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Oldest known ant fossils discovered. PDF

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by  AgostiD.
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Preview Oldest known ant fossils discovered.

' . known Oldest ant discovered fossils we ere report fossil ants, including a abdominal and segrnents, the apical denticles new genus of Ponerinae, about 50 mil- on * the genae, 'indicate a relationship with lion years (Myr) older than the previous old- ants of the pdhefine tribe Amblyoponini. t specimens. These amber est discoveries in Addition of these two new taxa confirms . from the Turonian stage (92 Myr ago) of the basal position of Sphecomyrma^, but as New Jersey in the United States have impor- part of a quadritomy. The position of the tant implications for estimates dating the new ponerine within one clade of the Poner- origin of ants, and extend the age of an inae demonstrates one major that lineage of extant ant subfamily back about 50 Myr. extant ants was estabHshed well before the Until now, a specimen of Sphecomyrma formation of amber 'from S^dialin Island in a piece of amber from ClifRvobd ^_ J _ ' r freyi (probably Palaeocene)^ and of Eocene Baltic New Beach,. Jersey, was one of the, few non- amber which are about 50 Myr younger , compression from fossil ants the Cretaceous than the Ne\v Jersey amUer,, , period showing most morphologicardetails\ A reasonable estimate would thus place The metapleural gland the only morpho- is the origin of the ants into the lowermost logical trait unique within the Hymenoptera Myr Cretaceous (about 130 ago), but proba- that distinguishes ants, and can be seen in no bly older. This conclusion consistent is most embedded ants in amber. This gland with the relationship of the Formicidae to produces antibiotic-like substances^, neces- . the wasp families Vespidae and Scoliidae^ sary to maintain nests underground 6f in and the phylogenetic position of the Creta- humid pieces of wood, where bacteria and On ceous Vespidae^^. this basis, a hypothesis -, r fungi would otherwise invade immobile of a Lower Jurassic origin of ants^\. based on broods. The gland is seen in modern species, estimated divergence time of mitochondrial opening above the hind coxae. Development cytochrome h sequences, unlikely. is of the gland and eusociality were probably Although ants originated in the Creta- and correlated are involved in the great eco- ceous, it was not until the Tertiary^ period logical success of the ants. In an Amazonian that they became so dominant and diverse in rainforest, for example, ants make up more terrestrial ecosystems, as documented in 25% than of the total animal biomass^. and Dominican amber^l We Baltic^ are still aV Wilson et described an almost per- examining why the radiations were delayed '-W'-r^-rtf-Tc-^-4-r,-^^iutn^u,^c^tnynnifiai=jtis^apT^r^^7zWf^ fecdy preserved worker of but the r New S. freyi, Figure 1 Photomicrographs of Jersey ant until the Tertiary. , debate remained whether this fossil is an ant fossils, a, Alitrunk and portion of the gaster of Donat Agosti, David Grimaldi, because the presence of the metapleural new the S. frey/ worker with a drawing showing James M. Carpenter gland was uncertain. Sphecomyrma was thus the position and structure of metapleural Department Entomology, American Museum its of of excluded from a recent phylogenetic analysis gland (IVIGO). b, Lateral view of the new Creta- Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street, of the Formicidae*, and its relatively short ceous ponerine genus (m, mandible in frontal New York, New York 10024-5192, USA first antennal segment in workers was A view), detailed description will be provided e-mail: [email protected] assumed to prevent the basic social behav- elsewhere^ (http://research.amnh.org/entomol- & iour of trophallaxis^ ogy/socialjnsects). 1. Wilson, E. O., Carpenter, F. M. Brown, W. L. Jr. Psyche 74, 1-19 (1967). Our new specimens include three worker & 2. Beattie, A. Turnbull, C. L., Hough, T. Knox, R. B. Ann. J., and four male ants. One complete, well- third male belongs to a genus as yet undeter-^ Entomol Soc. Am. 79, 448-450. preserved worker was the second discovery mined. The fourth male tentatively 3. Fittkau,E.J. &KIinge,H.Biofrop(ca5,2-14(I973). is & of S. freyi. Among other well-preserved traits assigned to Sphecomyrma and would be the 4. Baroni Urbani, C, Bolton, B. Ward, P. S. Syst. Entomol. 17, 301-329(1992). specimen and known in this are the external even male first of that genus. Dlussky, G.M.Pa/eonfJ. 1983 65-78 5. (3), (1983). "!i . part of the internal anatomy of the meta- Another worker new represents a genus, 6. Grimaldi, D. et at. J.M. Am. Mus. Novit. (in the press). pleural gland. The gland has a circular open- distinguished by clubbed antennae, pro- 7. Dhissky, G. M. Paleont. 1988 (1), 50-61 (1988). its J. ing and a very large subcuticular atrium (Fig. portions of the antennal articles, thin man- 8. Wheeler, W. M. Schr. Phys.-Okon. Ges.Konigsh. 55, 1-142 (1915). & Sphecomyrma 9. Brothers, D. J. Carpenter, J. M. /. Hymenopt. Res. 2, 227-304 la). is thus an ant. dibles that lack teeth and cross extensively (1993). Two of the males are a new species of the when closed, and a girdling constriction of 10. Carpenter, M. Sc Rasnitsyn, A. R Psyche 97, 1-20 (1990). J. Cretaceous genus Baikuris, known previous- the gaster typical of the large modern sub- 1 1 Crozier, R., Jermitn, L. S. & Chiotis, M. Naturwissenschaften 84, 22-23 (1997). ly only troxa Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) family, the Ponerinae Furthermore, . (Fig. lb). & 12. Holldobler, B. WUson, E. O. The Ants (Harvard Univ. Press, amber from Taymyr, northern Siberia. The''"^ the broad attachment of the third and fourth Boston, 1990). s^>;M^wi^<y??^J Climate change and tionship where a 1 °C fall in diurnal temper- tributed litde. In our view, Nicholls's results ature range increased Australian wheat yield need qualification and should be interpreted Australian wheat by 0.52 t ha~\ This efr'ect, taken with the with caution. They are only estimates, and yield trend in diurnal range, accounted for 45% of do not include standard errors to indicate the yield increase between 1952 and 1992. In their precision. 30-50% Nicholls^ reported that of the an extended model with three climate vari- The analytical challenge to separate the is increase in AustraHan wheat yields in the ables, Nicholls found that changes in mini- effects of climate change from other factors mum period 1952-92 from resulted climate temperature had had most impact on affecting Australian wheat Non- yields. He change. estimated a simple linear rela- wheat yield and that rainfall change had con- climate factors include total wheat area, the n I NATURE VOL JANUARY 391 29 1997 447

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