Community Participation and Infrastructure Development: A Case Study of Akure City, Nigeria. A Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Oluwatoyin Theresa Akin Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Newcastle University October, 2016 i ii Abstract Infrastructure development is the bedrock of any economy and it is an important factor for the improvement of wellbeing and quality of life. Many nations are struggling with meeting the increasing demands for infrastructure while local communities are devising different approaches to meeting supply. However, the focus of the Nigerian government is more towards the development of the urban and rural areas while the suburban areas are often neglected. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of community participation on infrastructure development in Akure, Nigeria. The study was carried out to understand how community participation contributed to adequacy of infrastructure development in the suburban areas of a medium size city, and was carried out in five suburban communities within Akure city, Nigeria. Using a range of qualitative methods, the study examined the role of government in the provision of road and water infrastructure in the selected suburban communities. It also examined the participation of the local residents and contribution of community self-help projects to adequacy of infrastructure development in these communities. The study established that a multi-organisation and sectorial approach was adopted for the planning for road and water infrastructure development in Akure city withe more emphasis placed on provision of infrastructure in the urban and rural areas. There are overlapping responsibilities as regulatory institutions are also the major providers of road and water infrastructure in Akure suburban area. The study further revealed the preference of top-down approach to infrastructure development as only few agencies make use of bottom-up approach while there is no collaboration between the state- based and local-based agencies and neither with the regulating agencies. Lastly the study showed that community self-help projects contributed to the adequacy of road and water infrastructure. Community participation contributed more to availability, accessibility and affordability of road and water infrastructure while the qualities remain poor and not improved. Water infrastructure was more on individual basis while road projects are through collective actions. iii Dedication This work is dedicated to God the Father of all creation And To the memory of my late father Richard John Omotayo Ogunmakin iv Acknowledgements I thank my Great and Loving Father, the Omnipotent God, My strength, my help and sustainer. The one who has given me the Grace, Courage and strength to complete this journey. Unto him be all the Glory, Honour and Adoration. I also would like to thank a number of persons who have in many ways, afforded me the needed support and backing in making this write up a reality. First and foremost, I will like to acknowledge with gratitude my sponsors, the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK without whom this dream would have Gone with the Wind. My supervisory team- Dr John M Kamara and Dr Martin Beattie, for their incessant supervision and encouragement throughout the time of this study. I value your input to this work. I also thank the Vice Chancellor and the management of my home university – Federal University of Technology Akure for granting me the opportunity to undertake this research. Also my warmest thanks and appreciation goes to my lover, husband, pastor and spiritual coach Ayodele-thanks for pushing me to apply for this scholarship ‘one more time’; for securing the school admission and for supporting and believing in me throughout this period. It is only God that can reward you. I Love you. It has indeed been a journey of Faith. My beloved children Ayooluwanitemi and Aanuoluwanitemi you have been my joy and inspiration. Thanks for bearing with mummy and not complaining about those long days away from home -I will definitely make up for it! I Love you loads! My dedicated mother Mrs Agnes Adebimpe Ogunmakin-there is no one else like mother to me…. I am forever grateful to you for giving your prayers and money to support my dream. The huge support and advice from my siblings has made this research bearable. Professor. and Dr. (Mrs) Usifoh your moral and financial support and not giving up on me has paid well. Thank you! Dr. and Mrs Cyril Ogunmakin; Dr and Dr (Mrs) Basil Ogunmakin; and Dr and Mrs Kubehinje Thanks for always been there for me and for making out time out of none to look after my affairs. Indeed, blood is thicker than water! My thanks also go to the following people, Dr. Busola, Dr. Michael, Pastor Felix, Dr and Dr (Mrs) Olayiwola, Mrs Memunat Saleh-Bala, Dr and Mrs Olajide, Mrs Ogee-Williams, you guys are God sent! My sister in law sister Lade, Members of RCCG Living Assembly, Pastor Omo and wife, Pastor Thomas and big mummy, Pastor Dina and mummy and all that I am not able to mention here, your labour of love will surely be rewarded. May God Bless you all. Above all, I thank God for everything! v vi List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ABCD Asset-Based Community Development AKSLG Akure South Local Government BPE Bureau of Public Enterprises BPMU Bureau of Project Monitoring Unit CBO Community Based Organisation CBUDA Community Based Urban Development Agency CDA Community Development Association CDD Community driven development CBUDP Ondo State Community Based Urban Development Projects CSDA Ondo State Community and Social Development Agency CSDP Community and Social Development Project DFID Department for International Development FCT Federal Capital Authority Abuja FERMA Federal Roads Maintenance Agency) FGN Federal Government of Nigeria FHWA Federal Highway Administration FMW Federal Ministry of Works FMWR Federal Ministry of Water Resources FUTA Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State GRA Government residential Area IDF Infrastructure Development Fund IPA International Planning Associates IUIDP Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development Programme JMP Joint Monitoring Programme LEEDS Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy NPDP - National Physical Development LGDO Local Government Development Officers LGRC Local Government Review Committees MCDC Ondo State Ministry of Community Development and Cooperative MDA Ministries, Departments and Agencies vii NEEDS National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy NGO Non-Governmental Organisations NIIMP National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan NPC National Population Commission ODSDEP Ondo State Development and Economic Plan ODSG Ondo State Government ODSEEDS Ondo State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy OSARMCO Ondo State Agency for Road Maintenance and Maintenance OSDPC Ondo State Property Development Corporation OSMLHS Ondo State Ministry of Land and Housing Services OSMPPUD Ondo State Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development OSMW Ondo State Ministry of Works OSWC Ondo State Water Corporation PRA Participatory Rural Appraisals PPA Participatory Poverty Assessments RBDA River Basin Development Authorities SEEDS State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy SWA State Water Agencies UNDP United Nations Development Program USAID United States Agency for International Development. UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund WHO. World Health Organization viii Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... iii Dedication .......................................................................................................................................... iv Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... v List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ..................................................................................... vii Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Living in Suburban Areas ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Research Setting ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Infrastructure Development and Community Participation.......................................... 5 1.4 Problem Statement .................................................................................................................. 7 1.5 Research Aims, Objectives and Questions ...................................................................... 9 1.6 Research Strategy ................................................................................................................. 11 1.7 Justification for the Research ............................................................................................ 12 1.8 Structure of the Thesis ......................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 2. Infrastructure Development ............................................................................... 15 2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 15 2.2 Definition and Classification of Infrastructure Development .................................... 15 2.2.1 Definition of Infrastructure Development .............................................................................. 15 2.2.2 Classification of Infrastructure Development ........................................................................ 16 2.3 Infrastructure and Economic Growth ............................................................................... 21 2.4 Infrastructure and Urbanisation ........................................................................................ 22 2.5 Adequacy of Infrastructure Developments ..................................................................... 24 2.5.1 Availability Factor ................................................................................................................. 25 2.5.2 Accessibility Factor ............................................................................................................... 26 2.5.3 Affordability Factor ............................................................................................................... 27 2.5.4 Quality Factor ....................................................................................................................... 29 2.5.5 How Much is Adequate? ...................................................................................................... 31 2.6 Approaches to Infrastructure Provision .......................................................................... 34 2.6.1 The Central System Approach ............................................................................................. 35 2.6.2 Decentralized System Approach .......................................................................................... 36 2.6.3 Private Sector Provision ....................................................................................................... 38 2.7 Factors Affecting the Outcomes of Government Approaches .................................. 40 2.7.1 Effective Institutional Framework ......................................................................................... 40 2.7.2 Finance ................................................................................................................................. 41 2.7.3 Poor Governance and Corruption ........................................................................................ 43 2.7.4 Bureaucratic Process and Attitude of Government Workers ............................................... 43 2.8 Infrastructure Development in Nigeria ............................................................................. 44 2.8.1 Strategies for Infrastructure Development and Dynamics of Sub-urban area ..................... 45 ix 2.9 Overview of Water and Road Infrastructures Development in Nigeria. ................... 50 2.9.1 Water Supply ........................................................................................................................ 50 2.9.2 Road Infrastructures ............................................................................................................. 55 2.10 Reflection ............................................................................................................................... 58 2.11 Chapter Summary ................................................................................................................ 60 Chapter 3. Community Participation ..................................................................................... 61 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 61 3.2 Community and Community Participation: Definitions and Debates ...................... 61 3.2.1 What is a Community? .......................................................................................................... 61 3.2.2 What is Participation? ........................................................................................................... 62 3.2.3 Community Participation ....................................................................................................... 63 3.3 Typologies of Community Participation .......................................................................... 67 3.4 Community Participation: A Model for the Progressive Improvement of Infrastructure ................................................................................................................................. 70 3.5 Approaches to Community Participation ........................................................................ 73 3.5.1 Radical Communitarians and Transformative Approaches .................................................. 76 3.5.2 Technical-Functionalist Communitarians and Managerialism Approaches .......................... 77 3.5.3 Progressive Communitarians and Empowerment Approaches ............................................ 77 3.5.4 Anti-communitarians and economic conservative approaches ............................................ 78 3.6 Implementing Community Participation: Collective Action and Community Driven Development Projects. ................................................................................................................ 79 3.7 Participatory Development Approach .............................................................................. 83 3.7.1 Participatory Development Approach and Infrastructure Development ............................... 85 3.7.2 Community Participatory Organisations ............................................................................... 88 3.7.3 Participation: Choice or Necessity? ...................................................................................... 90 3.8 Reflection: Implication for Research ................................................................................ 91 3.8.1 Research Gap ....................................................................................................................... 95 3.9 Chapter Summary .................................................................................................................. 95 Chapter 4. Research Methodology ......................................................................................... 97 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 97 4.2 Research Design ............................................................................................................... 97 4.2.1 Qualitative Approach ............................................................................................................ 97 4.2.2 Selection of the Case Study ................................................................................................. 99 4.3 Data Collection Methods............................................................................................... 102 4.3.1 Data Collection Instruments ................................................................................................ 107 4.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation ..................................................................................... 113 4.5 Ethical Considerations ....................................................................................................... 114 4.6 Limitations of the Field Study ........................................................................................... 115 x