TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan ua8YeeLq)idoptevaScieitc6e3(2)6:1-64,June2012 On a littl kenown species of genus Erebia (Lepidopte Nryamphalidae) in China [fakatoshiNAKA/rANI Institu tele'Mountain Sciencc ,Shinshu Universit y3,-1-1 Asahi, Matsumoto, Nagano, 390-8621 Japan 't'uzov, Abstract Erebia sin.vaevi 2006 is synonymized with Etebia tristior Goltz, 1937, and lectotype is designate dto preserv ethe stability of zoological nomenclature, and avoid t'urth ecornfusion ovcr identification, Key words Erebia ,tristio csin.vaevi, synonym. Iectotype. Introduction [[lixonomi rceview The genus Erehia is djstribut ien dthe arctic, high altitude Erebia tristio Groltz ,1937 stat. rev (Fig s1 , 2) habitat san,d the northern latitu dteundra in the Eurasian Erebi atristis tristior Goltz, 1937/ 190, Lectotype here designated. andNonhAmericancontinents.Inhismonograph,Warren [ZFAK,examinedl. "Tapaishari (1936 )divide tdhe species-group taxa into 15 groups based TYpe loca]it y: arn Tsingling <Sudschen s3i,O)O.Om". morphological characters such as male genitalia. [Taibaishan,Qinlingmountainrange,Shaanxi],China. Titnhh ee tp huaeub tlhcouirrcioau tswiaso no fddWriheirsvrsiteetnrw'eirsdbiubtui ttmohoienneans olograrrniaggpeihsn,al o fAdtsm edEis.a c h,rwacfiusr zpigoatn.miteoA r namTefsushtretercd EE Errr eee bbbiiifaaia g"ns, a6,Leviv .iT asu nydzTnou v zZl,ohl vou1.y,.9 9210390 9:36Z:2: .S353,, ffiiggs , .11 2(r ,m1a2vl. egenitalia) .Pl.16, species wanga eastern [SDM, Holotype not examincd] (Fig 2,) region as the northern limit tso north-castern China as the Type [oca]i tGya/nsu prov. ,neur Wudu, China. southern limits .But, Goltz (1937 d)escribed tristior as a loca lform of wanga based on thre emales from central This species is characterized by the fo11owin cgharacters China ,far distan tfrum the main distribution aralnge, Amur as describe bdy Goltz (1937 )and Tuzov (2006). region and its neighbors. No figure was shown in his Male: Forcwing lengt h27-29 mm. Thc eye spot en the descriptio nbu,t according to his original description, forewing upperside is with two white pupil sand the ring tristiorhaddistinctcharacteristicsthesewereunlikewanga.around the eye spot is net cuntrasting with the ground The author examined their type series, and recognized colour. The ground colour of hindwing underside is them as a good species, and also was the same species monotonous dark brown, lackin ga white spot at the end E. Tuzov,2006. with sinyaevi of the discoidal cell, The abbrcviations used ior the type depositorie sare as Male genita]i a(Fig .IJ) :The valva is long and narrow, follows: and not twisted at the tip as E. wanga (Fig 3.C). The SDM: StateDarwin'sMuseum, Moscow. brachia are long and straight. Female: Unknown. ZEAK:ZoologischesForschungsrnuseumAlexanderK6nig, Bonn. Type material exa"rnTianpeda:i sThharnee males in the H6ne collection, collected from am Tsinglin g(Sudschensi), Materials Methods 3000m", 1 8-25 June 1935 .The ZFAK now possesse tshesc and type series. Lectotype (Fi gI.A-IC) and paralectotypes The present study is based upon approximately 20 (Fig I,D-II) here designated. specimens of E. wanga from whole areas covering their distributiona lrange. Type series of tristior were also Tuzov (2006 )described sinyaevi based on three males egxeanmiintedali [afb.yapse eodf osnin ytaehvei ph woatsog reaxapmhisne din colnu idtis n cgomlaoulre fpir'oovm , LTL,GthLnsiubai S hparnov M,, 1 5W0u0d um,, H1o0u0z0h me"nz ai nvdil .""S ha(anxiFig 2.). photograp hand the sketch of male genital iina the original Li and Zhu (1992 i)]lustra ta eidpale as Efehia nero Stdgr. description. The specimcn illustra twaesd tristior and this was the first figure ofthe species. Wang (2005 r)eported E. nero from the Baishuijiang National Nature Reserve ,south-west of NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 62 T N ,K v-Av f-:. ,ell nyt r'.'.'.di r"W ";vi".,Edi' " a)'Tin "lrJdil'itt[ 'rra.fV 'ft,ye1f i 'lth1:'iNnt}lt,,5S( 4;F f`' .tif }ititrSs'si1- 4 i'd"i //i/i・pge sli/ ;,tt# bedi X ' e' ,ls.ut"t.";-'. ;ffklt <';・gfaptFax}.of・-siS'1's :lyeh'Z,i{'"(tiKi "}; fit,,;s:・iy,i?g gvlgt・tEwf >: t・s:,}ie}l Nx,rSrt"pm'g,/, ''L,L.. L'L :i':.-F B:e cr sk4 {t .i g'tl).e/e>ta vwIc- -t:S""'},iOAj'FUkr i':ai h"`; f t1'--rk};:. w.-,r...",yT.f "er.ry i ' ?siXfV'I,}(T '・g,・・g-aksgit4t'nj?di xuii-itigp 4,,S: 'tts"ffttrhJ fJt fg, xl'"vT' s b.`ftt?f1"Xltas-t. hsEf2ittis"il tt.lllkkl''f・i..g.Stl. v, .t '`i ""k' s"S .'t ,E'' t.}''V'f.viv kf"i E)n]'4,{gLyJ"xNbt- ALg;t"s;Jeeat'?-nyl":g ,M1 tat1tti-gf .tliitV.s: .. t"e ' '-";s'"tsv l.' ,t[tJif"g' st]{t2tIdW-t" -t u:t"st-.s di{.ts4gevljf` -:e.p' tt4}s' ls lg-tv . 7l:efji.tr7'"tssS:s ' vee ..iP yI'us'P- s'i tr,ny・"Cs:,)v$4Sll - } ri t.'Jst-V',k,q)ftt;"F F'fttticrv"''f-lt iJt itG- t{-)2v ts1'?yt"e.tFF`t.tJti"-g.4,2-- ..lva- tt. Ith" t itt thrt f LT" f- m.. tJa Elii SelYI WvSsw ast it..:i:lr"t, :-LY.agtr・ Flg 1 TNpt senes otftfbia rnhttoi i, Nralc tle"otvpe heie dest.ndtLd) uppefvde B I)itti ,tuideiHide C i)vtv Iai,alsartaLhed tJ Ehe spLL]men D NHIaJe (paialeLto th>epree dcsi.oLiat tuLppbL ±)icle .a.emtt dLtlsisaecte tdscn]tal!i Klide No 17S> L I)Ftt,u]ndLTside } Dtltf )labLIs artaLhed to lhe gpecimcn Cf NhiL tpava}Lctokp oherc design`Lted )uppL ±yJe H Dttlt?undcrside [ Ditto IabvlL pt"ched to Lhe KpeLimcll J NIalt gtmLaliti (gbde )Ne R7S} Gavis uHe iclentined the hutterfi ibeabsed on tii beook ol Erebia "tmga Bi eme" l864 (Fs. g31 Li and Zhu (1992} ,go th]s ieLord skould be eoncenied eiE "tfFFr}ytis BitaiL} IS61 ;67 [noin pr teoLtup bs LiehL( tJivsb "[th E srtsiior He[tdLh KLhatkj iIg4gP Distiibutie n1his spee;es is pros abllr endemic to Qinhng fspe io.Th[1 ButeLi-{/TLhu .g L tLL-se fKhin:anl mounta]n tiuige at 1 {}O{P3 OO{)m dlt Lential China Ss f bftcG eirttbnugit-iLt xB (2Ln0i"e1i 2ig4h,S;i 2t} PJ 2 ii gi [[/h eadult and thell htibita atie she"n ]n Pig S dnd }'ig liLhia tttstt,Jx kurent7oi IC)iO 52 Klt2) g6d) Eivng 6 Ntnatioig hi{l!} knaiL gemtabV Kogurt eJ t-aipot oIL}92 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ,X lhtjt kno" n KpeL}es of Jb retbra m Chlna 6r, ttt.-.tttt 3 .X ' . t k ,t・, tt'.t.,...・ ,' . , r ,"r...:, '" 'ls"4"l.' t / t;... t w o" mu.. t ,-e't P .t't ttttt t.t,t,t ,t.t".-tT- t. A B・ c {ilg .2 E'i'{.l ,sti"(yuteLi {al't ke]rov. ]C)V6t.4 .X'!al e{hLLI{rt}pe } .upperhide.B: i)nis iun,ctefslae. C/ N,lnl oEemLalia. s ' tt' t e r.. za".f.o t-. -..r... t..d '/i-.,, ' ' . " e' .A, -' ''t ." , "vs ' . ,',rf t , t" -・-"1.g .t ..t t tl".) , "v , "`t"' Fig .3 Ei'eht au' ,lr Male. eppeyslde. Ruhsia :Pnti}arsk }kra}'l.9 b,・{t "]O02 B' D{nv. unde}yde. C'cklale getiita1i uR.ub"a' PrLTvotsk> 'kra>. 21 ?LIa >I99g t.-'' " '.iin'.`t"v. J .;.St.'.t. . tt' n.S y;t' ."'P."r'='"v,Sk'--.. .igs"lr..y;se;kny. ii< .;.;;S;X1,.it:l,,]" ・Y'. i'"' ,''" , '" .'.. ... g' ..r.'.".".e tt", A B "ntsfi"i" Fig .4 ER,hi" sen hu K u r e m Ft e L .l 9 T O tt:tter Kuit'trv Nt.9"{S :)SL.: )vlai Bc., rvfat gteenitiha C]ef Ntttlva rcij}ox ed} 2S.Pi.4. [l. Lrtl5i-11 seems t( ieause some cont'usioi}, Kogtire ttnd lwamolo pyseL LJ:tn dadit"ecd.r: iaI jR9u9 b9is; s Cinhoa ti:. SnLmeuraxa :tHn eirnieelvdi.?e}n .nb su6t{ 6i1' a '. pno2rlg{lo)oL {"i. }nI2. gC P ・6}ir・nia" t,melro9iar9iss) k-1}' gkw a{.a9s9 -2au p)s psi arrltylnttulvsyrtiroa rth t,veut"dt,, aotn ghiapet d sebpsecc caianmcuelb- oen e tih ltat'tu oshntarisaat lfeAedr twehhire tnP eurnd iersjbpniodtoVc ri"nktv Jiii nprov. .1 S l :L , 2e08 1 Linorun.g proN. 4,"i 3 i r, ']Oel th e ¢ e n re r o t h m d w i nE .L lAII ifi arc author's co]l.], Ackno"ledgme"ts Digt"bution;Aniurregion,North-casternChina.Northerp Korean peninsula. 1 "e{ild tike to exprcss my siuceresi gratitu dtee Dr D. KaP3ur rihem'inostrtzhiokoxit b'yCa isk9er7d:0 oi)n .M yeFun,casrt mrEtata]rsee t t dloh'fe rs otRi ,5unm0gg smkuitrai k ei{]anFsgtL g o Rf-nUidss} u..Btgiu.ytse kml.hteaLia) SI -t ut・n i)TK Llt gLst f.oZuF tirt nesadLneK[)bi tf)eoLdv {t pr.or S MeLr'f}} eCarhi aafi oponh rg oZt.thheoa{gvir gaag.p ghMigsft aso[f iLc et. > Tp ise Hu sjemrali ner, specimen figured wus not true rf'iytii nb'ut li sariatLon of aspects. }i'astgff hecauge the white spol is cLeaily {ig,ure don the centei' of hindwiRs, ttndergide and the vah'a ig wide and twigted at the tip. The nl}sidentiticatjDn oi KurcntzoN NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeeplpdiopdteorpoltoeglroaollogical SSooolceityety ooff JJaapapnan 糾 T NAK へ1へNt h 野 S − 6H.ME! ’tt ;o}pia, Tf〃tLSliu三151眉S!lmthUl. Qごift Oiitid m(p八gbモ匸f船s. h・=c2ou.r80{e0 ・n}ユ畷. ShN[lUrMK廊i 亀B頗』F,夏O5i’u、〔t〕fa iteh Je uhsa{bじiaPtriwetdt ar細 b〔融 an. h漏2.8D〔}m .6、王{ahii義し ∫气’ RBB1 ei・’ecf i! 紀l]l, ‘i 昏へefSへcleL IL‘r目nia, αl i]O‘0Lct ‘ 鑿’icef .r ksf−.、−,、1 S 1’LL,1 c I8di48If 6 rIi6 CdS l}己41 ご PI,eS , XLW、、P cL、 e、 cEu「じpLtL}ellti、c.lbrd〜しavldhenUm、.−iptpe .しnleル3icL3lid:eL6£、nl40op6nt[(、1ci)、 I・R−主cton,ボSしaal一貧‘ud)’cS ゴ6ddl .eeh_ S〜R−mU{O ・ユ’】ご} Sdln.t9hd]−1vi丁 .lSaP上Ll.Te 艮][t]} じH.’m b‘t(k・n°isじ、r・ 〜B〜〜◇冫I、「〈in 8liLd〜i.fL、口 ご圭∫d1dr一{c ごd・‘匪.ピd eヒ)’Re田〜11〜,. W 、 、a na 亙9T C}Ir5[IiL, 珂θeOl、p瑚し 4li,B ,.p蝶C.{2SlCー、〔ノ}le.0 ii.nPB5SC‘tM.l.he」NlT rHi1h.9aep{、9}3 c, e4b6 . LEB〔.}L9Lu、LOi−’し匸ickな4nd}))d’(三翫丕コptoi(CL>hlln e}〜正 Uid、 PenhP ∫fi、’’ohごハc〔e}t .1 N(h由aTitiFi u39grじ3t.ft・ne−,LiRls・3eb〜6trε÷eaPハ’nで[} e1、i・、 「t‡t〔(コbと.ヂ}.,⊂a4ワn0ゼ7・「‘し〃 州PHP〔♪’.F.. G 〔)} rl btug8nz.ep、社k〔「}{G、賃mc d hPDa. .Y 日k、e.,》2}二‘f)(、O)厂ilりi.d3eT7月h しeiN hcbcuuJctL ごtEIrrfo.icl3lNel2Le C}rop1埀ドP’orR.r「LnFe卜hnseヨ〜aiρ s. c‘Ei.akムsa麟丶ξlcr. tl.Zi・}}u、bUノur〔}ri日、・S.,、、 摘匚 “卸、・卜rr、R「P’ 暖要豪中す谷る貴壽所虚 属 [ダテ ハ 千 ヨ ウ 科r の ・種につ T TKKLuL u正璽7…. r が0( O.uw:Drgi P、c]【xeじ15n.、r} f〜n70if.V − d,u0・UPMsSS .N SdP BchKK S〜・.7へ、 自Rs at,uB∠ロ,.n d「どubf2B1h.9lhttu 7,}.9la1Yc 1−. 、3 ){l l li6591unF Ph i9c7ji隻照・Tt}9へ; 0ht、 2. e1】.REl0T P8n1u1. (o)ご ’3【、1yh9}Gk〜’、t}.賦h:、lr}t al)n}e)≡Tol、.)oi ”oggunl e2}loi(bをc》齟iゆg>κJ藍−,u9t,〜 mCθi2tSi’hp/‘1〜ct・‘lan−ilE聖e,9 iac・}L恥ごrenIら)eigitti:〜 ±、hl e]l5lea【 〜0 oimt itplfbtr三ecゴ} nlat,s・[tnncLtb :ghc〔u2it}cda“t lt【.tt重,SじF3『ce、il〔’lr3e起τlnヒfi貝匸 』)e丶し(t{lE .lLズe・o7ωtndcg9 d、J Lpfi匸ai L聖np’ O ePしmo Cd.fS、h nS mtet 小〜[she〈2ec:}}t 1学『淳点工と:CRいこしi・名i,c[pよを刃よ標ca i欠iをi目く抑r窃、a ・露卸c需検lくdξ}髯e..謁芝る しc告‘こOJ}うt〔a’〕yrIと(う莠しp,とIciピ−iU;3,で拳、夾c曇.後lを9シ>E容li{ k冠X姪ま1ノ害)旨易(薤1廣]ゴ7}.ニ』;1こモに21二こ{ξ匡)し童まミ}区}fi近’地♪2ノたご嬲、イソ て駈 色元.へク『さ.種∫す1’c;尾「」、よ¢l・、るetNら秦ipリる’fτム彳〔地c’Eしス〜、fd厂云刀てビ tぴ;1「Ml}t♪ト ats}t.、極厚lh」rを民c〜る匙属、褐h、び整t).i f色t特タ}2>理厂3レ ξ産長で,よ し薨⊃不i{r0i亟PY.ま.重圭Cl室lE2二とei’},c}a,一tM}吊t).t量}O’・すt知ノ:ti辷>こJT1’pIる堯Iら,lc【L1 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic LLlibrbarryary Service