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Oil Paints PDF

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by Mari Bolte Oil Paints by Mari Bolte illustrated by Pamela Becker Raintree is an imprint of Capstone Global Library Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales having its registered office at 7 Pilgrim Street, London, EC4V 6LB – Registered company number: 6695582 To contact Raintree please phone 0845 6044371, fax + 44 (0)1865 312263, or email [email protected]. Customers from outside the UK please telephone +44 1865 312262. Text © Capstone Global Library Limited 2015 First published in paperback in 2014 The moral rights of the proprietor have been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner, except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS (www.cla. co.uk). Applications for the copyright owner’s written permission should be addressed to the publisher. UK editor: James Benefield Designer: Bobbie Nuytten Production: Laura Manthe Printed and bound in China ISBN 978 1 4062 7979 5 18 17 16 15 14 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A full catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. We would like to thank Robert A. Williams, Instructor of Commercial and Technical Art, South Central College, North Mankato, Minnesota, USA, for his valuable assistance. Photo Credits: Illustrations by Pamela Becker; All photos by Capstone Studio and Pamela Becker except the following: Newscom: Joseph Martin, 14 (bottom left), 21 (bottom left), 29 (bottom left) All the internet addresses (URLs) given in this book were valid at the time of going to press. However, due to the dynamic nature of the internet, some addresses may have changed, or sites may have changed or ceased to exist since publication. While the author and publisher regret any inconvenience this may cause readers, no responsibility for any such changes can be accepted by either the author or the publisher. Contents In your art box ................................ 4 Transparent and opaque ................... 8 Tiny art .........................................10 Impasto owl ...................................13 Indirect sushi .................................16 Direct sushi ...................................18 Seurat dots ...................................20 Picasso’s pets ................................22 Plein ar .........................................25 In the style of ................................28 Read more.....................................32 Websites .......................................32 IN YOUR ART BOX Load your brush and get familiar with the most classic of paints. Oil paints were first used in the 1300s. They became widely used in Europe in the 1500s. Artists liked that the paint could be thickly applied or used to add tiny detail. They also can stand the test of time. OIL PAINTS Oil paints are made with dry pigments blended with an oil, usually linseed oil. Because it takes the oil so long to dry, oil paint is ideal for long projects. Oil paints can also be blended to create realistic colour combinations. The slow drying time allows the artist to create natural blends with many layers. Paints and pigments All paints are made up of a pigment and a binder. Pigments are dry, coloured powders. They can be natural or artificial. They can come from plants, animals, the earth or a lab. Pigment is what colours all painting mediums. The only difference between paint mediums is the binder that is used. Binders are adhesive liquids that hold pigment. Pigment reacts differently depending on the binder that is used. This is why one colour of oil paint looks different than the same colour of watercolour paint. 4 SURFACES BBBBBBeeeeeeccccccaaaaaauuuuuusssssseeeeee ooooooiiiiiillllll ppppppaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnttttttssssss ssssssttttttaaaaaayyyyyy wwwwwweeeeeetttttt ssssssoooooo lllllloooooonnnnnngggggg,,,,,, tttttthhhhhheeeeeeyyyyyy ccccccaaaaaannnnnn rrrrrrooooootttttt oooooorrrrrr ccccccoooooorrrrrrrrrrrrooooooddddddeeeeee ppppppaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnntttttteeeeeedddddd sssssuuuuurrrrrfffffaaaaaccccceeeeesssss..... CCCCCaaaaannnnnvvvvvaaaaassssseeeeesssss mmmmmuuuuusssssttttt bbbbbeeeee ssssseeeeeaaaaallllleeeeeddddd tttttooooo ppppprrrrreeeeevvvvveeeeennnnnttttt ttttthhhhheeeee cccccaaaaannnnnvvvvvaaaaasssss fffffrrrrrooooommmmm aaaaaabbbbbbssssssoooooorrrrrrbbbbbbiiiiiinnnnnngggggg tttttthhhhhheeeeee ooooooiiiiiillllll...... UUUUUUnnnnnnttttttrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaatttttteeeeeedddddd ccccccaaaaaannnnnnvvvvvvaaaaaassssss wwwwwwiiiiiillllllllllll aaaaaallllllssssssoooooo ccccccaaaaaauuuuuusssssseeeeee yyyyyyoooooouuuuuurrrrrr ooooooiiiiiillllll ppppppaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnttttttssssss ttttttoooooo aaaappppppppeeeeaaaarrrr dddduuuullllllll.... CCCCaaaannnnvvvvaaaassss ccccaaaannnn bbbbeeee bbbboooouuuugggghhhhtttt ttttrrrreeeeaaaatttteeeedddd aaaannnndddd uuuunnnnttttrrrreeeeaaaatttteeeedddd.... WWWooooooddd pppaaannneeelllsss,,, mmmaaasssooonnniiittteee bbboooaaarrrdddsss aaannnddd pppaaadddsss ooofff cccaaannnvvvaaasss pppaaapppeeerrr cccaaannn aaalllsssooo bbbeee uuussseeeddd... BBBRRRUUUSSSHHHEEESSS AAANNNDDD KKKNNNIIIVVVEEESSS NNNNaaaattttuuuurrrraaaallll hhhhaaaaiiiirrrr bbbbrrrruuuusssshhhheeeessss aaaarrrreeee bbbbeeeesssstttt ffffoooorrrr ooooiiiillll ppppaaaaiiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg.... TTTThhhheeeeyyyy hhhhoooolllldddd uuuupppp wwwweeeellllllll ttttoooo ooooiiiillll pppaaaiiinnntttsss aaannnddd rrreeetttaaaiiinnn ttthhheeeiiirrr ssshhhaaapppeee... BBBrrruuussshhheeesss aaarrreee uuusssuuuaaallllllyyy mmmaaadddeee fffrrrooommm ttthhheee fffuuurrr fffrrrooommm mmmmmeeeeemmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrrsssss ooooofffff ttttthhhhheeeee wwwwweeeeeaaaaassssseeeeelllll fffffaaaaammmmmiiiiilllllyyyyy..... MMMMMiiiiinnnnnkkkkksssss,,,,, kkkkkooooollllliiiiinnnnnssssskkkkkiiiiieeeeesssss aaaaannnnnddddd eeeeerrrrrmmmmmiiiiinnnnneeeee aaaaarrrrreeeee cccccooooommmmmmmmmmooooonnnnn..... SSSSSqqqqquuuuuiiiiirrrrrrrrrreeeeelllll,,,,, oooooxxxxx,,,,, gggggoooooaaaaattttt aaaaannnnnddddd ssssskkkkkuuuuunnnnnkkkkk hhhhhaaaaaiiiiirrrrr bbbbbrrrrruuuuussssshhhhheeeeesssss aaaaarrrrreeeee aaaaalllllsssssooooo uuuuussssseeeeeddddd..... BBBBBBrrrrrruuuuuusssssshhhhhheeeeeessssss uuuuuusssssseeeeeedddddd ffffffoooooorrrrrr ooooooiiiiiillllll ppppppaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnttttttiiiiiinnnnnngggggg nnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeedddddd ttttttoooooo bbbbbbeeeeee cccccclllllleeeeeeaaaaaannnnnneeeeeedddddd aaaaaafffffftttttteeeeeerrrrrr eeeeeeaaaaaacccccchhhhhh uuuuuusssssseeeeee...... SSSSSSoooooollllllvvvvvveeeeeennnnnnttttttssssss ssssssuuuuuucccccchhhhhh aaaaaassssss ttttttuuuuuurrrrrrppppppeeeeeennnnnnttttttiiiiiinnnnnneeeeee oooooorrrrrr wwwwwwhhhhhhiiiiiitttttteeeeee ssssssppppppiiiiiirrrrrriiiiiitttttt aaaaaarrrrrreeeeee ttttttrrrrrraaaaaaddddddiiiiiittttttiiiiiioooooonnnnnnaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyy uuuuuusssssseeeeeedddddd...... AAAAAAlllllltttttthhhhhhoooooouuuuuugggggghhhhhh tttttthhhhhheeeeeeyyyyyy ccccccaaaaaannnnnn bbbbbeeeee dddddaaaaannnnngggggeeeeerrrrrooooouuuuusssss,,,,, sssssooooommmmmeeeee aaaaarrrrrtttttiiiiissssstttttsssss fffffeeeeeeeeeelllll ttttthhhhheeeeeyyyyy aaaaarrrrreeeee bbbbbeeeeesssssttttt aaaaattttt rrrrreeeeemmmmmooooovvvvviiiiinnnnnggggg pppppaaaaaiiiiinnnnnttttt fffffrrrrrooooommmmm bbbbbrrrrruuuuussssshhhhh bbbbbrrrrriiiiissssstttttllllleeeeesssss..... WWWWWaaaaalllllnnnnnuuuuuttttt ooooorrrrr llllliiiiinnnnnssssseeeeeeeeeeddddd oooooiiiiilllll,,,,, bbbbbaaaaabbbbbyyyyy oooooiiiiilllll ooooorrrrr ssssspppppeeeeeccccciiiiiaaaaalllll bbbbbrrrrruuuuussssshhhhh sssssoooooaaaaapppppsssss aaaaarrrrreeeee sssssaaaaafffffeeeeerrrrr,,,,, sssssooooolllllvvvvveeeeennnnnttttt-----fffffrrrrreeeeeeeeee ccccchhhhhoooooiiiiiccccceeeeesssss..... WWWWWaaaaassssshhhhh bbbbbrrrrruuuuussssshhhhheeeeesssss wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh mmmmmiiiiilllllddddd sssssoooooaaaaappppp aaaaannnnnddddd wwwwwaaaaattttteeeeerrrrr before putting them away. KKKnnniiivvveeesss aaannnddd ssspppaaatttuuulllaaasss aaarrreee hhheeelllpppfffuuulll tttoooooolllsss fffooorrr aaannnyyy pppaaaiiinnnttteeerrr... PPPaaaiiinnntttiiinnnggg kkknnniiivvveeesss aaarrreee uuussseeeddd tttooo aaapppppplllyyy pppaaaiiinnnttt... PPPaaallleeetttttteee kkknnniiivvveeesss aaarrreee uuussseeeddd tttooo ssscccrrraaapppeee pppaaaiiinnnttt aaannnddd cccllleeeaaannn pppaaallleeetttttteeesss... SSSpppaaatttuuulllaaasss cccaaannn bbee uusseedd ttoo mmiixx ppaaiinntt aanndd aappppllyy ppaaiinntt ttoo tthhee ccaannvvaass.. PPaaiinnttiinngg kknniivveess sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ooff sstteeeell.. TThhee bbllaaddeess sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee ttoooo sshhaarrpp.. SShhaarrpp eeddggeess ccaann ccuutt iinnttoo paint, canvas – aanndd yyoouu.. EEddggeess ccaann bbee dduulllleedd wwiitthh sandpaper before use. SStteeeell ppaaiinnttiinngg kknniivveess sshhoouullddnn’’tt rust when used with oil paint. 5 TIPS AND TECHNIQUES ~ Keep your palette organized. Try to place every colour on the same place of your palette each time. Eventually you’ll remember where red is, instead of having to look every time. paint applied with palette knife; thinned paint ~ Oil crayons or pastels are other forms of oil paint. applied with toothbrush They are soft, pigmented sticks of wax and oil. Like oil paints, they can be built up in layers. They can also be thinned with white spirit and brushed on. ~ Use the basic technique of fat over lean when using oil paints. Lean paint has been thinned or diluted. Fat paint has more oil. Lean paint dries faster. If you paint lean over fat, the paint may not stick. oil pastels It may also dry unevenly, which causes cracks in your painting. So start with lean paint for your underpainting. Then build as you go. ~ To keep your hands clean, wear latex gloves while painting and when cleaning up. You can also use special barrier cream or shea butter. These will help protect you from toxic pigments. thickly-applied paint ~ For further protection, thin paints with walnut or linseed oil, rather than turpentine. If you do use turpentine, be sure to dispose of it properly. Seal it well and take it to your local recycling centre. ~ To save paint for future uses, cover your palette tightly with cling film. Then put it in the freezer. Discard any paint that has developed a “skin”. layered paint 6 blended colours csitrrcoukleasr brush wdreyt pbarupsehr onto SEALING AND TONING Applying gesso is an important step when using untreated canvas. Gesso is an acrylic sealer. It prevents oil from sinking into the canvas. It also gives the paint something to grab onto. Apply gesso to the canvas with a brush. Let it dry. Repeat steps to add a second and third layer. “Toning” canvas is not always necessary. However, it gives your painting a base. It also helps the dark and light colours show up better. First choose the colour to tone your canvas. The toning paint should be a contrasting colour to your finished project. Apply with a paintbrush or a piece of cheesecloth or muslin. COLOUR PALETTE OOOiiilll pppaaaiiinnntttsss cccooommmeee iiinnn mmmaaannnyyy ppprrreeemmmiiixxxeeeddd cccooolllooouuurrrsss... HHHooowwweeevvveeerrr,,, mmmooosssttt aaarrrtttiiissstttsss ssstttaaarrrttt wwwiiittthhh aaa bbbaaassseee pppaaallleeetttttteee ooofff bbbeeetttwwweeeeeennn eeeiiiggghhhttt aaannnddd 111222 mmmaaaiiinnn cccooolllooouuurrrsss... BBeellooww iiss aa lliisstt ccoonnttaaiinniinngg ssoommee ooff tthhee mmoorree ccoommmmoonn ccoolloouurrss:: FFFlllaaakkkeee WWWhhhiiittteee,,, CCCaaadddmmmiiiuuummm YYYeeellllllooowww,,, CCCaaadddmmmiiiuuummm RRReeeddd,,, PPPeeerrrmmmaaannneeennnttt RRRooossseee,,, PPPeeerrrmmmaaannneeennnttt AAAllliiizzzaaarrriiinnn CCCrrriiimmmsssooonnn,,, FFFrrreeennnccchhh UUUllltttrrraaammmaaarrriiinnneee,,, CCCooobbbaaalllttt BBBllluuueee,,, UUUllltttrrraaammmaaarrriiinnneee,,, PPPrrruuussssssiiiaaannn BBBllluuueee,,, RRaaww UUmmbbeerr,, YYeellllooww OOcchhrree,, BBuurrnntt SSiieennnnaa,, TTiittaanniiuumm WWhhiittee,, LLaammpp BBllaacckk SSSooommmeee pppiiigggmmmeeennntttsss aaarrreee tttoooxxxiiiccc... IIIfff yyyooouuu’’’rrreee nnnooottt sssuuurrreee wwwhhheeettthhheeerrr aaa pppiiigggmmmeeennnttt iiisss tttoooxxxiiiccc,,, ccchhheeeccckkk ttthhheee lllaaabbbeeelll... MMMaaannnyyy tttoooxxxiiiccc pppiiigggmmmeeennntttsss hhhhaaaavvvveeee aaaa mmmmeeeettttaaaallll iiiinnnn tttthhhheeeeiiiirrrr nnnnaaaammmmeeee.... LLLLooooooookkkk ffffoooorrrr ppppaaaaiiiinnnnttttssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh bbbbaaaarrrriiiiuuuummmm,,,, cccaaadddmmmiiiuuummm,,, cccooobbbaaalllttt,,, zzziiinnnccc,,, llleeeaaaddd,,, ccchhhrrrooommmeee aaannnddd mmmaaannngggaaannneeessseee... 7 TTrraannssppaarreenntt aanndd ooppaaqquuee Paint comes as transparent and opaque. Transparent paint allows light through. Opaque paint does not. Start your painting with opaque paint. Then add details and shadows with transparent layers. Cbdisoei shmaaalpwpvpaaeery ewas r hhvseo isunwin b adtleprea prun lintsehdpdeea irron ept nhlaateqy auetnrerads pn. oasTppihnaaetqr. e ubTneaht s epep a balianianytstsee. r transparent opaque transparent opaque dark base dark base transparent applied over magenta opaque dark base magenta transparent applied over yellow opaque magenta yellow transparent applied over magenta opaque yellow 8 magenta 1 Sketch out your solar system. 1 Use a compass to draw planets. 2 Mix a transparent blue for the sky. Paint the background and around the circles. Don’t worry about being perfect – the planets will be painted with opaque paint, 2 so any mistakes will be covered. Let it dry completely. 3 To add stars, grab an old toothbrush. Thin white paint with gel medium. Dip the toothbrush bristles into the paint. Gently tap the head of the toothbrush over your painting. This will spatter white stars across the sky. 4 Paint the planets with a variety of opaque paints. Let this layer dry completely. 5 Add land and oceans to your planets with transparent paint. Experiment by layering many different colours over the base coat. 3 Which is it? Many paint makers mark their tubes as opaque or transparent. Check your tube for small circles. A filled-in circle means the paint is opaque. An open circle means the paint is transparent. 9

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