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Admissible memory kernels for random unitary qubit evolution Filip A. Wudarski, Pawel Nalez˙yty, Gniewomir Sarbicki and Dariusz Chru´scin´ski Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudzia¸dzka 5/7, 87–100 Torun´, Poland We analyze random unitary evolution of a qubit within memory kernel approach. We provide sufficient conditions which guarantee that the corresponding memory kernel generates physically legitimate quantum evolution. Interestingly, we are able to recover several well-known examples and to generate new classes of nontrivial qubit evolution. Surprisingly, it turns out that a class of quantumevolutions with memory kernelgenerated byourapproach gives rise tothevanishingof a non-Markovianity measure based on the distinguishability of quantum states. 5 1 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,03.65.Ta,42.50.Lc 0 2 t I. INTRODUCTION the standard GKSL form (8), then Λ =T exp( L du) r t 0 u p defines the so-called divisible dynamical map [12, 13] A Dynamics of open quantum systems plays an impor- whichisoftenconsideredasthe generalizationoRfMarko- tant role in the analysis of various phenomena like dis- vianity (see [14] for a generalization of the notion of di- 2 1 sipation, decoherence and dephasing [1, 2]. The usual visibility). Thesecondapproachisbasedonthenonlocal approach to the dynamics of an open quantum system Nakajima-Zwanzig equation [15] (see also [16]) ] consists of applying the Born-Markov approximation [1] h whichleadstoalocalmasterequationfortheMarkovian p t - semigroup ρ˙t = Kt−τρτdτ, (4) t n Z0 ρ˙ =L[ρ ] , (1) a t t u whereρ is the density matrixofthe investigatedsystem inwhichquantummemoryeffectsaretakenintoaccount q t [ andListhetime-independentgeneratorofthedynamical through the introduction of a memory kernel Kt. This semigroup defined as follows means that the rate of change of the state ρt at time t 4 depends on its history (starting at t = 0). The Marko- 9v L[ρ]=−i[H,ρ]+ 12 [Vα,ρVα†]+[Vαρ,Vα†] . (2) Tvihaentmimaest-derepEeqn.den(1t)kiesrnreelobistauinsueadllwyhreenferKretd=to2aδs(tt)hLe. 7 α X(cid:0) (cid:1) generator of the non-Markovianmaster equation. Equa- 1 5 Here H denotes the effective system Hamiltonian, and tion (4) applies to a variety of situations (see eg. [17]). 0 Vα represent noise operators [3, 4]. We call (2) the Becauseoftheconvolutionstructureof(4)thetime-local . GKSL form (Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad). approach is often called time-convolutionless [1, 18, 19]. 1 0 The solution of (1) defines the Markoviansemigroup The structure and the properties of (4) were carefully 5 analyzed in [20–29]. In particular the generalization of ρ =Λ [ρ]=etLρ , (3) 1 t t Markovian evolution to the so-called semi-Markov was : investigated within the memory kernel approach by Bu- v where ρ is an initial state. The dynamical map Λ =etL t i iscompletelypositiveandtrace-preserving(CPTP)[1,3– dini[21]andBreuerandVacchini[23](seealsodiscussion X in [28]). 5]. TheBorn-Markovapproximationassumesweakinter- r a action and a separation of time scales between the sys- Inapresentarticlewestudyrandomunitaryevolution temanditsenvironment. Suchapproachworksperfectly ofaqubitwithinthememorykernelapproach. Inpartic- well for many quantum optical systems [6–8]. When the ularweaddressthefollowingproblem: whatisthestruc- aboveassumptionisnolongervalidthedescriptionbased ture of the correspondingmemory kernel K which leads t on (1) is not satisfactory. Recent technological progress to the legitimate CPTP dynamical map Λ . The article t andmodernlaboratorytechniquescallforamorerefined has the following structure: in Section II we recall basic approach which takes into account memory effects com- factsaboutrandomunitaryevolutionsandinSectionIII pletely neglected in the description based on Markovian we formulatethe sufficientconditionfor K to guarantee t semigroups. In recent years we observed an intense re- legitimatephysicalevolutions. InSectionIVweexamine search activity in the field of non-Markovian quantum the issue of Markovianity. Surprisingly,it turns out that evolution (see the recent review [9], a collection of arti- a subclass of quantum evolutions with memory kernel cles in [10] and a recent comparative analysis in [11]). generated by our approach gives rise to the vanishing of There are basically two approaches which generalize a non-Markovianity measure based on the distinguisha- the standard Markovian master equation (1): time-local bility of quantum states [31]. Section V illustrates our approach replaces L by a time-dependent generator L . approach with several examples. Final conclusions are t Interestingly,ifforalltthetime-dependentgeneratorhas collected in Section VI. 2 II. RANDOM UNITARY QUBIT EVOLUTION III. CONSTRUCTION OF LEGITIMATE MEMORY KERNELS AquantumchannelE :B(H)→B(H)iscalledrandom unitary [32] if its Kraus representation is given by In this article we analyze the nonlocal description based on the following memory kernel equation E[X]= p U XU† , (5) k k k t k X Λ˙ = K Λ dτ , (15) where U is a collection of unitary operators and {p } t t−τ τ k k stands for a probability distribution. In this article we Z0 considera randomunitary dynamicalmapΛ defined by t with 3 3 Λ [ρ]= p (t)σ ρσ , (6) t α α α K [ρ]= k (t)(σ ρσ −ρ), (16) t i i i α=0 X i=1 where σ are Pauli matrices with σ = I [33]. Initial X α 0 2 where k (t) (i = 1,2,3) represent nontrivial memory ef- conditionΛ =1limpliesp (0)=δ . Recentlyatime- i t=0 α α0 fects. Note, that equation (15) considerably simplifies local description based on the following master equation after performing the Laplace transform was analyzed [34, 35] 1 Λ˙ =L Λ , (7) Λ˜ = , (17) t t t s s−K˜ s where L is a time-local generator defined by t whereΛ˜ := ∞e−stΛ dtandsimilarlyforK˜ . Theques- 3 s 0 t s tionweaddressis: whataretheconditionsfork (t)which L [ρ]= γ (t)(σ ρσ −ρ), (8) i t k k k R guarantee that the solution Λ provides a legitimate dy- t k=1 X namical map? with time-dependent decoherence rates γ (t). One asks k Denoting by κ (t) the eigenvalues of K , α t the following question: what are the conditions for γ (t) k which guarantee that the solution Λt = exp( 0tLτdτ) Kt[σα]=κα(t)σα , (18) provides a legitimate dynamical map? Note, that the R equation(15) gives rise to the following set of equations: solution defines a random unitary evolution with p (t) α given by t λ˙ (t)= κ (t−τ)λ (τ)dτ, i=1,2,3. (19) i i i 3 1 Z0 p (t)= H λ (t) , (9) α αβ β 4 Note, that κ (t) = 0 and hence λ (t) = 1 = const. In 0 0 βX=0 termsoftheLaplacetransformsλ˜ (s)andκ˜ (s)onefinds i i where H is the Hadamard matrix αβ 1 1 1 1 1 λ˜i(s)= . (20) s−κ˜ (s) 1 1 −1 −1 i H = , (10) 1 −1 1 −1 In terms of λ˜ (s) conditions (13)–(14) may be equiva- i 1 −1 −1 1 lently reformulated as follows:   and λβ(t) are time-dependent eigenvalues of Λt 1 +λ˜ (s)+λ˜ (s)+λ˜ (s) is CM , (21) 1 1 2 Λ [σ ]=λ (t)σ , (11) s t α α α which read as follows: Λ (t)=1 and and 0 1 λ1(t) = exp(−2[Γ2(t)+Γ3(t)]), +λ˜3(s)−λ˜1(s)−λ˜2(s) is CM , s λ (t) = exp(−2[Γ (t)+Γ (t)]), (12) 2 1 3 1 λ3(t) = exp(−2[Γ1(t)+Γ2(t)]), s +λ˜2(s)−λ˜1(s)−λ˜3(s) is CM , (22) t 1 with Γk(t) = 0 γk(τ)dτ. Now, the map (6) is CP iff +λ˜1(s)−λ˜3(s)−λ˜2(s) is CM , p (t) ≥ 0, which is equivalent to the following set of s α R conditions for λs [34, 35]: where CM stands for a completely monotone function 1+λ (t)+λ (t)+λ (t)≥0 , (13) [37], i.e. a smooth function f : [0,∞) → R satisfying 1 2 3 the condition and dn λ (t)+λ (t) ≤ 1+λ (t), (−1)n f(s)≥0, s≥0, n=0,1,2,... (23) 1 2 3 dsn λ (t)+λ (t) ≤ 1+λ (t), (14) 3 1 2 The equivalence of (14) and (22) results fromthe follow- λ2(t)+λ3(t) ≤ 1+λ1(t). ing 3 Theorem 1 (Bernstein’s Theorem) A function and f: [0,∞) → R is completely monotone on [0,∞) if and 1 1 1 only if it is a Laplace transform of a finite non-negative + ≥ , a a a Borel measure µ on [0,∞), i.e. f is of the form 1 2 3 1 1 1 + ≥ , (30) ∞ a a a f(s)= e−stdµ(t). (24) 2 3 1 1 1 1 Z0 + ≥ , a a a Note that the initial condition p (0) = 1 and p (0) = 0 3 1 2 0 k for k =1,2,3 is equivalent to λ (0)=1 due to define a legitimate memory kernel k Theorem 2 (Initial Value Theorem) Let f˜(s) be the 1 3 Laplace transform of f(t). Then the following relation is K˜s[ρ]= κ˜α(s)σktr[σkρ] , (31) 2 true: k=1 X limf(t)= lim sf˜(s) (25) i.e. the corresponding λ˜k(s) satisfy (21)–(22) and (26). t→0 s→∞ Proof: note that formula (28) implies it is equivalent to 1 1 lim sλ˜k(s)=1 , (26) λ˜k(s)= s 1− a W(s) , (32) s→∞ (cid:18) k (cid:19) for k =1,2,3. This way we have proved and hence Theorem 3 The map Λ˜s represented by the following 1 +λ˜3(s)−λ˜1(s)−λ˜2(s) s spectral decomposition 1 1 1 1 1 = + − , (33) 3 1 sW(s) a a a Λ˜ [ρ]= λ˜ (s)σ tr[σ ρ] , (27) (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19) s α α α 2 α=0 which proves that 1 +λ˜ (s)−λ˜ (s)−λ˜ (s) is CM due X s 3 1 2 gwiittihmλa˜t0e(sm)a=p1Λ/s,ifdaenfidneosnltyheifLcaopnladciteiotnrasn(s2f1o)r,m(2o2f)aalned- rtoemthaienifnagctctohnadtiti1soWns1(s()14is).CM. Similarly one proves th(cid:3)e t (26) are satisfied. Note,thatsince 1sW1(s) isCM,hence,due tothe Bern- stein theorem, it is the Laplace transform of a positive Itisworthemphasisingthattherearefewanalyticaltools function. Hence for dealing with CM functions, which is due to the fact 1 that an infinite set of conditions (23) must be verified. W(s)= , (34) Nevertheless, we found an important class of CM func- f˜(s) tions giving rise to CPTP dynamics with a straightfor- where f˜(s) is the Laplace transform of f(t) satisfying ward interpretation. To present them, let us first ob- t serve that CM functions have the following two proper- f(τ)dτ ≥0 for all t≥0. One finds 0 ties, which will not be proved: R −sf˜(s) κ˜ (s)= . (35) Property 1 Let f and g be arbitrary completely mono- k a −f˜(s) k tone functions. Then Note, that condition (29) implies 1. f ·g is CM, 1 1 1 t 2. αf +βg is CM for any α,β >0, + + f(τ)dτ ≤4 . (36) a a a Property 2 If s ≥0 then 1 is CM. (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19)Z0 0 s+s0 Hencetosummarize: ourclassischaracterizedbyasingle We are now ready to prove our main result: function f(t) and three numbers a1,a2,a3 >0 such that t F(t)= f(τ)dτ ≥0 and conditions (30) and (36) hold. Theorem 4 Let W(s) be a function such that 1 1 is 0 sW(s) One finds for p (t): α CM. Then the functions R 1 1 1 1 s p (t) = + − F(t) , κ˜k(s)=−akW(s)−1, k =1,2,3, (28) 1 4(cid:18)a2 a3 a1(cid:19) 1 1 1 1 with a1,a2,a3 >0 such that p2(t) = 4 a + a − a F(t) , (37) (cid:18) 3 1 2(cid:19) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4− + + is CM , (29) p (t) = + − F(t) , 3 s W(s) a a a 4 a a a (cid:18) (cid:20) 1 2 3(cid:21)(cid:19) (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19) 4 andp (t)=1−p (t)−p (t)−p (t). Inparticular,taking where x :=tr[ρσ ] and the relaxationtimes are defined 0 1 2 3 k k a =a =a and a =∞ one finds via 1 2 3 −sf˜(s) T = 1 , T = 1 , T = 1 . (48) κ˜1(s)=κ˜2(s)= a−f˜(s) , κ˜3(s)=0 , (38) 1 γ2+γ3 2 γ3+γ1 3 γ1+γ2 Itiswellknown[5]thatcomplete positivityisequivalent and hence to the following set of conditions upon T : k 1 sf˜(s) k˜ (s)=k˜ (s)=0 , k˜ (s)= , (39) 1 1 1 1 2 3 2a−f˜(s) + ≥ , T T T 1 2 3 1 1 1 gives rise to the legitimate memory kernel + ≥ , (49) T T T 2 3 1 K [ρ]=k (t)(σ ρσ −ρ), (40) 1 1 1 t 3 3 3 + ≥ , T T T 3 1 2 with arbitrary f(t) and a > 0 satisfying additional con- dition It is therefore clear that condition (30) is an analogue of (49). Note that condition (30) means that there exist t b ,b ,b >0 such that 0≤F(t):= f(τ)dτ ≤2a, (41) 1 2 3 Z0 1 1 1 1 = + , for all t≥0. The corresponding solution reads 2a b b 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 = + , (50) p0(t) = 1− 2aF(t) , 2a2 b3 b1 1 1 1 1 p1(t) = p2(t)=0 , (42) = + . 2a b b 1 3 1 2 p (t) = F(t) . 3 2a Now,ittermsofb ,b ,b ourresultmaybereformulated 1 2 3 as follows This approach resembles very much the semi-Markov construction [23, 28]: for any f(t) ≥ 0 satisfying ∞f(t)dt≤1 the memory kernel (40) with Corollary 1 For any b1,b2,b3 >0 and the function f(t) 0 satisfying R k˜ (s)= sf˜(s) , (43) t 1 1 1 −1 3 1−f˜(s) 0≤F(t):= f(τ)dτ ≤ + + , (51) b b b Z0 (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19) gives rise to CPTP evolution. In this case one finds and 1 p (t) = [1+λ (t)] , lim f˜(s)=0, (52) 0 1 2 s→∞ p (t) = p (t)=0 , (44) 1 2 the memory kernel defined by 1 p (t) = [1−λ (t)] , 3 2 1 sf˜(s) κ˜ (s)=− , (53) where k ak−f˜(s) f˜(s)+1 defines legitimate quantum evolution. Moreover one has λ˜ (s)=λ˜ (s)= . (45) 1 2 f˜(s)−1 1 p (t)= F(t) , (54) k b It is therefore clear that our approach goes beyond the k semi-Markov construction. and p (1)=1−p (t)−p (t)−p (t). 0 1 2 3 Let us recall that Markoviansemigroup generated by Letusobservethatitisveryhard,ingeneral,toinvert 3 1 formula (35) to the time domain. Now, we provide a L[ρ]= γ [σ ρσ −ρ], (46) k k k 2 familyofW(s)whichenablesonetoeasilycomputeκ (t) i k=1 X and have the memory kernel in time domain. the corresponding Bloch equation reads Theorem 5 Let W(s) be a polynomial 2 x˙ (t)=− x (t) , (47) k Tk k W(s)=(s+z1)...(s+zn), (55) 5 with z >0. If a ,a ,a satisfy (30) and where the integral is evaluated over the region where i 1 2 2 d||Λ [ρ − ρ ]|| > 0. Now, it has been proved [34] n dt t 1 2 tr 1 1 1 1 thatforrandomunitaryqubitevolutionifalleigenvalues z ≥ + + , (56) i 4 a a a λ (t)≥0, then (61) is equivalent to i=1 (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19) k Y then κ (t) defined via (28) define a legitimate memory d i λ (t)≤0 ; k =1,2,3. (63) k kernel. dt Proof: It is clear that it is enough to prove (21). Proposition 1 For a1,a2,a3 satisfying (30) and W(s)= 1 , where f˜(s) is CM and Lemma 1 One has the following decomposition f˜(s) 1 =A 1 − n ij−=11zj , (57) tf(τ)dτ ≤amin, amin =min{a1,a2,a3}, (64) s ni=1(s+zi) s i=1 ijQ=1(s+zj)! Z0 X thecorrespondingmemorykernelgivesrisetothedynam- whereQ Q ical map Λ such that N [Λ ]=0. t BLP t 1 A= . (58) n z Proof: Let us observe that condition (64) implies (29). i=1 i Indeed, from (64) one has For the proof see the AppeQndix. Now we show that con- dition (21) holds. According to (57) one has 1 1 1 t + + f(τ)dτ ≤3, (65) a a a 1 +λ˜ (s)+λ˜ (s)+λ˜ (s) (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19)Z0 1 2 3 s and hence the condition (29) follows. Now, observe that 1 1 1 1 1 = 4− + + s a a a W(s) 1 t (cid:18) (cid:20) 1 2 3(cid:21) (cid:19) λ (t)=1− f(τ)dτ ≥0, k = 1 4− 1 + 1 + 1 1 (59) ak Z0 s a a a n z (cid:18) (cid:20) 1 2 3(cid:21) i=1 i(cid:19) due to (64). Hence itis sufficient to showthat dλ (t)≤ + (cid:20)a11 + a12 + a13(cid:21) ni=11ziQj=n1 jiQ=1ij(=−s11+zizi). 0a.ndIthiesnccleeatrakdditnλgki(ntt)o≤ac0coifuanntd(2o0n)lyitiifs1eq−usivλ˜akl(edsnt)tkitsoCthMe X requirement that −κ˜ (s)λ˜ (s) is CM. One has therefore A second term in (59) is CQM due to thQe fact that it is a k k sumofCMfunctions. Hence,ifcondition(56)issatisfied f˜(s) then (21) holds. (cid:3) −κ˜k(s)λ˜k(s)= , (66) a k Note, that which ends the proof since f˜(s) is CM and a >0 (cid:3) s 1 s k κ˜ (s)=− =− , i akW(s)−1 ak(s−s1)...(s−sm) Remark 2 It W(s) = (s+z1)...(s+zn) with zk > 0 (60) and a ,a ,a satisfying (30) together with 1 2 3 where {s ,...,s } are the roots of the polynomial 1 m (akW(s)−1). Itisthereforeclearthatformula(60)may n 1 be easily inverted to the time domain. zi ≥ , k =1,2,3, (67) a k i=1 Y Remark 1 Note, that W(s) defined in (55) implies that 1 is CM and hence 1 1 is CM as well. then the corresponding dynamical map Λt satisfies W(s) sW(s) N [Λ ]=0. BLP t Remark 3 It was shown [14, 36] that BLP condition IV. CHECKING FOR NON-MARKOVIANITY (61) is equivalent to so-called P-divisibility. This means that Let us recall that according to [31] the evolution rep- resented by Λt is non-Markovianif the condition Λt =Vt,sΛs, (68) d ||Λt[ρ1−ρ2]||tr ≤0 , (61) and for any t>s the propagator Vt,s is positive (but not dt necessarily completely positive). is violated for some initial states ρ and ρ . One defines 1 2 Interestingly, our construction provides a class of legiti- [31] a well-known non-Markovianity measure mate random unitary qubit evolutions generated by the d nontrivial memory kernel but still satisfying BLP condi- N [Λ ]= sup ||Λ [ρ −ρ ]|| dt , (62) BLP t dt t 1 2 tr tion (61), (cf. also [30]). It is clear that to violate (61) ρ1,ρ2Z 6 one needs a more refined construction such that 1 is with z >0. One finds W(s) not CM but 1 1 is already CM. It deserves further s sW(s) κ˜ (s)=− , (74) analysis. k a (s+z)−1 k Consider now the question of CP-divisibility which is fullycontrolledbythelocaldecoherenceratesin(8). One and the inverse Laplace transform gives may easily compute them in terms of f(t): κk(t)=−1 δ(t)− z− 1 e−[z−a1k]t . (75) z a (cid:18) (cid:20) k(cid:21) (cid:19) f(t) −1 1 1 γ (t) = + + , 1 Note, that if a =1/z, then the dynamics is purely local. 4 a −F(t) a −F(t) a −F(t) k (cid:18) 1 2 3 (cid:19) One easily finds f(t) 1 1 1 γ (t) = − + , 2 4 a −F(t) a −F(t) a −F(t) 1 (cid:18) 1 2 3 (cid:19) λk(t)=1− (1−e−zt), (76) f(t) 1 1 1 zak γ (t) = + − . 3 4 a −F(t) a −F(t) a −F(t) (cid:18) 1 2 3 (cid:19) and finally the solution for pk(t) is defined by (37) with The dynamical map Λt is CP-divisible iff γk(t) ≥ 0 for F(t)= 1(1−e−zt) . (77) k =1,2,3. Let us assume that z a ≤a ≤a . (69) Note, that condition (56) implies the following relation 1 2 3 between z and a ,a ,a : 1 2 3 Proposition 2 If a ,a ,a and f(t) ≥ 0 satisfy condi- 1 2 3 1 1 1 tions (29) and (30) the corresponding memory kernel 4z ≥ + + , (78) a a a 1 2 3 sf˜(s) κ˜ (s)=− , (70) which guarantees that p (t) ≥ 0. In the symmetric case k a −f˜(s) 0 k a =a = a =a one finds p (t) =p (t)= p (t)=: p(t) 1 2 3 1 2 3 with leads to a CP-divisible dynamical map iff 1 p(t)= [1−e−zt], (79) F(t)≤a1− (a2−a1)(a3−a1). (71) 4za Proof: Due to (69) it ispsufficient to show that γ1(t)≥0 and p0(t) = 1 − 3p(t) with 4za ≥ 3. One finds that which, for f(t)≥0, is equivalent to asymptotically −1 1 1 3 + + ≥0. (72) p0(t)→1− . (80) a −F(t) a −F(t) a −F(t) 4za 1 2 3 Note that for za > 1 one has asymptotically p (∞) < Let us assume that F(t) < a , which means, that γ (t) 0 1 1 1/4. This property cannot be reproduced within the local is not singular. Inequality (72) is satisfied iff approach with regular generators L . Indeed, it follows t from (9) (see also [34] for more details) that F(t)∈(−∞,F ]∪[F ,+∞) − + 1 with p (t)= [1+λ (t)+λ (t)+λ (t)], (81) 0 1 2 3 4 F± =a1± (a2−a1)(a3−a1). and hence, using (14), one finds p Now, taking into account that F(t) < a one finally 1 1 proves (71). (cid:3) p0(t)≥ 4. (82) This Proposition shows that positivity of the function This example shows that local and memory kernel ap- f(t) is not sufficient for CP-divisibility. One needs an proaches may lead to essentially different evolutions. extra condition (71) which involves not only f(t) but {a ,a ,a } as well. 1 2 3 Example 2 Consider now the same polynomial W(s)= s+z but let z =2c>0. Moreover V. EXAMPLES 1 1 a =a = , a = . (83) 1 2 3 c 2c Example 1 Consider the simplest case with a polyno- One finds mial of degree one sc κ˜ (s)=κ˜ (s)=− , κ˜ (s)=−2c, W(s)=s+z, (73) 1 2 3 s+c 7 and hence Example 4 Let κ1(t)=κ2(t)=−cδ(t)+c2e−ct , κ3(t)=−2cδ(t). W(s)=s2+ω2. (92) Finally, one finds the following formula for the memory Note that 1 1 is CM since sW(s) kernel c 1 1 1 1 ω K [ρ] = δ(t)[σ ρσ +σ ρσ −2ρ] = , t 2 1 1 2 2 sW(s) ωs s2+ω2 (cid:18) (cid:19) c2 − e−ct[σ ρσ −ρ]. (84) t 3 3 is theLaplace transform of sin(ωτ)dτ which is positive 2 0 for all t≥0. Condition (29) implies One has R 1 1 1 λ1(t)=λ2(t)= 21 1+e−2ct , λ3(t)=e−2ct. a1 + a2 + a3 ≤2ω2 . (93) Interestingly,thisevolut(cid:0)ionreprod(cid:1)ucestime-localdescrip- Thecorrespondingeigenvalues ofthememorykernelread tion with 1 1 c c κ (t)=− cos ω2− t , (94) γ (t)=γ (t)= , γ (t)=− tanh(ct). (85) i a a 1 2 2 3 2 i (cid:18)r i (cid:19) asdiscussedin[35]. Itwasshown[36]thatΛt isaconvex for ω2 ≥1/ai, and combination of two Markovian semigroups Λ(1) and Λ(2) t t 1 1 generated by κ (t)=− cosh −ω2 t , (95) i a a c i (cid:18)r i (cid:19) L [ρ]= [σ ρσ −ρ] ; k =1,2, (86) k 2 k k for ω2 <1/ai. Moreover one finds that is, 1 λ (t)=1+ [cos(ωt)−1] , (96) 1 k akω2 Λ = etL1 +etL2 . (87) t 2 and hence (cid:0) (cid:1) This simple example shows that a convex combination 1 1 1 1 of Markovian semigroups leads to a quantum evolution p (t) = + − [1−cos(ωt)] , 1 4ω2 a a a displaying essential memory effects. (cid:18) 2 3 1(cid:19) 1 1 1 1 p (t) = + − [1−cos(ωt)] , (97) Example 3 Consider now a polynomial of degree two 2 4ω2 a a a (cid:18) 3 1 2(cid:19) W(s)=(s+c )(s+c ), (88) 1 1 1 1 1 2 p (t) = + − [1−cos(ωt)] , 3 4ω2 a a a (cid:18) 1 2 3(cid:19) with c >c >0. Our construction gives rise to a legiti- 2 1 mate memory kernel if condition (30) holds and togetherwithp (t)=1−p (t)−p (t)−p (t). Inparticular 0 1 2 3 taking 1 1 1 4c c ≥ + + . (89) 1 2 a a a 1 1 2 3 a =a = , a =∞, (98) 1 2 ω2 3 One finds one finds 1 s κ˜ (s) = − k ak(s+c1)(s+c2)− a1k κ1(t)=κ2(t)=−ω2 , κ3(t)=0 , (99) 1 s = − , (90) and hence a (s+s )(s+s ) k 1 2 ω2 with k1(t)=k2(t)=0 , κ3(t)= , (100) 2 1 s +s =c +c , s s =c c − . which proves that the constant (time independent) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 a k k Hence the solution has the form (37) with the function K [ρ]= (σ ρσ −ρ), (101) t 3 3 2 F(t) given by provides a legitimate memory kernel for arbitrary k = 1 1 1 F(t)= [1−e−c1t]− [1−e−c2t] . (91) ω2 > 0. Moreover one finds for the local decoherence c2−c1 (cid:18)c1 c2 (cid:19) rates 8 CM. We stress that Theorem4 providesonly a sufficient condition and further analysis is needed to cover physi- ωsin(ωt) −1 γ (t)= callyinterestingcaseswhichdonotfittheassumptionsof 1 4 a1ω2−1+cos(ωt) the Theorem. Interestingly, it turns out that the quan- (cid:16) 1 1 tum evolution with a memory kernel generated by our + + , a ω2−1+cos(ωt) a ω2−1+cos(ωt) approach gives rise to vanishing non-Markovianity mea- 2 3 (cid:17) sure based on the distinguishability of quantum states andsimilarlyforγ2(t)andγ3(t). Note,thatiffor somek [31]. We also have shown when the corresponding dy- one has akω2 <1 then local decoherence rates are singu- namicalmapis CP-divisible. Itshowsthatthe evolution lar and hence in this case the non-local approach is more satisfying nonlocal master equation does not necessarily suitable. lead to a non-Markovian evolution. It would be also in- teresting to analyze the relation between semi-Markov evolutionandthe one governedby our approachin more VI. CONCLUSIONS detail. We analyzed random unitary evolution of a qubit withinmemorykernelapproach. Ourmainresultformu- Acknowledgements lated in Theorem 4 allows to construct legitimate mem- orykernelsleadingtoCPTPdynamicalmaps. Thepower We thank anonymous referee for valuable comments of this method is based on the fact that 1) it allows to and Karol Z˙yczkowski for pointing out [33]. This article reconstructwellknownexamplesoflegitimatequbitevo- was partially supported by the National Science Center lution,2)thestructureofpolynomialsW (s)enablesone k project DEC- 2011/03/B/ST2/00136. to perform the inverse Laplace transform and to find a formula for the kernel in the time domain. The math- ematical analysis heavily uses the notion of completely Appendix: proof of Lemma 1 monotone functions. These functions are not commonly used in theoretical physics and knowledge of their prop- erties is rather limited. There are no known effective Let us observe that (57) may be represented in the methods allowing to check whether a given function is following form n (s+z )−s n (s+z )+z n (s+z )+... n−2z (s+z )+ n−1z 1 i=1 i i=2 i 1 i=3 i j=1 j n j=1 j =A , (102) s ni=1(s+zi) Q (cid:16)Q s Qni=1(s+zi) Q Q (cid:17) Q Q therefore, to prove the Lemma it suffices to show that n n n n n−2 n−1 z = (s+z )−s (s+z )+z (s+z )+... z (s+z )+ z . (103) i i i 1 i j n j   i=1 i=1 i=2 i=3 j=1 j=1 Y Y Y Y Y Y   Wewillprovethisbyinduction. Forn=1itisclearthat while RHS reads LHS=RHS=z . We assume that (103) is true for n and 1 prove it is also true for (n+1). LHS may be written as n LHS= z ·z , (104) i n+1 i=1 Y 9 n n n RHS = (s+z )(s+z )−s (s+z )(s+z )+z (s+z )(s+z )+...+ i n+1 i n+1 1 i n+1 iY=1 (cid:16)iY=2 iY=3 n−2 n−1 n−1 + z (s+z )(s+z )+ z (s+z )+ z ·z = j n n+1 j n+1 j n jY=1 jY=1 jY=1 (cid:17) n n n n−2 n−1 = (s+z ) (s+z )−s (s+z )+z (s+z )+... z (s+z )+ z − n+1 i i 1 i j n j    i=1 i=2 i=3 j=1 j=1 Y Y Y Y Y n−1  n n n  − s z z =s z +z z −s nz , (105) j n i n+1 i i j=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 Y Y Y Y which proves that RHS=LHS. (cid:3) [1] H.-P. Breuer and F. Petruccione, The Theory of Open [19] D. Chru´scin´ski and A. Kossakowski, Phys. Rev. Lett. Quantum Systems (Oxford Univ.Press, Oxford, 2007). 104, 070406 (2010). [2] U. Weiss, Quantum Dissipative Systems, (World Scien- [20] S.M.BarnettandS.Stenholm,Phys.Rev.A64,033808 tific, Singapore, 2000). (2001). [3] V. Gorini, A. Kossakowski, and E. C. G. Sudarshan, J. [21] A. A.Budini, Phys. Rev.A 69, 042107 (2004). Math. Phys.17, 821 (1976). [22] J. Wilkie, Phys. Rev. E 62, 8808 (2000); J. 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