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ON A CONJECTURE OF GROSS AND ZAGIER DONGHOBYEON,TAEKYUNGKIM,ANDDONGGEONYHEE ABSTRACT. LetE beanellipticcurvedefinedoverQofconductorN,letMbetheManinconstantofE,andCbe theproductoflocalTamagawanumbersofE atprimedivisorsofN. LetKbeanimaginaryquadraticfieldinwhich eachprimedivisorofNsplits,PKbetheHeegnerpointinE(K),andX(E/K)betheTate–ShafarevichgroupofEover K. Also,let2uK bethenumberofrootsofunitycontainedinK. In[11],GrossandZagierconjecturedthatifPKhas infiniteorderinE(K),thentheintegeruK C M (#X(E/K))1/2isdivisibleby#E(Q)tors.Inthispaper,weshowthat · · · thisconjectureistrue. 5 1 0 2 v CONTENTS o N 1. Introduction 2 2 Part1. E(Q)tors hasorderapowerof2 4 ] 2. PreliminariesforPart1 4 T 2.1. Kramer’sformula 4 N 2.2. IsogenyinvarianceoftheGross–Zagierconjecture 6 . h 3. E(Q) Z/2Z Z/4Z 7 tors t ≃ ⊕ a 4. E(Q) Z/2Z Z/2Z 8 tors m ≃ ⊕ 5. E(Q) Z/4Z 10 tors ≃ [ 5.1. Tamagawanumbers 10 2 5.2. (#X(E/K))1/2 11 v 5.3. Exceptionalcase 13 6 6. E(Q) Z/2Z 14 9 tors≃ 2 6.1. Tamagawanumbers 14 6 6.2. (#X(E/K))1/2 15 0 6.3. Exceptionalcase 17 . 1 0 Part2. E(Q) hasapointoforder3 18 5 tors 1 7. PreliminariesforPart2 18 : 7.1. Optimalcurves 18 v i 7.2. Cassels’theorem 18 X 8. E(Q) Z/2Z Z/6Z 18 tors r ≃ ⊕ a 9. E(Q)tors Z/3Z 20 ≃ 9.1. Tamagawanumbers 20 9.2. Maninconstants 20 9.3. (#X(E/K))1/2 20 References 21 Date:November3,2015. 2010MathematicsSubjectClassification. 11G05. Key words and phrases. elliptic curves, isogeny, optimal curves, Gross–Zagier conjecture, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Mordell–WeilGroups,Tamagawanumbers,Maninconstant,descentonellipticcurves. ThefirstauthorwassupportedbyBasicScienceResearchProgramthroughtheNationalResearchFoundationofKorea(NRF)funded bytheMinistryofEducation(NRF-2013R1A1A2007694). ThesecondauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyGlobalPh.D.FellowshipProgram throughtheNationalResearchFoundationofKorea(NRF)fundedbytheMinistryofEducation(grantnumber2011-0007588). Thethird author was supported by Basic Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(2013053914). 1 1. INTRODUCTION ThegoalofthispaperistoproveaconjecturemadebyGrossandZagierin[11]concerningcertaindivisibility amongarithmeticinvariantsofellipticcurves.Thisgivesatheoreticalevidencetothe“strongform”ofBirchand Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, predicting that the leading coefficient of the Hasse–Weil L-function of an elliptic curveencodessomeprecisearithmeticinvariantsofthecurve. In[11],GrossandZagiergaveaformulaforthefirstderivativeats=1ofL-seriesofcertainmodularforms. In particular, they transferred the formula to the realm of L-functions of elliptic curves. So let E be an ellip- tic curve defined over Q with conductor N. For a negative square-free integer d, we consider the quadratic twist E ofE which isin generalnot isomorphictoE overQ butbecomesisomorphicoverthe imaginaryqua- d dratic field K =Q(√d). We denote the discriminant of K over Q by disc(K) which is equal to d when d 1 ≡ (mod 4)andto 4d otherwise. We also assumea close relationbetweenE andK in sucha way thateachprime number dividing N splits completely in K. This is called the Heegner condition or Heegner hypothesis in the literature, which we assume throughout this paper. The corresponding L-functions are also strongly related: we have L(E/K,s)=L(E/Q,s) L(E /Q,s). By computing root numbers, the Heegner condition forces that d · L(E/K,1)=0. Throughoutthispaper,weusethefollowingnotations. N istheconductorofE. • w istheNérondifferentialofE overQand w 2:= w w¯ isthecomplexperiod. • k k E(C)| ∧ | hˆ istheNéron–TateheightattachedtoE. R • M is the Manin constant of E, i.e., if f is the newformattached to E and p :X (N) E is a modular 0 • → parametrisation, then M is the ratio satisfying p w =M 2p if(t )dt . We have M Q and a famous ∗ × · ∈ conjectureofY.ManinisthatM=1forallstrongWeilcurvesE. Forgeneraldiscussionsontheconstant andcurrentstatusabouttheconjecture,see[1]. P E(K)istheHeegnerpointoverK.Thisdependsontheellipticcurveanditsmodularparametrisation K • ∈ chosen. 2u isthenumberofrootsofunitycontainedinthefieldK. u =1forallimaginaryquadraticfieldsK K K • exceptwhenK=Q(√ 1)andK=Q(√ 3),inthesecaseswehaveu =2andu =3respectively. K K − − CistheTamagawanumberofE overQwhichisdefinedbytheproductC=(cid:213) C ofalllocalTama- pN p • | gawanumbers. NowthemaintheoremofGrossandZagier([11],TheoremI.6.3)hasthefollowingconsequence. Theorem1.1([11],TheoremV.2.1). w 2 hˆ(P ) K L′(E/K,1)= M2 ku2k d·isc(K)1/2. (1) · K·| | NowtheBirchandSwinnerton-Dyerconjecturecomesintothepicture.Weassumehereandthereafterthatthe HeegnerpointP hasinfiniteorder,sothatL(E/K,1)=0.Formoredetailsforthefollowingconjecture,werefer K ′ 6 [27],appendixC.16. Conjecture1.2(BirchandSwinnerton-Dyer). Iford L(E/K,s)=1,thentheTate–ShafarevichgroupX(E/K) s=1 ofE overK isfinite,andL(E/K,s)=BSD ,where ′ E/K w 2 C2 hˆ(P ) #X(E/K) K BSD = k k · · · . (2) E/K disc(K)1/2 [E(K):ZP ]2 K | | · Remark. In the literature, the factorC2 in the right hand side of the equation (2) is replaced by the Tamagawa numberofE overtheextensionK. However,bytheHeegnerhypothesis,anyprime pdividingN splitsinK like p=pp,andthusthenumberisequaltothesquareC2 oftheTamagawanumberofE overQ. Remark. TheTate–ShafarevichgroupX(E/K)isinfactfiniteinthiscase(cf.Theorem5in[15]). Equatingtheabovetwoformulae(1)and(2),GrossandZagierobtainedthefollowingconjecture. Conjecture1.3([11],ConjectureV.2.2,StrongGross–ZagierConjecture). IfP hasinfiniteorderinE(K),then K ZP hasfiniteindexinE(K)andwehave K [E(K):ZP ]=u C M (#X(E/K))1/2. (3) K K · · · 2 AstheorderoftherationaltorsionsubgroupE(Q) clearlydividestheindex[E(K):ZP ],theyalsoobtained tors K aweakerversionoftheconjecture,whichwecall“theGross–Zagierconjecture”throughoutthispaper. Conjecture1.4([11], ConjectureV.2.3, Weak Gross–ZagierConjecture). IfE(K) hasanalyticrank1, thenthe integeru C M (#X(E/K))1/2isdivisibleby#E(Q) . K tors · · · Rational torsion subgroupsof elliptic curves E over Q are completely classified by Mazur [21]: E(Q) is tors isomorphictooneofthefollowinggroups: Z/nZ for1 n 10, n=12, ≤ ≤ (Z/2Z Z/nZ forn=2,4,6,8. ⊕ In[18],Lorenziniobtainedthefollowingtheorem. Theorem1.5([18],Proposition1.1). LetE beanellipticcurvedefinedoverQwithaQ-rationalpointoforder k. Thenthefollowingstatementsholdwithatmostfiveexplicitexceptionsforagivenk. Theexceptionsaregiven bytheirlabelsinCremona’stable[7]. (a) Ifk=4,then2 C,exceptfor‘15a7’,‘15a8’,and‘17a4’. | (b) Ifk=5,6,or12,thenk C,exceptfor‘11a3’,‘14a4’,‘14a6’,and‘20a2’. | (c) Ifk=7,8,or9,thenk2 C,exceptfor‘15a4’,‘21a3’,‘26b1’,‘42a1’,‘48a6’,‘54b3’,and‘102b1’. | (d) Ifk=10,then50 C. | Withoutexception,k Cifk=7,8,9,10or12. | Fortheexceptionsofaboveproposition,wecancheckthat#E(Q) dividesC M, exceptfor‘15a7’,which tors · is considered in §5. So the only remaining cases for the validity of the conjecture are those when E(Q) is tors isomorphic to the following 6 groups: Z/2Z, Z/3Z, Z/4Z, Z/2Z Z/2Z, Z/2Z Z/4Z, and Z/2Z Z/6Z. ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ Ourgoalhereistoprovetheseremainingcases,thustocompletetheproofoftheconjecture. Main Theorem. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q such that the rational torsion subgroup E(Q) is tors isomorphictooneofthe6groups: Z/2Z,Z/3Z,Z/4Z,Z/2Z Z/2Z,Z/2Z Z/4Z,andZ/2Z Z/6Z. LetK ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ beanimaginaryquadraticfieldsuchthatE(K)isof(analytic)rank1andthatK satisfiestheHeegnercondition. Thentheconjecture1.4istrue,i.e.,#E(Q) dividesC M u (#X(E/K))1/2. tors k · · · Fromnowon, E alwaysdenotesanelliptic curvedefinedoverQ havingtorsionsubgroupisomorphicto one of the above6 groups, and K is always an imaginary quadraticfield such that ord L(E/K,s)=1 and that K s=1 satisfiestheHeegnerhypothesis. LetusbrieflyexplainhowtoprovetheMainTheorem. Thepresentarticleisdividedintotwoparts. Thefirst part(§2 §6)isdealingwiththecasethatE(Q) hasorderapowerof2.WhenE(Q) containsfull2-torsion tors tors ∼ subgroupE[2],i.e.,whenE(Q) Z/2Z Z/2Z,orZ/2Z Z/4Z,thesituationsarealoteasierthantheother tors ≃ ⊕ ⊕ cases, and we can prove the Main Theorem by computing Tamagawa numbers using Tate’s algorithm (§3 and §4). Fortheothercases, i.e., whenE(Q) Z/2ZorZ/4Z, therearecurveshavingTamagawanumbersnot tors ≃ divisibleby#E(Q) ,soweneedtocomputethesizeofthe2-torsionpartoftheTate–Shafarevichgroupsover tors K using Kramer’s formula. There are some ‘exceptionalfamilies’ for whichC (#X(E/K))1/2 does not have · enoughpowerof2. Forthesecases,weavoiddifficultiesbyconsideringisogenyinvarianceoftheGross–Zagier conjecture. Kramer’sformulaandtheisogenyinvariancearelocatedattheheartoftechniquesintheproof,soin thepreliminarysection§2wegivesufficientbackgroundtothesetechniques. The second part (§7 §9) is devoted to the case in which E(Q) has a rational torsion point of order 3. tors ∼ WhenE(Q) Z/2Z Z/6Z,wecanprovetheMainTheorembycomputingonlyTamagawanumbers(§8). tors ≃ ⊕ But whenE(Q) Z/3Z, thereare also curveshavingTamagawanumbersnotdivisibleby #E(Q) , so we tors tors ≃ needtocomputethelowerboundofthesizeofthe3-torsionpartofTate–ShafarevichgroupsoverKusingCassels’ formulaorneedtocomputetheManinconstantsusingthephenomenonthatoptimalcurvesdifferbya3-isogeny (§9). SameasPart1,preliminariesaresummarisedin§7. Allexpicitcomputationsin thispaperweredoneusingSageMathematicsSoftware[30]. Whenwe docom- putations with Weierstrass equations, we frequently change the variables of an equation to obtain another. In particular,whenweusetheclause“makeachangeofvariablesvia[u,r,s,t]”,itshouldbeunderstoodtotakethe changeofvariablesformulagivenby x=u2x +r and y=u3y +u2sx +t. ′ ′ ′ 3 Forthedetails,werefer[27],§III.1. Part1. E(Q) hasorderapowerof2 tors 2. PRELIMINARIES FORPART 1 2.1. Kramer’sformula. InthissubsectionweintroduceaformulaofKramer[16],anddiscusshowtomeasure thesizeoftheTate–Shafarevichgroupofellipticcurveusingit. Ofcoursethepurposeofthissectionistoprovide atooltoshowtheMainTheoremforthecasesE(Q) Z/2ZorZ/4Z. Thus,throughoutthissubsection,we tors ≃ assumeE(Q) Z/2ZorZ/4Z,andconsequentlyE(Q)[2] Z/2Z. tors SincetheTate≃–ShafarevichgroupX(E/K)isfinite(Theor≃em5in[15]),its2-primarypartX(E/K)[2¥ ]has perfectsquareorder. Soifwefindanon-trivialelementinX(E/K)[2],(orequivalentlydim X(E/K)[2] 1), F2 ≥ wecanimmediatelyseethat2 (#X(E/K))1/2. Sointhissubsection,weareconcentratingonhowtofindsuch | anon-trivialelement. Let pbeaprimenumber.Weusethefollowingnotations. i =dim CokerN=dim E(Q )/NE(K ),whereN:E(K ) E(Q )isthenormmap. Thisquantity • p F2 F2 p p p → p iscalledlocalnormindexofE at p. Let • F = x Sel2(E/Q):x N (cid:213) Sel2(E/K ) . p p ( ∈ ∈ pp !) | Thisgroupiscalledtheeverywhere-localnormgroup. NS istheimageofthenormmapSel2(E/K) Sel2(E/Q),whichwedonotneedinthispaper. ′ • → Theorem2.1([16],Theorem1). ThedimensionofX(E/K)[2](overF )isequalto 2 (cid:229) i +dim F +dim NS rankE(K) 2dim E(Q)[2], ℓ F2 F2 ′− − F2 wherethesumistakenoverallprimes(includinginfinity)ofQ. Backtoourcase. BecauserankE(K)=1andE(Q)[2] Z/2Z,byTheorem2.1,dim X(E/K)[2] 1ifand ≃ F2 ≥ onlyifthequantity (cid:229) i +dim F +dim NS ℓ F2 F2 ′ isgreaterthanorequalto4. 2.1.1. Local norm indices. For generalintroductionand useful facts aboutthe numbersi , we refer §4 of [19] p and§2of[16]. Weonlyconcernthosenumbersrelevanttooursituation. Theproofofthefollowingproposition canbefoundin§2of[16]. Proposition2.2. LetE beanelliptic curveoverQ with E(Q)[2] Z/2ZandletK =Q(√d)beanimaginary ≃ quadratic field satisfying the Heegner hypothesis. The local norm indices i for various primes ℓ are given as ℓ follows. 0 ifD <0, min (a) Onehasi¥ =i(C R)= | (1 ifD min>0. (b) Let pbeanoddprime. If pisagoodprimeforE andisramifiedinK,thenonehasi =dim E[2](k), p F2 wherekistheresiduefieldofQ . Otherwiseonehasi =0. p p 2 if(D ,d) =+1, (c) If 2 is a good prime for E and is ramified in K, then one has i = min Q2 where 2 (1 if(D min,d)Q2 =−1, ( , ) denotestheHilbertnorm-residuesymbol. Otherwise,onehasi =0. − − Q2 2 2.1.2. Everywhere-local norm group. Now we provide a way to compute the everywhere-localnorm group F . Thefollowingisthekey. Proposition2.3([16],Proposition7). Theeverywhere-localnormgroupF istheintersectionofSel2(E/Q)and Sel2(E /Q)insideH1(Q,E[2]) H1(Q,E [2]),whereE isthequadratictwistofE byd. d d d ≃ 4 LetE bethequadratictwistofE byd. Inparticular,supposeE isdefinedbytheWeierstrassequation d y2=x3+Ax2+Bx, (4) whichhasdiscriminantD =24B2(A2 4B).ThenE hastheWeierstrassequationoftheform d − y2=x3+Adx2+Bd2x. (5) Thediscriminantoftheaboveequation(5)isgivenbyD =16d6B2(A2 4B). d − Proposition 2.4. The 2-torsion subgroups E[2] and E [2] are canonically isomorphic as Gal(QQ)-modules. d | Consequently, the Galois cohomology groups H (Q,E[2]) and H (Q,E [2]) are isomorphic. In particular, we • • d identifyH1(Q,E[2])=H1(Q,E [2])inthesequel. d Proof. TheGalois-equivariantisomorphismE[2] E [2]isgivenby(t,0) (dt,0). (cid:3) d → 7→ Denote by P (resp. P ) the rational torsion point of order 2 in E (resp. E ) corresponding to (0,0) in the d d equation(4)(resp.(0,0)intheequation(5)). LetE (resp. E )betheellipticcurveE/ P (resp. E / P )andlet ′ d′ h i d h di f (resp. f )bethecanonicalquotient2-isogenyE E (resp.E E ). d → ′ d → d′ Proposition2.5. Therearecanonicalhomomorphisms H1(Q,E[f ]) H1(Q,E[2]), and H1(Q,E [f ]) H1(Q,E [2]), d d d → → andtheyinduce Self (E/Q) Sel2(E/Q), and Selfd(E /Q) Sel2(E /Q). d d → → Proof. Ifwedenotetheuniquedualrational2-isogenyoff byf ,thenwehaveacanonicalexactsequence ′ 0 E[f ] E[2] E [f ] 0. (6) ′ ′ −→ −→ −→ −→ This defines a canonical map H1(Q,E[f ]) H1(Q,E[2]) on cohomology groups, and it restricts to the map Self (E/Q) Sel2(E/Q)ofsubgroups.For→E andf theproofismutatismutandisthesame. (cid:3) d d → Proposition 2.6. There are canoncial isomorphisms H1(Q,E[f ]) Q /Q 2 and H1(Q,E [f ]) Q /Q 2. × × d d × × ≃ ≃ Moreover,theisomorphismsarecompatibleinthesensethatthefollowingdiagramiscommutative: H1(Q,E[f ]) // H1(Q,E[2]) 5 ❧❧❧❧❧❧∼❧❧❧❧❧❧❧❧5 Q×/Q×2≃H1(Q❘❘,❘m❘2❘)❘❘∼❘❘❘❘❘❘❘)) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) = H1(Q,E [f ]) // H1(Q,E [2]) d d d wheretheverticalmapinthemiddleisinducedbythecanonicalisomorphismintheProposition2.4. Proof. Clearlytheisomorphismsm E[f ] and m E [f ]arecompatibleinthesensethelefttrianglecom- 2 2 d d → → mutes. ByKummertheoryweknowH1(Q,m )=Q /Q 2,whencetheresultfollows. (cid:3) 2 × × Proposition2.7. LetG bethesubgroupofQ /Q 2 generatedbytheclassofA2 4B. ThenG isthekernelof × × − thehomomorphismsH1(Q,E[f ]) H1(Q,E[2])andH1(Q,E [f ]) H1(Q,E [2]). Thus, d d d → → Ker Self (E/Q) Sel2(E/Q) =G Self (E/Q) Self (E/Q). → ∩ ⊂ Similarly, (cid:0) (cid:1) Ker Selfd(E /Q) Sel2(E /Q) =G Selfd(E /Q) Self (E /Q). d d d d → ∩ ⊂ Proof. Weonlygiveapr(cid:0)oofforE andf . ForE andf(cid:1) ,everythingisthesameundermakingcertainnotational d d change.Fromtheshortexactsequence(6),wehavethelongexactsequenceofcohomologygroups: h 0 E(Q)[f ] E(Q)[2] E (Q)[f ] H1(Q,E[f ]) H1(Q,E[2]) H1(Q,E [f ]) ′ ′ ′ ′ → → → −→ → → →··· BecauseweonlyconsiderthoseellipticcurveswithE(Q)[f ]=E(Q)[2],themapE(Q)[2] E (Q)[f ]isthezero ′ ′ → map,andthisagainforcesusthath :E (Q)[f ] H1(Q,E[f ])isinjective.Theimageh (E (Q)[f ])isthekernel ′ ′ ′ ′ → ofH1(Q,E[f ]) H1(Q,E[2]). → 5 We claim thatthis kernelis equalto G. Write E(Q)[2]= O,P,Q,P+Q , where O is the identity of E and { } P E(Q), and similarly write E (Q)[f ]= O,T , where O is the identity of E . Clearly T E (Q). Since ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ∈ { } ∈ E(Q)[2] E (Q)[f ]issurjectivebutE(Q)[2] E (Q)[f ]isthezeromap,thepointQismappedontoT under ′ ′ ′ ′ → → E(Q)[2] E (Q)[f ]. Then,h (T) H1(Q,E[f ])isdefinedbythe1-cocyle ′ ′ → ∈ P ifs (Q)=P+Q=Q, s s (Q) Q= 6 7→ − (0 ifs (Q)=Q. However, this 1-cocycle corresponds to the 1-cocycle s s (√b)/√b defining an element H1(Q,m ), where 2 7→ A √A2 4B b=A2 4B, since in the Weierstrass equation (4), Q correspondsto the point − ± − ,0 and thus − 2 ! s (√A2 4B) s (Q)=Q if and only if s √A2 4B = √A2 4B. Clearly the 1-cocycle s − defining an − − 7→ √A2 4B elementH1(Q,m )correspon(cid:16)dstoA2 4(cid:17)BinQ /Q 2. − (cid:3) 2 × × − Recall (Proposition 2.3) that the everywhere-local norm group F is the intersection of two Selmer groups Sel2(E/Q)andSel2(E /Q)insideH1(Q,E[2])=H1(Q,E [2]). Inordertoidentifyelementsintheintersection, d d weneedtofindb Q /Q 2suchthatb Self (E/Q) Selfd(E/Q)bydescentarguments(cf. [27],chapterX). × × ∈ ∈ ∩ InordertoensurethisisnottheidentityelementinF ,weshouldcheckb G. Thiswillbedonewhenwedeal 6∈ withE(Q) Z/4ZorZ/2Z. tors ≃ 2.2. IsogenyinvarianceoftheGross–Zagierconjecture. LetEandE beisogenousellipticcurvesdefinedover ′ Q,andK beanimaginaryquadraticfieldsatisfyingtheHeegnerhypothesis. Weconsiderthosecurveswithfixed modularparametrisationsp :X (N) E andp :X (N) E . 0 ′ 0 ′ → → Proposition2.8. Letq :E E bearationalisogeny. ′ → (a) IfthestrongGross–Zagierconjecture(Conjecture1.3)istrueforE thenitisalsotrueforE . ′ (b) Supposethatq respectsmodularparametrisationsofE andE ,i.e.,p =q p .Thenwehave ′ ′ ◦ M2 C2 #X(E/K) M2 C2 #X(E /K) · · = ′ · ′ · ′ . (7) [E(K):ZP ]2 [E (K):ZP ]2 K ′ K′ (c) Let pbeaprime. If (i) ord #E(K) =ord #E(Q) ,and p tors p tors (ii) ord #E(Q) ord u C M (#X(E/K))1/2 , p tors p K ≤ · · · then (cid:16) (cid:17) ord #E (Q) ord u C M #X(E /K) 1/2 . p ′ tors p K ′ ′ ′ ≤ · · · Inparticular, ifE(K) =E(Q) , andif(cid:16)the weakGro(cid:0)ss–Zagierc(cid:1)onje(cid:17)cture(Conjecture1.4) forE is tors tors true,thenitisalsotrueforE . ′ Proof. (a)IsogenouscurvesE andE havethesameL-functionsandthesameBSD formulae,i.e.,L(E/K,s)= ′ L(E /K,s) and BSD =BSD (cf. Conjecture 1.2). The latter is a theoremof Cassels [5]. As the strong ′ E/K E/K ′ Gross–Zagierconjectureisobtainedbysimplyequatingtheseformulae,itisclearlyisogenyinvariant. (b)LetP betheHeegnerpointforE definedbyP =q (P ). SinceL(E/K,s)=L(E /K,s),wehave K′ ′ K′ K ′ ′ ′ w 2 hˆ(P ) M2 K k k · = . w 2 hˆ(P ) M2 k ′k · K′ ′ Similarly,fromBSD =BSD ,weget E/K E/K ′ w 2 hˆ(P ) #X(E /K) C2 [E(K):ZP ]2 K ′ ′ K k k · = · · . kw ′k2·hˆ(PK′) #X(E/K)·C2·[E′(K):ZPK′]2 Equating,weobtaintheequation7. (c) Let P (resp. P) be a generator of the group E(K)/E(K) (resp. E (K)/E (K) ), and let P =n P ′ tors ′ ′ tors K (resp. P =n P). AsP =q (P )=nq (P),theindexn isdivisiblebyn . Theassumption(i)ord #E(K) = K′ ′ ′ K′ K ′ p tors 6 ord #E(Q) impliesthatord [E(K) :E(Q) ]=0. Bytheequation7,wehave p tors p tors tors u2 M2 C2 #X(E/K) u2 M2 C2 #X(E /K) K· · · = K· ′ · ′ · ′ , (#E(Q)tors)2·[E(K)tors:E(Q)tors]2 nn′ 2·(#E′(Q)tors)2·[E′(K)tors:E′(Q)tors]2 (cid:16) (cid:17) andbytheassumption(ii)thelefthandsideoftheaboveequationisa p-adicinteger.Thus, n ord u C M #X(E /K) 1/2 ord ′ #E (Q) [E (K) :E (Q) ] p K· ′· ′· ′ ≥ p n · ′ tors · ′ tors ′ tors (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17) ord (cid:18)#E (Q(cid:0)) . (cid:1) (cid:19) p ′ tors ≥ (cid:3) Remark. By[9]Corollary4or[25],Theorem2,foragivenellipticcurveE definedoverQ,thereareatmost4 quadraticfieldsK suchthatE(K) =E(Q) . tors tors 6 3. E(Q) Z/2Z Z/4Z tors ≃ ⊕ Inthissection,weprovetheMainTheoremforthecaseswhenE(Q) isisomorphictoZ/2Z Z/4Z. tors ⊕ Theorem3.1. SupposethatE(Q) isisomorphictoZ/2Z Z/4Z. Thenthe order8=#E(Q) dividesthe tors tors ⊕ TamagawanumberCofE,exceptforthecurve‘15a3’,inwhichcaseC M=8. · From[17],table3,suchellipticcurvescanbeparametrisedbyoneparameterl Qby ∈ y2+xy l y=x3 l x2, (8) − − a 2 1 16a 2 b 2 wherel = = − ,withpositiveintegersa ,b havingnocommonprimedivisor,anda /b = b −16 16b 2 6 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1/4. ThediscriminantoftheequationisD =l 4(1+16l )=0. Notethatsincewetakea andb relativelyprime, 6 therearenocommonprimedivisorof16a 2 b 2and16b 2except2. − Proposition3.2. Let pbeaprime. (a) Ifm:=ord l >0, thenthe reductionofE modulo pis (split)multiplicativeoftypeI . Consequently p 4m theTamagawanumberat pofE isC =4m. p (b) Supposethat p=2. Ifm:=ord l <0,thenmisalwayseven,andtheminimalWeierstrassequationat p 6 pisgivenby y2+pzxy upzy=x3 ux2, (9) − − where u Z satisfying l =upm in Z , and where z is a positive integer. The reduction type of the ∈ ×p p equationmodulo pisI withn=2z,whenceC =2z. n p Proof. (a)ThiscanbeshownbydirectlyapplyingTate’salgorithm(see[26],§IV.9)totheWeierstrassequation (8). (b) Since gcd 16a 2 b 2,16b 2 is a power of 2, if m = ord l =ord (16a 2 b 2)/16b 2 <0 then the p p − − exponent m is always even. Changing Weierstrass equation (cf. [18], proof of Proposition 2.4), we get the (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) equation(9). WeuseTate’salgorithmagainforthisequationtoobtaintheminimalityandreductiontype. (cid:3) Let S= pprimes:ord l >0 , T = pprimes:p=2,ord l <0 . p p 6 Proposition 3.2 says that(cid:8)Theorem 3.1 is true w(cid:9)hen (i) #S (cid:8)2; or (ii) #S=1 and #T (cid:9)1. Thus the following ≥ ≥ propositionshowsTheorem3.1. Proposition3.3. With possible finite numberofexceptions, we have #S 1 and moreover if T =0/, then #S ≥ ≥ 2. The exceptions are exactly the following curves: ‘15a1’, ‘15a3’, ‘21a1’, ‘24a1’, ‘48a3’, ‘120a2’, ‘240a3’, ‘240d5’,and‘336e4’.Butinanycaseincludingtheseexceptions,wehave8 C M. | · 7 Proof. Write b =2nb with n 0 and b odd. The conditionT =0/ is equivalentto the conditionb =1. We ′ ′ ′ ≥ dividetheproofaccordingtothevalueofn. Suppose n=0. In this case 16a 2 b 2 is odd and so gcd 16a 2 b 2,16b 2 =1. Suppose that there is no − − primedividing16a 2 b 2. We thenhave16a 2 b 2= 1. Thisispossibleonlyif a =0, a contradiction. For − − ± (cid:0) (cid:1) thesecondstatement, assumeb =1. Inthiscase, we getl =(16a 2 1)/16. Ifthereisonlyoneoddprime p − dividing16a 2 1,thenwemusthave4a 1=1,acontradiction(a Z ). >0 − 16a 2 4−b 2 4a 2 b 2 ∈ Supposen=1.Wehavel = − ′ = − ′ ,andgcd 4a 2 b 2,16b 2 =1. Iftherewerenoodd 16 4b 2 16b 2 − ′ ′ primedividing4a 2 b 2,wewouldh·ave′4a 2 b 2= ′ 1,whencea(cid:0)=0,acontradict(cid:1)ion.Ifb =2(equivalently ′ ′ − − ± b =1), and if there were only one prime dividing 4a 2 b 2, then either one of the relations 2a 1=1 or ′ ′ − − 2a +1= 1wouldhold.Thuswemusthavea =1. Inthiscasewegetthecurve‘48a3’,havingC =C =4. 2 3 − Supposen 5. InthiscasewecantakeanotherWeierstrassequation(cf. Equation(9))ofE ofthefollowing ≥ form: y2+2nxy 2nuy=x3 ux2, (10) − − where u= a 2 22n 4. This equation has discriminant D = (22n+16u)22nu4 and c =22n+4u+16u2+24n, − 4 − so ord (D )=2n+4 and ord (c )=4. Moreover, by [27], Proposition VII.5.5, since its j-invariant has order 2 2 4 8 2n<0, E haspotentiallymultiplicativereductionmodulo2. Ifthisequation(10)isminimalattheprime2, − thenthecurvehasadditivereductionmodulo2(ord (c )>0). Tate’salgorithmsaysthatE hasreductionoftype 2 4 I for some k, with Tamagawa number 2 or 4. Suppose that the equation (10) is not minimal modulo 2. Then ∗k wecantransform(10)intoaminimalmodelmodulo2,whichhasdiscriminantoforder2n+4 12=2n 8at − − 2andc oforder0. Sincetheorderoftheminimaldiscriminantisevenand>0,andsinceE hasmultiplicative 4 reduction(ord c =0),we haveevenC byTate’salgorithm. AsC isevenand4 C forsomeodd p S,the 2 4 2 2 p | ∈ proofofthiscaseiscompleted. Remainingcases(n=2,3,and4)canbeshownsimilarly. (cid:3) 4. E(Q) Z/2Z Z/2Z tors ≃ ⊕ Inthissection,weprovetheMainTheoremforthecaseswhenE(Q) isisomorphictoZ/2Z Z/2Z. tors ⊕ Theorem4.1. SupposethatE(Q) isisomorphictoZ/2Z Z/2Z. Thenthe order4=#E(Q) dividesthe tors tors ⊕ TamagawanumberCofE,exceptfortwocurves‘17a2’and‘32a2’.Forthesetwocaseswehave4=C M. · Following[17],wecantakeaWeierstrassmodeloftheform y2=x(x+a)(x+b), (11) wherea,b Zwitha=b=0=a. Notethataandbisingeneralnotrelativelyprime. Thediscriminantofthe ∈ 6 6 6 equation(11)isD =16(a b)2a2b2andc =16a2 16ab+16b2. Letc=a b=0.Ifthereisaprimepdividing 4 − − − 6 bothaandb,thenbychangingtheequationvia[p,0,0,0]ifnecessary,weassumemin(ord a,ord b)=1. p p WefirstinvestigatetheTamagawanumberC forprimes pdividingabc. p Proposition4.2. Let pbeaprime. Assumethateither(i) p aand p∤bc;or(ii) p band p∤ac. Thenwehave | | thefollowing. (a) If pisodd,thenE hasreductionoftypeIordpD =I2ordp(a) modulo p,withevenTamagawanumberat p. (b) Supposethatp=2.Ifm:=ord a=4andifb 1 (mod 4),thenEhasgoodreductionmodulo2,whence 2 ≡ C =1. Otherwise,C iseven. 2 2 Proof. Weonlygivetheproofforthecase(i). Bythesymmetryoftherolesofaandbintheequation,thecase (ii)followsimmediately. (a)ThisisimmediatefromTate’salgorithm. (b)Supposethat2 aand2∤bc. We doa case-by-casestudy. Inordertohelpreaderstore-constructproofs | oftheresultsinthefollowingtable,weremarkthatwemostlyapplyTate’salgorithmtotheWeierstrassequation (11),whileforthecasem=4andb 1 (mod 4)andform 5,weapplythealgorithmtoanotherWeierstrass a+b 1 ≡ab ≥ equationy2+xy=x3+ − x2+ x. 4 24 8 m b mod4 ReductionTypeofE at p=2 C 2 1 1or3 III 2 1 I 2or4 2 ∗n 3 I 2 ∗0 1 III 2 3 ∗ 3 I 2or4 ∗n 1 I (good) 1 0 4 3 I 2or4 ∗n 5 1or3 I even 2m 8 ≥ − (cid:3) Proposition4.3. Let pbeaprimesuchthat p cand p∤ab. | (a) If pisodd,thenE hasreductionoftypeIordpD =I2ordp(c) modulo p,withevenTamagawanumberat p. (b) Supposethat p=2. Ifm:=ord c=4andifa b 3 (mod 4),thenE hasgoodreductionmodulo2, 2 ≡ ≡ whenceC =1. Otherwise,C iseven. 2 2 Proof. Wemakeachangeofvariablesvia[1, a,0,0],togetanotherequation − y2=x3+( 2a+b)x2+a(a b)x. (12) − − (a)ImmediatefromTate’salgorithmappliedtoequation(12). (b)Let p=2. Similarasaboveproposition,theresultsfromTate’salgorithmappliedtotheequation(12)are summarised as follows. In particular, when dealing with the cases a b 3 (mod 4) and m 4, we use the 2c b 1 ac ≡ ≡ ≥ equationy2+xy=x3+− − − x2+ xinstead. 4 16 m aandb mod4 ReductionTypeofE at p=2 C 2 1 any III 2 2 a 1 (mod 4)orb 1 (mod 4)(orboth) I forsomek 2or4 ≥ ≡ ≡ ∗k 2or3 III 2 ∗ 4 a b 3 (mod 4) I (good) 1 0 ≡ ≡ 5 I even 2m 8 − (cid:3) Proposition4.4. Letpbeaprimedividingtwoofa,b,orc.Thenclearlyitdividesthethird.Bychangingvariables intheequation(11)via[p,0,0,0]ifnecessary,weassumemin(ord a,ord b)=1. ThenE hasreductionoftype p p I forsomek,withevenTamagawanumber. ∗k Proof. Ifm=n,thenwemayassumem>n=1withoutanylossofgenerality. ByTate’salgorithm,inthiscase 6 E hasreductionoftypeI withTamagawanumber2or4. Ifm=n=1,thenwecanwritea= pa andb= pb ∗k ′ ′ with(a,p)=(b,p)=1. Hence, ′ ′ ifa b (mod p),thenE hasreductionoftypeI modulo pwithTamagawanumber4; • ′6≡ ′ ∗0 ifa b (mod p),thenE hasreductionoftypeI modulo pwithTamagawanumber2or4. • ′≡ ′ ∗k (cid:3) RecallthatEisanellipticcurvedefinedbytheequationy2=x(x+a)(x+b)withdiscriminantD =16a2b2c2= 6 0wherea,b,c:=a b Z. Wealsohaveassumedthatmin(ord a,ord b) 1forallprimesp. Let p p − ∈ ≤ S:= pprimes:ord a>0,ord b>0 . p p If #S 2, then by Proposition 4.4, then(cid:8)the Tamagawa numberC of E i(cid:9)s divisible by 4. Thus the following ≥ propositionshowsTheorem4.1. Proposition 4.5. Suppose that #S 1. Then 4 C with only two exceptions: ‘17a2’ and ‘32a2’. But in both ≤ | exceptions,wehaveC=M=2. Proof. ProofsaresimilartoProposition3.3. (cid:3) 9 5. E(Q) Z/4Z tors ≃ Theorem5.1. IfE isanellipticcurvedefinedoverQ,havingrationaltorsionsubgroupE(Q) isomorphicto tors Z/4Z,thentheorder4=#E(Q) dividesu C M (#X(E/K))1/2. tors K · · · 5.1. Tamagawanumbers. InordertoproveTheorem5.1,wefirstconsiderTamagawanumbersofE. From[17],table3,suchellipticcurvescanbeparametrizedbyoneparameterl by y2+xy l y=x3 l x2, − − where the discriminant of the equation l 4(1+16l )=0. This is the same as in section 3, but without further 6 restrictiononl . Letl =a /b ,witha ,b Zandgcd(a ,b )=1. ByProposition3.2(a),wemayassumea =1. ∈ SowebeginwiththefollowingWeierstrassequation y2+b xy b 2y=x3 b x2, (13) − − withb Z. NotethatthiscurvehasdiscriminantD =(16+b )b 7andc =(16+16b +b 2)b 2. Ifb = 1,then 4 ∈ ± we haveeither‘15a8’or ‘17a4’,bothofwhichhaveM=4. So we mayassumethatthereisatleastoneprime dividingb . Let p be a prime dividing b , and let m:=ord b >0. Write b = pmu, for some u Z with gcd(u,p)=1. p ∈ UsingTate’salgorithmappliedtoWeierstrassequationsy2+pz+1xy pz+2u−1y=x3 pu−1x2(whenm=2z+1 − − isodd)ory2+pz+1xy pz+2u 1y=x3 pu 1x2(whenm=2ziseven),wecanfigureoutthereductiontypesand − − − − Tamagawanumbersatprimes p b forE. | m p additionalconditions ReductionTypeofE at p C p m=2z+1forz Z any I 4 ∈ ≥0 ∗1 p=2 I even 2z 6 m=2zforz Z u 3 (mod 4)andm=8 I (good) 1 ∈ >0 p=2 ≡ 0 otherwise bad even So,inthesequel,weassume ord b isevenforallprime p; p • thenumberofoddprimesdividingb is 1. • ≤ Moreover,ifℓisanoddprimedividingb +16,thenE hasreductionoftypeIordℓ(b +16) atℓ.1 Wefurthermore assumethroughoutthissection,that ifℓisanoddprimedividingb +16,thenord (b +16)isodd. ℓ • Supposethatthereisnooddprimepdividingb ,i.e.,b = 2mforsomepositiveintegerm.Aswecanseeinthe ± abovetable,inordertoavoid4 C,wemayassumem=2ziseven. ApplyingTate’salgorithmtotheWeierstrass | equation(13),wehavethefollowingresults. b Curve TamagawaNumber ManinConstant 22 ‘40a3’ C C =2 1 2 2 5 · · 24 ‘32a4’ C =2 2 2 22zwithz 3 C =4 2 ≥ 22 ‘24a4’ C C =2 1 2 2 3 − · · 24 singularcurve − 26 ‘24a3’ C C =2 1 1 2 3 − · · 28 ‘15a7’ C C =1 1 2 3 5 − · · 22zwithz 5even C =2(z 4) 2 − ≥ − 22zwithz 5odd C =2(z 4) 2 − ≥ − Sowhen b isapowerof2,thenweonlyneedtodealwiththecasesb = 22z with(i)z=4or(ii)z 3being | | − ≥ odd. 1ThiscanbealsoshownbyTate’salgorithm,appliedtotheequationy2+b xy (b +16)2y=x3 (b +96)x2+192(b +16)x 128(b + − − − 24)(b +16)forE. 10

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