:0) 0 2 (x (y +!t) resp.) becomes almost automorphic. + 0

Almost automorphic functions, generating the (Bohr) almost periodic ones, were Almost automorphic dynamics, multi-frequency, nonlinear oscillations. [86] W. Shen, Dynamical systems and traveling waves in almost periodic
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