N, N9-Olefin Functionalized Bis-Imidazolium Gold(I) Salt Is an Efficient Candidate to Control Keratitis-Associated Eye Infection Tapastaru Samanta1, Gourisankar Roymahapatra1¤, William F. Porto3, Saikat Seth4, Sudipta Ghorai4, Suman Saha5, Jayangshu Sengupta5, Octa´vio L. Franco3, Joydev Dinda1, Santi M. Mandal2* 1SchoolofAppliedSciences,HaldiaInstituteofTechnology,Haldia,WestBengal,India,2CentralResearchFacility,IndianInstituteofTechnologyKharagpur,Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, 3Centro de Ana´lises Proteoˆmicas e Bioqu´ımicas, Po´s-Graduac¸a˜o em Cieˆncias Genoˆmicas e Biotecnologia UCB, Bras´ılia-DF, Brazil, 4Mugberia GangadharCollege,EgraSaradaSashibhusanMahavidyalaya,WestBengal,India,5PriyamvadaBirlaAravindEyeHospital,Kolkata,WestBengal,India Abstract Keratitistreatmenthasbecomemorecomplicatedduetotheemergenceofbacterialorfungalpathogenswithenhanced antibiotic resistance. The pharmaceutical applications of N-heterocyclic carbene complexes have received remarkable attention due to their antimicrobial properties. In this paper, the new precursor, 3,39-(p-phenylenedimethylene) bis{1-(2- methyl-allyl)imidazolium}bromide(1a)anditsanalogousPF salt(1b)weresynthesized.Furthermore,silver(I)andgold(I)- 6 N-heterocycliccarbene(NHC)complexes[Ag LBr /Au LBr ;2a/3a],[(Ag L )(PF ) /(Au L )(PF ) ;2b/3b]weredevelopedfrom 2 2 2 2 2 2 62 2 2 62 their corresponding ligands. All compounds were screened for their antimicrobial activities against multiple keratitis- associated human eye pathogens, including bacteria and fungi. Complexes 2a and 3a showed highest activity, and the effectivenessof3awasalsostudied,focusingeradicationofpathogenbiofilm.Furthermore,thestructuresof1a,2aand3b weredeterminedusingsinglecrystalX-rayanalysis,2band3awereoptimizedtheoretically.Themechanismofactionof3a wasevaluatedbyscanningelectronmicroscopyanddockingexperiments,suggestingthatitstargetisthecellmembrane. In summary, 3a may be helpful in developing antimicrobial therapies in patients suffering from keratitis-associated eye infectionscaused bymultidrug-resistant pathogens. Citation:SamantaT,RoymahapatraG,PortoWF,SethS,GhoraiS,etal.(2013)N,N9-OlefinFunctionalizedBis-ImidazoliumGold(I)SaltIsanEfficientCandidateto ControlKeratitis-AssociatedEyeInfection.PLoSONE8(3):e58346.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346 Editor:MichaelHamblin,MGH,MMS,UnitedStatesofAmerica ReceivedAugust26,2012;AcceptedFebruary3,2013;PublishedMarch15,2013 Copyright:(cid:2)2013Samantaetal.Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermits unrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:Theauthorshavenosupportorfundingtoreport. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] ¤Currentaddress:GlobalInstituteofScienceandTechnology,Haldia,WestBengal,India Introduction action [5]. Among them, gold (I) and silver (I)-NHCs seem to be remarkable candidates for antibiotic development, due to their Keratitisisacommoncornealinfectionintropicalareasofthe higheractivityandrelativelylowtoxicitytomammaliancellswhen world.Thiskindofinfectionisquitedangerous,andinmanycases comparedtoothermetals,suchasRu(II),Ru(I),Cu(I)andPd(II)- can lead to permanent blindness, specially if not diagnosed NHC complexes. Hindi et al. [6] summarized the antimicrobial promptly and treated effectively. Keratitis can develope from activitiesofseveralNHCsshowingclearbenefits,butdemonstrat- fungal(Candida,Aspergillus,Fusariumetc.)andbacterial(Staphylococcus ed the need for higher amounts in order to obtain effective aureus,Pseudomonasaeruginosaetc.)infections,especiallythosecaused pathogen control. However, NHCs are in a versatile ligand class bytheuseofcontactlensesorbyeyeinjuries[1,2].Theemergence whichhastheadvantageofeasymanipulation.Furthermore,they of bacterial and fungal pathogens with enhanced antibiotic also have the ability to bind simply to metals and can be readily resistance has arisen due to a number of reasons, such as functionalized [7]. Ag(I) and Au(I)2NHC complexes have also mutations,genetransfer,biofilmformationandinappropriateuse been found in many medicinal applications including antimicro- of traditional antibiotics [3,4]. The association of antibiotic- bials[8].Goldinvivobiochemistrystillremainsenigmatic,mainly resistant pathogens with keratitis infection is a matter of great due to a scarcity of adequate models and an incomplete concern, since many infections have had no effective treatment understanding of gold reactivity. Imidazolium salts react with yet. silveroxideandproduceanNHCsilvercomplex,whichservesas Since antibiotic resistance seems to be inevitable, strenuous a useful trans-metallating reagent [9] which has been widely effortshavebeenmadetodevelopnewantimicrobialagents.The studied.Finally,aninterestingaspectofsilver(I)-NHCcomplexes pharmaceuticalapplicationofN-heterocycliccarbene(NHC)and is the aggregation of silver (I) centers by argentophilic attraction their metal complexes have gained enormous attention due to withAg–Agseparations[10]shorterthanthesumoftheirvander their antimicrobial properties. Recently, pyrazine functionalized- Waals radii. NHC complexes with clear deleterious effects against multidrug- Researchinthisareaismadeeasierandmoreinterestingbythe resistant pathogens were seen to show an unusual mechanism of fact that steric and electronic properties as well the reactivity of PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 1 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection metal–NHC complexes can be studied by varying the N- was added to it in N medium and stirred for 1h, and 2 substituents of imidazole [11]. Many NHC complexes have been precipitation of AgCl was observed. It was then filtered and the reportedtoincludeNHCswithsimpleN-alkylorarylsubstituents. filtrate was collected; after removal of the solvent, the colorless Various functional groups [5] such as pyridyl, phosphinyl, solidgoldcomplexproduced3,39-(p-phenylenedimethylene)bis{1- pyrazolyl and thiazole have also attracted considerable attention (2-methyl-allyl)imidazoline}gold(I) bromide(3a)salt. due to their use in constructing N-functionalized NHCs. In this 3,39-(p-phenylenedimethylene) bis{1-(2- methyl-allyl)imidazoli- paper, welookatthisreaction,andreportthesynthesisofa new ne}silver hexafluorophosphate (2b) was synthesized by the typeofsilver-NHCcomplex.Thehemi-labilenatureoftheallylic reaction of complex (1b) (64 mg, 0.1mmol) with excess Ag O 2 [12]systemchangesthemetal-organiccoordinationmodeduring (27 mg)inacetonitrile(CH CN).Themixturewasstirredatroom 3 theformation ofthecomplex, whichencouraged us todesign Ag temperature for 8 h with exclusion of light and then filtered to and Au-complexes oftheallylic ligand. remove a small amount of unreacted Ag O. The filtrate was 2 Data reported here show the antimicrobial activity of N, N9- collectedandsolventwas removedtoproduce a whitesolidmass olefin functionalized bis-imidazolium gold (I) and silver (I) salts of complex (2b). 90mg (0.15 mmole) of solid silver hexafluor- against several resistant human fungal and bacterial pathogens, ophosphatecomplex(2b)wasputintoaround-bottomedflaskand whichcancausetheseriouseyeinfectionkeratitis.Theirsynthesis, dissolved in 10mL of acetonitrile solvent. Au(SMe2)Cl (45 mg, crystal structures, characterization, and mode of action were 0.15 mmol)wasaddedto(2b)inN mediumandstirredfor1 h. 2 analyzed andex vivobioassayswere carried out. Precipitation of AgCl was observed, which was then filtered. Filtrate was collected and, after removal of solvent, producedthe Materials and Methods colorless solid 3,39-(p-phenylenedimethylene) bis{1-(2- methyl- allyl)imidazoline}gold(I) hexafluorophosphate complex (3b). The Reagents and Chemicals chemicalshift(1HNMRand13CNMR)andmass(m/z)dataofall Allthereagents-imidazole,a,a´ -dibromop-xylene,3-chloro-2- synthesizedcompounds weredescribed inthesupplementary file. methyl propene, Ag O and NH PF - were purchased from 2 4 6 Sigma-Aldrich, UK, and were used without further purification. X-Ray Structure Determinations Allmanipulationswerecarriedoutinanopenatmosphereunless Crystalsof1a,2aand3bwerecoatedinparaffinoil,mounted otherwise stated. Au(SMe )Cl was prepared according to the 2 on a kryo loop, and placed on a goniometer at a temperature of reported procedure [5]. Solvents EtOH, MeOH and CHCl of 3 296Kinanopenatmosphere.X-raydatasetswerecollectedusing analytical-grade type were distilled and dried over appropriate aBrukerApexCCDdiffractometerwithgraphitemonochromated drying agents and dinitrogen prior to use. All the selected MoK\aradiation(l=0.71073 A˚ ).Theunitcelldetermination antibiotics and antifungals tested in this study were purchased wasachievedbyusingreflectionsfromthreedifferentorientations. from HIMEDIA, India. 1HNMR spectra were recorded on a An empirical absorption and crystal refinement corrections were BrukerARX400in(CD ) SO asthesolventand13CNMRdata 32 2 performed by using multiscan SADABS. Structure solution, wererecordedon75MHzinstrumentrespectivelyandreferenced toresidualprotonsand13Csignalsofdeuteriumsolvents.MALDI refinement and modeling were accomplished by using the SHELXL-97 package [13]. The structure was obtained by full MSspectrawererecordedonaAppliedBiosystem,Voyagertime- matrix least square refinement of F2 and selection of appropriate of-flight massspectrometer (Text S4). atoms from the generated difference map. Additional data collection and refinement parameters are summarized in Table Synthesis of Compounds S1and S2. A solution of (680mg, 10mmol) imidazole and (400mg, 10mmol) NaOH was prepared in THF, 3-Chloro-2-methyl Structure Optimization propene (905mg, 10mmol) was added to the solution and the In order to understand the structure of synthesized complexes mixturewasrefluxedfor15hat65uC.Thereactionmixturewas 2band3a,thestructuresweredrawnaccordingtotheNMRand cooled at room temperature and the solvent was removed. After mass data found, and also further generated the structures of removal of the solvent, a brown, oily liquid was isolated and complexes2aand3b.GeometriesattheB3LYP/LANL2DZlevel characterized as 1-(2-methyl allyl) imidazole. Then 1-(2-methyl- allyl)imidazole (244 mg, 2 mmol) and a,a´ - dibromo p-xylene of theory using the Gaussian G-03-E01 [14] program were optimized. The number of imaginary frequencies of all the (264 mg, 1 mmol) was added to the reaction mixture (neat molecules turns out to be zero, implying that they correspond to reaction), heated for 6 h producing a colorless solid. The solid masswaswashedwithPet-etherandrecrystallizedinMeOH.3,39- minimum energystructures on thepotential energysurface. (p-phenylenedimethylene) bis{1-(2- methyl-allyl)imidazolium} hexafluorophosphate salt (1b) was synthesized using the aqueous Microbial Strains and Growth Conditions solution of ammonium hexafluorphosphate (NH PF ) in complex The Aspergillus fumigatus JM3 (filamentous fungus), Candida 4 6 (1a) and produces the colorless, water-insoluble hexafluorpho- albicans SJ11 (unicellular fungus) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram- sphate salt(1b). negativebacteria),andStaphylococcusaureus(Gram-positivebacteria) Furthermore, 3,39-(p-phenylenedimethylene) bis{1-(2- methyl- used in this study were obtained from Priyamvada Birla Aravind allyl)imidazoline}silver bromide (2a) salt was synthesized after a EyeHospitalinKolkata,India.Thephenotypiccharacteristicsof reaction of complex 1a (102 mg, 0.2mmol) and Ag O (47mg, clinically isolated fungal strains and antibiotic sensitivity profiling 2 0.2 mmol) in dichloromethane, and the mixture was stirred at of bacterial strains were described in the supplementary section. roomtemperaturefor12hwithexclusionoflight,thenfilteredto Allthestrainswereisolatedfrompatientsassociatedwithkeratitis, remove a small amount of unreacted Ag O. The filtrate was and fungal strains were previously characterized [2,15]. Fungal 2 collected and solvent was removed producing a white solid mass species were collected from a mature solid medium culture plate (2a). Furthermore, 144mg (0.2mmole) of solid silver bromide (Sabouraud dextrose agar) and mixed with liquid RPMI 1640 complex(2a)wastakeninaround-bottomedflaskanddissolvedin (Himedia,India),andwereincubatedfor24hat30uCtogetthe 20mL dichloromethane solvent. Au(SMe )Cl (59 mg, 0.2mmol) relevant turbidity of 0.56104CFU/mL. Bacterial cultures were 2 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 2 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection maintainedinMueller-HintonBroth(MHB)andatotalinoculum ofthecontactlenses,complexeswereaddedtothebiofilminserial loadof ca.105cells per well-maintained. double-diluted concentrations (0.97mM to 1 mM), and the final volume of 2 mL with RPMI medium, which was then incubated Antimicrobial Assays further for 24h at 30uC. A series of complex-free wells and Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of all the biofilm-free wells was also included to serve as positive and synthesized compounds and antifungal/antibacterial antibiotics negative controls, respectively. After incubation, the remaining were determined according to CLSI guidelines [16]. The biofilm metabolic activity was quantified by the XTT-reduction concentration of each compound used for the assay ranged from assay as described earlier [13]. For imaging, the lenses were 0.97 mMto1mM.MICvaluesweredeterminedwherenovisible flipped, and stained biofilms were visualized by fluorescence growthwasobserved.Thecharacteristicfeaturesofclinicalisolates microscopy to compare their gross morphologies. Live-dead withtheirantimicrobialsensitivityweredescribedinTextS3.The analysiswasperformedwithBacLightLive/Deaddye(Invitrogen culture conditions and bacterial growth were monitored as Inc. USA). The images were captured from the stained biofilms described earlier by Roymahapatra et al. [5]. Likewise, fungal under fluorescence microscope (OLYMPUS IX 51, fitted with growth and culture conditions were monitored as described Evolution VF CCDCamera). earlier, following Sengupta etal. [2]. Two wells, where no Biofilm formation by bacterial clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa compounds were added, were used as positive controls, and and S. aureus on contact lenses were determined by using a compounds with the absence of microorganisms were used as polystyrenecrystalvioletadherenceassay,asdescribedpreviously negative controls in order to maintain the experimental sterility, by Croes etal. [18]. In brief, soft contact lenses were separately and allindependent experiments were repeated four times. submerged in6wells offlat-bottomed polystyrene plates contain- To examine the bacterial growth or killing kinetics in the ing 2 mL of Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB) with 0.5% glucose, presenceofcompound3a,bacterialcellsweregrownin100mLof inoculated with the respective bacterial strain with an inoculum Mueller-Hinton Broth (MHB) supplemented with different doses dose of 108CFU/mL and incubated for 48h at 37uC. The ofcomplex(0.25to4.0mM),at37uCwithcontinuousagitationat biofilmthathadgrownovercontactlenseswasusedforminimum 180rpm. Growth or killing rates and bacterial concentrations biofilm eradication concentrations (MBEC) assay following were determined by measuring OD at 600nm. The OD values Roymahapatra et al. [5] and complex concentrations were used were converted into concentration of cells measured in CFU per inthesamewayasinthepreviousfungalassay.Thecrystalviolet milliliter (1.0 OD corresponded to 2.166108CFU/mL). In vitro retainedwithinthebiofilmwasextractedbyadding100mlof70% growth kinetics of fungal strains were determined following the (vol/vol) ethanol with 10% isopropyl alcohol (vol/vol) and protocol described by Mitchell etal. [17]. In brief, fungal strains measured at 590nm (A590). All independent assays were (103 CFU) were inoculated into 2 mL Sabouraud dextrose broth performed four times. Subsequently, the biofilm formations in supplementedwithdifferentdosesofcomplex3a(0.25to4.0 mM), different concentrations were visualized under fluorescence andincubatedat30uCwithcontinuousrockingat180rpm.Two microscope (OLYMPUS IX 51, fitted with Evolution VF CCD millilitersofmock-inoculatedSabourauddextrosebrothservedas Camera) by staining with BacLight Live/Dead dye (Invitrogen a negative control. The invitro growth rates were measured at Inc. USA). OD andusingtheconversionfactorof36107CFU/mLper1 600 U OD [17]. All independent experiments were repeated four Cytoplasmic Material Release Study 600 times. Cytoplasmicmaterialreleasestudywascarriedoutaccordingto Sahuetal.[19],withminormodifications.Tosummarize,1 mLof Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) overnight bacterial (P. aeruginosa and S. aureus) and fungal (C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans cells were harvested albicans) culture (relevant turbidity of 0.5 6104CFU/mL) were from the log phase of their respective growth medium. The cells centrifugedandthepelletwaswashedwithPBS(1X)buffer.Next, were then washed three times with 1X PBS buffer and thepelletwassuspendedin1 mLofPBS(1X)bufferanddivided resuspended in the same saline buffer. The cells were treated into five aliquots of 200mL each. Different aliquots of cell withgold(I)complex(3a)withtheirindividualMICconcentration suspensions were treated with different concentration of complex for30min.Cellswererepeatedlywashedwithsalinewaterand5– 3a(0.5to4 mM)andincubatedat30uCfor2 h.Thesampleswere 10ml of resuspended solution containing bacteria/fungus was filtered to remove bacteria, and OD values of supernatants were placedonthelysine-coatedglasscoverslipasadrop-castemethod. recorded at 260nm. The percentage of cytoplasmic material The fixed cells were dried and kept on desiccators until use. release was measured considering the OD values obtained with Sampleswerethenfixedontoagraphitestubandkeptinanauto TrintonX-100 (0.1%) treatment with 100% release. The experi- sputter coater (E5200, Bio-Rad) under low vacuum for gold ment was repeatedthree times. coating up to 120 seconds. Surface morphology was studied by using a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM5800) with an Molecular Docking accelerated voltage between5–20kV. Two membrane models were built through the CHARMM- GUI server [20] for simulating fungal and bacterial membranes, Eradication of Biofilm on Contact Lenses both with 50A˚2. For fungal membrane, a proportion of TheformationofAspergillusfumigatusandCandidaalbicansbiofilm 1:1:1:1:1:1 of POPA (palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylamine), POPS oncontactlenseswascarriedoutaccordingtoSenguptaetal.[2]. (palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylserine), POPE (palmitoyloleoylpho- Soft contact lenses were separately submerged in 6 wells of flat- sphatidylethanolamine), DOPC (dioleoylphosphatidylcholine), bottomed polystyrene plates containing 2 mL of RPMI 1640 DPPC (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine) and cholesterol was used medium, inoculated with the respective fungal strain with an according to Jo et al. [20]. For the bacterial membrane, a 3:1 inoculum dose of 3.56106 CFU/mL and incubated for 72h at proportionofofPOPEandPOPG(phosphatidylglycerol)wasused 30uC.After72h,thelenseswereremovedandtheplanktoniccells according toMurzynetal.[21]. were washed gently and repeatedly with 1X PBS buffer. To Molecular docking studies were performed by AutoDock Vina determinetheeffectofgold(I)complex(3a)onbiofilmeradication and AutoDock Tools as previously described [5,22–24]. Grid PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 3 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection boxes were set to the center of the membrane models and then spectra support the formulation of proligands 1a and 1b. dislocatedtocoveronelayerofmembranemodels,whileforother Complex 2a was prepared (Yield of 2a: 115mg, 0.15 mmol, receptors the grid boxes were kept in the center of the receptor. 81%) by the complexation of proligand- 1a and Ag O in 2 Thegridboxsizesformembranemodelsweresetto20,20and30 dichloromethane with exclusion of light (Fig. 1) as reported in for X, Y and Z axes, respectively. The 3a structure was set as a thegeneralprocedure[5].Complex3awaspreparedbythesilver flexible ligand by using the default parameters of the AutoDock carbene transmetallation [5] method (Yield of 3a: 135mg, 0.17 Tools. Final models were analyzed on PyMol (The PyMOL mmole, 83%). Afterward, complex 2a and Au(SMe )Cl were 2 Molecular Graphics System,Version1.4.1, Schro¨dinger, LLC). combined in DCM under nitrogen atmosphere at room temper- ature. Complex 2b was prepared by mixing proligand 1b with MTT Assay Ag O in acetonitrile under stirring (4 h) at room temperature 2 Non-carcinomamouseembryofibroblastcell(3T3)andhuman (Yieldof2b:52mg,0.085mmol,86%).3bwasalsopreparedby breast carcinoma cell (MDA-MB-231) lines were used in this a transmetallation method using 2b and Au(SMe2)Cl in acetoni- study. The cells were cultured as monolayers in Dulbecco’s trile (Yield of 3b: 94mg, 0.14mmol, 92%). Formation of the Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% (v/v) complexes 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b was confirmed by the absence of heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and antibiotics. After over- imidazolium protons (C2H) and a downfield shift of aromatic nightincubation,themediumwasaspiratedoff,washedwithPBS protons. In the case of 2a, the carbenic signal appeared at (1X) buffer and 200mL of complex 2a, and 3a (0–100mM 178.2 ppm in the 13CNMR spectra, and a downfield shift of concentration) medium were added separately in triplicates. The 38.9 ppm in comparison to free imidazolium salt was observed MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bro- after complexation. A significant 37–39ppm shift of carbenic mide] assay was performed following the method described by carbon in the 13CNMR spectrum confirmed the formation of Mandal etal.[25]. complexes2b,3aand3b.Thiswasfurthersupportedbythemass spectrometric data. The single crystal X-ray structures of 1a, 2a Compatibility Test and 3b were determined (see supplementary file). 1HNMR, 13CNMR and MALDI mass spectra of all synthesized complexes Ophthalmologists generally have a large repertoire of antibac- were supplied in the supplementary file and their corresponding terial and antifungal antibiotics in the form of eye drops, structures were determined (Fig.S1 toS5,TextS1andS2). ointments, tablets and parenteral applications to control eye infections. Complex 3a was used in an eye drop and tested for 48h, six times a day on goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) eyes, and the Antimicrobial Activity concentration was 5-fold of that used in invitro experiments. The The antibacterial and antifungal activities of all synthesized goateyeswerecollectedfromabutcher’sshopatthelocalmarket. compoundsweretestedagainstbothGram-positiveand-negative In general, enucleation of the entire globe of the eyes was done bacteriaaswellasagainstunicellularandfilamentousfungus.The after death. The cornea was excised from globe under an aseptic antibacterial activities of complexes 2a and 3a were higher than conditioninabiosafetycabinet.Next,theexcisedcorneawaskept 2b and 3b (Tables 1 and 2). Complex 3a was more active in a McCarey-Kaufman medium for preservation without any against P. aeruginosa and A. fumigatus than complex 2a and other antibiotics. Experiments were repeated with three eyes. Each eye tested antibiotics. The eradication of pathogen-formed biofilm is waskeptat4uCinapetridishanddropswereappliedat4hour an important criterion for the successful development of new intervals. After 48 hours of treatment, the blubber conjunctiva, generationantimicrobials.Allthepathogenicstrainswereusedto retina and lens were evaluated for any damage, cracking or develop their biofilm over contact lenses and the biofilm dilution byvisual observation. eradication ability of complex 2a and 3a was checked. The minimum biofilm eradication concentrations of all the tested Statistical Analysis antibiotics,complex2aand3aweredetermined(Table2).The The results are presented as the mean 6 SD. The statistical N,N9-olefinfunctionalizedbis-imidazoliumgold(I),3asaltsare3 to10foldmoreactivethanthesilver(I)complexandcommercial significance of the experimental results was determined by one- antibiotics.Thefluorescencemicrographofcontrolbiofilmtreated way Student’s t-test or one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s test. Values of p,0.05 were considered statistically significant. with complex 3a revealed the effectiveness of biofilm eradication ability after 24h of treatment (Fig. 2). The killing activity of Prism version5.0was usedfor allstatistical analyses. complex3aforP.aeruginosawasdifferentfromS.aureus(Fig.S6). The killing activity was concentration-dependent and no cell Results growth was seen even after 0.5 and 2.5mM concentration of Synthesis of the Complexes complex 3a for P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, respectively. Similarly, Theligand1awassynthesizedbytheadditionofimidazoleand nocellgrowthwasobservedafter2.5and0.5 mMconcentrationof NaOHindryTHFunderstirringconditionsatroomtemperature complex3aforC.albicansandA.fumigatus,respectively(Fig.S7). and a subsequent addition of 3-chloro-2-methylpropene. The mixturewasrefluxedat65uCfor15handallowedtocoolatroom Insights into Mechanism of Action temperature, and the solvent was removed. A brown oily liquid The interactions between microbial cell membrane and form of 1-(2-methyl allyl)imidazole was obtained. Then 1-(2- complex 3a were observed by using a scanning electron methyl-allyl)imidazole and a,a´ – dibromo- p-xylene were mixed microscope (SEM). SEM pictures clearly indicated a morpholog- and the reaction mixture was heated for 6 hours to obtain a icalchangeafter1 hoftreatmentwithcomplex3a(Fig.3).The colorlesssolid1a(Yield:490mg,0.96mmol,96%).Quantitative morphologicalchangeindicatesthatthetargetshouldbefoundon conversion of PF salt (1b) of the proligand was achieved by the the microorganism surface such as lipid bilayer or cell walls. In 6 additionofaqueoussolutionofammoniumhexafluorphosphatein order to determine the morphological changes observed in SEM solution1a.ThepresenceofNCHNprotonin1HNMRspectra imageswereduetothemembranedamageornot,theleakageof confirmed the formation of ligands 1a (d=9.47 ppm) and 1b cytoplasmicmaterialswasmonitoredat260nmwavelength.The (d=9.25ppm). Elemental analysis, 13CNMR and MALDI mass leakage of cytoplasmic materials is considered a characteristic PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 4 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection Figure1.Schematicdiagramofthesynthesisprocedureofligands1aand1b,andtheirderivedcompounds2a,3aand2b,3b. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.g001 indicationofdamagetothecytoplasmicmembrane[19].Different observed after increasing the complex concentration, and maxi- concentrations of complex 3a were incubated with bacterial and mumleakagewasfoundinP.aeruginosaincomparisontoS.aureus fungal cellsuspensions for2 h.Cytoplasmic material leakage was andC.albicans(Fig.4),whichindicatesthatthemaintargetmight belipid bilayer. Therefore, docking experiments were performed in order to Table1. Minumuminhibitory concentrationofthe verify the binding affinities of 3a compound to microbial cell synthesized compounds, antibacterialand antifungal membranes (Fig. 5). Docking data shows the complexes formed antibiotics against keratitis-associated eyepathogens. between 3a compounds with bacterium- and fungus-like mem- branes. The 3a molecule is clearly more buried into bacterium- like membrane in comparison to fungus-like lipid bilayer. Compounds C.albicans A.fumigatus P.aeruginosa S.aureus Moreover, docking results suggested that 3a affinity to bacteri- um-likemembranesisstrongerthanfungus-likemembranessince 2a 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 the affinities were 27.4kcal.mol21 and 26.1kcal.mol21 respec- 2b 125 125 125 125 tively.Furthermorenonepolarinteractionswereobservedinboth 3a 1.95 0.97 0.97 1.95 cases,beingcomplexationmainlydrivenbyvanderWallsforces. 3b 125 125 125 125 Voriconazole 15.62 0.97 Nt nt Compatibility Test Bothcomplexes2aand3ainhibitedcellproliferationofMDA- AmphotericinB 1.95 0.97 Nt nt MB-231 and 3T3 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Cell Fluconazole 31.25 500 Nt nt inhibition was prominent mainly at concentrations after 25 mM Ceftazidime nt nt 31.25 31.25 for both the complexes, as confirmed by MTT assay (Fig. S8). Vancomycin nt nt 7.81 15.62 The IC values of complex 3a against MDA-MB-231 and 3T3 50 Piperacillin nt nt 31.25 62.5 cancer cells were 29.2162.38 mM and 23.4462.01mM, and the values of 2a against MDA-MB-231 and 3T3 cells were DataarerepresentingasmMconcentration.ntmeans‘‘nottested’’. 32.9462.72mM and 26.2161.88mM, respectively. In addition, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.t001 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 5 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 6 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection Figure2.Imagesofbiofilmeradicationfromsoftcontactlensesbycomplex3a.Imageswerecapturedafter24htreatmentwith0.1% DMSO (left panel) and with complex 3a (as MBEC values listed in Table 2) over 72h-grown biofilm (right panel). Bacterial pathogens were P. aeruginosa(a&b);S.aureus(c&d)andfungalpathogenswereA.fumigetus(e&f);C.albicans(g&h).Complex3asignificantlyreducedlivecells (greenfluorescence)andmostofthecellsweredead(redfluorescence)againstalltestedpathogensoncontactlenses.Imageswerecapturedata magnificationof400X. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.g002 complex 3a was used as an eye drop at five times the through theoretical optimization. 2band 3blooked like a ‘chair’ concentration observed in the invitro experiment and applied withtwoligandsbondingbymetalcenterfromtheoppositeside. ontothenormaleyethathadbeenexcisedfromagoat.After48h Thesynthesizedcomplexes2a,2b,3aand3b wereevaluated of treatment with complex 3a, which was applied 6 times daily, for their antimicrobial properties against human pathogens thecomplexwasrevealedtohavelowtoxicitytotheeye(Fig.6). causing keratitis infection. Among them, complexes 2a and 3a Thepigmentandlenswereneitherdilutednorfracturedafter48h showed the strongest antimicrobial activities against resistant oftreatmentwithcomplex3a,whichsuggestsitslowtoxicityand pathogenic strains. The bacterial strains were resistant to the future application inkeratitis control. commonly used antibiotics ceftazidime, vancomycin, and piper- acillin. The fungal strains were also resistant to amphotericin B, Discussion fluconazole, andvoriconazole. Several resistant mechanismssuch asenzymaticinactivation,chemicalmodification,alterationofthe N,N9- olefin functionalized allylic ligands, 3,39-(p-phenylenedi- antibiotictargetsiteandeffluxpumpsarewellreported[27].The methylene) bis{1-(2- methyl-allyl)imidazolium}bromide(1a) and mostpromisingfeatureofthisresearchwasthatallresistantstrains 3,39-(p-phenylenedimethylene)bis{1-(2-methyl-allyl)imidazolium} evaluated here were highly susceptible to complexes 2a and 3a. hexafluorophosphate(1b) were used to synthesize four bis- Thisleadsustosuggestthatcomplexes2aand3afollowdifferent imidazolium silver (I) and gold (I) salts as well as 2a, 2b and mechanismsin ordertoinhibit microorganismgrowth. 3a, 3b. Syntheses of these compounds were confirmed by using Inhibitionofbiofilmformationoreradicationofgrownbiofilm NMR (1H and 13C) and MS analysis. Single-crystal X-ray isthemostimportantfeatureofthesecomplexes.Complex3awas diffraction data were collected for compounds 1a, 2a and 3b. abletoeradicatethebiofilmformedbybacterialandfungalstrains The molecules (2a, 2b and 3a, 3b) possessed N-Ccarbene bond bothsignificantlyandsuccessfully.Biofilmisacomplexmatrixof distances N-Ccarbene-N angles in immidazole moity were compa- exopolymericsubstancesoftheorganismsthatpreventdrugsfrom rable with other imidazolium systems. The carbene-Ag-carbene direct penetration. Hence, it is also believed that the ability of bond angle in 2a was 170.83(15)u and C-Ag-Br bond angle was complex 3a to penetrate the biofilm matrix at very low doses about170.6–171.6ui.e.linear,whereasAg-Ag-Brbondanglewas might be related to the presence of a dinuclear [Au2(1a-H)2]2+ nearly90u,whichindicatestheAg-Agbondwasperpendicularto olifinic motif. Indeed, gold complexes showed good and selective C-Ag-Br in a ‘T’ shape. It revealed that the complex was of the activityagainstbothGram-positiveand-negativebacteria,aswell bis-carbenetypewithitsolifinicsystemconfirmedbyitsdinuclear toward fungi. It is apparent that the functionalization of the crystallinity [Ag2(1a-H)2]2+ motif. The same structural geometry nitrogenatomsoftheNHCligandsandthecomplexationwithAu wasfoundintheoptimizedstructureofcomplex3a.For2a,Ag- (I) at the C2 site might be the cause of higher antimicrobial Ag shortest bond distance was found to be 3.084(3)Au (Ag4-Ag1) activity. The difference in activities depends on several factors [Fig. S2] and that of Au-Au for 3a was 3.08415Au(Au110– since these complexes are known to interact freely with cellular Au112) [Fig. S3]. These metal-metal bond distances are shorter components when they are in a flexible co-planar [28] configu- thanthereportedolefinsystemsandevenshorterthanthesumof rationandhaverotationalfreedom[29].Therelativeenergyasa their van der Waals radii [26]. The single crystal structure of function of the torsional angle [5] is also a relative descriptor for complex 3b was determined by XRD study and that of 2b the co-planarity and free rotation which endorse easy binding of themetalcenterofthecomplexwiththeactivesite.Inthepresent study,amongthefourcomplexes,themetalcentersof2aand3a Table2. Minimumbiofilmeradication concentrationofthe are bonded with a single ligand (other side attached to Br atom), synthesized compounds, antibacterialand antifungal having scope for free rotation. This free rotation promotes a co- antibiotics against keratitis-associated eyepathogens. planar configuration within the reaction medium for the easy formation of complexes with cellular components. On the other hand, ligand dissociation is prohibited in the case of cationic Compounds C.albicans A.fumigatus P.aeruginosa S.aureus tetrahedral Au (1) phosphine complexes as they gain stability 2a 15.62 7.81 7.81 7.81 through chelating. This is due to the high stability of the metal- phosphorus bond [30], metal-F bond and probably formation of 2b 250 125 125 125 H-bondwith‘F’ofPF62,asisthecasefor2band3b.Sincemetal 3a 3.90 1.95 1.95 3.90 centersareconnectedwithtwoligands,freerotationisprohibited 3b 125 125 125 125 andtheyaremorestabilizedthroughchelatingwithPF 2,sotheir 6 Voriconazole 125 125 nt nt reactivity is lower than 2a and 3a. Our results are also in AmphotericinB 31.25 15.62 nt nt agreement with an earlier report by O¨zdemir etal. [31] that Fluconazole 500 500 nt nt imidazolium salt bearing Cl and Br salts is very active; but the same derivative completely lost its activity when the anion was Ceftazidime nt nt 62.5 62.5 changed toPF or BF . Vancomycin nt nt 31.25 31.25 6 4 Theprobablemechanismofactionconsistsinthebacterialand Piperacillin nt nt 250 250 fungalmembranesdestabilization,reducingthestructuralintegrity and leading to clear microorganism shape modification. The DataarerepresentingasmMconcentration.ntmeans‘‘nottested’’. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.t002 membrane’s destabilizing effect is probably given by insertions of PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 7 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection Figure 3. SEM micrographs of bacteria and fungi treated with compound 3a. Cells were treated with compound 3a (2mg.mL21) and controlgroupwastreatedwith0.1%DMSO.ControlP.aeruginosacells(a)andtreatedwith3a(b);ControlC.albicanscells(c)andtreatedwith3a(d). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.g003 Figure4.Effectofcomplex3aonthereleaseofcytoplasmicmaterialat260nm.P.aeruginosa(blueline),S.aureus(redline)andC.albicans (green line) were incubated with different concentrations (0.5 to 5.0mM) of complex 3a at 30uC for 2h. Release of cytoplasmic material was monitoredat260nmwavelengthandpercentvalueswerecalculatedinrelationtotritontreatment(positivecontrol).ThetreatmentwithtritonX- 100(0.1%)wasconsideredas100%ofcytoplasmicmaterialrelease.Datapointsrepresentmeanandstandarddeviationofthreeexperiments. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.g004 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 8 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection Figure5.Theoreticaldockingstudiesofcomplex3awithbacteriumandfunguslikemembrane.Imagesarerepresentingthedocking resultsofcomplex3awithbacterium-likemembrane(A)andfungus-likemembrane(B).Themembraneisrepresentedinsticks,carbonatomsarein green,nitrogenatomsinblue,phosphorusatomsinorangeandoxygenatomsinred.3aisrepresentedinspheres:thegoldatomsareingold, carbonatomsinwhite,nitrogenatomsinblueandbromineatomsinpink.Theinteractionsbetweenthemetalcomplexesandlipidsaredetailedat thebottom. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.g005 multiple molecules of 3a, intercalating the lipids and leading to However, a question arises: why was 3a more active than 2a? membrane disruption (Figs. 2 and 3). However, 3a was more Themostcriticaldifferencebetweenthetwocompoundsisintheir activeagainstbacteriathanfungi.Thisdifferencecouldberelated stability.ThecovalentbondbetweengoldandNHCismorestable to two elements, the cell walls thickness and the membrane than the covalent bond constructed between silver and NHC. affinities.Accordingtothedockingaffinities,thebindingof3ais Silver seems to be worse than gold for NHC r metal p-back more favorable to bacterium-like membranes than fungus-like donation [3]. This fact makes 2a more reactive to free ones. For bacterium-like membranes, a binding affinity of compounds, yielding more interactions with other molecules in 27.4kcal.mol21 was observed whereas the affinity for fungus- the environment than 3a complexes. Therefore, to compensate like ones was 26.1kcal.mol21. In addition, the 3a activity is these interactions with non-target molecules, a larger number of influencedbythecompositionofthecellwall,thecompoundmust 2acomplexesareneeded,while3acomplexesseemtogostraight crossthecellwallbeforeactinginthelipidbilayer.Thedifferences tothemembranes. betweentheamountsofleakagematerialsareduetothevariations Finally, the results obtained from the MTT assay are found to of their cell wall compositions. P. aeruginosa, is a Gram-negative be in agreement with the low toxicity at concentrations of their bacterium with a thinner peptidoglycan layer which makes MICandMBECvaluesbetween0.5to5.0 mM,andpreliminary cytoplasmic leakage more likely compared to the thicker ex vivo toxicity studies demonstrated very low toxicity on the eye peptidoglycan layer of Gram-positive bacterium, S. aureus. whenappliedexternally.Thus,itmayproveusefulasanexternal Furthermore, in C. albicans, the main cell wall composition is eyedroptherapyinpatientssufferingwithkeratitis.Similarstudies chitin,whichmakesarigidlayersurroundingthemembrane.The are in progress with some determining the molecular level of cytoplasmicmaterialleakageismoreprominentandmorerapidin interactionwithbindingmodestobacterialandfungalmembrane P. aeruginosa followed by S. aureus. The leakage was nominal in C. lipids while others are exploring the synthesis of other gold albicans (Fig. 4). In addition, a small mammalian cell toxicity complexes with different halide groups to enable higher water degree was observed in their corresponding MIC values between solubilityandlowertoxicity.Nevertheless,datareportedhereare 0.5 to5.0mMthrough the MTTassay. extremely promising, and the reported salts could probably be PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 9 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346 AllylicAu(I)-NHCSaltinEyeInfection Figure6.Compatibilitytestofcomplex3aongoat(Capraaegagrushircus)eyes,asaneyedrop.Eyejustexcisedfromgoat(a);after48h treatedwithcompound3a(b),conjunctivaisnotdamagedorcrackedafter48htreatmentwithcomplex3aapplied6timesdaily(c);andlensis neitherdilutednorfracturedafter48htreatment(d).Imageswerecapturedatamagnificationof5X. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058346.g006 PLOSONE | www.plosone.org 10 March2013 | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | e58346