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Preview On a Collection of Fishes from the Southern Part of Ukhrul District, Manipur

ON A COLLECTION OF FISHES FROM THE SOUTHERN PART OF UKHRUL DISTRICT, MANIPUR 1 SelimKeishingandWaikhomVishwanath2 Key words: Fish, Ukhrul district, Manipur The southern part of Ukhrul district is drained by three important rivers, viz., Chatrickong, Maklangand Litan. TheriversformapartoftheChindwin riversystem. A detailed surveyofthe fish fauna shows 69 species belonging to 45 genera, 18 families and 7 orders. The collections include new records of 6 species, viz., Schistura multifasciatiis (Day), Psilorhyncus balitora (Ham.), Labeofimbriatus (Bloch), Tetraodon cutcutia (Ham.), Puntius puntio (Ham.), and Macrognathuspanculas(Ham.) from Manipur. Torputitora(Ham.) and Pseudocheneissulcutas (Hora)arenewrecordsfromtheChindwindrainageandMystuspulcher(Chaudhuri)andExostoma stuarti (Hora) are new records from India. Introduction 1935, Hora 1936, Menon 1952, Menon 1954), a detailed survey ofthe fishes ofsouthern Ukhrul The fish faunaofUkhruldist. hasnotbeen dist. hasnotbeen carried out. Thispaperreports studied in detail. The district is situated at the on the fishes of three major rivers of southern extreme eastern part ofManipur State. It shares Ukhrul dist. about 200 km of international border with Myanmarinthe east. It isboundedbyNagaland MaterialandMethods on the north, Senapati in the west and Chandel in the south. Three major rivers drain the Anextensivecollectionoffisheswasmade southernpartofUkhrulfromwesttoeast, which from Chatrickong, Maklang and Litan between are the waterheads of the Chindwin drainage. March, 1995andMay, 1997.Thespecimenswere Chatrickong is formed by the confluence of collected by cast net, gill net, sidetracking, and SanalokandKhunukong. Khunukongoriginates chemical bait. Fishes were identified as per in the foothills of Shiroi hills, while Sanalok Jayaram (1981). The specimens were compared originates inthe foothills ofKhayangphunghill. withcollections atManipurUniversityMuseum Sanalokflowsneartheboundarytothesouthfor ofFisheries (MUMF) andZoological Survey of about 100 km, meets Khunukong at Dha-ado, India (ZSI) to confirm their identification. and flows as Chatrickong to the east into the Chindwin of Myanmar. The Maklang river ObservationsandDiscussion originates near Khangkhui. It is joined by the Tuyungbi and flows forabout90kmtomeetthe 68 species belonging to 45 genera, 18 Yu river abranch ofthe Chindwin in Myanmar. familiesand7 orderswerecollected. Ithasbeen Litan river originates in the western foothills of recorded that the fish fauna ofsouthern Ukhrul the Shiroi. It follows a southwesterly course to dist. has Myanmarese as well as endemic meet Imphal river, which flows out ofIndia as elements and also some widely distributed RiverManipur, tomeettheChindwin. Although species. Nemacheilus mcinipurensis Chaudhuri, there are some reports on the fishes ofManipur N. prasadi Hora, Garra litanensis Vishwanath, (Chaudhuri 1912,Hora 1921,HoraandMukherji Semiplotus mcinipurensis Vishwanath, Glyptothoraxsinensemcinipurensis(Menon)are 'AcceptedAugust 1998 departmentofLifeSciences,ManipurUniversity, endemic to the hill streams of Manipur. The Canchipur795003,Imphal,Manipur Myanmarese elements are Raicimcis guttatus 64 JOURNAL BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 96(1) APR. 1999 . ) ) ))) )) ) . FISHES OF UKHRUL DISTRICT MANIPUR LISTOFFISHESWITHLOCALNAMES,THEIRDISTRIBUTIONANDOCCURRENCE Scientificname Localname Distribution Remarks Tangkhul/Manipuri Chatrickong Maklang Litan (1) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) ANGUILLIFORMES Anguillidae 1. Anguillabengalensis(Gray Manoi/NgarilLaina + X CYPRINIFORMES Cyprinidae 2. Crossocheilusburmanicus (Hora) Ungri/Ngaroi + + + X 3. Chaguniusnicholsi(Myers) Khisei/Ngara + + - X 4. Cirrhinusreba(Ham.) Adhue/ + + - X 5. SemiplotusmanipurensisVish.&Kosygin Aveah/Ngakoi + + - X 6. Labeodero(Ham.) Adhue/Ngaton - + - X 7. Labeocalbasu(Ham. do/Ngathi + - - X 8 Labeopangusia do- + - - X 9. Labeofnnbriaius(Bloch) do- + - - RM 10. Neolissochilusstracheyi(Day) Khaicham/Ngara + - - X 11. N. hexagonolepis(McClelland) Khaicham/Ngara - + - X 12. Osteobramacotio(Ham. Khiboi/Ngaseksha + - - X 13. Puntinsticto(Ham. Khaiwonla/Ngakha + - + X 14. Puntiuspuntio(Ham.) do- + - - RM 15. Puntiussaphore(Ham. do- + - - X 16. PuntiusclavatusburtoniMukherji Khaiseng/Heikaknga + + + X 17. Raiamasguttatus(Day) Ngawapyiva/Ngawathonkgong + + + X 18. Bariliusbarila(Ham.) Maseova/Ngawa + - - X 19. Bariliussp. 1 Maseova/Ngawa + - - X 20. Bariliusbarna(Day) Maseova/Ngawa + - + X 21. Bariliussp.2 Maseova/Ngawa - - + X 22. Tortor(Ham.) Khihue/Ngara + + - X 23. Torputitora(Ham.) Khihue/Ngara + - - RC 24. Danioaequipinnatus(McClelland) Khipuli/Nunga + + + X 25. Chelafasciatus(Silas) Khinge/- + - - X 26. Salmostomasladoni(Day) Khivi/- + - - X 27. Amblypharyngodonmola(Ham. Khaiwonla/Mukaknga + - + X 28 Aspidopariamorar(Ham. Khaitam/- + - - X 29. Esomusdanricus(Ham. Khira/Ngasliang + - - X 30. Rasborarasbora(Ham.) Khira/- 1 - - X 31. Garra nasuta(McClelland) Ngi-ung/Ngamushangum + + + X 32. Garralissorhyncus(McClelland) Ngi-ung/Ngamushnangum + + - X 33 GarramanipurensisVish.&Saroj Ngi-ung/Ngamusangum - - + X . 34. Schizothoraxrichardsonii(Gray) Khainguila/Sananga + + - X JOURNAL BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 96(1), APR. 1999 65 ) ) FISHES OF IJKHROL DISTRICT, MANIPUR LISTOFFISHESWITHLOCALNAMES,THEIRDISTRIBUTIONANDOCCURRENCE(contd.) Scientificname Localname Distribution Remarks Tangkhul/Manipuri Chatrickong Maklang Litan (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Psilorhynchidae 35. Psilorhynchusbalitora Chanrila/Nunga - + - RM 36. Psilorhyncushomaloptera(Hora) Chanrila/Nunga + - - X Balitoridae 37. Balitorabrucei(Gray) Lungvap/- + + - X 38. SchisturamanipurensisChaudhuri Hangkorkhai/Ngatup + 1 - X 39. S. vinciguera(Hora) Hangkorkhai/Ngatup + + + X 40. S.prashadiHora Hangkorkhai/Ngatup + + - X 41. S.multifasciatus(Day) Hangkorkhai/Ngatup + - - RM 42. S.kangjupkhulensisHora Hangkorkhai/Ngatup - + - X Cobitidae 43. Pangio pangia(Ham.) Khi-ngi/Nganap - + - X 44. Botiaberdmorei(Blyth) Khikhana/Sarengkhoibi + + + X 45. Botiahistrionica(Blyth) Khikhana/Serengkhoibi + + - X Siluriformes:Siluridae 46. Ompokbimaculatus(Bloch) Khitu/Ngaten + ' X Bagridae 47. Batasiotengana(Ham.) Khitheo/Ngarang - + - X 48. Mystusbleekeri(Day Khithea/Ngasep + - + X 49. Mystuspulcher(Chaudhuri) Khithea/Ngasep + - - RI 50. Mystuscavasius(Ham.) Khithea/Ngasep + - - RM Amblycepitidae 51. Amblycepsmangois(Ham. Khiva-kwah/- + + - X Sisoridae 52. Bagariusbagarius(Ham.) Khaimi/Ngarel + + - X 53. Erethestespussilus(Muller) Lungthei/- - 1 - X 54. Exostomastuarti(Hora) Lungthei/- + - - RI 55 Glyptothoraxplatigoponoides(Bleeker) Kapangh/Ngapang + + - X . 56. G.tritineatus(Blyth) Kapangh/Ngapang + + - X 57. G.sinensemanipurensis(Regan) Kapangh/Ngapang - + - X 58. Pseudocheneissulcatus(McClelland) Khikha/- + - - RC Cyprinodontiformes:Belonidae 59. Xenentodoncancila(Ham.) Morsangkhai/Ngacheklaobi - + - X 66 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 96(1) APR. 1999 i FISHES OF UKHRUL DISTRICT, MANIPUR LISTOFFISHESWITHLOCALNAMES,THEIRDISTRIBUTIONANDOCCURRENCE(contd.) Scientificname Localname Distribution Remarks Tangkhul/Manipuri Chatrickong Maklang Litan 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Perciformes:Ambassidae 60. Chandanama(Ham.) Khihungsha/Ngamhai + X Nandidae 61. Nandusnandus(Ham.) Ngwa-ngae/- + . . X 62. Badisbadis(Ham.) Ngwa-masha/- + - - X Gobiidae 63 Glossogobiusgiuris(Ham.) Khaivachar/Nailonnga + - + X . Anabantidae 64. Anabastestudineus(Bloch) Tampakhai/Ukabi + - - X Belotiidae 65 Colisafasciatus(Schneider) Khaishim/Ngabema + - - X . Channidae 66. Channagachua (Ham.) Khaiva/Meiteingamu + + + X Tetradontiformes:Tetradontidae 67. Tetraodoncutcutia(Ham.) Khikaro/Hangoinga _ + _ RM Mastacembeliformes:Mastacembelidae 68. Macrognathuspancalus(Ham.) Khiphue/Ngarin + RM 69. Mastacembelusarmatus(Lecepede) Khiphue/Ngarin + + + X RM=newrecordsfromManipur,RI=newrecordsfromIndia,RC=recordsfromChindwindrainage,-=absent,+=present, (Day), Osteobrama cotio cunma (Day), Distribution: india: ChatrickongRiverand CrossocheilusburmanicusHora, Garragravely NEPAL (Annandale), Neolissochilus stracheyi (Day), Remarks: New record from Manipur. Chagunius nicholsi (Myers), Salmostoma Body marked by 16 vertical bands and a black sladoni (Day) andMystuspulcher(Chaudhuri). spot at base ofanterior dorsal fin rays. Theremaining fishes are widelydistributed and Psilorhyncus balitora (Ham. 1822). common in other parts ofIndia. Fishes ofGanges, p 393. (Type locality: Rivers ofnortheast Bengal). TaxonomicRemarks Materialexamined: 11 ex. Maklangriver, mm Schistura multifasciatus (Day, 1878). 24-iv-1995 SL 39.5-61.3 Fish. India, p617 (Typelocality: Darjeelingand Distribution: india: Chatrickong river, Assam) BANGLADESH,NEPALandMYANMAR Material examined: 1 ex., Chatrickong Remarks: New record from Manipur. mm river, 2-ii-1997, SL 41.3 Lateral scales 30-34, branched dorsal fin rays 8 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(1), APR. 1999 67 FISHES OF UKHRUL DISTRICT, MANIPUR 8, head small and conical. ofGanges province) Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch, 1795). Material examined: 5 ex. Chatrickong Natugesog. auland. fische, 12: 50, pi 409. river, 6.vi.l996 SL 74.4-85.6 mm (Typelocality:“MalabarischenKueste”,Madras) Distribution: india: Chatrickong river, Material examined: 1 ex. Chatrickong PAKISTANandBANGLADESH. river, 6-vi-1996. SL 88.6 mm Remarks: New records from Manipur. Distribution: india: Chatrickong river, Dorsal spine with 24-25 and with many NEPALandMYANMAR. yellowish-white spots on the flank on the sides Remarks: New record from Manipur. ofthebody. Dorsal fin with 15 branched rays and lateral Tor putitora (Ham. 1822). Fishes of transverse scale row 5 between lateral line and Ganges. 303: 388. (Type locality: Eastern part pelvic finbase. ofBengal) Tetraodon cutcutia Hamilton, 1822). Material examined: 3 ex. Chatrickong ( Fishes of Ganges, 8, 362, pi. 18 fig. 3 (Type river. 2.ii.l997 SL mm locality: Ganges river) Distribution: india: Chatrickong river, Materialsexamined: 2ex. Maklangriver, AFGHANISTAN,PAKISTAN,NEPALand BANGLADESH. 24-iv-1995. SL 130.5-131 mm Remarks: New record from Chindwin Distribution: india: Maklang river, drainage. Thespeciescanbeeasilydistinguished BANGLADESH, SRI LANKA, MYANMAR and MALAY from Torputitora from its greater snout length. ARCHIPELAGO. Since it is one of the waterheads of Chindwin Remarks: New record from Manipur. drainage the species might also occur in Dorsalfin with 10-12 rays, anal finwith 10rays. Myanmar. Only two species found in Indian rivers. Mystus pulcher (Chaudhuri, 1911). Puntius puntio (Hamilton, 1822). Rec. Indian, Mus. 6:20. (Type locality: Bhamo, Fishes ofGanges, pi 318, (Type locality: Ponds Myanmar) and ditches ofsouthern Bengal) Materials examined: 6 exs. Chatrickong Material examined: 1 ex. Chatrickong river. 6-6-96. SL 65.3-69.8 mm river, 6-vi-1996. TL 22.5 mm Distribution: india: Chatrickongriverand Distribution: india: Chatrickong river, MYANMAR BANGLADESHandMYANMAR. Remarks: New record from India. The Remarks:NewrecordfromIndia.Asingle species can be easily differentiated from other wide band around the base ofcaudal fin. speciesbythepresence oftwo large black spots, Pseudocheneis sulcatus (McClelland, one on the dorsal fin base and the other on the 1842). J. nat. Hist. 2: 587. (Type locality: Khasi caudal fin base. The species was listedby Dutta Hills, Meghalaya) and Laisharam (1984) in their zoogeographic Materials examined: 1 ex. Chatrickong study on the fishes ofManipur; however, it was river, 12.V.1997. SL 125.3 mm. not present in their collection. Thus it is a new Distribution: india: Chatrickong, nepal records from India. and BANGLADESH. Exostoma stuarti (Hora, 1923). Rec. Remarks: New record from Chindwin Indian. Mus., 25 p. 39. (Type locality: Namyak , drainage.Thespeciesischaracterisedbybroadand river at Tanga in the northern frontier of oval thoracic apparatus and four large irregular Myanmar). reddish-brown blotches on side oflateral line. Materials examined: 1 ex. Chatrickong mm Macrognathuspanculas(Ham. 1822). river, 12.V.1997, SL 68 Fishes ofGanges. 30,364. (Type locality: Tanks Distribution: india: Chatrickong and 68 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 96(1) APR. 1999 FISHES OF UKHROL DISTRICT. MANIPUR myanmar: Namyakriver atTanga. AcKNOWLEDGEMENT Remarks:NewrecordfromIndia.Adiposed dorsal fin free from caudal fin; a distinct black We thank J.R.D. Alfred, Director, spot atthe base ofthe pectoral fin; leastheightof Zoological Survey ofIndia and T.K. Sen, Head caudalpeduncle 2.02 in its length. The species is of the Fish Section for permission and help known to occur only in Myanmar but this report during our investigation, and to DOEN, New now extends its distributionto India. Delhi, for financial assistance. Refer ncES Chaudhuri,B.L.(1912):Descriptionofsomenewspecies Jayaram, K.C. (1981): The freshwater fishes of India, offreshwaterfishesfromnorth India.Rec.Indian. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka. A — Mus. VIIpp437-444. handbook ZoologicalSurveyofIndia,No.2:xii Hora,S.L.(1921):FishandfisheriesofManipurwithsome +475. observationonthoseoftheNagahills.Rec. Indian Menon, M.A.S. (1952): On a collection of fish from Mus., 22(3): 165-214. ManipurandAssam.Rec.IndianMus., 50(2):265- Hora, S.L. & D.D. Mukherji (1935): Fish ofthe Naga 270. Hills.,Rec.IndianMus. 38:317-331. Menon, A.G.K. (1954): Furtherobservation on the fish Hora,S.L.(1936):Onafurthercollectionoffishesfrom faunaofManipurState.Rec. IndianMus., 52:21- NagaHills.Rec. IndianMus.. 36:571-573. 26. JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(1), APR. 1999 69

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