FREE VOLUME 30: NUMBER 9 WEEK OF MAY 24-30, 2016 Old Forge comes out of hibernation Memorial Day weekend will be buzzing Admiral Richard West will speak with garage sales, parades and basketball at Memorial Day services By BRITTANYGROW Express Staff Line up for the Summer is fast approaching and as the mud begins Memorial to dry and trees bloom, restaurants will also begin setting Day parade their tables and shops will open their doors. The official will start at 9:30 a.m. kick off into the busy summer season will be Memorial at the post Day Weekend. office. The parade will Known for the community wide garage sales and pa- begin at 10 rade, there is so much more that goes on during the WEST a.m. weekend that not many know about. Wreaths will be laid at the high Friday, May 27, is a day that is primarily geared to- school, fire house, American ward activities at View. There will be morning yoga, gal- Legion building and at the leries and exhibits to check out and Comedy Night start- cemetery. Admiral Richard West will ing at 6 p.m. It will also be the last weekend the 10x10 be the featured speaker at Art Sale will be held. Old Forge’s Memorial Day Saturday, May 28, is going to be a day jam-packed services. Growing up in Port Byron and graduating from with family fun activities. While the garage sales are the University of Rochester, going to be in full swing, there will be an Eskimo Strong Admiral West has strong ties three-on-three basketball tournament. The registration to the Old Forge/Thendara area. Admiral West, his wife, will begin at 9 a.m. at the North Street basketball courts Bernadine, and family, own a with the games beginning at 11 a.m. camp in Okara Lakes. Also at 9 a.m., Barb Green will be holding an Please see CEREMONY, File photo Page 55 The Kiwanis Free Car Wash is an Old Forge Memorial Day weekend tradition. Please see WEEKEND, Page 55 Ulrich retires as chairwoman from APA Y E N Voters pass Std PrstedU.S. POSTAGPAIDLD FORGE, PERMIT#24 BExyp BreRsITs TSAtNafYf GROW scThhoe oTolw bn uodf gWeebtb O After serving on the Union Free School Adirondack Park Agency District’s budget of INSIDE board for 12 years, four of $8,769,490 passed with 228 them as the first-ever chair- votes, 29 people voted woman, Leilani Ulrich has de- against. Calendar . . . . .4 cided to retire. Not having Voters also elected Phil planned to sit on the board to Petty to the TOW UFSD Cards . . . . . . . .3 begin with, Ulrich said she was School Board with 138 surprised when she was asked. votes. Write-in candidates Classifieds . . .52 When she became chair- for the school board posi- woman, it was an even bigger tion were Mike Gaffney, Dining guide .20 surprise. “It was not at all ex- Tim Barkauskas, Erica pected to be on the board, Murray and Jen Lis. Dining guide .20 much less chairwoman, but I Voting took place on am very grateful to Gov. May 17, 254 people came in Police . . . . . . .19 Cuomo for the privilege,” she and voted, and with absen- Stan Ernst . . .49 said. tee ballots the total number When Ulrich was first of ballots cast was 263. Photo by Brittany Grow Sports . . . . . . .6 Please see ULRICH, Leilani “Lani” and Jim Ulrich look forward to relaxing now that — M. Lisa Monroe Page 55 she is retiring. W W W . A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S . C O M A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S Page 2 week of May 24-30, 2016 Save 10% to 30% Off Every * Canoe, Kayak & SUP in Stock! New York’s Best Selection New York’s Largest Canoe Moose River Trips of Fishing Kayaks Kayak and SUP Dealer! Canoe, Kayak & SUP Rentals 15% off All Clothing & Footwear, Camping Gear, Sleeping Bags, Back Packs & Day Packs, Books, Maps and More! 15%-20% off Every Bike in Stock! Everything You Need 15% off all Biking Accessories! for the Outdoors! With purchase of bike A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S week of May 24-30, 2016 Page 3 Spring concerts C C Crrraaazzzyyy MMMoooooossseee QQQuuuiiilllttt SSShhhoooppp A Arrttiissttss SSttuuddiioo TToouurr S Sppeecciiaalliizziinngg iinn AAddiirroonnddaacckk FFaabbrriiccss are scheduled May 28 & 29 ~ 10am-5pm Alexandria Bay • Redwood • Wellesley Island at TOW school 1 1 1111555 RRRooouuuttteee 222888,,, IIInnnllleeettt Clayton • Cape Vincent and more! C C CrrraaazzzyyyMMMoooooossseeeQQQuuuiiillltttSSShhhoooppp@@@mmmaaaiiilll...cccooommm Come Meet the Artists ~ Open to the Public! The Town of Webb 3 3 3111555---333555777---555000999222 School’s Vocal Music M M Meeemmmooorrriiiaaalll DDDaaayyy SSSaaallleee --- FFFrrriii---MMMooonnn;;; 111000aaammm---555ppp mm m 18 Artists at 14 locations • Admission is F REE !! Department is pleased to an- Brochure/Map available at Artists Studio Tour stops along nounce their annual Spring 1 1 1111555 RRRooouuuttteee 222888,,, IIInnnllleeettt the route. Look for our signs or contact Cecilia at (315) 777-3385; [email protected] Choral Concerts will be held C C CrrraaazzzyyyMMMoooooossseeeQQQuuuiiillltttSSShhhoooppp@@@mmmaaaiiilll...cccooommm ••• 333111555---333555777---555000999222 on Wednesday, June 1, and Memorial Day Weekend-June Sun Noon-4pm; Fri & Sat 10am-5pm BOOK SALE Friday, June 3, in the school July-Columbus Day Sun & Mon 10am-4pm; Thurs-Sat 10am-5pm gymnasium. OLD FORGE LIBRARY The Junior and Senior Chicken Dinner Saturday, May 28th ~ 11am-3pm Choruses will perform on June 1 at 7 p.m. featuring (cid:129) Gently used paperbacks some terrific songs that are (cid:129) Children’s books for all levels currently topping the charts as Come Have A Great Chicken BBQ Dinner! Large Selection of other books upstairs ~ Pick up your SAVE THE DATE well as classic favorites from favorite reads for Summer or books for crafting decades past. When: Sunday, May 29th Time: 12pm - 3pm Sponsored by Friends of the Old Forge Library Included on the program Where: 220 Crosby Blvd., Old Forge ~ Look for Signs Camp Russell Boy Scout Dining Hall are “I Lived,” “Budapest,” “Crazy Little Thing Called 1/2 Chicken, Pasta Salad, Baked Beans & Dinner Roll S R UMMER ECREATION Love,” “You’re Sixteen,” Only $10.00 per dinner ~ Take Out or Eat In Y P “Geronimo,” “The River,” OUTH ROGRAMS You may Reserve your dinners by calling (315) 392-3827 and and “We Are Family.” leaving a message. All Reserved dinners must be picked up by 1pm! Running through June 10 Several soloists will be I NDOOR featured in both choirs and as S OCCER an added treat, special guest To Advertise in the Adirondack Express P RESCHOOL Tuesdays & Thursdays Phil Leone will once again be call (315) 369-2237 ext. 105 Ages 10-13 yo R ECREATION accompanying the groups on 3pm-4:30pm P ROGRAM T ODDLER the drum set. Tuesdays P LAY Ages 5&6 yo Wednesdays Students in grades K-5 2pm-3pm Ages 3 & 4 yo G ROUP will perform on June 3 at Mondays 2:15pm-3:15pm Ages 7-9 yo North St Field Tuesdays 12:30 p.m. Grades K-3 will 2:15pm-3:15pm * Parents must Birth-5 yo be bringing back some classic 9:30am-11:00am Wednesdays accompany child nursery rhymes and folk Ages 14+ * Parents must 7pm-8:30pm accompany child songs with a new twist, and the Elementary Chorus has some exciting songs from For info, contact Sara S. Alves, Recreation Dir. 399-0748 movies as well as an all-time or [email protected] favorite, “We Are the World.” There is no admission charge and all are encouraged to attend these fun-filled per- formances. The students are under the direction of Valerie Gaudin. AREANEWSINBRIEF Book sale slated at Old Forge Library Friends of the Old Forge Library will be selling gently used paperbacks, children’s Opening books in the Judith Cohen room at the library from 11 Scramble a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 28 only. Sunday, Alarge selection of other books are available upstairs. May 29th Pick up your favorite reads for summer or books for crafting. ~ Public Welcome ~ Children’s books for all levels. DAILY SPECIALS Shot-Gun Start - 1 p.m. $55 non-members; $35 members Mondays . . . . . Chicken & Biscuits Entry Fee includes: Tuesdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed GREENS FEE • CART Wednesdays . . . . Mexican Night PRIZES • LIGHT DINNER Thursdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sauerbraten Register on-line or call the Pro Shop by May 27th @ 5pm. Fridays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fish Fry 10 Cart Pass Special - $125 (transferable) 2755 State Rt 8, Cold Brook, NY 13324 Seasonal Cart Pass - $400 (non-transferable) 315-826-5050 Saturdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prime Rib (Good All Season ~ Purchase by June 1st) Sundays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chef’s Choice HOURS : Mon. 4pm - 9pm (cid:129) Tues. Closed Pro Shop 315-369-3136 Wed. Thru Sun. 12 Noon - 9pm GREAT FOOD (cid:129) GREAT SPIRITS (cid:129) GREAT TIMES TAKE OUT LIMITED DURING PEAK HOURS Life is Good at The Ohio Tavern! A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S Page 4 week of May 24-30, 2016 CALENDAROFEVENTS Tuesday, May 24 DRAWINGCONCLUSIONS at (315) 369-6411 x201 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ongoing 8 p.m.: AA meeting at gallery exhibits at View. Niccolls Church, Old Forge. 6-9 p.m. Learning to See: An Introduction to Drawing in Sunday, May 29 Charcoal with Cory E. Card at 10 a.m.-1 p.m. New York View in Old Forge. Learn the Conservation Officers fundamentals of working in de- Association’s free Kids Fishing tail with charcoal to sharpen Derby at the Old Forge both your observation and visu- Waterfront. Fishing equipment alizing skills. is available. 7-8:30 p.m. Live music at Wednesday, May 25 the Old Forge Waterfront, the 8:30 a.m. Morning yoga at Gwen Tracy band will play. View. 8:30 p.m. Fireworks at the 10 a.m.-2 p.m. SHARPS Old Forge Waterfront. senior program at Niccolls 7:30 p.m.: AAmeeting at Church. Inlet Community Church in 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ongoing Inlet. gallery exhibits at View. 5:30-7 p.m. Evening yoga Monday, May 30 at View. 8:30-10 a.m.Morning yoga 8 p.m. AA meeting at at View. Niccolls Church, Old Forge. 9:30 a.m.Sorting donations at Niccolls Church’s Mission Thursday, May 26 Boutique in Old Forge. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ongoing 10 a.m. Memorial Day gallery exhibits at View. Parade, down Main Street in 3-4 p.m. Linking Lives Old Forge. Memorial wreaths through Reading at the Old will be laid at the Town of Webb Forge Library. School, the Old Forge Fire 3-4:30 p.m. Start with Art Department, the American after school program for the Legion building, and at the sixth through ninth grades at cemetery. Parade ends at the View in Old Forge. Riverview Cemetery. 6-9 p.m. Painting the 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ongoing Romantic Landscape in Soft gallery exhibits at View. Pastels for Beginners with Paula 6-9 p.m. Beginner to Ford at View in Old Forge. Intermediate Wheel Thrown Bay, Inlet and Raquette Lake. and technique that makes it deli- and $20 for non members, and Pottery with Marie Imundo at Friday, May 27 ciously unique. You’ll also learn will benefit View and Mac’s View. This class is perfect for 8:30 a.m.Morning Yoga at Saturday, May 28 to make beautiful little chickpea SafeRide. To learn more about those individuals who have View. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Vendor and falafels with tahini sauce; a col- View and this event visit never taken a pottery class be- 9 a.m. AA meeting at garage sale at the George orful Mediterranean style salad, To see the up- fore or those who want to take Niccolls Church, Old Forge. Hiltebrant Pavilion on North and lovely, flourless Sicilian al- coming schedule of events, visit their skills to the next level. 10-10:30 a.m. Toddler Street. mond cookies (Biscotti di man-, email 5:30-7 p.m. Evening yoga Story Time at the Old Forge Library. 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Sign up for dorla) made with fresh ground [email protected], or call View at View. three on three basketball tourna- almonds. Preregistration re- 10 a.m.-noon Mission ment at the North Street basket- quired. Boutique open at Niccolls ball court. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ongoing Church, Old Forge. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Adirondack gallery exhibits at View. 11 a.m.-noon Spring Story Pack Basket with Barbara 11 a.m. Eskimo Strong Hour for preschoolers at the Old Green, View, Old Forge. three on three basketball tourna- Forge Library. Suitable for adults. This is a full ment at the North Street courts. Published Every Tuesday by McClary Media, Inc. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ongoing gallery exhibits at View. day class. Participants will 11-3 p.m. Memorial Day Kevin McClary weave a full sized Adirondack Book Sale at the Old Forge Publisher 5 p.m. Meet Me at the Pack Basket complete with Library. Child’s and paper back G eoffrey Dylong Gazebo. Live music at the Old solid wood interior base and books will be sold. Many more Associate Publisher Forge Library with Joe Bolton. skids, and a custom cotton har- books will be available upstairs B rian Krohn 7-8:30 p.m. Mission ness and matching sewn in han- in the second hand book room. General Manager Boutique open at Niccolls dle. All materials and tools are To make a donation call (315) Joe Ulrich Church, Old Forge. Ad Manager provided by the instructor. Bring 359-6008. 7:30 p.m.Comedy night at Lori Hinkle lunch. Preregistration required. Noon-4 p.m. Family Fun View. Find more information at Controller 10 a.m.-noon Mission Festival at the George (315) 369-6411 ext. 201, Boutique open at Niccolls Hiltebrant Pavilion. The M. Lisa Monroe [email protected], or Church. Patriotic Dog Show starts at Editor 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The noon, the Utica Zoo Mobile will Brittany Grow 8 p.m. AA meeting at Kiwanis Club of Central be onsite from 1-3 p.m., there Staff Reporter Niccolls Church, Old Forge. Deborah Down Graydon Adirondacks and Town of Webb will be a bounce houses, games Advertising Executive May 27-28 School Key Club and Builders and a magician from 2-3 p.m. 10 a.m.-3p.m. Memorial Club will hold their 16th annual 7:30 p.m. C Magic Show Editorial Policy – The Adirondack Express accepts signed letters from Day Garage Sale to benefit the Free Car Wash fund raising with Ryan Bliss, View, Old readers and reserves the right to reject any advertisement, letter or news copy. Copyright Policy – The Adirondack Express retains all copyright ownership of Town of Webb Historical event. The event will take place Forge. Aprofessional magician advertisements created by its staff members. Association, at the Goodsell at Calypso’s Cove Parking Lot and educator, has been thrilling Advertising Claims – The Adirondack Express does not guarantee the accuracy of any claim made by any advertiser. Museum, 2993 St. Rt. 28, Old in Old Forge. audiences with comedy and Advertising Rates – Available on request. Forge (across from the Post 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m.Take a magic for over eight years. The Available FREE at many locations in the Adirondacks, Office). The best garage sale in Mediterranean Stroll baking performance is sponsored by in and around Old Forge. Mail to: town. Call (315) 369-3838 for class with Susan Sady, View, Mac’s SafeRide, who will bene- T he Adirondack Express more information or to donate Old Forge. In this class, you’ll fit from the proceeds. Tickets PO Box 659, 2955 Rt 28, Old Forge, NY 13420 items for the sale. Or visit be making simit, a sesame seed for this performance are $18 for Phone: (315) 369-2237 encrusted circular bread that members and $23 for non mem- Fax: (315) 369-3378 9 a.m.-4 p.m.Garage sales looks similar to a bagel, but is bers at the door, or are discount- Contact us at [email protected] throughout Old Forge, Eagle made with a special ingredient ed online at $15 for members A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S week of May 24-30, 2016 Page 5 Please visit our website at THE OLE BARN HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 2016! X-MEN APOCALYPSE and DISNEY’S ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS both Premiere with ADVANCE SCREENINGS Thursday May 26th! Regular Shows Start Nationwide Friday May 27th! HAVE FUN!! Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, RESTAURANT Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron Cohen, Alan Rickman, Mia Wasikowska O Oppeenn TThhuurrss.. && FFrrii.. aatt 44ppmm;; SSaatt.. && SSuunn.. aatt NNoooonn •• LLiimmeekkiillnn LLaakkee RRdd..,, IInnlleett ••335577--44000000 WELCOME BACK ␣␣ TO THE OLE BARN! Friday Fish Fry BBQ Ribs ~ 1/2 Rack • Full Rack Saturday Prime Rib Thurs 5/26: 7:10 (3D); Fri 5/27: 4:10 (2D), 7:10 (3D), 10:05 (2D); Fresh Salmon w/Mango Glaze and Mango Salsa on the side PG Sat 5/28, Sun 5/29 & Mon 5/30: 1:25 (2D), 4:10 (2D), 7:10 (3D) , 10:05 (2D); Tues 5/31 thru Thurs 6/2: 7:10 (3D) Italian Seafood Platter (Shrimp, scallops, calamari, clams & mussels Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, served in a marinara sauce on pasta) Jennifer Lawrence Garlic Haddock with a White Wine Sauce Cowboy Steak 16 oz. • Meatloaf - Home Made Full Menu Available • Accommodating Large Parties Dine Overlooking The Scenic Moose River 8 BEERS Thurs 5/26: 7 (2D); Fri 5/27: 3:35 (3D), 7 (2D) & 9:45 (3D); PG-13 Sat 5/28, Sun 5/29 & Mon 5/30: 12:45 (2D), 3:35 (3D), 7 (2D) ON TAP & 9:45 (3D); Tues 5/31 thru Thurs 6/2: 7 (2D) Jason Sudekis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Kate McKinnon Old Mill The Restaurant #1 Movie Featuring fine beef & seafood entrées Worldwide and an array of house specialties Begin your meal with our famous family-style serving Tues 5/24 & Wed 5/25: 7:05 (3D); Thurs 5/26: 7:05 (2D); of soup, salad and fresh baked breads Fri 5/27: 4:15, 7:05 & 9:30 ALL SHOWS 2D; PG Sat 5/28, Sun 5/29 & Mon 5/30: 1:10 (3D), 4:15 (2D), 7:05 (2D) For something lighter try our Café Menu & 9:30 (2D); Tues 5/31 thru Thurs 6/2: 7:05 (2D) Seth Rogen, Chloe Grace Moretz, Zac Efron, Now Serving Lunch Saturday and Sunday 11:30am - 4:30pm Rose Byrne, Selena Gomez Serving Dinner Daily at 4:30pm; Sunday at 4pm Route 28, Old Forge, NY (cid:129) 369-3662 To Advertise in the Adirondack Express call (315) 369-2237 ext. 105 Tues 5/24 thru Thurs 5/26: 7:10; Fri 5/27: 4:20, 7:10 & 9:35; R Sat 5/28, Sun 5/29 & Mon 5/30: 2, 4:20, 7:10 & 9:35; Tues 5/31 thru Thurs 6/2: 7:10 Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson PG-13 Tues 5/24 & Wed 5/25: 7 (2D) *ENDS WED MAY 25th* *3D MOVIES ARE THE SAME PRICE AS 2D! NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! THANK YOU; HAVE FUN AND ENJOY! A Heartfelt THANK YOU to our family of Customers, Workers and Everyone who voted THE STRAND as BEST CINEMA IN ADIRONDACK LIFE MAGAZINE’S BEST OF THE ADIRONDACKS READER’S POLL 2015 S and AGAIN IN 2016! “YOU A RE ATMAZING THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! TRAND HEATRE Old Forge • 369-6703 A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S Page 6 week of May 24-30, 2016 SPORTSREPORTBYDAVECLARK Boys varsity track Olsen, Brendan Kelly and Week’s sports team wins Division Sully Ulrich placed fourth in schedule 8:49.29, the 4 x 100 relay III Track Tuesday, May 24 team of Barkauskas, Fenton, Championship BVTrack at Remsen 3 pm. Kearns and Noah Lamphear On a day when the entire Section III, Class D placed second in 47.77 to just boys varsity track team had a Championships miss breaking the school solid performance, it was GVTrack at Remsen 3 p.m. Section III, Class D record as one poor baton ex- only fitting that it would re- Championships change probably cost them sult in a championship in the that record. They have anoth- Division III Track Wednesday, May 25 BMODBB at Oriskany 4:30 er chance in the sectionals. Championships held last p.m. Last, the 4 x 400 relay team Tuesday, May 17, at GMODSB at Oriskany 4:30 of B. Kelly, J. Kelly, Dylan Sauquoit. It developed into a p.m. LaPorte and Olsen, placed very competitive meet with Tuesday, May 31 fifth in 3:53. 52. Old Forge scoring points in BMODBB at West Canada Congratulations to coach, 14 of the 17 events to eke out 4:30 p.m. Tim Leach and his entire an eight point victory over GMODSB at West Canada 4:30 p.m. team for winning the champi- Morrisville-Eaton. Hamilton onship in a very competitive and Oriskany were also very placed sixth in 1:08.89 in his league. We wish them the best competitive as they dominat- first run in that event,; in the upcoming section III ed many of the running Uzdavinis placed fourth in the championships. events--especially the three 800 in 2:12.6, Bailey Dillon dash events. But, it was Old placed second in the shot put Girls varsity track Forge who steadily scored at 38’3 1/2” and second in the team does well in points with three first places, discus at 116’1”, Andre Division III league that finally won the meet. placed fourth in the shot with meet New York MIlls, Poland a 35’ 2 3/4” throw, Shawn The girls varsity track Remsen and ODY also com- Hansen had his best discus team placed third in the team peted that day and they ended throw of his young career standings among the eight up comprising the bottom half A C S with an 88’1” toss good for schools participating in the REA HURCH ERVICES of the standings in the order I sixth, Tyler Fenton long Division III Track just gave. There is an old saying by jumped 18’6” to place fourth Championships held last coaches, that you win cham- in that event, Lawrence Tuesday, May 17, at BARNEVELD Niccolls Memorial pionships with seniors. It cer- placed third in the triple jump Sauquoit. Unitarian Church Presbyterian Church tainly is true in this case as at 38’ 3 1/2”, Fenton was In the team standings, Sunday Service: 10am Rev. Lawrence H. Bartel - 369-3475 Sunday Worship Service: 7:30 & 10am New York Mills upset Poland Sunday School: 10am this senior class has led all of fourth with a 37’1” jump and Worship Service Live Broadcast the teams throughout the year. Cy Barkauskas was fifth with for first place. After Old BLUE MTN. LAKE WBRV 101.3 FM & WLLG 99.3 FM Forge came, in order, Nursery Care: 10am They did not win the title all a 36’ 4” jump. In the high United Methodist Church Sunday School: 10am Hamilton, Morrisville-Eaton, by themselves, but they jump, Barkauskas was third at Sunday Service: 9:30am scored some of the bigger up- 5’ 2” and Andre was sixth at Oriskany, Remsen and ODY. Sunday School: 9:30am OTTER LAKE St. Mary of the Snows Individually, the girls that sets and a bulk of the team 5’and Josh Kelly had his best Church of the Transfiguration Sunday Mass: 11:15am placed in this meet which points in this meet. The three vault of the season with a 9’ Sunday Service: 10am PORT LEYDEN honored the top six, with first places were won by Tyler 6” leap to place fourth. BOONVILLE St. Mark’s Kearns in the 400 meter hur- In the relay events, the 4 Please see SPORTS, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Episcopal Church dles in 63.72, Carter x 800 team of Rudolph, Nick Page 31 Sat. Vigil Mass: 4pm Sunday Service: 10am Lawrence had his best long Sunday Mass: 9:30am 348-6466 Rev. Dr. John F. LaVoe “ “LLeett tthhee FFooxx FFaammiillyy hheellpp yyoouu aanndd yyoouurrss..”” jump of the season of 20’ 2 EAGLE BAY Bible Baptist 1/2” in a big upset of a St. Peter’s by the Lake Community Church Morrisville jumper and Henry Episcopal Church Uzdavinis, after running a Rev. John W. Bassett 369-6879 7025 W. Main St., Port Leyden Sunday Services: 9am & 11am Sunday School: 9:30am fine 1600 and 800 run, came Sunday Service: 10:30am back to win the 3200 in Sunday evening: 6pm FORESTPORT 10:50.87. Wednesday Evening: 7pm St. Patrick’s The places are as follows: RAQUETTE LAKE Catholic Church Matt Andre placed second in Raquette Lake Chapel Sunday Mass: 8:00am the high hurdles in 17.24 with Confessions: Sun. Before Mass Sunday Service: 9:30am Kearns placing fifth in 18.39; THENDARA Forestport Presbyterian Uzdavinis had his best time in St. Pio’s Old Roman Commissioned Lay Pastor Aggie Walker Catholic Summer Mission the 1600 run placing second Sunday Worship: 9:15am Most Rev. Richard J Euler, D.D. in 4:45. 63, Andre placed INLET 333 Green Bridge Rd. fourth in the 400 hurdles in St. Anthony’s Catholic Church 10am Sundays, 8am Daily 1:05. 21 and Tyler Rudolph 183 North Route 28, Inlet WOODGATE Summer: Sat. 7pm, Sun. 7:30 & 9am Woodgate Chapel Z O N E 3 Spring, Fall & Winter: Sun. 8am Sunday Service: 10:30am Inlet Community Church Sunday School: 9am Sunday Worship: 10:15am (315) 357-2291 Hey, Church of the Lakes Pastor Joe Gargas 357-2115 Simpli Nature Soy Candles Sunday Worship: 11am Adirondacks: New Load of Perennials & Shrubs St. Olaf’s Chapel We’ve got All faiths welcome Hanging Baskets South Shore Road ya covered Gourmet Dark Chocolate Sunday Service 11am Adirondack Express OLD FORGE Hamilton County Express Inlet ~ Rt. 28 across from the Inlet Firehall St. Bartholomew’s Open Daily 9am - 5pm Catholic Church 103 Crosby Boulevard, Old Forge Landscape Nursery & Garden Center,Rt. 28, Inlet Summer: Sat. 5pm, Sun. 11am Spring, Fall & Winter: Sat. 5pm, 315-357-6337 Sun. 10am A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S week of May 24-30, 2016 Page 7 Literarily Unbearables by Brenda Speaking Jointed Teddy Bears Made-to-Order . Specializing in “heirloom” bears The Old Forge Library made from your grandma’s fur coat. Crosby Blvd., Old Forge (315) 867-3318 (315) 369-6008 Find Unbearables by Brenda on Facebook Events *Meet me at the Gazebo at 5pm For the live music of Joe Bolton Friday, May 27 5-6:15pm Friends Memorial Day Book Sale Children’s Books & Adult PB’s Saturday, May 28th 11-3pm Many more books upstairs! NOW OPEN Evening Book Group: The Boys in the Boat Daniel James Brown Monday, May 30th 6:30pm Red Door Thrift Shop **June Art Exhibit N ew Works by RC Oster E xhibit Opening: Friday, June 3 5-8pm Open Everyday Dan Vellone, Acoustic Guitar Light Refreshments First Friday Art Walk Participant Monday - Sunday; 10am - 4pm Recent Arrivals Mary Higgins Clark As Time Goes By We Buy Merchandise Nora Roberts The Obsession John Sandford Stop in and see what treasures you can find! Extreme Prey Anderson Cooper The Rainbow Comes and Goes 9605 Main St., Remsen ~ 831-5445 Gwyneth Paltrow It’s All Easy, Delicious Recipes $5 OFF Coupon with $20 Purchase and this ad Funding Agencies: *New York State Council on the Arts with support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature. **Partially Funded by the Friends of the Old Forge Library GARAGE SALE Coming Soon Meet me at the Gazebo at 5 w/live Music by Jim and Bonnie Tracy, to benefit the Adirondack Topics & Books presented by Phil Brown Atwell Fish & Game Club, Inc. Fourth Lake Early Camps and Hotels: Fulton Chain of Lake Adirondack at the club house pavilion on Mountains, NY power presentation by Bruce Bonfield and more... North Lake, Forestport, N.Y. on Friday & Saturday R R ee dd DD oo gg TTaa vv ee rr nn May 27th & 28th. From 9:30am to 4:30pm Everything must go! Remember Our Veterans Find your treasures on beautiful North lake! Since 1982 HAVE A BITE! Open Friday, Saturday, F Frraannkkiiee’’ss TTaassttee ooff IIttaallyy A n A d i r o n d a c k T r a d i t i o n Sunday and Monday at 4pm 1.3 Miles down Specials: T T Thhhiiisss ppprrreeessstttiiigggiiiooouuusss South Shore Road, Inlet Fresh Haddock Fridays C C Ceeerrrtttiiifffiiicccaaattteee ooofff 315-357-5502 Prime Rib Saturdays E E Exxxccceeelllllleeennnccceee iiisss Certificate of Excellence g g giiivvveeennn tttooo ttthhheee TTToooppp Awesome Food Casual Fun 2014 WINNER P P Peeerrrfffooorrrmmmiiinnnggg 111000%%% o o offf aaallllll BBBuuusssiiinnneeesssssseeesss The Historic W W Wooorrrllldddwwwiiidddeee Big Moose Station 369-2400 8 S 0 p O e BFncinieuea F CKlyoioez nefrtOiu lncNHekngybY a eBilrnoS T fuaD r ’HAb osttofi C hinu enosnLUuqet &pnuhag oa nPGeeRlr MrnogrororuwitS esulciti &en scBresgD ets • Ie PG1 rtrBA J-eavesi9ma eloltnYi uttBua Eeeh2denrnamn b tFY idAoroew enoaD ard MdiBr “one&!fTa nnEh ruxeGecsre elb!lleranecteaod L Duinncnhe r& F Sra Aitdulaa SrydsE aFkyAis aPhFnr OFim rKOye .i .DRn . . .i g .b R .fe . e .s ( .CCe .era .rv .tr .a.t .Ata .uin .og .bn . bur .ss .ee .BSL . LeuY .se .geef .og) . .te .ui .g R .s .nt .tr . .he .se .c .dD .e .s . . . lt .~e .S .u .as . .t . .tud .aS .i . .n .t .re . .ui .aa .o . . .t .nnn . .i . .ot . .. . .n . . . . . . $ $1201..9955 Valid 5/26/16 puddin tgh iasn b seetxte.”r Located on Big Moose Road, 7 miles from Eagle Bay Rte. 28 Sharon Swanson Open at 5 PM, Fri-Sunday starting May 27th • 315-357-3525 • Take-Out Available Slatington, PA Frankie’s Taste of Italy Frankie’s Plaza, 2824 St. Rt. 28 Serving Dinner Thurs-Sun 5-9pm A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S Page 8 week of May 24-30, 2016 Timothy J. Schofield Calling all crafters: Basketry workshops are coming up Attorney at Law View announces upcoming weaving a sculptural ball. porch or garden. basketry workshops, part of Similar to the “Garden Balls” Preregistration is required. To Over 35 Years Experience Branches, Brambles, and made of willow, these “sculp- find out more, visit Random Roots, an exhibition celebrat- tures” are made with died Weave Garden Ball with Real Estate (cid:129) Wills/Estates ing trees. Workshops include round reed. They are bright and Barbara Green at DWI/Traffic (cid:129) Matrimonial pine needle basket classes on airy accents for your summer General Practice June 1 and June 15, and ran- dom weave garden ball on June 315-369-8121 Call Me With Your Legal Questions 27. Free Alternative 2973 St. Rt. 28, Old Forge Pine Needle Basket with Night-time Linda Scherz Allen, is from 5 Transportation 315-369-3223 (cid:129) [email protected] to 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 1, Donations Accepted and Wednesday, June 15. Operating Fri. & Sat. 8pm-2:30am Learn to basic stitch, • [email protected] gauge, and shape to create your DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE own pine needle basket around Call MAC ’ s and Stay Alive. a walnut slice. Additional stitches will be taught. Students may incorporate different Donald R. Gerace stitches and add beads. Students will have a bundle of Attorney at Law green dried pine needles. Those who wish to continue stitching Real Estate • Title Issues • Wills/Trusts • Personal Injury after class will have a larger Education Law • Matrimonials • DWI/Traffic • Criminal basket. Wear comfortable 2613 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13501 clothing. Preregistration is re- Ph. (315) 735-7509 • Fax: 735-1485 quired. To find out more, visit 174 Rt. 28, Box 105, Inlet, NY 13360 Pine Needle Basket with Linda (315) 357-5229 • e-mail: [email protected] Scherz Allen on June 1 and Pine Needle Basket with Linda Scherz Allen on June 15 at The Foley Law Firm, LLC a general practice law firm combining small-town Random Weave Garden friendliness and a 70-year tradition Ball with Barbara Green, is (cid:129) Real Estate (cid:129) Criminal (cid:129) Traffic/DWI (cid:129) Matrimonial (cid:129) from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Monday, (cid:129) Wills/Estates (cid:129) Personal Injury (cid:129) Small Business (cid:129) June 27. Timothy D. Foley Try your hand at random of counsel: Ring making with William S. Calli, Jr. Herbert J. Cully Benjamin L. Hirshfield The Webb Building Satellite Office: Joseph Montroy 2973 State Route 28 510 Bleecker Street View announces the follow- Old Forge, NY 13420 Utica, NY 13501 ing upcoming jewelry work- Tel. (315) 369-3544 shops with Joseph Montroy. Aring making workshop will take place from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on June 4 and 5. Joseph Montroy holds a Master in Fine Arts from Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester. Joe teaches numerous work- shops and classes, and is an active sculptor and jeweler, showing his work in galleries across eastern and central states. For more information about Joe, visit www.joseph- Meet Me at the Library Gazebo at 5 You are invited to enjoy live Over the river & through the woods to.. music at the Old Forge Library Stillwater Gazebo from 5-6:15 p.m. on the fourth Friday of the month throughout the summer. Application for Memorial Paving Stone Stop by before heading out for dinner at your favorite Covey-Pashley American Legion Post 893 Dining & Lodging restaurant. On Friday, May 27, popular local singer and musi- Be part of our new Community Veterans’ Memorial cian Joe Bolton will perform. Joe became interested in play- 1. Name____________________________________ Serving on the Deck ing music in the late 70s. He 14 Letters including spaces & punctuation (Name) Hummingbirds are back plays guitar as well as a bit of 2. Unit, Service, Rank, etc._____________________ bass and the mandolin. _________________________________________ Mostly self-taught, Bolton Pig Roast & 14 Letters (Unit, Service, Rank, etc.) credits friends for also teach- 3. Other Info________________________________ ing him a lot about music Chicken Bar-B-Q ________________________________________ over the years. His own taste in music is varied; from coun- 14 Letters (Any other info; i.e. branch of service, dates theater, etc.) June 11th ~ Noon-4 try to rock to folk, and he enjoys playing it all. It’s the Check Appropriate Box SAVE THE DATE high of playing to a crowd Present or Past member Post 893; that keeps him going, he and WWI, WWII or Korea Vet - FREE Homemade Plentiful Buffet says. “The best part of play- ing live is watching the people Present or Past member Post 893 - $25 Hope to See You-your hosts: Marian & Joe who have come to see you. If Reservations Appreciated they are singing, dancing or All other Vets - $30 Now Open For The Season even tapping their feet, I have Call 315-376-6470 Weekends only done my job,” says Bolton. Mail this application and check (made payable to American Legion Post 893) to: B reakfast, Lunch & Dinner Bring your own blanket or Phil Freese, Legion Public Relations Officer, folding chair. The program is P.O. Box 791, Old Forge, NY 13420 ASAP Located 10 scenic miles north of Big Moose Station free and open to the public. Please include your phone number. on Stillwater Reservoir A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S week of May 24-30, 2016 Page 9 Beginner/Senior Mary’s AREANEWSINBRIEF STEP AEROBICS CLASSES Art show will have Monday & Thursday @ 9am a closing reception WHITE PINE starting May 16 th There will be a closing recep- Old Forge Fitness Center, North St. BAKERY tion for the 10x10 Art Show Instructor Annie Butterworth and Sale from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, May 28. Limited Amount of Steps Available Community member and par- Sign Up Soon! Donuts • Muffins • Breads • Turnovers ticipating artists are invited to Call Old Forge Fitness Center ~ 369-2727 Bagels • Strudel • Cookies • Pies celebrate this unique art show during Old Forge’s Memorial Open Day Weekend Celebration. Make a day of it and stick ATTENTION HOLLYWOOD HILLS Saturday, Sunday & Monday at 7am Inlet, NY•357-5170 around for the CNYMagic Property Owners Show with Ryan Bliss, starting at 7:30 p.m. Association Members: — FRIDAY — For more information and a Fish Fry & Dinner Specials complete list of participating Our annual meeting will be Homemade Breads, Pies artists, visit the 10x10 Art Sale Saturday, May 28th (cid:129) 10am & Desserts event page at — SATURDAY — at the Hollywood Hills Beach, Lunch Raquette Lake with a clean up party after the meeting. Soup, Salad & Sandwich Historic Country Inn Circa 1889 Special Ladies Auxiliary Rain Date is Sunday, May 29th at 10am Celebrating Over 60 Years Take Outs Welcome will hold a sale Catering Available Homemade Soups & Salads NEW All Occasion Gift Baskets The Raquette Lake Ladies Pizza • Wings Liquor Store Auxiliary will hold its inaugural Overstuffed Sandwiches Finger Food Jean (Kowalik) VanValkenburg car wash and bake sale on Saturday, May 28. The car Room Rentals • Friendly Family Atmosphere wash and bake sale will be • [email protected] held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Reservations Appreciated •Rt. 28, Otter Lake (315) 369-6440 the fire hall in Raquette Lake on State Route 28. Screamen D Duuffffyy’’ss aatt TThhee GGlleennmmoorree Eagle Overlooking Big Moose Lake Pizza Under New Ownership & Management Inside & Outside Dining F Fuullll BBaarr && DDiinnnneerr MMeennuu HH aappppyy HHoouurr SSppeecciiaallss (cid:129)(cid:129) HHootteell AAccccoommmmooddaattiioonnss OPEN: Sat & Sun at Noon Tues-Fri at 3pm 146 Glenmore Rd. • Big Moose Lake • 315-357-4891 • Thurs 4pm-1am; Fri 4pm-2am; Sat & Sun 11am-2am; Mon 11am to Midnight Closed Mondays ® Full-Serve LOTTERY Retailer 5 5 5000 BBBEEEEEERRRSSS O O ONNN TTTAAAPPP INLET A Gracious SOFTBALL One Mile South Of Old Forge • 369-6981 6:30pm Gathering Place Serving Sun.-Thurs. 4-9pm; Fri. & Sat. 4-10pm Tuesdays DAILY SPECIALS • May 31st Home Monday - Smothered Chicken Breast . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99 vs North Creek Opening Friday, May 27th w/Mushrooms & Provolone Cheese Tuesday - Roast Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.99 (Black Widows) w/Stuffing • June 7th Bye Top Sirloin Steak 12oz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99 Live Music Wednesday - Yankee Pot Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.99 Top Sirloin Steak 12oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.99 Thursday - Chicken & Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.99 Rusty Doves Friday - Fresh Haddock Fish Fry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11.99 Prime Rib 12oz. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.99 Friday, May 27th Saturday - Prime Rib.................................. $19.99 Regular Cut 12oz Prime Rib..................................$24.99 Matt’s Paul Case Thick Cut 16oz Draft Roast Stuffed Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.99 House Saturday, May 28th w/Herb Stuffing Sunday - Roast Stuffed Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.99 w/Herb Stuffing Prime Rib 12oz. ...........................$19.99 Dinner Friday, Saturday & Sunday 5pm-10pm; Internet Access Plus our regular menu Lunch Saturday, Sunday & Monday 11am-3pm (315) 357-6026 Above served with Salad, Potato, Roll & Butter Downtown Inlet 3046 Main Street, Old Forge • 315-369-1053 Your Hosts:The Winslows A D I R O N D A C K E X P R E S S Page 10 week of May 24-30, 2016 Kayak – Canoe – SUP T Toouurrss,, RReennttaallss,, I Innssttrruuccttiioonn Adirondack Guide Boat Eddyline a anndd SSaalleess Necky Pakboat Ocean Kayak SUPs Elie Lincoln Placid Boatworks PauHana SUPs ‘ ‘FFoorr aann EExxppeerriieennccee Pelican SUPs L Liikkee NNoo OOtttteerr’’ The Woods Inn Adirondack Builders Inc. 3 31155..335577..33444444 On Fourth Lake F FrriisskkyyOOtttteerrTToouurrss..ccoomm 148 St. Rt. 28, Inlet, NY ALL PHASES OF GENERAL CONTRACTING Ground Breaking to Turn Key (cid:129) TIMBER FRAME (cid:129) ROOFING (cid:129) DECKS (cid:129) CONCRETE (cid:129) SIDING (cid:129) WINDOWS (cid:129) GARAGES (cid:129) ADDITIONS (cid:129) LOG HOME DEALER Dean Case, CEO 315-534-3319 [email protected] 1147 State Route 26 West Leyden, NY 13489 FULLY INSURED EST: 2002 Big Bucks Give-A-Way Win Up To $ 52,500 with One Ticket! To Benefit the Old Forge Fire Department 1. A maximum of 1500 tickets will be sold at $50.00 each. 2. Make your donation payable to Old Forge Fire Department. 3. Mail to: Old Forge Fire Dept. P.O. Box 925 Old Forge, New York 13420 CHECKS MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE MAIL BY SEPTEMBER 17, 2016 4. The date of the drawing will be Sunday, September 18, 2016 at noon at the Old Forge Fire Hall 5. The drawing will begin with the 62nd prize and go on to the first. 6. Every winning ticket will be thrown back into the drum so you can win more than once on each ticke t. 7. You do not have to be present to win. SIDEWALK SALE 8. Up to two names on a ticket will be allowed. 9. Purchasers must be at least 18 years of age. Big Bucks Give-A-Way Prizes Select Clothing 1. $9,750 or 13% of the available prize money. Memorial 2. $5,250 or 7% of the available prize money. Weekend Many 4 D O0eal-sL 6TDh0ro u%FghOo uOtR thfeG fStEore ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9....... $$(((((4446443))))0,, 57)$$$$ 053173$00,,57105 055oo00 0rr00oo rr65 ooo r%%1.rr 5 %. 42%2oo %%%ff e etta ahheeecceeaaahh ccc aa ohhhovvf aaf ooo tiifffthll haaetttbbehhh llaeeeeeav vaaaappavvvirrliaaaaiilzzaiiibllleebaaal elbbbmme lll peeeoopr nnrpppizieerrrzeyyiiiezzz .. meeem ommmonnoooeennnyyeee..yyy... 62 P in p Ur iapztioe dttso a o iln$u p t5a.r2ilzl,e5s0 0 H ARDWARE Detach Here $ $$$ AALLLL TTIICCKKEETTSS WWIILLLL BBEE MMAAIILLEEDD TTOO YYOOUU $$$$ The Adirondacks’ Name______________________________ Name______________________________ Name______________________________ Name______________________________ Most General Store Address____________________________ Address____________________________ At the busy corner, Old Forge Town/City__________________________ Town/City__________________________ 315-369-6100 State/Zip___________________________ State/Zip___________________________ Phone #____________________________ Phone #____________________________ Shop online! Ticket # Choices if available______________ Ticket # Choices if available______________