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Oil in the Monterey California Formation Los Angeles to Santa Maria, California July 20-24, 1989 PDF

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Preview Oil in the Monterey California Formation Los Angeles to Santa Maria, California July 20-24, 1989

Oil in the California Monterey Fonnation Los Angeles to Santa Maria, California July 20-24, t 989 Field Trip Guidebook T3 t t Leaders: Thomas MacKinnon, Editor; and J.W Randall Associate Leader: Robert E. Garrison American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. Copyright 1989 American Geophysical Union 2000 Florida Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009 ISBN: 0-87590-600-1 Printed in the United States of America COVER Thin-bedded sequence of chert, porcelanite, mudstone and dolostone; Monterey Formation exposed in beachcliffs approximately 1 kilometer north of Point Pedernales, central California coast. CONTENTS ORIGIN OF THE MIOCENE MONTEREY FORMATION IN CALIFORNIA THOMAS C. MACKINNON 1 PETROLEUM GEOLOGY OF THE MONTEREY FORMATION IN THE SANTA MARIA AND SANTA BARBARA COASTAL AND OFFSHORE AREAS. • • • • • •• THOMAS C. MACKINNON 11 THE MONTEREY FORMATION AND BIOSTRATIGRAPHX: AN OVERVIEW MICHAEL P. DUMONT 28 ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE MIOCENE MONTEREY AND EQUIVALENT FORMATIONS IN FIVE CALIFORNIA BASINS•••••••••••• MARGARET H. PYTTE 33 A. M.IN.ER.AL.O.GIC.AL. C.L.AS.SIF.IC.AT.IO.N.OF. M.O.NTE.RE.Y.LI.TH.OL.O.GIE.S. ALDEN B. CARPENTER 37 MONTEREY DEVELOPMENT - ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE SANTA MARIA BASINS ROBERT H. SKILLIN 41 POINT ARGUELLO FIELD FORMATION EVALUATION OF FRACTURED MONTEREY RESERVOIR. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J. L. FISH 45 RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR PETROLEUM EXPLORATION, DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• LINDA D. RAEDEKE 50 NOTES ON SELECTED FIELD TRIP STOPS. • • • • • • • • • • •• THOMAS C. MACKINNON 52 v Leaders: Thomas C. MacKinnon Chevron USA P.O. Box 5042 San Ramon, CA 94583 J. W. Randall Chevron USA P.O. Box 6917 Ventura, CA 93006 Associat~ Leader: Robert E. Garrison Earth Sciences Board University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 vii IGC FIELD TRIP T311 ORIGIN OF THE MIOCENE MONTEREY FORMATION IN CALIFORNIA by Thomas C. MacKinnon Chevron U.S.A., San Ramon, California INTRODUCTION Garrison and others (1987 and in press) on phosphatic rocks and paleoceanography; Diatomaceous rocks and their diagenetic Isaacs and Petersen (1987) on petroleum equivalents, chert, porcelanite and geology; and Snyder (1987) on structure. siliceous mudstone are abundant in Miocene deposits of the Pacific region. Of these, the Monterey Formation is the best known and GEOLOGIC SETTING most extensive. It is present throughout large parts of the state of California California has been part of a subduction (Figure 1) and is in places over three or transform plate margin since the Late kilometers thick. In addition, it includes Paleozoic. Subduction appears to have been the largest diatomite quarry in the world the dominant mode at least from the Late and more importantly, is the source and Jurassic to Mid Tertiary times. In Late reservoir for much of the oil produced in Oligocene times (ca 29 Ma) subduction began California (Figure 2). to cease due to the collision of a The origin of Miocene siliceous deposits spreading ridge with the California margin in the Pacific region is tied to a trench (Atwater, 1970). fortuitous combination of tectonic, climatic The change from a subduction to a and oceanographic conditions that promoted transform margin resulted in a dramatic biogenic productivity while reducing change of depositional patterns in terrigenous input to coastal basins. This California that helped set the stage for resulted in rapid accumulation of relatively Monterey Formation deposition. In the Late undiluted biogenic sediment, not only Oligocene-Early Miocene, the California siliceous but calcareous as well, during the margin experienced rapid downdropping and Miocene times. the development of deep marine coastal Early work on the Monterey was dominated basins (Tennyson, 1986; Bachman, 1988). by Bramlette (1946) who documented the This event is documented by a transgressive extent of the formation and recognized its sequence (non-marine to shallow~marine to basic origin. This work still remains as deep-marine) that is present throughout the the most detailed statewide stratigraphic Coast and Transverse Ranges of California summary. (Pisciotto and Garrison, 1981; Ingle, 1981). Following Bramlette's work, surprisingly It is not clear whether the initial little work was done on the Monterey downdropping was related wholly to transform Formation until the early 1980's when a tectonics or to some aspect of the trench flood of publications began to appear. The transform transftion. Regardless, extension increased interest was due in part to new was the dominant mechanism as evidenced by analytical methods that were capable of normal faulting and vulcanism which occurred extracting some of the detailed throughout much of California in Early paleoclimatic and oceanographic information 'Miocene times (Yeats, 1987). that some Monterey Formation rocks contain, Clastic sedimentation dominated the early and in part due to a strong surge in phases of fill in the newly formed basins. petroleum exploration for Monterey Formation Then approximately 17.5 Ma, Monterey fractured reservoirs. Much of the new work deposition began abruptly throughout much of is included in symposium or guidebook California. The major controlling factor volumes edited by Garrison and Douglas was an abrupt and major reduction in the (1981), Issacs (1981a), Williams and Graham supply of terrigenous material to reach the (1982), Isaacs and Garrison (1983), Garrison offshore areas and a high biogenic and others (1984), and Casey and Barron sedimentation rate (Isaacs, 1985; Graham and (1986). More recent work with up to date Williams, 1985). reference lists include: Graham and Williams The sudden reduction in sediment supply (1985) on the San Joaquin Valley; Barron was apparently caused by tectonic" and (1986) on dating and paleoceanography; possibly eustatic events (Figure 3). A T311 : major tectonic reorganization of the In addition to reduced sediment supply, borderland, at least in Southern California, high productivity of siliceous organisms in apparently occurred around the onset of the Pacific region was an important factor Monterey deposition. Evidence for this promoting Monterey deposition. Worldwide includes the beginning of rotation of parts siliceous sedimentation apparently switched of the Transverse Ranges and Mojave area, from low latitude North Atlantic areas to clear evidence of transform faulting, rapid the North Pacific approximately 17-18 Ma due downdropping and uplift in coastal areas, to a change in ocean circulation (Keller and and local volcanism, all occurring Barron, 1983). Furthermore, major polar approximately 16 to 18 Ma (Tennyson, 1986, cooling began about 15 Ma (Woodruff and Crowell 1987; Luyendyk and Hornafius, 1987). others, 1981); this probably resulted in By Middle Miocene times, the offshore area increased ocean circulation and upwelling was probably composed of a number of small, which enhanced productivity, particularly of deep (1000-2000 m; 3300-6600 ft) basins diatoms. Average silica accumulation rates similar to the Southern California during the Miocene are comparable with borderland today. Outer basins were present rates in highly productive oceanic protected from sediment influx by trapping areas (Isaacs, 1985). High ocean of coarse clastics in inner basins. productivity and low terrigenous input Onshore, considerable sediment was trapped continued into the Late Miocene resulting in in newly formed interior basins (Figure 1). thick accumulation of hemipelagic calcareous In addition, a high eustatic sea level during the Early and Middle Miocene may have caused flooding of coastal areas, thereby expanding shelf areas where additional sediment could be trapped. MID TOLATE MIOCENE DEPOSITS ~ MARINE H~)Y;}J NONMARINE SALINASAND CENTRALCOAST (0.3) t N o 100 200Km t , i ! o 100Miles N Figure 2. Location of major onshore Neogene depocenters (basins) in California. The o 100 200Km Monterey Formation is present in parts or I ! ! all of each basin (compare Figure 1). o 100Miles Numbers indicate cumulative oil production in billions of barrels; approximately 90% Figure 1. Present generalized location of was produced from either the Monterey Late Miocene marine and nonmarine deposits Formation or clastic rocks of Middle Miocene in California. Modified from Reed (1933) through Pliocene age (Taylor, 1976). The and Addicott (1968). Monterey Formation is the source of most of C = Coalinga; B = Bakersfield the oil. T311: 2 and siliceous deposits throughout much of mountain building throughout most of coastal California. California and may have also been influenced Approximately 6 million years ago, a by falling sea level. The Transverse Ranges sudden influx of terrigenous material and part of the Coast Ranges were initially signaled the end of Monterey deposition in uplifted at this time, while coastal basins most areas of California. This influx was continued to subside and fill, setting the mainly due to the onset of compression and scene for Monterey hydrocarbon generation and entrapment. w z STRATIGRAPHY w 4 8 ::J z M.Y MAINLY The Monterey Formation was originally 4. ~~ CLASTIC laid down as diatomaceous and calcareous o ROCKS oozes with variable detrital content. .:E.. Subsequently, most of these sediments were w C 6 buried deep enough so that the diatomaceous oozes were converted, through diagenesis, zw into the familiar siliceous rock types - w , o o z .. i ~ w z •G) ::z: ~ i .5 8 o w S "i .(3 • S .. z ~ ·z::z: ..C:5:.::J- ~ i ,"i g ~ •C: 12 1) i ~ C w .~.. ~ c i 14 z Figure 4. Diatomaceous sequence, coastal c en California. .5.. / / ~ 16 N ::J w w z a:: ow . a.G;) o .5 i z .. o a~Cw:: g~w 18 CMLAAISNTLYIC C·iC&.s...f(!3 ROCKS a ~ c .::z-: z0 Figure 3. Generalized stratigraphic column of the Monterey Formation where uninterrupted by coarse clastics. Climatic interpretation from Woodruff and others (1981); sea level curve from Haq and others (1988); tectonic events referenced in text; Figure 5. Thin-bedded sequence of chert, ages from Isaacs (1983), Barron (1986), and porcelanite, mudstone, and dolostone; Dumont (pers. comrn.). siliceous facies, coastal California. T311: 3 TABLE 1 Common Monterey Formation Rock Types CHERT: An aphanitic siliceous rock (either opal CT or quartz) with a glassy, vitreous, or waxy luster; hardness >5; a knife will not scratch it; fractures concoidally or into angular fragments; color varies in shades of white, black, brown, to nearly colorless. PORCELANITE: An aphanitic siliceous rock, (either quartz or opal CT) with a matte luster resembling unglazed porcelain; commonly laminated; hardness <5; a knife will scratch it; fractures concoidally or into splintery fragments; light colored when weathered brown to gray when fresh. MUDSTONE OR SHALE (SILICEOUS): A fine-grained, massive to crudely laminated rock which dents on impact, fractures irregularly or along bedding, and shows a waxy impression when scratched. DOLOSTONE OR MARL: Dolostone: an aphanitic to sucrosic rock which, when powdered, fizzes vigorously in dilute HC1; usually gray to brown when fresh-weathers to a yellow color; scratches easily but very tough, rings when hit with a hammer. Marl: A fine-grained, light to dark-colored rock that fizzes vigorously in HCl and is similar in appearance to mudstone or shale as described above. DIATOMACEOUS ROCK: A massive to laminated soft rock that is noticeably lightweight and very porous; fresh samples are brownish-weathered samples are chalk white; detritus rich varieties show a waxy impression when scratched; diatom-rich varieties powder when scratched. chert, porcelanite, and siliceous mudstone dominantly clastics in the Puente Formation (Figures 4 and 5), and calcareous-oozes in the Puente Hills. became calcareous or dolomitic mudstone or Examples of turbidite sandstone bodies dolostone (Table 1). At present, within the Monterey Formation include the diatomaceous rocks remain only in area~ highly oil productive Stevens sandstone in where burial was minimal, such as along the San Joaquin Valley (Graham and Williams, basin margins or at the stratigraphic top of 1985) and lower Monterey sandstone in the the Monterey Formation. western Santa Barbara Channel offshore (Ogle The thickness of the Monterey Formation and others, 1987). is highly variable. The thickest deposits The base of the Monterey, where not are found in basin centers, such as in the obscured by coarse clastics, is generally southwest part of the San Joaquin basin sharp and dates at approximately 17.5 Ma where the Monterey is over 3000 m (9800 ft) (Barron, 1986). The upper contact of the thick. More typically the formation ranges Monterey Formation, where not erosional, is from 300 to 1000 m (980-3300 ft) thick sharp in some areas and apparently (Figure 6) with thinner deposits gradational in others. Where the contact is preferentially located on what were gradational, overlying strata are siliceous persistent bathymetric highs and basin but are generally more detritus-rich than margins. underlying Monterey rocks. Age of the The distinctive, thin-bedded biogenic youngest Monterey Formation rocks is character of the Monterey Formation is best approximately 6 Ma (Dumont and others, 1986; developed in areas that were most protected Barron, 1986). from terrigenous input from land. In In many areas of California the Monterey general, the purest biogenic sections are Formation can be subdivided into three found in the Coast Ranges and the western facies: a lower calcareous facies; a middle Transverse Ranges, areas that were probably phosphatic facies; and an upper siliceous located furthest from land in Miocene times. facies. Additional subdivisions are Clastic-dominated sections coeval with recognized locally (e.g., Figure 6). biogenic Monterey deposits, are typically The CALCAREOUS FACIES consists mainly of found in easternward outcrops or in areas massive to laminated dolostone, and that had access to turbidites. calcareous or dolomitic mudstone, siliceous An example of distal to proximal facies shale, porcelanite, and rare chert. relationships in southern California is Sections are generally thin-bedded but shown in Figure 6. In this area, the lithologic variation is wide with so~e Monterey changes from nearly pure sections composed mainly of carbonate-rich hemipelagic deposits near Point Conception shale, others dominated by dolostone, and to subequal clastics in the coeval Modelo still others containing abundant carbonate Formation in the Santa Monica Mountains - to rich siliceous mudstone and porcelanite. T311: 4 The PHOSPHATIC FACIES is characterized by types, abundant chert and dolostone, and dark, laminated, organic-rich, phosphatic, highly variable bed thickness. On the other calcareous or dolomitic mudstone or marl. extreme are outcrops composed almost Dolostone nodules or beds are typically entirely of uniformly thin-bedded siliceous present. The phosphate most commonly occurs mudstone and porcelanite. in light-colored laminations or in blebs up The three facies are not present to a few centimeters long. everywhere and are partly age controlled The SILICEOUS FACIES is characterized by (Bramlette, 1946; Pisciotto and Garrison, the predominance of laminated siliceous rock 1981). The siliceous facies is the most types - mainly porcelanite, siliceous distinctive and widespread. Its age spans mudstone, and chert. In addition, the age range of the Monterey formation dolostone, and carbonate-rich mudstone are (17.5 to 6 Ma), but it is best developed ln common in many areas. Two distinct end most areas starting around 12-13 Ma ago. member outcrop types are recognizable. On The calcareous and phosphatic facies are one extreme are outcrops that are distinctly best developed in the Central Coast Ranges heterogeneous with widely varying rock and Western Transverse Ranges; they are CD @ SANTAMONICAMTNS. @PUENTEHILLS 1 . (Adaptedfrom (Adaptedfrom PT.ARGUELLOAREA Hoots,1930) Durham&Yerkes,1964) 3,OSOm 6,100m (10,000')- (20,000')- ':~~.~:~~~:::,i·.~ Sisquoc Frn. 1070m -(3~0') (Adaptedfrom @ Issacs,1981) Change I:::::::::::::::::::::.~...... 1"/..,. OAKCREEK O~I) ~.I) (Adaptedfrom 400m Keller,1984) (1310')..-... :.::0...0.:..:(:>.:.•.0.:. Topanga Fm. Map\\ Are~~ @) . @ Los 0 • 100Km , Angeles .:•··::·<·I~1;::.;°';:.:.0':; Sespe/Vaqueros '~';.~'~:.- Monterey Fm. _-----------A-------_ _ ~:~~::us ~:::.::hatiC ..~:~~::eous DShale Figure 6. Comparison of five Miocene sections in Southern California. The Monterey Formation in the western three sections contain easily recognizable calcareous, phosphatic and siliceous facies (shaded). Local terminology shown by letters: CS = clayey-sil{ceous member; UCS = upper calcareous-siliceous member; P = phosphatic member; Les = lower calcareous-siliceous member. Note that the two e.astern sections (paleo-inboard) are dominantly sandy but still contain siliceous rocks, especially of Mohnian age. Age control is from references cited in Figure and M. P. Dumont (pers. comm.). T311: 5

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