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Preview On a Tree and a Path with no Geometric Simultaneous Embedding

On a Tree and a Path with no Geometric Simultaneous Embedding P.Angelini†,M.Geyer‡,M.Kaufmann‡andD.Neuwirth‡ †DipartimentodiInformaticaeAutomazione–UniversitàRomaTre,Italy [email protected] ‡Wilhelm-Schickard-InstitutfürInformatik–UniversitätTübingen,Germany geyer/mk/[email protected] 0 1 0 Abstract. Two graphs G1 = (V,E1) and G2 = (V,E2) admit a geomet- 2 ric simultaneous embedding if there exists a set of points P and a bijection M : P → V thatinduceplanarstraight-lineembeddingsbothforG1 andfor n G2.Whileitisknownthattwocaterpillarsalwaysadmitageometricsimultane- a ousembeddingandthattwotreesnotalwaysadmitone,thequestionaboutatree J andapathisstillopenandisoftenregardedasthemostprominentopenproblem 4 inthisarea.Weanswerthisquestioninthenegativebyprovidingacounterex- ample.Additionally,sincethecounterexampleusesdisjointedgesetsforthetwo ] G graphs, we also negatively answer another open question, that is, whether it is C possibletosimultaneouslyembedtwoedge-disjointtrees.Asafinalresult,we studythesameproblemwhensomeconstraintsonthetreeareimposed.Namely, . s weshowthatatreeofdepth2andapathalwaysadmitageometricsimultaneous c embedding.Infact,suchastrongconstraintisnotsofarfromclosingthegapwith [ theinstancesnotadmittinganysolution,asthetreeusedinourcounterexample 1 hasdepth4. v 5 5 1 Introduction 5 0 1. Embeddingplanargraphsisawell-establishedfieldingraphtheoryandalgorithmswith 0 agreatvarietyofapplications.KeystonesinthisfieldaretheworksofThomassen[15], 0 ofTutte[16],andofPachandWenger[14],dealingwithplanarandconvexrepresenta- 1 tionsofgraphsintheplane. : v Since recently, motivated by the need of contemporarily represent several differ- Xi ent relationships among the same set of elements, a major focus in the research lies onsimultaneousgraphembedding.Inthissetting,givenasetofgraphswiththesame r a vertex-set,thegoalistofindasetofpointsintheplaneandamappingbetweenthese points and the vertices of the graphs such that placing each vertex on the point it is mappedtoyieldsaplanarembeddingforeachofthegraphs,iftheyaredisplayedsep- arately. Problems of this kind frequently arise when dealing with the visualization of evolvingnetworksandwiththevisualizationofhugeandcomplexrelationships,asin thecaseofthegraphoftheWeb. Among the many variants of this problem, the most important and natural one is the geometric simultaneous embedding. Given two graphs G = (V,E′) and G = 1 2 (V,E′′), the task is to find a set of points P and a bijection M : P → V that induce planarstraight-lineembeddingsforbothG andG . 1 2 In the seminal paper on this topic [2], Brass et al. proved that geometric simulta- neous embeddings of pairs of paths, pairs of cycles, and pairs of caterpillars always exist.Acaterpillarisatreesuchthatdeletingallitsleavesyieldsapath.Ontheother hand,manynegativeresultshavebeenshown.Brassetal.[2]presentedapairofouter- planargraphsnotadmittinganysimultaneousembeddingandprovidednegativeresults for three paths, as well. Erten and Kobourov [4] found a planar graph and a path not allowing any simultaneous embedding. Geyer et al. [12] proved that there exist two treesthatdonotadmitanygeometricsimultaneousembedding.However,thetwotrees used in the counterexample have common edges, and so the problem is still open for edge-disjointtrees. Themostimportantopenprobleminthisareaisthequestionwhetheratreeanda pathalwaysadmitageometricsimultaneousembeddingornot.Inthispaperweanswer thisquestioninthenegative. Manyvariantsoftheproblem,wheresomeconstraintsarerelaxed,havebeenstud- ied in the literature. If the edges do not need to be straight-line segments, a famous resultofPachandWenger[14]showsthatanynumberofplanargraphsadmitasimul- taneousembedding,sinceitstatesthatanyplanargraphcanbeplanarlyembeddedon anygivensetofpointsintheplane.However,thesameresultdoesnotholdiftheedges thataresharedbytwographshavetoberepresentedbythesameJordancurve.Inthis settingtheproblemiscalledsimultaneousembeddingwithfixededges[9,11,6]. The research on this problem opened a new exciting field of problems and tech- niques, like ULP trees and graphs [5,7,8], colored simultaneous embedding [1], near- simultaneousembedding[10],andmatcheddrawings[3],deeplyrelatedtothegeneral fundamentalquestionofpoint-setembeddability. In this paper we study the geometric simultaneous embedding problem of a tree andapath.Weanswerthequestioninthenegativebyprovidingacounterexample,that is,atreeand a path notadmitting any geometric simultaneous embedding. Moreover, sincethetreeandthepathusedinourcounterexampledonotshareanyedge,wealso negativelyanswerthequestionontwoedge-disjointtrees. Themainideabehindourcounterexampleistousethepathtoenforceapartofthe tree to be in a certain configuration which cannot be drawn planar. Namely, we make useoflevelnonplanar trees[5,8],thatis,treesnotadmittingany planarembedding if theirverticeshavetobeplacedinsidecertainregionsaccordingtoaparticularleveling. The tree of the counterexample contains many copies of such trees, while the path is used to create the regions. To prove that at least one copy has to be in the particular levelingthatdeterminesacrossing,weneedaquitehugenumberofvertices.However, suchahugenumberisoftenneededjusttoensuretheexistenceofparticularstructures playingaroleinourproof.Amuchsmallercounterexamplecouldlikelybeconstructed withthesametechniques,butwedecidedtopreferthesimplicityoftheargumentations ratherthanthesearchfortheminimumsize. The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we give preliminary definitions and weintroducetheconceptoflevelnonplanartrees.InSect.3wedescribethetreeT and the path P used in the counterexample. In Sect. 4 we give an overview of the proof 2 5 7 6 l1 5 7 a1 l 1 1 6 1 l2 a2 1 l2 2 3 4 2 3 l 3 4 3 2 4 a 3 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 10 9 l4 a48 10 9 l3 (a) (b) (c) Fig.1. (a) A tree T . (b) A level nonplanar tree T whose underlying tree is T . (c) A u u region-levelnonplanartreeT whoseunderlyingtreeisT . u thatT andP donotadmitanygeometricsimultaneousembedding,whileinSect.5we givethedetailsofsuchaproof.InSect.6wepresentanalgorithmforthesimultaneous embeddingofatreeofdepth2andapath,andinSect.7wemakesomefinalremarks. 2 Preliminaries A (undirected) k-level tree T = (V,E,φ) on n vertices is a tree T′ = (V,E), called the underlying tree of T, together with a leveling of its vertices given by a function φ : V 7→ {1,...,k}, such that for every edge (u,v) ∈ E, it holds φ(u) 6= φ(v) (See[5,8]).AdrawingofT = (V,E,φ)isaleveldrawingifeachvertexv ∈ V such that φ(v) = i is placed on a horizontal line l = {(x,i) | x ∈ R}. A level drawing i ofT isplanarifnotwoedgesintersectexcept,possibly,atcommonend-points.Atree T =(V,E,φ)islevelnonplanarifitdoesnotadmitanyplanarleveldrawing. Weextendthisconcepttotheoneofregion-leveldrawingbyenforcingthevertices ofeachleveltolieinsideacertainregionratherthanonahorizontalline.Letl ,...,l 1 k be k pairwise non-crossing straight lines and let r ,...,r be the regions of the 1 k+1 planesuchthatanystraight-linesegmentconnectingapointinr andapointinr ,with i h 1≤i<h≤k+1,cutsallandonlythelinesl ,l ,...,l ,inthisorder.Adrawing i i+1 h−1 ofak-leveltreeT =(V,E,φ)iscalledregion-leveldrawingifeachvertexv ∈V such that φ(v) = i is placed inside region r . A region-level drawing of T is planar if no i two edges intersect except, possibly, at common end-points. A tree T = (V,E,φ) is region-levelnonplanarifitdoesnotadmitanyplanarregion-leveldrawing. The4-leveltreeT whoseunderlyingtreeisshowninFig.1(a)hasbeenshowntobe levelnonplanar[8](seeFig.1(b)).InthenextlemmaweshowthatT isalsoregion-level nonplanar(seeFig.1(c)). Lemma1. The 4-level tree T whose underlying tree is shown in Fig. 1(a) is region- levelnonplanar. Proof: Refer to Fig. 1(c). First observe that, in any possible region-level planar drawing of T, the paths p = v ,v ,v and p = v ,v ,v define a polygon Q (a 1 5 2 8 2 6 3 9 2 3 B i 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 j 2 2 2 h r 1 (a) (b) Fig.2. (a) A schematization of the complete tree T . Joints and stabilizers are small circles, branches are solid triangles, while complete subtrees connected to a joint are dashedtriangles.(b)AschematizationofabranchB . i polygon Q ) inside region r (region r ). We have that v is inside Q , as otherwise 3 2 3 1 2 oneofedges(v ,v )or(v ,v )wouldcrossoneofp orp .Hence,vertexv hasto 1 2 1 3 1 2 4 beinsideQ ,asotherwiseedge(v ,v )wouldcrossoneofp orp .However,inthis 3 1 4 1 2 case,thereisnoplacementforverticesv andv thatavoidsacrossingbetweenone 7 10 ofedges(v ,v )or(v ,v )andoneofthealreadydrawnedges. (cid:3) 4 7 4 10 Lemma 1 will be vital for proving that there exist a tree T and a path P not ad- mittinganygeometricsimultaneousembedding.Infact,T containsmanycopiesofthe underlyingtreeofT,whileP connectsverticesofT insuchawaytocreatetheregions satisfyingtheaboveconditionsandtoenforceatleastoneofsuchcopiestolieinside theseregionsaccordingtothelevelingmakingitnonplanar. 3 TheCounterexample InthissectionwedescribeatreeT andapathP notadmittinganygeometricsimul- taneousembedding. 3.1 TreeT ThetreeT containsarootrandq verticesj ,...,j atdistance1fromr,calledjoints. 1 q Each joint j , with h = 1,...,q, is connected to x copies B ,...,B of a subtree, h 1 x calledbranch,andtol := (s−1)4·32·xverticesofdegree1,calledstabilizers.See Fig. 2(a). Each branch B consists of a root r , (s−1)·3 vertices of degree (s−1) i i adjacenttor ,and(s−2)·(s−1)·3leavesatdistance2fromr .Verticesbelonging i i toabranchB arecalledB-verticesanddenotedby1−,2−,or3−vertices,according i totheirdistancefromtheirjoint.Fig.2(b)displays1−,2−,and3−verticesofabranch B . i Because of the huge number of vertices, in the rest of the paper, for the sake of readability, we use variables n, s, and x as parameters describing the size of certain 4 configurations. Such parameters will be given a value when the technical details of theargumentations aredescribed.Atthisstagewejustclaimthatatotalnumbern ≤ (cid:0)27·3·x+2(cid:1)ofvertices(seeLemmata5and4)sufficesforthecounterexample. 3 As a first observation we note that, despite the oversized number of vertices, tree T has limited depth, that is, every vertex is at distance from the root at most 4. This leadstothefollowingproperty. Property1. Anypathoftreeedgesstartingattheroothasatmost3bends. 3.2 PathP Path P is given by describing some basic and recurring subpaths on the vertices of T and how such subpaths are connected to each other. The idea is to partition the set of branches B adjacent to each joint j into subsets of s branches each and to con- i h necttheirverticeswithpathedges,accordingtosomefeaturesofthetreestructure,so definingthefirstbuildingblock,calledcell.Then,cellsbelongingtodifferentbranches areconnectedtoeachother,hencecreatingstructures,calledformations,forwhichwe can ensure certain properties regarding the intersection between tree and path edges. Further,differentformationsareconnectedtoeachotherbypathedgesinsuchawayto createbiggerstructures,calledextendedformations,whichare,intheirturn,connected tocreateasequenceofextendedformations. Allofthesestructuresareconstructedinsuchawaythatthereexistsasetofcells such that any four of its cells, connected to the same joint and being part of the same formationorextendedformation,containaregion-levelnonplanartreeforanypossible leveling,wherethelevelscorrespondtocells.Hence,provingthatfourofsuchcellslie indifferentregionssatisfyingthepropertiesofseparationdescribedaboveisequivalent to proving the existence of a crossing in the tree. This allows us to consider only the bigger structures instead of dealing with single copies of the region-level nonplanar tree. Inthefollowingwedefinesuchstructuresmoreformallyandstatetheirproperties. Cell:ThemostbasicstructuredefinedbyP isdefinedbylookingathowitconnects verticesofsomebranchesB connectedtothesamejointj ofT .Considerasetofs i h branchesB ,i = 1,...,s,connectedtoj .Assumetheverticesofalevelinsideeach i h treetobearbitrarilyordered.Foreachr =1,...,s,defineacellc (h)tobecomposed r ofitshead,itstail,andanumbertof stabilizersofj . h Theheadofc (h)consistsoftheunique1-vertexofB ,thefirstthree2-verticesof r r eachbranchB ,with1 ≤ k ≤ sandk 6= r,thatarenotalreadyusedinacellc (h), k a with1 ≤ a < r,and,foreach2-vertexnotinc (h)andnotinB ,thefirst3-vertices r r notalreadyusedinacellc (h),with1≤a<r. a Thetailofc (h)consistsofasetof3·s·(s−1)2branchesB adjacenttoj .This r k h setispartitionedinto3·(s−1)2subsetsofssubtreeseach.Theverticesofeachofthe subsetsaredistributedbetweenthecellsinthesamewayasfortheverticesofthehead. Thisimpliesthateachcellcontainsone1-vertex,3·(s−1)2-vertices,and3·(s− 2)·(s−1) 3-vertices of the head, an additional 3·(s−1)2 1-vertices, 32 ·(s−1)3 2-vertices,and32·(s−2)·(s−1)33-verticesofthetail,plus32·(s−1)4stabilizers. 5 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 j h Fig.3.Acell.B-verticesoftheheadaredepictedbylargewhitecircles,B-verticesof thetailarelargegreycircles,B-verticesnotpartofthecell(showingthetreestructure) are small grey circles and stabilizers are small white cirlces. Tree edges are grey and pathedgesareblack. Path P inside cell c (h) visits the vertices in the following order: It starts at the r unique 1-vertex of the head, then it reaches all the 2-vertices of the head, then all the 3-verticesofthehead,thenallthe2-verticesofthetail,andfinallyallthe3-verticesof thetail,visitingeachsetinarbitraryorder.Aftereachoccurrenceofa2-or3-vertexof thehead,P visitsa1-vertexofthetail,andaftereachoccurrenceofa2-ora3-vertex ofthetail,itvisitsastabilizerofjointj (seeFig.3). h Note that, by this construction, for each joint there exists a set of cells such that eachsubsetofsizefourcontainsregion-levelnonplanartreeswithallpossiblelevelings, wherethelevelscorrespondtothemembershipoftheverticestoacell.Wenowdefine two bigger structures describing how cells of this set are connected to cells of sets connectedtootherjoints. Formation:Inthedefinitionofacellwedescribedhowthepathtraversesthrough onesetofbranchesconnectedtothesamejoint.Nowwedescribehowcellsfromfour differentsetsareconnected. AformationF(H),H =(h ,h ,h ,h )consistsof592cells,namelyof148cells 1 2 3 4 c (h ) from the set of cells constructed above for each 1 ≤ i ≤ 4. Path P connects r i these cells in the order ((h h h )37h37)4, that is, P repeats four times the following 1 2 3 4 sequence: It connects c (h ) to c (h ), then to c (h ), then to c (h ), and so on till 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 c (h ), from which it then connects to c (h ), to c (h ), and so on till c (h ) (see 37 3 1 4 2 4 37 4 Fig.4(a)).Aconnectionbetweentwoconsecutivecellsc (a)andc (b)isdonewithan r r edgeconnectingtheendverticesofthepartsP (c (a))andP (c (b))ofP restrictedto r r theverticesofc (a)andc (b),respectively.Namely,theuniquevertexinc (a)having r r r degree1bothinP (c (a))andinT isconnectedtotheuniquevertexinc (b)having r r degree1inP (c (b))butnotinT .Thefollowingpropertyholds: r Property2. ForanyformationF(H)andanyjointj ,withh∈H,iffourcellsc (h)∈ h r F(H)arepairwiseseparatedbystraightlines,thenthereexistsacrossinginT . ExtendedFormation:Formationsareconnectedbythepathinaspecialsequence, definedasextendedformationanddenotedbyEF(H),whereH =(H =(h ,...,h ), 1 1 4 H = (h ,...,h ),...,H = (h ,...h ))isatupleof4−tuplesofdisjointin- 2 5 8 x 4x−3 4x dexes of joints (see Fig. 4(b)). Let F1(Hi),...,Fy−xy(Hi) be y − xy formations not 6 c (j ) c (j ) c37(j 1 ) 37 3 37 4 c(j ) 2 1 c(j ) c(j ) jh1 1 1 jh2 jh3 jh41 4 r (a) (b) Fig.4.(a)Aformation.Treeedgesaredepictedbygreyandpathedgesbyblacklines. Please note in this figure also the bundle of tree edges connecting the different cells belonging to the same branch. (b) A subsequence (H ,...,H )2 of an extended for- 1 x mation. Formations are inside a table to represent the 4-tuple they belong to and to emphasizethatineachrepetition(arowofthetable)aformationatacertain4-tupleis missing. belonging to any other extended formation and composed of cells of the same set S. These formations are connected in the order (H ,H ,...,H )y, but in each of these 1 2 x y repetitionsoneH ismissing.Namely,inthek-threpetitionthepathdoesnotreach i anyformationatH ,withm=k mod x.Wesaythatthek-threpetitionhasadefect m atm.Wecallasubsequence(H ,H ,...,H )x afullrepetitioninsideEF(J).Afull 1 2 x repetitionhasexactlyonedefectateachtuple. Notethatthesizeofscannowbefixedasthenumberofformationscreatingrep- etitions inside one extended formation times the number of cells inside each of these formations,thatiss:=(y−y)·37·4.Weclaimthatx≤7·32·223andy ≤72·33·226 x is sufficient throughout the proofs. However, for readability reasons, we will keep on usingvariablesxandyintheremainderofthepaper. SequenceofExtendedFormation:Extendedformationsareconnectedbythepath inaspecialsequence,calledsequenceofextendedformationsanddenotedbySEF(H), where H = (H∗,...,H∗ ) is a 12−tuple of tuples of 4−tuples. For each tuple H∗, 1 12 i where i = 1,...,12, consider 110 extended formations (EF (H∗),...,EF (H∗ )), i 1 i 12 withi = 1,...,110, notalready belonging toany other sequence ofextended forma- tions.TheseextendedformationsareconnectedinsideSEF(H)intheorder(H∗,..., 1 H∗ )(120).Thereexisttwotypesofsequencesofextendedformations.Namely,inthe 12 firsttypethereisoneextendedformationmissingineachsubsequence(H∗,...,H∗ ), 1 12 thatwecalldefect,asfortheextendedformations.Inthesecondtype,twoconsecutive extendedformationsaremissing.Namely,inthek-threpetitionthepathskipstheex- tendedformationsconnectingatH∗ andatH∗ ,withm = kmod12.Inthiscase, m m+1 wesaythattherepetitionhasadoubledefect. Since, for each set of 48x joints, (48x)! different disjoint sequences of extended formationsexist,wejustconsiderthesequenceswheretheorderdefinedbythetupleis theorderofthejointsaroundtheroot. 7 c (h) 1 j e1 e2 j jh1’ h’2 h c’(h’) c’(h’) 1 c (h) j h j 2 j 2 h h’ r r (a) (b) Fig.5. (a) A passage between cells c (h), c (h), and c′(h′). (b) Two interconnected 1 2 passages. 4 Overview Inthissectionwepresentthemainargumentationsleadingtothefinalconclusionthat thetreeT andthepathP describedinSect.3donotadmitanygeometricsimultaneous embedding.Themainideainthisproofschemeistousethestructuresgivenbythepath tofixapartofthetreeinaspecificshapecreatingspecificrestrictionsfortheplacement ofthefurthersubstructuresofT andofP attachedtoit. Wefirstgivesomefurtherdefinitionsandbasictopologicalpropertiesontheinter- action among cells that are enforced by the preliminary arguments about region-level planardrawingsandbytheorderinwhichthesubtreesareconnectedinsideoneforma- tion. Passage:Considertwocellsc (h),c (h)thatcannotbeseparatedbyastraightline 1 2 andacellc′(h′),withh′ 6=h.WesaythatthereexistsapassageP betweenc ,c ,and 1 2 c′ifthepolylinegivenbythepathofc′separatesverticesofc fromverticesofc (see 1 2 Fig.5(a)).Sincethepolylinecannotbestraight,thereisavertexofc′ lyinginsidethe convexhulloftheverticesofc ∪c ,whichimpliesthefollowing. 1 2 Property3. Inapassagebetweencellsc ,c ,andc′thereexistatleasttwopath-edges 1 2 e ,e ofc′suchthatbothe ande areintersectedbytree-edgesconnectingverticesof 1 2 1 2 c toverticesofc . 1 2 FortwopassagesP betweenc (h ),c (h ),andc′(h′),andP betweenc (h ), 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 c (h ),andc′(h′)(w.l.o.g.,weassumeh < h′,h < h′,andh < h ),wedistin- 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 guishthreedifferentconfigurations:(i)Ifh′ < h ,P andP areindependent;(ii)if 1 2 1 2 h′ <h′,P isnestedintoP ;and(iii)ifh <h′ <h′,P andP areinterconnected 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 (seeFig.5(b)). Doors:Letc (h),c (h),andc′(h′)bethreecellscreatingapassage.Considerany 1 2 triangle given by a vertex v′ of c′ inside the convex hull of c ∪c and by any two 1 2 vertices of c ∪ c . This triangle is a door if it encloses neither any other vertex of 1 2 c1,c2 nor any vertex of c′ thatis closer than v′ to jh′ in T .Adoor isopen if no tree edgeincidenttov′crossestheoppositesideofthetriangle,thatis,thesidebetweenthe verticesofc andc (seeFig.6(a)),otherwiseitisclosed(seeFig.6(b)). 1 2 8 Considertwojointsj andj ,withh,a,h′,bappearinginthiscircularorderaround a b theroot.Anypolylineconnectingtheroottoj ,thentoj ,andagaintotheroot,without a b crossingtreeedges,musttraverseeachdoorbycrossingboththesidesadjacenttov′. If a door is closed, such a polyline has to bend after crossing one side adjacent to v′ andbeforecrossingtheotherone.Also,iftwopassagesP andP areinterconnected, 1 2 eitherallthecloseddoorsofP aretraversedbyapathoftree-edgesbelongingtoP 1 2 orallthecloseddoorsofP aretraversedbyapathoftree-edgesbelongingtoP (see 2 1 Fig.5(b)). In the rest of the argumentation we will exploit the fact that the closed door of a passage requests a bend in the tree to obtain the claimed property that a large part of T hastofollowthesameshape.Inviewofthis,westatethefollowinglemmatarelating theconceptsofdoors,passages,andformations. Lemma2. ForeachformationF(H),withH = (h ,...,h ),thereexistsapassage 1 4 betweensomecellsc (h ),c (h ),c′(h )∈F(H),with1≤a,b≤4. 1 a 2 a b Lemma3. Eachpassagecontainsatleastonecloseddoor. Fromthepreviouslemmataweconcludethateachformationcontainsatleastone closeddoor.Toprovethattheeffectsofcloseddoorsbelongingtodifferentformations canbecombinedtoobtainmorerestrictionsonthewayinwhichthetreehastobend, weexploitacombinatorialargumentbasedontheRamseyTheorem[13]andstatethat thereexistsasetofjointspairwisecreatingpassages. Lemma4. Given a set of joints J = {j1,...,jy}, with |J| = y := (cid:0)27·33·x+2(cid:1), there existsasubsetJ′ = {j′,...,j′},with|J′| = r ≥ 27·3·x,suchthatforeachpairof 1 r jointsj′,j′ ∈J′thereexisttwocellsc (i),c (i)creatingapassagewithacellc′(h). i h 1 2 Now we formally define the claimed property that part of the tree has to follow a fixed shape by considering how the drawing of the subtrees attached to two different jointsforcethedrawingofthesubtreesattachedtothejointsbetweenthemintheorder aroundtheroot. Enclosingbendpoints:Considertwopathsp ={u ,v ,w }andp ={u ,v ,w }. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 The bendpoint v of p encloses the bendpoint v of p if v is internal to triangle 1 1 2 2 2 △(u ,v ,w ).SeeFig.7(a). 1 1 1 b b y y b b b j’ b j’ j j b b x x r r (a) (b) Fig.6.(a)Anopendoor.(B)Acloseddoor. 9 v 1 v u 2 w 1 1 cs cs cs 3 1 cs 4 u w 2 2 2 (a) (b) Fig.7.(a)Anenclosingbendpoint.(b)A3-channelanditschannelsegments. Channels: Consider a set of joints J = {j ,...,j } in clockwise order around 1 k the root. The channel c of a joint j , with i = 2,...,k −1, is the region given by i i thepairofpaths,onepathofj andonepathofj ,withthemaximumnumberof i−1 i+1 enclosingbendpointswitheachother.Wesaythatc isanx-channelifthenumberof i enclosingbendpointsisx.Observethat,byProperty1,x≤3.A3-channelisdepicted inFig.7(b).Notethat,givenanx-channelc ofj ,alltheverticesofthesubtreerooted i i atj thatareatdistanceatmostxfromtherootlieinsidec . i i Channel segments: An x-channel c is composed of x+1 parts called channel i segments (see Fig. 7(b)). The first channel segment cs is the part of c that is visible 1 i fromtheroot.Theh-thchannelsegmentcs istheregionofc disjointfromcs that h i h−1 isboundedbytheelongationsofthepathsofj andj aftertheh-thbend. i−1 i+1 Observe that, sincethe channels arecreated by tree-edges, any tree-edge connect- ing vertices in the channel has to be drawn inside the channel, while path-edges can cross other channels. In the following we study the relationships between path-edges andchannels.Thefollowingpropertydescendsfromthefactthateverysecondvertex reachedbyP inacelliseithera1-vertexorastabilizer. Property4. Foranypathedgee=(a,b),atleastoneofaandblieinsideeithercs or 1 cs . 2 Blocking cuts:Ablocking cut isapath edge connecting twoconsecutive channel segmentsbycuttingsomeoftheotherchannelstwice.SeeFig.8. Property5. Let c be a channel that is cut twice by a blocking cut. If c has vertices in boththechannelsegmentscutbythepathedge,thenithassomeverticesinadifferent channelsegment. Proof:Considertheverticeslyinginthetwochannelsegmentsofc.Inordertoconnect theminT ,avertexv isneededinthebendpointareaofc.However,inordertohave pathconnectivitybetweenvandtheverticesinthetwochannelsegments,somevertices inadifferentchannelsegmentareneeded. (cid:3) InthefollowinglemmaweshowthatinasetofjointsasinLemma4itispossible to find a suitable subset such that each pair of paths of tree-edges starting from the rootandcontainingsuchjointshasatleasttwocommonenclosingbendpoints,which impliesthatmostofthemcreate2-channels. 10

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