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On a new species of Singhius Takahashi (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) with a key to Indian species PDF

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Preview On a new species of Singhius Takahashi (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) with a key to Indian species

NEWDESCRIPTIONS 103 References Francke,O.F.(1976):RedescriptionoiParascorpiopsmon- Vachon, M. (1973): Etude des caracteres utilises pour tana Banks (Scorpionida. Vaejovidae). Ent. News 87 classerlesfamiliesatlesgenresdeScorpions(Arach- & (3 4):75-85. nides), Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. Nat, Paris, 3 ser. no. Tikader,B.K. &Bastawade,D.B.(1976):Anewspeciesof 140,zool(104):857-958. scorpion of the genus Scorpiops Peters (Family Vachon, M. (1980): Essai d’une classification sousgeneri- Vaejovidae) from India. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. que des Scorpions du genre Scorpiops Peters 1861 74(1): 140-144. (Arachnida, Scorpionida, Vaejovidae). Bull. Mus. Tikader, B.K. & Bastawade, D.B. (1983): Fauna ofIndia : natn.Hist. Nat., Paris, 4ser., 2, sectn. A. no. 1: 143- Scorpions,Vol.Ill: 1-672. 160. * ON A NEW SPECIES OF SINGHIUS TAKAHASHI (ALEYRODIDAE: HOMOPTERA) WITH A KEY TO INDIAN SPECIES1 R.SUNDARARAJANDB. V.DAVID2 (Withatext-figure) Takahashi (1932) erectedSinghiusas a sub- dorsum; elliptical, broadest at the first ab- genus under the genus Dialeurodes for the dominal segment region; found singly and scat- species Aleyrodes hibisci Kotinsky. In 1978 tered on the under surface of leaves; 0.79-0.95 Mound and Halsey elevated it as a full genus. mmlong and 0.55-0.70 mmwide. Alexander and David (1990) shifted the species Margin: Regularly crenulate, 20 crenula- Aleurotuberculatus russellae David and Sub- tions in 0.1 mm; anterior and posterior marginal ramaniam to Singhius and thereby suggested a setae 15p, and 25\i long respectively. Thoracic new combination. In the present paper a new and caudal tracheal pores indicated. species is describedunderthis genus fromIndia. Dorsal surface: Dorsal setae capitate, A key to the Indian species of Singhius is cephalic setae 17.5p, long, first abdominal setae provided. (broken), eighth abdominal setae 5[x long, and caudal setae on either side ofcaudal pore 37.5p, KEYTOINDIANSPECIESOFSinghius TAKAHASHI long. Dorsum with sparsely distributed minute —1. Dorsalsetaeshortandcapitate 2 pores; subdorsum with semicircular markings. Dorsal setae long and with pointed tips Submarginwith suture-like lines running mesad hibisci(Kotinsky) mm mm from margin distinct. Submarginal or subdorsal 2. Pupalcase 1.01-1.06 long0.76-0.81 wide; marginwith25crenulationsin0.1mm; thoracic setae absent. trachealporeregionslightlyindicated;entiredorsum Vasiform orifice: Subrectangular, wider — granulated russellae(David&Subramaniam) than long (30-37.5p, x 45-55fx); operculum mm mm Pupalcase0.79-0.95 longand0.55-0.70 wider than long (15-20 x 30-35p) towards wide;marginwith20crenulationsin0.1 mm; thoracictracheal poreregiondistinct;subdorsum caudal end constricted at half its length and onlygranulated morindaesp.nov. somewhat rounded, filling the orifice; lingula concealed. Caudal tracheal furrow funnel- Singhiusmorindaesp.nov.(Fig. 1) shaped witha constrictionatthe middle halfand Pupal case: White with a little wax on at the pore end and with minute irregular mark- ings. Thoracictracheal furrows not indicated. AcceptedJune 1991. 2Fredrick Institute of Plant Protection and Toxicology, Ventral surface: Ventral abdominal setae Padappai601301. 17.5fi long and 32.5p, apart; caudal and thoracic 104 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HIST. SOCIETY, Vol. 89 Fig. 1.Singhiusmorindaesp. nov.A.Pupalcase,B. Margin,C.Vasiformorifice. tracheal folds indicated but lackstipples ordots. (David and Subramaniam) by the presence of Material examined: Holotype. Morinda capitate dorsal setae but differs in shape and by tinctoria, Vellimalai (Tamil Nadu), 3 Aug. 1987. indication of thoracic tracheal pore region. It Coll. R. Sundararaj. The holotype is with B.V. also resembles S. hibisci (Kotinsky) in shape David. and size but differs by capitate nature of dorsal Paratype: One mounted pupal case on setae. slide, data same as forholotype, deposited inthe Acknowledgements collection of the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland, We thank S. James Fredrick, Chairman and U.S.A. Dr. Clement Peter, Head, Division of Entomol- This new species resembles S. russellae ogy, FIPPATforfacilities provided. NEWDESCRIPTIONS 105 References Alexander, R.W. & David, B. V. (1990): Revision oftwo World.BritishMuseum(NaturalHistory),JohnWiley whitefly generaAleuroclava Singh andAleurotuber- andSons. culatus Takahashi (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). En- Takahashi,R.(1932):AleyrodidaeofFormosa. Parti.Rep. tomologicalSeries2:1-13.FIPPAT,Padappai. Dep.Agri. Govt.res.InstFormosa59: 14. Mound, LA. & Halsey, S.H. (1978): Whiteflies of the A NEW SPECIES OF LIPARIS RICHARD (ORCHIDACEAE) FROM SIKKIM1 S.Z.Lucksom2 In my recent orchid survey in Bhusuk val- Flowers light greenish-pink, 7-8 mm long. mm ley of Sikkim, I could collect many interesting Pedicel 4-4.5 long; the floral bracts small, orchids. A new species ofLiparis Hook, f, col- cordate with amplexicaul base. Sepals 3, sub- lectedduringthe exploration, is described. equal, brownish-pink; the dorsal sepal 3.6-4 x 2-3 mm, broader than lateral sepals, cordate, Liparislydiaii sp.nov. retroflexed; the lateral sepals 5.2 -5.7 x 0.9 - 1.1 Liparis platyrachis Hook, f., affinis, sed mm, spreading, oblong, obtuse, margin differt pseudobulbo 1-2 cm longus, coepitosus, recurved. Petals 2, 2.9-3.1 x 0.09-0.1 mm, ovaideo-cylindricus. Folia 4, graciliter oblong, obtuse, translucent, whitish-pink, mar- membranacea, altema, ovato-oblonga, 1-2.7 cm gin recurved. Labellum 2-2.5 x 0.8-1 mm, cor- x 0.4 - 0.9 cm, ad marginem integra, ad super- date, slightly deflexed at the middle, hypochile mm ficies undulata. Inflorescentia 8-11.5 cm, ter- with 4 calli. Column about 3 long, winged, minalibus, subpendula, pedunculus 0.8-2.5 cm 2-lobed. Anther ovate, dorsally dome-shaped, longus, gracilis, teretus, erectus, cum 2-3 brac- about 0.5 mm long. Pollinia 2, about 0.4 mm teolis, cordatis, basi amplexicaulibus, 5-6 x 2-3 long, translucent, orange yellow, clavate-oblong. mm, racemus 8-9 cm longus, teretus, cum 4-14 Type: India: Sikkim, Bhusuk valley, 10 floribus. Sepalum dorsale sepalis lateralibus October 1990. Lucksom (Lucksom 198a majus, 3.6-4 x 2.6-3 mm, cordato-retroflexum. Holotype: Gangtok, Forest Department Herb). Labellum 2-2.5 x 0.8-1 mm, cordatum, ad Isotypes (198b, Gangtok, Forest Department mediumparvumdeflexum. Herb). Etymology: It is named in memory ofmy Liparislydiaiisp.nov. late mother who was a great source of inspira- Epiphytic. Pseudobulb 1-2 cm long, tufted, tion for the study of this important group of mm ovoid-cylindric, sheathed, 3.5-6 diam., plants. broaderatthe baseandslightly taperingtowards Flowers and fruits: October- November. m the apex. Leaves 4, 1-2.7 x 0.4-0.9 cm, thinly Altitude: 900 -1200m. membranous, alternate, ovato-oblong, undulat- Ecology: This species grows on the ing leafsurface, margin entire. Inflorescence 8- branches of arched shrubs in moist and shady 11.5 cm, sub-pendulous. Peduncle 0.8-2.5 cm places. long, slender, terete, erect with 2-3 cordate The fresh specimens had light greenish- amplexicaul base bracteoles 5-6 x 2-3 mm; the pink flowers on sub-pendulous peduncle. raceme 8-9 cm long, terete, with 4-14 flowers. Leaves coriaceous, or sub-coriaceous,jointed at AcceptedOctober 1991. the pseudobulb or sheath. These characters are 2DFO M & E (SF/TT), Territorial Circle, Forest ofsection Coriifoliae Rich, ofthe genusLiparis. Department,Gangtok,Sikkim737 102. The new species is closely allied toLiparis

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